

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Aphelion Academy- Roleplay Topic
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Mathe turned her eyes resting on Sorrel and said, "Yeah, sounds like a good idea." as much as she had wanted to finish her book today she would have to tomorrow morning, if she found the time.
Mathe turned her eyes resting on Sorrel and said, "Yeah, sounds like a good idea." as much as she had wanted to finish her book today she would have to tomorrow morning, if she found the time.
Remus shrugged. "The first day of school, I guess? Maybe they want to try to make all of the students cheerful before sending us off on a.. dangerous mission.." He slowed and eventually just stopped talking, suddenly feeling a little sick. He pursed his lips slightly, trotting along in silence now except for his hooves clopping loudly against the floor with each step.

Kip stayed very close to the window, though she moved back at least enough so her nose wasn't touching the glass anymore when she yawned widely. "Long day, I guess." She watched the sky for a second longer, then looked back at the other students, wondering if there was a curfew or if they just were supposed to go to the dormitories when they wanted.
Remus shrugged. "The first day of school, I guess? Maybe they want to try to make all of the students cheerful before sending us off on a.. dangerous mission.." He slowed and eventually just stopped talking, suddenly feeling a little sick. He pursed his lips slightly, trotting along in silence now except for his hooves clopping loudly against the floor with each step.

Kip stayed very close to the window, though she moved back at least enough so her nose wasn't touching the glass anymore when she yawned widely. "Long day, I guess." She watched the sky for a second longer, then looked back at the other students, wondering if there was a curfew or if they just were supposed to go to the dormitories when they wanted.
Erin carefully dangled from the rafters of the training room. Wooden knives were scattered from him throwing them all around. He was very proficient in then, actually. He had been taking a nap up there, but now he was mostly awake as he stared at the floor of the place boredly. Swooping down, he landed neatly and walked out of the door, not bothering to clean his mess.
(Sorry if anyone was in there, I’m a bit behind)
Erin carefully dangled from the rafters of the training room. Wooden knives were scattered from him throwing them all around. He was very proficient in then, actually. He had been taking a nap up there, but now he was mostly awake as he stared at the floor of the place boredly. Swooping down, he landed neatly and walked out of the door, not bothering to clean his mess.
(Sorry if anyone was in there, I’m a bit behind)
| King | Under 18 | He/Him|

My hobby is bad things I love
I'm going to do a small opening thing for Lyre if nobody minds))

Lyre was nervous. Overwhelmed. Confused. Surrounded by everything but living creatures, he and his shadow crept through the halls of the academy. By now, Lyre had opened one of his many instrument cases- all beautifully packed away and shiny -and began to play a small melancholy tune on his flute. The shapeshifter didn't know where he should have been at the time, but he finally finished his song and ran a hand through his golden hair. Only one thing stayed the same every time he shapeshifted- his odd blue eyes -the only part of his past that he kept with him. His sisters eye color scanned the hall, and only with a small amount of struggle he had turned into a much taller boy with ginger hair and the same blue eyes. He liked this form, oh so much. It was his new favorite, and liked that he was tall.
I'm going to do a small opening thing for Lyre if nobody minds))

Lyre was nervous. Overwhelmed. Confused. Surrounded by everything but living creatures, he and his shadow crept through the halls of the academy. By now, Lyre had opened one of his many instrument cases- all beautifully packed away and shiny -and began to play a small melancholy tune on his flute. The shapeshifter didn't know where he should have been at the time, but he finally finished his song and ran a hand through his golden hair. Only one thing stayed the same every time he shapeshifted- his odd blue eyes -the only part of his past that he kept with him. His sisters eye color scanned the hall, and only with a small amount of struggle he had turned into a much taller boy with ginger hair and the same blue eyes. He liked this form, oh so much. It was his new favorite, and liked that he was tall.
Aged Tome Copper Ore _________

Carrd - Always on that coli grind
@Fenrys (not sure if I need to ping you or not, sorry for the ping if not!)
Looking around, Erin spotted a victim new friend, a rather tall boy with ginger hair and blue eyes. It was a bit eerie that he was holding a flute, but hey, Erin wasn’t one to judge. A flute couldn’t kill him, so what was the harm. Wings carefully tucked behind him as not to hit something, the angel approached the much taller boy. He stood a lot shorter, though being 5’2” was sometimes to his advantage. “Hi there.” He said, not aggressively, and leaned against the wall next to the kid. “Flute, eh? It’s pretty.” He remarked, admiring the silver surface. He could see himself in it, and the keys were all cleaned. So, either it was new or this guy really liked instruments. Erin hadn’t had the time to learn to play anything, and he was slightly impressed that someone would have to resilience to learn.
@Fenrys (not sure if I need to ping you or not, sorry for the ping if not!)
Looking around, Erin spotted a victim new friend, a rather tall boy with ginger hair and blue eyes. It was a bit eerie that he was holding a flute, but hey, Erin wasn’t one to judge. A flute couldn’t kill him, so what was the harm. Wings carefully tucked behind him as not to hit something, the angel approached the much taller boy. He stood a lot shorter, though being 5’2” was sometimes to his advantage. “Hi there.” He said, not aggressively, and leaned against the wall next to the kid. “Flute, eh? It’s pretty.” He remarked, admiring the silver surface. He could see himself in it, and the keys were all cleaned. So, either it was new or this guy really liked instruments. Erin hadn’t had the time to learn to play anything, and he was slightly impressed that someone would have to resilience to learn.
| King | Under 18 | He/Him|

My hobby is bad things I love
Lyre stared at Erin for a moment in an attempt to memorize his features, and finally nodded. "Hello." He offered him a small wave of his hand, shifting back and forth on his feet. "Um... yeah the flute!" A minuscule grin spread across his face. "I really like playing instruments. Gives me something to do with my hands other than twiddle them around y'know? Oh um... I also play some other instruments like um theeee... Lyre, coincidentally, and sometimes the guitar just to name a few." He offered with a shrug. "Not that interesting really."
Lyre stared at Erin for a moment in an attempt to memorize his features, and finally nodded. "Hello." He offered him a small wave of his hand, shifting back and forth on his feet. "Um... yeah the flute!" A minuscule grin spread across his face. "I really like playing instruments. Gives me something to do with my hands other than twiddle them around y'know? Oh um... I also play some other instruments like um theeee... Lyre, coincidentally, and sometimes the guitar just to name a few." He offered with a shrug. "Not that interesting really."
Aged Tome Copper Ore _________

Carrd - Always on that coli grind
Erin smiled easily back at the boy. He seemed nervous if anything, not a threat of any kind. Which was definitely a good thing, of course. “Coincidentally?” Erin said, raising an eyebrow. “Is your name ‘Harp’ or something?” he asked, breathing out an effortless laugh. He didn’t really expect to be right. “Well. I’m sure it can be plenty interesting to the right people.” He said quietly, smiling with one side of his mouth. It reached his eyes anyhow. Adopting a more upbeat tone, he looked directly at the boy’s blue eyes. “So, what brings you to Aphelion? Haven’t seen you around.”
Erin smiled easily back at the boy. He seemed nervous if anything, not a threat of any kind. Which was definitely a good thing, of course. “Coincidentally?” Erin said, raising an eyebrow. “Is your name ‘Harp’ or something?” he asked, breathing out an effortless laugh. He didn’t really expect to be right. “Well. I’m sure it can be plenty interesting to the right people.” He said quietly, smiling with one side of his mouth. It reached his eyes anyhow. Adopting a more upbeat tone, he looked directly at the boy’s blue eyes. “So, what brings you to Aphelion? Haven’t seen you around.”
| King | Under 18 | He/Him|

My hobby is bad things I love
"Nooo? That'd be weird. My name's Lyre." He tapped his chin, thinking for a moment. Lyre took a moment to put his flute back in its case and finally said, not meeting Erin's eyes. "I'm actually new here... my music teacher Miane Vamir requested that I come here because I wasn't treated too well around his shop. He didn't want it bringing me down so he figured I should come to Aphelion where I'll fit in more."
"Nooo? That'd be weird. My name's Lyre." He tapped his chin, thinking for a moment. Lyre took a moment to put his flute back in its case and finally said, not meeting Erin's eyes. "I'm actually new here... my music teacher Miane Vamir requested that I come here because I wasn't treated too well around his shop. He didn't want it bringing me down so he figured I should come to Aphelion where I'll fit in more."
Aged Tome Copper Ore _________

Carrd - Always on that coli grind
“That does make more sense..” Erin said, nodding and clenching his lips together. “Sorry, it was kind of meant as a joke. Didn’t mean to offend.” He said, wanting to make this person like him, or at least not hate him. “Ah. I came here for a place to stay, myself, so that’s a way better reason to be here.” He replied, flicking out a wing as some sort of shrug. Erin assumed that Lyre was a fairy or something, and 5at was the reason that he wasn’t treated well. “Well, there’s a lot of people of every type, so you’re pretty much as safe as it gets.”
“That does make more sense..” Erin said, nodding and clenching his lips together. “Sorry, it was kind of meant as a joke. Didn’t mean to offend.” He said, wanting to make this person like him, or at least not hate him. “Ah. I came here for a place to stay, myself, so that’s a way better reason to be here.” He replied, flicking out a wing as some sort of shrug. Erin assumed that Lyre was a fairy or something, and 5at was the reason that he wasn’t treated well. “Well, there’s a lot of people of every type, so you’re pretty much as safe as it gets.”
| King | Under 18 | He/Him|

My hobby is bad things I love
"That wasn't offensive at all, don't worry!" He said quickly. "I actually get it a lot so I'm fairly used to it... There are a few shapeshifters here, I'm guessing?" Lyre asked quickly, running a hand through his hair. It took a few moments for it to become darker, but the change was barely noticeable unless you were looking for it.
"That wasn't offensive at all, don't worry!" He said quickly. "I actually get it a lot so I'm fairly used to it... There are a few shapeshifters here, I'm guessing?" Lyre asked quickly, running a hand through his hair. It took a few moments for it to become darker, but the change was barely noticeable unless you were looking for it.
Aged Tome Copper Ore _________

Carrd - Always on that coli grind
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