

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Aphelion Academy- Roleplay Topic
(Yeah, I'm good with a timeskip when Remus and Damien are done talking, and Kip's pretty much done)

Kip had eventually gone back to her room, and fallen asleep after getting bored waiting for her roommate. It hadn't been the fun sleepover-every-night scenario she imagined, but maybe it was just because it was the first day.

Remus gulped at Damien's words, trying not to fidget nervously too much. His walking had slowed a little and his posture was stiff, with his tail lowered almost like a scared dog's. "You think we'll be in danger..? We could die!? But the teachers are there to keep us safe! Right?" My parents paid for a school that I could adventure safely in! If something bad happened.. what would they do? What would I do? Oh no..
(Yeah, I'm good with a timeskip when Remus and Damien are done talking, and Kip's pretty much done)

Kip had eventually gone back to her room, and fallen asleep after getting bored waiting for her roommate. It hadn't been the fun sleepover-every-night scenario she imagined, but maybe it was just because it was the first day.

Remus gulped at Damien's words, trying not to fidget nervously too much. His walking had slowed a little and his posture was stiff, with his tail lowered almost like a scared dog's. "You think we'll be in danger..? We could die!? But the teachers are there to keep us safe! Right?" My parents paid for a school that I could adventure safely in! If something bad happened.. what would they do? What would I do? Oh no..
//Oof what did I miss?
//Oof what did I miss?
I'm FR time :)
Frost | she/her
(nothing really, I'm about to have a timeskip to morning, I just have one more long post to finish up)
(nothing really, I'm about to have a timeskip to morning, I just have one more long post to finish up)
__________________________ Azure
+2 FR time
eF0NbOK.gif Artist
My Art Instagram
My Hatchery
(Finals are upon me. I'll be very, very busy during recent times, but will be nearly completely free on Saturday.)
(Finals are upon me. I'll be very, very busy during recent times, but will be nearly completely free on Saturday.)
(That's totally fine! I've been busy getting ready for the holidays anyways, I forgot how chaotic it can get around Christmas)

"Don't you think that's a bit wasteful?". 

Mr.Faculea turned from the window, blinking in suprise as he saw Lucian Luxinfrey standing there. Atlas gave a small bow, to which the king scoffed, waving for him to stop. "I thought you would have gone back to your palace already," 

Lucian smiled, walking to stand beside his friend, "I decided to stay a while longer. haven't had much time outside my palace in the last few months, I'm in no hurry to go back. The palace can wait a few more hours," he looked outside, at the glimmering fireworks still illuminating the sky, "it's a bit of a waste of magic isn't it? Don't you need to save your strength?"

Atlas let out a chuckle at the suggestion, "I know my limits, don't worry, besides, I thought they could use a little welcoming festivities,". 

The king didn't question him any further on this, "you seam tired, Atlas, have you been sleeping enough?", he turned to face the headmaster, eyes filled with worry, "my father wouldn't have wanted you working yourself so hard, you should take a break,"

While from the stage he had seemed full of energy, up close it was quite clear the headmaster hadn't been sleeping well, the dark circles under his eyes were very noticeable. "I can't, I don't have time," he replied. 

For anyone else, turning down an invitation from the king would be considered a grave offense, but from Atlas, the king didn't seam to care, "come on, you should come visit the palace. The gardens have grown conciderably. You haven't come to visit once sinse...," he trailed off a bit. 

"Since King Oran...," looking down at the windowsill, Atlas couldn't quite bring himself to finish that sentence either. "I wish I would have visited him more back then,". 

"It was a stressful time, he wouldn't have blamed you," Lucian replied, shacking his head, "besides, he was hardly there during the final days, he wouldnt have wanted you to see him like that,". 

Atlas was silent for a long moment, staring out the window now, "maybe after this mission, I'll try to find some time to visit,". 

Deimos didn't see the fireworks. Having already drifted off to sleep, a book still on his hands. The day had been stressful and tiring as he struggled to be prepared for the next day's trip. Perhaps this stress gave some reason for his dreams. 

He stood atop a snow covered hill. The sky was a black white that blended with the snow in a disorienting blanket of pure nothingness. There was nothing but pure silence and blank white snow, and him, and then there wasn't. Deimos blinked once and then it was there. A huge wolf. Deimos had never seen a wolf before, excepting in books. They were common in the outskirts but rarely dared venture near civilization. The creature towards over the demon, it's stone grey eyes staring down at him, looking through him. Deimos could hear his heart beat faster, the only sound amidst the silence. As he took a step back, the wolf snarled and with little warning it lunged for him. 

Deimos scrambled backwards, but not fast enough. The creature sunk it's fangs into Deimos's arm. Letting out a scream, Deimos stumbled back, the wolf letting go. Deimos let out a cry of shock only to realize, the wound didn't hurt. Finally working up the courage to look at the wound, his eyes widened. There was no blood, instead, ash flowed from his torn skin, poring out onto the snow below him. Taking a step back, he felt the ground beneath his feet tremble and then, before he had a chance to react, it gave way beneath him, giving way into darkness. 

Closing his eyes tightly, he fell, and fell, deeper and deeper into the blackness, until suddenly he wasn't. He hadn't hit any sort of ground, but instead felt no sensation at all. Carefully, he opened his eyes. Darkness surrounded him, excepting a few small lines of light, like cracks in the oblivion in front of him. 

Moving now in a sort of trance, he wassslked towards them, finding he could still walk, despite no obvious ground beneath his feet. Before his mind could register what he was doing, he reached out a hand, touching his hand to the light. 

A surge of electricity coursed through him, causing him to jump back, quickly pulling his hand back. The sound of electric crackling echoed through the nothingness, followed by a loud, cracking sound. Breathing heavily, Deimos forced himself to look. A spiderweb of new cracks had formed, allowing more and more of the blinding light to sleep in. As the cracks spread, the darkness peeled away like old paint, before suddenly, the entirety of the darkness fell away, crashing down into itself. Deimos quickly shielded his eyes as light so bright it almost burned. 

Deimos awoke in a cold sweat, his arm still sheilding his eyes from the light no longer there.  Blinking a few times, he took in the far subtler day light as he slowly sat up. Rubbing his eyes, he tried to make some sense of the dream, but quickly dismissed it. It had been a stressful day after all. Now sitting up but still wrapped in his blanket, Deimos's eyes widened as he realised. It was the day of the first mission. Panicking, he threw off his blanket, rushing to get ready. 

it was about 7:00 am, several hours before they would be leaving, but he didn't realize that quite yet. 

(It is now morning)
(That's totally fine! I've been busy getting ready for the holidays anyways, I forgot how chaotic it can get around Christmas)

"Don't you think that's a bit wasteful?". 

Mr.Faculea turned from the window, blinking in suprise as he saw Lucian Luxinfrey standing there. Atlas gave a small bow, to which the king scoffed, waving for him to stop. "I thought you would have gone back to your palace already," 

Lucian smiled, walking to stand beside his friend, "I decided to stay a while longer. haven't had much time outside my palace in the last few months, I'm in no hurry to go back. The palace can wait a few more hours," he looked outside, at the glimmering fireworks still illuminating the sky, "it's a bit of a waste of magic isn't it? Don't you need to save your strength?"

Atlas let out a chuckle at the suggestion, "I know my limits, don't worry, besides, I thought they could use a little welcoming festivities,". 

The king didn't question him any further on this, "you seam tired, Atlas, have you been sleeping enough?", he turned to face the headmaster, eyes filled with worry, "my father wouldn't have wanted you working yourself so hard, you should take a break,"

While from the stage he had seemed full of energy, up close it was quite clear the headmaster hadn't been sleeping well, the dark circles under his eyes were very noticeable. "I can't, I don't have time," he replied. 

For anyone else, turning down an invitation from the king would be considered a grave offense, but from Atlas, the king didn't seam to care, "come on, you should come visit the palace. The gardens have grown conciderably. You haven't come to visit once sinse...," he trailed off a bit. 

"Since King Oran...," looking down at the windowsill, Atlas couldn't quite bring himself to finish that sentence either. "I wish I would have visited him more back then,". 

"It was a stressful time, he wouldn't have blamed you," Lucian replied, shacking his head, "besides, he was hardly there during the final days, he wouldnt have wanted you to see him like that,". 

Atlas was silent for a long moment, staring out the window now, "maybe after this mission, I'll try to find some time to visit,". 

Deimos didn't see the fireworks. Having already drifted off to sleep, a book still on his hands. The day had been stressful and tiring as he struggled to be prepared for the next day's trip. Perhaps this stress gave some reason for his dreams. 

He stood atop a snow covered hill. The sky was a black white that blended with the snow in a disorienting blanket of pure nothingness. There was nothing but pure silence and blank white snow, and him, and then there wasn't. Deimos blinked once and then it was there. A huge wolf. Deimos had never seen a wolf before, excepting in books. They were common in the outskirts but rarely dared venture near civilization. The creature towards over the demon, it's stone grey eyes staring down at him, looking through him. Deimos could hear his heart beat faster, the only sound amidst the silence. As he took a step back, the wolf snarled and with little warning it lunged for him. 

Deimos scrambled backwards, but not fast enough. The creature sunk it's fangs into Deimos's arm. Letting out a scream, Deimos stumbled back, the wolf letting go. Deimos let out a cry of shock only to realize, the wound didn't hurt. Finally working up the courage to look at the wound, his eyes widened. There was no blood, instead, ash flowed from his torn skin, poring out onto the snow below him. Taking a step back, he felt the ground beneath his feet tremble and then, before he had a chance to react, it gave way beneath him, giving way into darkness. 

Closing his eyes tightly, he fell, and fell, deeper and deeper into the blackness, until suddenly he wasn't. He hadn't hit any sort of ground, but instead felt no sensation at all. Carefully, he opened his eyes. Darkness surrounded him, excepting a few small lines of light, like cracks in the oblivion in front of him. 

Moving now in a sort of trance, he wassslked towards them, finding he could still walk, despite no obvious ground beneath his feet. Before his mind could register what he was doing, he reached out a hand, touching his hand to the light. 

A surge of electricity coursed through him, causing him to jump back, quickly pulling his hand back. The sound of electric crackling echoed through the nothingness, followed by a loud, cracking sound. Breathing heavily, Deimos forced himself to look. A spiderweb of new cracks had formed, allowing more and more of the blinding light to sleep in. As the cracks spread, the darkness peeled away like old paint, before suddenly, the entirety of the darkness fell away, crashing down into itself. Deimos quickly shielded his eyes as light so bright it almost burned. 

Deimos awoke in a cold sweat, his arm still sheilding his eyes from the light no longer there.  Blinking a few times, he took in the far subtler day light as he slowly sat up. Rubbing his eyes, he tried to make some sense of the dream, but quickly dismissed it. It had been a stressful day after all. Now sitting up but still wrapped in his blanket, Deimos's eyes widened as he realised. It was the day of the first mission. Panicking, he threw off his blanket, rushing to get ready. 

it was about 7:00 am, several hours before they would be leaving, but he didn't realize that quite yet. 

(It is now morning)
__________________________ Azure
+2 FR time
eF0NbOK.gif Artist
My Art Instagram
My Hatchery
Mathe slowly cracked open her eyes taking a moment to realise where she was. She had been here for a few days now but still wasn't use to the unfamiliar surroundings, always waking up expecting to be home... She scoffed pushing herself up and out of bed, If you can even call it that.
Mathe slowly cracked open her eyes taking a moment to realise where she was. She had been here for a few days now but still wasn't use to the unfamiliar surroundings, always waking up expecting to be home... She scoffed pushing herself up and out of bed, If you can even call it that.
Calamansi had been up and about for half an hour now, her anxiety about the trip manifesting in its own way, namely organizing everything in her room that she could and angrily lifting weights, all as quietly as she could without waking her roommate, Kip, not out of politeness, but just because she didn't want to hear her stupid voice for a whole half hour or more before they left. Finally, she slammed the bathroom door open perhaps just a little too loudly to take a quick shower and change into more practical clothes for a camping trip. Ten minutes later, she grabbed her backpack and stalked out into the lobby to wait on the couch where it was less claustrophobic.
Calamansi had been up and about for half an hour now, her anxiety about the trip manifesting in its own way, namely organizing everything in her room that she could and angrily lifting weights, all as quietly as she could without waking her roommate, Kip, not out of politeness, but just because she didn't want to hear her stupid voice for a whole half hour or more before they left. Finally, she slammed the bathroom door open perhaps just a little too loudly to take a quick shower and change into more practical clothes for a camping trip. Ten minutes later, she grabbed her backpack and stalked out into the lobby to wait on the couch where it was less claustrophobic.
I'm FR time :)
Frost | she/her
Remus had had a bit of an awkward time figuring out how he would sleep in the dorm that was very obviously bit to be more accommodating towards humans and other bipedal creatures, knowing from the second he laid his eyes on it that the bunk bed wouldn't fit him. Once he had gotten over the offensiveness of it all, he allowed his ravencat messenger which he still hadn't named to have it as her own bed. Usually he slept standing, sleeping lightly and waking up a few times in the night, really more like a bunch of naps in a row. But with his nervousness about the mission, he decided a good night's sleep might do him some good.

He had dragged all of the blankets and pillows he could find from both his bed and from the common room, luckily not knocking over any furniture while he had been out there late last night, and created the softest sleeping space he could manage. Finally after this process had been finished and after he was able to settle down, which took a while as well, it was nearly midnight and the centaur fell asleep.

He dreamed he was galloping endlessly. Golden expanses of beautiful countryside surrounded him, more open than any place he'd ever been in before. But then the dream turned dark, and wings fluttered around him, growling sounded behind him as he realized he couldn't turn his head to see it, and he was slowing down. With a shout that made no sound, he ran faster, straining his muscles and still feeling like he was not making progress. It got darker, and soon he couldn't see. He could only try to escape, not knowing when he would be could but knowing that it was getting closer and closer with each passing second.

Suddenly Remus felt a sharp pain his lower hind leg, which was enough to jolt himself awake with a slight gasp. With a touch of embarrassment, he realized he'd rolled onto his side in his sleep and had kicked himself while he was.. running in his sleep, apparently. The dream had already faded away, but he was still left with a bit of a cold sweat and a faint feeling of fear, though he didn't know anymore what exactly had happened in his nightmare to set him on edge. He stood up, managing not to get his hooves tangled in his blankets, and trotted towards the door, wanting to get out of the small dormitory and maybe get some breakfast before they set off on their mission.

Kip had been snoring slightly and even drooling just a little onto her pillow, sleeping very deeply and having wonderful dreams of adventures and new friends. As she was riding her new pet dragon that she'd tamed in her most recent dream, she was woken up from it very suddenly by a slam of the door. Looking up blearily, she noted that it was the bathroom door that had shut and she could hear the shower on. Oh, so Calamansi was awake! They hadn't really gotten to talk like she wanted to the previous night. She got up and dressed, and was sitting on her bed wondering what she should pack with her for the mission when Calamansi grabbed her backpack and left without a word. Perking up, she hopped to her feet, abandoning her belongings gathered haphazardly around where she had been sitting to follow her roommate out into the common room. "Hey! Good morning! Do you know when we're going on the mission?" She sat herself down on the couch near her, trying her best to be conscious of personal space but still managing to get pretty close anyway.
Remus had had a bit of an awkward time figuring out how he would sleep in the dorm that was very obviously bit to be more accommodating towards humans and other bipedal creatures, knowing from the second he laid his eyes on it that the bunk bed wouldn't fit him. Once he had gotten over the offensiveness of it all, he allowed his ravencat messenger which he still hadn't named to have it as her own bed. Usually he slept standing, sleeping lightly and waking up a few times in the night, really more like a bunch of naps in a row. But with his nervousness about the mission, he decided a good night's sleep might do him some good.

He had dragged all of the blankets and pillows he could find from both his bed and from the common room, luckily not knocking over any furniture while he had been out there late last night, and created the softest sleeping space he could manage. Finally after this process had been finished and after he was able to settle down, which took a while as well, it was nearly midnight and the centaur fell asleep.

He dreamed he was galloping endlessly. Golden expanses of beautiful countryside surrounded him, more open than any place he'd ever been in before. But then the dream turned dark, and wings fluttered around him, growling sounded behind him as he realized he couldn't turn his head to see it, and he was slowing down. With a shout that made no sound, he ran faster, straining his muscles and still feeling like he was not making progress. It got darker, and soon he couldn't see. He could only try to escape, not knowing when he would be could but knowing that it was getting closer and closer with each passing second.

Suddenly Remus felt a sharp pain his lower hind leg, which was enough to jolt himself awake with a slight gasp. With a touch of embarrassment, he realized he'd rolled onto his side in his sleep and had kicked himself while he was.. running in his sleep, apparently. The dream had already faded away, but he was still left with a bit of a cold sweat and a faint feeling of fear, though he didn't know anymore what exactly had happened in his nightmare to set him on edge. He stood up, managing not to get his hooves tangled in his blankets, and trotted towards the door, wanting to get out of the small dormitory and maybe get some breakfast before they set off on their mission.

Kip had been snoring slightly and even drooling just a little onto her pillow, sleeping very deeply and having wonderful dreams of adventures and new friends. As she was riding her new pet dragon that she'd tamed in her most recent dream, she was woken up from it very suddenly by a slam of the door. Looking up blearily, she noted that it was the bathroom door that had shut and she could hear the shower on. Oh, so Calamansi was awake! They hadn't really gotten to talk like she wanted to the previous night. She got up and dressed, and was sitting on her bed wondering what she should pack with her for the mission when Calamansi grabbed her backpack and left without a word. Perking up, she hopped to her feet, abandoning her belongings gathered haphazardly around where she had been sitting to follow her roommate out into the common room. "Hey! Good morning! Do you know when we're going on the mission?" She sat herself down on the couch near her, trying her best to be conscious of personal space but still managing to get pretty close anyway.
Calamansi huffed and scooted away slightly, not being very discreet about it. "Who the hel| knows. Hopefully soon, because if I spend another waking minute of my life sitting around on my bum at an school meant for exploring, I'll stab someone." She meant that hyperbolically. Probably.
Calamansi huffed and scooted away slightly, not being very discreet about it. "Who the hel| knows. Hopefully soon, because if I spend another waking minute of my life sitting around on my bum at an school meant for exploring, I'll stab someone." She meant that hyperbolically. Probably.
I'm FR time :)
Frost | she/her
Kip started to scoot in more, but then realized the hint and stayed where she was on the couch, not wanting to irritate her roommate. She laughed, deciding that maybe agreeing with her would help. "Haha, me too! It's so boring here, I wanna go adventuring already! Um, at least the fireworks last night were cool though, right?" In all honesty, she'd been too dazzled by the enormous school and all of the students to meet and rooms to see to even think about being bored yet, but she was looking forward to the "exciting dragon adventure".
Kip started to scoot in more, but then realized the hint and stayed where she was on the couch, not wanting to irritate her roommate. She laughed, deciding that maybe agreeing with her would help. "Haha, me too! It's so boring here, I wanna go adventuring already! Um, at least the fireworks last night were cool though, right?" In all honesty, she'd been too dazzled by the enormous school and all of the students to meet and rooms to see to even think about being bored yet, but she was looking forward to the "exciting dragon adventure".