

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The woods. (An open roleplay!)
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A call rings out through the calm forest, startling Kaliya and making her whip around so fast that it wrenches her injured shoulder. She tries not to show her weakness, putting her paw down in as close to a normal pose as she can and whisking her wings upward to expose the bright warning colors that pattern the scales on the insides of her wings. Her tail lashes like a whip as she flicks her gaze around, searching for the potential attacker.

Her gaze settles on a bright Skydancer, lost in a shock of long blue hair and followed by a Hainu. He looks a bit nervous, his body tense and his feet drawn together. Kaliya finds it hard to believe that he'd be much of a threat on his own, so she folds her wings and cautiously pads over to him, ignoring the pain in her leg.

"Hello, stranger." She stops about a Spiral's length from him, keeping her voice even. "This must be your Clan's territory, so why in the name of the Icewarden have I woken up here?"
A call rings out through the calm forest, startling Kaliya and making her whip around so fast that it wrenches her injured shoulder. She tries not to show her weakness, putting her paw down in as close to a normal pose as she can and whisking her wings upward to expose the bright warning colors that pattern the scales on the insides of her wings. Her tail lashes like a whip as she flicks her gaze around, searching for the potential attacker.

Her gaze settles on a bright Skydancer, lost in a shock of long blue hair and followed by a Hainu. He looks a bit nervous, his body tense and his feet drawn together. Kaliya finds it hard to believe that he'd be much of a threat on his own, so she folds her wings and cautiously pads over to him, ignoring the pain in her leg.

"Hello, stranger." She stops about a Spiral's length from him, keeping her voice even. "This must be your Clan's territory, so why in the name of the Icewarden have I woken up here?"
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Still slightly nervous, Umiko looks at the Mirror while playing with his hair. "H-Hello there" he responds, his voice slightly shaking. "I-Im afraid that this isn't my clans territory, I'm from the Shadow Clan. You see, I woke up here as well and have no clue where this is." I should have paid more attention during my studies then this wouldn't be a problem He mumbles quietly.
Still slightly nervous, Umiko looks at the Mirror while playing with his hair. "H-Hello there" he responds, his voice slightly shaking. "I-Im afraid that this isn't my clans territory, I'm from the Shadow Clan. You see, I woke up here as well and have no clue where this is." I should have paid more attention during my studies then this wouldn't be a problem He mumbles quietly.
nonbinary-nonbinary-bands1-heckin-nb.png nBUwvfz.png
Lyn or Ren
Kaliya tilts her head slightly, dropping her defensive stance a bit. She curses under her breath and stamps her back foot, frustrated that the only other dragon she's managed to meet is in the same situation as her.

Sighing, she addresses the Skydancer, "Then I suppose we're on the same glacier here, then."

While she's speaking, Fin clambers down her neck to assess the stranger. He puffs up dramatically when the dragon's Hainu pokes its muzzle through his hair, hissing as the colorful pup wags its tail at him. In an act of retaliation, he scrambles up the leg of the stranger, planting himself firmly between his wings.

Kaliya laughs-- she can't help it, he's just so ridiculous. "Well, Fin seems to like you. I'm Kaliya, of the Ice flight."
Kaliya tilts her head slightly, dropping her defensive stance a bit. She curses under her breath and stamps her back foot, frustrated that the only other dragon she's managed to meet is in the same situation as her.

Sighing, she addresses the Skydancer, "Then I suppose we're on the same glacier here, then."

While she's speaking, Fin clambers down her neck to assess the stranger. He puffs up dramatically when the dragon's Hainu pokes its muzzle through his hair, hissing as the colorful pup wags its tail at him. In an act of retaliation, he scrambles up the leg of the stranger, planting himself firmly between his wings.

Kaliya laughs-- she can't help it, he's just so ridiculous. "Well, Fin seems to like you. I'm Kaliya, of the Ice flight."
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Umiko yelps as he feels the Magma Runner apparently called Fin climb up his leg and sit between his wings. “I’m Umiko of the Shadow flight” Key hops off of Umiko’s back and sniffs Kaliya. Key then rubs his head against one of her front legs. He giggles quietly “Key seems to like you to”
Umiko yelps as he feels the Magma Runner apparently called Fin climb up his leg and sit between his wings. “I’m Umiko of the Shadow flight” Key hops off of Umiko’s back and sniffs Kaliya. Key then rubs his head against one of her front legs. He giggles quietly “Key seems to like you to”
nonbinary-nonbinary-bands1-heckin-nb.png nBUwvfz.png
Lyn or Ren
The mirror shook her head. She gave the fae a death stare- well, not like it could be recognized much anyway, her eyes were pupil-less. "Others are talking. Go to them." She responded in broken.. "English" (fffhh idk the word lol)
The mirror shook her head. She gave the fae a death stare- well, not like it could be recognized much anyway, her eyes were pupil-less. "Others are talking. Go to them." She responded in broken.. "English" (fffhh idk the word lol)

((new guy since why not)) Name: "Flesh" but doesn't wanna gross others out so goes by "Aries" Personality: Apart of the clan that's practically zombies but actually seems to be sane, and be able to communicate well. Doesn't like the lil dwarfism gurl, Rhoodi. Familiar: Magic Nymph Extra: he b a skinless subspecies Gender: a mail child [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
((new guy since why not))

Name: "Flesh" but doesn't wanna gross others out so goes by "Aries"
Personality: Apart of the clan that's practically zombies but actually seems to be sane, and be able to communicate well. Doesn't like the lil dwarfism gurl, Rhoodi.
Familiar: Magic Nymph
Extra: he b a skinless subspecies
Gender: a mail child


@Galahs ((I believe it's called 'draconic' in Sornieth))
As the small Mirror narrowed her eyes into a glare, Nemoni started to wonder if approaching her had been a good idea. But then she was surprised as she spoke again, her words formed more clearly this time. " sure? Its probably dangerous out here..." But considering for a moment, the Fae realized this dragon wanted nothing to do with her. And she didn't particularly want to keep getting glares like that for however long they'd be stuck together..The fairy-like dragon shrugged, feigning apathy. "Well, alright then. If you're determined to get yourself eaten out here, I guess I'll just leave you to it." Not hesitating any longer, Nemoni lifted from the ground again to flit away. The Mirror had been right, there were other voices nearby. "Hello? I mean no harm!"
@Galahs ((I believe it's called 'draconic' in Sornieth))
As the small Mirror narrowed her eyes into a glare, Nemoni started to wonder if approaching her had been a good idea. But then she was surprised as she spoke again, her words formed more clearly this time. " sure? Its probably dangerous out here..." But considering for a moment, the Fae realized this dragon wanted nothing to do with her. And she didn't particularly want to keep getting glares like that for however long they'd be stuck together..The fairy-like dragon shrugged, feigning apathy. "Well, alright then. If you're determined to get yourself eaten out here, I guess I'll just leave you to it." Not hesitating any longer, Nemoni lifted from the ground again to flit away. The Mirror had been right, there were other voices nearby. "Hello? I mean no harm!"

_________________________The Goldenscale Lineage
Rioska heard the voice and started to fly towards it. He flew closer, noticing that the shadows made his purple scales appear darker, perhaps a shade of indigo. His green eyes shone in the moonlight. "I mean no harm to you either," he said. "My daughter and I woke up in these woods, and we don't know where we are. Are you also lost?"

Lightstrike followed him, flying up beside him and keeping an eye on his dryad, Galadriel. The light glinted off of her gray wings as she flew. She looked around suspiciously, but didn't see anything at first. Then she spotted a darkly colored Fae. "Who are you?" she asked.
Rioska heard the voice and started to fly towards it. He flew closer, noticing that the shadows made his purple scales appear darker, perhaps a shade of indigo. His green eyes shone in the moonlight. "I mean no harm to you either," he said. "My daughter and I woke up in these woods, and we don't know where we are. Are you also lost?"

Lightstrike followed him, flying up beside him and keeping an eye on his dryad, Galadriel. The light glinted off of her gray wings as she flew. She looked around suspiciously, but didn't see anything at first. Then she spotted a darkly colored Fae. "Who are you?" she asked.
Kaliya winces as Key rubs against her bad leg, but tries not to show it on her face; the little thing couldn't have known, after all. Still, she tucks the leg beneath her chest as best as she can manage, trying to prevent more damage to it. She isn't sure how bad it really is, and it's hurting enough as it is.

Fin leaps off of Umiko's shoulder, landing clumsily in the soil. It doesn't slow him down, though; he skitters right over to Kaliya and plants himself on her nose, looking down at her and chirping concernedly.

Kaliya ignores him, flicking her gaze back up to address Umiko.

"Well, if neither of us know where we are, we should probably search for other dragons," Kaliya figures, tucking her familiar under her wing.
Kaliya winces as Key rubs against her bad leg, but tries not to show it on her face; the little thing couldn't have known, after all. Still, she tucks the leg beneath her chest as best as she can manage, trying to prevent more damage to it. She isn't sure how bad it really is, and it's hurting enough as it is.

Fin leaps off of Umiko's shoulder, landing clumsily in the soil. It doesn't slow him down, though; he skitters right over to Kaliya and plants himself on her nose, looking down at her and chirping concernedly.

Kaliya ignores him, flicking her gaze back up to address Umiko.

"Well, if neither of us know where we are, we should probably search for other dragons," Kaliya figures, tucking her familiar under her wing.
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Key hops back up onto Umiko’s shoulder and hides himself back into the semi tangled teal hair poking his snout out. Key nudges Umiko’s neck getting his attention. “Yes Key, I know my hair is a mess. Your going to have to deal with it till I find a comb” he tells the hainu quietly. Umiko turns his attention back to Kaliya. Nodding slightly he responds, “I guess we should. I keep hearing voices coming from a fair distance. If I had to guess, I’d say it coming from the east shall we head that way?”
Key hops back up onto Umiko’s shoulder and hides himself back into the semi tangled teal hair poking his snout out. Key nudges Umiko’s neck getting his attention. “Yes Key, I know my hair is a mess. Your going to have to deal with it till I find a comb” he tells the hainu quietly. Umiko turns his attention back to Kaliya. Nodding slightly he responds, “I guess we should. I keep hearing voices coming from a fair distance. If I had to guess, I’d say it coming from the east shall we head that way?”
nonbinary-nonbinary-bands1-heckin-nb.png nBUwvfz.png
Lyn or Ren
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