

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] Demonically Troubled OOC
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Hi Ray!!

Forgot I changed my name lol. I’m Dew
Hi Ray!!

Forgot I changed my name lol. I’m Dew
ack sorry for the late response, i'm reading through some of the characters i missed while writing for drey. y'all have such good ones ;w; i love them sm. and i really like how everyone seems diverse, esp having such creative abilities. i love yes o/

thank you ^^


jahfjkdshfjk !!! holy hell it's been awhile hEY THERE how are you
ack sorry for the late response, i'm reading through some of the characters i missed while writing for drey. y'all have such good ones ;w; i love them sm. and i really like how everyone seems diverse, esp having such creative abilities. i love yes o/

thank you ^^


jahfjkdshfjk !!! holy hell it's been awhile hEY THERE how are you
hEY even better now that you’re here holy cow!! It HAS been a while haha. Still love all your charas let me love t hem
hEY even better now that you’re here holy cow!! It HAS been a while haha. Still love all your charas let me love t hem

Yay, another humon!

Yay, another humon!

haha did u mean; me @ u + all your characters. ngl im even m o r e hyped up now what have you done to me


heck yeah! humans are awesome (•?o•?)?


on a different note i forgot to save a word doc i had with another character's stuff on it so i need to redo it aha, the pain.

edit; forgot FR doesn't do emoticons so i cant properly convey how overly excited i am rn with that 2013 me mood oof. feelsbadman. probably for the better though i need to calm down

haha did u mean; me @ u + all your characters. ngl im even m o r e hyped up now what have you done to me


heck yeah! humans are awesome (•?o•?)?


on a different note i forgot to save a word doc i had with another character's stuff on it so i need to redo it aha, the pain.

edit; forgot FR doesn't do emoticons so i cant properly convey how overly excited i am rn with that 2013 me mood oof. feelsbadman. probably for the better though i need to calm down
Ray now you’ve made me hyped s t o p p... Tbh though we haven’t roleplayed together in a long time and that’s most of my hype rn. Also that sucks (how much did you write??) and FR sucks even more cause I try to use them to and instantly die inside when they don’t work..... Also: [img][/img] I drew the absolute idiot... it’s actualy a funny story why he looks the way he does instead of some horrible monster haha. That will be revealed via RP though :)C
Ray now you’ve made me hyped s t o p p... Tbh though we haven’t roleplayed together in a long time and that’s most of my hype rn.

Also that sucks (how much did you write??) and FR sucks even more cause I try to use them to and instantly die inside when they don’t work.....



I drew the absolute idiot... it’s actualy a funny story why he looks the way he does instead of some horrible monster haha. That will be revealed via RP though :)C

Would you be interested in this at all?

Would you be interested in this at all?
@Zuron - No time at the moment, but thanks for asking! Hope you're doing well!
@Zuron - No time at the moment, but thanks for asking! Hope you're doing well!
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[center]Oh, this looks fun! I hope I can stay active and that school doesn't decide to swamp me right off the bat ahah ^u^;[/center] [center][b]PC[/b] [b]Name: [/b] Halbert Greenman [b]Age:[/b] 15/Sophomore [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight (At least he thinks so) [b]Demonic Status:[/b] Possessed: He hosts a plague demon that manifests rarely in his family. [b]Appearance:[/b] Stands at a shorter 5'4", and his slouching doesn't help. His hair is a mousy gray-ish color, and is usually left alone to do whatever physics wills it to. This lack of upkeep in appearance extends to his outfits, too. When given the option he is usually in an unassuming hoodie and jeans. His wardrobe is primarily dull colors and grays. His eyes are an unimpressive shade of blue, only made more vibrant by the usual dark circles beneath them. In all senses, he is a completely un-notable individual, although there seems to be something moving around in his jacket pockets... [img][/img] [b]Magical Abilities:[/b] The demon Verodenhallen inside him grants him powers he does not want. He is a living magnet for all manners of unsavory rodent vermin (though not always unsavory, in the case of the occasional hamster). In times of emotional duress, they seem to come to his aid, or perform tasks for him without his full awareness. On a rare, unsettling occasion, he finds himself sensing the world through one of these furry compatriots, though he can detach easily he isn't quite sure how to initiate it. He is afraid of these powers, and that using them may lead him to grow into some being closer to the rat thing hiding inside him. He can sense and telepathically converse with it, but puts most of his effort into keeping it quiet and out of the way, as their worldviews and personalities clash. Hal's rejection of these abilities and Verodenhallen has lead him to be a complete novice in using them his whole life. If he were to put the effort in, he would be able to have immense control of the rats and mice around him: splitting his consciousness among them, commanding them directly, or even talking with them. Verodenhallen's visual appearance (lord forbid he ever does) is of a child-sized partially skeletal rat filled with unknown multitudes of smaller, beady-eyed rats: [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Hal is a bit of a pessimist, but tries to keep it to himself. He is exceptionally slow to trust others, and even slower to trust himself. He views his high school years as something he is just passing through on his way to something supposedly better (even though he has made no future plans). A friend would be nice, though, he will concede. His low ambition usually leaves him high and dry in the social department. He typically ends up unintentionally hanging in the shadows of louder, more interesting people. Not all is lost for the boy, however. He has a quick wit and a keen sense of wordplay and humor. His constant mental resistance to his powers render him mentally weaker to unexpected forces or situations. He can get stressed easily, which exacerbates the chaos of his unchecked abilities, which typically does nothing but stress him out more. In unwanted situations, where he feels trapped or loses control of the situation, or if he tries to use his powers too much with too little training, the personality of Verodenhallen starts to manifest in his mind and alter his actions. Verodenhallen is a clever and rather incorrigible fellow whose priorities are first the security of his home (Hal) and second a general goal of rodent-involved chaos. He considers the things he does in the brief moments of control he gets for Hal's sake, cause the poor shut-in needs some excitement on his life or he will never get anywhere (in his opinion). [b]Backstory:[/b] Hal doesn't talk about his past, but that is only because there is very little to talk about. He has moved from house to house to house with his family due to a bad streak of vermin problems that made life rather terrible and unlivable. Hal was horrified to discover the problem was actually him. He was even more horrified to see how easy it was for his parents to shove him off to this school in the wake of it. [b]Other:[/b] Hal's favorite foods are mint lifesavers and strawberries (Oddly enough, this has been true before this thread). He can be a bit prickly with other people, but he has rather large soft spot for animals. He keeps his secrets with a 'friend' he calls Clarice. Hal prays that no one ever discovers her. [/center]
Oh, this looks fun! I hope I can stay active and that school doesn't decide to swamp me right off the bat ahah ^u^;


Halbert Greenman






Straight (At least he thinks so)

Demonic Status:

Possessed: He hosts a plague demon that manifests rarely in his family.


Stands at a shorter 5'4", and his slouching doesn't help. His hair is a mousy gray-ish color, and is usually left alone to do whatever physics wills it to. This lack of upkeep in appearance extends to his outfits, too. When given the option he is usually in an unassuming hoodie and jeans. His wardrobe is primarily dull colors and grays. His eyes are an unimpressive shade of blue, only made more vibrant by the usual dark circles beneath them. In all senses, he is a completely un-notable individual, although there seems to be something moving around in his jacket pockets...


Magical Abilities:

The demon Verodenhallen inside him grants him powers he does not want. He is a living magnet for all manners of unsavory rodent vermin (though not always unsavory, in the case of the occasional hamster). In times of emotional duress, they seem to come to his aid, or perform tasks for him without his full awareness. On a rare, unsettling occasion, he finds himself sensing the world through one of these furry compatriots, though he can detach easily he isn't quite sure how to initiate it.

He is afraid of these powers, and that using them may lead him to grow into some being closer to the rat thing hiding inside him. He can sense and telepathically converse with it, but puts most of his effort into keeping it quiet and out of the way, as their worldviews and personalities clash.

Hal's rejection of these abilities and Verodenhallen has lead him to be a complete novice in using them his whole life. If he were to put the effort in, he would be able to have immense control of the rats and mice around him: splitting his consciousness among them, commanding them directly, or even talking with them.

Verodenhallen's visual appearance (lord forbid he ever does) is of a child-sized partially skeletal rat filled with unknown multitudes of smaller, beady-eyed rats:



Hal is a bit of a pessimist, but tries to keep it to himself. He is exceptionally slow to trust others, and even slower to trust himself. He views his high school years as something he is just passing through on his way to something supposedly better (even though he has made no future plans). A friend would be nice, though, he will concede. His low ambition usually leaves him high and dry in the social department. He typically ends up unintentionally hanging in the shadows of louder, more interesting people.

Not all is lost for the boy, however. He has a quick wit and a keen sense of wordplay and humor.

His constant mental resistance to his powers render him mentally weaker to unexpected forces or situations. He can get stressed easily, which exacerbates the chaos of his unchecked abilities, which typically does nothing but stress him out more.

In unwanted situations, where he feels trapped or loses control of the situation, or if he tries to use his powers too much with too little training, the personality of Verodenhallen starts to manifest in his mind and alter his actions.

Verodenhallen is a clever and rather incorrigible fellow whose priorities are first the security of his home (Hal) and second a general goal of rodent-involved chaos. He considers the things he does in the brief moments of control he gets for Hal's sake, cause the poor shut-in needs some excitement on his life or he will never get anywhere (in his opinion).


Hal doesn't talk about his past, but that is only because there is very little to talk about. He has moved from house to house to house with his family due to a bad streak of vermin problems that made life rather terrible and unlivable.

Hal was horrified to discover the problem was actually him.

He was even more horrified to see how easy it was for his parents to shove him off to this school in the wake of it.


Hal's favorite foods are mint lifesavers and strawberries (Oddly enough, this has been true before this thread). He can be a bit prickly with other people, but he has rather large soft spot for animals.

He keeps his secrets with a 'friend' he calls Clarice. Hal prays that no one ever discovers her.
Soooo many pings :| anything important? Or do i need to read through everything
Soooo many pings :| anything important? Or do i need to read through everything
Lair of a Fox's madness
He/Him | FR+9
Bilingual English / Polish
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