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Welcome To the Crossroads

Anomalies, something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. These occurrences happen all over the world at any given time, on any given day. These events can be caused through extreme friction to rogue particles drifting from the sun that could create a deviation from the normal flow, ripping the current plane of reality open. There are many places through out the world that contain anomalies in constant motion and those that are dormant. Occasionally, a person, creature or being can become trapped by these events and slip through this fine line. This place is what has come to be known as, 'The Crossroads'.

At first glance what would seem to be a stark plane of existence begins to sketch itself out. Above and below and all around you can find yourself surrounded. Surrounded by the white flow of energy but also by doors. Many, many doors. All shapes and sizes, colors and designs. The massive amount of these edifices begin to paint the once stark landscape with wild colors. It becomes a mesmerizing fantasy for the eyes to see so much coexist within one place. Sadly, they cannot be touched or opened. One can try, but they will fail. For only one door may open at a time and where they might lead is unknown. The wonder that started to build begins to slowly fade away to a core feeling...

In the middle of all this, is you. Lost in the mishmash of pathways. If one comes to find themselves in this place an attendant will meet them. They will be asked a question and await a response. The response being in the unlocking of a door. Be warned traveler, through one door leads to another and from that door to one more. There are many trials, battles and events that must be conquered to escape this place. Strangers, enemies and friends can be gained and lost... Be warned! You must reach the 'The Observer' to find your door... your home... your purpose.

Welcome to the Crossroads
You are being watched...

1. No Godmodding
2. Unauthorized Controlling of other Characters
3. Adult themes are fine. Keep cybering out.
4. If I think of it. I will add more rules.

.::Quick Guide::.

Crossroads is an open role-play. The best way to impact your character into the story is either to have them enter the crossroads or exist within the current world. Unless you wish to build up a solo story before interaction. There are many different planes and worlds we will travel through. I will keep a small guide here for any new joiners.

The Attendant within the crossroads can completely vary from a disembodied voice to an actual desk clerk. Have free range with it.

.::Character Sheets::.
Fill out the form to tell us who you will be. You are free to use dragon characters from the site.

Name: Sir Blah of Boreville
Gender: Male? Female?
Race: Dragon? Human? Elf? Broomsticks?!
Skills: Can ya shoot fireballs or what?
Personality: Write down your characters redeeming features.
Background: What has made them so far?
Specialty: Anything else you can think of?

.::Current Location::.

A single traveler has found themselves lost within the Crossroads. There are many decisions left for them to decide...

Welcome To the Crossroads

Anomalies, something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. These occurrences happen all over the world at any given time, on any given day. These events can be caused through extreme friction to rogue particles drifting from the sun that could create a deviation from the normal flow, ripping the current plane of reality open. There are many places through out the world that contain anomalies in constant motion and those that are dormant. Occasionally, a person, creature or being can become trapped by these events and slip through this fine line. This place is what has come to be known as, 'The Crossroads'.

At first glance what would seem to be a stark plane of existence begins to sketch itself out. Above and below and all around you can find yourself surrounded. Surrounded by the white flow of energy but also by doors. Many, many doors. All shapes and sizes, colors and designs. The massive amount of these edifices begin to paint the once stark landscape with wild colors. It becomes a mesmerizing fantasy for the eyes to see so much coexist within one place. Sadly, they cannot be touched or opened. One can try, but they will fail. For only one door may open at a time and where they might lead is unknown. The wonder that started to build begins to slowly fade away to a core feeling...

In the middle of all this, is you. Lost in the mishmash of pathways. If one comes to find themselves in this place an attendant will meet them. They will be asked a question and await a response. The response being in the unlocking of a door. Be warned traveler, through one door leads to another and from that door to one more. There are many trials, battles and events that must be conquered to escape this place. Strangers, enemies and friends can be gained and lost... Be warned! You must reach the 'The Observer' to find your door... your home... your purpose.

Welcome to the Crossroads
You are being watched...

1. No Godmodding
2. Unauthorized Controlling of other Characters
3. Adult themes are fine. Keep cybering out.
4. If I think of it. I will add more rules.

.::Quick Guide::.

Crossroads is an open role-play. The best way to impact your character into the story is either to have them enter the crossroads or exist within the current world. Unless you wish to build up a solo story before interaction. There are many different planes and worlds we will travel through. I will keep a small guide here for any new joiners.

The Attendant within the crossroads can completely vary from a disembodied voice to an actual desk clerk. Have free range with it.

.::Character Sheets::.
Fill out the form to tell us who you will be. You are free to use dragon characters from the site.

Name: Sir Blah of Boreville
Gender: Male? Female?
Race: Dragon? Human? Elf? Broomsticks?!
Skills: Can ya shoot fireballs or what?
Personality: Write down your characters redeeming features.
Background: What has made them so far?
Specialty: Anything else you can think of?

.::Current Location::.

A single traveler has found themselves lost within the Crossroads. There are many decisions left for them to decide...
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
Name: Trill
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Skills: Siren-Caller, the ability of enchanting words and songs into a physical force of defense or offensive means.
Personality: Trill is a common lady. Old enough to be over silly growing up games and young enough to still be searching for what the world means. She is very straight forward but not enough to cause any hard feelings on purpose. She has a calming demeanor that can snap into a rage if she feels betrayed.
Background: She came from a typical world where there are low-class to royalty. She found herself to be raised within the middle within the main cities Siren-Caller regiment. Her talent has caused her many troubles throughout her life. There was a time she would not speak, and was banned from her local home. She won't say but something awful still haunts her. She loves to sing freely but it was at an early age they found her talent to be used better as a weapon than a weaving of marvels. One day she decided to just not show up for the days routine and went out into the hills for a trip. There many old legends that fascinated her of the surrounding wilderness. Doors, demons and all sorts of mythical creatures. This is where she found the door...
Specialty: She has spent little time learning metallurgy and glass-blowing. She finds it wonderful to sing enchantments into them.

The world seemed to spin over and over again. Trill squinted her eyes shut as hard as she could, feeling like she was spinning in every direction. She was starting to get motion sickness. She brought a hand up to her mouth and regurgitated into her mouth before choking it back down begrudgingly. It was starting to become too much and she felt like this was it. She was going to just throw up all over herself before a hard thud met her bodies next thoughts. The pain surged through her left arm and hip, landing heavily on her side. A large grunt and groan escaped her lips as she struggled to get to her hands and knees. Her head still spun all the while as everything started to settle down. While she felt the ground, when she opened her eyes she saw nothing but heard a rythmatic hum buzz all around her. Once her eyes and head leveled out she looked up, startled and amazed by all there was. Doors. So many of them. What is this? Where was this? Last she knew she was standing against a rock wall with an indent to shelter herself from a passing thunderstorm. She slowly stood up, grasping her knees for leverage since there seemed to be nothing to grab onto. Now, the colors started to seep across the place. The doors she saw now began to bleed with colors. Each door dripped and little pools puddled below them. She walked over to one. A door that looked like it could have been a cubby hole in someones closet. It was a dark green, wooden door with iron hinges. Something typical where she came from. She reached a shakey hand out to the puddled. It began to vibrate and shot up. She stumbled back startled as the colors began to mesh together and pool a few feet away. They swirled together in a colorful vortex that began to take the shape of a... a dog? No, a lizard? Wait... a dragon. It seemed like a good enough observation. It sort of resembled a lizard with its elongated body, long neck and broad head. It as just the little wings that put her off and the hooved feet. The dragons body swirled with color and motion as it turned its attention to her.

"Hello, and welcome to the Crossroads.", came a soothing voice from the massive head. It leaned forward and observed Trill closely, shifting and rotating around her whole person. Trill began to get annoyed more than afraid now. What was it looking for? Money? HAH. She wish she had some. "Um, excuse me. What are you looking for?" She asked warily. The creature began to chuckle at her question and swirled away back to its original position. The dragon sat quiet for a moment, letting the patterns along its skin mix and meld, loop and twirl as if it was thinking with them. It turned its head to Trill with a simple question, "Why are you here?"[/I] Trill scoffed, taken back at the question.

"How should I know? It sort of.. just happened." She threw her arms into the air in frustration with a small step forward. The drake jerked back, watching her movements closely as she ranted on. Once she quieted down the drake moved forward once more and circled the door Trill observed earlier. "There are many doors here, you know. You must enter one and move forward." The voice vibrated through her being, its eyes shimmered white through the rainbow of colors. Trill looked down at her feet, framed out by the stark white floor. Apparently it was right, there was no where to go other than through a door. Trill walked forward, raising a hand to touch the door as her fingers passed through it like water. She blinked and pulled back, Why "How can I do that than?" She directed her question to herself more than the drake. The colorful being moved beside her once more, looking her straight in the face, asking once more.

"Why are you here."
Name: Trill
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Skills: Siren-Caller, the ability of enchanting words and songs into a physical force of defense or offensive means.
Personality: Trill is a common lady. Old enough to be over silly growing up games and young enough to still be searching for what the world means. She is very straight forward but not enough to cause any hard feelings on purpose. She has a calming demeanor that can snap into a rage if she feels betrayed.
Background: She came from a typical world where there are low-class to royalty. She found herself to be raised within the middle within the main cities Siren-Caller regiment. Her talent has caused her many troubles throughout her life. There was a time she would not speak, and was banned from her local home. She won't say but something awful still haunts her. She loves to sing freely but it was at an early age they found her talent to be used better as a weapon than a weaving of marvels. One day she decided to just not show up for the days routine and went out into the hills for a trip. There many old legends that fascinated her of the surrounding wilderness. Doors, demons and all sorts of mythical creatures. This is where she found the door...
Specialty: She has spent little time learning metallurgy and glass-blowing. She finds it wonderful to sing enchantments into them.

The world seemed to spin over and over again. Trill squinted her eyes shut as hard as she could, feeling like she was spinning in every direction. She was starting to get motion sickness. She brought a hand up to her mouth and regurgitated into her mouth before choking it back down begrudgingly. It was starting to become too much and she felt like this was it. She was going to just throw up all over herself before a hard thud met her bodies next thoughts. The pain surged through her left arm and hip, landing heavily on her side. A large grunt and groan escaped her lips as she struggled to get to her hands and knees. Her head still spun all the while as everything started to settle down. While she felt the ground, when she opened her eyes she saw nothing but heard a rythmatic hum buzz all around her. Once her eyes and head leveled out she looked up, startled and amazed by all there was. Doors. So many of them. What is this? Where was this? Last she knew she was standing against a rock wall with an indent to shelter herself from a passing thunderstorm. She slowly stood up, grasping her knees for leverage since there seemed to be nothing to grab onto. Now, the colors started to seep across the place. The doors she saw now began to bleed with colors. Each door dripped and little pools puddled below them. She walked over to one. A door that looked like it could have been a cubby hole in someones closet. It was a dark green, wooden door with iron hinges. Something typical where she came from. She reached a shakey hand out to the puddled. It began to vibrate and shot up. She stumbled back startled as the colors began to mesh together and pool a few feet away. They swirled together in a colorful vortex that began to take the shape of a... a dog? No, a lizard? Wait... a dragon. It seemed like a good enough observation. It sort of resembled a lizard with its elongated body, long neck and broad head. It as just the little wings that put her off and the hooved feet. The dragons body swirled with color and motion as it turned its attention to her.

"Hello, and welcome to the Crossroads.", came a soothing voice from the massive head. It leaned forward and observed Trill closely, shifting and rotating around her whole person. Trill began to get annoyed more than afraid now. What was it looking for? Money? HAH. She wish she had some. "Um, excuse me. What are you looking for?" She asked warily. The creature began to chuckle at her question and swirled away back to its original position. The dragon sat quiet for a moment, letting the patterns along its skin mix and meld, loop and twirl as if it was thinking with them. It turned its head to Trill with a simple question, "Why are you here?"[/I] Trill scoffed, taken back at the question.

"How should I know? It sort of.. just happened." She threw her arms into the air in frustration with a small step forward. The drake jerked back, watching her movements closely as she ranted on. Once she quieted down the drake moved forward once more and circled the door Trill observed earlier. "There are many doors here, you know. You must enter one and move forward." The voice vibrated through her being, its eyes shimmered white through the rainbow of colors. Trill looked down at her feet, framed out by the stark white floor. Apparently it was right, there was no where to go other than through a door. Trill walked forward, raising a hand to touch the door as her fingers passed through it like water. She blinked and pulled back, Why "How can I do that than?" She directed her question to herself more than the drake. The colorful being moved beside her once more, looking her straight in the face, asking once more.

"Why are you here."
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
Several long minutes passed before Trill turned her gaze away. She began to pace back and forth, looking for any reason that seemed logical enough. "I dont know 'why' I'm here but I know why I skipped out on training." she silently reflected back on earlier events. In the morning before her usual routine, she deviated from work to enjoy what had looked like the beginning of a wonderful day. Obviously it became much more but this was nothing of the sort she expected. The air continuously buzzed with hums and vibrations. She swore it was almost like someone whispering. She grumbled at the thought of the word, whispering. It was part of the reason she did not want to go to training today. The previous day a group of her comrades began whispering and stiffling laughter after she was asked to demonstrate a minor trap song. She had made a mistake in the weaving that resulted in bigger ditch than expected to crack open the ground. She had fallen into it, luckily only receiving minor scrapes.

The ethereal colored drake swirled around her endlessly. Its colors dancing with every twist and turn of its body. Patiently it waited for her to speak, checking every door it passed and circling most of them twice. Trill began to come out her thoughts and looked about for the drake. It gracefully swooped down, cocking its h3ad to the side awaiting her answer. Trill sighed heavily, letting her shoulders loosen up before finally speaking. "Its boring there.. thats why Im here. I saw the lights start to gather before it formed the gap that sucked me in. I wanted it too..." The drake remained quiet and swirled off into the distance, settling near a newer door. Trill slowly followed, coming up to a medium sized door with crazy etchings. There were little creatures all over it and scenary after scenary. All intricately placed and inter twining. She looked to the drake, "So, what? Am I going home now?" The drake shook its head. Turning its void gaze at the door.

"There is turmoil beyond this door. The inhabitants are fighting over scarce resources during a difficult time. " The colorful beast looked to Trill. She started back confused as to why this concerned her. Really, what does it think she could do? "The Observer has set a door somewhere inside for you to find. Find it by use of any means. " It began to leave. The only thing that seemed to live in this desolate place. Trill called out, confused, looking from the door to the dragon. "Wait! What? Who is that? Where are you going? It twisted and turned, spiraling as its colors began to fade and meld into the blank space between the doors. "The Observer. He has invited you here. I cant say why but he interested. Come find him." It dissipated near the end of the sentence leaving Trill standing dumbfounded and angry. She mumbled a few curse words under her breath before taking a deep breath and exhaling. The door stood behind her. She turned and walked up to it taking in all it had to offer in artistry. A soft click and clack filled the air and her eyes shot to the handle. She waited to see if someone was coming through. ....Nobody. Rolling her shoulders and mustering her thoughts she took grip of the knob and passed through with one last mutter, "Better than standing here.."
Several long minutes passed before Trill turned her gaze away. She began to pace back and forth, looking for any reason that seemed logical enough. "I dont know 'why' I'm here but I know why I skipped out on training." she silently reflected back on earlier events. In the morning before her usual routine, she deviated from work to enjoy what had looked like the beginning of a wonderful day. Obviously it became much more but this was nothing of the sort she expected. The air continuously buzzed with hums and vibrations. She swore it was almost like someone whispering. She grumbled at the thought of the word, whispering. It was part of the reason she did not want to go to training today. The previous day a group of her comrades began whispering and stiffling laughter after she was asked to demonstrate a minor trap song. She had made a mistake in the weaving that resulted in bigger ditch than expected to crack open the ground. She had fallen into it, luckily only receiving minor scrapes.

The ethereal colored drake swirled around her endlessly. Its colors dancing with every twist and turn of its body. Patiently it waited for her to speak, checking every door it passed and circling most of them twice. Trill began to come out her thoughts and looked about for the drake. It gracefully swooped down, cocking its h3ad to the side awaiting her answer. Trill sighed heavily, letting her shoulders loosen up before finally speaking. "Its boring there.. thats why Im here. I saw the lights start to gather before it formed the gap that sucked me in. I wanted it too..." The drake remained quiet and swirled off into the distance, settling near a newer door. Trill slowly followed, coming up to a medium sized door with crazy etchings. There were little creatures all over it and scenary after scenary. All intricately placed and inter twining. She looked to the drake, "So, what? Am I going home now?" The drake shook its head. Turning its void gaze at the door.

"There is turmoil beyond this door. The inhabitants are fighting over scarce resources during a difficult time. " The colorful beast looked to Trill. She started back confused as to why this concerned her. Really, what does it think she could do? "The Observer has set a door somewhere inside for you to find. Find it by use of any means. " It began to leave. The only thing that seemed to live in this desolate place. Trill called out, confused, looking from the door to the dragon. "Wait! What? Who is that? Where are you going? It twisted and turned, spiraling as its colors began to fade and meld into the blank space between the doors. "The Observer. He has invited you here. I cant say why but he interested. Come find him." It dissipated near the end of the sentence leaving Trill standing dumbfounded and angry. She mumbled a few curse words under her breath before taking a deep breath and exhaling. The door stood behind her. She turned and walked up to it taking in all it had to offer in artistry. A soft click and clack filled the air and her eyes shot to the handle. She waited to see if someone was coming through. ....Nobody. Rolling her shoulders and mustering her thoughts she took grip of the knob and passed through with one last mutter, "Better than standing here.."
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
(( Please give any critique or questions so that I can make the story better or clear up any confusion. :3 ))
(( Please give any critique or questions so that I can make the story better or clear up any confusion. :3 ))
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
@common5 I'll join! Although I am not quite sure where to start. XD Do the characters meet up? Name: Kir of the Hikari no Megami clan Gender: Male Race: Dragon Skills: Good with physical attacks. Can shoot a ball of light at the enemy after absorbing energy from battle(quite a bit weaker than using his claws). Telepathy. He's good at it. Personality: calm, collected, and cunning. He is a trickster and enjoys being near danger. Background: He is from the world of FlightRising. He used to live in the Light Flight, but he ran away because he felt no one truly cared about him. From there he stumbled into the "Crossroads." Now he's thrown into a room of doors. Specialty: His guide looks like a Fire Sprite and he is vulnerable to loneliness, females, and other mind readers. Also, he is a young adult. Image: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@common5 I'll join! Although I am not quite sure where to start. XD Do the characters meet up?

Name: Kir of the Hikari no Megami clan
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon
Skills: Good with physical attacks. Can shoot a ball of light at the enemy after absorbing energy from battle(quite a bit weaker than using his claws). Telepathy. He's good at it.
Personality: calm, collected, and cunning. He is a trickster and enjoys being near danger.
Background: He is from the world of FlightRising. He used to live in the Light Flight, but he ran away because he felt no one truly cared about him. From there he stumbled into the "Crossroads." Now he's thrown into a room of doors.
Specialty: His guide looks like a Fire Sprite and he is vulnerable to loneliness, females, and other mind readers. Also, he is a young adult.

@ raksha18 ((Woots! You can join any way. I didn't have her walk through the door yet so maybe have him rush off and push them both through in his haste. So they can immediately interact. :3 ))
@ raksha18 ((Woots! You can join any way. I didn't have her walk through the door yet so maybe have him rush off and push them both through in his haste. So they can immediately interact. :3 ))
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
Kir felt lost and confused. A room of doors... What is this? he thought. Suddenly, Kir felt his mind race and his muscles tense. He felt as if someone was watching him, and he didn't like it. In a moment of adrenaline, he sprinted through the room full of doors. As he turned a corner frantically he ran into a woman going through a door. Unable to stop himself, he crashed into her. This forced them both through the door. He roared in surprise as they fell through.

@common5 (( Sorry for short posts. DX Writers block.. ))
Kir felt lost and confused. A room of doors... What is this? he thought. Suddenly, Kir felt his mind race and his muscles tense. He felt as if someone was watching him, and he didn't like it. In a moment of adrenaline, he sprinted through the room full of doors. As he turned a corner frantically he ran into a woman going through a door. Unable to stop himself, he crashed into her. This forced them both through the door. He roared in surprise as they fell through.

@common5 (( Sorry for short posts. DX Writers block.. ))
The next thing Trill felt was a hard force slam into her back and force her through the door. She twirled in the air to watch the door slam shut as they fell into nothingness. Slowly it faded away into the scenery as if being erased by an artist. The two tumbled through space, than clouds and trees. The trees snapped and cracked under their weights, slapping the two all over with whipping branches and flat leaves. Trill groaned with every hit and even louder once her body met with the ground. Apparently falling was her new talent for the day and she rubbed her back, lucky that she fell on the opposite side earlier.

It than came to her, she wasn't alone. Something had pushed her through that door and fell here with her. She spun quickly, holding her head from spinning more. She stared for a long time, looking at the back of what seemed to be red... or maybe orange? It didn't move but she could hear its heavy breathes. What was this thing? Slowly she reached out a hand to touch between its wings. Wings. Yes, this thing had wings. How did something this massive fly?

(( @raksha18 Its okay. Haha. x3 We all get those. ))
The next thing Trill felt was a hard force slam into her back and force her through the door. She twirled in the air to watch the door slam shut as they fell into nothingness. Slowly it faded away into the scenery as if being erased by an artist. The two tumbled through space, than clouds and trees. The trees snapped and cracked under their weights, slapping the two all over with whipping branches and flat leaves. Trill groaned with every hit and even louder once her body met with the ground. Apparently falling was her new talent for the day and she rubbed her back, lucky that she fell on the opposite side earlier.

It than came to her, she wasn't alone. Something had pushed her through that door and fell here with her. She spun quickly, holding her head from spinning more. She stared for a long time, looking at the back of what seemed to be red... or maybe orange? It didn't move but she could hear its heavy breathes. What was this thing? Slowly she reached out a hand to touch between its wings. Wings. Yes, this thing had wings. How did something this massive fly?

(( @raksha18 Its okay. Haha. x3 We all get those. ))
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
Ugh. Artemis is already in sooooooooooo many roleplays... But... This one seems so good!
Ugh. Artemis is already in sooooooooooo many roleplays... But... This one seems so good!
(( @giftofartemis Never say never woman! ))
(( @giftofartemis Never say never woman! ))
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
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