

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | PRPG w/ DragonSeeker


"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
*furious screeching*))

After classes, and throughout the morning, Mosmik and Sam spoke to one another, 'plotting' on how to get the new kid to join them at lunch. By the time they figured it out, said meal was being served. They strolled in, got their food, and sat down at an empty table, waiting. They watched as Scye entered, grabbed her food, and sat at the opposite end of the cafeteria. Still, Mosmik kept his eyes peeled for the girls that stalked him, and Sam was too absorbed in watching everyone to notice anything else.
*furious screeching*))

After classes, and throughout the morning, Mosmik and Sam spoke to one another, 'plotting' on how to get the new kid to join them at lunch. By the time they figured it out, said meal was being served. They strolled in, got their food, and sat down at an empty table, waiting. They watched as Scye entered, grabbed her food, and sat at the opposite end of the cafeteria. Still, Mosmik kept his eyes peeled for the girls that stalked him, and Sam was too absorbed in watching everyone to notice anything else.
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
Trent stood silently outside of the cafeteria. His stomach did somersaults as he waited for Vira. He felt panic rising in his mind, and he tried desperately to calm himself down. The last time he really panicked... Memories of the chaos he caused filled his mind, and he was rescued only by the gentle touch of a scene angel.
Vira Andruzzi leaned forward, squinting at Trent. "What's going on?" She asked, shaking her head. "You're so weird, Trent. Are you okay?"
Trent smiled and nodded. "Now that you're here!" He grabbed the door and held it open for Vira. The very sight of her made every thought in his mind vanish. She was perfect.
They retrieved their food and sat at the table next to Mosmik and Sam, with Trent's back to the two boys. The tables seated six students each, and were rather spacious. There was about fifty tables, but there were at least three to four different lunch periods. This was the latest.
A young woman strode over to their table, setting her tray next to Vira's and sitting down. She silently began eating, not even batting an eye when Trent muttered to Vira, "Who is this?"
Vira laughed, shaking her head. "This is Faerglaz. She's pretty cool, but quiet. I'm sure she'll warm up to you." Faerglaz raised an eyebrow, the faintest smile passing over her lips. She shook her head and turned back to look at Trent. She nodded her head before beginning to eat again.
"Faerglaz..." Trent muttered. He nodded. Seemed simple enough. He began to eat, surprised at the stellar quality of the food.
Trent stood silently outside of the cafeteria. His stomach did somersaults as he waited for Vira. He felt panic rising in his mind, and he tried desperately to calm himself down. The last time he really panicked... Memories of the chaos he caused filled his mind, and he was rescued only by the gentle touch of a scene angel.
Vira Andruzzi leaned forward, squinting at Trent. "What's going on?" She asked, shaking her head. "You're so weird, Trent. Are you okay?"
Trent smiled and nodded. "Now that you're here!" He grabbed the door and held it open for Vira. The very sight of her made every thought in his mind vanish. She was perfect.
They retrieved their food and sat at the table next to Mosmik and Sam, with Trent's back to the two boys. The tables seated six students each, and were rather spacious. There was about fifty tables, but there were at least three to four different lunch periods. This was the latest.
A young woman strode over to their table, setting her tray next to Vira's and sitting down. She silently began eating, not even batting an eye when Trent muttered to Vira, "Who is this?"
Vira laughed, shaking her head. "This is Faerglaz. She's pretty cool, but quiet. I'm sure she'll warm up to you." Faerglaz raised an eyebrow, the faintest smile passing over her lips. She shook her head and turned back to look at Trent. She nodded her head before beginning to eat again.
"Faerglaz..." Trent muttered. He nodded. Seemed simple enough. He began to eat, surprised at the stellar quality of the food.
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
Mosmik smiled a little after giving himself an all-clear. He elbowed Sam and nodded toward Trent. After a moment, he grinned a little and blinked. "Wanna start a revolution?" He chuckled. Sam, knowing what his friend was up to, nodded eagerly. "Let's give him a welcome he'll never forget!"

Mosmik and Sam stood, together, and whistled a short, quick tune. A few of their bandmates, hearing the signal, also stood, elongating the song. Mosmik climbed onto one of the tables, looking around the room once and nodding. "This," He began, gaining the group's attention. "Is a welcome to the newest member of our school, Trenton! Now, if my bandmates would be so kind as to join me over here..." He trailed off as the small group of boys headed forward, finishing the sentence. "We'll play a little song!"
Mosmik smiled a little after giving himself an all-clear. He elbowed Sam and nodded toward Trent. After a moment, he grinned a little and blinked. "Wanna start a revolution?" He chuckled. Sam, knowing what his friend was up to, nodded eagerly. "Let's give him a welcome he'll never forget!"

Mosmik and Sam stood, together, and whistled a short, quick tune. A few of their bandmates, hearing the signal, also stood, elongating the song. Mosmik climbed onto one of the tables, looking around the room once and nodding. "This," He began, gaining the group's attention. "Is a welcome to the newest member of our school, Trenton! Now, if my bandmates would be so kind as to join me over here..." He trailed off as the small group of boys headed forward, finishing the sentence. "We'll play a little song!"
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
Vira grinned, nodding and clapping her hands to the tune. She watched Trent with gleaming eyes. She wanted to sing, too, but knew that would be a bad idea. No one liked her singing.
Trent held his breath, turning around to watch the two boys. He had no idea that there was a band... wow, and all in the same lunch period!
His hands were shaky as he took a bite of his food, and he could feel beads of sweet trickling down the sides of his face. Or maybe he was exaggerating. Maybe.
Faerglaz squinted, raising an eyebrow at the two boys. She shook her head before pulling up her phone and turning her attention to that.
Apparently everyone in the school knew this song, because everyone was singing along. Vira hummed, but bit her lips. Everyone got mad whenever she tried to sing, and she hadn't sung in years. Not even to the One. She figured even He got tired of her hypnotic voice.
Trent tried to enjoy himself, but the attention made him feel like everyone was watching him, which was terrifying. What if they were? Were they judging him? He didn't have the types of families that they had, in fact... no. He was a mistake that was supposed to fail. But here he was, right? Being... celebrated? He shuddered, but continued to enjoy the music as best he could.
Vira grinned, nodding and clapping her hands to the tune. She watched Trent with gleaming eyes. She wanted to sing, too, but knew that would be a bad idea. No one liked her singing.
Trent held his breath, turning around to watch the two boys. He had no idea that there was a band... wow, and all in the same lunch period!
His hands were shaky as he took a bite of his food, and he could feel beads of sweet trickling down the sides of his face. Or maybe he was exaggerating. Maybe.
Faerglaz squinted, raising an eyebrow at the two boys. She shook her head before pulling up her phone and turning her attention to that.
Apparently everyone in the school knew this song, because everyone was singing along. Vira hummed, but bit her lips. Everyone got mad whenever she tried to sing, and she hadn't sung in years. Not even to the One. She figured even He got tired of her hypnotic voice.
Trent tried to enjoy himself, but the attention made him feel like everyone was watching him, which was terrifying. What if they were? Were they judging him? He didn't have the types of families that they had, in fact... no. He was a mistake that was supposed to fail. But here he was, right? Being... celebrated? He shuddered, but continued to enjoy the music as best he could.
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
Mosmik grinned, stepping down to the table and offering a hand to Trent. He chuckled a little, wiggling his fingers. "Sorry about this. Sam wanted to welcome you, and it's basically common protocol." He explained a little sheepishly. "Would you like to join us? I don't blame you if you don't wanna, heh...."

Scye frowned just slightly, although she did like the song, it got old really quick. She smiled a little as she caught sight of Vira. Everyone else hated her singing, but it was so pretty! She stood, crossing the room. "Vira!" She called, slipping into a seat next to her. "Uh... Hi. Why aren't you singing with everyone else?"
Mosmik grinned, stepping down to the table and offering a hand to Trent. He chuckled a little, wiggling his fingers. "Sorry about this. Sam wanted to welcome you, and it's basically common protocol." He explained a little sheepishly. "Would you like to join us? I don't blame you if you don't wanna, heh...."

Scye frowned just slightly, although she did like the song, it got old really quick. She smiled a little as she caught sight of Vira. Everyone else hated her singing, but it was so pretty! She stood, crossing the room. "Vira!" She called, slipping into a seat next to her. "Uh... Hi. Why aren't you singing with everyone else?"
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
Trent smiled uneasily. He glanced around before saying, "I'm sorry... I-I'm afraid I might break something..." He was a skinny kid, but he had learned over the summer that his body was like diamonds. It was strange to explain. "This is pretty cool, though! I mean, it's loud, but... um..." His voice weakly trailed to a whisper. "I'm good."

Vira smiled beautifully at Scye, shaking her head. "Don't you know? I'm descended from the sirens that would strand space ships. Her scales glitter beneath her eyes as she whispered, "Everyone thinks that I have their enchanting voice. I try not to sing, that way everyone is happy. So far as I know, I can't enchant anyone. But I'd prefer to keep everyone happy."
Faerglaz looked up, smiling at Scye for a moment. (btw, since Scye is a guardian, she can see Faerglaz's wings. But I think she would also know that it was something to keep quiet about? ehhh your choice.) She looked around before saying softly, "If you enjoy to sing, Vira, is it not a calling to do so?"
Trent smiled uneasily. He glanced around before saying, "I'm sorry... I-I'm afraid I might break something..." He was a skinny kid, but he had learned over the summer that his body was like diamonds. It was strange to explain. "This is pretty cool, though! I mean, it's loud, but... um..." His voice weakly trailed to a whisper. "I'm good."

Vira smiled beautifully at Scye, shaking her head. "Don't you know? I'm descended from the sirens that would strand space ships. Her scales glitter beneath her eyes as she whispered, "Everyone thinks that I have their enchanting voice. I try not to sing, that way everyone is happy. So far as I know, I can't enchant anyone. But I'd prefer to keep everyone happy."
Faerglaz looked up, smiling at Scye for a moment. (btw, since Scye is a guardian, she can see Faerglaz's wings. But I think she would also know that it was something to keep quiet about? ehhh your choice.) She looked around before saying softly, "If you enjoy to sing, Vira, is it not a calling to do so?"
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
Mosmik grinned and nodded. "That's fine. I can relate. Do you play an instrument?" He asked, rather suddenly. "Just curious." He added hastily, sitting down next to Trent.

Scye grinned back at Faerglaz, then sighed. "You know, I think your voice is amazing! It's so pretty!" She muttered, making a face. "I wish I had a voice like yours."
Mosmik grinned and nodded. "That's fine. I can relate. Do you play an instrument?" He asked, rather suddenly. "Just curious." He added hastily, sitting down next to Trent.

Scye grinned back at Faerglaz, then sighed. "You know, I think your voice is amazing! It's so pretty!" She muttered, making a face. "I wish I had a voice like yours."
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
Trent shrugged, a smile brightening his face. "Uhh, well, I have a few synths at home. Mostly I just mix music. I don't normally actually play an instrument." He wiggled his shoulders. "What about you? Do you just sing?" Trent took a drink from his cup, glancing over at Faerglaz. She hadn't said a word, and had barely even blinked this whole time. Did anything faze her?

Vira laughed, shaking her head. "No, Scye. You wouldn't want my voice. Everyone hates it. Besides, your voice is pretty just the way it is." Vira shrugged, rubbing the scales underneath her eyes. "Besides, a voice like this comes with a few extras." She giggled and shook her head even harder. "But whatever you say! Oh, Flynn texted me and said that you'd be coming home with us. Don't you have a ride? Not to be rude, that is, I'm just curious."
Trent shrugged, a smile brightening his face. "Uhh, well, I have a few synths at home. Mostly I just mix music. I don't normally actually play an instrument." He wiggled his shoulders. "What about you? Do you just sing?" Trent took a drink from his cup, glancing over at Faerglaz. She hadn't said a word, and had barely even blinked this whole time. Did anything faze her?

Vira laughed, shaking her head. "No, Scye. You wouldn't want my voice. Everyone hates it. Besides, your voice is pretty just the way it is." Vira shrugged, rubbing the scales underneath her eyes. "Besides, a voice like this comes with a few extras." She giggled and shook her head even harder. "But whatever you say! Oh, Flynn texted me and said that you'd be coming home with us. Don't you have a ride? Not to be rude, that is, I'm just curious."
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
"I'm mostly vocals, yeah, but I play guitar when the song calls for it... It's acoustic, though. I leave the electric to Silas over there." Mosmik gestured to one of the other boys in the cafeteria. The song ended after a while, and people returned to their seats. Mosmik grinned. "So, Sam wanted to give you a welcome to the school," He pointed to Sam, who glanced around before joining them. "He plays drums."

Scye laughed a little. "Not everyone. And, yeah, I usually take the bus home, but... I can't stand the attention I get, and it's so loud." She muttered in a joking tone, exaggerating an eye roll. "So I asked if Flynn could take me home today."
"I'm mostly vocals, yeah, but I play guitar when the song calls for it... It's acoustic, though. I leave the electric to Silas over there." Mosmik gestured to one of the other boys in the cafeteria. The song ended after a while, and people returned to their seats. Mosmik grinned. "So, Sam wanted to give you a welcome to the school," He pointed to Sam, who glanced around before joining them. "He plays drums."

Scye laughed a little. "Not everyone. And, yeah, I usually take the bus home, but... I can't stand the attention I get, and it's so loud." She muttered in a joking tone, exaggerating an eye roll. "So I asked if Flynn could take me home today."
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"