Dragon Name: Barchan
Player Name: StarR3N
Tribe: Sandwing
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: Adultgrumpy old man
Occupation: Teacher - Biomes (and Animals) of Pyrrhia
Short Description:
A grumpy and rough veteran that teaches about Pyrrhia’s ecosystems. He takes his job very seriously and can come off as rather harsh as a result, not helped by his guarded nature. He fought in the war, but is reluctant to talk about it unless needed or relevant to his class. He also has trauma around Icewings, but he tries his best to hide this.
Serious, blunt, and guarded. Barchan is definitely strict and harsh, but it comes from a place of duty. He sees it as his responsibility to teach and help students grow up properly, and can be a bit overbearing in his role as a result. It takes him a while to warm up to others, if at all, and he tends to prefer the company of his animals over dragons. He’s closed off almost as a defense mechanism, since he gets extremely protective and attached to those he views as friends.
Barchan is large, stocky, and riddled with scars. His most prominent one is the three gnarly lacerations across the left side of his face and his missing eye. His scales are a faded yellowish and even aside from his scars show the wear and tear of age. He is almost always accompanied by one of his animals, most commonly a horned rattlesnake called Dewdrop but also sometimes an egyptian vulture named Soar. Dewdrop is usually wrapped around his shoulder or neck while Soar perches on his head or wings.

I’ll get a fullbody sketch of him sometime maybe
Headmaster + Daintree | Employer.
Coal | Similar. Feels safe.
Northwind | Coworker. Friend? Jeffery also.
Tide | Coworker. Feels… flippant.
Remora | Coworker. Dislike.
Constellation | Coworker. Strange but reliable.
Player Name: StarR3N
Tribe: Sandwing
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: Adult
Occupation: Teacher - Biomes (and Animals) of Pyrrhia
Short Description:
A grumpy and rough veteran that teaches about Pyrrhia’s ecosystems. He takes his job very seriously and can come off as rather harsh as a result, not helped by his guarded nature. He fought in the war, but is reluctant to talk about it unless needed or relevant to his class. He also has trauma around Icewings, but he tries his best to hide this.
Serious, blunt, and guarded. Barchan is definitely strict and harsh, but it comes from a place of duty. He sees it as his responsibility to teach and help students grow up properly, and can be a bit overbearing in his role as a result. It takes him a while to warm up to others, if at all, and he tends to prefer the company of his animals over dragons. He’s closed off almost as a defense mechanism, since he gets extremely protective and attached to those he views as friends.
Barchan is large, stocky, and riddled with scars. His most prominent one is the three gnarly lacerations across the left side of his face and his missing eye. His scales are a faded yellowish and even aside from his scars show the wear and tear of age. He is almost always accompanied by one of his animals, most commonly a horned rattlesnake called Dewdrop but also sometimes an egyptian vulture named Soar. Dewdrop is usually wrapped around his shoulder or neck while Soar perches on his head or wings.

I’ll get a fullbody sketch of him sometime maybe
Headmaster + Daintree | Employer.
Coal | Similar. Feels safe.
Northwind | Coworker. Friend? Jeffery also.
Tide | Coworker. Feels… flippant.
Remora | Coworker. Dislike.
Constellation | Coworker. Strange but reliable.
- Barchan’s Icewing trauma is because his eye got gouged out by one during the war. It basically applies to any dragons that are primarily white, especially if they’re around the same size or bigger than him. Hybrids that look partially white will also trigger it, but only if he sees them out of the corner of his eye or is caught off guard. He will immediately go into fight or flight and be very tense as long as he knows they are near. He can be in the same room as an Icewing and operate fine as long as Dewdrop, Soar, or another trusted person is with him, he’ll just absolutely hate his life. It is also better in a class setting since it’s more predictable and he can prepare for it. However, if an Icewing (or a dragon he thinks is) comes at him too quickly or gets too close, he will lash out.
- Dewdrop and Soar are his first pets, though he kind of views them more as family than pets. He also has a ton of rescues. It mostly started with taking care of the pets of other veterans who passed away, but it eventually expanded. His goal in taking animals in is to take care of them until they’re able to live and survive in the wild without him, but there are a few cases where it’s unfeasible.
- He’s actually quite good at singing and dancing. He only really sings for his animals, and will completely refuse to dance. He thinks he’s lost the instinct for it, though he definitely still has the muscle memory, it’s just changed due to his age and diminishing sight.
Yes he is a Disney princess in disguise