

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | PRPG w/ DragonSeeker
Trent nodded. "Oh," he said, glancing around. What else was there to talk about? "Only acoustic, then? I mean, I don't really know the difference between the two, but... uh..." He shrugged, shaking his head.
Faerglaz cleared her throat, before leaning towards Mosmik and asking in a raspy voice, "When is the next concert you're doing?"
Saved by the silent one. Trent stared for a few moments at Faerglaz, his mind thanking her a million times.

Vira shrugged. "Attention can be good, you know. Just like Flynn and Kurai, you have the ability to do something amazing, simply by doing what you were meant to do. Honestly, what wouldn't I give to be a Guardian... You see things that others can't, you open portals, and, by the One's grace, you save lives. On a daily basis. Without even thinking about it. I don't know, that's pretty cool?" Vira laughed, wiggling her shoulders. "Sometimes Flynn is late, which is funny because she controls time, but Kurai may be with her... uh, as a random heads up." Vira leaned closer to Scye and whispered, "Are they not the cutest couple ever?"
Trent nodded. "Oh," he said, glancing around. What else was there to talk about? "Only acoustic, then? I mean, I don't really know the difference between the two, but... uh..." He shrugged, shaking his head.
Faerglaz cleared her throat, before leaning towards Mosmik and asking in a raspy voice, "When is the next concert you're doing?"
Saved by the silent one. Trent stared for a few moments at Faerglaz, his mind thanking her a million times.

Vira shrugged. "Attention can be good, you know. Just like Flynn and Kurai, you have the ability to do something amazing, simply by doing what you were meant to do. Honestly, what wouldn't I give to be a Guardian... You see things that others can't, you open portals, and, by the One's grace, you save lives. On a daily basis. Without even thinking about it. I don't know, that's pretty cool?" Vira laughed, wiggling her shoulders. "Sometimes Flynn is late, which is funny because she controls time, but Kurai may be with her... uh, as a random heads up." Vira leaned closer to Scye and whispered, "Are they not the cutest couple ever?"
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.