

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Fae Female looking for mate (RP/ B)
@Raksha18 Tellyn frowns a bit. "Well.. this place isn't as safe as.. well, a lot of different places! This is a dangerous area to live, so better safe then sorry. " She shrugs a bit.

"It's not just the clans either, sometimes it feels like even the animals are out to get you..." She looks around, then sighs. " I..I was born in the Arcane lands and moved here when I was just a hatchling. I swear there are still some things I'm not used too.."
@Raksha18 Tellyn frowns a bit. "Well.. this place isn't as safe as.. well, a lot of different places! This is a dangerous area to live, so better safe then sorry. " She shrugs a bit.

"It's not just the clans either, sometimes it feels like even the animals are out to get you..." She looks around, then sighs. " I..I was born in the Arcane lands and moved here when I was just a hatchling. I swear there are still some things I'm not used too.."
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Kaisumen nodded. "That's true.." He looked at the sentry upon the hill. A noble task, risking your own life for others. he thought.

"Oh? The animals act strange? What do you mean by that?" He frowned, then nodded at her last comment. "I can understand that."

((Sorry for such short posts. I'm struggling with writer's block still. TT-TT ))

Kaisumen nodded. "That's true.." He looked at the sentry upon the hill. A noble task, risking your own life for others. he thought.

"Oh? The animals act strange? What do you mean by that?" He frowned, then nodded at her last comment. "I can understand that."

((Sorry for such short posts. I'm struggling with writer's block still. TT-TT ))
@Raksha18 (( Ahhh, yeah, same here to be honest!))

Tellyn thinks. " Well.. some act normal, but they're a lot more.. aggressive around here. " She pauses and frowns. " Sometimes when the others are hunting squirrels, they come back with gashes. They say that when chasing them, sometimes they'll just turn around and bite." She shutters.

"I'm glad I just eat bugs.."
@Raksha18 (( Ahhh, yeah, same here to be honest!))

Tellyn thinks. " Well.. some act normal, but they're a lot more.. aggressive around here. " She pauses and frowns. " Sometimes when the others are hunting squirrels, they come back with gashes. They say that when chasing them, sometimes they'll just turn around and bite." She shutters.

"I'm glad I just eat bugs.."
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Kaisumen raised an eyebrow in wonderment. "The squirrels bite back?" He thought for a moment, "That's hard to imagine."

He nods.
Kaisumen raised an eyebrow in wonderment. "The squirrels bite back?" He thought for a moment, "That's hard to imagine."

He nods.
@Raksha18 Tellyn nods. "Yeah, the bite back." She shutters, and shakes her head to clear it. " These lands don't do good things to the creatures that live here.." She sighs, and looks around, then up the hill.

They were almost to the tree.
@Raksha18 Tellyn nods. "Yeah, the bite back." She shutters, and shakes her head to clear it. " These lands don't do good things to the creatures that live here.." She sighs, and looks around, then up the hill.

They were almost to the tree.
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Kaisumen looked puzzled. "I see," he said thoughtfully. He'd known that the PlagueLands could be harsh, but he didn't know they were this bad. The two Fae's had finally made it to the tree. He looked up at the other Fae.
Kaisumen looked puzzled. "I see," he said thoughtfully. He'd known that the PlagueLands could be harsh, but he didn't know they were this bad. The two Fae's had finally made it to the tree. He looked up at the other Fae.
@Raksha18 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The fae on the tree is frowning and staring at the new comer. Tellyn looks at her and frowns. "It's not nice to glare, Tambril." The fae just blinks, and scoffs. " Who is this guy?" Tambril looks fierce for being so small, and her glare could paralyze a guardian. Though she doesn't seem to be physically strong, she seems as if she could tear you apart on a whim..


The fae on the tree is frowning and staring at the new comer. Tellyn looks at her and frowns. "It's not nice to glare, Tambril." The fae just blinks, and scoffs. " Who is this guy?"

Tambril looks fierce for being so small, and her glare could paralyze a guardian. Though she doesn't seem to be physically strong, she seems as if she could tear you apart on a whim..
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Kaisumen lowered his crests out of respect for Tambril, he knew it must be rough taking watch this late. Even though she seemed slightly rude and looked like she didn't want anything to do with him; he still bowed and introduced himself, "My name is Kaisumen," he stated politely.
Kaisumen lowered his crests out of respect for Tambril, he knew it must be rough taking watch this late. Even though she seemed slightly rude and looked like she didn't want anything to do with him; he still bowed and introduced himself, "My name is Kaisumen," he stated politely.

The Fae stares at him a moment, and relaxes slightly. "Right. Nice meetin' ya Kaisumen. I guess." She looks at Tellyn, and frowns. " What's he doing here?" Tellyn blinks and responds. " I met him after the hunting patrol. He needed some help finding a mushroom, but now it's too late for him to get back home safely."

Tambril sighs, and scratches her head. " Lemmy guess, you offered him a bed for the night?" Tellyn just nods, and the other Fae shakes her head. " Right, well.. that ain't my call. Go ahead and ask Elisender, see what he says. " She shrugs, and sits back in the tree.

The Fae stares at him a moment, and relaxes slightly. "Right. Nice meetin' ya Kaisumen. I guess." She looks at Tellyn, and frowns. " What's he doing here?" Tellyn blinks and responds. " I met him after the hunting patrol. He needed some help finding a mushroom, but now it's too late for him to get back home safely."

Tambril sighs, and scratches her head. " Lemmy guess, you offered him a bed for the night?" Tellyn just nods, and the other Fae shakes her head. " Right, well.. that ain't my call. Go ahead and ask Elisender, see what he says. " She shrugs, and sits back in the tree.
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"Nice to meet you too." he frowned slightly at the way she was treating Tellyn. As she tried explaining, the other Fae made it seem like he wasn't welcome. This made him a bit nervous and he wasn't sure if he should continue on.

As Tambril shakes her head at Tellyn and sits back up in the tree. Kaisumen speaks up, "I don't want to cause trouble, Tellyn. Are you sure its okay for me to be here?" A worried look crossed his maw, not for his safety. He just didn't want Tellyn to be punished.
"Nice to meet you too." he frowned slightly at the way she was treating Tellyn. As she tried explaining, the other Fae made it seem like he wasn't welcome. This made him a bit nervous and he wasn't sure if he should continue on.

As Tambril shakes her head at Tellyn and sits back up in the tree. Kaisumen speaks up, "I don't want to cause trouble, Tellyn. Are you sure its okay for me to be here?" A worried look crossed his maw, not for his safety. He just didn't want Tellyn to be punished.