

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Make some friends!- a open FR rp
@Miscombob @redromblackrom

Sae slithered around the nest room excitedly, noticing the strangeness of the lair. At home, there were always fires burning, at least one in every room, but there were none to be found here. She flew over to Anu. "So, you got any tunnels or cracks you like to go through? I have tons at home, they're like special little secret passages into all the rooms!"
@Miscombob @redromblackrom

Sae slithered around the nest room excitedly, noticing the strangeness of the lair. At home, there were always fires burning, at least one in every room, but there were none to be found here. She flew over to Anu. "So, you got any tunnels or cracks you like to go through? I have tons at home, they're like special little secret passages into all the rooms!"
@Miscombob @PhoenixGirl513

((Ahaha, no sorry, I meant my username. I wasn't very clear about that now that I look back at it! ''ewe ))

"Thanks, lady," Kit said and ran off into the tunnel. The voices got louder, and he could hear someone talking excitedly about something. This would be fun. Bursting into the room, he examined the dragons there. There was one Fae, gray-and-red, and two Spirals, one dark blue and the other vibrant red. They looked fun. "Hiya," Kit exclaimed, now unsure what to say. "I'm Kit!"
@Miscombob @PhoenixGirl513

((Ahaha, no sorry, I meant my username. I wasn't very clear about that now that I look back at it! ''ewe ))

"Thanks, lady," Kit said and ran off into the tunnel. The voices got louder, and he could hear someone talking excitedly about something. This would be fun. Bursting into the room, he examined the dragons there. There was one Fae, gray-and-red, and two Spirals, one dark blue and the other vibrant red. They looked fun. "Hiya," Kit exclaimed, now unsure what to say. "I'm Kit!"
@redromblackrom @PhoenixGirl513
Anu turned to the new comer and ran up to him. "Hi! What's your name? Mine's Anu, and over there's my brother Karkat and Sae!" She waved to the others, and Karkat joined up with his sister. "Hi. What's your name?" he asked.
@redromblackrom @PhoenixGirl513
Anu turned to the new comer and ran up to him. "Hi! What's your name? Mine's Anu, and over there's my brother Karkat and Sae!" She waved to the others, and Karkat joined up with his sister. "Hi. What's your name?" he asked.
@Miscombob @PhoenixGirl513

Kit crouched down playfully, his butt sticking into the air and head low to the ground. "I'm Kit! Nice to meet you, Anu, Karkat and Sae," he greeted happily. "What are you guys doing? Can I join?" Kit wasn't used to this kind of place, so closed in. It was strange, but he didn't mind it too much.
@Miscombob @PhoenixGirl513

Kit crouched down playfully, his butt sticking into the air and head low to the ground. "I'm Kit! Nice to meet you, Anu, Karkat and Sae," he greeted happily. "What are you guys doing? Can I join?" Kit wasn't used to this kind of place, so closed in. It was strange, but he didn't mind it too much.
@redromblackrom @Miscombob

"Hiya!" Sae squealed excitedly, "I was looking for secret passages, but what do you guys feel like doing?" She was particularly interested in exploring this strange new region, so different from the lava and smoke she was used to.
@redromblackrom @Miscombob

"Hiya!" Sae squealed excitedly, "I was looking for secret passages, but what do you guys feel like doing?" She was particularly interested in exploring this strange new region, so different from the lava and smoke she was used to.
@PhoenixGirl513 @redromblackrom

"Sure! We've got tons of tunnels in our cave! There's the hoard, the mess hall, and lots more!" Anu said very excitedly, already running out of the nesting cave, leaving the rest behind. "Anu wait! Where are you going?!" Karkat yelled before gesturing towards the two others to follow him, and ran after his sister.
@PhoenixGirl513 @redromblackrom

"Sure! We've got tons of tunnels in our cave! There's the hoard, the mess hall, and lots more!" Anu said very excitedly, already running out of the nesting cave, leaving the rest behind. "Anu wait! Where are you going?!" Karkat yelled before gesturing towards the two others to follow him, and ran after his sister.
@Miscombob @PhoenixGirl513

Kit scrambled behind the two others, occasionally checking behind him for Sae. This place was so different than the Windswept Plateau, it was fun to look at while they ran. He would have liked to stop and explorer, but he trusted Anu to bring them somewhere fun. It would be super fun to play hide-and-seek in tunnels! What if he ran into a big dragon though? He didn't really want to think about that, so he focused on not tripping over his own feet.
@Miscombob @PhoenixGirl513

Kit scrambled behind the two others, occasionally checking behind him for Sae. This place was so different than the Windswept Plateau, it was fun to look at while they ran. He would have liked to stop and explorer, but he trusted Anu to bring them somewhere fun. It would be super fun to play hide-and-seek in tunnels! What if he ran into a big dragon though? He didn't really want to think about that, so he focused on not tripping over his own feet.
@redromblackrom @Miscombob

Sae was right behind them, but instead of walking or flying she was scaling the walls and ceiling, easily slipping her tiny claws into abundant cracks and crevices on the surface and having a grand old time. Hide and seek in tunnels? She couldn't even do that at home! She was absolutely buzzing with the hyperactivity typical of young spirals.
@redromblackrom @Miscombob

Sae was right behind them, but instead of walking or flying she was scaling the walls and ceiling, easily slipping her tiny claws into abundant cracks and crevices on the surface and having a grand old time. Hide and seek in tunnels? She couldn't even do that at home! She was absolutely buzzing with the hyperactivity typical of young spirals.
@PhoenixGirl513 @redromblackrom
As the group of dragons chased Anu, it seemed they were going quite far. Eventually, Karkat caught up with Anu. But his face went from relief to frightened as he realized where they were. The ground was no longer the pale color of the Plague region, but the grassy of the training grounds. 'What was Anu thinking?! Bringing us here?! We could get hurt, or worse, killed!!'
@PhoenixGirl513 @redromblackrom
As the group of dragons chased Anu, it seemed they were going quite far. Eventually, Karkat caught up with Anu. But his face went from relief to frightened as he realized where they were. The ground was no longer the pale color of the Plague region, but the grassy of the training grounds. 'What was Anu thinking?! Bringing us here?! We could get hurt, or worse, killed!!'
@Miscombob @redromblackrom

"Nope nope nope NOPE." Sae back pedalled a bit when she recognized where she was. "Anu, why did you bring us here?" she whispered, "We should go back to your lair..."
@Miscombob @redromblackrom

"Nope nope nope NOPE." Sae back pedalled a bit when she recognized where she was. "Anu, why did you bring us here?" she whispered, "We should go back to your lair..."