

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Crossroads [[ Open ]]
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Kir cursed under his breath as he saw the door slam shut. Being unable to flip himself in mid air, he crashed to the ground with the creature he fell through the door with. He landed on his back with a loud thud.

He laid on the ground, trying to catch his breath when he remembered someone was down here with him. At that moment he felt something touch his back. Snorting loudly he rolled away from the touch and turned his head to face the..... creature? he fell with. He raised an eyebrow and sniffed at her face. He gave a curious growl and sat up with his muzzle still not far from the strange animal's face. He tilted his head and blatantly asked, "What are you?" His voice was deep and low, but friendly.

Kir cursed under his breath as he saw the door slam shut. Being unable to flip himself in mid air, he crashed to the ground with the creature he fell through the door with. He landed on his back with a loud thud.

He laid on the ground, trying to catch his breath when he remembered someone was down here with him. At that moment he felt something touch his back. Snorting loudly he rolled away from the touch and turned his head to face the..... creature? he fell with. He raised an eyebrow and sniffed at her face. He gave a curious growl and sat up with his muzzle still not far from the strange animal's face. He tilted his head and blatantly asked, "What are you?" His voice was deep and low, but friendly.

Trill sat back, nervous as this thing seemed to observe her. Its voice boomed in her ears which caused her to cover them. She looked around not sure how to respond to his question. It was obvious, wasn't it? "Um, I'm a human?" she laughed. Hopefully that would string some kind of relation to the creature.

Taking a moment to look at their surroundings, she found they were in the middle of what looked like an average forest. The sounds of animals and birds chirped lively. But something was off, it didn't feel like she belonged there. Her presence was unnatural despite the cool breeze she could feel against her cheeks. She turned her attention back on the lizard, slowly getting up to her feet, making sure not to startle him into aggression.
Trill sat back, nervous as this thing seemed to observe her. Its voice boomed in her ears which caused her to cover them. She looked around not sure how to respond to his question. It was obvious, wasn't it? "Um, I'm a human?" she laughed. Hopefully that would string some kind of relation to the creature.

Taking a moment to look at their surroundings, she found they were in the middle of what looked like an average forest. The sounds of animals and birds chirped lively. But something was off, it didn't feel like she belonged there. Her presence was unnatural despite the cool breeze she could feel against her cheeks. She turned her attention back on the lizard, slowly getting up to her feet, making sure not to startle him into aggression.
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
He pulled his head back and listened as the strange creature explained that she was a... Human? What is a Human? As she laughed he tilted his head a bit further to the side and said, "I do not know this species.... What can you do? Like do you have abilities?"

Kir was not concerned with his surroundings for he'd been is a place similar to this when he visited the Nature flight as a hatchling. When the "human" slowly began to stand. Kir couldn't help but laugh a booming laugh. "You humans are strangely skiddish. Are you all like this? Here," He leaned his snout to her and nudged her hand. Kir wanted to help her up. He could tell this human was female by her voice and composure. Although he never grew up with other dragons he new females should be treated kindly.
He pulled his head back and listened as the strange creature explained that she was a... Human? What is a Human? As she laughed he tilted his head a bit further to the side and said, "I do not know this species.... What can you do? Like do you have abilities?"

Kir was not concerned with his surroundings for he'd been is a place similar to this when he visited the Nature flight as a hatchling. When the "human" slowly began to stand. Kir couldn't help but laugh a booming laugh. "You humans are strangely skiddish. Are you all like this? Here," He leaned his snout to her and nudged her hand. Kir wanted to help her up. He could tell this human was female by her voice and composure. Although he never grew up with other dragons he new females should be treated kindly.
Trill nervously took his help, getting fully on her feet. She smiled and patted the tip of his snout, "Well, thank you. Not all of us are so 'skiddish'. I just never have seen something like you before. We have myths and stories but... that's why they are stories. Most of those creatures don't really exist." Listening to her own words, she started to realize that maybe some of those old tales about ghosts and goblins weren't so fake after all. While everything around them seemed to be normal, the creature in front of her was a standing testament against that. What else would they come across here?

She started to walk towards a small clearing, checking behind her to make sure the creature was still there. While they traveled through the forest and towards what looked like a road she thought of the other questions he previously asked. "Abilities?" She drifted off into silence, thinking of hers. "Well, I can sing... " It sounded rather plain the way she said it but she wasn't too sure that he would understand what her "Siren-Caller" talent exactly was. "I can turn words into tangible material." She offered as a follow up. Now that sounded a little better.

A little while further and she could see rolling hills through the tree lines. Small smoke stacks seemed to protrude from the grassy hill sides with puffs of smoke. There were also shapes, small ones. But she couldn't tell what exactly they were from here. Maybe they were people.. or whatever this thing was. "Um, by the way, what is your name?"


(( Keep tabs on me. xD I might get busy sometimes. ))
Trill nervously took his help, getting fully on her feet. She smiled and patted the tip of his snout, "Well, thank you. Not all of us are so 'skiddish'. I just never have seen something like you before. We have myths and stories but... that's why they are stories. Most of those creatures don't really exist." Listening to her own words, she started to realize that maybe some of those old tales about ghosts and goblins weren't so fake after all. While everything around them seemed to be normal, the creature in front of her was a standing testament against that. What else would they come across here?

She started to walk towards a small clearing, checking behind her to make sure the creature was still there. While they traveled through the forest and towards what looked like a road she thought of the other questions he previously asked. "Abilities?" She drifted off into silence, thinking of hers. "Well, I can sing... " It sounded rather plain the way she said it but she wasn't too sure that he would understand what her "Siren-Caller" talent exactly was. "I can turn words into tangible material." She offered as a follow up. Now that sounded a little better.

A little while further and she could see rolling hills through the tree lines. Small smoke stacks seemed to protrude from the grassy hill sides with puffs of smoke. There were also shapes, small ones. But she couldn't tell what exactly they were from here. Maybe they were people.. or whatever this thing was. "Um, by the way, what is your name?"


(( Keep tabs on me. xD I might get busy sometimes. ))
[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
Kir absentmindedly purred when Trill patted his muzzle. He listened intently to this human female, "You're welcome. . . Ah, I see. So we are in your species' fairytales. Well, I can assure you, I exist." Smiling cheekily, he chuckled. "There are many others like me as well. Back at my home." Casually he glanced around the jungle like forest, looking for anything larger than him that may be a threat.

Looking back down to Trill, he nearly started when she'd disappeared. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found her not too far away. She was heading to what seemed to be a clearing, so he stood and followed her. When he was back by her side she began to tell him of her abilities. Sing? he thought to himself, he'd never heard anyone sing before. Trill then explained that her song could turn words into something that could be used. "Oh? That's an interesting talent." He smiled, "I have to admit I'm curious to see it now."

As Trill looked ahead he followed her gaze, "Hmm. . . What are those?" He scented the air a bit nervously. "Forest fire maybe? And are those more humans?" Watching from behind Trill, he noticed they were scurrying around pretty quickly. When she asked his name he groaned in disappointment. "I apologize, my name is Kir. I'd gotten so caught up in this place I forgot my manners." He bowed his head slightly, "And what is your name, miss?"

@common5 (( Okay I will. :D ))
Kir absentmindedly purred when Trill patted his muzzle. He listened intently to this human female, "You're welcome. . . Ah, I see. So we are in your species' fairytales. Well, I can assure you, I exist." Smiling cheekily, he chuckled. "There are many others like me as well. Back at my home." Casually he glanced around the jungle like forest, looking for anything larger than him that may be a threat.

Looking back down to Trill, he nearly started when she'd disappeared. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found her not too far away. She was heading to what seemed to be a clearing, so he stood and followed her. When he was back by her side she began to tell him of her abilities. Sing? he thought to himself, he'd never heard anyone sing before. Trill then explained that her song could turn words into something that could be used. "Oh? That's an interesting talent." He smiled, "I have to admit I'm curious to see it now."

As Trill looked ahead he followed her gaze, "Hmm. . . What are those?" He scented the air a bit nervously. "Forest fire maybe? And are those more humans?" Watching from behind Trill, he noticed they were scurrying around pretty quickly. When she asked his name he groaned in disappointment. "I apologize, my name is Kir. I'd gotten so caught up in this place I forgot my manners." He bowed his head slightly, "And what is your name, miss?"

@common5 (( Okay I will. :D ))
Trill curtseyed back, as was a polite gesture to another. She was more than surprised to see Kir had such formalities as she did. "My name is Trill Beldore. " After stating her name she wondered what good it was to say her last. Not like lineages were going to matter her. She shrugged her shoulders to his interest in her skill. It was different to hear someone who wanted to see it. Usually everyone had made fun of it. "Maybe later on when we figure out where we are."

The two trailed out of the forest and onto a dusty path. There seemed to be a river down a slop that separated them from the smoke signs. Maybe they could swim or if it was shallow enough, wade through to the other side. The fact Kir had wings was the farthest thing from her mind to ask for a flight across. "I think I can make out someone."

She squinted, blocking the sun from her eyes to get a better look. There were people but not the kind she expected. Their top halves were humanoid but their bottoms were long slithering lengths, scaled and shiny. Among them she could see some smaller. They almost looked like.. fish! But they where fins should have been were transparent wings and their ends didn't slope off into a tail but were stubby butts. They looked like floating bass mouths. She shuttered slightly. They seemed ugly but maybe that didn't mean they weren't friendly.

As she started down the slope she could see them slithering and floating around in a frenzy. She stopped, holding her place along the hill slope to catch glimpse of something larger moving. "What is that..."

Trill curtseyed back, as was a polite gesture to another. She was more than surprised to see Kir had such formalities as she did. "My name is Trill Beldore. " After stating her name she wondered what good it was to say her last. Not like lineages were going to matter her. She shrugged her shoulders to his interest in her skill. It was different to hear someone who wanted to see it. Usually everyone had made fun of it. "Maybe later on when we figure out where we are."

The two trailed out of the forest and onto a dusty path. There seemed to be a river down a slop that separated them from the smoke signs. Maybe they could swim or if it was shallow enough, wade through to the other side. The fact Kir had wings was the farthest thing from her mind to ask for a flight across. "I think I can make out someone."

She squinted, blocking the sun from her eyes to get a better look. There were people but not the kind she expected. Their top halves were humanoid but their bottoms were long slithering lengths, scaled and shiny. Among them she could see some smaller. They almost looked like.. fish! But they where fins should have been were transparent wings and their ends didn't slope off into a tail but were stubby butts. They looked like floating bass mouths. She shuttered slightly. They seemed ugly but maybe that didn't mean they weren't friendly.

As she started down the slope she could see them slithering and floating around in a frenzy. She stopped, holding her place along the hill slope to catch glimpse of something larger moving. "What is that..."

[ B][T] Male Maize/Gold/X
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