

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Shifters
Remy giggled a little. "Sadly it'shard to hide a giant white tiger. I can't even blend in with the trees if I wanted."
Remy giggled a little. "Sadly it'shard to hide a giant white tiger. I can't even blend in with the trees if I wanted."
"You've got potential in all the right places. I love it, you know I love it." Ben V. of Ludovico Technique. 'Potential'
There were Shifters here all right. Up ahead, you could hear them. Laine shook her head. Kind of stupid to be chatting like this when they still weren't that far from the facility. She advanced a little further trying to get a better look at these chatty Shifters. She couldn't see much though, her human vision was quite useless in this darkness. Their scents were growing stronger though, and their voices sounded closer.

She didn't just smell two shifters in the area now, but three. Another's scent had spontaneously appeared. It didn't smell like it was mixed with the earth as Shifters that ran on the ground smelled like so Laine figured, from the spontaneity of the scent and the lack of earth smell, that this Shifter could probably fly. That would be an even more useful ally. She still didn't know if these Shifters were Pets or not. But from their relaxed chatting and staying in one place, the likelihood they were Pets was less.

Laine decided to take the chance.
She walked even closer. One of them should catch her scent by now. She decided it was best to approach like she was casually strolling by, rather than calling out and alerting anyone else nearby where she was, not to mention add to the noise these two were making, or spooking them causing them to think she was a Pet.
Laine focused on her breathing, keeping it steady and calm and continued to walk forward.
There were Shifters here all right. Up ahead, you could hear them. Laine shook her head. Kind of stupid to be chatting like this when they still weren't that far from the facility. She advanced a little further trying to get a better look at these chatty Shifters. She couldn't see much though, her human vision was quite useless in this darkness. Their scents were growing stronger though, and their voices sounded closer.

She didn't just smell two shifters in the area now, but three. Another's scent had spontaneously appeared. It didn't smell like it was mixed with the earth as Shifters that ran on the ground smelled like so Laine figured, from the spontaneity of the scent and the lack of earth smell, that this Shifter could probably fly. That would be an even more useful ally. She still didn't know if these Shifters were Pets or not. But from their relaxed chatting and staying in one place, the likelihood they were Pets was less.

Laine decided to take the chance.
She walked even closer. One of them should catch her scent by now. She decided it was best to approach like she was casually strolling by, rather than calling out and alerting anyone else nearby where she was, not to mention add to the noise these two were making, or spooking them causing them to think she was a Pet.
Laine focused on her breathing, keeping it steady and calm and continued to walk forward.
- LeopardShark
It had to be Vee's lucky day. She pulled up into the trees at the sight of the back of a light-haired human. She landed and shuffled in closer to the foliage to break up her appearance. She could hear voices not too far away. Here were three of her little targets, it was a good day.

She was still wondering where the bulk of the escapees had gotten to but she'd have something to report to Valeria when she got back at least. She'd also have to give the location of the waterfall, there had been signs of a number of animals having walked through the mud near its banks. It would be a good place to start.
It had to be Vee's lucky day. She pulled up into the trees at the sight of the back of a light-haired human. She landed and shuffled in closer to the foliage to break up her appearance. She could hear voices not too far away. Here were three of her little targets, it was a good day.

She was still wondering where the bulk of the escapees had gotten to but she'd have something to report to Valeria when she got back at least. She'd also have to give the location of the waterfall, there had been signs of a number of animals having walked through the mud near its banks. It would be a good place to start.
Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets. For it and knowledge can raise men to the divine. --Beethoven
Leo had now gone deep into the forest, just casually strolling along. He was acutely aware of everything that was going on around him though. The birds in the trees, the leaves rustling in the wind. Leo broke into a vicious run, his form shifting as he did so. It had been too many years since he felt his claws rip into the earth, his mane flow out behind him, and his ears and nose prickle with just the slightest change in the wind. He let out a roar that would seem to shake the very earth, not unlike the roar he heard earlier today. It didn't expect anyone to get the message, but it meant he was hunting. He took off on his strong, lithe legs, heading ever deeper into the seemingly endless forest.
Leo had now gone deep into the forest, just casually strolling along. He was acutely aware of everything that was going on around him though. The birds in the trees, the leaves rustling in the wind. Leo broke into a vicious run, his form shifting as he did so. It had been too many years since he felt his claws rip into the earth, his mane flow out behind him, and his ears and nose prickle with just the slightest change in the wind. He let out a roar that would seem to shake the very earth, not unlike the roar he heard earlier today. It didn't expect anyone to get the message, but it meant he was hunting. He took off on his strong, lithe legs, heading ever deeper into the seemingly endless forest.
Soraya had caught a scent, an evil scent, " .... one is nearby.." she muttered to herself as she climbed up into a tree and started jumping from branch to branch; where there were hunters, there were bound to be other escapees. She snarled slightly, the scent completely stinked around this area.. she was not going back to those labs, she was not going to become a lab rat to those scientists. Soraya stopped at a branch, she looked toward the sky, soon it would be her natural time and then those fools would be sorry they even tried getting escapees... but for now, she had to keep hidden and keep away form places that had the stink of hunters.
Soraya had caught a scent, an evil scent, " .... one is nearby.." she muttered to herself as she climbed up into a tree and started jumping from branch to branch; where there were hunters, there were bound to be other escapees. She snarled slightly, the scent completely stinked around this area.. she was not going back to those labs, she was not going to become a lab rat to those scientists. Soraya stopped at a branch, she looked toward the sky, soon it would be her natural time and then those fools would be sorry they even tried getting escapees... but for now, she had to keep hidden and keep away form places that had the stink of hunters.
(Just wondering @Ziri what shifters can Vee see right now?)

Laine's mind raced. "A roar, and not too far away."
She couldn't tell if it was a Shifter or a Pet. It had to be one or the other, that sound couldn't have been made by a bear, which was probably the largest creature in this area.
Well, at least she knew the direction of whatever had made that sound. Better to know what was coming than be caught unawares. Something else was amiss though, a new faint smell. She couldn't quite tell what it exactly was but it was... odd. It smelled like the forest but at the same time it didn't. It seemed to be drifting along the wind, possibly up in the air. Either way, she didn't trust it.

Laine decided to pick up the pace a little, now was the time to meet these chatty Shifters. Maybe she could convince them to keep quiet, for her own sake and theirs. She could now see them lackadaisically chatting in a tree. A small skinny boy and a girl with a pink shirt. Wow did they just want to hand themselves over to the Hunters? She decided to cautiously approach them from the side. Trying to keep her voice only loud enough for them to hear but no more.

"You two should talk a lot quieter or not talk at all, I could hear you quite a ways away. I mean no harm, my name is Laine and I am an escaped Shifter."

She hoped her greeting sounded convincing enough.

(Just wondering @Ziri what shifters can Vee see right now?)

Laine's mind raced. "A roar, and not too far away."
She couldn't tell if it was a Shifter or a Pet. It had to be one or the other, that sound couldn't have been made by a bear, which was probably the largest creature in this area.
Well, at least she knew the direction of whatever had made that sound. Better to know what was coming than be caught unawares. Something else was amiss though, a new faint smell. She couldn't quite tell what it exactly was but it was... odd. It smelled like the forest but at the same time it didn't. It seemed to be drifting along the wind, possibly up in the air. Either way, she didn't trust it.

Laine decided to pick up the pace a little, now was the time to meet these chatty Shifters. Maybe she could convince them to keep quiet, for her own sake and theirs. She could now see them lackadaisically chatting in a tree. A small skinny boy and a girl with a pink shirt. Wow did they just want to hand themselves over to the Hunters? She decided to cautiously approach them from the side. Trying to keep her voice only loud enough for them to hear but no more.

"You two should talk a lot quieter or not talk at all, I could hear you quite a ways away. I mean no harm, my name is Laine and I am an escaped Shifter."

She hoped her greeting sounded convincing enough.

- LeopardShark
The roar drew her attention, it was coming from the direction of the complex. Vee narrowed her eyes in that direction, Would've been nice if Val had said they'd be sendin out others eventually. she cursed to herself and fluffed out her feathers while rotating her head back forward. The light haired one had gone forward some and was speaking into the trees. Vee had picked just the right tree to watch from. So this one was named Laine.

She was starting to grow hungry, flying took a lot of energy and she was starting to regret letting that little rodent escape. Oh what she wouldn't give for a snake or lizard, the little scaly things were her favorite snack.

((@Leopardshark well, her scent is disguised mostly, I do like how your describing that you can smell something that isn't quite right. ^-^ well Vee is trying her darnedest not to be seen is the thing. But I'm sure that if you were really looking for something that seemed strange and out of place you'd be able to catch her at some point. I will give away none of my dear Kalveera's secrets!! Oh! I just reread your question, the only one Vee has seen is Laine, she can hear the other two in the tree, by she's just seen Laine. )
The roar drew her attention, it was coming from the direction of the complex. Vee narrowed her eyes in that direction, Would've been nice if Val had said they'd be sendin out others eventually. she cursed to herself and fluffed out her feathers while rotating her head back forward. The light haired one had gone forward some and was speaking into the trees. Vee had picked just the right tree to watch from. So this one was named Laine.

She was starting to grow hungry, flying took a lot of energy and she was starting to regret letting that little rodent escape. Oh what she wouldn't give for a snake or lizard, the little scaly things were her favorite snack.

((@Leopardshark well, her scent is disguised mostly, I do like how your describing that you can smell something that isn't quite right. ^-^ well Vee is trying her darnedest not to be seen is the thing. But I'm sure that if you were really looking for something that seemed strange and out of place you'd be able to catch her at some point. I will give away none of my dear Kalveera's secrets!! Oh! I just reread your question, the only one Vee has seen is Laine, she can hear the other two in the tree, by she's just seen Laine. )
Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets. For it and knowledge can raise men to the divine. --Beethoven
( @ziri awesome, vee was after soraya lol)

Soraya had gottensome distance away when she went into her bag. . . . she got soething that looked like meat na got it form her bag.. it was a rattlesnake, until she killed it of course. It took her forever to de venomize the meat but she kept what venom she could drain into a vial incase a hunter tried anything stupid. She was able to see a lot of things and she knew people would be distracted by the roar that echoed throughout hte forest. She looked down at the rattlesnake meat, she hadnt always had such a carnivorous diet.. Actually she was a vegetarian before she had gotten the DNa of a carnivore.. now she hunted and killed animals as though she were a caveman and she hated it. 'what do i do now?' she thought as she kept looking around, making sure no other carnivores were nearby.
( @ziri awesome, vee was after soraya lol)

Soraya had gottensome distance away when she went into her bag. . . . she got soething that looked like meat na got it form her bag.. it was a rattlesnake, until she killed it of course. It took her forever to de venomize the meat but she kept what venom she could drain into a vial incase a hunter tried anything stupid. She was able to see a lot of things and she knew people would be distracted by the roar that echoed throughout hte forest. She looked down at the rattlesnake meat, she hadnt always had such a carnivorous diet.. Actually she was a vegetarian before she had gotten the DNa of a carnivore.. now she hunted and killed animals as though she were a caveman and she hated it. 'what do i do now?' she thought as she kept looking around, making sure no other carnivores were nearby.
(Not really got anything to post right now, but @DraconiSagiso, a snake's venom occurs only in the glands above its teeth - the rest of the body is completely venom-free, and thus perfectly safe to eat without needing to 'de-venomise' it.)
(Not really got anything to post right now, but @DraconiSagiso, a snake's venom occurs only in the glands above its teeth - the rest of the body is completely venom-free, and thus perfectly safe to eat without needing to 'de-venomise' it.)
((@Ziri don't worry, Laine can't smell the difference between Vee and a regular barred owl. Laine will not see her unless she makes herself REALLY obvious since Laine can't see that well in the dark. She's ignored Vee's disguised smell and brushed it off. Also, even is she saw Vee, Laine wouldn't know if it was a Pet or not, there are so many other creatures in the forest already, she's only really worrying about Pets that would make themselves obvious, like by talking or something. Even if she saw Vee fly off she would think nothing of it.

Ah thank you for answering my question! Great Laine just gave away her identity to Vee XD))
((@Ziri don't worry, Laine can't smell the difference between Vee and a regular barred owl. Laine will not see her unless she makes herself REALLY obvious since Laine can't see that well in the dark. She's ignored Vee's disguised smell and brushed it off. Also, even is she saw Vee, Laine wouldn't know if it was a Pet or not, there are so many other creatures in the forest already, she's only really worrying about Pets that would make themselves obvious, like by talking or something. Even if she saw Vee fly off she would think nothing of it.

Ah thank you for answering my question! Great Laine just gave away her identity to Vee XD))
- LeopardShark