

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | PRPG w/ DragonSeeker
@DragonSeeker (almost typed dergseeker eep)

I'll post Trent's world RPG here, and we can determine what to do about the other rpg later.
So we'll have characters, freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, and they all go to this inter-galactic school. Because of technological advances, a cosmic bus from their home planet to this school is like a modern day earth's bus ride. (or there are special teleporting thingamabobs, whatever you want.) Here we go!!
Oh! We can do whatever with teachers. If you wanna use Soul you can. No need to fill out a form for him or any other teachers.


So, you finally made it. Next year, you're going to enter high school. You'll finally be above all of this middle school blegh!
Or maybe you're graduating this year. Whup-dih-do.
Wherever you are in your scholastic journey, there's a cartload of freshmen students arriving tomorrow. Everyone is talking about the failed experiment that's on board one of the intergalactic buses. Trent Collins, they call him.

Bone chilling.

Maybe you're terrified of what this new school year will bring. Maybe you're just ready to be done. But no matter what, it's going to be full of adventure. That is for sure.

Rank (freshman - senior):
@DragonSeeker (almost typed dergseeker eep)

I'll post Trent's world RPG here, and we can determine what to do about the other rpg later.
So we'll have characters, freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, and they all go to this inter-galactic school. Because of technological advances, a cosmic bus from their home planet to this school is like a modern day earth's bus ride. (or there are special teleporting thingamabobs, whatever you want.) Here we go!!
Oh! We can do whatever with teachers. If you wanna use Soul you can. No need to fill out a form for him or any other teachers.


So, you finally made it. Next year, you're going to enter high school. You'll finally be above all of this middle school blegh!
Or maybe you're graduating this year. Whup-dih-do.
Wherever you are in your scholastic journey, there's a cartload of freshmen students arriving tomorrow. Everyone is talking about the failed experiment that's on board one of the intergalactic buses. Trent Collins, they call him.

Bone chilling.

Maybe you're terrified of what this new school year will bring. Maybe you're just ready to be done. But no matter what, it's going to be full of adventure. That is for sure.

Rank (freshman - senior):
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
@DragonSeeker You there, person?

Name: Trent Collins
Age: 14
Rank (freshman - senior): freshman
Appearance: Overall, Trent looks like your very normal emo kid. He has black hair that swoops to the side, thick black eyeliner, and eyes that sparkle like the forgotten cosmos. He normally wears black, with an eye for detail. He always looks put together.
Personality: Trent is sweet, and he enjoys mixing music with many different synthesizers. He tries his best to be "normal", but in a school full of aliens, it's a bit difficult. He has a close group of friends, including Vira Andruzzi and a mysterious school dropout by the name of Faerglaz. His loyalty is due to the experimentation of his early life, along with the strange powers that he has. He's still learning about them, and how to use them without hurting everyone.
History: After an intergalactic terrorist attack, a group of scientists decided that they could create a super weapon to help keep the world safe. All was going well until they began to feel attached to a very sentient being. TC-1, the name they chose for their project, was soon referred to as Trevor, until TC-1 called one of the scientists "Dada!" Realizing their mistake, the scientists wiped TC's mind, renamed him Trent, and sent him to the homeworld. Upon the aircrafts departure, the scientists' laboratory was destroyed in an explosion caused by an alien mob boss. Trent was sent to the leading scientists' widowed mother, who kept the secret of Trent's origin from him. Years passed, and memories began resurfacing in nauseating dreams. Any attempt to reconcile what Trent saw resulted in mysterious displays of a power he knew nothing about. Finally, his adopted mother Masha explained to him why he was the way that he was. Now he has to live with knowing that he's unlike anything ever before created.
Extra: I drew a picture once but it's ehhhhh

yer turn
@DragonSeeker You there, person?

Name: Trent Collins
Age: 14
Rank (freshman - senior): freshman
Appearance: Overall, Trent looks like your very normal emo kid. He has black hair that swoops to the side, thick black eyeliner, and eyes that sparkle like the forgotten cosmos. He normally wears black, with an eye for detail. He always looks put together.
Personality: Trent is sweet, and he enjoys mixing music with many different synthesizers. He tries his best to be "normal", but in a school full of aliens, it's a bit difficult. He has a close group of friends, including Vira Andruzzi and a mysterious school dropout by the name of Faerglaz. His loyalty is due to the experimentation of his early life, along with the strange powers that he has. He's still learning about them, and how to use them without hurting everyone.
History: After an intergalactic terrorist attack, a group of scientists decided that they could create a super weapon to help keep the world safe. All was going well until they began to feel attached to a very sentient being. TC-1, the name they chose for their project, was soon referred to as Trevor, until TC-1 called one of the scientists "Dada!" Realizing their mistake, the scientists wiped TC's mind, renamed him Trent, and sent him to the homeworld. Upon the aircrafts departure, the scientists' laboratory was destroyed in an explosion caused by an alien mob boss. Trent was sent to the leading scientists' widowed mother, who kept the secret of Trent's origin from him. Years passed, and memories began resurfacing in nauseating dreams. Any attempt to reconcile what Trent saw resulted in mysterious displays of a power he knew nothing about. Finally, his adopted mother Masha explained to him why he was the way that he was. Now he has to live with knowing that he's unlike anything ever before created.
Extra: I drew a picture once but it's ehhhhh

yer turn
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
Name: Samuel Gravto Age: 16 Rank (freshman - senior): junior Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Fun-loving and sweet, Sam is different from most people in the school. Although he has his own posse of kids he hangs out with, it's comprised mostly of the ones that don't fit in. He's always up for meeting someone new, and is always at the top of his game- or he likes to think so. While he does come off as rather strange, he's got quite the golden heart if you look closely enough. History: Sam grew up an average kid, going to school and coming back again. He lives with his parents, has good grades, and works a part time job on the weekends. While he did come from a family of drug addicts and drunkards, his parents vowed to stay away from such so they could be there for him. He keeps them accountable, and they keep him in school. His mother works from home as a hairdresser, (their home doubles as a hair salon and that would explain his hair) and his father is a craftsman. Extra: He has pierced ears, loves silly bands, and wears an innumerable amount of friendship bracelets from past and present relationships with people. Name: Mosmik Cavana Age: 17 Rank (freshman - senior): senior Appearance: [img][/img] While he looks older than he actually is, Mosmik is still a high-schooler. His hair is naturally that color, as are his eyes. Personality: Mosmik, the average class rebel. He rules the gym and the field, as enhanced speed and strength makes him somewhat of a role model and a serious competitor. Still, he hangs out with Sam, and was the first friend the junior had met. From there, Mosmik introduced him to nearly everyone. Don't underestimate him, though. He stands up for what he believes to be right, and absolutely despises bullies. History: He was born into a rich family, growing up with rather kind parents they didn't spoil him, but they did allow him the independence he wanted. Extra: He has lots and lots of piercings, including two lip piercings, a tongue piercing, a piercing at the top of the bridge of his nose, four eyebrow piercings, six left ear piercings and three right ear piercings. As well as his tongue, due to his race, is partially split. He also is lead singer for a boy-band. Granted this band is also metal. He also has the ability to change his voice at will. He has eight siblings, two dogs, and, personally, five cats. All of which live in his room. He wears the eye patch in case of something like a blackout happens, and he needs to see well. The patch switches sides every other day, and sometimes is not worn. It depends on his mood. ((I'll get Scye up soon @DragonLair))
Name: Samuel Gravto
Age: 16
Rank (freshman - senior): junior
Appearance: 3022c352c254c25fd78a91ae48d3c5117b17cc8f_hq.jpg
Personality: Fun-loving and sweet, Sam is different from most people in the school. Although he has his own posse of kids he hangs out with, it's comprised mostly of the ones that don't fit in. He's always up for meeting someone new, and is always at the top of his game- or he likes to think so. While he does come off as rather strange, he's got quite the golden heart if you look closely enough.
History: Sam grew up an average kid, going to school and coming back again. He lives with his parents, has good grades, and works a part time job on the weekends. While he did come from a family of drug addicts and drunkards, his parents vowed to stay away from such so they could be there for him. He keeps them accountable, and they keep him in school. His mother works from home as a hairdresser, (their home doubles as a hair salon and that would explain his hair) and his father is a craftsman.
Extra: He has pierced ears, loves silly bands, and wears an innumerable amount of friendship bracelets from past and present relationships with people.

Name: Mosmik Cavana
Age: 17
Rank (freshman - senior): senior
Appearance: cb44e4028a84ff8c40aeeb0c77b8f5df--anime-people-anime-guys.jpg
While he looks older than he actually is, Mosmik is still a high-schooler. His hair is naturally that color, as are his eyes.
Personality: Mosmik, the average class rebel. He rules the gym and the field, as enhanced speed and strength makes him somewhat of a role model and a serious competitor. Still, he hangs out with Sam, and was the first friend the junior had met. From there, Mosmik introduced him to nearly everyone. Don't underestimate him, though. He stands up for what he believes to be right, and absolutely despises bullies.
History: He was born into a rich family, growing up with rather kind parents they didn't spoil him, but they did allow him the independence he wanted.
Extra: He has lots and lots of piercings, including two lip piercings, a tongue piercing, a piercing at the top of the bridge of his nose, four eyebrow piercings, six left ear piercings and three right ear piercings. As well as his tongue, due to his race, is partially split. He also is lead singer for a boy-band. Granted this band is also metal. He also has the ability to change his voice at will. He has eight siblings, two dogs, and, personally, five cats. All of which live in his room. He wears the eye patch in case of something like a blackout happens, and he needs to see well. The patch switches sides every other day, and sometimes is not worn. It depends on his mood.

((I'll get Scye up soon @DragonLair))
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
Name: Scye Alphine
Age: 15
Rank (freshman - senior): Sophomore
Appearance: 5'3" with short, blonde hair. Blue-gray eyes adorn a round face with higher cheekbones. She usually wears a casual t-shirt and either jeans or sweatpants. She wears sneakers, and, usually, doesn't care for her physical looks. She's not your normal popular girl. She's unaware of the attention she gets, and rarely cares about it.
Personality: Kind and caring, for the most part. She can be very hard to get along with, and some days, she's just not having it. Overall, she's quite a nice person.
History: She grew up with two other siblings, a cat, and a bird. She often has disputes with her family, but she still manages to live with them.
Extra: She loves playing with her friends, and always is up for a competitive game with someone.

(I'm subbed now)
Name: Scye Alphine
Age: 15
Rank (freshman - senior): Sophomore
Appearance: 5'3" with short, blonde hair. Blue-gray eyes adorn a round face with higher cheekbones. She usually wears a casual t-shirt and either jeans or sweatpants. She wears sneakers, and, usually, doesn't care for her physical looks. She's not your normal popular girl. She's unaware of the attention she gets, and rarely cares about it.
Personality: Kind and caring, for the most part. She can be very hard to get along with, and some days, she's just not having it. Overall, she's quite a nice person.
History: She grew up with two other siblings, a cat, and a bird. She often has disputes with her family, but she still manages to live with them.
Extra: She loves playing with her friends, and always is up for a competitive game with someone.

(I'm subbed now)
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
Name: Vira Andruzzi
Age: 15
Rank (freshman - senior): Sophomore
Appearance: Vira is the school's scene queen, and a fairly popular girl. She doesn't care for the fake attention, however, and prefers the company of true friends, such as Trent and Faerglaz. Her hair is black with streaks of rainbow colors, all hidden until she swishes her hair away from her face. Her eyes are a sparkly neon purple, and she is descended from a race of ethereal aliens who had the power to alter their voices. At this point, interbreeding has only granted her sparkly scales on the side of her face and other parts of her body and an amazing vocal range that is enough to impress the phantom of the opera. She is a ray of sunshine until it comes to fakers, at which point she would beat someone up.
Personality: Vira is true, even though her ancestor race was mistrusted because of their vocal prowess. (these aliens used to be called sirens) Vira loves water because of this, and enjoys spending time in the school pool. She enjoys acting as well. Back to her personality, Vira is a cute girl who has great grades, and would fight to the apocalypse if it means her friends will be safe. She has been described as having an old soul, and she is a mature individual.
History: Vira's father abandoned her mother after he discovered that she was a siren descendant. Convinced his love was fake, he left her on the side of the road and drove away, never speaking to her again. Vira's mother was rescued by Flynn T. K., and Vira has grown up around the Guardian all her life. She definitely ships Kurai and Flynn, which both Guardians find amusing, and looks at Flynn as an older sister. Growing up, no one trusted Vira because she was different, and because a school bully made it known that she was a siren descendant. However, in a matter (yet to be determined) Vira proved her trustworthiness by saving the life of a kid. Immediately she became an initiate of the "in crowd", even though she swears she never accepted it. She prefers to hang with the kids who don't have any friends, and has a specific soft spot for Trent.
Extra: I haven't drawn her full body yet but one of these days-- *falls off soap box*


Trent Collins stared at the waiting bus, his face burning. Everyone knew. Everyone was judging him. And it hurt.
"Masha... Please don't make me go," Trent looked at his mother- adoptive mother, a question burning in his eyes. It was begging to be asked, but he knew he wasn't going to speak. It would be rude to say the least.
"Trent... I..." Masha sighed, squeezing Trent's shoulders. "You'll make it... And we have a whole week before we have to make a final decision on your enrollment. I can teach you here if worse comes to worst."
Trent nodded, then took a deep breath. "All right... I..." He struggled for a few moments. Did he mean what he was going to say? He prayed that he did. "I trust you, Masha..." With a quick peck to Masha's cheek, he hoisted his new backpack over his shoulder and left the small house. He walked solemnly to the waiting vehicle, and took another shakily deep breath as he entered.
The bus suddenly hushed as everyone stared at him, their mouths gaping and their eyes wide. "He' the messed up experiment?" Someone asked, their voice permeating the air. Trent fought back tears as he sat down right behind the tentacle-bearing bus driver. He steeled himself however. His main motivation came from knowing that if he did cry, his eyeliner would run.


Vira Andruzzi settled onto one of the picnic tables in front of the school. She watched as the buses from the different sectors began filtering in, counting each one. Trent's bus was in the tenth sector, and there were only six buses now. She wondered how he was holding up, since she hadn't seen him at all last year. It was unfortunate that others saw his terrifying secret was out, but she was eager to show him that he was the same as before.
She sighed, the voices of those around her fading to a low hum. She whistled to herself, her voice enchanting even in its minimal use. Staring at the buses, her eyes glimmered like crystal pools. She leaned back, staring into the sky. It was beautiful, all the stars which shone just as brightly as the two suns. The world chosen for academic purposes was beautiful.
Name: Vira Andruzzi
Age: 15
Rank (freshman - senior): Sophomore
Appearance: Vira is the school's scene queen, and a fairly popular girl. She doesn't care for the fake attention, however, and prefers the company of true friends, such as Trent and Faerglaz. Her hair is black with streaks of rainbow colors, all hidden until she swishes her hair away from her face. Her eyes are a sparkly neon purple, and she is descended from a race of ethereal aliens who had the power to alter their voices. At this point, interbreeding has only granted her sparkly scales on the side of her face and other parts of her body and an amazing vocal range that is enough to impress the phantom of the opera. She is a ray of sunshine until it comes to fakers, at which point she would beat someone up.
Personality: Vira is true, even though her ancestor race was mistrusted because of their vocal prowess. (these aliens used to be called sirens) Vira loves water because of this, and enjoys spending time in the school pool. She enjoys acting as well. Back to her personality, Vira is a cute girl who has great grades, and would fight to the apocalypse if it means her friends will be safe. She has been described as having an old soul, and she is a mature individual.
History: Vira's father abandoned her mother after he discovered that she was a siren descendant. Convinced his love was fake, he left her on the side of the road and drove away, never speaking to her again. Vira's mother was rescued by Flynn T. K., and Vira has grown up around the Guardian all her life. She definitely ships Kurai and Flynn, which both Guardians find amusing, and looks at Flynn as an older sister. Growing up, no one trusted Vira because she was different, and because a school bully made it known that she was a siren descendant. However, in a matter (yet to be determined) Vira proved her trustworthiness by saving the life of a kid. Immediately she became an initiate of the "in crowd", even though she swears she never accepted it. She prefers to hang with the kids who don't have any friends, and has a specific soft spot for Trent.
Extra: I haven't drawn her full body yet but one of these days-- *falls off soap box*


Trent Collins stared at the waiting bus, his face burning. Everyone knew. Everyone was judging him. And it hurt.
"Masha... Please don't make me go," Trent looked at his mother- adoptive mother, a question burning in his eyes. It was begging to be asked, but he knew he wasn't going to speak. It would be rude to say the least.
"Trent... I..." Masha sighed, squeezing Trent's shoulders. "You'll make it... And we have a whole week before we have to make a final decision on your enrollment. I can teach you here if worse comes to worst."
Trent nodded, then took a deep breath. "All right... I..." He struggled for a few moments. Did he mean what he was going to say? He prayed that he did. "I trust you, Masha..." With a quick peck to Masha's cheek, he hoisted his new backpack over his shoulder and left the small house. He walked solemnly to the waiting vehicle, and took another shakily deep breath as he entered.
The bus suddenly hushed as everyone stared at him, their mouths gaping and their eyes wide. "He' the messed up experiment?" Someone asked, their voice permeating the air. Trent fought back tears as he sat down right behind the tentacle-bearing bus driver. He steeled himself however. His main motivation came from knowing that if he did cry, his eyeliner would run.


Vira Andruzzi settled onto one of the picnic tables in front of the school. She watched as the buses from the different sectors began filtering in, counting each one. Trent's bus was in the tenth sector, and there were only six buses now. She wondered how he was holding up, since she hadn't seen him at all last year. It was unfortunate that others saw his terrifying secret was out, but she was eager to show him that he was the same as before.
She sighed, the voices of those around her fading to a low hum. She whistled to herself, her voice enchanting even in its minimal use. Staring at the buses, her eyes glimmered like crystal pools. She leaned back, staring into the sky. It was beautiful, all the stars which shone just as brightly as the two suns. The world chosen for academic purposes was beautiful.
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
As the seventh bus rolled in, the other studens came pouring out. Scye hopped off in her usual manner, headphones on and blasting some form of music as she ignored the gathering crowd around her. In fact, she barely noticed half the kids rushing over to ask her questions about being a Guardian. She frankly didn't care, and wanted to get on with her life. She pulled out a small cell-phone like device and began texting.

>"Flynn, can you come pick me up after school? I don't wanna use the bus. >.<"

After sending the message, she walked through the school doors, headed straight for the art studio. She spent her time there before the bell, after lunch, and after school. It was her life. Almost.

Into the parking lot, after a few minutes, came a hovering black car. It came to a stop in front of the school, and someone came slipping out of the passenger's seat to open the back door and hold it. Slipping out, chatting with someone else in the car, was Mosmik. Sam came crawling out of the car a few moments later, laughing at some joke that was mentioned. Finally, Sam and Mosmik sat down on a picnic table a little ways from Vira. They both got comfortable and began speaking to one another in even voices. Sam had a hard time keeping his excitement in. "Did you hear about the new kid, Mos? Oh, I can't wait to meet him!"
"Yeah, I heard. Everyone keeps calling him a 'failed experiment' of some kind. It kinda bothers me. That's like calling me a dysfunctional kid."
"I know. It sucks. Well, we'll have to watch for him! I don't wanna miss an opportunity to introduce myself!"
"Hah, whatever you say, Sam."
As the seventh bus rolled in, the other studens came pouring out. Scye hopped off in her usual manner, headphones on and blasting some form of music as she ignored the gathering crowd around her. In fact, she barely noticed half the kids rushing over to ask her questions about being a Guardian. She frankly didn't care, and wanted to get on with her life. She pulled out a small cell-phone like device and began texting.

>"Flynn, can you come pick me up after school? I don't wanna use the bus. >.<"

After sending the message, she walked through the school doors, headed straight for the art studio. She spent her time there before the bell, after lunch, and after school. It was her life. Almost.

Into the parking lot, after a few minutes, came a hovering black car. It came to a stop in front of the school, and someone came slipping out of the passenger's seat to open the back door and hold it. Slipping out, chatting with someone else in the car, was Mosmik. Sam came crawling out of the car a few moments later, laughing at some joke that was mentioned. Finally, Sam and Mosmik sat down on a picnic table a little ways from Vira. They both got comfortable and began speaking to one another in even voices. Sam had a hard time keeping his excitement in. "Did you hear about the new kid, Mos? Oh, I can't wait to meet him!"
"Yeah, I heard. Everyone keeps calling him a 'failed experiment' of some kind. It kinda bothers me. That's like calling me a dysfunctional kid."
"I know. It sucks. Well, we'll have to watch for him! I don't wanna miss an opportunity to introduce myself!"
"Hah, whatever you say, Sam."
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
The ride to the school was painful, with harsh whispers flying through the air. All Trent wanted to do was escape this crazy vehicle, to get away from all these kids. The first day of school and he was already an outcast.
The bus lurched to a stop in front of the school, and the doors creaked open. Trent stood, and was almost run over by the sudden torrent of eager students. He choked back tears as he stood perfectly still. The bus driver turned around as the kids were leaving, and said, "It's okay, kid, you'll learn to fit in. They'll realize that you're nothing scary soon enough." Trent nodded, then carefully made his way out of the bus. He turned around and waved at the driver before taking a deep breath and turning towards the school.
He felt panic flooding his system, and all he wanted to do was scream. A familiar face kept the loud noise from escaping however. Vira waltzed over, catching Trent in a hug. "Hey, what's up? How was last year?"
Trent shrugged, staring at the ground. "Mmph," he muttered, smiling a little. Vira was beautiful, more beautiful then anything or anyone he had ever seen. "I'm glad we're in the same school again, Vira. It was crazy without you. And when I..." Trent's voice suddenly failed, and he shook his head. "It wasn't good."
"Oh," Vira bit her lip, then looked at Trent's face. "Hey, your eyeliner looks great though! You've definitely gotten better." She shrugged and gestured to the table she had been sitting at- or, on. "Come on, let's talk before the bell rings. It'll be different here, I swear. You'll be okay."
"That's what they say!" Trent said sun-shining-ly. He settled onto the table next to Vira, staring at the expanse before him. Too many people... what if he hurt one of them?


Flynn stared down at her phone, then back at Kurai. Kurai snorted into his hot chocolate before he choked out, "Well, it's not like you won't be there anyway!"
"Gah, fine." Flynn quickly texted back to Scye. I'll be there when the bell rings, to pick up Vira Andruzzi. You can hitch a ride. She turned her eyes back to Kurai and said with a grin, "So what do you think this year will be like for them all?"
"Whatever the writers plan, I'm going with that," Kurai dabbed his nose with a napkin, squinting at Flynn with beautifully bi-colored eyes. "But if I had to sum it all up in one word, I'm going with eventful."
"Fair 'nough," Flynn nodded, her smile growing even more.
The ride to the school was painful, with harsh whispers flying through the air. All Trent wanted to do was escape this crazy vehicle, to get away from all these kids. The first day of school and he was already an outcast.
The bus lurched to a stop in front of the school, and the doors creaked open. Trent stood, and was almost run over by the sudden torrent of eager students. He choked back tears as he stood perfectly still. The bus driver turned around as the kids were leaving, and said, "It's okay, kid, you'll learn to fit in. They'll realize that you're nothing scary soon enough." Trent nodded, then carefully made his way out of the bus. He turned around and waved at the driver before taking a deep breath and turning towards the school.
He felt panic flooding his system, and all he wanted to do was scream. A familiar face kept the loud noise from escaping however. Vira waltzed over, catching Trent in a hug. "Hey, what's up? How was last year?"
Trent shrugged, staring at the ground. "Mmph," he muttered, smiling a little. Vira was beautiful, more beautiful then anything or anyone he had ever seen. "I'm glad we're in the same school again, Vira. It was crazy without you. And when I..." Trent's voice suddenly failed, and he shook his head. "It wasn't good."
"Oh," Vira bit her lip, then looked at Trent's face. "Hey, your eyeliner looks great though! You've definitely gotten better." She shrugged and gestured to the table she had been sitting at- or, on. "Come on, let's talk before the bell rings. It'll be different here, I swear. You'll be okay."
"That's what they say!" Trent said sun-shining-ly. He settled onto the table next to Vira, staring at the expanse before him. Too many people... what if he hurt one of them?


Flynn stared down at her phone, then back at Kurai. Kurai snorted into his hot chocolate before he choked out, "Well, it's not like you won't be there anyway!"
"Gah, fine." Flynn quickly texted back to Scye. I'll be there when the bell rings, to pick up Vira Andruzzi. You can hitch a ride. She turned her eyes back to Kurai and said with a grin, "So what do you think this year will be like for them all?"
"Whatever the writers plan, I'm going with that," Kurai dabbed his nose with a napkin, squinting at Flynn with beautifully bi-colored eyes. "But if I had to sum it all up in one word, I'm going with eventful."
"Fair 'nough," Flynn nodded, her smile growing even more.
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
>"K. Thanks."

Scye responded to the text with a sigh, stuffing the phone into her pocket and opening the door to the art studio. For a moment, she paused to look into the room. It was a beautiful place, in her opinion. Color and art everywhere. Hands smudged with pencil lead, colored pencils scratched diligently onto paper, and amazing abstract and realistic paintings on the walls. She smiled. Oh, how she missed it.

Sam's head snapped up in an instant as Vira stood, greeting Trent. "Is that him?" The boy asked, leaning toward Mosmik with a whisper. Mosmik had been occupied with nervously looking one way, then the other. "What? Oh, it looks like it. We gonna say hello? Staying in one place... You know how it is for me like-"
"Suicide. I know. You say that at least once a week. Or, you did last year." Snickered Sam, punching his friend playfully on the harm before standing. "Alrighty! Let's go!"
>"K. Thanks."

Scye responded to the text with a sigh, stuffing the phone into her pocket and opening the door to the art studio. For a moment, she paused to look into the room. It was a beautiful place, in her opinion. Color and art everywhere. Hands smudged with pencil lead, colored pencils scratched diligently onto paper, and amazing abstract and realistic paintings on the walls. She smiled. Oh, how she missed it.

Sam's head snapped up in an instant as Vira stood, greeting Trent. "Is that him?" The boy asked, leaning toward Mosmik with a whisper. Mosmik had been occupied with nervously looking one way, then the other. "What? Oh, it looks like it. We gonna say hello? Staying in one place... You know how it is for me like-"
"Suicide. I know. You say that at least once a week. Or, you did last year." Snickered Sam, punching his friend playfully on the harm before standing. "Alrighty! Let's go!"
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
Vira and Trent talked for what seemed like seconds before the bell rang. Trent took a deep breath before shining a smile Vira's way. "I must bid you farewell, my lady, the vices of high school call me!"
Vira laughed, waving gently. She hurried to grab her backpack and meandered into the school building. First days were always slow.
She entered her home room, settling onto a desk that was closer to the front. Her eyes scanned the room, noting the bleak motivational quotes. She was sure that all the students would be sick of it by the end of the semester. Holidays home were always nice.

Trent took another deep breath as he pushed open the door to his first period class. He bit his lip and moved to the back, setting his stuff on the desk in the far corner. He flipped up his hood, mindful not to mess up his beanie or eye liner. Surely this couldn't be so bad, right? The revelation over the summer was bad enough, but everyone would get over it, right...
He sighed again, watching as people shuffled in. Some of them looked asleep, and others looked simply alive. He groaned as he noticed people beginning to look his way and whispering. He swore he could hear their words, like 'failure' 'mistake'... too many other degrading names. The bell rang again, and the teacher walked into the room, closing the door.
"Good morning, class," She trilled. Her eyes were shining brightly as she scanned her new students. Such a wonderful group of learners!
Trent groaned again, trying not to slam his head into his desk. Of all the teachers, he had to have one that was made for preschoolers?
Vira and Trent talked for what seemed like seconds before the bell rang. Trent took a deep breath before shining a smile Vira's way. "I must bid you farewell, my lady, the vices of high school call me!"
Vira laughed, waving gently. She hurried to grab her backpack and meandered into the school building. First days were always slow.
She entered her home room, settling onto a desk that was closer to the front. Her eyes scanned the room, noting the bleak motivational quotes. She was sure that all the students would be sick of it by the end of the semester. Holidays home were always nice.

Trent took another deep breath as he pushed open the door to his first period class. He bit his lip and moved to the back, setting his stuff on the desk in the far corner. He flipped up his hood, mindful not to mess up his beanie or eye liner. Surely this couldn't be so bad, right? The revelation over the summer was bad enough, but everyone would get over it, right...
He sighed again, watching as people shuffled in. Some of them looked asleep, and others looked simply alive. He groaned as he noticed people beginning to look his way and whispering. He swore he could hear their words, like 'failure' 'mistake'... too many other degrading names. The bell rang again, and the teacher walked into the room, closing the door.
"Good morning, class," She trilled. Her eyes were shining brightly as she scanned her new students. Such a wonderful group of learners!
Trent groaned again, trying not to slam his head into his desk. Of all the teachers, he had to have one that was made for preschoolers?
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
Vira and Trent talked for what seemed like seconds before the bell rang. Trent took a deep breath before shining a smile Vira's way. "I must bid you farewell, my lady, the vices of high school call me!"
Vira laughed, waving gently. She hurried to grab her backpack and meandered into the school building. First days were always slow.
She entered her home room, settling onto a desk that was closer to the front. Her eyes scanned the room, noting the bleak motivational quotes. She was sure that all the students would be sick of it by the end of the semester. Holidays home were always nice.

Trent took another deep breath as he pushed open the door to his first period class. He bit his lip and moved to the back, setting his stuff on the desk in the far corner. He flipped up his hood, mindful not to mess up his beanie or eye liner. Surely this couldn't be so bad, right? The revelation over the summer was bad enough, but everyone would get over it, right...
He sighed again, watching as people shuffled in. Some of them looked asleep, and others looked simply alive. He groaned as he noticed people beginning to look his way and whispering. He swore he could hear their words, like 'failure' 'mistake'... too many other degrading names. The bell rang again, and the teacher walked into the room, closing the door.
"Good morning, class," She trilled. Her eyes were shining brightly as she scanned her new students. Such a wonderful group of learners!
Trent groaned again, trying not to slam his head into his desk. Of all the teachers, he had to have one that was made for preschoolers?
Vira and Trent talked for what seemed like seconds before the bell rang. Trent took a deep breath before shining a smile Vira's way. "I must bid you farewell, my lady, the vices of high school call me!"
Vira laughed, waving gently. She hurried to grab her backpack and meandered into the school building. First days were always slow.
She entered her home room, settling onto a desk that was closer to the front. Her eyes scanned the room, noting the bleak motivational quotes. She was sure that all the students would be sick of it by the end of the semester. Holidays home were always nice.

Trent took another deep breath as he pushed open the door to his first period class. He bit his lip and moved to the back, setting his stuff on the desk in the far corner. He flipped up his hood, mindful not to mess up his beanie or eye liner. Surely this couldn't be so bad, right? The revelation over the summer was bad enough, but everyone would get over it, right...
He sighed again, watching as people shuffled in. Some of them looked asleep, and others looked simply alive. He groaned as he noticed people beginning to look his way and whispering. He swore he could hear their words, like 'failure' 'mistake'... too many other degrading names. The bell rang again, and the teacher walked into the room, closing the door.
"Good morning, class," She trilled. Her eyes were shining brightly as she scanned her new students. Such a wonderful group of learners!
Trent groaned again, trying not to slam his head into his desk. Of all the teachers, he had to have one that was made for preschoolers?
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.