

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Grey Skies [Open]

It's like a cliched horror story: you wake up, alone, in a place you've never seen before. It's quiet - silent, even - and for a moment you can't figure out why everything looks wrong.

There's no color. Everything is black and white and grey.


What's worse in some ways is the fact you can't seem to remember anything. Sure, you remember your name. You remember your life, mostly, what you loved and what you lost, but after a point...nothing. Nothing that tells you how you got here, or why.

But there's an aching sense of emptiness, deep in your heart.


Once upon a time you were a dragon in the world of Flight Rising. Maybe you were powerful, or weak; loved, or feared, but now? You're dead. don't know it yet.

Welcome to the Grey Skies, the draconic version of Limbo.

The Grey Skies themselves are almost identical to the world of Flight Rising, with a few important aspects of note:

There is no color in this world, with the exception of a dragon's eyes. This will be important later.

Not all souls go to the Grey Skies, just those with some sort of unfinished business. Some carry a burden of grief that they've never been able to put down, some have regrets, and still others, having had their lives cut short, simply still have business to take care of. Without finding a way to fill the empty space created by these problems, they are unable to continue into the afterlife.

The catch is that dragons who remain in the Grey Skies for too long are slowly consumed by the emptiness in their hearts. The color drains from their eyes and black veins spread outward from the pupil, eventually filling the eye and spreading exponentially faster after that. The oldest souls are nothing but amorphous, vaguely dragon-like black forms filled with nothing but the desire for their humanity (dragon-ity?) back, which often attack newer souls. All dragons are susceptible to this process and it starts as soon as the dragon wakes up in the Grey Skies, but how long it takes depends on the dragon.


x. Flight Rising TOS applies, of course. Please keep things PG-13!
x. Please no Godmodding. Don't kill a player's character without permission.
x. This will be a semi-lit to literate RP
x. Please be active! If you're going to be absent for a while, let us know! Otherwise, players who are waiting on someone for more than three days can change plotlines to keep things moving.
x. To keep things from getting too chaotic, you can have two characters at any given time. If you want to kill one off to add a different one in, just let me know!

Character Creation

x. Your dragons' bios should be posted here, in the OOC thread. Once you've posted your bio, I'll give you the thumbs up to join c: (If you were on the ping list, don't worry about it)
x. Please post a picture of your dragon in your first post!
x. You can play a shade if you like. However, keep in mind that shades are much like zombies in that they think of very little outside of feeding.

It's like a cliched horror story: you wake up, alone, in a place you've never seen before. It's quiet - silent, even - and for a moment you can't figure out why everything looks wrong.

There's no color. Everything is black and white and grey.


What's worse in some ways is the fact you can't seem to remember anything. Sure, you remember your name. You remember your life, mostly, what you loved and what you lost, but after a point...nothing. Nothing that tells you how you got here, or why.

But there's an aching sense of emptiness, deep in your heart.


Once upon a time you were a dragon in the world of Flight Rising. Maybe you were powerful, or weak; loved, or feared, but now? You're dead. don't know it yet.

Welcome to the Grey Skies, the draconic version of Limbo.

The Grey Skies themselves are almost identical to the world of Flight Rising, with a few important aspects of note:

There is no color in this world, with the exception of a dragon's eyes. This will be important later.

Not all souls go to the Grey Skies, just those with some sort of unfinished business. Some carry a burden of grief that they've never been able to put down, some have regrets, and still others, having had their lives cut short, simply still have business to take care of. Without finding a way to fill the empty space created by these problems, they are unable to continue into the afterlife.

The catch is that dragons who remain in the Grey Skies for too long are slowly consumed by the emptiness in their hearts. The color drains from their eyes and black veins spread outward from the pupil, eventually filling the eye and spreading exponentially faster after that. The oldest souls are nothing but amorphous, vaguely dragon-like black forms filled with nothing but the desire for their humanity (dragon-ity?) back, which often attack newer souls. All dragons are susceptible to this process and it starts as soon as the dragon wakes up in the Grey Skies, but how long it takes depends on the dragon.


x. Flight Rising TOS applies, of course. Please keep things PG-13!
x. Please no Godmodding. Don't kill a player's character without permission.
x. This will be a semi-lit to literate RP
x. Please be active! If you're going to be absent for a while, let us know! Otherwise, players who are waiting on someone for more than three days can change plotlines to keep things moving.
x. To keep things from getting too chaotic, you can have two characters at any given time. If you want to kill one off to add a different one in, just let me know!

Character Creation

x. Your dragons' bios should be posted here, in the OOC thread. Once you've posted your bio, I'll give you the thumbs up to join c: (If you were on the ping list, don't worry about it)
x. Please post a picture of your dragon in your first post!
x. You can play a shade if you like. However, keep in mind that shades are much like zombies in that they think of very little outside of feeding.
Ping List:
Ping List:
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Waking was like blinking - one moment there was nothing, and then the next everything swam into focus again. Seraphiel woke in a dimly lit cavern, and at first he thought he was still at home. He lay on the soft sand, listening to the dull buzzing silence for a few long minutes until he realized that it was far too quiet for a cave hosting a large clan. Looking around again....this wasn't his cave. And something else was wrong, something he couldn't quite place a claw on. But that wasn't important - he needed to get out of here and find out where he was. He needed to go home. It didn't take long for him to find the entrance, and yet his uneasiness only grew as he approached the light. He hadn't seen or smelled or heard even a trace of another dragon, and something was wrong with his eyes. It was the lack of light, he thought, it had to be the lack of light. And yet he couldn't deny what he saw when he looked outside. No blue sky, no green grass, no brown-tan dirt. Even his own scales still gleamed in the light, but not gold. Grey.


Waking was like blinking - one moment there was nothing, and then the next everything swam into focus again.

Seraphiel woke in a dimly lit cavern, and at first he thought he was still at home. He lay on the soft sand, listening to the dull buzzing silence for a few long minutes until he realized that it was far too quiet for a cave hosting a large clan. Looking around again....this wasn't his cave. And something else was wrong, something he couldn't quite place a claw on. But that wasn't important - he needed to get out of here and find out where he was.

He needed to go home.

It didn't take long for him to find the entrance, and yet his uneasiness only grew as he approached the light. He hadn't seen or smelled or heard even a trace of another dragon, and something was wrong with his eyes. It was the lack of light, he thought, it had to be the lack of light.

And yet he couldn't deny what he saw when he looked outside. No blue sky, no green grass, no brown-tan dirt. Even his own scales still gleamed in the light, but not gold.

@Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @kawaiicatprince @JJStar [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kazuto didn't quite understand what was going on. He'd been so sure that he was at home, curled up in his nest among the bamboo in the Wind Flight territory, his beloved psywurm snuggled up under his wing and against his belly. But the cave around him was no bamboo forest, and the air was heavy, stale, completely still. It was [i]silent[/i], and that made him uneasy. The pearlcatcher clambered to his paws, frowning as his claws sank into soft sand. He glanced around, confused, and padded towards the entrance, stepping into the light and blinking as his eyes adjusted. Outside was not as he'd expected. Kazuto had though that he'd see grass, rocks, a stream, [i]anything[/i], but it was... strange, empty. At first he didn't realise what was really wrong. He was so used to seeing it that he hadn't realised he was taking it for granted until he realised, in a moment of horror, that it was gone. There was no colour, everything was grey. "Where [b]am[/b] I?"
@Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @kawaiicatprince @JJStar


Kazuto didn't quite understand what was going on. He'd been so sure that he was at home, curled up in his nest among the bamboo in the Wind Flight territory, his beloved psywurm snuggled up under his wing and against his belly. But the cave around him was no bamboo forest, and the air was heavy, stale, completely still. It was silent, and that made him uneasy. The pearlcatcher clambered to his paws, frowning as his claws sank into soft sand. He glanced around, confused, and padded towards the entrance, stepping into the light and blinking as his eyes adjusted.

Outside was not as he'd expected. Kazuto had though that he'd see grass, rocks, a stream, anything, but it was... strange, empty. At first he didn't realise what was really wrong. He was so used to seeing it that he hadn't realised he was taking it for granted until he realised, in a moment of horror, that it was gone.

There was no colour, everything was grey.

"Where am I?"
@Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @JJStar [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]"Where am I?" "Loretto, my friend?" "Mother?" "Father?" "Where are you?"[/i] Horus blinked his eyes into focus, the middle one slightly out of sync with the other two as it often was. Then, he remembered. He had left his clan many years ago, when he was barely a fledgling, for reasons he could not explain. But this was not the cave of the clan he was adopted by, it was dark and gray and devoid of life. He could not have fallen asleep while foraging, could he? This cave was unlike the caves of Arcane which, like the rest of the land, flowed with magic and almost seemed to have a purple pink glow. He slowly made his way out of the strange cavern and nearly jumped back at the sight that beheld itself to him. "What is this dead land? What is wrong with my eyes? Where is the color?" he cried. There was nothing but gray vastness as far as he could see. There was not a cloud in the sky, yet it was gray as it it was overcast and stormy, and there was little more than a pebble on the colorless earth. He waved his head to and fro in search for something, anything, more than this nothingness, afraid to move from his spot in the mouth of the cave, when suddenly, he saw. He too was devoid of color just like the strange land he had awoken in.
@Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @JJStar


"Where am I?"

"Loretto, my friend?"



"Where are you?"

Horus blinked his eyes into focus, the middle one slightly out of sync with the other two as it often was. Then, he remembered. He had left his clan many years ago, when he was barely a fledgling, for reasons he could not explain. But this was not the cave of the clan he was adopted by, it was dark and gray and devoid of life. He could not have fallen asleep while foraging, could he? This cave was unlike the caves of Arcane which, like the rest of the land, flowed with magic and almost seemed to have a purple pink glow.

He slowly made his way out of the strange cavern and nearly jumped back at the sight that beheld itself to him. "What is this dead land? What is wrong with my eyes? Where is the color?" he cried. There was nothing but gray vastness as far as he could see. There was not a cloud in the sky, yet it was gray as it it was overcast and stormy, and there was little more than a pebble on the colorless earth.

He waved his head to and fro in search for something, anything, more than this nothingness, afraid to move from his spot in the mouth of the cave, when suddenly, he saw. He too was devoid of color just like the strange land he had awoken in.
@LizRosethorn @FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @kawaiicatprince [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -------- Unraveling from the tightly wrapped coil he'd adopted through the night Conner let himself hang loose from the branch upside down. Distinctly remembering having decided that it was time to land when he felt that tug that usually signaled [i]you're about to pass out idiot.[/i] Stretching his back and wings with a myriad of clicks and a sigh of relief surveyed the world before him. Albeit it was all ground up sky down, and perhaps that angle is what granted him the perspective to realize it was weird lookin'. Blinking he rubbed at eyes, never mind he wasn't a morning person but this was ridiculous. Grey? Checking himself, frowned then dismissed--yup he was still grey. Didn't magically adopt color as cool as that would have been. Adjusting as he slid out of the tree landing with an unceremonious 'plop' onto the ground below warranting another stretch for the half that was untangled. Already booting up with questions that needed answers, he'd been on his way to--to do something? That was given a thought but as soon as he focused it slipped away, [b]pft! [/b]He'd remember at some point. Pretty important because wherever he was didn't look anything like where he'd [i]been[/i]. Definitely not a good thing. Zany as his species was, getting totally frelling lost was not one of their qualities.
@LizRosethorn @FiliaFlammae @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @kawaiicatprince


Unraveling from the tightly wrapped coil he'd adopted through the night Conner let himself hang loose from the branch upside down. Distinctly remembering having decided that it was time to land when he felt that tug that usually signaled you're about to pass out idiot. Stretching his back and wings with a myriad of clicks and a sigh of relief surveyed the world before him.

Albeit it was all ground up sky down, and perhaps that angle is what granted him the perspective to realize it was weird lookin'. Blinking he rubbed at eyes, never mind he wasn't a morning person but this was ridiculous. Grey? Checking himself, frowned then dismissed--yup he was still grey. Didn't magically adopt color as cool as that would have been.

Adjusting as he slid out of the tree landing with an unceremonious 'plop' onto the ground below warranting another stretch for the half that was untangled. Already booting up with questions that needed answers, he'd been on his way to--to do something? That was given a thought but as soon as he focused it slipped away, pft! He'd remember at some point. Pretty important because wherever he was didn't look anything like where he'd been. Definitely not a good thing. Zany as his species was, getting totally frelling lost was not one of their qualities.
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@Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @kawaiicatprince @JJStar @Ragon [url=] [img][/img] [/url] It had been a few days. He hadn't been counting, he just figured it felt like a few days. Maybe it had been a week or more, to be honest. He wouldn't be surprised. A world like this didn't lend itself well to timekeeping: the lack of color made it feel as if he were in perpetual twilight. Nor did it do anything to help him figure out where in the world he was. Rook came to a stop when he reached a stream. The grey grass rustled beneath him as he settled down, just as he expected healthy grass to do, if it hadn't been, well, colorless. He leaned forward and took several laps of water. Thankfully it felt and tasted just as water should, cooling his mouth and refreshing his body somewhat, but it did little to stave off the lonely ache gnawing at his insides. He'd always been socially inclined, and from the moment he'd awoken in this strange place, he'd been intensely aware of the lack of company. Duro was gone. Ulkinra was gone. Etherea was gone. Even his dear Kiera was gone. If he could see their faces just once, to see where they were, if they were safe...but no, even a glimpse of [i]anyone[/i] right now would be welcome, someone to convince him he wasn't alone, wasn't lost in his own madness. The water dripping off his muzzle as he raised his head broke up his reflection in the water, but not so much that he couldn't see the only source of color in the entire world around him: two spots of pale green, dancing on the surface of the stream. The water slowly stilled, allowing his face to come into view, and the two patches of green congealed into his own two eyes, staring back at him. What was it supposed to mean? Was he the only one alive here? The only thing alive? Was this all some sort of projection, a strangely lucid dream? As the water's surface came to rest at last, Rook noticed something. He leaned closer to the water, and when he got a better look, his eyes widened in alarm. His irises, that very source of the last color in the world, looked...odd. If he wasn't mistaken, tiny hair-thin veins of black ran through his eyes, and not just as black as his fur. No, this was an inky black, the black of deep space, reflecting no light at all. If anything it seemed to leech light, marring his eyes, draining the color from them... His breath caught in his chest. He looked around, the quickness of his movements betraying his sudden panic. Something was wrong with him, and he didn't know what. He didn't know where he was, what was going on. He needed answers. Failing that, he needed comfort, needed company. He needed people. He needed [i]someone[/i].
@Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @kawaiicatprince @JJStar @Ragon


It had been a few days. He hadn't been counting, he just figured it felt like a few days. Maybe it had been a week or more, to be honest. He wouldn't be surprised. A world like this didn't lend itself well to timekeeping: the lack of color made it feel as if he were in perpetual twilight. Nor did it do anything to help him figure out where in the world he was.

Rook came to a stop when he reached a stream. The grey grass rustled beneath him as he settled down, just as he expected healthy grass to do, if it hadn't been, well, colorless. He leaned forward and took several laps of water. Thankfully it felt and tasted just as water should, cooling his mouth and refreshing his body somewhat, but it did little to stave off the lonely ache gnawing at his insides. He'd always been socially inclined, and from the moment he'd awoken in this strange place, he'd been intensely aware of the lack of company. Duro was gone. Ulkinra was gone. Etherea was gone. Even his dear Kiera was gone. If he could see their faces just once, to see where they were, if they were safe...but no, even a glimpse of anyone right now would be welcome, someone to convince him he wasn't alone, wasn't lost in his own madness.

The water dripping off his muzzle as he raised his head broke up his reflection in the water, but not so much that he couldn't see the only source of color in the entire world around him: two spots of pale green, dancing on the surface of the stream. The water slowly stilled, allowing his face to come into view, and the two patches of green congealed into his own two eyes, staring back at him. What was it supposed to mean? Was he the only one alive here? The only thing alive? Was this all some sort of projection, a strangely lucid dream?

As the water's surface came to rest at last, Rook noticed something. He leaned closer to the water, and when he got a better look, his eyes widened in alarm. His irises, that very source of the last color in the world, looked...odd. If he wasn't mistaken, tiny hair-thin veins of black ran through his eyes, and not just as black as his fur. No, this was an inky black, the black of deep space, reflecting no light at all. If anything it seemed to leech light, marring his eyes, draining the color from them...

His breath caught in his chest. He looked around, the quickness of his movements betraying his sudden panic. Something was wrong with him, and he didn't know what. He didn't know where he was, what was going on. He needed answers. Failing that, he needed comfort, needed company. He needed people. He needed someone.
Woo, guys I am not going to be in this @Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @kawaiicatprince @JJStar @Ragon you can stop pming me XD
Woo, guys I am not going to be in this @Scyllarus @LizRosethorn @dragonfly @Blackcat0989 @kawaiicatprince @JJStar @Ragon you can stop pming me XD
@FiliaFlammae @Blackcat0989 @kawaiicatprince @JJStar @Ragon ------------------- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Artemis woke up alone. That was strange [i]alone[/i], usually she was surrounded by a lot of other dragons in her clan home. Suddenly she felt like something was missing, but she couldn't place it. She thought long and hard but it seemed the harder she thought about it the farther it got away. Finally in frustration she gave up but no without letting a roar escape from her mouth. She wasn't used to forgetting things or not being able to solve something. When anything like this happened she would be grumpy for weeks.... but something was [i]wrong[/i], then she saw it,"Where is the color?," she said everything was, [i][b]grey[/b][/i]


Artemis woke up alone. That was strange alone, usually she was surrounded by a lot of other dragons in her clan home. Suddenly she felt like something was missing, but she couldn't place it. She thought long and hard but it seemed the harder she thought about it the farther it got away. Finally in frustration she gave up but no without letting a roar escape from her mouth. She wasn't used to forgetting things or not being able to solve something. When anything like this happened she would be grumpy for weeks.... but something was wrong, then she saw it,"Where is the color?," she said everything was, grey

The worst part of it, he found, was that it was nearly impossible to tell things apart from the air.

It was bad enough on the ground, where the few furtive animals that lurked in the bushes were almost invisible until they moved, but in the air...everything blurred into a grey-splotched mess. Seraphiel had thought it'd be a better idea to fly - it was faster, and he had a better view of the land (or so he thought) - but this forced him to earth again. Even so, he thought he had an idea of where he was now, and if he was right...if he was right, all he'd need to do was follow the stream to the sea. He had an affinity for water, after all, and...

What was that?

The flash of color drew his eyes to it, thinking for a moment that it had been a fish, or a dragonfly on the water. But the spots of color stayed still as he stared at them, distorted a little by the water's slow movement. What... He leaned his head out over the water, finally recognizing the deep blue spots that rippled slightly in the current.

"My eyes?"

What could this mean? There was an uneasy feeling in his gut, a sense of a premonition rising strong behind his blue, blue eyes. Something...someone? More than one? He followed the riverbank in a daze, unsure of what he would find.

Whatever it was, it had to be better than being alone.

"Hello? Hello, anyone...? Hel - Hey!"

His heart thudded in his chest, the premonition blinding him moments before it came true - the sight of pale green eyes, striped with black. And a second premonition of his own eyes as black veins crept over their blue. Then it was normal again, as normal as it ever was, anyway, and all he saw was an older male tundra...pale green eyes streaked with lightless black.

The worst part of it, he found, was that it was nearly impossible to tell things apart from the air.

It was bad enough on the ground, where the few furtive animals that lurked in the bushes were almost invisible until they moved, but in the air...everything blurred into a grey-splotched mess. Seraphiel had thought it'd be a better idea to fly - it was faster, and he had a better view of the land (or so he thought) - but this forced him to earth again. Even so, he thought he had an idea of where he was now, and if he was right...if he was right, all he'd need to do was follow the stream to the sea. He had an affinity for water, after all, and...

What was that?

The flash of color drew his eyes to it, thinking for a moment that it had been a fish, or a dragonfly on the water. But the spots of color stayed still as he stared at them, distorted a little by the water's slow movement. What... He leaned his head out over the water, finally recognizing the deep blue spots that rippled slightly in the current.

"My eyes?"

What could this mean? There was an uneasy feeling in his gut, a sense of a premonition rising strong behind his blue, blue eyes. Something...someone? More than one? He followed the riverbank in a daze, unsure of what he would find.

Whatever it was, it had to be better than being alone.

"Hello? Hello, anyone...? Hel - Hey!"

His heart thudded in his chest, the premonition blinding him moments before it came true - the sight of pale green eyes, striped with black. And a second premonition of his own eyes as black veins crept over their blue. Then it was normal again, as normal as it ever was, anyway, and all he saw was an older male tundra...pale green eyes streaked with lightless black.