

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 Pokémon roleplay with Sprinklez123
Zach waited patiently for the other kid to answer the professor. He didn’t really have much to do at the moment. Zach patted Paarsidae on the head, before he placed it carefully on his shoulder.
Zach waited patiently for the other kid to answer the professor. He didn’t really have much to do at the moment. Zach patted Paarsidae on the head, before he placed it carefully on his shoulder.
"Well.. I guess I'll take... Kobari." The older boy gently picked up the Pokémon, trying to replicate what he had seen Zach do. The professor nodded, and said "Good choice. Here are 5 Pokéballs for both of you two." He gave Zach and the other boy 5 Pokéballs each.
"Well.. I guess I'll take... Kobari." The older boy gently picked up the Pokémon, trying to replicate what he had seen Zach do. The professor nodded, and said "Good choice. Here are 5 Pokéballs for both of you two." He gave Zach and the other boy 5 Pokéballs each.
Zach nodded and took the poke balls from the professor, “ Thank you professor!” He said, putting away the poke balls in a bag that he carried around most of the time. Seeing Kobari calm on the boy’s shoulder was quite amazing, considering that it tried to bite him not too long ago.
Zach nodded and took the poke balls from the professor, “ Thank you professor!” He said, putting away the poke balls in a bag that he carried around most of the time. Seeing Kobari calm on the boy’s shoulder was quite amazing, considering that it tried to bite him not too long ago.
The boy nodded at the Professor as a friendly gesture and put his Pokéballs in his pocket.
The boy nodded at the Professor as a friendly gesture and put his Pokéballs in his pocket.
( I’m sorry to comment about this, but it’s usually hard for me to work with one-liners, please try to write a little bit more, or at least one more sentence:,D)

Zach then turned to a rack of pokedexes, he took one, since it was something trainers needed before setting off. He then placed it in his bag and nodded,” Thank you professor, I’ll be heading out now.” Zach said, just before heading to the exit and out the lab.
( I’m sorry to comment about this, but it’s usually hard for me to work with one-liners, please try to write a little bit more, or at least one more sentence:,D)

Zach then turned to a rack of pokedexes, he took one, since it was something trainers needed before setting off. He then placed it in his bag and nodded,” Thank you professor, I’ll be heading out now.” Zach said, just before heading to the exit and out the lab.
(sorry! it's just that i didn't know what to write after that. also, sorry for responding later. something happened, and... yeah.)

The older boy watched Zach leave, and said "I'd better be going too." He took one of the Pokédexes and put it in his other pocket, then left, giving another slight nod. The Kobari had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
(sorry! it's just that i didn't know what to write after that. also, sorry for responding later. something happened, and... yeah.)

The older boy watched Zach leave, and said "I'd better be going too." He took one of the Pokédexes and put it in his other pocket, then left, giving another slight nod. The Kobari had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Zach didn’t know exactly what to do next... there was so many things to do now! He also knew that he should probably build up his team... he then suddenly realized, he could probably catch some Pokémon back at the farm! They’d have pests everywhere, and sometimes there were rare Pokémon in the Oran berry feilds. It was decided then,” Okay Paarsidae, we’re going to stop by my farm for a little bit..”
Zach didn’t know exactly what to do next... there was so many things to do now! He also knew that he should probably build up his team... he then suddenly realized, he could probably catch some Pokémon back at the farm! They’d have pests everywhere, and sometimes there were rare Pokémon in the Oran berry feilds. It was decided then,” Okay Paarsidae, we’re going to stop by my farm for a little bit..”
The boy carefully put Kobari on the ground. The Pokémon slithered to a tree, and shook it a bit. It looked confused, then went to the next tree and shook that one too. A Pokémon fell out of the tree, startling the Kobari and making them fall off. The Pokémon didn't seem too happy. The Kobari got into a battle stance. The boy sighed and said "In the name of Guphavata..."
The boy carefully put Kobari on the ground. The Pokémon slithered to a tree, and shook it a bit. It looked confused, then went to the next tree and shook that one too. A Pokémon fell out of the tree, startling the Kobari and making them fall off. The Pokémon didn't seem too happy. The Kobari got into a battle stance. The boy sighed and said "In the name of Guphavata..."
Zach ran to his farm and went into the berry fields. He was ready for any Pokémon that might jump out on him. As he was looking around, he also picked a few berries just in case he needed them. Suddenly, a rockruff jumped out of a berry bush, growling at him. “ Well then Paarsidae, use tackle.” Zack instructed, and the paarsidae did as it was told, tackling the Pokémon.

( I’m just using moves that I know level one Pokémon start with)
Zach ran to his farm and went into the berry fields. He was ready for any Pokémon that might jump out on him. As he was looking around, he also picked a few berries just in case he needed them. Suddenly, a rockruff jumped out of a berry bush, growling at him. “ Well then Paarsidae, use tackle.” Zack instructed, and the paarsidae did as it was told, tackling the Pokémon.

( I’m just using moves that I know level one Pokémon start with)
The Kobari circled the unknown Pokémon and used Leer without instruction. Then they used Ember on them. The unknown Pokémon used Scratch and knocked the Kobari back.
The Kobari circled the unknown Pokémon and used Leer without instruction. Then they used Ember on them. The unknown Pokémon used Scratch and knocked the Kobari back.