

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Make some friends!- a open FR rp
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So this RP is mostly because my dragons have never been roleplayed before and therefore have no friends.... so this RP is for anyone's dragons to make friends :) The story will take place when my dragons were hatchlings. Rules: Keep it PG-13, they're just hatchlings after all. Be nice, and remember it takes time to write. I don't mind how long your paragraphs are, write as much as you feel is needed Dragons i'm using: Anuvien: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Karkat: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] My next post will be the starting paragraph :)
So this RP is mostly because my dragons have never been roleplayed before and therefore have no friends.... so this RP is for anyone's dragons to make friends :)
The story will take place when my dragons were hatchlings.
Keep it PG-13, they're just hatchlings after all.
Be nice, and remember it takes time to write.
I don't mind how long your paragraphs are, write as much as you feel is needed

Dragons i'm using:


My next post will be the starting paragraph :)
Anuvien was having quite a hard time keeping still as she and Karkat waited for their new 'friends'. Her parents had set this whole thing up as a way to get her out of her corner of the cave. After all, all she came out of there for was the occasional meal. She sighed, re-adjusted her way-too-large goggles back into place and turned her head to her adopted brother, who was becoming restless as well. "Do you think they'll come soon?" he asked Anuvien. "Probably, momma said they'd be here. And momma never lies." Karkat nods in response, and try to sit quietly, anxiously waiting for the other hatchlings to arrive.
Anuvien was having quite a hard time keeping still as she and Karkat waited for their new 'friends'. Her parents had set this whole thing up as a way to get her out of her corner of the cave. After all, all she came out of there for was the occasional meal. She sighed, re-adjusted her way-too-large goggles back into place and turned her head to her adopted brother, who was becoming restless as well. "Do you think they'll come soon?" he asked Anuvien. "Probably, momma said they'd be here. And momma never lies." Karkat nods in response, and try to sit quietly, anxiously waiting for the other hatchlings to arrive.
@Miscombom [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Saeurella was having a grand old time spiralling through the air while Lyanna led her to a certain meeting place. She'd told her that she was coming here to make new friends, and Sae was very excited. She giggled and spun on the gentle breeze, almost hitting her familiar on the head as she floated nearby. Arya would have been having fun here too, she thought, but nooooo, she was 'too old' for this, and too busy playing chess with Isacaar. Sae bet she liked him. Lyanna led Sae down to a clearing, trying to keep her out of the knots in the trees as they descended. Sae got a bit preoccupied staring at the glowing lightning rune hovering above her forehead and crash-landed into some soft ground, unharmed. She got up, giggling and untying herself. She saw two other hatchlings there too. "Ly-ly, those must be the new friends!" She laughed, pointing them out. "Yes little one," Lyanna said patiently. "Why don't you go say hello?" Sae giggle again and approached the two hatchlings, waving with a tiny hand. "Hi! I'm Sae, what's your name?" (((As you can see, my Sae is very silly and happy. Hopefully your dragons will like her!)))


Saeurella was having a grand old time spiralling through the air while Lyanna led her to a certain meeting place. She'd told her that she was coming here to make new friends, and Sae was very excited. She giggled and spun on the gentle breeze, almost hitting her familiar on the head as she floated nearby. Arya would have been having fun here too, she thought, but nooooo, she was 'too old' for this, and too busy playing chess with Isacaar. Sae bet she liked him.
Lyanna led Sae down to a clearing, trying to keep her out of the knots in the trees as they descended. Sae got a bit preoccupied staring at the glowing lightning rune hovering above her forehead and crash-landed into some soft ground, unharmed. She got up, giggling and untying herself. She saw two other hatchlings there too.
"Ly-ly, those must be the new friends!" She laughed, pointing them out.
"Yes little one," Lyanna said patiently. "Why don't you go say hello?"
Sae giggle again and approached the two hatchlings, waving with a tiny hand. "Hi! I'm Sae, what's your name?"

(((As you can see, my Sae is very silly and happy. Hopefully your dragons will like her!)))
Anuvien waved her little hand at the newcomer, causing her goggles to tilt once again. Karkat grabbed her arm and set it back on the ground, obviously embarrassed of the navy spiral. "Hi. Karkat." He said, before returning his gaze to his sister. Anuvien seemed much more enthusiastic. "Hi there! Welcome to the Plague region! My name's Anuvien." She said to the other spiral, holding out her hand once again, but this time so that Sae could shake her hand. "Ignore my brother, he's a party pooper."
Anuvien waved her little hand at the newcomer, causing her goggles to tilt once again. Karkat grabbed her arm and set it back on the ground, obviously embarrassed of the navy spiral. "Hi. Karkat." He said, before returning his gaze to his sister. Anuvien seemed much more enthusiastic. "Hi there! Welcome to the Plague region! My name's Anuvien." She said to the other spiral, holding out her hand once again, but this time so that Sae could shake her hand. "Ignore my brother, he's a party pooper."
"Oh, the Plague region? That's where we are? No wonder everything smells funny!" Sae giggled, but Lyanna nudged her and said something in a different language before flying into a tree to supervise from afar.
"Sorry," Sae said hurriedly, "I just meant that it smells different than the Fire region, where I'm from!" She paused, then added, "My eyes are bluish because I'm Lightning, but I was adopted by my new family in the Ashfall Waste. It smells all smokey there, but you get used to it."
Sae laughed and crawled up to Karkat. "You two are brother and sister? Cool! I'm an only hatchling, I think." She looked crestfallen for a moment, but quickly recovered her bubbly attitude. "The Fire dragons call hatchlings 'sparks'! Cool huh? We have lots of different words for stuff. Do Plague dragons have anything like that?"
"Sae," Lyanna called from her perch, "give your friends a chance to speak."
Sae laughed and curled up on the ground. "Sorry, I'm a little hyper, meeting new friends and all!"
"Oh, the Plague region? That's where we are? No wonder everything smells funny!" Sae giggled, but Lyanna nudged her and said something in a different language before flying into a tree to supervise from afar.
"Sorry," Sae said hurriedly, "I just meant that it smells different than the Fire region, where I'm from!" She paused, then added, "My eyes are bluish because I'm Lightning, but I was adopted by my new family in the Ashfall Waste. It smells all smokey there, but you get used to it."
Sae laughed and crawled up to Karkat. "You two are brother and sister? Cool! I'm an only hatchling, I think." She looked crestfallen for a moment, but quickly recovered her bubbly attitude. "The Fire dragons call hatchlings 'sparks'! Cool huh? We have lots of different words for stuff. Do Plague dragons have anything like that?"
"Sae," Lyanna called from her perch, "give your friends a chance to speak."
Sae laughed and curled up on the ground. "Sorry, I'm a little hyper, meeting new friends and all!"
Anuvien giggled, and hugged karkat. "Yeah we're brother and sister. Our family's a little messed up though, I can't tell which one of us is adopted!" Karkat pushed Anuvien away. "What she means is she's an arcane dragon, but i'm Plague. Technically Her mother adopted me, but we live in the Plague region." He explained. "Oh, we have a couple different words for things. We call hatchlings spawns, and food catches. I'm sure there's other things too, but i'm too little to know those yet! And you're fine, i'm mostly a listen er anyways." Anuvien said to Sae, hoping she was making a good impression. "So... want to fly? I need to practice anyways." Karkat suggested to the two spirals.
Anuvien giggled, and hugged karkat. "Yeah we're brother and sister. Our family's a little messed up though, I can't tell which one of us is adopted!" Karkat pushed Anuvien away. "What she means is she's an arcane dragon, but i'm Plague. Technically Her mother adopted me, but we live in the Plague region." He explained. "Oh, we have a couple different words for things. We call hatchlings spawns, and food catches. I'm sure there's other things too, but i'm too little to know those yet! And you're fine, i'm mostly a listen er anyways." Anuvien said to Sae, hoping she was making a good impression. "So... want to fly? I need to practice anyways." Karkat suggested to the two spirals.
"Wow, complicated. my family's a bit weird too, and my clan in general. like, Ly-ly is sorta my mom and Arya is sorta my sister but none of us are related. haha!"
Saes little face lit up with excitement. "Yah I want to fly! Flying is the best thing in the world!" To emphasize her point, she took off into the air and hovered about three metres off the ground and did a little flip, giggling all the while. "Where ya want to go? Ooh! Lets go see your lair! I've never seen the Plague region before, and I have no idea what a lair would look like." Sae was absolutely buzzing with happiness. New friends that liked flying!
"Wow, complicated. my family's a bit weird too, and my clan in general. like, Ly-ly is sorta my mom and Arya is sorta my sister but none of us are related. haha!"
Saes little face lit up with excitement. "Yah I want to fly! Flying is the best thing in the world!" To emphasize her point, she took off into the air and hovered about three metres off the ground and did a little flip, giggling all the while. "Where ya want to go? Ooh! Lets go see your lair! I've never seen the Plague region before, and I have no idea what a lair would look like." Sae was absolutely buzzing with happiness. New friends that liked flying!
"Sure, I guess we can show you around the lair." Karkat agreed before flying in the direction that led to their lair. "C'mon, we have some food there you might like!" Anu yelled towards Sae, flying off in chase of her brother. ~~~~~~~~~ Once they reached the lair, a white, seraph dragon welcomed them back. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Oh, come to show your new friends the lair, if i'm correct?" Both hatchlings nodded before heading toward the nesting area. "Be careful!" Penny called out to her hatchlings and Sae as they left the room. "Ok, so this is where I sleep, and this is where karkat sleeps, and this is where momma used to sleep before she had to take care of the egg!" Anu explained to Sae excitedly.
"Sure, I guess we can show you around the lair." Karkat agreed before flying in the direction that led to their lair. "C'mon, we have some food there you might like!" Anu yelled towards Sae, flying off in chase of her brother.
Once they reached the lair, a white, seraph dragon welcomed them back.


"Oh, come to show your new friends the lair, if i'm correct?" Both hatchlings nodded before heading toward the nesting area. "Be careful!" Penny called out to her hatchlings and Sae as they left the room.

"Ok, so this is where I sleep, and this is where karkat sleeps, and this is where momma used to sleep before she had to take care of the egg!" Anu explained to Sae excitedly.
(( Kit the Mirror male is the dragon I'll be RPing... hope I'm not late or anything! uwu P.S., gotta love that Homestuck-themed Fae! [points at vauge Homestuck reference in username and gives a thumbs up] )) [img][/img] --------------- Kit was bounding across the ground, nearly tripping over his own feet in anticipation of meeting new dragons. He'd only ever had playtime with Jordan, but he wasn't fun at all! He never liked to wrestle or anything. So boring. When Eto had decided to bring him here, he'd been counting down the moments! Eto was close behind him, taking careful strides as though she would fall into a trap at any moment. Kit didn't understand why she was being so wary, but he didn't really care either. "Alright, I'm going to leave you here and pick you up later. Play fair, and don't be a dimwit! Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of me," Eto's stern voice made Kit jump, stop and turn around to face her. Kit nodded with his oversized head, nearly toppling over. Eto huffed and turned to leave, giving him one last gentle flick to the face with her tail before bounding and gliding off. Kit turned and looked at what lay before him. He didn't see any dragons around, or at least, ones he was interested in. In the distance he saw a cave of some sort, and it looked better than where he was at. He flapped his wings clumsily, and made his way over by half-flying half-stumbling. He was greeted by a pretty white-and-purple Fae, and he suddenly got a little nervous. "H-Hello, Eto told me that there were other hatchlings to play with here," he explained. In the distance he heard voices, but he didn't want to be rude and just run off without saying hello and explaining his presence to the older dragon.
(( Kit the Mirror male is the dragon I'll be RPing... hope I'm not late or anything! uwu P.S., gotta love that Homestuck-themed Fae! [points at vauge Homestuck reference in username and gives a thumbs up] ))


Kit was bounding across the ground, nearly tripping over his own feet in anticipation of meeting new dragons. He'd only ever had playtime with Jordan, but he wasn't fun at all! He never liked to wrestle or anything. So boring. When Eto had decided to bring him here, he'd been counting down the moments! Eto was close behind him, taking careful strides as though she would fall into a trap at any moment. Kit didn't understand why she was being so wary, but he didn't really care either.

"Alright, I'm going to leave you here and pick you up later. Play fair, and don't be a dimwit! Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of me," Eto's stern voice made Kit jump, stop and turn around to face her. Kit nodded with his oversized head, nearly toppling over. Eto huffed and turned to leave, giving him one last gentle flick to the face with her tail before bounding and gliding off.

Kit turned and looked at what lay before him. He didn't see any dragons around, or at least, ones he was interested in. In the distance he saw a cave of some sort, and it looked better than where he was at. He flapped his wings clumsily, and made his way over by half-flying half-stumbling. He was greeted by a pretty white-and-purple Fae, and he suddenly got a little nervous. "H-Hello, Eto told me that there were other hatchlings to play with here," he explained. In the distance he heard voices, but he didn't want to be rude and just run off without saying hello and explaining his presence to the older dragon.
@redromblackrom @PhoenixGirl513
Penny was startled by the newcomer, but smiled sweetly to the hatchling. "Oh, yes, they're in the nest room, right over there." she points to the north-west tunnel.
((Sorry for not much in this post but what my username had a homestuck ref that was unintentional but awesome))
@redromblackrom @PhoenixGirl513
Penny was startled by the newcomer, but smiled sweetly to the hatchling. "Oh, yes, they're in the nest room, right over there." she points to the north-west tunnel.
((Sorry for not much in this post but what my username had a homestuck ref that was unintentional but awesome))
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