

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Fighting an Emperor {Open}
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Andras gasps, then snaps his mouth shut and grins at the fellow Fae.

Riveros helps Sheridan in grumbling underneath their breath. Riveros scowled at Andras, Sheridan was worried about Scruffy, and Scruffy was picking up rope and chains to start building a trap. Scruffy senses Sheridan’s emotions flooding him, and turned towards him.
“Something wrong Sheridan? You gonna help or what? Kennen, can you help us start up a trap? We will also need dragons to distract that thing from us making the trap! Andras, could you help do that? You like reckless and stupid things! So you’d be PERFECT for the job!”
“Yeah, Yeah! And I take that as a compliment!” He smirks, Riveros snaps at Scruffy
“And i’ll go too! I’ll distract him with Andras and Argyle, and whoever decides to join us!” Riveros turns to the surrounding dragons, with a huff she snaps at Andras
“And you better NOT DIE or SALVA and your FATHER WILL KILL US BOTH! And Sheridan and Scruffy! So do NOT DIE! Listen to me, don’t die okay? NO ONE SHOULD EVER DIE TODAY!”
Andras gasps, then snaps his mouth shut and grins at the fellow Fae.

Riveros helps Sheridan in grumbling underneath their breath. Riveros scowled at Andras, Sheridan was worried about Scruffy, and Scruffy was picking up rope and chains to start building a trap. Scruffy senses Sheridan’s emotions flooding him, and turned towards him.
“Something wrong Sheridan? You gonna help or what? Kennen, can you help us start up a trap? We will also need dragons to distract that thing from us making the trap! Andras, could you help do that? You like reckless and stupid things! So you’d be PERFECT for the job!”
“Yeah, Yeah! And I take that as a compliment!” He smirks, Riveros snaps at Scruffy
“And i’ll go too! I’ll distract him with Andras and Argyle, and whoever decides to join us!” Riveros turns to the surrounding dragons, with a huff she snaps at Andras
“And you better NOT DIE or SALVA and your FATHER WILL KILL US BOTH! And Sheridan and Scruffy! So do NOT DIE! Listen to me, don’t die okay? NO ONE SHOULD EVER DIE TODAY!”
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
"I'm gonna call my son. He's probably gonna faint hahahaha" Groxinite said. He communicated telepathically with one more dragon, Groxin. One of his children. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Hey da.....d? Is that an Emperor...?" Groxin said. He fainted after staring at the Emperor for awhile. "Oh look what you did! Now I have to calm your son now Groxinite!" Ghost yelled at Groxinite.
"I'm gonna call my son. He's probably gonna faint hahahaha" Groxinite said. He communicated telepathically with one more dragon, Groxin. One of his children.


"Hey da.....d? Is that an Emperor...?" Groxin said. He fainted after staring at the Emperor for awhile.
"Oh look what you did! Now I have to calm your son now Groxinite!" Ghost yelled at Groxinite.

Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
Kalanar slowly righted himself up and shook his head and neck, bits of bark, leaves and sticks falling off his back as The healing in his wing faded and Kanya let it go

"I'll be fine, it hurt but I think the tree took more of a beating than I did" the imperial took the medicine and tipped it back, the taste registering in his mind as a mild painkiller

"anyway, this is Kanya, she's one of our clan, shes what you call a SpellSword, she can use magic alongside hitting things real hard, she's real good to have at your back in a fight" Kalanar introduced, the female Imperial cracked a small smile at the comment.

"I can also heal, but my healing magic knowledge is limited to flesh wounds, like cuts and burns and such" Kanya stated simply "so if you go getting your bones broken I'll have to set them with splints and bandages"

Kennan perked his ears up at the call and flew to the forest, pulling out the seemingly endless coil of rope and looping it around the trees

"Make sure those knots are good and tight mates, we dinnae wan't them to get unwound when that Emperor comes crashin' through"

(ooc: also If anyone hasn't picked it up: Kennan has a Scottish accent, and literally every one of my dragons has a name starting with K)
Kalanar slowly righted himself up and shook his head and neck, bits of bark, leaves and sticks falling off his back as The healing in his wing faded and Kanya let it go

"I'll be fine, it hurt but I think the tree took more of a beating than I did" the imperial took the medicine and tipped it back, the taste registering in his mind as a mild painkiller

"anyway, this is Kanya, she's one of our clan, shes what you call a SpellSword, she can use magic alongside hitting things real hard, she's real good to have at your back in a fight" Kalanar introduced, the female Imperial cracked a small smile at the comment.

"I can also heal, but my healing magic knowledge is limited to flesh wounds, like cuts and burns and such" Kanya stated simply "so if you go getting your bones broken I'll have to set them with splints and bandages"

Kennan perked his ears up at the call and flew to the forest, pulling out the seemingly endless coil of rope and looping it around the trees

"Make sure those knots are good and tight mates, we dinnae wan't them to get unwound when that Emperor comes crashin' through"

(ooc: also If anyone hasn't picked it up: Kennan has a Scottish accent, and literally every one of my dragons has a name starting with K)
(Shoot some here with a and k)
Sheridan and Scruffy help tie tight knots, Sheridan got his claws stuck between the knots, and Scruffy got her arms in a jam.
“These knots are so... FRUSTRATING!” They hissed. Andras was doing cartwheels and loop-de-loops in mid-air while snarling and giggling at the Emperor. Cartwheeling, and his mother grumbled while poking the giant eyes on the emperor’s head.
(Shoot some here with a and k)
Sheridan and Scruffy help tie tight knots, Sheridan got his claws stuck between the knots, and Scruffy got her arms in a jam.
“These knots are so... FRUSTRATING!” They hissed. Andras was doing cartwheels and loop-de-loops in mid-air while snarling and giggling at the Emperor. Cartwheeling, and his mother grumbled while poking the giant eyes on the emperor’s head.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
"Maybe I could help. Oh ya i'm okay I didn't really faint." Groxin said. He tied the knots without having any problem.
"Really, that prank was all for nothing?! But, good job son" Groxinite said to his son
"Wow I didn't know you could do that." Ghost said
"Maybe I could help. Oh ya i'm okay I didn't really faint." Groxin said. He tied the knots without having any problem.
"Really, that prank was all for nothing?! But, good job son" Groxinite said to his son
"Wow I didn't know you could do that." Ghost said
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
Scruffy wrinkled her snout at Groxin, jealous he had little and or no trouble tying knots. Sheridan grinned and said “Thanks for helping us.”
Andras cheered as dodged a fire blast that narrowly missed his wings. Riveros helped in surprise when the head she was on gave a violent jolt.
Scruffy wrinkled her snout at Groxin, jealous he had little and or no trouble tying knots. Sheridan grinned and said “Thanks for helping us.”
Andras cheered as dodged a fire blast that narrowly missed his wings. Riveros helped in surprise when the head she was on gave a violent jolt.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
"You're welcome!" Groxin said to sheridan and smiled.
"Oh yeah about your plan Kalanar. Do you think I should use the darts? They release hallucinogenic chemicals and make dragons sleep." Groxinite told Kalanar.
"You're welcome!" Groxin said to sheridan and smiled.
"Oh yeah about your plan Kalanar. Do you think I should use the darts? They release hallucinogenic chemicals and make dragons sleep." Groxinite told Kalanar.
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
"only after we have it tangled, you can use them with Kennan's arrow tips, the ones he put on have vials of concentrated Poison from...I can't really remeber but they paralyse dragons if they get stuck in" Kalanar nodded as he flexed his recently healed wing

"although I suppose you could stick them to the ropes so when it crashes through it'll get pricked by them"

"I'll go enchant some of the ropes with a charm of ensnarement" Kanya stated as she spread her wings and flew to some of the ropes and chanted a spell, the rope took on a glimmery shine like some excited hatchling had covered it in glitter.

"Heads up you lot! if you see a rope that is sparkly: DO NOT TOUCH IT. it'll wind around you until you cannot move, It can also take up to 20 minutes for me to dispell the enchantment so if you get tangled I'll just drag you off into some safe spot until I'm done Enchanting"

Kennan hopped from tree to tree checking knots and tightening some of the looser looking ones, being extra careful not to touch the glimmering one

"OOOH! could ye do some of me Bolas Kany?!" Kennan shouted at Kanya with glee

"As long as you promise not to throw them at anyone after this!" Kanya called back
"only after we have it tangled, you can use them with Kennan's arrow tips, the ones he put on have vials of concentrated Poison from...I can't really remeber but they paralyse dragons if they get stuck in" Kalanar nodded as he flexed his recently healed wing

"although I suppose you could stick them to the ropes so when it crashes through it'll get pricked by them"

"I'll go enchant some of the ropes with a charm of ensnarement" Kanya stated as she spread her wings and flew to some of the ropes and chanted a spell, the rope took on a glimmery shine like some excited hatchling had covered it in glitter.

"Heads up you lot! if you see a rope that is sparkly: DO NOT TOUCH IT. it'll wind around you until you cannot move, It can also take up to 20 minutes for me to dispell the enchantment so if you get tangled I'll just drag you off into some safe spot until I'm done Enchanting"

Kennan hopped from tree to tree checking knots and tightening some of the looser looking ones, being extra careful not to touch the glimmering one

"OOOH! could ye do some of me Bolas Kany?!" Kennan shouted at Kanya with glee

"As long as you promise not to throw them at anyone after this!" Kanya called back
“Scruffy, do not touch anything sparkly, or you Sheridan, or YOU especially Andras! You heard Kanya! Do not touch the sparkly rope!” Riveros yelled to the three. They nodded, Andras was reluctant to.
“Scruffy, do not touch anything sparkly, or you Sheridan, or YOU especially Andras! You heard Kanya! Do not touch the sparkly rope!” Riveros yelled to the three. They nodded, Andras was reluctant to.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark,
Than alone in the light. - Helen Keller, Friendship Quotes
"So are we gonna make the Emperor touch the enchanted ropes so it can get entangled?" Groxinite said to Kanya.
Groxin see Andras and says "Whatcha doin'?"
"So are we gonna make the Emperor touch the enchanted ropes so it can get entangled?" Groxinite said to Kanya.
Groxin see Andras and says "Whatcha doin'?"
Hold on tighter with my lighter shining through!
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