

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Physical Nightmares Reboot IC (open)
CX-3 Neck Cutter
They came crawling through the chaos with speed, ramming through any humans that stood in their path. They came back a second time, stopping in the middle of the chaos and let out another goat scream. 'Run, hide! Let our game of hide and seek begin!' With that, they flung a human into the air with their stinger.
CX-3 Neck Cutter
They came crawling through the chaos with speed, ramming through any humans that stood in their path. They came back a second time, stopping in the middle of the chaos and let out another goat scream. 'Run, hide! Let our game of hide and seek begin!' With that, they flung a human into the air with their stinger.
ImLwTCX.pngNew_Ice_Banner.png Hello! Call me Crazy or Panda.
-I accept friend requests if I know you
-A gamer and artist
-FR time +2

Crypt nodded, and ran after Robert. Jesus this cat was fast- but most cats are, I guess. Robert all you gotta do is pet them. "Mreeow!" 'Come here!!'

Crypt nodded, and ran after Robert. Jesus this cat was fast- but most cats are, I guess. Robert all you gotta do is pet them. "Mreeow!" 'Come here!!'
Hello!! I’m Sunny!! He/they please!
Nightmare screeched, hurling herself at a human as she snatched it, pinning it against the wall and plunging her claws into its stomach before throwing it down the corridor. Meanwhile, she launched herself off a wall into the fray again.
Nightmare screeched, hurling herself at a human as she snatched it, pinning it against the wall and plunging her claws into its stomach before throwing it down the corridor. Meanwhile, she launched herself off a wall into the fray again.
Nagisa stuck close to Patchwork before asking "What do they even get us out of killing us?" Curiously.

Mitra is busy running around terrified but trying hard to pretend she's okay.
Nagisa stuck close to Patchwork before asking "What do they even get us out of killing us?" Curiously.

Mitra is busy running around terrified but trying hard to pretend she's okay.
I'm active usually around 7-9 or 11-12FR time.
Nightmare dove at another human, slashing at their legs before leaning down, attaching her sucker to their throat as they screamed and writhed.

Lia dove out of the way. Spying Patchwork, she sprinted towards the fabric rabbit.

Still confused, they didn't understand the chaos that had just erupted, but it was good feeding time. They ran towards a girl that was hightailing it back into the facility.
(@Magowor sorry for the ping but that's Tracy)
Nightmare dove at another human, slashing at their legs before leaning down, attaching her sucker to their throat as they screamed and writhed.

Lia dove out of the way. Spying Patchwork, she sprinted towards the fabric rabbit.

Still confused, they didn't understand the chaos that had just erupted, but it was good feeding time. They ran towards a girl that was hightailing it back into the facility.
(@Magowor sorry for the ping but that's Tracy)
Felix crouched slightly in preparation for a mad dash out of Webcrawler's way if it came to that. Her grip on the knife was tight enough for her knuckles to go white. Somehow her brow furrowed more than it had before, her thoughts clouded by a very unreasonable amount of anger.
"You cheap sonova-dung beetle, you couldn't even be bothered to give them the tour first!?"

Mimic did their very best not to fall off but it would be a lie to say they stayed securely fastened he whole time. They were glad when they finally stopped. After a moment of trying not to be motion sick they noticed a human staring directly at them. Why were they not running, they should be running!
They hopped off of Soundtrack and shifted into a form that the human would probably be more comfortable with listening to-a teenage human gal.

"Hey, deer in the headlights, standing around is not a good idea!" They said as they grabbed Tracy's wrist and pulled her towards Soundtrack. They moved quickly, Scorpion looked hungry and they did not want to be caught in the crossfire.

The sound of one of the nearby storage room doors opening caught Dancer's attention. If those noise-makers led the more violent monsters into their hall they were going to have a lot more problems then just a broken clock. Without a sound the monster left the room it was in and started towards the storage room. They were careful to step around even the smallest bit of dirt on the old tile. Quietly they opened the door and peered inside with four pin sized eyes situated on an otherwise featureless face.
Felix crouched slightly in preparation for a mad dash out of Webcrawler's way if it came to that. Her grip on the knife was tight enough for her knuckles to go white. Somehow her brow furrowed more than it had before, her thoughts clouded by a very unreasonable amount of anger.
"You cheap sonova-dung beetle, you couldn't even be bothered to give them the tour first!?"

Mimic did their very best not to fall off but it would be a lie to say they stayed securely fastened he whole time. They were glad when they finally stopped. After a moment of trying not to be motion sick they noticed a human staring directly at them. Why were they not running, they should be running!
They hopped off of Soundtrack and shifted into a form that the human would probably be more comfortable with listening to-a teenage human gal.

"Hey, deer in the headlights, standing around is not a good idea!" They said as they grabbed Tracy's wrist and pulled her towards Soundtrack. They moved quickly, Scorpion looked hungry and they did not want to be caught in the crossfire.

The sound of one of the nearby storage room doors opening caught Dancer's attention. If those noise-makers led the more violent monsters into their hall they were going to have a lot more problems then just a broken clock. Without a sound the monster left the room it was in and started towards the storage room. They were careful to step around even the smallest bit of dirt on the old tile. Quietly they opened the door and peered inside with four pin sized eyes situated on an otherwise featureless face.
"Food," Dire says simply, "and for most, fun as well. They hunted down our creators. I... managed to protect a few... but humans are squishy and short-lived compared to us, and they died.." she looked down
Patchwork tried to give her a comforting pat, but she stepped to the side. "Don't move, I'll put you in the safer area of the shadow realm where you'll be safe, then look for the others." The shadow creature raises her hand, causing pitch black, claw-like hands to raise around her, the rabbit, and the humans.
Patchwork jingles softly, as if to say "Be safe" before the hands drag her and Izzy into the other realm.
Skylar goes next, remaining almost perfectly still

Dire disappears into the shadows as the hands continue dragging the humans nearby into the safer area
"Food," Dire says simply, "and for most, fun as well. They hunted down our creators. I... managed to protect a few... but humans are squishy and short-lived compared to us, and they died.." she looked down
Patchwork tried to give her a comforting pat, but she stepped to the side. "Don't move, I'll put you in the safer area of the shadow realm where you'll be safe, then look for the others." The shadow creature raises her hand, causing pitch black, claw-like hands to raise around her, the rabbit, and the humans.
Patchwork jingles softly, as if to say "Be safe" before the hands drag her and Izzy into the other realm.
Skylar goes next, remaining almost perfectly still

Dire disappears into the shadows as the hands continue dragging the humans nearby into the safer area
1qSQ4Z1.gif Silent_Willows.png
It grinned, just slightly ahead of Crypt though appearing to be walking. It screwed with the heads of the victims. It smiled as Robert found himself running towards a dead end, and took a side corridor to end up right behind him, curling its fingers around his shoulders and trapping him between itself and the cat-like nightmare.
"Are you lost?" It murmured in words formed by static.

Robert shouted in alarm as Crypt barreled towards him, taking off. At least joining the track team was serving him well for once.
At least until he hit a dead end. He skidded to a halt and turned to see the cat. He backed up two steps before he felt hands on his shoulders that stunned him in place and a voice murmured into his ear.

It grinned, just slightly ahead of Crypt though appearing to be walking. It screwed with the heads of the victims. It smiled as Robert found himself running towards a dead end, and took a side corridor to end up right behind him, curling its fingers around his shoulders and trapping him between itself and the cat-like nightmare.
"Are you lost?" It murmured in words formed by static.

Robert shouted in alarm as Crypt barreled towards him, taking off. At least joining the track team was serving him well for once.
At least until he hit a dead end. He skidded to a halt and turned to see the cat. He backed up two steps before he felt hands on his shoulders that stunned him in place and a voice murmured into his ear.

[emoji=cat 3 size=1]Crypt[emoji=cat 3 size=1] The large cat smiled as he looked at Robert. "Meow." 'Ha. You gave me quite a chase, little one.' He crouched down, and started to walk nearer. No need to pounce. The prey was so close...and had no where to run.

The large cat smiled as he looked at Robert. "Meow." 'Ha. You gave me quite a chase, little one.' He crouched down, and started to walk nearer. No need to pounce. The prey was so close...and had no where to run.
Hello!! I’m Sunny!! He/they please!
Changeling grinned, throwing Robert into one of its signature illusions as Crypt bore down. The senior slumped down, and Changeling fed off his despair as they let go of his shoulders as he collapsed, wrapped up in dreams for eternity.

Robert Willian
Robert couldn't dodge anywhere, couldn't back up...
Until he saw a hallway to his left. Was it there before? Or was it a trick?
He didn't have a chance to be picky, though the unlit hallway was more than a bit suspect. That, and when he threw off the Changeling, his light instantly flickered out.

(Yup he ded)
Changeling grinned, throwing Robert into one of its signature illusions as Crypt bore down. The senior slumped down, and Changeling fed off his despair as they let go of his shoulders as he collapsed, wrapped up in dreams for eternity.

Robert Willian
Robert couldn't dodge anywhere, couldn't back up...
Until he saw a hallway to his left. Was it there before? Or was it a trick?
He didn't have a chance to be picky, though the unlit hallway was more than a bit suspect. That, and when he threw off the Changeling, his light instantly flickered out.

(Yup he ded)