

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Scarlet Circus [open roleplay]

•follow site rules

•if you like horror I can go more at that angle, otherwise, have a fun time at the Scarlet Circus!

(edit: updated prompt to be current with the role play)


You bought your tickets to visit the traveling circus troupe. Some dark-clan members calling themselves ’The Scarlet Circus’. It seems rather busy, and there’s much to do, although it seems like the show is going to start pretty soon as people are beginning to funnel into the big-top

Closest to your left you see a small blue tent with a sign saying Seer The Psychic,

Closest to your right you see a prize stand run by a bored looking Pearlcatcher,

In the middle right there’s a black tent with paint of all colors splattered on it labeled Borzic’s Art Show,

In the middle left there’s a purple tent that looks to have been closed up.

to the far right there’s a brown tent that also seems to have been closed up.

to the far left there’s an orange tent that seems to have been closed in a rush as the sign is on the floor.

And at the very end is the bigtop.

•follow site rules

•if you like horror I can go more at that angle, otherwise, have a fun time at the Scarlet Circus!

(edit: updated prompt to be current with the role play)


You bought your tickets to visit the traveling circus troupe. Some dark-clan members calling themselves ’The Scarlet Circus’. It seems rather busy, and there’s much to do, although it seems like the show is going to start pretty soon as people are beginning to funnel into the big-top

Closest to your left you see a small blue tent with a sign saying Seer The Psychic,

Closest to your right you see a prize stand run by a bored looking Pearlcatcher,

In the middle right there’s a black tent with paint of all colors splattered on it labeled Borzic’s Art Show,

In the middle left there’s a purple tent that looks to have been closed up.

to the far right there’s a brown tent that also seems to have been closed up.

to the far left there’s an orange tent that seems to have been closed in a rush as the sign is on the floor.

And at the very end is the bigtop.
(This looks super fun! Sorry for the long-ish first post; future responses will be shorter.) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Three dragons- or rather, androids?- head on in. At the head of the odd trio is a white-plated Sandsurge, black ink lining his scarlet eyes and copper-coloured silks placed carefully over his body to hide any possible cracks in his carefully wrought armour. Bones on threads hang from his wings, and bells jingle as he walks. Like a piece of decoration, made for display, yet the pair follow behind him all the same. The enthusiasm isn’t too obvious with this one, his motions careful and his poise kept even as he looks about with a new light in his eyes. The Aberration following behind him looks distinctly more cheery. Both heads blink their cyan eyes multiple times as they look around, sparking with electricity with scales aglow as they bounce about. One of the heads is grinning, moving the body in leaps and bounds. She shakes some water out from her black mane and whoops with joy, ticket clutched tightly in one of her claws as she looks around in wonder. The last dragon is a tired-looking Ridgeback. Towering over the others due to his size, has the same scales as the Sandsurge, only covered by what seems to be a dark blue exoskeleton. Circuits are visible through the cracks, though most have been patched up by armour as well. Very well protected. The flesh of his jaw seems to be missing, or perhaps he doesn’t have any, teeth exposed in a permanent smile. He sighs as the Sandsurge slows his pace to talk, listening to the other dragon whisper in his ear and leaning down to listen before nodding reluctantly with a hint of reluctance on his face. “Fine. Yes. You two can go. Just don’t lose your tickets, and be back by the assigned times.” Immediately, the Aberration squeals, one claw reaching out to grab the beaming Sandsurge by the arm and tugging him towards the small blue tent with renewed excitement. The Ridgeback shakes his head with a huff, and goes instead to the prize stand. That certainly looks more appealing. He’s little interest in his future anyway- for creatures like them, the only real set thing in the future is either a system failure or being hunted and disassembled. Which, he thinks dryly, is likely happening soon, given their current status. Well, worries later, fun now. Time to check out this traveling circus.
(This looks super fun! Sorry for the long-ish first post; future responses will be shorter.)




Three dragons- or rather, androids?- head on in. At the head of the odd trio is a white-plated Sandsurge, black ink lining his scarlet eyes and copper-coloured silks placed carefully over his body to hide any possible cracks in his carefully wrought armour. Bones on threads hang from his wings, and bells jingle as he walks. Like a piece of decoration, made for display, yet the pair follow behind him all the same. The enthusiasm isn’t too obvious with this one, his motions careful and his poise kept even as he looks about with a new light in his eyes.

The Aberration following behind him looks distinctly more cheery. Both heads blink their cyan eyes multiple times as they look around, sparking with electricity with scales aglow as they bounce about. One of the heads is grinning, moving the body in leaps and bounds. She shakes some water out from her black mane and whoops with joy, ticket clutched tightly in one of her claws as she looks around in wonder.

The last dragon is a tired-looking Ridgeback. Towering over the others due to his size, has the same scales as the Sandsurge, only covered by what seems to be a dark blue exoskeleton. Circuits are visible through the cracks, though most have been patched up by armour as well. Very well protected. The flesh of his jaw seems to be missing, or perhaps he doesn’t have any, teeth exposed in a permanent smile. He sighs as the Sandsurge slows his pace to talk, listening to the other dragon whisper in his ear and leaning down to listen before nodding reluctantly with a hint of reluctance on his face.

“Fine. Yes. You two can go. Just don’t lose your tickets, and be back by the assigned times.”

Immediately, the Aberration squeals, one claw reaching out to grab the beaming Sandsurge by the arm and tugging him towards the small blue tent with renewed excitement. The Ridgeback shakes his head with a huff, and goes instead to the prize stand. That certainly looks more appealing. He’s little interest in his future anyway- for creatures like them, the only real set thing in the future is either a system failure or being hunted and disassembled. Which, he thinks dryly, is likely happening soon, given their current status.

Well, worries later, fun now. Time to check out this traveling circus.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
((Don’t worry about it! I’m fine with any length of post, even one liners if they still give me enough to work with. Also I have no idea how the heck to make image links work on this site so sorry about that ;-;.))

Inside of the blue tent the air is filled with a sort of vaguely pumpkin scented incense. A navy veilspun with dazzling bioluminescent antennae is sitting on the opposite end of a table covered with a royal purple table-cloth. Surrounded by all manner of crystals; he appears to be meditating, atleast that is until he cracked one eye open to look at his visitors with a cunning smile. How curious, he’d never seen dragons like this before. Oh well, it wasn’t his place to judge.

“Welcome, welcome dear visitors. I presume you come for a reading?” He pulls out some fine black powder and puts it on a plate, gently shaking it side to side before turning to them. “Your names are Novae and Icarus correct?”

Elswhere at the prize stand, the pearlcatcher stared at the Ridgeback with a wry smile typical of customer service. “Hello sir, would you like to play a game of ringtoss? Just 100 treasure for 5 throws. Pop the balloon, and spin the wheel are also available if you you’re interested in them I guess. Get your chance at winning one of these fine items.” She gestured at prizes which were hanging behind her. There was a verity of plushies and toys like sticky-claws, figurines of circus performers, and at the grand total of 10,000 points was a large plushie of a fluffy red snake which was at a size that it could easily be worn as a scarf.
((Don’t worry about it! I’m fine with any length of post, even one liners if they still give me enough to work with. Also I have no idea how the heck to make image links work on this site so sorry about that ;-;.))

Inside of the blue tent the air is filled with a sort of vaguely pumpkin scented incense. A navy veilspun with dazzling bioluminescent antennae is sitting on the opposite end of a table covered with a royal purple table-cloth. Surrounded by all manner of crystals; he appears to be meditating, atleast that is until he cracked one eye open to look at his visitors with a cunning smile. How curious, he’d never seen dragons like this before. Oh well, it wasn’t his place to judge.

“Welcome, welcome dear visitors. I presume you come for a reading?” He pulls out some fine black powder and puts it on a plate, gently shaking it side to side before turning to them. “Your names are Novae and Icarus correct?”

Elswhere at the prize stand, the pearlcatcher stared at the Ridgeback with a wry smile typical of customer service. “Hello sir, would you like to play a game of ringtoss? Just 100 treasure for 5 throws. Pop the balloon, and spin the wheel are also available if you you’re interested in them I guess. Get your chance at winning one of these fine items.” She gestured at prizes which were hanging behind her. There was a verity of plushies and toys like sticky-claws, figurines of circus performers, and at the grand total of 10,000 points was a large plushie of a fluffy red snake which was at a size that it could easily be worn as a scarf.
@ThatMothThoth (I’ve just subscribed to the thread, so from this post out no need for pings :D Also, for image links on this site, you can click the little tree icon when posting and insert an image link. For dragons, go to their page, click the share icon and you should be able to copy and paste their widget into the forum post. I’m not sure if this makes any sense but this post should help.)

At the mention of their name, the Aberration becomes visibly on edge. The smile drops from their two heads, and the left head’s lips pull back into a scowl. The head on the right however remains calm, her eyes flickering to the Sandsurge by their side, asking silently for explanation. The Sandsurge meets the Veilspun’s eyes without hesitation, bone chimes swaying lightly on his wings. “We do,”he replies simply, offering a polite smile. “And yes, those would be our names. I am Icarus. My companion here is Novae. May I ask how you come to know them?”

Icarus’ eyes scan the inside of the tent, bright with interest. He can see a large assortment of crystals, and the scent of incense doesn’t slip past him. There’s a sort of energy about this place that he quite likes. He’s had little experience with magic- or the world, really- but he figures that he’d better start somewhere, and really, why not here? The energy here is strong, and Icarus draws in a deep breath. It settles in his chest, like light feather. Yes, he’ll like it here, he decides as he takes a seat with Novae, opposite the mystical Veilspun. He’ll like it quite a bit.

The Ridgeback nods, picking some coins out of a pouch hidden beneath some flowers on his front. “Pop the balloon sounds good, thanks.” His eyes are on the fluffy red snake. It seems a suitable prize, and he’s fairly sure Icarus might like it. He glances briefly to the sky, then blinks once, bringing up a screen in his view. Okay. He’s got time, then. Flexing his claws and checking that the augments on his arm are still functioning (they’ve been rather odd as of late), he rubs at his optics.

The stand’s probably rigged, and he knows that. But hopefully, by throwing it harder than an average dragon could possibly dream of (and maybe a bit of sneaky sharpening of darts), he can get some good points. If not, well… there goes half his money. And he really does want that snake.
@ThatMothThoth (I’ve just subscribed to the thread, so from this post out no need for pings :D Also, for image links on this site, you can click the little tree icon when posting and insert an image link. For dragons, go to their page, click the share icon and you should be able to copy and paste their widget into the forum post. I’m not sure if this makes any sense but this post should help.)

At the mention of their name, the Aberration becomes visibly on edge. The smile drops from their two heads, and the left head’s lips pull back into a scowl. The head on the right however remains calm, her eyes flickering to the Sandsurge by their side, asking silently for explanation. The Sandsurge meets the Veilspun’s eyes without hesitation, bone chimes swaying lightly on his wings. “We do,”he replies simply, offering a polite smile. “And yes, those would be our names. I am Icarus. My companion here is Novae. May I ask how you come to know them?”

Icarus’ eyes scan the inside of the tent, bright with interest. He can see a large assortment of crystals, and the scent of incense doesn’t slip past him. There’s a sort of energy about this place that he quite likes. He’s had little experience with magic- or the world, really- but he figures that he’d better start somewhere, and really, why not here? The energy here is strong, and Icarus draws in a deep breath. It settles in his chest, like light feather. Yes, he’ll like it here, he decides as he takes a seat with Novae, opposite the mystical Veilspun. He’ll like it quite a bit.

The Ridgeback nods, picking some coins out of a pouch hidden beneath some flowers on his front. “Pop the balloon sounds good, thanks.” His eyes are on the fluffy red snake. It seems a suitable prize, and he’s fairly sure Icarus might like it. He glances briefly to the sky, then blinks once, bringing up a screen in his view. Okay. He’s got time, then. Flexing his claws and checking that the augments on his arm are still functioning (they’ve been rather odd as of late), he rubs at his optics.

The stand’s probably rigged, and he knows that. But hopefully, by throwing it harder than an average dragon could possibly dream of (and maybe a bit of sneaky sharpening of darts), he can get some good points. If not, well… there goes half his money. And he really does want that snake.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
(Desperately hoping this works, also note that I only have a vague understanding of how tarot cards work so I’m blaming any information I get wrong on that fact)]

“I am a fortune teller, is it so unreasonable to believe I was expecting you?” He chuckled, and grabbed a tarot deck from under the table, setting it on the desk and taking 3 cards from the top, laying them down face down in the centre of the table]

The pearlcatcher handed him 5 darts, and motioned at the stand. 20 balloons were arranged in a red and white bullseye pattern with painted on points. The outer ring was worth 100 points and rather spread out, the middle ring was worth 3000, but there were black balloons marked in white with -1000. In the center was a bright yellow balloon with 5000 points painted on it. “Alright, go ahead.” Said the pearlcatcher
(Desperately hoping this works, also note that I only have a vague understanding of how tarot cards work so I’m blaming any information I get wrong on that fact)]

“I am a fortune teller, is it so unreasonable to believe I was expecting you?” He chuckled, and grabbed a tarot deck from under the table, setting it on the desk and taking 3 cards from the top, laying them down face down in the centre of the table]

The pearlcatcher handed him 5 darts, and motioned at the stand. 20 balloons were arranged in a red and white bullseye pattern with painted on points. The outer ring was worth 100 points and rather spread out, the middle ring was worth 3000, but there were black balloons marked in white with -1000. In the center was a bright yellow balloon with 5000 points painted on it. “Alright, go ahead.” Said the pearlcatcher
(The formatting for the images doesn’t seem to be working, and also I don’t know much about tarot cards either so it’s no worry haha. I also don’t know all that much about fairground games so I hope I’m doing this right)

Icarus hummed in acknowledgement, watching the cards intently as the Veilspun rests three cards on the table. “That makes sense. A seer would indeed know of our coming, though I doubt we are of any significance.” He allowed the grin to play on his face for a moment longer as Novae shifted impatiently next to him.

Novae, by comparison, wasn’t having a great time. The pumpkin scent made her olfactory sensors fire up too much, and they had never had too much faith in crystals anyway. One head looked around impatiently, the other of the heads stayed quiet and retained its solemn gaze on the Veilspun. “Let’s get started, then,”it hissed, voice rougher and lower than its counterpart.

The Ridgeback aimed the darts with care, then lined one up. This was one of his stronger points. Running one metal claw over the dart tips to sharpen them, he threw the first one at the yellow balloon, then another at the middle ring, leaning back to observe what happened after.
(The formatting for the images doesn’t seem to be working, and also I don’t know much about tarot cards either so it’s no worry haha. I also don’t know all that much about fairground games so I hope I’m doing this right)

Icarus hummed in acknowledgement, watching the cards intently as the Veilspun rests three cards on the table. “That makes sense. A seer would indeed know of our coming, though I doubt we are of any significance.” He allowed the grin to play on his face for a moment longer as Novae shifted impatiently next to him.

Novae, by comparison, wasn’t having a great time. The pumpkin scent made her olfactory sensors fire up too much, and they had never had too much faith in crystals anyway. One head looked around impatiently, the other of the heads stayed quiet and retained its solemn gaze on the Veilspun. “Let’s get started, then,”it hissed, voice rougher and lower than its counterpart.

The Ridgeback aimed the darts with care, then lined one up. This was one of his stronger points. Running one metal claw over the dart tips to sharpen them, he threw the first one at the yellow balloon, then another at the middle ring, leaning back to observe what happened after.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
A seemingly on fire aberration heads into the circus. The two separated minds seem to be arguing and bickering with each other over were to head first. “This is a WASTE of TIME PYRO!” Manic huffs out.”Come onnnn, it’s my turn to pick where we go and this is where I wanna go!” Pyro hisses back. Pyromaniac fights for a few more minutes before they decide to walk over to the prize stand, makeing sure to stay out of the Ridgebacks way. [url=][img][/img][/url]
A seemingly on fire aberration heads into the circus. The two separated minds seem to be arguing and bickering with each other over were to head first.
“This is a WASTE of TIME PYRO!” Manic huffs out.”Come onnnn, it’s my turn to pick where we go and this is where I wanna go!” Pyro hisses back. Pyromaniac fights for a few more minutes before they decide to walk over to the prize stand, makeing sure to stay out of the Ridgebacks way.

“Nonsense. All people are of significance. Our very existence’s are like an intricate web of cause and effect. Even speaking to me now you are adding threads connected to you. My powers work by simply glimpsing at this web, and the spider of fate wich weaves it. Of course that’s all metaphorical, but my point remains.” He flipped over the cards and pointed at the first one, which seemed to be upside down, and had a dragon sitting atop a throne and adorned with jewels. The text on it read “The Emperor.” Seer spoke, explaining what it ment. “In your past an authority figure controlled your life, and you sought freedom from it.” He flipped over the next card, which had a jester juggling on it. “Now you seek new beginnings, but as you are looking at the world through a hatchling’s, you are naive to what the future holds.” He flipped the last card, which had a tall spire, and text reading “The Tower”. Seer frowns, and with more delicacy in his tone says, “in your future, there will be a disastrous event which will upheave much which you have worked for.” He sighed.

“The threads of fate are strong, but not invulnerable, you can help yourself by preparing yourselves, mentally and physically, for the hardship soon to come. Take this, perhaps it will help you.” He reached behind him and pulled out two necklaces with glyphs carved into wood beads, and held them out for the two. “The contain warding spells, and should help. They are not a fast all fix all however, and can only soften the blows. Also they’re free in case you were worried about that.”


(Dice roll for fairness[with advantage]: 17 first throw[16 to hit], 13 second throw [14 to hit, under 10 to hit black])

The first hits the yellow, and it bursts with a loud POP. The second throw misses, but hits the board rather than any balloon at all.

The pearlcatcher says in a very forced cheery voice “wow! That’s 5000 points, just three more throws!”
“Nonsense. All people are of significance. Our very existence’s are like an intricate web of cause and effect. Even speaking to me now you are adding threads connected to you. My powers work by simply glimpsing at this web, and the spider of fate wich weaves it. Of course that’s all metaphorical, but my point remains.” He flipped over the cards and pointed at the first one, which seemed to be upside down, and had a dragon sitting atop a throne and adorned with jewels. The text on it read “The Emperor.” Seer spoke, explaining what it ment. “In your past an authority figure controlled your life, and you sought freedom from it.” He flipped over the next card, which had a jester juggling on it. “Now you seek new beginnings, but as you are looking at the world through a hatchling’s, you are naive to what the future holds.” He flipped the last card, which had a tall spire, and text reading “The Tower”. Seer frowns, and with more delicacy in his tone says, “in your future, there will be a disastrous event which will upheave much which you have worked for.” He sighed.

“The threads of fate are strong, but not invulnerable, you can help yourself by preparing yourselves, mentally and physically, for the hardship soon to come. Take this, perhaps it will help you.” He reached behind him and pulled out two necklaces with glyphs carved into wood beads, and held them out for the two. “The contain warding spells, and should help. They are not a fast all fix all however, and can only soften the blows. Also they’re free in case you were worried about that.”


(Dice roll for fairness[with advantage]: 17 first throw[16 to hit], 13 second throw [14 to hit, under 10 to hit black])

The first hits the yellow, and it bursts with a loud POP. The second throw misses, but hits the board rather than any balloon at all.

The pearlcatcher says in a very forced cheery voice “wow! That’s 5000 points, just three more throws!”

The Pearlcatcher turns to face the Aberration. “Hello sirs, what game would you like to play? We have ringtoss, spin the wheel, and pop the balloon, although you’ll have to wait a bit if you want to play that last one. You could get your chance at winning one of these fine items.” She gestured at prizes which were hanging behind her. There was a verity of plushies and toys like sticky-claws, figurines of circus performers, and at the grand total of 10,000 points was a large plushie of a fluffy red snake which was at a size that it could easily be worn as a scarf.

The Pearlcatcher turns to face the Aberration. “Hello sirs, what game would you like to play? We have ringtoss, spin the wheel, and pop the balloon, although you’ll have to wait a bit if you want to play that last one. You could get your chance at winning one of these fine items.” She gestured at prizes which were hanging behind her. There was a verity of plushies and toys like sticky-claws, figurines of circus performers, and at the grand total of 10,000 points was a large plushie of a fluffy red snake which was at a size that it could easily be worn as a scarf.
Pyro, the head and neck of the Aberration that was dressed in a colorful hood, glanced excitedly at the prizes before him. “oooOOOOoo look it, looook, look at it, I could finally add to my figurine collection!” Pyro excitedly exclaimed, while Manic grumbled. “But trashy you don’t even have a figurine collection-“ “I can now make one” “-and those require more then zero points to win-“ “Stop being such a bucket of bog water” “-and are coordination is terrible-“ “It’s quality bonding time brother”. The two heads bicker once more, after a minute, with Pyro grinning smugly, they decide they choice the ring toss, digging out some coins from a colorful pouch strapped to their side.
Pyro, the head and neck of the Aberration that was dressed in a colorful hood, glanced excitedly at the prizes before him. “oooOOOOoo look it, looook, look at it, I could finally add to my figurine collection!” Pyro excitedly exclaimed, while Manic grumbled. “But trashy you don’t even have a figurine collection-“ “I can now make one” “-and those require more then zero points to win-“ “Stop being such a bucket of bog water” “-and are coordination is terrible-“ “It’s quality bonding time brother”. The two heads bicker once more, after a minute, with Pyro grinning smugly, they decide they choice the ring toss, digging out some coins from a colorful pouch strapped to their side.