

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Grey Skies [Open]
@Scyllarus @lhawkridge @BadFiction
Artemis grunted as the little black thing bit her neck, then the imperial yelled for her to get out of the way. With one stroke of her wings she flew out of the way. A bolt of green magic shot the creature out of the air and it plummeted out of the sky. When it landed it made a sickening noise. Artemis landed and tried to look at the bite that the thing had left, and with a sigh she went over to the water and started cleaning it,"Thank you both, though it was small who knows what it could be capable of," she said solemnly," like what if...." She gasped in disbelief as she looked into the water, her eyes, her beautiful eyes, they had a black streaks running across them,"What, what is this, why, what is going on. I just want everything to go back to normal," she said holding back a sob. Why did this have to happen to her.
@Scyllarus @lhawkridge @BadFiction
Artemis grunted as the little black thing bit her neck, then the imperial yelled for her to get out of the way. With one stroke of her wings she flew out of the way. A bolt of green magic shot the creature out of the air and it plummeted out of the sky. When it landed it made a sickening noise. Artemis landed and tried to look at the bite that the thing had left, and with a sigh she went over to the water and started cleaning it,"Thank you both, though it was small who knows what it could be capable of," she said solemnly," like what if...." She gasped in disbelief as she looked into the water, her eyes, her beautiful eyes, they had a black streaks running across them,"What, what is this, why, what is going on. I just want everything to go back to normal," she said holding back a sob. Why did this have to happen to her.

It seemed like a dumb idea - they were right next to the Shifting Expanse, and beyond that was the Ashfall Waste and then the Windswept Plateau, why not the smart thing and hit all those places on the way? It was the unshakeable vision of his own dark blue eyes splintering into countless shards that pushed at him. They needed to find out as much as they could before...

He didn't want to call on his visions for that.

The introduction took him by surprise - so much had happened in such a short time that he'd forgotten that he hadn't gotten Rook's name. "I'm Seraphiel. From Water, originally, but my home's in Lightning." was. And he had a feeling that the lair, at least, was still there. "Yeah, if we can't find anything in the Isles then we might as well check our old lairs. I'm pretty sure that...that no one's going to be home, for me, but I don't know about yours." He glanced at the still black dragon on the ground below and shook his head. "And I don't think it's safe for me to try to divine anything. Not here, anyway."

@lhawkridge @BadFiction @dragonfly
Between the Tundra's bite and the Imperial's blast of magic, the tiny Fae-shaped thing had been reduced to a half-melted, oozy puddle splattered along the ground. It lay as still as death, no longer a threat.

It seemed like a dumb idea - they were right next to the Shifting Expanse, and beyond that was the Ashfall Waste and then the Windswept Plateau, why not the smart thing and hit all those places on the way? It was the unshakeable vision of his own dark blue eyes splintering into countless shards that pushed at him. They needed to find out as much as they could before...

He didn't want to call on his visions for that.

The introduction took him by surprise - so much had happened in such a short time that he'd forgotten that he hadn't gotten Rook's name. "I'm Seraphiel. From Water, originally, but my home's in Lightning." was. And he had a feeling that the lair, at least, was still there. "Yeah, if we can't find anything in the Isles then we might as well check our old lairs. I'm pretty sure that...that no one's going to be home, for me, but I don't know about yours." He glanced at the still black dragon on the ground below and shook his head. "And I don't think it's safe for me to try to divine anything. Not here, anyway."

@lhawkridge @BadFiction @dragonfly
Between the Tundra's bite and the Imperial's blast of magic, the tiny Fae-shaped thing had been reduced to a half-melted, oozy puddle splattered along the ground. It lay as still as death, no longer a threat.

"Seraphiel. Okay. Hopefully I'll remember that." Rook chuckled, though it sounded false and a bit forced in the larger context of their meeting. "Born Wind, living Arcane for me, but I think we already covered that. Haha."

He looked back in the presumed direction of the Isles. If Seraphiel was right, their best bet for answers was there, and while they were in the area he could check his lair. As for the Plateau, to be honest, he felt no desire to seek out his clan of birth. Even so, he felt inexplicably pulled there, and if he would have to go there eventually for peace of mind, he figured it wouldn't do any harm to hunt down his old lair too, just for the sake of thoroughness. "Yeah...guess it wouldn't hurt," he eventually said. "We might as well get going." He began to fly, trusting Seraphiel would follow.

The last thing Seraphiel said piqued Rook's interest, and in an effort to take their mind off things, he decided to follow up on it. "Divining, huh? That's neat! Don't think I've ever met anyone who could do that. Unless you count one of my friends, she had this weird gift for sensing dragons and animals coming from a mile away. Everyone wanted her to go hunting with them even though she was a Tundra, heh."

"Seraphiel. Okay. Hopefully I'll remember that." Rook chuckled, though it sounded false and a bit forced in the larger context of their meeting. "Born Wind, living Arcane for me, but I think we already covered that. Haha."

He looked back in the presumed direction of the Isles. If Seraphiel was right, their best bet for answers was there, and while they were in the area he could check his lair. As for the Plateau, to be honest, he felt no desire to seek out his clan of birth. Even so, he felt inexplicably pulled there, and if he would have to go there eventually for peace of mind, he figured it wouldn't do any harm to hunt down his old lair too, just for the sake of thoroughness. "Yeah...guess it wouldn't hurt," he eventually said. "We might as well get going." He began to fly, trusting Seraphiel would follow.

The last thing Seraphiel said piqued Rook's interest, and in an effort to take their mind off things, he decided to follow up on it. "Divining, huh? That's neat! Don't think I've ever met anyone who could do that. Unless you count one of my friends, she had this weird gift for sensing dragons and animals coming from a mile away. Everyone wanted her to go hunting with them even though she was a Tundra, heh."
@RabbleRouser @Scyllarus

Kazuto shook himself out of his panic attack in favour of the more pressing matter of the obviously ailing Skydancer. He stepped forward, eyes narrowed suspiciously and charging an attack in the back of his throat even as he checked her over for injuries. The healer in him was screaming to help her, while his inner fighter was whispering of tricks and betrayal.

"We're friendly." He nodded, watching thankfully as Connor coiled behind him. At least the Spiral wouldn't be in danger of accidentally being hit by an attack. "Where are you from? Are you hurt?" He canceled the power to the attack and tried to gesture her closer, the healer part of him overcoming his battle hungry side.

He glanced back as Connor spoke, nodding in agreement at the Spiral's words. "Agreed. We should bring her too." He jerked his head at the dark Skydancer. "Maybe they can help her. My healing skills aren't advanced enough to heal whatever she has."
@RabbleRouser @Scyllarus

Kazuto shook himself out of his panic attack in favour of the more pressing matter of the obviously ailing Skydancer. He stepped forward, eyes narrowed suspiciously and charging an attack in the back of his throat even as he checked her over for injuries. The healer in him was screaming to help her, while his inner fighter was whispering of tricks and betrayal.

"We're friendly." He nodded, watching thankfully as Connor coiled behind him. At least the Spiral wouldn't be in danger of accidentally being hit by an attack. "Where are you from? Are you hurt?" He canceled the power to the attack and tried to gesture her closer, the healer part of him overcoming his battle hungry side.

He glanced back as Connor spoke, nodding in agreement at the Spiral's words. "Agreed. We should bring her too." He jerked his head at the dark Skydancer. "Maybe they can help her. My healing skills aren't advanced enough to heal whatever she has."
@FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @RabbleRouser @Ragon ((I'm not sure who's still in or who joined so I just copy and pasted from the ping list on the first page)

(OOC: I know I said I would be active but ended up never replying. Life stuff happened and I'm just not up for rping. Sorry :C ))
@FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @RabbleRouser @Ragon ((I'm not sure who's still in or who joined so I just copy and pasted from the ping list on the first page)

(OOC: I know I said I would be active but ended up never replying. Life stuff happened and I'm just not up for rping. Sorry :C ))
@dragonfly @BadFiction

Nadia panted with relief as a bolt of green light narrowly missed her and struck the almost-fae, leaving it a puddle of goo. She turned to Artemis, who'd gone over to one of the pools to wash her wound off, and was about to say something, although, she wasn't quite sure what, when the other dragon burst into tears. Nadia went over and nuzzled the other dragon's neck comfortingly. Then she looked down into the pool and saw their eyes. She knew it couldn't be good, having black streaks in their eyes like this, but she couldn't think of anything to do about it, so she turned her head away from the water and asked the older dragon, "Did you know about this?" She meant both their eyes, and the horrible creature, whose eyes had been as black as theirs were becoming.
@dragonfly @BadFiction

Nadia panted with relief as a bolt of green light narrowly missed her and struck the almost-fae, leaving it a puddle of goo. She turned to Artemis, who'd gone over to one of the pools to wash her wound off, and was about to say something, although, she wasn't quite sure what, when the other dragon burst into tears. Nadia went over and nuzzled the other dragon's neck comfortingly. Then she looked down into the pool and saw their eyes. She knew it couldn't be good, having black streaks in their eyes like this, but she couldn't think of anything to do about it, so she turned her head away from the water and asked the older dragon, "Did you know about this?" She meant both their eyes, and the horrible creature, whose eyes had been as black as theirs were becoming.

Seraphiel was hardly going to stay where he was, hovering over the oozy black dragon. He had a feeling that though it seemed dead, it wasn't safe. "That sounds pretty useful, actually. I know a couple of dragons in my clan who'd have loved someone who could do that." Gadriel, for one. She'd done most of the clan's hunting, not because she was a primary depleter of their food stocks (though she was), but because she'd actually enjoyed it. "I do more...traditional stuff. You know, shalebuck entrails and tea leaves and all that. Sometimes we'd sacrifice hatchlings to the holy waters." He waited a beat, and then laughed. "Just kidding."

His grin was unsure of itself, but it was there and better than the abject terror that lurked in the dark spaces of his eyes. "Anyway, it's more common in Water for dragons to be born with the ability to See. For me, I usually go into a trance for as long as the vision lasts, so...not exactly safe here. But it was really useful, so...I got picked up by another clan pretty quickly."

Something swam right under his consciousness, a memory of dark waters that he couldn't place. The Imperial shook his head, clearing it. "Anyway, how about you? How'd you end up in the Starfall Isles?"

@RabbleRouser @Blackcat0989
"I...I got attacked by this thing. Back in that lair..." She whimpered, cautiously coming closer. The black had spread over her head and halfway down her neck, looking as if someone had dipped her in ink. The rest of her was a light grey, dappled with darker grey spots - or, well, it looked grey. But then again everything was grey. "It...It grabbed me."

She seemed mostly fine, though there were deep scratches on her sides and smudges of black that didn't seem to be part of her coat. "I'm Deliah, I'm from Dragonhome. I think...I think I woke up in the Ashfall Wastes and..." She seemed to be crying, although it was hard to tell with the darkness of her face. "Are you really taking me with you? I've been alone all this time - please don't leave me."

Seraphiel was hardly going to stay where he was, hovering over the oozy black dragon. He had a feeling that though it seemed dead, it wasn't safe. "That sounds pretty useful, actually. I know a couple of dragons in my clan who'd have loved someone who could do that." Gadriel, for one. She'd done most of the clan's hunting, not because she was a primary depleter of their food stocks (though she was), but because she'd actually enjoyed it. "I do more...traditional stuff. You know, shalebuck entrails and tea leaves and all that. Sometimes we'd sacrifice hatchlings to the holy waters." He waited a beat, and then laughed. "Just kidding."

His grin was unsure of itself, but it was there and better than the abject terror that lurked in the dark spaces of his eyes. "Anyway, it's more common in Water for dragons to be born with the ability to See. For me, I usually go into a trance for as long as the vision lasts, so...not exactly safe here. But it was really useful, so...I got picked up by another clan pretty quickly."

Something swam right under his consciousness, a memory of dark waters that he couldn't place. The Imperial shook his head, clearing it. "Anyway, how about you? How'd you end up in the Starfall Isles?"

@RabbleRouser @Blackcat0989
"I...I got attacked by this thing. Back in that lair..." She whimpered, cautiously coming closer. The black had spread over her head and halfway down her neck, looking as if someone had dipped her in ink. The rest of her was a light grey, dappled with darker grey spots - or, well, it looked grey. But then again everything was grey. "It...It grabbed me."

She seemed mostly fine, though there were deep scratches on her sides and smudges of black that didn't seem to be part of her coat. "I'm Deliah, I'm from Dragonhome. I think...I think I woke up in the Ashfall Wastes and..." She seemed to be crying, although it was hard to tell with the darkness of her face. "Are you really taking me with you? I've been alone all this time - please don't leave me."
@RabbleRouser @Scyllarus

"Deliah?" Kazuto tilted his head, glancing at Connor in confusion. He quickly shot a healing spell at the scratch marks, sighing as they closed up, though the black still marred her coat. "It's nice to meet you, Deliah. My name's Kazuto. I'm a Fighter from the Wind Flight in the Windswept Plateau. Did you see what it was that attacked you, specifically?"
@RabbleRouser @Scyllarus

"Deliah?" Kazuto tilted his head, glancing at Connor in confusion. He quickly shot a healing spell at the scratch marks, sighing as they closed up, though the black still marred her coat. "It's nice to meet you, Deliah. My name's Kazuto. I'm a Fighter from the Wind Flight in the Windswept Plateau. Did you see what it was that attacked you, specifically?"
{@dragonfly @lhawkridge}

The elder dragon dropped himself to the ground with a heavy sigh. Fighting and casting spells was difficult for someone as old as he, and it took its toll. At least the grass was soft. The rocks where he had slept had not been as comfortable.

He was troubled by the tears Artemis shed, and by Nadia's question. Both were difficult to deal with, when he had not seen another in months? Years? "Mmm... How to explain," he asked himself, his voice rumbling in his chest. "I do not know how long I've been here, but it is obvious that time and damage eat away at the color of one's eyes. That creature," his tail flicked in its gooey direction, "was once a dragon just like you. Who just ran out of time."

Ran out of time for what? Merlin had a few theories, but none of them had been supported by evidence. "If they have black eyes, they not longer listen to reason."

And how long was it until he was like that fae, hungering for company and attacking anyone in sight? This bothered him as he looked between the tundra and skydancer. He could become a monster, he could hurt them. But the nagging feeling in his heart told him to stay.
{@dragonfly @lhawkridge}

The elder dragon dropped himself to the ground with a heavy sigh. Fighting and casting spells was difficult for someone as old as he, and it took its toll. At least the grass was soft. The rocks where he had slept had not been as comfortable.

He was troubled by the tears Artemis shed, and by Nadia's question. Both were difficult to deal with, when he had not seen another in months? Years? "Mmm... How to explain," he asked himself, his voice rumbling in his chest. "I do not know how long I've been here, but it is obvious that time and damage eat away at the color of one's eyes. That creature," his tail flicked in its gooey direction, "was once a dragon just like you. Who just ran out of time."

Ran out of time for what? Merlin had a few theories, but none of them had been supported by evidence. "If they have black eyes, they not longer listen to reason."

And how long was it until he was like that fae, hungering for company and attacking anyone in sight? This bothered him as he looked between the tundra and skydancer. He could become a monster, he could hurt them. But the nagging feeling in his heart told him to stay.
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@Scyllarus @Blackcat0989

"Are we really taking her with us? I mean," Conner stumbled verbally, "I mean that we could make a nest for her here, let her rest after we get her stabilized." He muttered an apology at Deliah for talking as if she wasn't there.

Leaning in to whisper to Kazuto, "You can see she is far too weak to be traveling, we don't even know what that gunk is that is on her--it smells nasty and its everywhere on her. Probably contagious, diseases are really my thing and that stuff reeks of it."

Tail flicking he smiled at her nodding to what Kazuto though it would be good to know what had gone after her. What had created that bad vibe. "...Was it a dragon or something else? Any information that you could share Deliah would be lovely." Kazuto could do his work, get her a bit better but the Spiral was almost convinced trying to drag her along wouldn't bode well for her health. If he had his kit, which was not at his side he would test the garbage to see if it was similar to anything that he already knew of.
@Scyllarus @Blackcat0989

"Are we really taking her with us? I mean," Conner stumbled verbally, "I mean that we could make a nest for her here, let her rest after we get her stabilized." He muttered an apology at Deliah for talking as if she wasn't there.

Leaning in to whisper to Kazuto, "You can see she is far too weak to be traveling, we don't even know what that gunk is that is on her--it smells nasty and its everywhere on her. Probably contagious, diseases are really my thing and that stuff reeks of it."

Tail flicking he smiled at her nodding to what Kazuto though it would be good to know what had gone after her. What had created that bad vibe. "...Was it a dragon or something else? Any information that you could share Deliah would be lovely." Kazuto could do his work, get her a bit better but the Spiral was almost convinced trying to drag her along wouldn't bode well for her health. If he had his kit, which was not at his side he would test the garbage to see if it was similar to anything that he already knew of.
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