

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Physical Nightmares Reboot IC (open)
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@FlamesEmbrace @SassySerpent @SpookyLemonMonth @RockyDrago @Tumbleweeds @EmpressAevee @imceorary @ShadowSky @Dreambasket @99CrimsonTigers @BlueFriend @PestilenceRaven

The moonlight pierced through the cold night air. illuminating the figures walking down the overgrown path. It was too late to turn back now, as their destination came into view. A large, tattered building, an aura of mystery hovering over it. Why was it ever abandoned in the first place?
@FlamesEmbrace @SassySerpent @SpookyLemonMonth @RockyDrago @Tumbleweeds @EmpressAevee @imceorary @ShadowSky @Dreambasket @99CrimsonTigers @BlueFriend @PestilenceRaven

The moonlight pierced through the cold night air. illuminating the figures walking down the overgrown path. It was too late to turn back now, as their destination came into view. A large, tattered building, an aura of mystery hovering over it. Why was it ever abandoned in the first place?
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Wilfre-drawn-to-life-the-next-chapter-shadowwilfre-22219465-100-100.gif Wilfre_celebrate.gif
Lia stared ahead of her. She didn't look at anyone, she didn't need to. She didn't want to. The guise of a fun adventure -- no, she didn't think so. She didn't want to be here. Lia felt something sinister, but why ruin their fun?
Lia stared ahead of her. She didn't look at anyone, she didn't need to. She didn't want to. The guise of a fun adventure -- no, she didn't think so. She didn't want to be here. Lia felt something sinister, but why ruin their fun?
Tracy sucked in a couple breaths. She had no idea why she had agreed to come. Was it to prove her bravery? Peer pressure? Whatever it was, she was sure she did not want to be there. She would much rather be home with her little sister, she couldn't help but worry for the seven year old. She had left KRBAY on the TV, and waited until Stella had eventually fallen asleep. Guilt rose up inside her again, but she pushed it back down. She'll be fine, she told herself.
Tracy sucked in a couple breaths. She had no idea why she had agreed to come. Was it to prove her bravery? Peer pressure? Whatever it was, she was sure she did not want to be there. She would much rather be home with her little sister, she couldn't help but worry for the seven year old. She had left KRBAY on the TV, and waited until Stella had eventually fallen asleep. Guilt rose up inside her again, but she pushed it back down. She'll be fine, she told herself.
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Felix was at the front of the group. She turned to look at everyone else and did not like what she saw. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost and we’re not even there yet!” She teased, her words were directed at Tracy and Lia mostly. “I cant be the only one who actually wants to be here.”
Felix was at the front of the group. She turned to look at everyone else and did not like what she saw. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost and we’re not even there yet!” She teased, her words were directed at Tracy and Lia mostly. “I cant be the only one who actually wants to be here.”
Tom Sinclair

Tom hummed to himself as he walked, an old rock song by The Rolling Stones. As he got to the swell in the melody, his voice got a little too loud, and Jesse placed a quelling hand on his back. Tom cut off abruptly and whispered “Sorry!” loudly. Jesse smiled at him and Tom immediately felt a rush of warmth in his chest. He was glad Jesse was with him. He had been a little scared that the other would leave him and report their harmless little crime. But Jesse had simply said that if Tom was so intent on going, there was nothing he could say to convince him otherwise, and it would be best if he went along to keep him out of trouble.

Tom swung his flashlight around and mused to himself that it didn’t actually seem all that scary. He supposed people only called it haunted because they didn’t want people going in to the old military facility. He was doing it to reign in his fear of the obscure and unknown. He had already conquered fear of death, now he was moving on to the next. Hopefully, by the end of the year, he’d be entirely fearless.

“I wanna be here!” He chimed in cheerfully at Felix’s comment.


Jesse Daniels

Jesse sighed to himself. He still couldn’t really believe he had allowed himself to be dragged along on this fool’s errand, but he supposed it would be better to go and keep an eye on Tom and the others than learn the next day that someone had gotten hurt or done something dangerous. And he’d heard Tom out, listening to what he had to say, and Jesse knew while what he was doing may not be good, his intentions were.

“A healthy dose of caution would do you all some good,” he muttered to himself. “Let’s get this over with quickly, and not do anything stupid, yeah?”
Tom Sinclair

Tom hummed to himself as he walked, an old rock song by The Rolling Stones. As he got to the swell in the melody, his voice got a little too loud, and Jesse placed a quelling hand on his back. Tom cut off abruptly and whispered “Sorry!” loudly. Jesse smiled at him and Tom immediately felt a rush of warmth in his chest. He was glad Jesse was with him. He had been a little scared that the other would leave him and report their harmless little crime. But Jesse had simply said that if Tom was so intent on going, there was nothing he could say to convince him otherwise, and it would be best if he went along to keep him out of trouble.

Tom swung his flashlight around and mused to himself that it didn’t actually seem all that scary. He supposed people only called it haunted because they didn’t want people going in to the old military facility. He was doing it to reign in his fear of the obscure and unknown. He had already conquered fear of death, now he was moving on to the next. Hopefully, by the end of the year, he’d be entirely fearless.

“I wanna be here!” He chimed in cheerfully at Felix’s comment.


Jesse Daniels

Jesse sighed to himself. He still couldn’t really believe he had allowed himself to be dragged along on this fool’s errand, but he supposed it would be better to go and keep an eye on Tom and the others than learn the next day that someone had gotten hurt or done something dangerous. And he’d heard Tom out, listening to what he had to say, and Jesse knew while what he was doing may not be good, his intentions were.

“A healthy dose of caution would do you all some good,” he muttered to himself. “Let’s get this over with quickly, and not do anything stupid, yeah?”
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"abandon all hope; ye who enter here."
anthony | he/she/they | FR+3
code / imgs & gif
"Fools," Lia said loudly. "Once an unfortunate event happens, I do not think I will save any of you if you need help."
"Fools," Lia said loudly. "Once an unfortunate event happens, I do not think I will save any of you if you need help."
Yin S.
It was unknown who had first planned the fun adventure of trespassing onto an abandoned government facility, nor did it matter overmuch. By now the whispers of teenage shenaniganery had reached everyone interested and either deviant or apathetic enough not to tattle to the authorities like some strait-laced honors student.

Yin, in credit of his wit, knew well about the urban legends and attitude of authorities about the place and maintained a respectful wariness about the whole affair. He has seen a horror movie before, and set-ups like these never ended well. But in credit of blind bravery or perhaps well-concealed foolhardiness, the intrepid young student had packed their backpack and set off through the woods anyways.

There were five figures milling outside of the dilapidated entrance already, vaguely familiar strangers he's seen around the halls at school and streets on a lazy weekend, perhaps. Yin couldn't help but smile a little at the nerves clearly written across some of their faces. Didn't they all have a reason to be here or not?

Perhaps they had been dared - the motivation, like who planned the gathering, didn't really matter. No matter the variables, the outcome would be the same. They would wait for the others to arrive, maybe have some cheesy icebreaker to get everyone introduced. Then, in pairs or trios filing after each other, they would all enter and leave with some quirky tale to share at parties years later.

Yin shouldered his well-packed backpack and merged with the group, ending up near a nervous-seeming girl in jeans with brown hair and a couple who seemed to have contrasting opinions on this whole excursion. "Oh, don't be a pessimist," Yin spoke to the person standing across from him with a wry smile. "For all you know, there could be nothing but old science tools in there."

Even Yin didn't believe their own words. But nobody needed to know that, did they?
Yin S.
It was unknown who had first planned the fun adventure of trespassing onto an abandoned government facility, nor did it matter overmuch. By now the whispers of teenage shenaniganery had reached everyone interested and either deviant or apathetic enough not to tattle to the authorities like some strait-laced honors student.

Yin, in credit of his wit, knew well about the urban legends and attitude of authorities about the place and maintained a respectful wariness about the whole affair. He has seen a horror movie before, and set-ups like these never ended well. But in credit of blind bravery or perhaps well-concealed foolhardiness, the intrepid young student had packed their backpack and set off through the woods anyways.

There were five figures milling outside of the dilapidated entrance already, vaguely familiar strangers he's seen around the halls at school and streets on a lazy weekend, perhaps. Yin couldn't help but smile a little at the nerves clearly written across some of their faces. Didn't they all have a reason to be here or not?

Perhaps they had been dared - the motivation, like who planned the gathering, didn't really matter. No matter the variables, the outcome would be the same. They would wait for the others to arrive, maybe have some cheesy icebreaker to get everyone introduced. Then, in pairs or trios filing after each other, they would all enter and leave with some quirky tale to share at parties years later.

Yin shouldered his well-packed backpack and merged with the group, ending up near a nervous-seeming girl in jeans with brown hair and a couple who seemed to have contrasting opinions on this whole excursion. "Oh, don't be a pessimist," Yin spoke to the person standing across from him with a wry smile. "For all you know, there could be nothing but old science tools in there."

Even Yin didn't believe their own words. But nobody needed to know that, did they?
"Alas, love cannot be cured by herbs!"
Quite possibly just a moth with internet access.
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Moss Lancaster | They/It | @SassySerpent

Moss walked along with the group of children, it turned their head over to Jesse "I wouldn't mind any stupidity, not like I have anything to live for." it spoke in response to his words. "And judging by you all I don't think you even have lives to begin with." Moss muttered to itself.
Moss Lancaster | They/It | @SassySerpent

Moss walked along with the group of children, it turned their head over to Jesse "I wouldn't mind any stupidity, not like I have anything to live for." it spoke in response to his words. "And judging by you all I don't think you even have lives to begin with." Moss muttered to itself.
Rocky | He/Him | CET [FR+9]
Art Fight | Art Shop
Of course they didn't listen. But when they beg, and cry for help ... she'd uphold her promise.
An eerie smile spread across her face.
Of course they didn't listen. But when they beg, and cry for help ... she'd uphold her promise.
An eerie smile spread across her face.
“That’s what I like to hear!” Felix said as she playfully punched Tom’s shoulder, perhaps a bit too hard. Everyone else’s responses were not what she expected. Just a bunch of downers and nerds. Maybe she could change them, or just ditch them as soon as they get inside.
“That’s what I like to hear!” Felix said as she playfully punched Tom’s shoulder, perhaps a bit too hard. Everyone else’s responses were not what she expected. Just a bunch of downers and nerds. Maybe she could change them, or just ditch them as soon as they get inside.
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