

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Grey Skies [Open]

A shout from somewhere not too far away caught Rook's attention. He froze, hardly daring to believe his ears, and yet he could have sworn he'd heard a voice. Not just an animal's cry, but a real voice, coming from a fellow dragon. Someone had distinctly shouted "hey" at him.

He swung his head around to look upstream, and there, several meters away yet but definitely there, stood an imperial, eyeing him in silence. Rook hadn't seen many imperials before, but he agreed with the general sentiment that they exuded a sort of sense of grandeur, or at least he remembered thinking that he agreed with such. But at this moment, something seemed to be missing about the great dragon in front of him, and he quickly realized why. Just like the colorless landscape around them, the imperial sported no color save for various shades of grey, causing him to seem to blend into the background, if it weren't for one saving grace: the other dragon's eyes shone a dark but somehow brilliant blue. In a world without color, this dragon's eyes shone with life, just as Rook's did. They were alike. They were alive.

"Hello?" he called out, unable to keep a tone of desperation out of his voice, more than a hint of fear that this was all a trick played by his eyes. "A-are you real? Are you really there?"

A shout from somewhere not too far away caught Rook's attention. He froze, hardly daring to believe his ears, and yet he could have sworn he'd heard a voice. Not just an animal's cry, but a real voice, coming from a fellow dragon. Someone had distinctly shouted "hey" at him.

He swung his head around to look upstream, and there, several meters away yet but definitely there, stood an imperial, eyeing him in silence. Rook hadn't seen many imperials before, but he agreed with the general sentiment that they exuded a sort of sense of grandeur, or at least he remembered thinking that he agreed with such. But at this moment, something seemed to be missing about the great dragon in front of him, and he quickly realized why. Just like the colorless landscape around them, the imperial sported no color save for various shades of grey, causing him to seem to blend into the background, if it weren't for one saving grace: the other dragon's eyes shone a dark but somehow brilliant blue. In a world without color, this dragon's eyes shone with life, just as Rook's did. They were alike. They were alive.

"Hello?" he called out, unable to keep a tone of desperation out of his voice, more than a hint of fear that this was all a trick played by his eyes. "A-are you real? Are you really there?"
@Blackcat0989 @Ragon @kawaiicatprince @dragonfly Really, anyone leaving that open but new to this forum style here.)
Being of the cheery nature, the Spiral didn't bother putting a massive amount of thought into the issue that had engulfed his surroundings. As soon as he made his way home, his clan would figure it out with him. They probably already had. Maybe some silly caster had tampered where they shouldn't have? Could they even do that? That had to take some serious mana.

Launching off and winging his way airborne, it didn't get any better. But as he wound his way through the cloudless sky, spotting not a soul. Below the ground blending into a mess of grey the novelty began to wear thin. Alarm setting in with a ache that he felt deep inside of his chest, a rising sense of dread making his jaw tighten. Red eyes narrowing now honestly scanning to see if he could spot anything that seemed lively.

The sound of his movement being the loudest thing for what felt like miles, looking to and fro. Ears swiveling to pick up anything, getting more distressed as he went. Finally! A vaguely dragon-shaped silhouette picking it's way through the landscape. It really matter at this point as long as it was company to distract his mind from fretting itself to tatters. What felt like two hours into his flight without seeing someone--far too creepy when usually there'd be at least a scent in the air. Circling about he landed, ropey body coiling about to prop him up, eyeing his soon-to-be-traveling-partner with a warm grin.
@Blackcat0989 @Ragon @kawaiicatprince @dragonfly Really, anyone leaving that open but new to this forum style here.)
Being of the cheery nature, the Spiral didn't bother putting a massive amount of thought into the issue that had engulfed his surroundings. As soon as he made his way home, his clan would figure it out with him. They probably already had. Maybe some silly caster had tampered where they shouldn't have? Could they even do that? That had to take some serious mana.

Launching off and winging his way airborne, it didn't get any better. But as he wound his way through the cloudless sky, spotting not a soul. Below the ground blending into a mess of grey the novelty began to wear thin. Alarm setting in with a ache that he felt deep inside of his chest, a rising sense of dread making his jaw tighten. Red eyes narrowing now honestly scanning to see if he could spot anything that seemed lively.

The sound of his movement being the loudest thing for what felt like miles, looking to and fro. Ears swiveling to pick up anything, getting more distressed as he went. Finally! A vaguely dragon-shaped silhouette picking it's way through the landscape. It really matter at this point as long as it was company to distract his mind from fretting itself to tatters. What felt like two hours into his flight without seeing someone--far too creepy when usually there'd be at least a scent in the air. Circling about he landed, ropey body coiling about to prop him up, eyeing his soon-to-be-traveling-partner with a warm grin.
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Kazuto's ears perked up at the sound of wingbeats, his head whipping around in an attempt to find the source. At first, he almost missed the lithe, serpentine body coiling through the grey sky, but the movement eventually caught his eye and he stared intently at the figure as they swirled into a landing

He'd met Spirals in the past - he lived a few nests over from a particularly temperamental one - but he was largely unfamiliar with them. So he waited impatiently until the stranger settled, the pearlcatcher's eyes glancing edgily around as he looked out for danger. He wasn't sure he trusted this stranger, but he needed some help, and he hoped desperately that this dragon had some information. He muffled a gulp and locked eyes with the startling red gaze of his new companion and opened his mouth to speak

"Hello. Do you know where we are?" He asked, praying to the Windsinger for a positive answer.
Kazuto's ears perked up at the sound of wingbeats, his head whipping around in an attempt to find the source. At first, he almost missed the lithe, serpentine body coiling through the grey sky, but the movement eventually caught his eye and he stared intently at the figure as they swirled into a landing

He'd met Spirals in the past - he lived a few nests over from a particularly temperamental one - but he was largely unfamiliar with them. So he waited impatiently until the stranger settled, the pearlcatcher's eyes glancing edgily around as he looked out for danger. He wasn't sure he trusted this stranger, but he needed some help, and he hoped desperately that this dragon had some information. He muffled a gulp and locked eyes with the startling red gaze of his new companion and opened his mouth to speak

"Hello. Do you know where we are?" He asked, praying to the Windsinger for a positive answer.

The first thing that Conner noticed out of the blue was the smaller dragon's gold eyes. Albeit not the friendliest set that he'd ever had singling him out but that was alright he'd be a little wary too if someone fell out of the sky unannounced. In this environment even more so. Not deterred the Spiral barreled on with his introduction, "Hello to you too! No. Actually not, I was about to ask you the same thing--it's like this everywhere I can see miles and miles of grey. No wind either, it's not right at all."

Granted he was giving the Pearlcatcher a good once over, not finding anything out of the ordinary, except that he was pretty positive that the color was leeched out of his friend. So logic dictated that he himself would be the same. It almost felt oppressive sitting still now that he stopped. Air feeling like it was stuck about them as muck in a mire. Attention deviating back to the other dragon wings flicking and tucking in with the urge to move, "Have you seen anyone else around?"

The first thing that Conner noticed out of the blue was the smaller dragon's gold eyes. Albeit not the friendliest set that he'd ever had singling him out but that was alright he'd be a little wary too if someone fell out of the sky unannounced. In this environment even more so. Not deterred the Spiral barreled on with his introduction, "Hello to you too! No. Actually not, I was about to ask you the same thing--it's like this everywhere I can see miles and miles of grey. No wind either, it's not right at all."

Granted he was giving the Pearlcatcher a good once over, not finding anything out of the ordinary, except that he was pretty positive that the color was leeched out of his friend. So logic dictated that he himself would be the same. It almost felt oppressive sitting still now that he stopped. Air feeling like it was stuck about them as muck in a mire. Attention deviating back to the other dragon wings flicking and tucking in with the urge to move, "Have you seen anyone else around?"
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Kazuto almost sigh in relief when he wasn't immediately attacked, relaxing just the slightest bit and closing red-gold eyes.

"No. I haven't seen anyone. I haven't seen a single living thing save the occasional animal, and they haven't been too friendly." He didn't hold back this sigh, his head hanging in exhaustion. "I've been walking for hours. Honestly, it's a relief to see anyone friendly, even if i don't know who you are." He blinked and looked up again, tilting his head the slightest bit. "Who are you?"

Kazuto almost sigh in relief when he wasn't immediately attacked, relaxing just the slightest bit and closing red-gold eyes.

"No. I haven't seen anyone. I haven't seen a single living thing save the occasional animal, and they haven't been too friendly." He didn't hold back this sigh, his head hanging in exhaustion. "I've been walking for hours. Honestly, it's a relief to see anyone friendly, even if i don't know who you are." He blinked and looked up again, tilting his head the slightest bit. "Who are you?"

"O'Conner, Infectionist practitioner" a tap at his legband, "Currently taking some time off from studies." He replied the grin having not really faded but definitely not as bright as a smaller part of his mind started thinking legitimately about their situation. Troubling, that there wasn't anyone else about,

"At least there are animals and we won't starve, that'd be a horrid way to go." The Spiral laughed a little, uncoiling some from the tight knot that was purely in defense should the Pearlcatcher been unfriendly. Leaning over some, "Did you have plans? Where were you headed?"

"All I can tell is that I was going that way, " Obligatory wave north with a hand, "Not sure why but it felt like y'know. That is the direction that feels right. But I think I must have smacked myself a good one when I landed last night, because I haven't the haziest idea what exactly I really was doing."

Another laugh, tail swishing the loose dirt around causing dust to listlessly rise and fog back to the ground. Sliding up beside the other close enough to warrant an invasion of space far enough to get out of the way should claws and a smack come forth, "If we're going in the same way, y'wanna team up? Travel together? Be way less boring~" The voice was sing-songed out, trying to tempt away any doubt that the other dragon may have.

"O'Conner, Infectionist practitioner" a tap at his legband, "Currently taking some time off from studies." He replied the grin having not really faded but definitely not as bright as a smaller part of his mind started thinking legitimately about their situation. Troubling, that there wasn't anyone else about,

"At least there are animals and we won't starve, that'd be a horrid way to go." The Spiral laughed a little, uncoiling some from the tight knot that was purely in defense should the Pearlcatcher been unfriendly. Leaning over some, "Did you have plans? Where were you headed?"

"All I can tell is that I was going that way, " Obligatory wave north with a hand, "Not sure why but it felt like y'know. That is the direction that feels right. But I think I must have smacked myself a good one when I landed last night, because I haven't the haziest idea what exactly I really was doing."

Another laugh, tail swishing the loose dirt around causing dust to listlessly rise and fog back to the ground. Sliding up beside the other close enough to warrant an invasion of space far enough to get out of the way should claws and a smack come forth, "If we're going in the same way, y'wanna team up? Travel together? Be way less boring~" The voice was sing-songed out, trying to tempt away any doubt that the other dragon may have.
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The question struck him dumb. Was he real? Was he real? It was an absurd question, of course he was real...right? It didn't seem like a dream, and he felt normal. At least as normal as one could feel in such a strange, depressing place. "Yes. I'm real, at least I'm pretty sure I'm real. Not sure if anything else is, though."

It was an attempt at humor. A failed attempt, since it brought up another terrifying thought - was anything real? How strange it was that he, a dragon who'd lived in trances and dreams, was now worried about whether the world around him was real. He shook his head, clearing away that troubling thought. "But yes. I assume you're real, too? Do you know where we are? It..."

His clan's lair, exactly as he remembered it, but for the fact...

"...Oh, I'm sorry. I think we're in the Sunbeam Ruins, but there's no one here." That's right, that was the problem with his vision. That there wasn't a single living soul in that twisting maze of lairs. "I was going home, but...I don't think anyone will be there."

The question struck him dumb. Was he real? Was he real? It was an absurd question, of course he was real...right? It didn't seem like a dream, and he felt normal. At least as normal as one could feel in such a strange, depressing place. "Yes. I'm real, at least I'm pretty sure I'm real. Not sure if anything else is, though."

It was an attempt at humor. A failed attempt, since it brought up another terrifying thought - was anything real? How strange it was that he, a dragon who'd lived in trances and dreams, was now worried about whether the world around him was real. He shook his head, clearing away that troubling thought. "But yes. I assume you're real, too? Do you know where we are? It..."

His clan's lair, exactly as he remembered it, but for the fact...

"...Oh, I'm sorry. I think we're in the Sunbeam Ruins, but there's no one here." That's right, that was the problem with his vision. That there wasn't a single living soul in that twisting maze of lairs. "I was going home, but...I don't think anyone will be there."
Kazuto had to stifle an amused snort at the Spiral's antics. He was quite the character, and the pearlcatcher was sure that any journey with O'Conner would not be boring.

"I haven't got any plans." the 'catcher shrugged, appearing nonchalant. "All i want is to find someone with some answers. If you happen to be heading somewhere where I can find other people, then I see no reason why we can't travel together."

He inched carefully away from the spiral, enough to give himself some personal space but not far enough to imply that he didn't want the company. "My name's Kazuto. I'm a Wind Flight fighter. What's an Infectionist practitioner, if you don't mind me asking?" He didn't quite understand the term. "I don't have much contact with the other flights. I'm assuming your'e Plague?"
Kazuto had to stifle an amused snort at the Spiral's antics. He was quite the character, and the pearlcatcher was sure that any journey with O'Conner would not be boring.

"I haven't got any plans." the 'catcher shrugged, appearing nonchalant. "All i want is to find someone with some answers. If you happen to be heading somewhere where I can find other people, then I see no reason why we can't travel together."

He inched carefully away from the spiral, enough to give himself some personal space but not far enough to imply that he didn't want the company. "My name's Kazuto. I'm a Wind Flight fighter. What's an Infectionist practitioner, if you don't mind me asking?" He didn't quite understand the term. "I don't have much contact with the other flights. I'm assuming your'e Plague?"

"Answers, maybe we should start scouting about for a Snapper, they have those you know. Or one of those tall ones, Guardians? Seen a few of those around usually not too terribly talkative but--usually they've seen enough to know insightful information if you pull it out of them."

Given, he was pretty sure that the more compact dragon would prefer walking, but lest not get ahead of himself for the Spiral it was a task to stay on the ground regardless. "Excellent, great to meet you Kazuto~ A fighter? That might be useful, I'm not much for getting into a scrap but when needed I can."

That made the Spiral pause, never actually being questioned on what an Infectionist Practitioner was, "Plaguebringer does her work I merely tamper with all things vile to see if I can create something more vile in her honor. Not publicly acceptible but, it is fulfilling enough. You'd be amazed what certain unpleasant types will pay for a packet of illness."

Not to mention most of his customers were of the one visit kind, Conner was sure he knew why. "But you are correct that I am Plague, I'd ask what you've heard of us, but I cannot believe it is anything less than 'grotesque'. "

"Answers, maybe we should start scouting about for a Snapper, they have those you know. Or one of those tall ones, Guardians? Seen a few of those around usually not too terribly talkative but--usually they've seen enough to know insightful information if you pull it out of them."

Given, he was pretty sure that the more compact dragon would prefer walking, but lest not get ahead of himself for the Spiral it was a task to stay on the ground regardless. "Excellent, great to meet you Kazuto~ A fighter? That might be useful, I'm not much for getting into a scrap but when needed I can."

That made the Spiral pause, never actually being questioned on what an Infectionist Practitioner was, "Plaguebringer does her work I merely tamper with all things vile to see if I can create something more vile in her honor. Not publicly acceptible but, it is fulfilling enough. You'd be amazed what certain unpleasant types will pay for a packet of illness."

Not to mention most of his customers were of the one visit kind, Conner was sure he knew why. "But you are correct that I am Plague, I'd ask what you've heard of us, but I cannot believe it is anything less than 'grotesque'. "
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Kazuto rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Guardians are quite knowledgeable, though trying to get anything out of them is like trying to pull out scales. Let's just focus on finding somebody. You never know, even Fae's have been known to have some information, even if they are small enough, and twittery enough, to be somebody's lunch."

Kazuto sniffed the still air, hoping to get some sort of scent. He got nothing. "Well, as long as you can protect yourself, I'm more of a solitary fighter so I'll apologise in advance if i forget that you're there. As for the Plague flight, I haven't heard much of anything. I'm something of a loner, so I don't get much in the way of gossip. I prefer to get as much information as i can before I judge, your flight is no different."

He noticed the Spiral struggling to walk and sighed. "Why don't we fly for a bit? You look like you're having some trouble staying on the ground, and we have a better chance of seeing others from the sky than the ground."

Kazuto rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Guardians are quite knowledgeable, though trying to get anything out of them is like trying to pull out scales. Let's just focus on finding somebody. You never know, even Fae's have been known to have some information, even if they are small enough, and twittery enough, to be somebody's lunch."

Kazuto sniffed the still air, hoping to get some sort of scent. He got nothing. "Well, as long as you can protect yourself, I'm more of a solitary fighter so I'll apologise in advance if i forget that you're there. As for the Plague flight, I haven't heard much of anything. I'm something of a loner, so I don't get much in the way of gossip. I prefer to get as much information as i can before I judge, your flight is no different."

He noticed the Spiral struggling to walk and sighed. "Why don't we fly for a bit? You look like you're having some trouble staying on the ground, and we have a better chance of seeing others from the sky than the ground."