

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Behind The Clouds (closed)
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A black limo traveled down the highway at a reasonable speed. The windows were tinted a dark green. The trimming around the doors and edges were carved to look like metal flower petals and skulls. On the hood was a small statue of a metal dragon. The license plate was DOKSEI1. A black SUV with similar markings led the way. The group had just returned to New York. After attending a meeting involving dragon leaders. Malinda went instead of Tiemeth, because she was better at staying calm and was way more reasonable. Granted she wasn't much of a talker, tended to listen most of the time. Malinda stared out the window. Her eyes just stared at her reflection. "Driver, call the tower and let them know we will be arriving soon. I must speak with everyone right away, tell them to wait by the entrance, please. The sooner they are warned the better".

Tiemeth & Militis

The old dragon watched Militis breathe in deep, then slowly breath out. So far the once dead dragon seemed to be doing really well today. "Look at you, doing so much better than yesterday. Lungs sound better, your heart sounds stronger. Plus you haven't tried to kill me yet! Pretty soon maybe I can let you wander the tower without worry. You know, to get the muscles working properly again". Militis stared at the dragon lord then at the ceiling. Tiemeth jumped when the phone on the wall rang out breaking the calm atmosphere. In fact, all the phones in the tower rang out loudly. "It is alright my friend, it is harmless I promise you. Just an annoying device humans call a phone". The dragon lord then went to the sink, taking a cloth he got it wet with hot water. Then returned to Militis placing the cloth on the dragon's forehead. Then he got up and answered the phone. Normally that human, Kara did the answering. For some reason, it seemed like the woman wasn't doing it "Hello!? Who is this? What do you want?". The dragon said in a very annoyed and angry tone.


The dragon took a break from flying to get something to eat. Few coyotes would have to suffice until he got back to the clan. He then heard a loud sound, turning his head he saw a flying ship! The dragon growled as he watched the thing, it was quite the distance behind him. Lazarus then huffed, the dragon took to the skies and headed for where the ship was last seen. He could have sworn the thing was getting low to the ground. Was it landing? He sniffed the air and realized he was getting close to the Darbi again. He really didn't want another run-in with Lord Gronrux. He was curious about what that ship was, also he wouldn't mind messing with Gronk some more. Landing the dragon kept low, keeping amongst the rocks trying to hide. The dragon soon spotted the ship, laughing he then looked the village. The dragon was downwind from the place so hopefully, he would be undetected, after a bit of spying, he would leave and tell the rest of the Garvus Clan what is going on.

A black limo traveled down the highway at a reasonable speed. The windows were tinted a dark green. The trimming around the doors and edges were carved to look like metal flower petals and skulls. On the hood was a small statue of a metal dragon. The license plate was DOKSEI1. A black SUV with similar markings led the way. The group had just returned to New York. After attending a meeting involving dragon leaders. Malinda went instead of Tiemeth, because she was better at staying calm and was way more reasonable. Granted she wasn't much of a talker, tended to listen most of the time. Malinda stared out the window. Her eyes just stared at her reflection. "Driver, call the tower and let them know we will be arriving soon. I must speak with everyone right away, tell them to wait by the entrance, please. The sooner they are warned the better".

Tiemeth & Militis

The old dragon watched Militis breathe in deep, then slowly breath out. So far the once dead dragon seemed to be doing really well today. "Look at you, doing so much better than yesterday. Lungs sound better, your heart sounds stronger. Plus you haven't tried to kill me yet! Pretty soon maybe I can let you wander the tower without worry. You know, to get the muscles working properly again". Militis stared at the dragon lord then at the ceiling. Tiemeth jumped when the phone on the wall rang out breaking the calm atmosphere. In fact, all the phones in the tower rang out loudly. "It is alright my friend, it is harmless I promise you. Just an annoying device humans call a phone". The dragon lord then went to the sink, taking a cloth he got it wet with hot water. Then returned to Militis placing the cloth on the dragon's forehead. Then he got up and answered the phone. Normally that human, Kara did the answering. For some reason, it seemed like the woman wasn't doing it "Hello!? Who is this? What do you want?". The dragon said in a very annoyed and angry tone.


The dragon took a break from flying to get something to eat. Few coyotes would have to suffice until he got back to the clan. He then heard a loud sound, turning his head he saw a flying ship! The dragon growled as he watched the thing, it was quite the distance behind him. Lazarus then huffed, the dragon took to the skies and headed for where the ship was last seen. He could have sworn the thing was getting low to the ground. Was it landing? He sniffed the air and realized he was getting close to the Darbi again. He really didn't want another run-in with Lord Gronrux. He was curious about what that ship was, also he wouldn't mind messing with Gronk some more. Landing the dragon kept low, keeping amongst the rocks trying to hide. The dragon soon spotted the ship, laughing he then looked the village. The dragon was downwind from the place so hopefully, he would be undetected, after a bit of spying, he would leave and tell the rest of the Garvus Clan what is going on.
Mira walked into the building her apartment was in. The building looked like most other buildings around on the exterior, however the interior had been completely renovated and retrofitted for dragon occupants in the structural integrity as well as a more open layout, within the apartment rooms. As she walked through the main lobby there were certainly some interesting characters among those that were in the lobby at the time. Most would be hard pressed to tell if they were dragons or not while others were easier to detects due to some of their characteristics.

Walking past them she entered into an elevator that took her up to the 7th floor. Getting out she walked through the hall and into a room that was her apartment. It was an extremely open layout having just the bedroom and bathroom closed off. Moving over to the window she placed the stuffed animals except the one she had been carrying independently onto the floor gently to join the hundred or so other stuffed animals she owned. The AC kicked on and started decreasing the temperature of the apartment, this causing her hair to go black to white slowly.
Mira walked into the building her apartment was in. The building looked like most other buildings around on the exterior, however the interior had been completely renovated and retrofitted for dragon occupants in the structural integrity as well as a more open layout, within the apartment rooms. As she walked through the main lobby there were certainly some interesting characters among those that were in the lobby at the time. Most would be hard pressed to tell if they were dragons or not while others were easier to detects due to some of their characteristics.

Walking past them she entered into an elevator that took her up to the 7th floor. Getting out she walked through the hall and into a room that was her apartment. It was an extremely open layout having just the bedroom and bathroom closed off. Moving over to the window she placed the stuffed animals except the one she had been carrying independently onto the floor gently to join the hundred or so other stuffed animals she owned. The AC kicked on and started decreasing the temperature of the apartment, this causing her hair to go black to white slowly.
In the sky over South Carolina, Nornax

The white dragon growled as his stomach ached. He was hungry once again, the dragon scanned the land below. Hoping to spot something edible, all he kept seeing was humans. The dragon wouldn't mind a few of them, but it was going to be hard to be unseen. The dragon stayed the course as he flew down the coast. He wasn't into fish but maybe that might the better option for now. Havok had free reign it seemed, but for him, it was another story. The dragon didn't have a net to keep him out of trouble. Flying lower the dragon scooped up what he could. Getting as many fish in his mouth as he could. The dragon kept moving, the urges to kill humans was becoming harder to fight. He started to talk and laugh to himself about how badly he wants to kill and eat.

"I just want a few! Warm...warm so very tasty, bloody, and easy to swallow! Soon my chance will come, one day I will kill them again! Just not now, if lose it now it could ruin everything. Those pesky dragons better kept their word! Once things start moving, they better not turn on me. I give them information and they give me a place amongst them! Who knows maybe I will be the new leader?".
In the sky over South Carolina, Nornax

The white dragon growled as his stomach ached. He was hungry once again, the dragon scanned the land below. Hoping to spot something edible, all he kept seeing was humans. The dragon wouldn't mind a few of them, but it was going to be hard to be unseen. The dragon stayed the course as he flew down the coast. He wasn't into fish but maybe that might the better option for now. Havok had free reign it seemed, but for him, it was another story. The dragon didn't have a net to keep him out of trouble. Flying lower the dragon scooped up what he could. Getting as many fish in his mouth as he could. The dragon kept moving, the urges to kill humans was becoming harder to fight. He started to talk and laugh to himself about how badly he wants to kill and eat.

"I just want a few! Warm...warm so very tasty, bloody, and easy to swallow! Soon my chance will come, one day I will kill them again! Just not now, if lose it now it could ruin everything. Those pesky dragons better kept their word! Once things start moving, they better not turn on me. I give them information and they give me a place amongst them! Who knows maybe I will be the new leader?".
A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Good things, many devils.

Atticus was definitely taken aback by Kara’s sudden appearance, but… a scolding from her was far better than the alternative consequence of Tiemeth walking in on them, especially while they were locked in such an embrace as they had been.

“Honest truth, Ms. Nightshadow, Tiamat’s telling the truth. Hard as it may be to believe, some nutcase broke in through the window, claimed he was working for the president and was tracking down Havok for some reason… I was just making sure Tiamat was okay, you know I wouldn’t be dumb enough to barge my way up here so carelessly unless there was an emergency,” he said, getting back up to his feet.

“I’ll head back down immediately, I promise that, but, first off I really think you ought’a keep that door locked more often now… It’s hazardous enough that there’s an open window this high up in the first place, but, lately the psychopaths are starting to get all the more unpredictable…” Not that he entirely felt the dragon he’d had a stand-off with was a psychopath, but… by all accounts he was just one of many peculiarities beginning to pop up, and it was probably for the best that they take this latest incident to heart and not risk another, potentially far worse intrusion.

“It’s probably worth mentioning Tiamat was out cold for most of the situation… Had another one of those crystal-dreams… Said she saw Garvus in this one, but… It’s probably better you two discuss that with each other, huh? You know about those weird crystals more than I do by leaps and bounds… and I’m already risking it enough staying up here any longer.”



“Hmm… Well, you could be onto somethin’ there… Instead of targeting these dragons outta malice, maybe ol’ Zermack’s tryin’ to draft a bunch’a… particular dragons with skillsets and abilities,” Sawyer said, but before he could think about that any further, his attention shifted to the shoulder pain that Arank was complaining over. It remained a bewildering mystery just how that injury seemed to stick with him, coming and going, but never leaving for good… Sawyer felt bad he couldn’t do anything about this terrible inconvenience the dragon had to deal with, all the more so when Arank would apologize for it as if it were his fault.

“Got nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout… Not like you can just control when that pain starts hittin’ ya, kid… Only wish I knew what to do to help when it comes around. I don’t like seein’ you hurtin’ like that,” he said, patting him on his unafflicted shoulder to try and help calm him down a little, perhaps slowing his walking pace a little to make sure Arank didn’t strain himself.



“Heh… It’s good to know he’s got you guys to look after him. He’s not just some lost college kid anymore but… Still, at his age even in the most normal of circumstances it can be damn tough forging a path for oneself, still so new to adulthood and all… and his circumstances have been anything but normal. I ought’a think he appreciates that you guys give him some guidance, a purpose he can get behind, all that sorta thing,” Rhett remarked before looking over to Zydron and smiling lightly at the dragon’s greeting, as well as his inquiring where Gronk was.

“Well ah, it feels like he might’ve just woken up now. He ought to be coming around sooner or later, Zydron, but just make sure to keep from rushing into questions too quickly, yeah? He’s had a rough couple of days, and not as much rest as he really should be getting after everything that’s gone down.”

By that point Jett had noticed Rhett was speaking with Jax and Zydron and quickly went to approach the group with a rather beaming sort of grin.

“Hey, H3 himself still looking as gritty as ever. Kinda weird seeing you rockin’ the whole long-hair look though, I’ll admit,” the younger man said as Rhett turned around in surprise before happily patting Jett on the shoulder.

“Heh, feels like ages since anyone used the old codename, kid. Still, good to see you too, and yeah, guess I figured I was due for a change in appearance, now that I’m not so tied up in military affairs anymore… ‘least not officially. You know how it is, Gronk and I can’t keep ourselves out of trouble for very long… Speaking of which, much as it’s great to see you all, I’m afraid the reunion’s gonna be kinda short, we’re actually gonna be heading out to New York soon. Ol’ Gronrux wants us to talk some things over with the Dokusei.”



Once he was sufficiently gorged off of canned pasta, Quint did his best to clean up after himself, only then noticing just how sloppy he had been after having been caught up in the ecstasy of food-glorious-food... Tossing the cans into what he suspected was the trashcan, he proceeded to clumsily manifest some water to clean away the spilled scraps left behind. It was a strange ability, this whole water bending thing… not just the phenomenon itself, albeit it was very peculiar in its own right… but also just the fact that it felt like second-nature to him despite having no experience with it. These dragon abilities really felt like he was caught up in a half-lucid dream…

Once he felt the backroom was at least back to some semblance of presentable, Quint stumbled his way back to the diner, still likely looking like a train-wreck and smelling like a harbor, but the woman in charge of this place had told him to tell her when he was full, so, still rather exhausted, he staggered around until he could find out where she had gone. It seemed she was just then serving up some kind of… special-made steak dish, with… what was that, blood? She just kept that stuff lying around? Man, incorporating dragon culture really brought about some quirks with it…

Atticus was definitely taken aback by Kara’s sudden appearance, but… a scolding from her was far better than the alternative consequence of Tiemeth walking in on them, especially while they were locked in such an embrace as they had been.

“Honest truth, Ms. Nightshadow, Tiamat’s telling the truth. Hard as it may be to believe, some nutcase broke in through the window, claimed he was working for the president and was tracking down Havok for some reason… I was just making sure Tiamat was okay, you know I wouldn’t be dumb enough to barge my way up here so carelessly unless there was an emergency,” he said, getting back up to his feet.

“I’ll head back down immediately, I promise that, but, first off I really think you ought’a keep that door locked more often now… It’s hazardous enough that there’s an open window this high up in the first place, but, lately the psychopaths are starting to get all the more unpredictable…” Not that he entirely felt the dragon he’d had a stand-off with was a psychopath, but… by all accounts he was just one of many peculiarities beginning to pop up, and it was probably for the best that they take this latest incident to heart and not risk another, potentially far worse intrusion.

“It’s probably worth mentioning Tiamat was out cold for most of the situation… Had another one of those crystal-dreams… Said she saw Garvus in this one, but… It’s probably better you two discuss that with each other, huh? You know about those weird crystals more than I do by leaps and bounds… and I’m already risking it enough staying up here any longer.”



“Hmm… Well, you could be onto somethin’ there… Instead of targeting these dragons outta malice, maybe ol’ Zermack’s tryin’ to draft a bunch’a… particular dragons with skillsets and abilities,” Sawyer said, but before he could think about that any further, his attention shifted to the shoulder pain that Arank was complaining over. It remained a bewildering mystery just how that injury seemed to stick with him, coming and going, but never leaving for good… Sawyer felt bad he couldn’t do anything about this terrible inconvenience the dragon had to deal with, all the more so when Arank would apologize for it as if it were his fault.

“Got nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout… Not like you can just control when that pain starts hittin’ ya, kid… Only wish I knew what to do to help when it comes around. I don’t like seein’ you hurtin’ like that,” he said, patting him on his unafflicted shoulder to try and help calm him down a little, perhaps slowing his walking pace a little to make sure Arank didn’t strain himself.



“Heh… It’s good to know he’s got you guys to look after him. He’s not just some lost college kid anymore but… Still, at his age even in the most normal of circumstances it can be damn tough forging a path for oneself, still so new to adulthood and all… and his circumstances have been anything but normal. I ought’a think he appreciates that you guys give him some guidance, a purpose he can get behind, all that sorta thing,” Rhett remarked before looking over to Zydron and smiling lightly at the dragon’s greeting, as well as his inquiring where Gronk was.

“Well ah, it feels like he might’ve just woken up now. He ought to be coming around sooner or later, Zydron, but just make sure to keep from rushing into questions too quickly, yeah? He’s had a rough couple of days, and not as much rest as he really should be getting after everything that’s gone down.”

By that point Jett had noticed Rhett was speaking with Jax and Zydron and quickly went to approach the group with a rather beaming sort of grin.

“Hey, H3 himself still looking as gritty as ever. Kinda weird seeing you rockin’ the whole long-hair look though, I’ll admit,” the younger man said as Rhett turned around in surprise before happily patting Jett on the shoulder.

“Heh, feels like ages since anyone used the old codename, kid. Still, good to see you too, and yeah, guess I figured I was due for a change in appearance, now that I’m not so tied up in military affairs anymore… ‘least not officially. You know how it is, Gronk and I can’t keep ourselves out of trouble for very long… Speaking of which, much as it’s great to see you all, I’m afraid the reunion’s gonna be kinda short, we’re actually gonna be heading out to New York soon. Ol’ Gronrux wants us to talk some things over with the Dokusei.”



Once he was sufficiently gorged off of canned pasta, Quint did his best to clean up after himself, only then noticing just how sloppy he had been after having been caught up in the ecstasy of food-glorious-food... Tossing the cans into what he suspected was the trashcan, he proceeded to clumsily manifest some water to clean away the spilled scraps left behind. It was a strange ability, this whole water bending thing… not just the phenomenon itself, albeit it was very peculiar in its own right… but also just the fact that it felt like second-nature to him despite having no experience with it. These dragon abilities really felt like he was caught up in a half-lucid dream…

Once he felt the backroom was at least back to some semblance of presentable, Quint stumbled his way back to the diner, still likely looking like a train-wreck and smelling like a harbor, but the woman in charge of this place had told him to tell her when he was full, so, still rather exhausted, he staggered around until he could find out where she had gone. It seemed she was just then serving up some kind of… special-made steak dish, with… what was that, blood? She just kept that stuff lying around? Man, incorporating dragon culture really brought about some quirks with it…
Kara and Tiamat

Kara walked over to the window and closed it. Then turned to Atticus and Tiamat. "You know Atticus you should maybe learn more about the crystals at some point. They are a big part of Tiamat after all and part of the dragons as a whole. They are the reason, they are even here...heck even how you returned even how I got here". She then walked over to Tiamat and helped her up. Tiamat brushed off her dress then sat on the bed. Then spoke in a soft and innocent tone. "Oh, the dream was probably nothing. Just a dream you know, I don't think it really means anything or needs to be worried about...Garvus is dead...he might have just been a lingering memory or fear". Kara sighed at her then gave her a serious look as she folded her arms. " could be nothing, but it wouldn't hurt to later have a discussion about the dream. The crystals sorta speak with you, they are important, something could be going on. With the events that are happening now, wouldn't shock me if something else ended up on the table".

Kara then looked at Atticus then smiled lightly."If that dragon lord finds out about you up here. I will just tell him that I needed you for some assistance. That dragon can do all the growling and ranting he wants I do not care. Besides if I was in charge, I would rather you be with Tiamat all the time when be honest. Considering the recent information we know, Tiamat really could be in danger. Thank you for acting as you did, I will be sure to lock up if I need to leave her at any moment. Oh and also, before you go. I would like to discuss with you real fast about this plan you and Tiamat have about tonight. Something to do with some radio hook up? I totally agree with it. Just I need to make sure the dress will work to hide it perfectly. When do you plan to get this device? ". Kara turned her head when she heard the phones ringing. Then looked back at Atticus after the ringing stopped, she did not seem worried about it.

Tiemeth & Militis

The dragon lord sighed and hung up the phone. Smiling lightly he looked at Militis. "My mate is on her way back, apparently, there is news. From what it sounds it is very important. Which means I need to go back up above soon and fetch the others. I am considering sedating you for a bit, but you do seem rather relaxed for today. So this one time I think I will leave you as you are. A test you could consider it! I am sure whatever needs to be said will not take that long. Odds are you will most likely just lay there on this table like you are now. Which is fine, cutting back on the drugs we use on you will save money".

Tiemeth stood up and threw away some of the trash of papers, his gloves, and plastic covers. He went over to the sink and washed his hands. "Behave! Please! I will be back soon". The dragon lord opened that large door once again. This time though he didn't close the door fully. Leaving it open, it was a test to see what would Militis do. Would just lay there quietly? or will he start wandering around? The odds of him getting out of the very basement floors was very low, he was not worried. Tiemeth got inside the elevator and began his way back up.


Taking a breather he started to walk again. "Wish I knew why it does it! Maybe something didn't heal correctly? I mean it got patched up and then that event in my world happened. It got infected a bit but Kara helped with that. I mean it felt so much better after and hurt much less thanks to her. Maybe next time we see Kara I should talk to her about it? Something is off whether it is physical...or maybe mentally? I mean a human doctor is out of the question, they would ask too many questions and maybe not see me!". He sighed as he rubbed his shoulder. He then thought back to the list of names and looked at Sawyer.

"Skillsets and abilities? Tiamat can use the power of the Zaiboric Crystals. Could that be why she is on the list? Wait...but how would they know about that!? Only a few of us know about it and well I never talked to them, or anyone outside the group". He growled at himself then rubbed his temples. This list was confusing, he hoped something could shine some light on it soon. He then sighed when an idea came into his mind. It wasn't the greatest of ideas but it was worth a shot at speaking about it at least.

"Sawyer? Maybe we should consider spying on this date Tiamat has with Havok tonight? I could pick up on a few things you know. We do want to stop whatever John is planning right? Havok could be our chance, he is a walking source of information and a big one at that. He is with John a lot so he must hear and knows things. It could be dangerous, Havok wouldn't be too pleased if he finds out. Plus if we do it, we can help Tiamat if something goes bad with the date, I mean we do owe her and Atticus".
Gronrux, Nero, & Jax

"Dad! Dad! The pirates are here!". Nero ran and yelled for his father, he peeked in houses and around corners. Eventually, he found his father and jumped on him. "Dad! Did you see? They are here come and greet them!". Gronrux laughed then grabbed his son, then wrestled with him a bit. "Hard to miss something so loud and big in the sky!". The two of them started to head for the entrance of the village. They stopped to check on Gronk, pushing the door open. Gronrux sighed when he realized his other son was not inside. "I bet that damn ship woke him up! For everyone's sake better hope he is in a good mood!". Closing the door the two of them headed on their way once again.

Once they got out of the village the two of them started to walk their way over to the ship. Gronrux stopped for a moment, looking around he growled. His instincts were telling him something was off. It felt like something or someone was watching them. Nero wasn't paying attention and kept walking towards the ship. The dragon then noticed his older son and Zoir watching from afar. It seemed like Gronk was alright, but that dragon was good at covering **** up. The dragon then eyed Rhett and the others. Approaching the skinny captain he put his right hand out to him."Hey! Welcome! You are Jax I assume? I am Gronrux the leader of the Darbi".

Jax stared up at the dragon then hesitantly shook his hand. The man winced at the tight grip. "Yes, sir I am he! Oh! Wow! It is nice to meet you, sir! You have quite the grip there! I mean maybe stay for the night or two, have some business with G.I. Joe over here". Gronrux smiled and laughed at the human for a bit. The dragon let the human's hand go. Jax rubbed it as he fought back tears of pain. Gronrux then looked around for a moment. Then looked at Jett with a light smile. "Hello! Welcome! Feel free to make yourself at home. If you need anything, please let me, my sons or even Rhett know". He then looked at Rhett and then looked around again.

Nero then slammed into Jax giving him a really tight hug. "Jax! The ship looks amazing!". The pirate nearly fell on his butt and patted the dragon's head. "Hello! Nero, I missed you also! You sure have gotten big their, kiddo! If it is alright with your dad I would love to take you on a tour. Did a lot of improvements since the last time you saw her. Besides, I need to go grab a few things to show Rhett anyways and get the wife". Gronrux nodded his head allowing his son to go with Jax. The pirate then patted Rhett's shoulder for a moment. Then headed inside with Nero running ahead of him. "Now hang on! kid! I am coming! Stop moving so bloody fast, will you! Gonna kill me I swear!".

Gronk, Zoir, and Zydron

Gronk and Zoir eventually began to make there way down to the ship. The two of them kept quiet as they approached. Gronk eyed the purple dressed dragon, Zydron. "Heya! There you ugly one-eyed freak, been a long time! Bit weird to see a damn water dragon so far from any big source of water. Hopefully this time we can actually get to know each other a bit more". Zydron couldn't help but laugh the comment Gronk make about his missing eye. "One-eyed freak? Pretty sure the one-eyed freak is standing right in front of me". Gronk smiled and chuckled a bit at Zydron. "Sure hope you guys are visiting cause you missed us and not just business". Zoir watched on and rolled his eyes at the two. "Really!? You two are something else, match up perfectly. Just glad someone can take Gronk's mouth without issues and give it right back, glad they didn't get in a fight".

Zydron stabbing his anchor in the dirt then leaned on it. "Tell you true Gronk, we are here on business for the most part, sorry. Some weird stuff has been going on at sea, hoping we can take care of it before it causes trouble. First, though, I would like to speak with you privately soon, about something I think you know much about". Gronk stared at him for a moment and then nodded. "Sure...I guess...seems important from the look on your face. Once things are settling down, we can have this talk...hope I can help with whatever it is". Zoir rubbed the side of his head and looked at Zydron. "You know, some odd things have been going on around here Zydron...or well near here...a bit of trouble I guess you could call it".

Gronk then went over to Rhett and Jett. "Yo! Hey there Jett! Good to see you are alive cannot believe you went with Jax and that mobile clown party of his. I mean, don't get me wrong. Jax is a great guy, he cracks me up a lot! A bit of a pain the *** though if you ask me". He then folded his arms, looking over at Rhett for a moment. "Rhett I am getting a weird feeling you need to tell me something. So...whats up?".
Kara and Tiamat

Kara walked over to the window and closed it. Then turned to Atticus and Tiamat. "You know Atticus you should maybe learn more about the crystals at some point. They are a big part of Tiamat after all and part of the dragons as a whole. They are the reason, they are even here...heck even how you returned even how I got here". She then walked over to Tiamat and helped her up. Tiamat brushed off her dress then sat on the bed. Then spoke in a soft and innocent tone. "Oh, the dream was probably nothing. Just a dream you know, I don't think it really means anything or needs to be worried about...Garvus is dead...he might have just been a lingering memory or fear". Kara sighed at her then gave her a serious look as she folded her arms. " could be nothing, but it wouldn't hurt to later have a discussion about the dream. The crystals sorta speak with you, they are important, something could be going on. With the events that are happening now, wouldn't shock me if something else ended up on the table".

Kara then looked at Atticus then smiled lightly."If that dragon lord finds out about you up here. I will just tell him that I needed you for some assistance. That dragon can do all the growling and ranting he wants I do not care. Besides if I was in charge, I would rather you be with Tiamat all the time when be honest. Considering the recent information we know, Tiamat really could be in danger. Thank you for acting as you did, I will be sure to lock up if I need to leave her at any moment. Oh and also, before you go. I would like to discuss with you real fast about this plan you and Tiamat have about tonight. Something to do with some radio hook up? I totally agree with it. Just I need to make sure the dress will work to hide it perfectly. When do you plan to get this device? ". Kara turned her head when she heard the phones ringing. Then looked back at Atticus after the ringing stopped, she did not seem worried about it.

Tiemeth & Militis

The dragon lord sighed and hung up the phone. Smiling lightly he looked at Militis. "My mate is on her way back, apparently, there is news. From what it sounds it is very important. Which means I need to go back up above soon and fetch the others. I am considering sedating you for a bit, but you do seem rather relaxed for today. So this one time I think I will leave you as you are. A test you could consider it! I am sure whatever needs to be said will not take that long. Odds are you will most likely just lay there on this table like you are now. Which is fine, cutting back on the drugs we use on you will save money".

Tiemeth stood up and threw away some of the trash of papers, his gloves, and plastic covers. He went over to the sink and washed his hands. "Behave! Please! I will be back soon". The dragon lord opened that large door once again. This time though he didn't close the door fully. Leaving it open, it was a test to see what would Militis do. Would just lay there quietly? or will he start wandering around? The odds of him getting out of the very basement floors was very low, he was not worried. Tiemeth got inside the elevator and began his way back up.


Taking a breather he started to walk again. "Wish I knew why it does it! Maybe something didn't heal correctly? I mean it got patched up and then that event in my world happened. It got infected a bit but Kara helped with that. I mean it felt so much better after and hurt much less thanks to her. Maybe next time we see Kara I should talk to her about it? Something is off whether it is physical...or maybe mentally? I mean a human doctor is out of the question, they would ask too many questions and maybe not see me!". He sighed as he rubbed his shoulder. He then thought back to the list of names and looked at Sawyer.

"Skillsets and abilities? Tiamat can use the power of the Zaiboric Crystals. Could that be why she is on the list? Wait...but how would they know about that!? Only a few of us know about it and well I never talked to them, or anyone outside the group". He growled at himself then rubbed his temples. This list was confusing, he hoped something could shine some light on it soon. He then sighed when an idea came into his mind. It wasn't the greatest of ideas but it was worth a shot at speaking about it at least.

"Sawyer? Maybe we should consider spying on this date Tiamat has with Havok tonight? I could pick up on a few things you know. We do want to stop whatever John is planning right? Havok could be our chance, he is a walking source of information and a big one at that. He is with John a lot so he must hear and knows things. It could be dangerous, Havok wouldn't be too pleased if he finds out. Plus if we do it, we can help Tiamat if something goes bad with the date, I mean we do owe her and Atticus".
Gronrux, Nero, & Jax

"Dad! Dad! The pirates are here!". Nero ran and yelled for his father, he peeked in houses and around corners. Eventually, he found his father and jumped on him. "Dad! Did you see? They are here come and greet them!". Gronrux laughed then grabbed his son, then wrestled with him a bit. "Hard to miss something so loud and big in the sky!". The two of them started to head for the entrance of the village. They stopped to check on Gronk, pushing the door open. Gronrux sighed when he realized his other son was not inside. "I bet that damn ship woke him up! For everyone's sake better hope he is in a good mood!". Closing the door the two of them headed on their way once again.

Once they got out of the village the two of them started to walk their way over to the ship. Gronrux stopped for a moment, looking around he growled. His instincts were telling him something was off. It felt like something or someone was watching them. Nero wasn't paying attention and kept walking towards the ship. The dragon then noticed his older son and Zoir watching from afar. It seemed like Gronk was alright, but that dragon was good at covering **** up. The dragon then eyed Rhett and the others. Approaching the skinny captain he put his right hand out to him."Hey! Welcome! You are Jax I assume? I am Gronrux the leader of the Darbi".

Jax stared up at the dragon then hesitantly shook his hand. The man winced at the tight grip. "Yes, sir I am he! Oh! Wow! It is nice to meet you, sir! You have quite the grip there! I mean maybe stay for the night or two, have some business with G.I. Joe over here". Gronrux smiled and laughed at the human for a bit. The dragon let the human's hand go. Jax rubbed it as he fought back tears of pain. Gronrux then looked around for a moment. Then looked at Jett with a light smile. "Hello! Welcome! Feel free to make yourself at home. If you need anything, please let me, my sons or even Rhett know". He then looked at Rhett and then looked around again.

Nero then slammed into Jax giving him a really tight hug. "Jax! The ship looks amazing!". The pirate nearly fell on his butt and patted the dragon's head. "Hello! Nero, I missed you also! You sure have gotten big their, kiddo! If it is alright with your dad I would love to take you on a tour. Did a lot of improvements since the last time you saw her. Besides, I need to go grab a few things to show Rhett anyways and get the wife". Gronrux nodded his head allowing his son to go with Jax. The pirate then patted Rhett's shoulder for a moment. Then headed inside with Nero running ahead of him. "Now hang on! kid! I am coming! Stop moving so bloody fast, will you! Gonna kill me I swear!".

Gronk, Zoir, and Zydron

Gronk and Zoir eventually began to make there way down to the ship. The two of them kept quiet as they approached. Gronk eyed the purple dressed dragon, Zydron. "Heya! There you ugly one-eyed freak, been a long time! Bit weird to see a damn water dragon so far from any big source of water. Hopefully this time we can actually get to know each other a bit more". Zydron couldn't help but laugh the comment Gronk make about his missing eye. "One-eyed freak? Pretty sure the one-eyed freak is standing right in front of me". Gronk smiled and chuckled a bit at Zydron. "Sure hope you guys are visiting cause you missed us and not just business". Zoir watched on and rolled his eyes at the two. "Really!? You two are something else, match up perfectly. Just glad someone can take Gronk's mouth without issues and give it right back, glad they didn't get in a fight".

Zydron stabbing his anchor in the dirt then leaned on it. "Tell you true Gronk, we are here on business for the most part, sorry. Some weird stuff has been going on at sea, hoping we can take care of it before it causes trouble. First, though, I would like to speak with you privately soon, about something I think you know much about". Gronk stared at him for a moment and then nodded. "Sure...I guess...seems important from the look on your face. Once things are settling down, we can have this talk...hope I can help with whatever it is". Zoir rubbed the side of his head and looked at Zydron. "You know, some odd things have been going on around here Zydron...or well near here...a bit of trouble I guess you could call it".

Gronk then went over to Rhett and Jett. "Yo! Hey there Jett! Good to see you are alive cannot believe you went with Jax and that mobile clown party of his. I mean, don't get me wrong. Jax is a great guy, he cracks me up a lot! A bit of a pain the *** though if you ask me". He then folded his arms, looking over at Rhett for a moment. "Rhett I am getting a weird feeling you need to tell me something. So...whats up?".
Somewhere in Africa-

Avlyn spent the last hours after landing, digging for ores. Her hands were raw with calluses and her face covered in dirt. Gathering more materials for her shop, she quickly loaded it into a cart that she made on the way here. Shoving it up the porch stairs, she carried it all up the stairs inside the house. Patting the house, she slowly lifted it up, and began to chew on a glowing purple crystal in order to keep her energy up. She decided to make her way back to New York, something about it drew her there. As if she had incomplete business there. She needed to go back. Prepare. Something in her energy was warning her. But for what?

Heading into New York-

It was like she never left. For it only took her a few hours to get there at top speed. Something in her stomach rumbled. She forgot that she missed many meals in the past days. Was it days? Maybe, it was hours. Time was a lying and there was no way for her to tell the truth. She decided to head to the only place she remembered from here. Sadly, it wasn't a bar, but it'll make do. She went in and slide down into a booth this time. This time, she came with her gun unmade right away and the pieces strew down at the table. Taking the crystal out of her mouth from hours ago, she placed it in a pouch and swapped it for a glowing red one. She started to chew it and it just melted the stress of hers away. She knew that something was going to happen in a few hours, but for now, she needed to relax and forget all about that.
Somewhere in Africa-

Avlyn spent the last hours after landing, digging for ores. Her hands were raw with calluses and her face covered in dirt. Gathering more materials for her shop, she quickly loaded it into a cart that she made on the way here. Shoving it up the porch stairs, she carried it all up the stairs inside the house. Patting the house, she slowly lifted it up, and began to chew on a glowing purple crystal in order to keep her energy up. She decided to make her way back to New York, something about it drew her there. As if she had incomplete business there. She needed to go back. Prepare. Something in her energy was warning her. But for what?

Heading into New York-

It was like she never left. For it only took her a few hours to get there at top speed. Something in her stomach rumbled. She forgot that she missed many meals in the past days. Was it days? Maybe, it was hours. Time was a lying and there was no way for her to tell the truth. She decided to head to the only place she remembered from here. Sadly, it wasn't a bar, but it'll make do. She went in and slide down into a booth this time. This time, she came with her gun unmade right away and the pieces strew down at the table. Taking the crystal out of her mouth from hours ago, she placed it in a pouch and swapped it for a glowing red one. She started to chew it and it just melted the stress of hers away. She knew that something was going to happen in a few hours, but for now, she needed to relax and forget all about that.
Kentucky, Jason

Standing by the side of the road Jason waited for Jane. He had gotten a call that the kids where being sent home early. It was fine with him, just scared him a bit when he got the call. Something about a furnace not working correctly. It still felt so weird to be caring for someone and a kid at that! When the group was together, it was Senji who cared for Jane mostly. Jason helped but that was it, been two years now and he wonders if he is doing a good job. One day he was living alone with Max. Then the girl was left on his doorstep basically, with a note. Part of him wonders about the little girl, does she remember the events from before? The little girl seems so normal most of the time. Like it has always been them both and the dog. Max rested on the ground leaning on Jason's foot. The man slowly bent down to pet him and stared.

"What do you think boy? Bet you have some stories to tell, seen them dragons alot huh? You know, thinking about this job I could have...kinda makes me feel better about things. I hope we don't have to move around much, I like this farm life and woods. It is quiet and hasn't seen a dragon in is nice...almost normal life, you know before they came here".
Kentucky, Jason

Standing by the side of the road Jason waited for Jane. He had gotten a call that the kids where being sent home early. It was fine with him, just scared him a bit when he got the call. Something about a furnace not working correctly. It still felt so weird to be caring for someone and a kid at that! When the group was together, it was Senji who cared for Jane mostly. Jason helped but that was it, been two years now and he wonders if he is doing a good job. One day he was living alone with Max. Then the girl was left on his doorstep basically, with a note. Part of him wonders about the little girl, does she remember the events from before? The little girl seems so normal most of the time. Like it has always been them both and the dog. Max rested on the ground leaning on Jason's foot. The man slowly bent down to pet him and stared.

"What do you think boy? Bet you have some stories to tell, seen them dragons alot huh? You know, thinking about this job I could have...kinda makes me feel better about things. I hope we don't have to move around much, I like this farm life and woods. It is quiet and hasn't seen a dragon in is nice...almost normal life, you know before they came here".
A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Good things, many devils.
Washington D.C

Hector & John

John stood outside of the Capitol smoking a cigarette. His security stood watch, ready to act. A man in a white suit approached him, he walked across the grass. "John! Hello! You are looking well my friend!". The president turned to him, his guards did also moving to stand between the two. "What do you want Hector? I thought we had a meeting next week! Also, you should know better than to just visit unexpectedly, you could get hurt...or worse!". Hector laughed a bit then got closer to the red-haired man. "I hear you are going along with the plans, that is great. A very wise move my friend, I just came to ask you a favor. Now I could have called but I wanted to hand you a few photos...of the dragon I want".

John dismissed his guards then approached his guest "Dragon? You say? Don't you want them all dead anyway?". The man smiled then took the photos from his back pocket. "Yes, the dragon visited a military base out west was along with some human. He seemed like trouble, has one eye and from what my agent says...has quite the attitude. Believe he told me his name was Gronk? I think part of a group called the Darbi out over there". John stared at him for a moment before taking the photos, he looked them over. "Ah, yes I have seen him before. Haven't had any run-ins with him for a couple years now. From what I remember he did have a snappy and stubborn attitude. What do you want with him?".

Hector took the photos back and then glared. "I want this dragon taken into custody, I fear he could be a problem for future agent seems to fear he could be a threat. You have hands in a lot of places, John. Help me get this dragon captured and locked up, I will be grateful. I may even agree to help take out a target you have! I would prefer this dragon to stay alive, but if you have you kill him...then do so. Maybe I will even grant you another visit with the Narzer Empire. Give you some more weapons and tools!". John stared at him then smirked, this was just to good to pass up. "Fine I guess, I have a small grudge with him anyways. Just don't expect it to happen any time soon though. I have a lot going on and this dragon isn't going to be easy to take care of. When we get him I will call you myself".
Washington D.C

Hector & John

John stood outside of the Capitol smoking a cigarette. His security stood watch, ready to act. A man in a white suit approached him, he walked across the grass. "John! Hello! You are looking well my friend!". The president turned to him, his guards did also moving to stand between the two. "What do you want Hector? I thought we had a meeting next week! Also, you should know better than to just visit unexpectedly, you could get hurt...or worse!". Hector laughed a bit then got closer to the red-haired man. "I hear you are going along with the plans, that is great. A very wise move my friend, I just came to ask you a favor. Now I could have called but I wanted to hand you a few photos...of the dragon I want".

John dismissed his guards then approached his guest "Dragon? You say? Don't you want them all dead anyway?". The man smiled then took the photos from his back pocket. "Yes, the dragon visited a military base out west was along with some human. He seemed like trouble, has one eye and from what my agent says...has quite the attitude. Believe he told me his name was Gronk? I think part of a group called the Darbi out over there". John stared at him for a moment before taking the photos, he looked them over. "Ah, yes I have seen him before. Haven't had any run-ins with him for a couple years now. From what I remember he did have a snappy and stubborn attitude. What do you want with him?".

Hector took the photos back and then glared. "I want this dragon taken into custody, I fear he could be a problem for future agent seems to fear he could be a threat. You have hands in a lot of places, John. Help me get this dragon captured and locked up, I will be grateful. I may even agree to help take out a target you have! I would prefer this dragon to stay alive, but if you have you kill him...then do so. Maybe I will even grant you another visit with the Narzer Empire. Give you some more weapons and tools!". John stared at him then smirked, this was just to good to pass up. "Fine I guess, I have a small grudge with him anyways. Just don't expect it to happen any time soon though. I have a lot going on and this dragon isn't going to be easy to take care of. When we get him I will call you myself".
((Senji is in a bit of a pickle, feel free to jump on in I don't mind. ))

Kentucky, Jason, Jane

Before he knew it the school bus came into view. It came to a stop in front of him and Jane came hopping down the steps. She smiled when he saw Jason then hugged him and then the dog. The three of them then slowly walked toward the small house. A word wasn't spoken, just the sounds of feet stepping on leaves and sticks could be heard. Jason opened the door and let the girl in first. After locking the door he then sat in a large brown chair in the living room. Kicking his boots off he sighed as he removed his prosthetic. It still kinda disgusted him to have to look at it and remove it after these couple years. Each time he did it reminded him of what happened and how things were back then. Sighing the man then looked at Jane who was getting herself a snack.

"Hey, kiddo, I am gonna take a nap for a bit in this chair. If you need anything, wake me up. If you go outside to play take Max with you, okay?".

Jane nodded at him then started to enjoy her snack of grapes and crackers. Max rested in the living room. Right on the carpet in the middle of the room. Humming a song the little girl grabbed her notebook from her backpack and started drawing in it. The house was peaceful and quiet it was nice. It was hard not to think about that could happen one day though. The peace and wonderful life were ruined before, it could happen again. As he thought about it, he started to drift to sleep as he watched Jane.

New York, Senji

The forest dragon left the roof. Tossing his new weapon across his back. He wasn't having any luck at finding Havok here. It was time to try another spot and maybe look in places. Getting down to the alley the dragon suddenly bumped into someone. The dragon turned around to apologize but got shoved and pinned against the side of the building. Senji then noticed it wasn't just one guy but a few of them at least six. They looked like a gang of teenagers and adults. The one who he bumped into seemed angry.

"Hey! I am sorry for bumping you! No need to get all like this!"

The kid who held him to the wall then spit into his face. Senji growled, he didn't want to hurt these people. They were clearly, not dragons but indeed humans. As far as he knew it, Havok was protected by John but not him or other dragons working for the president. He has to be careful using his powers could blow it for him. Senji then shoved the kid off and stood ready to fight. They then started to laugh at him and mock him. Asking if he was a dragon and calling him very tasteful things. A couple of them pulled out knives and another had a handgun. Senji was finding himself surrounded by the humans. He didn't want to hurt them but this was getting more dangerous by the second.

"Stop it! What the heck is wrong with you guys?! It was an accident, this seems a bit much don't you think!? Come on, can't I just give you some money? I don't want to hurt you guys, but if you don't let me go I will defend myself!?"
((Senji is in a bit of a pickle, feel free to jump on in I don't mind. ))

Kentucky, Jason, Jane

Before he knew it the school bus came into view. It came to a stop in front of him and Jane came hopping down the steps. She smiled when he saw Jason then hugged him and then the dog. The three of them then slowly walked toward the small house. A word wasn't spoken, just the sounds of feet stepping on leaves and sticks could be heard. Jason opened the door and let the girl in first. After locking the door he then sat in a large brown chair in the living room. Kicking his boots off he sighed as he removed his prosthetic. It still kinda disgusted him to have to look at it and remove it after these couple years. Each time he did it reminded him of what happened and how things were back then. Sighing the man then looked at Jane who was getting herself a snack.

"Hey, kiddo, I am gonna take a nap for a bit in this chair. If you need anything, wake me up. If you go outside to play take Max with you, okay?".

Jane nodded at him then started to enjoy her snack of grapes and crackers. Max rested in the living room. Right on the carpet in the middle of the room. Humming a song the little girl grabbed her notebook from her backpack and started drawing in it. The house was peaceful and quiet it was nice. It was hard not to think about that could happen one day though. The peace and wonderful life were ruined before, it could happen again. As he thought about it, he started to drift to sleep as he watched Jane.

New York, Senji

The forest dragon left the roof. Tossing his new weapon across his back. He wasn't having any luck at finding Havok here. It was time to try another spot and maybe look in places. Getting down to the alley the dragon suddenly bumped into someone. The dragon turned around to apologize but got shoved and pinned against the side of the building. Senji then noticed it wasn't just one guy but a few of them at least six. They looked like a gang of teenagers and adults. The one who he bumped into seemed angry.

"Hey! I am sorry for bumping you! No need to get all like this!"

The kid who held him to the wall then spit into his face. Senji growled, he didn't want to hurt these people. They were clearly, not dragons but indeed humans. As far as he knew it, Havok was protected by John but not him or other dragons working for the president. He has to be careful using his powers could blow it for him. Senji then shoved the kid off and stood ready to fight. They then started to laugh at him and mock him. Asking if he was a dragon and calling him very tasteful things. A couple of them pulled out knives and another had a handgun. Senji was finding himself surrounded by the humans. He didn't want to hurt them but this was getting more dangerous by the second.

"Stop it! What the heck is wrong with you guys?! It was an accident, this seems a bit much don't you think!? Come on, can't I just give you some money? I don't want to hurt you guys, but if you don't let me go I will defend myself!?"
A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Good things, many devils.

"Well, Ms. Nightshadow, I definitely appreciate your sticking up for me, much as I'd hate to have Lord Tiemeth in a crappy mood and taking it out towards anyone," Atticus remarked, but nonetheless stuck around to hear out Kara's question regarding the recording device.

"Well, I've got plenty of gear left from my days on the force. Definitely got at least one recorder handy... and I mean, these days you never know when you're gonna face some kinda lawsuit so, good to be prepared." At that he pulled out a small device from his back pocket, what appeared to be little more than a simple flash drive from first glance.

"Now, I've got higher quality stuff back at my place, but, I always carry one of these around for emergencies. This little thing ought to easily record anything within a 40 foot range. You just gotta make sure it's not too muffled by anything, or else we're not gonna be able to get much use out of whatever she records. Best we make sure she has one of these on her now. Hopefully I'll have time to get something a tad stronger, but, just saying, from our experience, we need our plan-B ready to go." At that he handed Kara the device, explaining where the "on" switch was and how it would automatically start recording once it was activated.

"Obviously if we're left with just this, she's gonna have to potentially make a quick drop off in case they try to carry her off somewhere. If that ends up happening, then ideally we'd be able to swoop in and grab the device without anyone being any the wiser."



Sawyer seemed to bite his lip at the mentioning of spying on the upcoming date Havok had planned with Tiamat. Sure, in a way they did owe her and Atticus, but... Even with Arank's efficient stealth ability, that could be a pretty major risk, and worse off, that dragon did not seem like the type to give spies a simple 'talking to' if he caught them in the act...

"Hmm... I mean, you're probably right about that, kid... but Havok ain't exactly the kinda fella you wanna get caught spyin' on... but I reckon you're right... Those fellas are due for a favor from us... Big question is just where the hell are they gonna be goin' out to? Don't think they ever dropped an exact location on us."



"Heh... 'Mobile Clown Party...' I'll have to remember that one," Jett said, waving hello to the blue dragon he hadn't seen in quite some time. "Crazy as these guys can be, they've been looking out for me, been giving me something of a purpose for that matter. Nice to have that sense of belonging... and besides, the kind of technology they've got on hand is just too neat to pass up, y'know?" He chuckled a little at that, but he was nonetheless sincere in his words. "It's nice to see you're apparently doing okay for yourself as well, Gronk. Still looking after old Rhett here, no surprise there of course. Like two peas in a pact-pod" Rhett seemed to give Jett a playful sort of shove at that, but very quickly shifted into a more serious state upon hearing Gronk's question.

"Figured you might sense that..." Rhett said with a shrug. "Might as well not beat around the bush with you. Your dad wants us to go play diplomacy with the Dokusei. So, y'know, looks like we've got our excuse to take a trip to New York, huh?"

"Well, Ms. Nightshadow, I definitely appreciate your sticking up for me, much as I'd hate to have Lord Tiemeth in a crappy mood and taking it out towards anyone," Atticus remarked, but nonetheless stuck around to hear out Kara's question regarding the recording device.

"Well, I've got plenty of gear left from my days on the force. Definitely got at least one recorder handy... and I mean, these days you never know when you're gonna face some kinda lawsuit so, good to be prepared." At that he pulled out a small device from his back pocket, what appeared to be little more than a simple flash drive from first glance.

"Now, I've got higher quality stuff back at my place, but, I always carry one of these around for emergencies. This little thing ought to easily record anything within a 40 foot range. You just gotta make sure it's not too muffled by anything, or else we're not gonna be able to get much use out of whatever she records. Best we make sure she has one of these on her now. Hopefully I'll have time to get something a tad stronger, but, just saying, from our experience, we need our plan-B ready to go." At that he handed Kara the device, explaining where the "on" switch was and how it would automatically start recording once it was activated.

"Obviously if we're left with just this, she's gonna have to potentially make a quick drop off in case they try to carry her off somewhere. If that ends up happening, then ideally we'd be able to swoop in and grab the device without anyone being any the wiser."



Sawyer seemed to bite his lip at the mentioning of spying on the upcoming date Havok had planned with Tiamat. Sure, in a way they did owe her and Atticus, but... Even with Arank's efficient stealth ability, that could be a pretty major risk, and worse off, that dragon did not seem like the type to give spies a simple 'talking to' if he caught them in the act...

"Hmm... I mean, you're probably right about that, kid... but Havok ain't exactly the kinda fella you wanna get caught spyin' on... but I reckon you're right... Those fellas are due for a favor from us... Big question is just where the hell are they gonna be goin' out to? Don't think they ever dropped an exact location on us."



"Heh... 'Mobile Clown Party...' I'll have to remember that one," Jett said, waving hello to the blue dragon he hadn't seen in quite some time. "Crazy as these guys can be, they've been looking out for me, been giving me something of a purpose for that matter. Nice to have that sense of belonging... and besides, the kind of technology they've got on hand is just too neat to pass up, y'know?" He chuckled a little at that, but he was nonetheless sincere in his words. "It's nice to see you're apparently doing okay for yourself as well, Gronk. Still looking after old Rhett here, no surprise there of course. Like two peas in a pact-pod" Rhett seemed to give Jett a playful sort of shove at that, but very quickly shifted into a more serious state upon hearing Gronk's question.

"Figured you might sense that..." Rhett said with a shrug. "Might as well not beat around the bush with you. Your dad wants us to go play diplomacy with the Dokusei. So, y'know, looks like we've got our excuse to take a trip to New York, huh?"
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