

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 Pokémon roleplay with Sprinklez123
The rockruff used bite on Paarsidae, and Zach instructed to use tackle on the rockruff again. He the. Threw a pokeball at the rockruff. He patiently waited for the pokeball to stop moving. The poke ball made a weird singing noise and the poke all stopped moving,” Well that’s a good start!” Zach said, picking up the pokeball.
The rockruff used bite on Paarsidae, and Zach instructed to use tackle on the rockruff again. He the. Threw a pokeball at the rockruff. He patiently waited for the pokeball to stop moving. The poke ball made a weird singing noise and the poke all stopped moving,” Well that’s a good start!” Zach said, picking up the pokeball.
Kobari used Ember on the Pokémon again, knocking it over. Out of instinct, the boy threw a Pokéball at the Pokémon. It shook once... then it shook twice... then three times, then it stopped shaking. It made an odd sound as it stopped. The boy's Kobari carefully picked up the Pokéball and brought it to him. "Let's see what Pokémon this is," he said. He tapped the small circle on the Pokéball, and the Pokémon plopped out unconscious. Then the boy took out his Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon. The Pokédex read "Ghardeidae, the Crane Pokémon. A pure Flying type. They live solitary lives, only coming together during the mating season in summer."
Kobari used Ember on the Pokémon again, knocking it over. Out of instinct, the boy threw a Pokéball at the Pokémon. It shook once... then it shook twice... then three times, then it stopped shaking. It made an odd sound as it stopped. The boy's Kobari carefully picked up the Pokéball and brought it to him. "Let's see what Pokémon this is," he said. He tapped the small circle on the Pokéball, and the Pokémon plopped out unconscious. Then the boy took out his Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon. The Pokédex read "Ghardeidae, the Crane Pokémon. A pure Flying type. They live solitary lives, only coming together during the mating season in summer."
Zach opened the poke all and let out the Pokémon, he then pulled out the Pokédex,” Rockruff, the puppy Pokémon. It is said to be a good Pokémon for beginners because of its friendliness, however deposition grows rougher as it grows up.” The Pokédex said. He nodded and patted the Rockruff on the head, then gave it a Oran berry from his backpack. The Rockruff gladly munched on the berry and barked at him in approval. “ let’s move on then..” Zach said as he went deeper into the fields. Then again, a Pokémon jumped out of the bushes. This Pokémon was familiar, “You! So your the one whose destroying our fields!” Zach exclaimed. His father said that there was a Riolu that liked to come to the fields and pick fights with the pests. Not a bad thing, but the damage was.

He nodded to Rockruff, “ It’s your turn!” Zach said, then the rockruff nodded and went into battle. He instructed it to use Quick attack, and it did so. The Riolu used bite in return. Zach quickly threw a pokeball at it and the rills was trapped inside.




It was caught and Zach sighed with relief. At least now he had a new addition to the team... “ well, we should get going..” Zach said as he picked up the poke ball and returned rock ruff in its pokeball. “Cmon paarsidae.”

(( sorry, I just love riolu way too much, lol))
Zach opened the poke all and let out the Pokémon, he then pulled out the Pokédex,” Rockruff, the puppy Pokémon. It is said to be a good Pokémon for beginners because of its friendliness, however deposition grows rougher as it grows up.” The Pokédex said. He nodded and patted the Rockruff on the head, then gave it a Oran berry from his backpack. The Rockruff gladly munched on the berry and barked at him in approval. “ let’s move on then..” Zach said as he went deeper into the fields. Then again, a Pokémon jumped out of the bushes. This Pokémon was familiar, “You! So your the one whose destroying our fields!” Zach exclaimed. His father said that there was a Riolu that liked to come to the fields and pick fights with the pests. Not a bad thing, but the damage was.

He nodded to Rockruff, “ It’s your turn!” Zach said, then the rockruff nodded and went into battle. He instructed it to use Quick attack, and it did so. The Riolu used bite in return. Zach quickly threw a pokeball at it and the rills was trapped inside.




It was caught and Zach sighed with relief. At least now he had a new addition to the team... “ well, we should get going..” Zach said as he picked up the poke ball and returned rock ruff in its pokeball. “Cmon paarsidae.”

(( sorry, I just love riolu way too much, lol))
The Ghardeidae woke up, and was automatically aggressive at the Kobari. The boy didn't know how to calm it, so he gently picked it up and looked around, trying to see where Zach had went. The boy trusted him, to an extent, and guessed that he would know how to calm the Pokémon.
The Ghardeidae woke up, and was automatically aggressive at the Kobari. The boy didn't know how to calm it, so he gently picked it up and looked around, trying to see where Zach had went. The boy trusted him, to an extent, and guessed that he would know how to calm the Pokémon.
Zach excited the fields and started down a trail. He then stopped by a tree and released both newly captured Pokémon. The Riolu seemed to be very angry at the moment. “ Hey look. It’s okay..” Zach said as he pulled out a berry from his backpack and gave it to the riolu. The riolu snatched the berry and ate it. “Hmm... I’m sorry about that..” Zach said as he patted its head. It made a grunting noise and sighed.
Zach excited the fields and started down a trail. He then stopped by a tree and released both newly captured Pokémon. The Riolu seemed to be very angry at the moment. “ Hey look. It’s okay..” Zach said as he pulled out a berry from his backpack and gave it to the riolu. The riolu snatched the berry and ate it. “Hmm... I’m sorry about that..” Zach said as he patted its head. It made a grunting noise and sighed.
The boy kept looking, then motioned for Kobari to try and find Zach. The cobra Pokémon nodded and slithered away. It went through a berry field, snatching an Oran Berry along the way.
The boy kept looking, then motioned for Kobari to try and find Zach. The cobra Pokémon nodded and slithered away. It went through a berry field, snatching an Oran Berry along the way.
Zach stood up, seeing movement in the distance. He the. Caught sight of the Kobari from before. Didn’t it belong to the older boy? His Rockruff barked at the Kobari, while Riolu jumped up and clung onto Zach’s back. ‘ Hello, where is your trainer?” Zach asked it.
Zach stood up, seeing movement in the distance. He the. Caught sight of the Kobari from before. Didn’t it belong to the older boy? His Rockruff barked at the Kobari, while Riolu jumped up and clung onto Zach’s back. ‘ Hello, where is your trainer?” Zach asked it.
The Kobari seemed to say something to the Rockruff, then looked at Zach. They gestured to the road past the berry garden and started slithering down through the berries.
The Kobari seemed to say something to the Rockruff, then looked at Zach. They gestured to the road past the berry garden and started slithering down through the berries.
Zach followed, with paarsidae and rock ruff running after him. He followed the Kobari through the field and arrived to the road. When he stopped, he saw the boy from earlier with a Pokémon, “Oh goodness..” he said as he saw the pokemon’s Hostility. He ran over to the boy and pulled out an oran berry. He gently stroked the Ghardeidae’s head and fed it the Oran berry. “ You needed help I’m guessing..”
Zach followed, with paarsidae and rock ruff running after him. He followed the Kobari through the field and arrived to the road. When he stopped, he saw the boy from earlier with a Pokémon, “Oh goodness..” he said as he saw the pokemon’s Hostility. He ran over to the boy and pulled out an oran berry. He gently stroked the Ghardeidae’s head and fed it the Oran berry. “ You needed help I’m guessing..”
The boy nodded and said "Yeah. I'm just... not good with Pokémon, generally, and this one was aggressive anyways." The Kobari laid down around him and started to rest, laying its head on his shoe.
The boy nodded and said "Yeah. I'm just... not good with Pokémon, generally, and this one was aggressive anyways." The Kobari laid down around him and started to rest, laying its head on his shoe.