

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Downy's eyes widened.

"You're Zebra?! Cool! Anyway, I'm not just running from my parents, I'm going to find my parents and bring both of the together. AND, I'm going to recruit some members for the resistance!" She looked impressively at the dragon before tilting her head towards the ground. "But, I guess running into a storm WAS kinda stupid..... and I'm sorry about your parents."

She looked slightly crestfallen, though she glanced again at the dragon.

"Would y-you take me to the marketplace?" She asked quietly.



Lavender nodded, smiling, before a breeze ruffled her frill, abd she glanced at the sky.

"It looks like..... a storm. I should get going.. If you want to come, you can." She said, starting to walk away, then glancing back. Some green rippled through her scales as she looked at the sky.



Breeze snarled in anger as the winds began to carry her away. Her overlarge wings weren't helping, and were catching too much of the wind to help her make any progress.

She tried again, before shaking herself, and flying the the direction the wind was taking her. She snorted a small burst of flame. Whereever the wind was taking her better be good.


Downy's eyes widened.

"You're Zebra?! Cool! Anyway, I'm not just running from my parents, I'm going to find my parents and bring both of the together. AND, I'm going to recruit some members for the resistance!" She looked impressively at the dragon before tilting her head towards the ground. "But, I guess running into a storm WAS kinda stupid..... and I'm sorry about your parents."

She looked slightly crestfallen, though she glanced again at the dragon.

"Would y-you take me to the marketplace?" She asked quietly.



Lavender nodded, smiling, before a breeze ruffled her frill, abd she glanced at the sky.

"It looks like..... a storm. I should get going.. If you want to come, you can." She said, starting to walk away, then glancing back. Some green rippled through her scales as she looked at the sky.



Breeze snarled in anger as the winds began to carry her away. Her overlarge wings weren't helping, and were catching too much of the wind to help her make any progress.

She tried again, before shaking herself, and flying the the direction the wind was taking her. She snorted a small burst of flame. Whereever the wind was taking her better be good.

~ call me minty, ean, or sunny

~ she/they! biromantic!!

~ I have a lore shop, if you wanted to check it out

Silently taking note of Aspen's unexpected flinch, Isa opted to store that information away for another time and answer the question given to her.
"The Hives are good, I suppose?? They are if you're a hivewing, especially. For silkwings, I guess it kinda depends, if that makes sense? We can spin silk, like this"
Unwrapping the threads of silk she had curled around her talons, she gently lifted it up for Aspen to see.
"But some of us, flame silks, spin silk that Queen Wasp uses for lighting, power, warmth, whatever she wants for her tribe. So when we go through our metamorphosis, spin silk for the first time and grow wings, if that silk happens to be that of a flame silk, then the dragon is taken away. I hear that they're kept in caves where Wasp works them day after day to harvest their silk . . ."
Oh shoot, thats too much, I didn't need to say that ohmymoons-
Wracking her brain to find nicer things to say about living in a hive, her eyes landed on Aaragon, who was happily ooh-ing and awe-ing at the raindrop Aspen showed him.
"Its not bad though, not with the resistance. The rebel silkwings in my area are pretty close-knit, so me, Aaragon and the other dragonets are all practically family at this point. For all its flaws, what with the constant propaganda against leafwings, Wasp occasionally mind-controlling all the hivewings, and the sorry treatment of us silkwings, the Hive gave me a family and I adore them."
Good going Isa, now instead of dumping a bunch of negativity on her, you decided to be sappy and weird.

Silently taking note of Aspen's unexpected flinch, Isa opted to store that information away for another time and answer the question given to her.
"The Hives are good, I suppose?? They are if you're a hivewing, especially. For silkwings, I guess it kinda depends, if that makes sense? We can spin silk, like this"
Unwrapping the threads of silk she had curled around her talons, she gently lifted it up for Aspen to see.
"But some of us, flame silks, spin silk that Queen Wasp uses for lighting, power, warmth, whatever she wants for her tribe. So when we go through our metamorphosis, spin silk for the first time and grow wings, if that silk happens to be that of a flame silk, then the dragon is taken away. I hear that they're kept in caves where Wasp works them day after day to harvest their silk . . ."
Oh shoot, thats too much, I didn't need to say that ohmymoons-
Wracking her brain to find nicer things to say about living in a hive, her eyes landed on Aaragon, who was happily ooh-ing and awe-ing at the raindrop Aspen showed him.
"Its not bad though, not with the resistance. The rebel silkwings in my area are pretty close-knit, so me, Aaragon and the other dragonets are all practically family at this point. For all its flaws, what with the constant propaganda against leafwings, Wasp occasionally mind-controlling all the hivewings, and the sorry treatment of us silkwings, the Hive gave me a family and I adore them."
Good going Isa, now instead of dumping a bunch of negativity on her, you decided to be sappy and weird.

Hybrid smiled as he folded his wings up neatly, and crouched underneath the wings of the Nightwing as the group of them made their way to Possibility. As he saw the first buildings of the town, he pointed at the closest. "There!" He yipped excitedly. The building in question was a small structure. To Hybrid it didn't look very sturdy for the coming storm, but he assumed that it was sturdier than it looked. They would be safe in there, probably.

Hybrid smiled as he folded his wings up neatly, and crouched underneath the wings of the Nightwing as the group of them made their way to Possibility. As he saw the first buildings of the town, he pointed at the closest. "There!" He yipped excitedly. The building in question was a small structure. To Hybrid it didn't look very sturdy for the coming storm, but he assumed that it was sturdier than it looked. They would be safe in there, probably.

He pressed his ears to his head.
"Yeah....I doubt I can get all the way home before the storm comes. Wait up!" he said, jogging after her.

He pressed his ears to his head.
"Yeah....I doubt I can get all the way home before the storm comes. Wait up!" he said, jogging after her.
My coliseum scavenger hunt progress!
Helping stock the AH, come see!

Aspen tilted her head, thinking. Her parents had always taught her to not trust anything that came from the Hives, yet the Silkwing she was speaking to was sweet and friendly. She also hadn't heard of Silkwing resistance, as her parents had always described Silkwings as docile and obedient.
"That seems... harsh? I mean, I've never been in the Hives but it just seems that the Hivewings have built themselves a society that relies on Silkwings for everything -- work, supplies, you know."
She paused, before asking carefully, "How big is the resistance? I could try to help if needed."


"Good eyes!" she said cheerily, "Though, ah, I'll be fine outside. Hopefully this storm passes soon; wet sand is the bane of my existence."
She turned her gaze upwards. The sky was darkening quickly, and she shivered. Something told her that this storm was... different. She shook the feeling off. Maybe it was just because she was out in the open this time, instead of sheltered in the rainforest.

Aspen tilted her head, thinking. Her parents had always taught her to not trust anything that came from the Hives, yet the Silkwing she was speaking to was sweet and friendly. She also hadn't heard of Silkwing resistance, as her parents had always described Silkwings as docile and obedient.
"That seems... harsh? I mean, I've never been in the Hives but it just seems that the Hivewings have built themselves a society that relies on Silkwings for everything -- work, supplies, you know."
She paused, before asking carefully, "How big is the resistance? I could try to help if needed."


"Good eyes!" she said cheerily, "Though, ah, I'll be fine outside. Hopefully this storm passes soon; wet sand is the bane of my existence."
She turned her gaze upwards. The sky was darkening quickly, and she shivered. Something told her that this storm was... different. She shook the feeling off. Maybe it was just because she was out in the open this time, instead of sheltered in the rainforest.

Monkey hurried into the shelter. It certainly was tiny, but the three of them fit alright. He shivered slightly.

Amethyst looked warily at the small structure Hybrid had picked out. She wondered if it'd survive the storm, it didn't look very stable, but she didn't want to criticize Hybrids decision, so she came up with a different tactic then telling him directly.
"Um, Izaiah, are you sure you're okay with staying outside?" She asked, looking up at the storm. "We could find a bigger place, if you'd like."

Monkey hurried into the shelter. It certainly was tiny, but the three of them fit alright. He shivered slightly.

Amethyst looked warily at the small structure Hybrid had picked out. She wondered if it'd survive the storm, it didn't look very stable, but she didn't want to criticize Hybrids decision, so she came up with a different tactic then telling him directly.
"Um, Izaiah, are you sure you're okay with staying outside?" She asked, looking up at the storm. "We could find a bigger place, if you'd like."
Smoky-Bantam-Fangar.png ~call me Amethyst!
~check out this super cool hatchery!
~and this other cool subspecies!
~Every day I play a game online where you dress up overgrown lizards. Oh wait...

Lavender looked behind her, and grinned, trying to push down her worry.

"Here. There's a tarp over there we can use until the storm gaps for a second." she said, hurrying over to it.

Lavender looked behind her, and grinned, trying to push down her worry.

"Here. There's a tarp over there we can use until the storm gaps for a second." she said, hurrying over to it.

~ call me minty, ean, or sunny

~ she/they! biromantic!!

~ I have a lore shop, if you wanted to check it out

Fractal took one glance at the darkened sky before he headed into the shelter of Possibility. For as small as the building was, there was quite a few dragons crammed inside it. He hated being this close to so many dragons. When they were all outside he was relatively fine with it. But now there was just too many. He could hear lightning crackling in the sky. This storm was weird. Weren't buildings in the sandwing kingdom built for sandstorms, rather than actual rain storms? He peered outside, watching the dark sky.

Fractal took one glance at the darkened sky before he headed into the shelter of Possibility. For as small as the building was, there was quite a few dragons crammed inside it. He hated being this close to so many dragons. When they were all outside he was relatively fine with it. But now there was just too many. He could hear lightning crackling in the sky. This storm was weird. Weren't buildings in the sandwing kingdom built for sandstorms, rather than actual rain storms? He peered outside, watching the dark sky.

He chased after Lavender, helping lift the tarp.


He put his book down and shut his balcony doors, pulling the curtains and setting up the storm protection. Slowly but surely, he closed and sealed the other windows and doors. He sat in his small bedroom, prepared for the storm.

He chased after Lavender, helping lift the tarp.


He put his book down and shut his balcony doors, pulling the curtains and setting up the storm protection. Slowly but surely, he closed and sealed the other windows and doors. He sat in his small bedroom, prepared for the storm.
My coliseum scavenger hunt progress!
Helping stock the AH, come see!
Heh, yeah, it's hard to imagine how they would survive without us.
"Well, yeah, it's kinda harsh, but that's why there's the resistance. I'm not gonna lie, I don't know how big it is. The most involvement I have with them is taking care of their kids whenever resistance members in my hive are too busy for them."
Which, unfortunately, is wayyyy too often. At this point, there are some rebel dragonets who I've practically raised, poor dears.
It was only after she noticed Aaragon had turned his attention away from the raindrop Aspen showed him that she realized she had said those last thoughts out loud. Whoops.
"Ignoring that, if you want to help, I could maybe ask around if theres anything a super cool dragon who can speak to plants could do to help?"
Heh, yeah, it's hard to imagine how they would survive without us.
"Well, yeah, it's kinda harsh, but that's why there's the resistance. I'm not gonna lie, I don't know how big it is. The most involvement I have with them is taking care of their kids whenever resistance members in my hive are too busy for them."
Which, unfortunately, is wayyyy too often. At this point, there are some rebel dragonets who I've practically raised, poor dears.
It was only after she noticed Aaragon had turned his attention away from the raindrop Aspen showed him that she realized she had said those last thoughts out loud. Whoops.
"Ignoring that, if you want to help, I could maybe ask around if theres anything a super cool dragon who can speak to plants could do to help?"
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