

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | LF 1x1 Roleplays (multiple?)

uhhhhh let me like..... make a dragon for this lmao most of my dragons are undressed and have zero (0) lore

uhhhhh let me like..... make a dragon for this lmao most of my dragons are undressed and have zero (0) lore
Hello! I am 2 hours ahead of FR time.

No problem!
This can be used for lore. Or making of apparel if you would like.

No problem!
This can be used for lore. Or making of apparel if you would like.
@Eaglerider ok whew im back and I made an outfit for a derg [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is Elster, he's a scavenger/delver and loves desecrating ruins in order to make a thickie profit! I would make a proper character sheet for him but i... do not feel like it so guess what? not gonna do that lol Anyways I think he'd be good for either of the prompts we picked out, so just let me know what you think and who you wanna rp with :)

ok whew im back and I made an outfit for a derg


This is Elster, he's a scavenger/delver and loves desecrating ruins in order to make a thickie profit! I would make a proper character sheet for him but i... do not feel like it so guess what? not gonna do that lol

Anyways I think he'd be good for either of the prompts we picked out, so just let me know what you think and who you wanna rp with :)
Hello! I am 2 hours ahead of FR time.

Sounds good! I'll be using several dragons as the cast. Now it was robot and artifact right?

Shall I set up the forum?

Sounds good! I'll be using several dragons as the cast. Now it was robot and artifact right?

Shall I set up the forum?

Yes please! How very kind of you c:

Yes please! How very kind of you c:
Hello! I am 2 hours ahead of FR time.

Before i do, which genre did you prefer?

Before i do, which genre did you prefer?

mm, no preference really! My dragon can work for both, but I think artifact discovery might be more fun because you're just... like.. discovering a dungeon hehe

mm, no preference really! My dragon can work for both, but I think artifact discovery might be more fun because you're just... like.. discovering a dungeon hehe
Hello! I am 2 hours ahead of FR time.
@Zaviei @Eaglerider @lionqueen106

Hey everyone,

I am so ridiculously sorry for the complete radio silence from me for the past couple of days. My family went on a surprise trip over the weekend and then I had to contend with a sudden increase in my school workload, which led to me completely forgetting about my other responsibilities online. I sincerely apologize for my lack of responsibility in letting you all know what was going on, and for the fact that I'm going to have to put any RPs on hold for the time being; I just don't have the time to commit to a RP at the moment, let alone three. If anyone is still interested in the future I'd love to do something, though! Just like... not right now. Again, I understand how frustrating a lack of response from people on forums are, and I hope this hasn't inconvenienced anyone here too greatly :(
@Zaviei @Eaglerider @lionqueen106

Hey everyone,

I am so ridiculously sorry for the complete radio silence from me for the past couple of days. My family went on a surprise trip over the weekend and then I had to contend with a sudden increase in my school workload, which led to me completely forgetting about my other responsibilities online. I sincerely apologize for my lack of responsibility in letting you all know what was going on, and for the fact that I'm going to have to put any RPs on hold for the time being; I just don't have the time to commit to a RP at the moment, let alone three. If anyone is still interested in the future I'd love to do something, though! Just like... not right now. Again, I understand how frustrating a lack of response from people on forums are, and I hope this hasn't inconvenienced anyone here too greatly :(
Hello! I am 2 hours ahead of FR time.

It's ok! Hope things improve though. If you want to rp let me know. I'm usually available all the time. Feel free to send a message or ping when interested in an rp later on. :)
Hope school gets better too! :)

It's ok! Hope things improve though. If you want to rp let me know. I'm usually available all the time. Feel free to send a message or ping when interested in an rp later on. :)
Hope school gets better too! :)

Alright, don't worry about it. Good luck for school !

Alright, don't worry about it. Good luck for school !