

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Behind The Clouds (closed)
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Kara and Tiamat

Kara looked at the device trying to understand it. "Oh this should be fine, honestly, hopefully, can stay close enough and stay undetected. I sure hope he doesn't try to take her, it would be a foolish move on his part. It very well could sever the deal Lord Tiemeth and John have! Unless that is what they are trying to do? Wish we had a clearer motive to Havok doesn't seem like a dragon who would do something like this on his own. John must be involved in this, pulling the strings from behind". Sighing she then looked to the side for a moment. Then looked at the man again. "Alright, I will get this on her now and you get what you need ready, also any other idea you might have. Sooner we are prepared the better, I may have a backup plan just in case, also. Hopefully, that dragon lord stays oblivious to all this! I think it would be best you stay as close as you can to this date, tonight I will tell Tiemeth I need you to run some errands. I may even talk to Malinda about all this, granted she might already know something is up, because of the pact we share".

Tiamat stood up then got closer to the both of them. "Agreed, the sooner it is on the better. Atticus, maybe you should try to get in touch with Sawyer and Arank soon? I mean I don't think they would say, no. Not going to lie though I am still scared about this. I know if he tries to take me, or hurt me measures will be in place to prevent it...just...this is all a bit uncomfortable. I really don't want others to get hurt because of me. Just a weird feeling like the past is trying to repeat itself once more. I just hope this is just a simple dinner and nothing more...granted with my life things are never just...simple you know". Kara smiled at the dragon and then patted her arm. " is Havok after all, but Atticus has kept you safe for many years now. Honestly, no one else seems better suited as him in my book. If that dragon tries anything, you will be safe my dear I swear it. With us, all working together the odds are in our favor...especially if Sawyer and Arank can help".


The young dragon picked at his ear a bit. "Could give the tower a call? If anything Kara would answer right? Does uh...Atticus has a phone? I mean we could go back to the tower, he would be outside wouldn't he?". The dragon took a deep breath as he moved out of the way of a group of people. He looked back at them for a moment then, looked at Sawyer again. He then started to look around like he was hearing something. Then returned focus back on the human. "Havok, is scary but I will not get caught if we do this. Helping is worth the risk, besides we need some excitement once in a while...yeah? We don't have to...I won't if you really think it is a bad idea". The dragon then started to stare blankly at the air. The dragon was trying hard to ignore the people around. Then he felt his stomach growl at him a bit. "Oh, could we maybe get something to eat soon?" The food he has before at the tower, wasn't enough for him.


Gronk smiled at Jett's comment about Rhett and him. Then suddenly growled at Rhett when he heard the name Dokusei. Glaring at him for a moment then looking over at his father. Who was speaking a few crew members of the ship? "Father has lost his damn mind! I am sure there is something else we can do!". The dragon sighed deeply trying to keep his temper down. "I would rather have my damn eye ripped from my face again! It would be better for him to go, why the hell us? There is a reason in my world, dragons and humans avoid the Dokusei Clan. I mean, Tiamat is cool, she isn't tainted like that father she has. Not going to be easy with Tiemeth, heck might get us killed you know if he is in a bad mood".

The dragon rubbed his face, near where his eye once was for a moment. He was really kidding about rather having his eye ripped from his face, again. It was extremely painful and he was lucky to have no serious infected set in. He then folded his arms still glaring at the air. "I mean we did want to go see Atticus and Tia, anyways I guess. Who knows, maybe they can help with this, making it a bit easier. Just don't want it to seem like we are visiting just for what my father know? Maybe our goofy pirate friend can give us a ride? A long trip of traveling even for me. Changing forms is not something I want to do just yet if it can be helped. Nice seeing friends again, but the timing is just awful. I thought something bad was happening when I woke up to shaking and hearing a loud roar of the engines, damn Jax".
Kara and Tiamat

Kara looked at the device trying to understand it. "Oh this should be fine, honestly, hopefully, can stay close enough and stay undetected. I sure hope he doesn't try to take her, it would be a foolish move on his part. It very well could sever the deal Lord Tiemeth and John have! Unless that is what they are trying to do? Wish we had a clearer motive to Havok doesn't seem like a dragon who would do something like this on his own. John must be involved in this, pulling the strings from behind". Sighing she then looked to the side for a moment. Then looked at the man again. "Alright, I will get this on her now and you get what you need ready, also any other idea you might have. Sooner we are prepared the better, I may have a backup plan just in case, also. Hopefully, that dragon lord stays oblivious to all this! I think it would be best you stay as close as you can to this date, tonight I will tell Tiemeth I need you to run some errands. I may even talk to Malinda about all this, granted she might already know something is up, because of the pact we share".

Tiamat stood up then got closer to the both of them. "Agreed, the sooner it is on the better. Atticus, maybe you should try to get in touch with Sawyer and Arank soon? I mean I don't think they would say, no. Not going to lie though I am still scared about this. I know if he tries to take me, or hurt me measures will be in place to prevent it...just...this is all a bit uncomfortable. I really don't want others to get hurt because of me. Just a weird feeling like the past is trying to repeat itself once more. I just hope this is just a simple dinner and nothing more...granted with my life things are never just...simple you know". Kara smiled at the dragon and then patted her arm. " is Havok after all, but Atticus has kept you safe for many years now. Honestly, no one else seems better suited as him in my book. If that dragon tries anything, you will be safe my dear I swear it. With us, all working together the odds are in our favor...especially if Sawyer and Arank can help".


The young dragon picked at his ear a bit. "Could give the tower a call? If anything Kara would answer right? Does uh...Atticus has a phone? I mean we could go back to the tower, he would be outside wouldn't he?". The dragon took a deep breath as he moved out of the way of a group of people. He looked back at them for a moment then, looked at Sawyer again. He then started to look around like he was hearing something. Then returned focus back on the human. "Havok, is scary but I will not get caught if we do this. Helping is worth the risk, besides we need some excitement once in a while...yeah? We don't have to...I won't if you really think it is a bad idea". The dragon then started to stare blankly at the air. The dragon was trying hard to ignore the people around. Then he felt his stomach growl at him a bit. "Oh, could we maybe get something to eat soon?" The food he has before at the tower, wasn't enough for him.


Gronk smiled at Jett's comment about Rhett and him. Then suddenly growled at Rhett when he heard the name Dokusei. Glaring at him for a moment then looking over at his father. Who was speaking a few crew members of the ship? "Father has lost his damn mind! I am sure there is something else we can do!". The dragon sighed deeply trying to keep his temper down. "I would rather have my damn eye ripped from my face again! It would be better for him to go, why the hell us? There is a reason in my world, dragons and humans avoid the Dokusei Clan. I mean, Tiamat is cool, she isn't tainted like that father she has. Not going to be easy with Tiemeth, heck might get us killed you know if he is in a bad mood".

The dragon rubbed his face, near where his eye once was for a moment. He was really kidding about rather having his eye ripped from his face, again. It was extremely painful and he was lucky to have no serious infected set in. He then folded his arms still glaring at the air. "I mean we did want to go see Atticus and Tia, anyways I guess. Who knows, maybe they can help with this, making it a bit easier. Just don't want it to seem like we are visiting just for what my father know? Maybe our goofy pirate friend can give us a ride? A long trip of traveling even for me. Changing forms is not something I want to do just yet if it can be helped. Nice seeing friends again, but the timing is just awful. I thought something bad was happening when I woke up to shaking and hearing a loud roar of the engines, damn Jax".
New York, Senji

The dragon used his ability to make clones of himself. The main plan was to get away and not hurt these guys if it could be done. Sadly it seemed like they would try to kill him, he was a bit curious as to why they are so angry. Each clone looked at each human blocking them from the real Senji. Taking this free moment, Senji well the real one. Started to climb up the side of one of the buildings as the group was busy. Unfortunately one of the humans with a gun noticed, he aimed the weapon up and fired at the dragon. A few shots rang out loud in the alley, they missed him but barely. The human fired again but this time getting the dragon the leg. Just before he got to the top and climbed over on to the roof.

Senji grumbled and growled a bit out of breath from the climb and the pain in his leg. Tearing off part of his shirt he wrapped his around he wound and sat there for a moment. His clones soon joined him, they together picked up the dragon and dashed off to find a safe spot for him. The dragon could handle the pain, getting help was going to be hard. How would he explain this? This was turning out to be a really bad day for Senji. Soon he was in the abandoned part of the city. The dragon began to inspect the wound, trying to see if he could hand it himself. The dragon was good at doing temporary work when it comes to deep cuts and what not. At least good enough till he saw some proper doctors or someone skilled in this. Sometimes with his job, you had to push forward no matter what, but this might a little too serious. The time for his clones soon ran out of and they turned into puffs of smoke.
New York, Senji

The dragon used his ability to make clones of himself. The main plan was to get away and not hurt these guys if it could be done. Sadly it seemed like they would try to kill him, he was a bit curious as to why they are so angry. Each clone looked at each human blocking them from the real Senji. Taking this free moment, Senji well the real one. Started to climb up the side of one of the buildings as the group was busy. Unfortunately one of the humans with a gun noticed, he aimed the weapon up and fired at the dragon. A few shots rang out loud in the alley, they missed him but barely. The human fired again but this time getting the dragon the leg. Just before he got to the top and climbed over on to the roof.

Senji grumbled and growled a bit out of breath from the climb and the pain in his leg. Tearing off part of his shirt he wrapped his around he wound and sat there for a moment. His clones soon joined him, they together picked up the dragon and dashed off to find a safe spot for him. The dragon could handle the pain, getting help was going to be hard. How would he explain this? This was turning out to be a really bad day for Senji. Soon he was in the abandoned part of the city. The dragon began to inspect the wound, trying to see if he could hand it himself. The dragon was good at doing temporary work when it comes to deep cuts and what not. At least good enough till he saw some proper doctors or someone skilled in this. Sometimes with his job, you had to push forward no matter what, but this might a little too serious. The time for his clones soon ran out of and they turned into puffs of smoke.
A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Good things, many devils.

A man in blue clothes and a girl with green hair kept repeating in his mind. Faces he couldn't recall the names to or the reason they keep coming into his mind. There was something about them though, just the dragon couldn't figure it out. Staring at the ceiling the dragon sat up, then looked at his black metal covered arm and hand. The dragon looked back at the entrance then turned to get off the table. Once on his feet, the dragon headed for the door. Slowly he creeped out into the long corridor, staring down it and at the door on the other side. The dim light from above made the dragon more comfortable, the light in that white room hurt his eyes a bit. Making his way over to the shiny doors he inspected them. He looked around again, trying to understand what this place was. That one room he spent so many months in, it was all he knew! He was so very confused and sorta a bit shocked as well.

The dragon then walked away, looking up he stared at the lights. Glaring at them he then raised a hand up. Black smoke surrounded his hand, the dragon stared at it for a moment. The dragon started to play with it, making shapes and making the stuff dance. What was this? The dragon then looked at the lights above him, then one by one the dragon used his abilities to turn them off. Took the dragon a few tries to get them out. The couldn't understand why he felt so tired all of a sudden. The dragon was in a weak state, this power he discovered. Was draining the little energy he had, the dragon leaned on the wall and then sat down. He breathed heavily, was trying hard to not pass out. His body wasn't ready for what he just did. What did he even do? What was that black stuff that was around his hand?

Hector & John

"Alright, John, I will speak with you later. Hope you have a lovely afternoon, enjoy it while you can. Never know when another Garvus will come around!". Hector said as he then bowed towards the president before he left. John glared at the guy making sure that he did leave. His guards watched closely, a few walked him off the premises. "So he wants Gronk? You know, maybe we should put him on our list!? He doesn't have anything special going on with his abilities as far as I know! He is very annoying and really could be an issue later in my plans though. Like those interruptions, he did before, so embarrassing and uncalled for. Maybe it is better to take him in as a nice pet or something like that! Could be a nice gift for Havok to chew on from time to time! Poor, Havok these days seems to need a friend". The man smirked then lit a cigarette and started laughing. Taking out his phone he started to text, sending an updated list of wanted dragons.

"Oh...Hector...that dragon will be taken cared of but...he will stay with me and I will take great care of him. I wonder if Gronk remembers me? He does owe me for saving his life, so this will be!...even better he will work for me! I should start branding dragons! I have so many of them it really could save me money later! I can not wait for the Dragon Holiday, soon so many dragons will be under my care after it. Then so many more will be discovered and then added to my collection! They will be trained, cared for and treated as they should. So many dragons have benefited so far! My secret little operation is such a success, soon the world will understand me and maybe even one day bow down to me!".


He sniffed his food a few times then took a bite. The dragon liked it, he would of preferred if he had killed the animal. It was way better steak than what John gives him. Havok then growled at the human he was sitting with. Who asked for the restaurant's hours again. In a very warm and polite tone. "Uh! Hello miss? Did you hear me? My friend here has a date tonight with a lovely girl. What are the hours for this place? It is so welcoming and charming it would be perfect".

Havok sighed he had other plans and it didn't actually involve a dinner. The reason he wanted to do this date with Tiamat was to actually try to warn her or save her. If this human tries to schedule a time, he might just kill him. Havok took another bite of his food. He didn't use a fork or a knife he just used his hands. The dragon didn't care about what others could be thinking. He was hungry and his mood was shifting, he was getting nervous as he thought about this date he would have with Tiamat. What if he tried to have sooner? John wouldn't expect it, and it could give the dragon a better chance to have a one on one talk with Tiamat alone. If this human he was with heard the stuff he wanted to say, he would tell John and everything would be ruined. He had to do this without anyone around.


A man in blue clothes and a girl with green hair kept repeating in his mind. Faces he couldn't recall the names to or the reason they keep coming into his mind. There was something about them though, just the dragon couldn't figure it out. Staring at the ceiling the dragon sat up, then looked at his black metal covered arm and hand. The dragon looked back at the entrance then turned to get off the table. Once on his feet, the dragon headed for the door. Slowly he creeped out into the long corridor, staring down it and at the door on the other side. The dim light from above made the dragon more comfortable, the light in that white room hurt his eyes a bit. Making his way over to the shiny doors he inspected them. He looked around again, trying to understand what this place was. That one room he spent so many months in, it was all he knew! He was so very confused and sorta a bit shocked as well.

The dragon then walked away, looking up he stared at the lights. Glaring at them he then raised a hand up. Black smoke surrounded his hand, the dragon stared at it for a moment. The dragon started to play with it, making shapes and making the stuff dance. What was this? The dragon then looked at the lights above him, then one by one the dragon used his abilities to turn them off. Took the dragon a few tries to get them out. The couldn't understand why he felt so tired all of a sudden. The dragon was in a weak state, this power he discovered. Was draining the little energy he had, the dragon leaned on the wall and then sat down. He breathed heavily, was trying hard to not pass out. His body wasn't ready for what he just did. What did he even do? What was that black stuff that was around his hand?

Hector & John

"Alright, John, I will speak with you later. Hope you have a lovely afternoon, enjoy it while you can. Never know when another Garvus will come around!". Hector said as he then bowed towards the president before he left. John glared at the guy making sure that he did leave. His guards watched closely, a few walked him off the premises. "So he wants Gronk? You know, maybe we should put him on our list!? He doesn't have anything special going on with his abilities as far as I know! He is very annoying and really could be an issue later in my plans though. Like those interruptions, he did before, so embarrassing and uncalled for. Maybe it is better to take him in as a nice pet or something like that! Could be a nice gift for Havok to chew on from time to time! Poor, Havok these days seems to need a friend". The man smirked then lit a cigarette and started laughing. Taking out his phone he started to text, sending an updated list of wanted dragons.

"Oh...Hector...that dragon will be taken cared of but...he will stay with me and I will take great care of him. I wonder if Gronk remembers me? He does owe me for saving his life, so this will be!...even better he will work for me! I should start branding dragons! I have so many of them it really could save me money later! I can not wait for the Dragon Holiday, soon so many dragons will be under my care after it. Then so many more will be discovered and then added to my collection! They will be trained, cared for and treated as they should. So many dragons have benefited so far! My secret little operation is such a success, soon the world will understand me and maybe even one day bow down to me!".


He sniffed his food a few times then took a bite. The dragon liked it, he would of preferred if he had killed the animal. It was way better steak than what John gives him. Havok then growled at the human he was sitting with. Who asked for the restaurant's hours again. In a very warm and polite tone. "Uh! Hello miss? Did you hear me? My friend here has a date tonight with a lovely girl. What are the hours for this place? It is so welcoming and charming it would be perfect".

Havok sighed he had other plans and it didn't actually involve a dinner. The reason he wanted to do this date with Tiamat was to actually try to warn her or save her. If this human tries to schedule a time, he might just kill him. Havok took another bite of his food. He didn't use a fork or a knife he just used his hands. The dragon didn't care about what others could be thinking. He was hungry and his mood was shifting, he was getting nervous as he thought about this date he would have with Tiamat. What if he tried to have sooner? John wouldn't expect it, and it could give the dragon a better chance to have a one on one talk with Tiamat alone. If this human he was with heard the stuff he wanted to say, he would tell John and everything would be ruined. He had to do this without anyone around.

[Didnt think this was still alive, fr did the thing where it un-subscribes you :/]
"If you make a reservation I can stay as late as you need! Its twenty bucks extra, but lots of couples do it for date night." Kris offered, refilling their drinks.
"We close at ten otherwise." She added, looking at the man and not the dragon who couldnt be bothered to have some manners and use a fork and knife. Seriously, was it that hard to grab a metal stick and not make a mess for her?
[Didnt think this was still alive, fr did the thing where it un-subscribes you :/]
"If you make a reservation I can stay as late as you need! Its twenty bucks extra, but lots of couples do it for date night." Kris offered, refilling their drinks.
"We close at ten otherwise." She added, looking at the man and not the dragon who couldnt be bothered to have some manners and use a fork and knife. Seriously, was it that hard to grab a metal stick and not make a mess for her?
(( Wow that is crazy, and yes this still active...I mean due to holidays and what not it was quiet for a bit. I think RMA and I are close to where we feel comfortable with our characters so we can jump forward. Hope when we do the jump it will...spark things and help a bit..sorry for the delay on tends to be a bit of a plan killer. Hope you are doing well! ^-^ ))

The man smiled then elbowed the dragon next to him. "Oh, that is great! Paying extra is no issue. Can we get this setup before we leave? Or can we do this now?". The man then shoved a fork and a knife at Havok. Realizing how rude he was being and tried to fix it. Then pointed at the napkins, trying to make the dragon be more respectful. Havok sighed then did was he was told. Wiping the mess a bit he then grabbed the metal tools and started to eat again. " friend here Hav-ok-eeen, has an issue thinking he can do whatever he pleases....granted it sorta isn't all his fault....blame his upbringing. He doesn't normally eat like a wild beast!". The man almost slipped the dragon's name out loud. The red-eye dragon smirked a bit then looked at the woman. The dragon picked up the knife then pointed it at the guard next to him. He playfully pointed it at him then went back to eating. The human laughed a bit then used a napkin to clean up some sweat on his forehead. If this was a quieter place, Havok might have tried to actually kill the man. The two of them had a weird relationship, they where not friends but more like co-workers. The guard kept the dragon under control and watched his back. Havok was an unpredictable dragon, so this was John's safety net in a way to try and keep his dragon safe, also to keep him in line.
(( Wow that is crazy, and yes this still active...I mean due to holidays and what not it was quiet for a bit. I think RMA and I are close to where we feel comfortable with our characters so we can jump forward. Hope when we do the jump it will...spark things and help a bit..sorry for the delay on tends to be a bit of a plan killer. Hope you are doing well! ^-^ ))

The man smiled then elbowed the dragon next to him. "Oh, that is great! Paying extra is no issue. Can we get this setup before we leave? Or can we do this now?". The man then shoved a fork and a knife at Havok. Realizing how rude he was being and tried to fix it. Then pointed at the napkins, trying to make the dragon be more respectful. Havok sighed then did was he was told. Wiping the mess a bit he then grabbed the metal tools and started to eat again. " friend here Hav-ok-eeen, has an issue thinking he can do whatever he pleases....granted it sorta isn't all his fault....blame his upbringing. He doesn't normally eat like a wild beast!". The man almost slipped the dragon's name out loud. The red-eye dragon smirked a bit then looked at the woman. The dragon picked up the knife then pointed it at the guard next to him. He playfully pointed it at him then went back to eating. The human laughed a bit then used a napkin to clean up some sweat on his forehead. If this was a quieter place, Havok might have tried to actually kill the man. The two of them had a weird relationship, they where not friends but more like co-workers. The guard kept the dragon under control and watched his back. Havok was an unpredictable dragon, so this was John's safety net in a way to try and keep his dragon safe, also to keep him in line.
Avlyn was looking out the window of restaurant when she saw someone that caught her eye. A man with dark hair and green eyes who was staring right at her. She knew she had been caught and that she would have to have a way out of here quickly. From her seat, she dug around her hair, seeing if she has a pencil somewhere. Pulling one from her pocket, she grabbed a napkin and quickly folded up a note. She got up slowly, as if to not cause a disturbance to the man who was ordering a dinner. She went up to the restaurant lady, she hasn't have gotten her name, but she would need to pray that there was another way to escape here before the man had caught up to her. Rubbing her face, she quickly put the gem that she was chewing on into her pocket. "Um, miss you don't happen to have another way out of here do you? I kinda need to get out of here as quick as you can get me out." She was fidgeting impatiently and looking out the window every now and again to make sure he won't catch up to her.
Avlyn was looking out the window of restaurant when she saw someone that caught her eye. A man with dark hair and green eyes who was staring right at her. She knew she had been caught and that she would have to have a way out of here quickly. From her seat, she dug around her hair, seeing if she has a pencil somewhere. Pulling one from her pocket, she grabbed a napkin and quickly folded up a note. She got up slowly, as if to not cause a disturbance to the man who was ordering a dinner. She went up to the restaurant lady, she hasn't have gotten her name, but she would need to pray that there was another way to escape here before the man had caught up to her. Rubbing her face, she quickly put the gem that she was chewing on into her pocket. "Um, miss you don't happen to have another way out of here do you? I kinda need to get out of here as quick as you can get me out." She was fidgeting impatiently and looking out the window every now and again to make sure he won't catch up to her.
(Is restaurant lady kris?)
(Is restaurant lady kris?)
(yes, I was here the entiiire time. Hehe)
(yes, I was here the entiiire time. Hehe)
[I'm doing alright. Would it be okay if i did some backstory on the hujha clan for the festival, and their standing within Zoidobi]
"I'll add it to the receipt, cool?" Kris said, writing down "date night deal" on Her notepad. The man in front of her was apologizing for the dragon's behavior, liek he could do something to stop it. Boys will be boys, except those boys were dragons. If the intuition in her gut told her anything, she really didn't want to **** this guy off, sh'ed just have to pick up after him.
"It's alright, jus-" Kris was interrupted by the woman who didn't pay correctly earlier interrupting and asking for another way out of the shop. Kris stared in confusion, not really sure what to do. If there was some illegal activity, she needed to stop it, but they might actually be in trouble.
"There's one entrance, the front one. Sorry mate."
[I'm doing alright. Would it be okay if i did some backstory on the hujha clan for the festival, and their standing within Zoidobi]
"I'll add it to the receipt, cool?" Kris said, writing down "date night deal" on Her notepad. The man in front of her was apologizing for the dragon's behavior, liek he could do something to stop it. Boys will be boys, except those boys were dragons. If the intuition in her gut told her anything, she really didn't want to **** this guy off, sh'ed just have to pick up after him.
"It's alright, jus-" Kris was interrupted by the woman who didn't pay correctly earlier interrupting and asking for another way out of the shop. Kris stared in confusion, not really sure what to do. If there was some illegal activity, she needed to stop it, but they might actually be in trouble.
"There's one entrance, the front one. Sorry mate."
"Sh*t. Take this and drop it in front of the Dragon's Keep." She grabbed the holographic will that she wrote on the napkin, informing Kris to drop it in front of her shop. She wasn't sure she would be coming back from them this time. It was the last thing she said before the man walked in. He looked around before giving her a sick smile, before grasping her arm tightly. He was slowly crushing it, but Avlyn was stronger than him. After all, they were still only human. But she knew she couldn't struggle. He saw the sign out the window so he knew that she couldn't fight back and that she was stuck here. He spoke in smooth tones, all of them were smooth talkers able to get out of mostly any situations. It made her sick. "I'm so sorry about that honey. My fiancee here is just so troublesome. She's been trying to run away from me for years. . . But I finally found you. Isn't that right dear?" Avlyn only let out a grunted response. He slowly moved his unoccupied hand and grasped at her hair, she grit her teeth as she was forced to speak. "Yes. . ." Pulling a strand of her gradient red to white hair, she spat out the last words. "Dear." He spoke quickly with Kris, trying to hurry up so that he could get them out of there. "Anyway thank you oh so much. Good-bye to you. May we never meet again." Ignoring anything she said, he dragged Avlyn outside.

He had quickly dragged her by a secluded alley. " You know . . . It takes a long time to find you since you never come back to place until you run out of places to go. So, why New York? Oh, has out little experiment have found love is that it? Aww how-" before the man could finish, Avlyn spit in his face. "You know I'm not yours to keep, after all I was born and raised by myself. You just caught me at a bad time. Cause I'm hungry." She began to say an incantation and threw his off, blowing him with a gust of wind into the wall. He came up with a small pocketknife and cut her cheek, throwing her off guard. She kicked him in the back of the knees, forcing him to bend over. What she didn't expect was for him to stab her in the leg with the needle, injecting whatever he had in there. She backed away, startled. The drug already had quickly invaded her bloodstream, making her feel dizzy. She tried to use her incantation powers but to no avail. "What the-" Before she could even finish, he quickly knocked her out with a slam. Her body dropped asleep, as he picked her up and called someone on his phone. "Yeah, I got her. Meet me up at the alley."
"Sh*t. Take this and drop it in front of the Dragon's Keep." She grabbed the holographic will that she wrote on the napkin, informing Kris to drop it in front of her shop. She wasn't sure she would be coming back from them this time. It was the last thing she said before the man walked in. He looked around before giving her a sick smile, before grasping her arm tightly. He was slowly crushing it, but Avlyn was stronger than him. After all, they were still only human. But she knew she couldn't struggle. He saw the sign out the window so he knew that she couldn't fight back and that she was stuck here. He spoke in smooth tones, all of them were smooth talkers able to get out of mostly any situations. It made her sick. "I'm so sorry about that honey. My fiancee here is just so troublesome. She's been trying to run away from me for years. . . But I finally found you. Isn't that right dear?" Avlyn only let out a grunted response. He slowly moved his unoccupied hand and grasped at her hair, she grit her teeth as she was forced to speak. "Yes. . ." Pulling a strand of her gradient red to white hair, she spat out the last words. "Dear." He spoke quickly with Kris, trying to hurry up so that he could get them out of there. "Anyway thank you oh so much. Good-bye to you. May we never meet again." Ignoring anything she said, he dragged Avlyn outside.

He had quickly dragged her by a secluded alley. " You know . . . It takes a long time to find you since you never come back to place until you run out of places to go. So, why New York? Oh, has out little experiment have found love is that it? Aww how-" before the man could finish, Avlyn spit in his face. "You know I'm not yours to keep, after all I was born and raised by myself. You just caught me at a bad time. Cause I'm hungry." She began to say an incantation and threw his off, blowing him with a gust of wind into the wall. He came up with a small pocketknife and cut her cheek, throwing her off guard. She kicked him in the back of the knees, forcing him to bend over. What she didn't expect was for him to stab her in the leg with the needle, injecting whatever he had in there. She backed away, startled. The drug already had quickly invaded her bloodstream, making her feel dizzy. She tried to use her incantation powers but to no avail. "What the-" Before she could even finish, he quickly knocked her out with a slam. Her body dropped asleep, as he picked her up and called someone on his phone. "Yeah, I got her. Meet me up at the alley."
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