

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Shifters
(( @CerKamber It's alright, we all understand.))
(( @CerKamber It's alright, we all understand.))
(Are you ready to roleplay now? It's been over a month.)
(Are you ready to roleplay now? It's been over a month.)
- LeopardShark
(I havent been doing much roleplaying lately since the server has been lagging worse than usual lately. Hell I barely have time to get on sometimes. What happened anyway?)
(I havent been doing much roleplaying lately since the server has been lagging worse than usual lately. Hell I barely have time to get on sometimes. What happened anyway?)
"You've got potential in all the right places. I love it, you know I love it." Ben V. of Ludovico Technique. 'Potential'