

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Back to the Blue Box [Full]
This is a Beta RP that we decided could use a couple more people.

We now have people, so here's the new cast:
@The13Inquisitor: Kirkii
@Stanzascale: Orssiel
@FutakuchiYuuki (nothing yet)
@Halidom: Appassionata
@KageOkami: Sekkekkyu
And of course, me. Playing Amy, Rory, the Doctor, and a random guardian Melena

Here's what you missed (or forgot) and the first continuation.

Something had been drawing power from the largest of the Spires. Stormcatcher had noticed the drain some time ago, but he had thought it a project of one of his employees. After extensive rounds of the Spire, though, he could find no hint of such a project.
There was no way the god would have let slip such a weakness in the heart of his domain, but with the petition of a few of his employees, he agreed that a very few dragons of other flights might be brought to the Spire. It would have to be discreet, but that he permitted it at all was remarkable.

And so they were gathered, several weeks later, in an arc on the sand outside the Spire. Nothing was visibly wrong, and lightning still crackled incessantly across the surface of the jagged Spire. “I don’t see–” Someone started to say. But they were interrupted by the strangest sound any of them had ever heard.
The dragons looked around in vain for the source of the odd, indescribable sound. It was only when they looked back to the center of their circle that they saw the blue box. Well, it was more of a rectangle, really. And there were some sort of runes written across the top of it. Those dragons with the best hearing could discern muffled voices from inside the tiny rectangle.
Steam billowed from one side of the control console, the Doctor waving at it frantically with his coat.
“Is it supposed to do that?” Rory asked skeptically, holding onto the rail on the other side of the platform. The Doctor stood up straight and looked at his friend with something like exasperation.
“I think we’ve landed.” Amy intercedes, letting go of her hold on the railing and looking around.
“Well, of course we have.” The Doctor leaves off fanning the smoke and dashes around to the display screen, spinning a couple dials as he goes. He stares at the screen for a moment. Then he runs around, pulls a few levers, and comes back to stare at the screen again. He even shakes the screen slightly, as if to fix it.
“Doctor?” Amy asks sweetly, starting to smile. “Are we lost?”
He transfers his disapproving stare to her. “I’m not lost.” He says, but there’s no certainty in his voice. “I’m never lost.” There’s a moment of quiet as he broods, but then the Doctor smiles. Running down the steps, he snatches up his coat and stops only at the door. Looking back at the two and now grinning a little maniacally, the Doctor puts a theatrical hand on the door. “Come along, Ponds.” He says, and steps out. In front of a very curious guardian, who has her head very close, the better to inspect the TARDIS. “Ah.” He says, eloquently.

A male Mirror of dark blue scales and black wings was among those gathered.
His eyes showed him to be born of the Water Flight, but at that time he was a member of a clan based in the Lightweaver's domain.
Orssiel was glad to be there, as his rest had grown troubled by the turbulence of a Water dragon's dreams being stirred into a prophetic state by echoes of great events to come. The only thing that had been clear, was that it related to Tempest Spire. Much as it was interesting to travel, he was more hoping to see what the dreams had been alluding to, as there was nothing more frustrating than to 'observe', if it could be called that, events, unable to act in any way. It was also possible that the dreams would subside if he investigated. When word and study had gotten around the Flights about the disturbingly unaccounted for drain of power from the Stormcatcher's optimal spire, Orssiel felt sure that this had to be connected. So it was that when the Stormcatcher gave leave for a gathering of dragons of varying Flights to cooperate on the investigation of the affair, Orssiel was of that group.

Orssiel's breath caught in his throat on hearing the unworldly calling. Warped and twisted thrice-fold though it may have been through the dream-scape, it was still recognisable. Then the box had materialised, its shade recognised from its blurred passings in the dreams.
Orssiel smiled and tensed a little. So it had begun. He felt a little thrill of excitement in anticipation, to act after the aching period of impotence.

Orssiel loped up to one side of the box (which was somewhat reminiscent of a crate, the light set atop, as though for transit through dark stormy conditions), as a Guardian pushed her nose towards an adjacent side. He cocked his head at hearing a male voice saying, "ah." On looking over to the side the Guardian had been taking an interest in, not only was a door open with light coming through (as well as a tangle of odd scents), something had stepped out. Garbed in a somehow fitting array of garments, including a fine bowtie, it most closely resembled a centaur, the similarities only applying with the upper body. Otherwise it was more like a masked harpy, in terms of height and being a biped. Its foot-coverings made it difficult to tell whether it had any claws however.

Orssiel took a few steps towards the curio, his stance careful, not wanting to be interpreted as hostile.

Kirikii flared her wings low, extending the talons at the joints and crouched, ready to spring as the blue and white apparition solidified.
She'd come on behalf of her father, Tancriead to act as a guard for some Water-seer called Orssiel since Melreyna was otherwise engaged, she couldn't find anyone else from her own clan to do it and her father just couldn't say 'no' to the Light Mirror.
When the door opened and the strange creature stepped out, Kirikii blinked with all four eyes in surprise and relaxed her stance slightly.
She'd seen a creature like this before, but she couldn't remember if it was in an ancient depiction that she'd seen, or in a ruin, or where.
Then Orssiel hopped down in near the creature, much to Kirikii's irritation. It was so much harder to protect someone when they insisted on getting between a threat and their guardian.

The Doctor's curiousity soon overcomes his surprise, and he walks around and underneath the guardian closest to the door. "Look at you." He says, with all the awe and admiration of a hatchling. "All of you." He adds, spinning slowly, taking in the curious stares of the dragons all around him.
"Doctor?" Amy and Rory are standing in the door, both looking remarkably pale as they exchange looks with the gold guardian in front of them. "Are they...dragons?"
The Doctor laughs. "Do you know how many times I've seen dragons, Amy?" He asks, nearly jumping back towards them. "None." He says, voice full of excitement. There's still a childish grin on his face, and something else approaching joy. "Not once." He spins around and points to a smaller dragon, with four eyes instead of two, and a sort of mask across his face. "You're brand new." he says to the mirror.

Orssiel blinked at the odd address, and glanced over at the other dragons before replying. "Well, I suppose we could say the same of you."

A large blue and orange gaurdian near the back of the crowd began to grow extremely curious of what seemed to be a new type of life, so she spread her wings and sat up on her haunches so that she could peer over the other bodies in front of her.

Still smiling, the Doctor chuckles. "I suppose I am." He says, looking around to the two still standing in the doorway. "Well, come on." He says, waving them forward. Amy steps forward first, holding tight to Rory but slowly coming to join the Doctor in amidst the dragons. Melena, the guardian who had bent close to the TARDIS, backed up so she wouldn't scare them as much. "I'm the Doctor." He says. "These are my friends, Amy and Rory Pond."
Rory looks like he wants to object, but Amy tugs on his arm and he doesn't say anything.

"Doctor?....Like a healer? They do not look much like ponds..." The large guardian in the back spoke up in a deep but feminine voice, surprising herself a bit as she more meant the question to be an internal one. Although it caused some of the dragons in front of her to move a bit and give her room to get closer to these new creatures.

"Hello, I go by the name Orssiel." He responded.

Orssiel's familiar, an Umbra wolf named Syris, who had vanished from the visible plane when the alarming crying had started, reappeared now at the opposite side of the new group to where Orssiel was standing, and started snuffling at Rory. "There you are Syris." Orssiel commented with a smile, glad that his familiar was alright. The Umbra wolf paused in his snuffling to wag his tail cheerfully.

Kirikii's stance relaxed. One thing Tancriead had made damn sure to drum into her was how to recognize threats. This maddeningly familiar creature wasn't tipping her threat scale, the one that looked similar to this 'Doctor' was another matter; he had an air of a fighter who found himself vastly outmatched, but would go down swinging regardless if necessary.
'Why are you here? How did you come to be here? And just what are you? I have seen your like somewhere, but cannot recall where.' Kirikii questioned walking forward until she'd be able to easily shove Orssiel to safety if needed.

"Okay." Rory says, as the wolf appears out of thin air. "I don't even know how I'm supposed to react to that." Both of them had jumped when Syris had appeared, but Amy was already holding out her hand for the shadow-wolf to sniff.
"Oh relax, Rory, he's perfectly friendly. Aren't you, you clever boy." Her voice drops off into the sappy tone usually reserved for cute puppies. Syris accepts her petting with evident enjoyment, though he is far too dignified to turn so she can scratch him better.
The Doctor is left to answer the questions being tossed in from all sides. "Healer, medic, general fixer of problems." He says to the blue dragon standing at the back, showing no sign of alarm at Kirikii's advance. "I suppose you don't get many visitors." He said to her, glancing around the sandy waste they're standing on. His eyes light up at the sight of the Spire, crackling in the distance. "And we're here by accident, really." He continues, more absentmindedly, still staring at the Spire.
A loud crackle from somewhere inside the TARDIS calls his attention back to the box, that and the steam curling gently from the doors. The Doctor ducks back into the box with a mutter. Amy, now crouched next to Syris, the better to scratch his ears, looks around at the two closest mirrors. "Sorry. He does that sometimes."
"Sometimes?" Rory asks with a snort.

'You still haven't answered me on two accounts: what are you and how in the Windsinger's name did you appear like that?' A loud rumble of thunder overhead caused Kirikii to look up. 'Oh, shut up.' She muttered. 'I'm not one of yours so don't get snooty with me over loyalty.' She added under her breath, though still fairly audible to those present.
'Kirikii, you might want to watch what you say; do you really want to antagonize a god?' This was from a black and red Wildclaw with eyes as orange as fire. His name was Ferain. He was a skilled smith whom Kirikii had met on her way here and whom she'd taken a liking to.

Sen didn't leave the Gladekeeper's domain much, as he was a homebody. Nonetheless, from time to time the mood would strike him and he'd go wandering. Now had been onesuch of those times, as he'd been skirting the edges of the Stormcatcher's territory when he heard a strange metallic noise. Not too out of the ordinary, but a gathering of dragons made him curious - what was the fuss? He hovered slightly out of range, not wanting to be set upon by any potentially hostile lightning dragons, but the constant storm drove him downwards towards the crowd. They appeared to be examining some strange creatures and a blue box.

Orssiel smiled at all the attention that Syris was getting.
"Perhaps answers will be found if we follow him?" He said to Kirikii, taking a few steps closer to the doors before pausing to turn back to the two bipeds. "That is, if none of you mind."

Kirikii snorted in amusement.
'Those three would barely fit in there. However would any of us besides you fit?' She asked.

"Um, yes, nothing to worry about." The Doctor's voice is muffled, and there are still ominous crashes and frizzes coming from inside. "Back in a moment."
"Right then, up to me." Amy stands up from where she was petting Syris. "Like the Doctor said, I'm Amy and this is Rory. We're humans. From Earth. Hi." She waves once or twice.
"And that's the TARDIS. It's bigger than it looks." She stops, like she wants to say more but isn't sure she's allowed to. She cranes her head back to try and see through the steam, but the inside of the ship is invisible for now.

"Humans? Earth?" Sen was now perched on the strange blue box, examining it curiously. It appeared to be similar to wood, but something was... off. It wasn't good old tree wood, certainly. "And I think it's exactly as big as it looks." These humans had strange ideas.

"As if there were a flock of Steam gyres in there," Orssiel commented.
"I'd think there would be several of the Earth Flight who would claim that all began 'from Earth'." He glanced skywards, "many would disagree of course, especially this far from their domains."
He blinked at a loud bang, followed by the sound of sparking machinery, and tilted his head quizzically, the heat of the steam and erratic sparks making it difficult to discern any clear detail with his thermal vision.
Syris paced a little, wary of the steam which might conceal hostile foe, and curious about the new place to pad.

Kirikii thought for a moment, then shook her head in frustration.
'That name doesn't sound familiar, but I swear I've seen your like somewhere before.' She said to Rose.

"No, it really is bigger than that." Amy says, stepping closer and yelling into the steam, "Doctor? Can we come in?"
"Almost done!" Was the invisible response.
"What's an Earth flight?" Rory asked, keeping one eye on the wolf and one on on the dragon. "And a steam gyre?" He sounds the name out carefully, not sure what it means.

Banging noises from within piqued Sen's curiosity, so he clambered over to the door and peeked in- oh, so that's what they meant by bigger. "But it's still as big as it looks, just a different big on the inside than outside." He did agree with the mirror, they certainly weren't of Earth... and the organic, not-wood feeling of the box gave him a nasty crawling feeling. Maybe they were Plague? That seemed equally unlikely, though.

"their technology reminds me more of the lightning flight than the earth flight...." The large guardian manages to move a bit closer through the crowd of dragons of many size and element.
"as for your question human, we dragons are separated into faction, bound to serving a god of a specific element. I am of the nature flight and though this place is far from my domain I still walk in the ways of the gladekeeper, the god dragon of nature. I explore the lands searching for new types of flora and fauna and I find you human creatures very intriguing, especially that doctor of yours.. Tell me about your world...this earth as you call it, do you follow elemental paths? have you dragons? and how did you come to be here?" She looks around at the others, hoping she had not butted in, but her curiosity had overwhelmed her.

'More to the point, how did you come to be here?' Kirikii repeated. She wasn't going to accept 'we don't know as an answer.' No one would be silly enough to use technology they didn't understand.

Orssiel decided he wanted to see what it was the Doctor was 'almost done' with, and so took more steps as he answered Rory's other question, "Steam gyres are like birds, but elemental beings of steam, they tend to be found in the volcanic domain of the Flamecaller and her Fire Flight."
By this point he had stepped into the blue box and blinked, flapping his wings to clear some of the steam, and stood in silence, observing every detail of the vessel he now stood in.
Syris looked between the two humans and Orssiel.

'Damned little fool.' Kirikii muttered, sticking her head in after the Fae, heedless of Amy and Rory as they scrambled out of the way.
She froze.
The steam obscured a lot and played hell with her thermal vision, but Kirikii could immediately tell she was looking at a massive space.
'How is this possible?!' She exclaimed, trying and failing to rationalise what she was seeing. Not even the servants of the Arcanist were capable of a feat like this. Not without the Stormcatcher's help and those two weren't known for their warm sentiments towards one another.

The Doctor is up a small set of stairs on some sort of platform, though he appears to be done working. He brushes his hair back from his face and claps his hands together. "Right. I think I've got her sorted." He says, patting the side of the controls affectionately. He glances at the one dragon inside and two more looking in. "This is my TARDIS." He says, grinning proudly. "Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. Though, we really shouldn't have been able to get here...." His voice trails off. The steam is dissipating, and the room slowly becomes clearer, but the Doctor still mutters something to himself. "Your world has some incredible fields around it, and it'll take some time for her to get used to the electromagnetic radian pulse around here."

Rory makes his way inside, clearing his throat and muttering an "Excuse me." To the dragons standing in the doorway, Amy following right behind. "Sorry Doctor, we know you don't like people coming in without asking." This was said rather pointedly, and he seems to have forgotten his nervousness at the beginning.

"Well." The Doctor's smile fades for a moment. He eyes Orssiel anew, then shakes his head. "I don't mind. This time. And we should be able to leave in..." He pauses to look at his wrist, though there's nothing there. "Two days."

"Two days!" Rory gulped, staring around at the dragons. "Doctor, what are we going to do here for two days?"

"Oh, that's easy Rory." He says, grinning. "We go look about. What's all this about gods and elements?"

Orssiel had been gazing around at the rather marvellous insides of the TARDIS, when from what was said it suggested that he was trespassing somewhat. "Oh, sorry." Then he considered some of what the Doctor had been saying. "It's likely due to the influence of the Arcanist and his Arcane Flight if there's something unusual about the space and fabric of this world. The Flights have rather distinguishing tendencies in terms of concerns and the nature of any project they may toil on, the Arcane may take some delight in poking at the substance of reality."
Syris sniffed at the doorway, standing next to Kirikii.

Kirikii, meanwhile, had withdrawn her head from the TARDIS' door and had curled into a little ball with her wings over her head, trying to make sense of what she'd just seen and failing miserably at it.
'Windsinger, Windsinger, grant me strength and the fortitude and patience to fathom this revelation.' She said in a sing-song kind of voice, suddenly wishing Tenzing was there to comfort her or that her father had come on this trip instead.

Melena, a gold clown guardian, nudged Kirikii cautiously. "Are you all right?" She asks, her voice a comforting rumble deep in her chest. She has the instinctive urge to comfort the distressed mirror.

"Arcane. Sounds like magic." The Doctor says, suppressed excitement back in his voice.

'I just saw the laws of reality violated.' Kirikii stated weakly. 'Not really.'

"Well, I'm sure many Lightning clans could tell you that what the Arcane do certainly isn't science. Science being the concern of those who dwell in this realm where you landed as it happens." Orssiel frowned momentarily, and peered over at the TARDIS console which the Doctor had been standing next to. "With your machine, are you aware of the odd occurrences in this realm, the reason for our gathering?" He gazed off a little and muttered a little, while still audible, "all that can be certain is the verdicality of the importance of all this..."

"Indeed." The Doctor says, glancing sideways to Orssiel.

He glances away, back to the TARDIS's display screen. "I've been here barely five minutes and already you want me to solve all your problems." He said, but he doesn't really sound annoyed. "What exactly is it?" He adds after a moment.

"I'll assume that your vessel doesn't cause the likes of power drains in an area a notable amount of time before it brings you to the place." Orssiel blinked, "There has been an unaccounted for power drain from the greatest of the spires which draw upon the electrical energy abundant in this realm. To what purpose or use is..." Orssiel shifted and glanced away as one vague, yet unnerving, recollection skittered through his mind, "unknown."

"Power drain?" The Doctor says thoughtfully. "It certainly wasn't the TARDIS." He goes around and flips a few switches, looking at the screen. "Let's take a look." He marches back out of the box, only bothering to look for the other two when he notices they're not right next to him.

Amy was talking to one of the other dragons outside, pressing for a better explanation about all these gods and magic. Rory was standing with arms crossed next to her, looking around at all the others around.
This is a Beta RP that we decided could use a couple more people.

We now have people, so here's the new cast:
@The13Inquisitor: Kirkii
@Stanzascale: Orssiel
@FutakuchiYuuki (nothing yet)
@Halidom: Appassionata
@KageOkami: Sekkekkyu
And of course, me. Playing Amy, Rory, the Doctor, and a random guardian Melena

Here's what you missed (or forgot) and the first continuation.

Something had been drawing power from the largest of the Spires. Stormcatcher had noticed the drain some time ago, but he had thought it a project of one of his employees. After extensive rounds of the Spire, though, he could find no hint of such a project.
There was no way the god would have let slip such a weakness in the heart of his domain, but with the petition of a few of his employees, he agreed that a very few dragons of other flights might be brought to the Spire. It would have to be discreet, but that he permitted it at all was remarkable.

And so they were gathered, several weeks later, in an arc on the sand outside the Spire. Nothing was visibly wrong, and lightning still crackled incessantly across the surface of the jagged Spire. “I don’t see–” Someone started to say. But they were interrupted by the strangest sound any of them had ever heard.
The dragons looked around in vain for the source of the odd, indescribable sound. It was only when they looked back to the center of their circle that they saw the blue box. Well, it was more of a rectangle, really. And there were some sort of runes written across the top of it. Those dragons with the best hearing could discern muffled voices from inside the tiny rectangle.
Steam billowed from one side of the control console, the Doctor waving at it frantically with his coat.
“Is it supposed to do that?” Rory asked skeptically, holding onto the rail on the other side of the platform. The Doctor stood up straight and looked at his friend with something like exasperation.
“I think we’ve landed.” Amy intercedes, letting go of her hold on the railing and looking around.
“Well, of course we have.” The Doctor leaves off fanning the smoke and dashes around to the display screen, spinning a couple dials as he goes. He stares at the screen for a moment. Then he runs around, pulls a few levers, and comes back to stare at the screen again. He even shakes the screen slightly, as if to fix it.
“Doctor?” Amy asks sweetly, starting to smile. “Are we lost?”
He transfers his disapproving stare to her. “I’m not lost.” He says, but there’s no certainty in his voice. “I’m never lost.” There’s a moment of quiet as he broods, but then the Doctor smiles. Running down the steps, he snatches up his coat and stops only at the door. Looking back at the two and now grinning a little maniacally, the Doctor puts a theatrical hand on the door. “Come along, Ponds.” He says, and steps out. In front of a very curious guardian, who has her head very close, the better to inspect the TARDIS. “Ah.” He says, eloquently.

A male Mirror of dark blue scales and black wings was among those gathered.
His eyes showed him to be born of the Water Flight, but at that time he was a member of a clan based in the Lightweaver's domain.
Orssiel was glad to be there, as his rest had grown troubled by the turbulence of a Water dragon's dreams being stirred into a prophetic state by echoes of great events to come. The only thing that had been clear, was that it related to Tempest Spire. Much as it was interesting to travel, he was more hoping to see what the dreams had been alluding to, as there was nothing more frustrating than to 'observe', if it could be called that, events, unable to act in any way. It was also possible that the dreams would subside if he investigated. When word and study had gotten around the Flights about the disturbingly unaccounted for drain of power from the Stormcatcher's optimal spire, Orssiel felt sure that this had to be connected. So it was that when the Stormcatcher gave leave for a gathering of dragons of varying Flights to cooperate on the investigation of the affair, Orssiel was of that group.

Orssiel's breath caught in his throat on hearing the unworldly calling. Warped and twisted thrice-fold though it may have been through the dream-scape, it was still recognisable. Then the box had materialised, its shade recognised from its blurred passings in the dreams.
Orssiel smiled and tensed a little. So it had begun. He felt a little thrill of excitement in anticipation, to act after the aching period of impotence.

Orssiel loped up to one side of the box (which was somewhat reminiscent of a crate, the light set atop, as though for transit through dark stormy conditions), as a Guardian pushed her nose towards an adjacent side. He cocked his head at hearing a male voice saying, "ah." On looking over to the side the Guardian had been taking an interest in, not only was a door open with light coming through (as well as a tangle of odd scents), something had stepped out. Garbed in a somehow fitting array of garments, including a fine bowtie, it most closely resembled a centaur, the similarities only applying with the upper body. Otherwise it was more like a masked harpy, in terms of height and being a biped. Its foot-coverings made it difficult to tell whether it had any claws however.

Orssiel took a few steps towards the curio, his stance careful, not wanting to be interpreted as hostile.

Kirikii flared her wings low, extending the talons at the joints and crouched, ready to spring as the blue and white apparition solidified.
She'd come on behalf of her father, Tancriead to act as a guard for some Water-seer called Orssiel since Melreyna was otherwise engaged, she couldn't find anyone else from her own clan to do it and her father just couldn't say 'no' to the Light Mirror.
When the door opened and the strange creature stepped out, Kirikii blinked with all four eyes in surprise and relaxed her stance slightly.
She'd seen a creature like this before, but she couldn't remember if it was in an ancient depiction that she'd seen, or in a ruin, or where.
Then Orssiel hopped down in near the creature, much to Kirikii's irritation. It was so much harder to protect someone when they insisted on getting between a threat and their guardian.

The Doctor's curiousity soon overcomes his surprise, and he walks around and underneath the guardian closest to the door. "Look at you." He says, with all the awe and admiration of a hatchling. "All of you." He adds, spinning slowly, taking in the curious stares of the dragons all around him.
"Doctor?" Amy and Rory are standing in the door, both looking remarkably pale as they exchange looks with the gold guardian in front of them. "Are they...dragons?"
The Doctor laughs. "Do you know how many times I've seen dragons, Amy?" He asks, nearly jumping back towards them. "None." He says, voice full of excitement. There's still a childish grin on his face, and something else approaching joy. "Not once." He spins around and points to a smaller dragon, with four eyes instead of two, and a sort of mask across his face. "You're brand new." he says to the mirror.

Orssiel blinked at the odd address, and glanced over at the other dragons before replying. "Well, I suppose we could say the same of you."

A large blue and orange gaurdian near the back of the crowd began to grow extremely curious of what seemed to be a new type of life, so she spread her wings and sat up on her haunches so that she could peer over the other bodies in front of her.

Still smiling, the Doctor chuckles. "I suppose I am." He says, looking around to the two still standing in the doorway. "Well, come on." He says, waving them forward. Amy steps forward first, holding tight to Rory but slowly coming to join the Doctor in amidst the dragons. Melena, the guardian who had bent close to the TARDIS, backed up so she wouldn't scare them as much. "I'm the Doctor." He says. "These are my friends, Amy and Rory Pond."
Rory looks like he wants to object, but Amy tugs on his arm and he doesn't say anything.

"Doctor?....Like a healer? They do not look much like ponds..." The large guardian in the back spoke up in a deep but feminine voice, surprising herself a bit as she more meant the question to be an internal one. Although it caused some of the dragons in front of her to move a bit and give her room to get closer to these new creatures.

"Hello, I go by the name Orssiel." He responded.

Orssiel's familiar, an Umbra wolf named Syris, who had vanished from the visible plane when the alarming crying had started, reappeared now at the opposite side of the new group to where Orssiel was standing, and started snuffling at Rory. "There you are Syris." Orssiel commented with a smile, glad that his familiar was alright. The Umbra wolf paused in his snuffling to wag his tail cheerfully.

Kirikii's stance relaxed. One thing Tancriead had made damn sure to drum into her was how to recognize threats. This maddeningly familiar creature wasn't tipping her threat scale, the one that looked similar to this 'Doctor' was another matter; he had an air of a fighter who found himself vastly outmatched, but would go down swinging regardless if necessary.
'Why are you here? How did you come to be here? And just what are you? I have seen your like somewhere, but cannot recall where.' Kirikii questioned walking forward until she'd be able to easily shove Orssiel to safety if needed.

"Okay." Rory says, as the wolf appears out of thin air. "I don't even know how I'm supposed to react to that." Both of them had jumped when Syris had appeared, but Amy was already holding out her hand for the shadow-wolf to sniff.
"Oh relax, Rory, he's perfectly friendly. Aren't you, you clever boy." Her voice drops off into the sappy tone usually reserved for cute puppies. Syris accepts her petting with evident enjoyment, though he is far too dignified to turn so she can scratch him better.
The Doctor is left to answer the questions being tossed in from all sides. "Healer, medic, general fixer of problems." He says to the blue dragon standing at the back, showing no sign of alarm at Kirikii's advance. "I suppose you don't get many visitors." He said to her, glancing around the sandy waste they're standing on. His eyes light up at the sight of the Spire, crackling in the distance. "And we're here by accident, really." He continues, more absentmindedly, still staring at the Spire.
A loud crackle from somewhere inside the TARDIS calls his attention back to the box, that and the steam curling gently from the doors. The Doctor ducks back into the box with a mutter. Amy, now crouched next to Syris, the better to scratch his ears, looks around at the two closest mirrors. "Sorry. He does that sometimes."
"Sometimes?" Rory asks with a snort.

'You still haven't answered me on two accounts: what are you and how in the Windsinger's name did you appear like that?' A loud rumble of thunder overhead caused Kirikii to look up. 'Oh, shut up.' She muttered. 'I'm not one of yours so don't get snooty with me over loyalty.' She added under her breath, though still fairly audible to those present.
'Kirikii, you might want to watch what you say; do you really want to antagonize a god?' This was from a black and red Wildclaw with eyes as orange as fire. His name was Ferain. He was a skilled smith whom Kirikii had met on her way here and whom she'd taken a liking to.

Sen didn't leave the Gladekeeper's domain much, as he was a homebody. Nonetheless, from time to time the mood would strike him and he'd go wandering. Now had been onesuch of those times, as he'd been skirting the edges of the Stormcatcher's territory when he heard a strange metallic noise. Not too out of the ordinary, but a gathering of dragons made him curious - what was the fuss? He hovered slightly out of range, not wanting to be set upon by any potentially hostile lightning dragons, but the constant storm drove him downwards towards the crowd. They appeared to be examining some strange creatures and a blue box.

Orssiel smiled at all the attention that Syris was getting.
"Perhaps answers will be found if we follow him?" He said to Kirikii, taking a few steps closer to the doors before pausing to turn back to the two bipeds. "That is, if none of you mind."

Kirikii snorted in amusement.
'Those three would barely fit in there. However would any of us besides you fit?' She asked.

"Um, yes, nothing to worry about." The Doctor's voice is muffled, and there are still ominous crashes and frizzes coming from inside. "Back in a moment."
"Right then, up to me." Amy stands up from where she was petting Syris. "Like the Doctor said, I'm Amy and this is Rory. We're humans. From Earth. Hi." She waves once or twice.
"And that's the TARDIS. It's bigger than it looks." She stops, like she wants to say more but isn't sure she's allowed to. She cranes her head back to try and see through the steam, but the inside of the ship is invisible for now.

"Humans? Earth?" Sen was now perched on the strange blue box, examining it curiously. It appeared to be similar to wood, but something was... off. It wasn't good old tree wood, certainly. "And I think it's exactly as big as it looks." These humans had strange ideas.

"As if there were a flock of Steam gyres in there," Orssiel commented.
"I'd think there would be several of the Earth Flight who would claim that all began 'from Earth'." He glanced skywards, "many would disagree of course, especially this far from their domains."
He blinked at a loud bang, followed by the sound of sparking machinery, and tilted his head quizzically, the heat of the steam and erratic sparks making it difficult to discern any clear detail with his thermal vision.
Syris paced a little, wary of the steam which might conceal hostile foe, and curious about the new place to pad.

Kirikii thought for a moment, then shook her head in frustration.
'That name doesn't sound familiar, but I swear I've seen your like somewhere before.' She said to Rose.

"No, it really is bigger than that." Amy says, stepping closer and yelling into the steam, "Doctor? Can we come in?"
"Almost done!" Was the invisible response.
"What's an Earth flight?" Rory asked, keeping one eye on the wolf and one on on the dragon. "And a steam gyre?" He sounds the name out carefully, not sure what it means.

Banging noises from within piqued Sen's curiosity, so he clambered over to the door and peeked in- oh, so that's what they meant by bigger. "But it's still as big as it looks, just a different big on the inside than outside." He did agree with the mirror, they certainly weren't of Earth... and the organic, not-wood feeling of the box gave him a nasty crawling feeling. Maybe they were Plague? That seemed equally unlikely, though.

"their technology reminds me more of the lightning flight than the earth flight...." The large guardian manages to move a bit closer through the crowd of dragons of many size and element.
"as for your question human, we dragons are separated into faction, bound to serving a god of a specific element. I am of the nature flight and though this place is far from my domain I still walk in the ways of the gladekeeper, the god dragon of nature. I explore the lands searching for new types of flora and fauna and I find you human creatures very intriguing, especially that doctor of yours.. Tell me about your world...this earth as you call it, do you follow elemental paths? have you dragons? and how did you come to be here?" She looks around at the others, hoping she had not butted in, but her curiosity had overwhelmed her.

'More to the point, how did you come to be here?' Kirikii repeated. She wasn't going to accept 'we don't know as an answer.' No one would be silly enough to use technology they didn't understand.

Orssiel decided he wanted to see what it was the Doctor was 'almost done' with, and so took more steps as he answered Rory's other question, "Steam gyres are like birds, but elemental beings of steam, they tend to be found in the volcanic domain of the Flamecaller and her Fire Flight."
By this point he had stepped into the blue box and blinked, flapping his wings to clear some of the steam, and stood in silence, observing every detail of the vessel he now stood in.
Syris looked between the two humans and Orssiel.

'Damned little fool.' Kirikii muttered, sticking her head in after the Fae, heedless of Amy and Rory as they scrambled out of the way.
She froze.
The steam obscured a lot and played hell with her thermal vision, but Kirikii could immediately tell she was looking at a massive space.
'How is this possible?!' She exclaimed, trying and failing to rationalise what she was seeing. Not even the servants of the Arcanist were capable of a feat like this. Not without the Stormcatcher's help and those two weren't known for their warm sentiments towards one another.

The Doctor is up a small set of stairs on some sort of platform, though he appears to be done working. He brushes his hair back from his face and claps his hands together. "Right. I think I've got her sorted." He says, patting the side of the controls affectionately. He glances at the one dragon inside and two more looking in. "This is my TARDIS." He says, grinning proudly. "Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. Though, we really shouldn't have been able to get here...." His voice trails off. The steam is dissipating, and the room slowly becomes clearer, but the Doctor still mutters something to himself. "Your world has some incredible fields around it, and it'll take some time for her to get used to the electromagnetic radian pulse around here."

Rory makes his way inside, clearing his throat and muttering an "Excuse me." To the dragons standing in the doorway, Amy following right behind. "Sorry Doctor, we know you don't like people coming in without asking." This was said rather pointedly, and he seems to have forgotten his nervousness at the beginning.

"Well." The Doctor's smile fades for a moment. He eyes Orssiel anew, then shakes his head. "I don't mind. This time. And we should be able to leave in..." He pauses to look at his wrist, though there's nothing there. "Two days."

"Two days!" Rory gulped, staring around at the dragons. "Doctor, what are we going to do here for two days?"

"Oh, that's easy Rory." He says, grinning. "We go look about. What's all this about gods and elements?"

Orssiel had been gazing around at the rather marvellous insides of the TARDIS, when from what was said it suggested that he was trespassing somewhat. "Oh, sorry." Then he considered some of what the Doctor had been saying. "It's likely due to the influence of the Arcanist and his Arcane Flight if there's something unusual about the space and fabric of this world. The Flights have rather distinguishing tendencies in terms of concerns and the nature of any project they may toil on, the Arcane may take some delight in poking at the substance of reality."
Syris sniffed at the doorway, standing next to Kirikii.

Kirikii, meanwhile, had withdrawn her head from the TARDIS' door and had curled into a little ball with her wings over her head, trying to make sense of what she'd just seen and failing miserably at it.
'Windsinger, Windsinger, grant me strength and the fortitude and patience to fathom this revelation.' She said in a sing-song kind of voice, suddenly wishing Tenzing was there to comfort her or that her father had come on this trip instead.

Melena, a gold clown guardian, nudged Kirikii cautiously. "Are you all right?" She asks, her voice a comforting rumble deep in her chest. She has the instinctive urge to comfort the distressed mirror.

"Arcane. Sounds like magic." The Doctor says, suppressed excitement back in his voice.

'I just saw the laws of reality violated.' Kirikii stated weakly. 'Not really.'

"Well, I'm sure many Lightning clans could tell you that what the Arcane do certainly isn't science. Science being the concern of those who dwell in this realm where you landed as it happens." Orssiel frowned momentarily, and peered over at the TARDIS console which the Doctor had been standing next to. "With your machine, are you aware of the odd occurrences in this realm, the reason for our gathering?" He gazed off a little and muttered a little, while still audible, "all that can be certain is the verdicality of the importance of all this..."

"Indeed." The Doctor says, glancing sideways to Orssiel.

He glances away, back to the TARDIS's display screen. "I've been here barely five minutes and already you want me to solve all your problems." He said, but he doesn't really sound annoyed. "What exactly is it?" He adds after a moment.

"I'll assume that your vessel doesn't cause the likes of power drains in an area a notable amount of time before it brings you to the place." Orssiel blinked, "There has been an unaccounted for power drain from the greatest of the spires which draw upon the electrical energy abundant in this realm. To what purpose or use is..." Orssiel shifted and glanced away as one vague, yet unnerving, recollection skittered through his mind, "unknown."

"Power drain?" The Doctor says thoughtfully. "It certainly wasn't the TARDIS." He goes around and flips a few switches, looking at the screen. "Let's take a look." He marches back out of the box, only bothering to look for the other two when he notices they're not right next to him.

Amy was talking to one of the other dragons outside, pressing for a better explanation about all these gods and magic. Rory was standing with arms crossed next to her, looking around at all the others around.
is anyone going to show up?
is anyone going to show up?
I hace a question, if this a mix of doctor who and the dragons of flight rising?
I hace a question, if this a mix of doctor who and the dragons of flight rising?
It is, @DraconiSagiso, a crossover. :) ask away.
It is, @DraconiSagiso, a crossover. :) ask away.
Ok, so im looking this over and I just am confused.. did the tardis bring the docter there?
Ok, so im looking this over and I just am confused.. did the tardis bring the docter there?
@DraconiSagiso I'll try do a summary. There's been an odd drain of power from one of the spires in the Shifting Expanse, i.e. the Stormcatcher's domain, after a check with his employees this drain could not be accounted for, so a bunch of dragons have come to see if they can help investigate.
It is into this scene that the TARDIS lands, and it turns out they're not gonna be able to fly back out of this land again until after a couple of days. Only a few dragons have seen the insides so far and Orssiel's now the only one left inside (he's of the Water Flight btw so he may have heard echoes of events).
A Guardian was last seen talking to a Mirror who had their mind-blown or something like that by the physics of the TARDIS (it's bigger on the inside an' all that). Besides that the last couple of paragraphs seems to sum up where everyone's at now. (Hopefully that lot's alright.)

@Winterling, think we should ping everyone, or do you think they're waiting to see if anyone new joins up first or something? (I know for me, at the end of this RP's lifespan in beta I posted directly in response to one of your posts responding to one of mine, and I regret a little, feeling it to be bad practice in a non-one-on-one-RP, and so am trying to avoid repeating doing that.)
@DraconiSagiso I'll try do a summary. There's been an odd drain of power from one of the spires in the Shifting Expanse, i.e. the Stormcatcher's domain, after a check with his employees this drain could not be accounted for, so a bunch of dragons have come to see if they can help investigate.
It is into this scene that the TARDIS lands, and it turns out they're not gonna be able to fly back out of this land again until after a couple of days. Only a few dragons have seen the insides so far and Orssiel's now the only one left inside (he's of the Water Flight btw so he may have heard echoes of events).
A Guardian was last seen talking to a Mirror who had their mind-blown or something like that by the physics of the TARDIS (it's bigger on the inside an' all that). Besides that the last couple of paragraphs seems to sum up where everyone's at now. (Hopefully that lot's alright.)

@Winterling, think we should ping everyone, or do you think they're waiting to see if anyone new joins up first or something? (I know for me, at the end of this RP's lifespan in beta I posted directly in response to one of your posts responding to one of mine, and I regret a little, feeling it to be bad practice in a non-one-on-one-RP, and so am trying to avoid repeating doing that.)
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((Just waiting to see if anyone else pops up. And waiting for everyone else.))
((Just waiting to see if anyone else pops up. And waiting for everyone else.))
'Why are you frowning?' -Temeraire's first words.
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(Same here, I was going to wait for new people before summoning the originals back.)

(@draconisagiso, who else brings the Doctor anywhere? :D )
(Same here, I was going to wait for new people before summoning the originals back.)

(@draconisagiso, who else brings the Doctor anywhere? :D )
(( It sounds interesting, I'd be willing to join if you are accepting new members. It'd give me a good opportunity to meet other docter who fans.)
(( It sounds interesting, I'd be willing to join if you are accepting new members. It'd give me a good opportunity to meet other docter who fans.)
((We are accepting new people, as per the bold stuff up front. Maybe one more person after this, what d'you guys think?))
((We are accepting new people, as per the bold stuff up front. Maybe one more person after this, what d'you guys think?))