

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Aphelion Academy- Roleplay Topic
Deimos walked into the lobby area, holding a backpack so stuffed with things it's zipper could barely close. He looked fairly disheveled, his hair uncombed, his clothes wrinkled and bags under his eyes as heavy as the backpack he carried.

Sorrel had gotten up almost an hour ago and sat in the lobby, a cup of coffee in her hand. She was a morning person naturly and was used to being one of the first people awake. Watching others poor into the lobby, she sipped her coffee, giving a small wave to the others.

Clara, unlike her friend, had never been a morning person. Used to sleeping in, she was caught off gaurd by the sudden beeping of an alarm clock. Rolling over she grumbled something as reluctantly she sat up, rubbing her eyes. Why did this trip have to leave so early? She thought to herself, it wasn't as if the dragon sanctuary was going anywhere. Sitting up now, she was glad she had packed a bit the night before. Getting ready, she grabbed her things and headed to the lobby.
Deimos walked into the lobby area, holding a backpack so stuffed with things it's zipper could barely close. He looked fairly disheveled, his hair uncombed, his clothes wrinkled and bags under his eyes as heavy as the backpack he carried.

Sorrel had gotten up almost an hour ago and sat in the lobby, a cup of coffee in her hand. She was a morning person naturly and was used to being one of the first people awake. Watching others poor into the lobby, she sipped her coffee, giving a small wave to the others.

Clara, unlike her friend, had never been a morning person. Used to sleeping in, she was caught off gaurd by the sudden beeping of an alarm clock. Rolling over she grumbled something as reluctantly she sat up, rubbing her eyes. Why did this trip have to leave so early? She thought to herself, it wasn't as if the dragon sanctuary was going anywhere. Sitting up now, she was glad she had packed a bit the night before. Getting ready, she grabbed her things and headed to the lobby.
__________________________ Azure
+2 FR time
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Damien woke up with a start when he fell off his bed. He half-managed to hold in his loud gasp of surprise. He stood up suddenly, taking a moment to remember where he was. "... Oh. Yeah." He sighed, brushing the hair out from in front of his eyes. He glanced around his dorm. Greaaatttt… I haven't packed anything. He threw his bed sheets onto his bed, not caring to fix it. There was still a dull headache buzzing in the back of his mind. He noticed he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday. Frowning, he threw them on the ground and took a shower. He was too distracted (And in pain) last night to take a change, let alone shower. It was all he could do to fall on top of his bed and faint. He picked some of his least fancy and warm clothes, and slapped those on. Grungily, he began to pack.
Damien woke up with a start when he fell off his bed. He half-managed to hold in his loud gasp of surprise. He stood up suddenly, taking a moment to remember where he was. "... Oh. Yeah." He sighed, brushing the hair out from in front of his eyes. He glanced around his dorm. Greaaatttt… I haven't packed anything. He threw his bed sheets onto his bed, not caring to fix it. There was still a dull headache buzzing in the back of his mind. He noticed he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday. Frowning, he threw them on the ground and took a shower. He was too distracted (And in pain) last night to take a change, let alone shower. It was all he could do to fall on top of his bed and faint. He picked some of his least fancy and warm clothes, and slapped those on. Grungily, he began to pack.
(Sorry, I meant to have all these on the same message, so sorry for the double notification!)

Lily woke up and stretched. She thought she had some dream... But couldn't remember anything but white. She shrugged, getting up. She made sure not to disturb Crystal (Who I guess is still asleep? She hasn't really been active that I've seen) and gathered some water from the sink, watering her plants that were set neatly along with windowsill. She gathered up her pre-packed stuff, changed really quickly, fixed her hair, then stepped out her room, optimism written all over her face. She started making her way down the hall towards the cafeteria, wondering if it was open for breakfast.


Chase dreamed of water, deep, dark water. He was in his seal form, swimming slowly. Shark fins and tails flashed at the corners of his vision, but whenever he turned, they would be gone, and yet he felt like they were still there, and everywhere. Fear crawled up his spine as he tried to speed up, but seemed to not be able to go any faster, his tail swishing slowly and evenly. He tried to shout, but water flooded his mouth, and into his lungs, making him cough, which only made it worse. He desperately looked for the surface, but darkness and sharks surrounded him. His movement slowed as his vision blurred. A shark moved in for it's first bite- Chase woke up, looking around wildly. His breath heaved in his lungs. Weird dream. He thought, getting sluggishly out of bed. He didn't bother to change his clothes, and grabbed his luggage. (Which mostly consisted of warm clothes, blankets, fire-starting materials, a machete, a hand shovel, and two climbing picks.) He walked out in no rush, his dream already fading away, and began making his way through the hall.
(Sorry, I meant to have all these on the same message, so sorry for the double notification!)

Lily woke up and stretched. She thought she had some dream... But couldn't remember anything but white. She shrugged, getting up. She made sure not to disturb Crystal (Who I guess is still asleep? She hasn't really been active that I've seen) and gathered some water from the sink, watering her plants that were set neatly along with windowsill. She gathered up her pre-packed stuff, changed really quickly, fixed her hair, then stepped out her room, optimism written all over her face. She started making her way down the hall towards the cafeteria, wondering if it was open for breakfast.


Chase dreamed of water, deep, dark water. He was in his seal form, swimming slowly. Shark fins and tails flashed at the corners of his vision, but whenever he turned, they would be gone, and yet he felt like they were still there, and everywhere. Fear crawled up his spine as he tried to speed up, but seemed to not be able to go any faster, his tail swishing slowly and evenly. He tried to shout, but water flooded his mouth, and into his lungs, making him cough, which only made it worse. He desperately looked for the surface, but darkness and sharks surrounded him. His movement slowed as his vision blurred. A shark moved in for it's first bite- Chase woke up, looking around wildly. His breath heaved in his lungs. Weird dream. He thought, getting sluggishly out of bed. He didn't bother to change his clothes, and grabbed his luggage. (Which mostly consisted of warm clothes, blankets, fire-starting materials, a machete, a hand shovel, and two climbing picks.) He walked out in no rush, his dream already fading away, and began making his way through the hall.
Lyre had woken up looking completely different. He'd gone to sleep in his snow leopard form and woke up looking like his sister. Black hair, blue eyes, and a crude smile. He heaved out a sigh and sat up, his form changing back to his preferred tall ginger. The boy picked up his flute case, packed a small bag, and trudged out of the dorm with it slung over his shoulder.
Lyre had woken up looking completely different. He'd gone to sleep in his snow leopard form and woke up looking like his sister. Black hair, blue eyes, and a crude smile. He heaved out a sigh and sat up, his form changing back to his preferred tall ginger. The boy picked up his flute case, packed a small bag, and trudged out of the dorm with it slung over his shoulder.
Aged Tome Copper Ore _________

Carrd - Always on that coli grind
Sree spent around an hour inside the bathroom getting his hair inside the perfect man bun and other early morning activities. He then spent another hour making sure his wings and talons were in good shape as well as reading his bag for the trip. The angel didn't quite remember what the trip was all about, he wasn't fully listening when the announcement was given. The smart thing to do when you didn't know something was to ask around and see who knew, but Sree liked surprises. He knew it had something to do with dragons, the parts that needed filling he had no clue, but it was fun that way!

The male walked out of his dorm with Naz around his shoulders and his bag, heading straight toward the lobby. Yeah, flying there would be faster, but there was something nice about to tip tapping of his talons on the floor that calmed him.
Sree spent around an hour inside the bathroom getting his hair inside the perfect man bun and other early morning activities. He then spent another hour making sure his wings and talons were in good shape as well as reading his bag for the trip. The angel didn't quite remember what the trip was all about, he wasn't fully listening when the announcement was given. The smart thing to do when you didn't know something was to ask around and see who knew, but Sree liked surprises. He knew it had something to do with dragons, the parts that needed filling he had no clue, but it was fun that way!

The male walked out of his dorm with Naz around his shoulders and his bag, heading straight toward the lobby. Yeah, flying there would be faster, but there was something nice about to tip tapping of his talons on the floor that calmed him.
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[quote name="EmeraldWaters" date="2018-12-23 12:35:26" ] Kip started to scoot in more, but then realized the hint and stayed where she was on the couch, not wanting to irritate her roommate. She laughed, deciding that maybe agreeing with her would help. "Haha, me too! It's so boring here, I wanna go adventuring already! Um, at least the fireworks last night were cool though, right?" In all honesty, she'd been too dazzled by the enormous school and all of the students to meet and rooms to see to even think about being bored yet, but she was looking forward to the "exciting dragon adventure". [/quote]Well, at least that was something Calamansi and Kip could agree on. Briefly she felt a flash of guilt for being so cold to her when she hadn't done anything particularly wrong, but she pushed the feeling down. It wasn't as if she'd asked for her unending fountain of bubbliness. "The fireworks were...flashy," she muttered, "just some rich people flouting their power." If she was honest with herself, well. They really had been pretty cool. She'd never quite seen fireworks like that before. [i]That doesn't change the fact that they're a useless waste of resources, though[/i], she thought, just absolutely determined to make the worst out of everything.
EmeraldWaters wrote on 2018-12-23 12:35:26:
Kip started to scoot in more, but then realized the hint and stayed where she was on the couch, not wanting to irritate her roommate. She laughed, deciding that maybe agreeing with her would help. "Haha, me too! It's so boring here, I wanna go adventuring already! Um, at least the fireworks last night were cool though, right?" In all honesty, she'd been too dazzled by the enormous school and all of the students to meet and rooms to see to even think about being bored yet, but she was looking forward to the "exciting dragon adventure".
Well, at least that was something Calamansi and Kip could agree on. Briefly she felt a flash of guilt for being so cold to her when she hadn't done anything particularly wrong, but she pushed the feeling down. It wasn't as if she'd asked for her unending fountain of bubbliness. "The fireworks were...flashy," she muttered, "just some rich people flouting their power." If she was honest with herself, well. They really had been pretty cool. She'd never quite seen fireworks like that before. That doesn't change the fact that they're a useless waste of resources, though, she thought, just absolutely determined to make the worst out of everything.
I'm FR time :)
Frost | she/her
"I guess so. Rich people can make some really cool things, though. I think it's nice of them to share it with us with things like those fireworks." She responded optimistically, the pessimistic attitude of the faun not seeming to affect her in the slightest. "Should we pack for the adve- for the mission? I don't remember how long it was supposed to be, or what sorts of things we might need. Besides food and water, and clothes, I guess. I've never gone on anything like this before."

Remus paused at the door, his mind catching up with his half-asleep body as he reached for it. Oh, he should probably put a shirt on, or something. He usually slept without one because he'd either get hot or uncomfortable when he wore one to bed, so he'd just given up. He trotted back to his bags (which he thought at first would be delivered for him by the school, but then had it delivered by one of the family's servants when he realized that wasn't the case) and pulled out a formal-looking shirt, quickly buttoning it up. Then he combed his hair, quickly moving on to brush at least the parts of his horse half that he could reach, which was pretty much just his upper back, shoulders and forelimbs. It would have to do.

Finally, this time more prepared, he left the dorm and glanced around with some relief. A few other students were already there, but none seemed to really be in a hurry, which meant he probably hadn't missed anything yet.
"I guess so. Rich people can make some really cool things, though. I think it's nice of them to share it with us with things like those fireworks." She responded optimistically, the pessimistic attitude of the faun not seeming to affect her in the slightest. "Should we pack for the adve- for the mission? I don't remember how long it was supposed to be, or what sorts of things we might need. Besides food and water, and clothes, I guess. I've never gone on anything like this before."

Remus paused at the door, his mind catching up with his half-asleep body as he reached for it. Oh, he should probably put a shirt on, or something. He usually slept without one because he'd either get hot or uncomfortable when he wore one to bed, so he'd just given up. He trotted back to his bags (which he thought at first would be delivered for him by the school, but then had it delivered by one of the family's servants when he realized that wasn't the case) and pulled out a formal-looking shirt, quickly buttoning it up. Then he combed his hair, quickly moving on to brush at least the parts of his horse half that he could reach, which was pretty much just his upper back, shoulders and forelimbs. It would have to do.

Finally, this time more prepared, he left the dorm and glanced around with some relief. A few other students were already there, but none seemed to really be in a hurry, which meant he probably hadn't missed anything yet.
"You haven't packed yet?" Calamansi scoffed. "And the trip is... ugh, they never said how long, so I just packed for a few days." She leaned back in the couch and started counting off on her fingers, content to tell other people how to do things. As a faun, she'd had plenty of experience with camping, and as Calamansi, no trouble being superior to others. "You need a flashlight, first off." She put a second finger up. "sunscreen, bugspray, lighter, knife," she switched to her second hand, "mess kit and toiletries, probably snow goggles or at least sunglasses, a first aid kit. And cotton's bad for clothing. It gets wet easily so it's easier to get frostbite." Most likely they didn't really need to be so thorough with their packing, but Calamansi wasn't about to rely on the adults to provide anything. She wasn't sure exactly what kind of trip this would be, so she'd tried to pack as if they'd be thrown in the middle of an icy forest, not wanting to count on shelter or protection.
"You haven't packed yet?" Calamansi scoffed. "And the trip is... ugh, they never said how long, so I just packed for a few days." She leaned back in the couch and started counting off on her fingers, content to tell other people how to do things. As a faun, she'd had plenty of experience with camping, and as Calamansi, no trouble being superior to others. "You need a flashlight, first off." She put a second finger up. "sunscreen, bugspray, lighter, knife," she switched to her second hand, "mess kit and toiletries, probably snow goggles or at least sunglasses, a first aid kit. And cotton's bad for clothing. It gets wet easily so it's easier to get frostbite." Most likely they didn't really need to be so thorough with their packing, but Calamansi wasn't about to rely on the adults to provide anything. She wasn't sure exactly what kind of trip this would be, so she'd tried to pack as if they'd be thrown in the middle of an icy forest, not wanting to count on shelter or protection.
I'm FR time :)
Frost | she/her
Kip frowned as she went on, looking thoughtful. "Well, I have snacks, a flashlight, boots, and a scarf! That'll probably be enough, right?" She made a mental note to herself that she might have to practice her shifting, to try to at least shift as much of her as she could to have fur, or something that'd help her keep warm. It sounded to her like Calamansi was a real pro at survival, so she decided right then that she would stick with her roommate as much as she could. Calamansi could teach her a lot, and she seemed to not be annoyed (yet) by telling Kip what to do.
Kip frowned as she went on, looking thoughtful. "Well, I have snacks, a flashlight, boots, and a scarf! That'll probably be enough, right?" She made a mental note to herself that she might have to practice her shifting, to try to at least shift as much of her as she could to have fur, or something that'd help her keep warm. It sounded to her like Calamansi was a real pro at survival, so she decided right then that she would stick with her roommate as much as she could. Calamansi could teach her a lot, and she seemed to not be annoyed (yet) by telling Kip what to do.
Mathe walked out of her dorm dressed and ready for the mission. She glanced towards Kip and Calamansi but made no move to go and talk to them.
Mathe walked out of her dorm dressed and ready for the mission. She glanced towards Kip and Calamansi but made no move to go and talk to them.