

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Scarlet Circus [open roleplay]
“Alright then. You are now my apprentice learnIng how to peer into the webs of fate. We’ll be staying in this town till the 21st, so you have until then to get everything ready for your departure. That’s a long ways away however, so why don’t you come back here and let me show you all the materials we use for Fortune Telling in my tent?” He scoot off to the side to make room for her should she accept rather than going to get things sorted right away, despite fae not taking much space in the first place.
“Alright then. You are now my apprentice learnIng how to peer into the webs of fate. We’ll be staying in this town till the 21st, so you have until then to get everything ready for your departure. That’s a long ways away however, so why don’t you come back here and let me show you all the materials we use for Fortune Telling in my tent?” He scoot off to the side to make room for her should she accept rather than going to get things sorted right away, despite fae not taking much space in the first place.
"I don't have much in my possession anyways, I'll gather them up later!"
Navi took up Seer's offer and shuffled up next to him, barely taking up even half the space he provided.
Her eyes shine when she sees all the different items in Seer's tent, like a kid in a candy store.
"WOAHHH! I've only really dabbled in psychic orbs, these are all so cool!"
Her hands reach out towards some shiny tarot cards, but she holds herself back.
"May I...?" she asked sheepishly. It isn't nice to touch the belongings of others without asking, after all.

p.s sorry, i went for lunch ><
"I don't have much in my possession anyways, I'll gather them up later!"
Navi took up Seer's offer and shuffled up next to him, barely taking up even half the space he provided.
Her eyes shine when she sees all the different items in Seer's tent, like a kid in a candy store.
"WOAHHH! I've only really dabbled in psychic orbs, these are all so cool!"
Her hands reach out towards some shiny tarot cards, but she holds herself back.
"May I...?" she asked sheepishly. It isn't nice to touch the belongings of others without asking, after all.

p.s sorry, i went for lunch ><
cfFrvOr.png never gonna give you up
She/Her | FR +15
»PWYW Art Shop
never gonna let you down
(time zone differences are really killing me.)

Dante waited patiently behind the Aberration, watching as they chose their rewards. Figurines, eh? Those were nice… always a good choice. As he waited, though, he heard the faint set of steps behind him, as well as NOVAE’s usual voices. The android seemed more upbeat than usual, both heads conversing in a frenzy. Her companion, Icarus, seemed happier as well. Taking note of their matching glyph necklaces, he watched them scramble off towards a purple tent before sighing and shaking his head. Oh, to be young and energetic again.
(time zone differences are really killing me.)

Dante waited patiently behind the Aberration, watching as they chose their rewards. Figurines, eh? Those were nice… always a good choice. As he waited, though, he heard the faint set of steps behind him, as well as NOVAE’s usual voices. The android seemed more upbeat than usual, both heads conversing in a frenzy. Her companion, Icarus, seemed happier as well. Taking note of their matching glyph necklaces, he watched them scramble off towards a purple tent before sighing and shaking his head. Oh, to be young and energetic again.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
(Oh don’t worry I went to sleep right after sending my message. I’m perfectly comfortable just replying to messages when I get them and have the time.)

He shook his head, but didn’t seem angry at all. “Tarot cards are finicky things. That’s a new deck, and new decks tend to get mad if you let other people touch and handle them. I would explain what each card means, but customer are pretty frequent so far.” He instead grabbed a pendulum, decorated with an Evil Eye, dayjar feathers, and tiger’s-eye beads. He handed it to her. “Pendulums can answer all sorts of questions. This one swings right to left for no, back and forth for yes, and in a circle for maybe. Hold it from the top, and let it hang, and ask it a yes or no question.”
(Oh don’t worry I went to sleep right after sending my message. I’m perfectly comfortable just replying to messages when I get them and have the time.)

He shook his head, but didn’t seem angry at all. “Tarot cards are finicky things. That’s a new deck, and new decks tend to get mad if you let other people touch and handle them. I would explain what each card means, but customer are pretty frequent so far.” He instead grabbed a pendulum, decorated with an Evil Eye, dayjar feathers, and tiger’s-eye beads. He handed it to her. “Pendulums can answer all sorts of questions. This one swings right to left for no, back and forth for yes, and in a circle for maybe. Hold it from the top, and let it hang, and ask it a yes or no question.”
Navi nods her head, enlightened by the new information.
"Tarot cards... finnicky... don't touch. pendulum, right to left is yes, front to back for no..." she mumbled quickly under her breath, while taking the pendulum from Seer.
Navi took some time to ponder what question she would like to ask.
"Dear pendulum, please tell me, will I ever become a professional psychic like Mr Seer?" she whispered.
Navi nods her head, enlightened by the new information.
"Tarot cards... finnicky... don't touch. pendulum, right to left is yes, front to back for no..." she mumbled quickly under her breath, while taking the pendulum from Seer.
Navi took some time to ponder what question she would like to ask.
"Dear pendulum, please tell me, will I ever become a professional psychic like Mr Seer?" she whispered.
cfFrvOr.png never gonna give you up
She/Her | FR +15
»PWYW Art Shop
never gonna let you down
Pyro pondered a minute what to do with the rest of his points, he really was quite happy with just the figures. After sharing a glance with Manic, he leaned reeeeaallllly close to the counter, whisper yelling. “Can I just transfer my points to the scary gentleman behind me??” The whisper yelling kinda defeated the purpose of being sneaky. Manic then chimed in “My brother can do that correct? It’s like banking, right?” “Of course I can do that, my points are considered a valuable item and is government regulated, trash rat” “How would YOU know it’s government regulated? It’s a circus, trash can” “Well, the circus has employees right? And someone’s gotta pay them right? And who gets their taxes? Government, trash pile” “well EXCUSE me Mr. Know it all, you dumpster” At this point the Aberration has just wandered away from the stand, still debating, their walk seems very uncoordinated, as both brains are trying trying control.

They end up meandering over to the small blue tent as they noticed it was popular. “ Seer The Psychic” Manic mumbling squinting at the sign. “What’s a Psychic?” Pyro asks. “Eh, they are uh magic future seeing dragons” “OHHHhh ok, they fakes?” “Probably” Manic shrugs. Curious they stick their head’s in the door to glance around, seeing that the dragons there were chatting they figure that it was busy at the moment and backed out quietly.
Pyro pondered a minute what to do with the rest of his points, he really was quite happy with just the figures. After sharing a glance with Manic, he leaned reeeeaallllly close to the counter, whisper yelling. “Can I just transfer my points to the scary gentleman behind me??” The whisper yelling kinda defeated the purpose of being sneaky. Manic then chimed in “My brother can do that correct? It’s like banking, right?” “Of course I can do that, my points are considered a valuable item and is government regulated, trash rat” “How would YOU know it’s government regulated? It’s a circus, trash can” “Well, the circus has employees right? And someone’s gotta pay them right? And who gets their taxes? Government, trash pile” “well EXCUSE me Mr. Know it all, you dumpster” At this point the Aberration has just wandered away from the stand, still debating, their walk seems very uncoordinated, as both brains are trying trying control.

They end up meandering over to the small blue tent as they noticed it was popular. “ Seer The Psychic” Manic mumbling squinting at the sign. “What’s a Psychic?” Pyro asks. “Eh, they are uh magic future seeing dragons” “OHHHhh ok, they fakes?” “Probably” Manic shrugs. Curious they stick their head’s in the door to glance around, seeing that the dragons there were chatting they figure that it was busy at the moment and backed out quietly.
(Yea Timezones suck ;-; [directed at Finalhunt]

Tide nodded and said to the ridgeback: “congratulations sir you now have 12500 points. What do you want?”


The pendulum began to swing in a gentle circle, indicating a maybe. Seer noticed the aberration poking their head in before backing out, and quickly responded with “you can come in!” In a nice, friendly intonation.


Inside the purple tent there was a Sandsurge helping a Skydancer hatchling do a backbend. She noticed the pair of dragons entering and helped the hatchlings get back on his feet. “Why hello you two! Come in! Join the crowd! I just finished up teaching everyone her how to do a backbend, so you’re just in time for the next trick! Clawstands!” The room had 2 Skydancer hatchlings monitored by a mother, an enthusiastic young Fae dragon.
(Yea Timezones suck ;-; [directed at Finalhunt]

Tide nodded and said to the ridgeback: “congratulations sir you now have 12500 points. What do you want?”


The pendulum began to swing in a gentle circle, indicating a maybe. Seer noticed the aberration poking their head in before backing out, and quickly responded with “you can come in!” In a nice, friendly intonation.


Inside the purple tent there was a Sandsurge helping a Skydancer hatchling do a backbend. She noticed the pair of dragons entering and helped the hatchlings get back on his feet. “Why hello you two! Come in! Join the crowd! I just finished up teaching everyone her how to do a backbend, so you’re just in time for the next trick! Clawstands!” The room had 2 Skydancer hatchlings monitored by a mother, an enthusiastic young Fae dragon.
Hearing the invitation to go inside, Pyromaniac ventured back in, the two heads looking about casually about the tent and whispering to themselves. “Looks like plastic “ “No way it’s real” “Creepy skull thing” “Don’t touch that Pyro” “You look like dirt so” “You look like a circus freak” “Your the one that bought this hood for me” “Thought it would match your face” “Shut up”
The seemingly on fire Aberration approachs the table and two dragons. “Is it really true you can see stuff?” Pyro asks doubtful. “Don’t be rude Pyro” Manic grumbles. “How is that being rude? Just asking” “Stop asking, you’ve used up your number of questions for the day, I’ll ask. Can you guys see stuff?” “That’s literally what I said” “Yes, but I said it better” This goes on a moment, unfortunately, before they ask about how much it costs.

(By the way, if you ever wanted to go in a more horror direction, at least for the character I control, you totally can!)
Hearing the invitation to go inside, Pyromaniac ventured back in, the two heads looking about casually about the tent and whispering to themselves. “Looks like plastic “ “No way it’s real” “Creepy skull thing” “Don’t touch that Pyro” “You look like dirt so” “You look like a circus freak” “Your the one that bought this hood for me” “Thought it would match your face” “Shut up”
The seemingly on fire Aberration approachs the table and two dragons. “Is it really true you can see stuff?” Pyro asks doubtful. “Don’t be rude Pyro” Manic grumbles. “How is that being rude? Just asking” “Stop asking, you’ve used up your number of questions for the day, I’ll ask. Can you guys see stuff?” “That’s literally what I said” “Yes, but I said it better” This goes on a moment, unfortunately, before they ask about how much it costs.

(By the way, if you ever wanted to go in a more horror direction, at least for the character I control, you totally can!)
(Ooooh goodie >:3. I will take advantage of that to the best of my ability. Of course still being cautious because I don’t want to actually got to far and get banned. Like, how spooky is too spooky? Idk.)

Seer smiles through this great annoyance and takes a deep breath to compose himself. “Now now, no need for fighting in here, so please be civil. To answer your question…” he struggles to refrain himself from snarkily saying something along the lines of ’oh yes of course I can see stuff, I happen to have eyes!’, and instead in a calm tone to mask his clenched teeth, responds with “I can see into people’s futures if that is what you were asking.”. Dragons like these really had a way of making him question his life choices. “Now, would you like a reading?”
(Ooooh goodie >:3. I will take advantage of that to the best of my ability. Of course still being cautious because I don’t want to actually got to far and get banned. Like, how spooky is too spooky? Idk.)

Seer smiles through this great annoyance and takes a deep breath to compose himself. “Now now, no need for fighting in here, so please be civil. To answer your question…” he struggles to refrain himself from snarkily saying something along the lines of ’oh yes of course I can see stuff, I happen to have eyes!’, and instead in a calm tone to mask his clenched teeth, responds with “I can see into people’s futures if that is what you were asking.”. Dragons like these really had a way of making him question his life choices. “Now, would you like a reading?”
“Ah- um.” The Ridgeback watches as the Aberration hurries off, both heads seemingly locked in an argument before sighing. “I’d like the uhh, big red snake thing. Please.” He looks in the direction of where they’ve just gone before adding, “I probably should get them something. Do you recommend anything in specific? I don’t really know what I can get.”

Seeing the acrobatics on display, the cyan Aberration squeals in excitement, both heads breaking off their conversation to look at the purple Sandsurge. “Acrobatics?” “That’s our front!” Icarus hangs back for a moment, unsure, before sighing and following along. “Thank you,”he calls to the Sandsurge, taking a seat near the back of the crowd while NOVAE squirms and wiggles her way through the crowd to take a seat right at the front. Novae’s eyes are lit up, while Asperides scans the room, picking at their claws and circuits whirring in a frenzy.
“Ah- um.” The Ridgeback watches as the Aberration hurries off, both heads seemingly locked in an argument before sighing. “I’d like the uhh, big red snake thing. Please.” He looks in the direction of where they’ve just gone before adding, “I probably should get them something. Do you recommend anything in specific? I don’t really know what I can get.”

Seeing the acrobatics on display, the cyan Aberration squeals in excitement, both heads breaking off their conversation to look at the purple Sandsurge. “Acrobatics?” “That’s our front!” Icarus hangs back for a moment, unsure, before sighing and following along. “Thank you,”he calls to the Sandsurge, taking a seat near the back of the crowd while NOVAE squirms and wiggles her way through the crowd to take a seat right at the front. Novae’s eyes are lit up, while Asperides scans the room, picking at their claws and circuits whirring in a frenzy.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT