

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | WW 2022 IC Arena
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Relapse vs kernel

"Ha ha!" He yelled. "She speaks highly of you!"
Kernel, the earth snapper dragon, was amazingly bad at dodging the wind. He braced against the ground, but needed a plan for retaliation. Relapse was too far away…

Roll: 1 (miss)

Relapse vs kernel

"Ha ha!" He yelled. "She speaks highly of you!"
Kernel, the earth snapper dragon, was amazingly bad at dodging the wind. He braced against the ground, but needed a plan for retaliation. Relapse was too far away…

Roll: 1 (miss)

(Not) Ain vs. Sierra

The butt of the handaxe hit Sierra in the head, knocking her clean out. The medics were quick to the scene, but allowed (not) Ain’s apparent team handle them…
But this did bother a few of the medics, the skydancer’s shape seemingly not getting better. Let alone for dueling…

(Not) Ain vs. Sierra

The butt of the handaxe hit Sierra in the head, knocking her clean out. The medics were quick to the scene, but allowed (not) Ain’s apparent team handle them…
But this did bother a few of the medics, the skydancer’s shape seemingly not getting better. Let alone for dueling…
@Venusian (got my health wrong, whoops! fixed it) [center][emoji=sword and shield size=1]Relapse vs Andromeda[emoji=sword and shield size=1][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Andromeda[/center] [center]23/30[/center] Andromeda mirrored her opponent's grin. She had never fought like this before, in an arena with a contender as dangerous as she is. This was nothing like the half-hearted sparring matches with her siblings. This was [i]thrilling[/i]. She locked onto Relapse's spiraling figure, realizing they were saving themself from a nasty fall. Now that just won't do. Andromeda soared up above the Skydancer, then turned down into a viscous dive. She collided with Relapse, bringing them to the ground with a dull [i]thud[/i]. She was thrown off their back and rolled, getting up gingerly and shaking her head in a daze. Roll: 6 (crit!), 16 damage (8x2) ((I got two crits in a row, so you can have advantage on your next roll if you want))
(got my health wrong, whoops! fixed it)
Relapse vs Andromeda

Andromeda mirrored her opponent's grin. She had never fought like this before, in an arena with a contender as dangerous as she is. This was nothing like the half-hearted sparring matches with her siblings. This was thrilling.

She locked onto Relapse's spiraling figure, realizing they were saving themself from a nasty fall. Now that just won't do. Andromeda soared up above the Skydancer, then turned down into a viscous dive. She collided with Relapse, bringing them to the ground with a dull thud. She was thrown off their back and rolled, getting up gingerly and shaking her head in a daze.

Roll: 6 (crit!), 16 damage (8x2)
((I got two crits in a row, so you can have advantage on your next roll if you want))
@ElementMaster [center][img][/img] [size=7][font=tnr]Gladiator vs. Rose[/font][/size] [emoji=sword size=1][url=]Dice link[/url] [emoji=bramble size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=5][font=tnr]Gladiator [size=4][u]Health: 25/30[/u][/size][/font][/b] [emoji=ivy leaf size=1][/center] The Nocturne recovered quick with a throwable. Gladiator grunts as it slices into the meat of his leg, but the shallow hit luckily missed any major muscle groups. His innate magic is already moving to seal the minor bleed when the Wildclaw goes in for another strafing run. Feinting a jab to her right, Gladiator instead smacks her fully in the left side with the broad, blunt side of his weapon, mindful of her knife-throwing skill as he does. If he can wear down her dominant throwing arm, he'll be in a better position. ------ (D6 = 5, hit! | D12 = [b]12 damage![/b]) (I don't know if you rolled, actually -- The Dallas Diceroller result was mine! Would you like to re-roll and rewrite your reply, or are you happy to keep the 5?)

Gladiator vs. Rose

Dice link

Health: 25/30

The Nocturne recovered quick with a throwable. Gladiator grunts as it slices into the meat of his leg, but the shallow hit luckily missed any major muscle groups. His innate magic is already moving to seal the minor bleed when the Wildclaw goes in for another strafing run.

Feinting a jab to her right, Gladiator instead smacks her fully in the left side with the broad, blunt side of his weapon, mindful of her knife-throwing skill as he does. If he can wear down her dominant throwing arm, he'll be in a better position.

(D6 = 5, hit! | D12 = 12 damage!)
(I don't know if you rolled, actually -- The Dallas Diceroller result was mine! Would you like to re-roll and rewrite your reply, or are you happy to keep the 5?)



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Gladiator v Rose, @mutation
D6-2 D12-7

Rose: HP 13/30

Rose grunts as the flat of the trident whacks into her ribs, knocking the breath straight out of her. Gladiator is strong, even for a wildclaw — stronger than she’d anticipated. The blow sends her skidding through the sand on the arena floor, and she spits out a mouthful of grit as she gets painfully back to her feet, wheezing a little. She hurls another knife as quick as she can, but slamming into the ground like that hurt her shoulder and the throw goes wide, spinning over Gladiator’s shoulder and thudding into a fencepost. She winces, glad it didn’t hit a spectator.
Gladiator v Rose, @mutation
D6-2 D12-7

Rose: HP 13/30

Rose grunts as the flat of the trident whacks into her ribs, knocking the breath straight out of her. Gladiator is strong, even for a wildclaw — stronger than she’d anticipated. The blow sends her skidding through the sand on the arena floor, and she spits out a mouthful of grit as she gets painfully back to her feet, wheezing a little. She hurls another knife as quick as she can, but slamming into the ground like that hurt her shoulder and the throw goes wide, spinning over Gladiator’s shoulder and thudding into a fencepost. She winces, glad it didn’t hit a spectator.
@ElementMaster (I can see your roll now, nice!) [center][img][/img] [size=7][font=tnr]Gladiator vs. Rose[/font][/size] [emoji=sword size=1][url=]Dice link[/url] [emoji=bramble size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=5][font=tnr]Gladiator [size=4][u]Health: 25/30[/u][/size][/font][/b] [emoji=ivy leaf size=1][/center] Gladiator sidesteps the incoming projectile as it goes wide, and huffs softly. He's under no illusion that the Nocturne is a capable fighter, and if any of those knives hit home in a critical spot, it could quite easily mean his imminent defeat. Dashing towards the slightly stunned dragon, the Wildclaw tosses his net over her in the hope of impeding her ability to reach for her weapons. The net lands awkwardly, not gripping much of the intended target at all and merely succeeding in giving her a few light scrapes as it tugs her against the ground with Gladiator's momentum, and then slips loose after him. ------ (D6 = 4 | D12 = [b]2 damage![/b])
@ElementMaster (I can see your roll now, nice!)

Gladiator vs. Rose

Dice link

Health: 25/30

Gladiator sidesteps the incoming projectile as it goes wide, and huffs softly. He's under no illusion that the Nocturne is a capable fighter, and if any of those knives hit home in a critical spot, it could quite easily mean his imminent defeat.

Dashing towards the slightly stunned dragon, the Wildclaw tosses his net over her in the hope of impeding her ability to reach for her weapons. The net lands awkwardly, not gripping much of the intended target at all and merely succeeding in giving her a few light scrapes as it tugs her against the ground with Gladiator's momentum, and then slips loose after him.

(D6 = 4 | D12 = 2 damage!)



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Gladiator v Rose, @mutation

d6: 2 d12: 9

Rose: HP 11/30

Rapidly untangling herself from the net, Rose snarls at the wildclaw and unhooks the last knife from her belt. This one will have to be good - she needs to end things quickly or she’s in very real danger of losing. Just as she throws, a Guardian takes to the skies nearby in a mighty flap, and the downdraft from his beating wings flicks the knife off course like a leaf in an autumn gale.
Gladiator v Rose, @mutation

d6: 2 d12: 9

Rose: HP 11/30

Rapidly untangling herself from the net, Rose snarls at the wildclaw and unhooks the last knife from her belt. This one will have to be good - she needs to end things quickly or she’s in very real danger of losing. Just as she throws, a Guardian takes to the skies nearby in a mighty flap, and the downdraft from his beating wings flicks the knife off course like a leaf in an autumn gale.
@ElementMaster (I can see your roll now, nice!) [center][img][/img] [size=7][font=tnr]Gladiator vs. Rose[/font][/size] [emoji=sword size=1][url=]Dice link[/url] [emoji=bramble size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=5][font=tnr]Gladiator [size=4][u]Health: 25/30[/u][/size][/font][/b] [emoji=ivy leaf size=1][/center] For a moment, Gladiator thinks that this blade is going for the throat - and it may have been a true shot, but his feathers and hide are saved the mighty wingbeat of the giant overhead. "That's just unlucky," He laments for both of them under his breath, not glad for the unintentional interference. "Nevermind that," He calls to her. "Please fetch your weapon and try again if you wish, I will not let such a disruption skew our match." True to his word, Gladiator stills in his place, ready to defend but otherwise awaiting Rose's next move. ----- D6 = 2, MISS!) (dang it's 2-roll city haha)
@ElementMaster (I can see your roll now, nice!)

Gladiator vs. Rose

Dice link

Health: 25/30

For a moment, Gladiator thinks that this blade is going for the throat - and it may have been a true shot, but his feathers and hide are saved the mighty wingbeat of the giant overhead.

"That's just unlucky," He laments for both of them under his breath, not glad for the unintentional interference. "Nevermind that," He calls to her. "Please fetch your weapon and try again if you wish, I will not let such a disruption skew our match."

True to his word, Gladiator stills in his place, ready to defend but otherwise awaiting Rose's next move.

D6 = 2, MISS!)

(dang it's 2-roll city haha)



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Gladiator v Rose, @mutation

d6: 5 d12: 9

Rose: HP 11/30

Rose’s mouth tightened at the implication that she needed any kind of mercy or, god forbid, pity for an unluckily timed shot, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Abandoning her attempts at matching him in ranged attacks, she reared up and launched herself at the wildclaw, covering the distance between them in a couple of great bounds aided by huge, flaring wings. Leaping up onto his back, she digs her talons in for balance and closes her jaws around the point where wing meets body, biting down hard and tearing into her opponent’s powerful flight muscles.

Gladiator v Rose, @mutation

d6: 5 d12: 9

Rose: HP 11/30

Rose’s mouth tightened at the implication that she needed any kind of mercy or, god forbid, pity for an unluckily timed shot, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Abandoning her attempts at matching him in ranged attacks, she reared up and launched herself at the wildclaw, covering the distance between them in a couple of great bounds aided by huge, flaring wings. Leaping up onto his back, she digs her talons in for balance and closes her jaws around the point where wing meets body, biting down hard and tearing into her opponent’s powerful flight muscles.

@ElementMaster (Gladiator wh y) [center][img][/img] [size=7][font=tnr]Gladiator vs. Rose[/font][/size] [emoji=sword size=1][url=]Dice link[/url] [emoji=bramble size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=5][font=tnr]Gladiator [size=4][u]Health: 16/30[/u][/size][/font][/b] [emoji=ivy leaf size=1][/center] Surprised at the sudden close quarters combat, Gladiator isn't quick enough to ward the Nocturne away with his Trident. With her past his guard, he tries to strike her with his wings, horns and tail, but he finds himself unable to buck her off or retaliate against the vicious bite. "I didn't mean for my comment to come off in a condecending manner - AH!" He grunts as the other dragon refuses to be dislodged from his back. "-but you're a formidable foe up close, too!" ------ (D6 = 2, MISS! (what is happening?))
@ElementMaster (Gladiator wh y)

Gladiator vs. Rose

Dice link

Health: 16/30

Surprised at the sudden close quarters combat, Gladiator isn't quick enough to ward the Nocturne away with his Trident. With her past his guard, he tries to strike her with his wings, horns and tail, but he finds himself unable to buck her off or retaliate against the vicious bite.

"I didn't mean for my comment to come off in a condecending manner - AH!" He grunts as the other dragon refuses to be dislodged from his back. "-but you're a formidable foe up close, too!"

(D6 = 2, MISS! (what is happening?))



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