

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The woods. (An open roleplay!)
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Flesh woke up. New environment, unlike the filthy one's domain. He yelled in a voice of authority, "Who put me here? Show yourselves!"
He tried to stretch his wing, but it was twisted. Nice. Well, that's one exploration route gone. Flesh closely inspected his surroundings, woods. Empty and lonesome, but it felt like someone was watching.
He turned around, and saw the little piece of trash, Rhoodi. Dwarfism brat.
Flesh woke up. New environment, unlike the filthy one's domain. He yelled in a voice of authority, "Who put me here? Show yourselves!"
He tried to stretch his wing, but it was twisted. Nice. Well, that's one exploration route gone. Flesh closely inspected his surroundings, woods. Empty and lonesome, but it felt like someone was watching.
He turned around, and saw the little piece of trash, Rhoodi. Dwarfism brat.

Name: Vidar Personality: Vidar, upon first glance, is a positive, friendly young dragon with a thirst for adventure. He loves to explore and meet new dragons, but his curiosity often lands him in trouble - he is nosy! Along with the other typical traits possessed by other Fae, Vidar is intelligent yet naive, easily manipulated by those around him. Familiar: N/A Extra: N/A Gender: Male BBCode: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Name: Vidar
Personality: Vidar, upon first glance, is a positive, friendly young dragon with a thirst for adventure. He loves to explore and meet new dragons, but his curiosity often lands him in trouble - he is nosy! Along with the other typical traits possessed by other Fae, Vidar is intelligent yet naive, easily manipulated by those around him.
Familiar: N/A
Extra: N/A
Gender: Male


Oogh... everything hurt...

Vidar mumbled incoherently, shaking his head as he blinked his drowsiness away. He squinted up at the sunlight peeking through the canopy, which fanned out its green wings overhead like an emerald sky. His crest extended and twitched as birds cried cheery songs.

"What... what happened?" he tried to recall how he'd ended up here, but his mind was foggy. Every muscle in his tiny body ached, as if he'd been running. He shook his head again and stood up, sky-blue wings flopping on either side of him. He shivered. Everything was so much bigger than him.

Hearing distant voices, he tipped his head up, crest flaring. A mixture of males and females, though he couldn't make out their words. Maybe they know what's going on! he thought hopefully. Spreading his wings, he took to the air, darting like a tiny arrow from branch to branch. Vidar was many things, but stealthy wasn't one of them. The others could hear him coming from a mile away as he flapped clumsily through the canopy.
Oogh... everything hurt...

Vidar mumbled incoherently, shaking his head as he blinked his drowsiness away. He squinted up at the sunlight peeking through the canopy, which fanned out its green wings overhead like an emerald sky. His crest extended and twitched as birds cried cheery songs.

"What... what happened?" he tried to recall how he'd ended up here, but his mind was foggy. Every muscle in his tiny body ached, as if he'd been running. He shook his head again and stood up, sky-blue wings flopping on either side of him. He shivered. Everything was so much bigger than him.

Hearing distant voices, he tipped his head up, crest flaring. A mixture of males and females, though he couldn't make out their words. Maybe they know what's going on! he thought hopefully. Spreading his wings, he took to the air, darting like a tiny arrow from branch to branch. Vidar was many things, but stealthy wasn't one of them. The others could hear him coming from a mile away as he flapped clumsily through the canopy.
"SHOW YOURSELVES!" Flesh roared again, growling viciously, like a dog who was out for blood.
He wasn't used to having .. normals not obey his commands, as in his clan the undead has the final say, and were manipulative.
"Rhoodi. I know you're trash, but WHERE THE HELL ARE WE? And WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO."
The smaller mirror just shrugged.
"SHOW YOURSELVES!" Flesh roared again, growling viciously, like a dog who was out for blood.
He wasn't used to having .. normals not obey his commands, as in his clan the undead has the final say, and were manipulative.
"Rhoodi. I know you're trash, but WHERE THE HELL ARE WE? And WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO."
The smaller mirror just shrugged.

A roar shot through the trees. Vidar yelped and jumped, slipping off the branch he perched on. His wings flapped wildly as he tumbled through the air. He snapped them in, then out, righting himself. He hovered, panting. His racing heart slowed, but not by much. He twisted around, long tail whipping about.

He gulped. Who was that? he wondered. Or... what? The tiny dragon swallowed thickly, crest flattened against his neck. What if someone needs help? The braver part of him wanted to rush towards the sound, and heroically rescue whoever was in distress. Maybe the victim was a pretty female, and-

He shook his head. It didn't matter. Either way, somebody could be hurt. Steeling himself, he took off towards where the noise had come from, hopping from branch to branch.
A roar shot through the trees. Vidar yelped and jumped, slipping off the branch he perched on. His wings flapped wildly as he tumbled through the air. He snapped them in, then out, righting himself. He hovered, panting. His racing heart slowed, but not by much. He twisted around, long tail whipping about.

He gulped. Who was that? he wondered. Or... what? The tiny dragon swallowed thickly, crest flattened against his neck. What if someone needs help? The braver part of him wanted to rush towards the sound, and heroically rescue whoever was in distress. Maybe the victim was a pretty female, and-

He shook his head. It didn't matter. Either way, somebody could be hurt. Steeling himself, he took off towards where the noise had come from, hopping from branch to branch.
Nemoni was shocked at the sheer size of the two dragons that emerged. She was barely more than a fly compared to them! But she steeled her nerve; she dealt with plenty of dragons this large in her own Clan, she could handle herself. But then again, her Clanmates weren't strangers in an unknown wood..."Um, yes. The same happened to me." In response to the Wildclaw, she added, "I'm Nemoni, of the Wispwillow Grove. What are your names?" She noticed they had a dryad with them as well. Strange...I guess whatever brought us here decided to bring familiars as well.
Nemoni was shocked at the sheer size of the two dragons that emerged. She was barely more than a fly compared to them! But she steeled her nerve; she dealt with plenty of dragons this large in her own Clan, she could handle herself. But then again, her Clanmates weren't strangers in an unknown wood..."Um, yes. The same happened to me." In response to the Wildclaw, she added, "I'm Nemoni, of the Wispwillow Grove. What are your names?" She noticed they had a dryad with them as well. Strange...I guess whatever brought us here decided to bring familiars as well.

_________________________The Goldenscale Lineage
Kaliya barely gets the chance to nod at Umiko's question before a deep howl rings through the trees, startling her into a display pose. Someone else is in these woods, and they don't strike her as quite as friendly as Umiko has been.

Cautiously, Kaliya creeps towards the direction of the shriek, figuring that she won't get any answers by dodging everyone she finds. Unfortunately, she must have misjudged the distance, because before she knows it, the dragon is nearly on top of her.

On instinct, she throws her wings up and leaps backwards into a defense stance, exposing the bright warning colors under her wings. Upon looking over her opponent, she falters for a moment; at first, to her horror, she saw only a dragon's corpse, stripped of skin, but then the corpse began moving, and she realized that it was a living skinless dragon.
Kaliya barely gets the chance to nod at Umiko's question before a deep howl rings through the trees, startling her into a display pose. Someone else is in these woods, and they don't strike her as quite as friendly as Umiko has been.

Cautiously, Kaliya creeps towards the direction of the shriek, figuring that she won't get any answers by dodging everyone she finds. Unfortunately, she must have misjudged the distance, because before she knows it, the dragon is nearly on top of her.

On instinct, she throws her wings up and leaps backwards into a defense stance, exposing the bright warning colors under her wings. Upon looking over her opponent, she falters for a moment; at first, to her horror, she saw only a dragon's corpse, stripped of skin, but then the corpse began moving, and she realized that it was a living skinless dragon.
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Umiko jumped at the sound of the loud roar. Seeing the skinless dragon, he immediately goes to Kaliya's side joining her in a defensive stance. It's been a while since I saw one of these things. Umiko growls lightly and his tail swishes from side to side, similar to an angry cat. "What should we do about this thing?" Anger and disgust was prominent in his voice.
Umiko jumped at the sound of the loud roar. Seeing the skinless dragon, he immediately goes to Kaliya's side joining her in a defensive stance. It's been a while since I saw one of these things. Umiko growls lightly and his tail swishes from side to side, similar to an angry cat. "What should we do about this thing?" Anger and disgust was prominent in his voice.
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Lyn or Ren
Rioska said, "My name is Rioska, of the Sundial Terrace. This is my adopted daughter, Lightstrike. My dryad is Galadriel."

Lightstrike relaxed as she saw that Nemoni wasn't aggressive. "Like he said, I'm Lightstrike," she replied. "I'm his adopted daughter, and I have three sons of my own back home."
Rioska said, "My name is Rioska, of the Sundial Terrace. This is my adopted daughter, Lightstrike. My dryad is Galadriel."

Lightstrike relaxed as she saw that Nemoni wasn't aggressive. "Like he said, I'm Lightstrike," she replied. "I'm his adopted daughter, and I have three sons of my own back home."
Kaliya is thrown off by the grotesque-looking dragon, and she hardly hears Umiko ask what the two of them should do. Her stomach turns, fear and bad memories swimming in her belly. Dread sinks in her chest as the dragon pivots to look at the pair, all four of his glassy eyes settling on them.

Kal doesn't even let him react, flying into a frenzy of fight or flight. She knows that she won't be able to run, not with her leg in such a state, so she bares her fangs and aims a vicious hiss in his direction.
Kaliya is thrown off by the grotesque-looking dragon, and she hardly hears Umiko ask what the two of them should do. Her stomach turns, fear and bad memories swimming in her belly. Dread sinks in her chest as the dragon pivots to look at the pair, all four of his glassy eyes settling on them.

Kal doesn't even let him react, flying into a frenzy of fight or flight. She knows that she won't be able to run, not with her leg in such a state, so she bares her fangs and aims a vicious hiss in his direction.
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