

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 Eaglerider
1 2 ... 37 38 39 40 41 ... 45 46
(dang, are they gonna find something awesome in the castle or something horrific?)

"Still here..." As they had been walking Xandria had been running her hand along the wall to give herself some sort of orientation as to where they were walking. She paused for a moment feeling a table along the wall. "Oh, wait.." She squinted her eyes and lifted up a candlestick. "I think I found a candelabra.. If you light it we'll be able to see."

When the light was lit she glanced up at the paintings along the wall. "I don't think their eyes follow us.. Heavens I hope not.. That would be too creepy."
(dang, are they gonna find something awesome in the castle or something horrific?)

"Still here..." As they had been walking Xandria had been running her hand along the wall to give herself some sort of orientation as to where they were walking. She paused for a moment feeling a table along the wall. "Oh, wait.." She squinted her eyes and lifted up a candlestick. "I think I found a candelabra.. If you light it we'll be able to see."

When the light was lit she glanced up at the paintings along the wall. "I don't think their eyes follow us.. Heavens I hope not.. That would be too creepy."
(I was thinking maybe one of them gets possessed by a spirit or Xandria somehow makes Julia like her in some way to make her more sister like :)

"Good I thought maybe you left me here alone..." She says with a nervous laugh. "I'm coming." She walks over and lights it illuminating the castle.. partly. They see a well done interior that looked authentic. And as they continue find that it leads to the ballroom. "Ok... a ballroom." She says. "Shall we dance? She laughs.

"Paintings... uh. Let's not find out ok?" She says nervously seeing the faces look at the from the wall. "It's a fair but so creepy..."
(I was thinking maybe one of them gets possessed by a spirit or Xandria somehow makes Julia like her in some way to make her more sister like :)

"Good I thought maybe you left me here alone..." She says with a nervous laugh. "I'm coming." She walks over and lights it illuminating the castle.. partly. They see a well done interior that looked authentic. And as they continue find that it leads to the ballroom. "Ok... a ballroom." She says. "Shall we dance? She laughs.

"Paintings... uh. Let's not find out ok?" She says nervously seeing the faces look at the from the wall. "It's a fair but so creepy..."
( oh heck.. a spirit? Might as well throw in another nonhuman XD I can totally see it being Julia but it being like a spirit from medieval times. Maybe the two can think that they got rid of it but it just sort of slumbers in her for a bit? Maybe until they get back to the house? I think it would be funny to have them get separated from eachother... Maybe that could be when the spirit shows up?

That could totally work with the whole getting them to like each other. Maybe the ghost could sort of know that something was up and what Xandria and Richard aren't exactly human? )
( oh heck.. a spirit? Might as well throw in another nonhuman XD I can totally see it being Julia but it being like a spirit from medieval times. Maybe the two can think that they got rid of it but it just sort of slumbers in her for a bit? Maybe until they get back to the house? I think it would be funny to have them get separated from eachother... Maybe that could be when the spirit shows up?

That could totally work with the whole getting them to like each other. Maybe the ghost could sort of know that something was up and what Xandria and Richard aren't exactly human? )
(That sounds like a plan :) and exactly a medieval woman possesses her or something? And yeah lime Julia thinks it is a joke? Maybe? Will you control the spirit? Because I like this idea :)
(That sounds like a plan :) and exactly a medieval woman possesses her or something? And yeah lime Julia thinks it is a joke? Maybe? Will you control the spirit? Because I like this idea :)
(Yeah, I can certainly try my best to do that ^^ )

When the candles were finally lit it took a lot of blinking for Xandria to be able to see again. The interior of the castle was realistic. So realistic in fact that it made her feel a little ill. She pushed that feeling down, deep down inside of her and tried to ignore it. "A ballroom?" She looked over Julia's shoulder and sure enough there was a ballroom. "Weird.." At the mention of dancing she laughed, "Trust me, you'll find that I have two left feet. Not really the best for dancing." Truthfully Xandria just wasn't a dancer. Fighting was almost a dance so she could move gracefully but she had never actually danced. There simply hadn't been time.

"There's a door on the other side of the ballroom, up the stairs." It was faint but when she moved further into the ballroom it grew more into view. "Shall we go and check it out?" She turned her head and grinned at Julia, candlelight reflecting off her eyes.
(Yeah, I can certainly try my best to do that ^^ )

When the candles were finally lit it took a lot of blinking for Xandria to be able to see again. The interior of the castle was realistic. So realistic in fact that it made her feel a little ill. She pushed that feeling down, deep down inside of her and tried to ignore it. "A ballroom?" She looked over Julia's shoulder and sure enough there was a ballroom. "Weird.." At the mention of dancing she laughed, "Trust me, you'll find that I have two left feet. Not really the best for dancing." Truthfully Xandria just wasn't a dancer. Fighting was almost a dance so she could move gracefully but she had never actually danced. There simply hadn't been time.

"There's a door on the other side of the ballroom, up the stairs." It was faint but when she moved further into the ballroom it grew more into view. "Shall we go and check it out?" She turned her head and grinned at Julia, candlelight reflecting off her eyes.
(Thought I'd ask. I didn't want to overwhelm you with too many of my characters or anything :)

"It is weird. Very real too..." She laughs at Xandria's response. "You should see Richard and I then. I have two left feet and he can't. Least he doesn't usually." She says smiling as she let's her eyes adjust. Julia looked around a moment in the ballroom. Then looks back to Xandria. "Why does this feel more creepy?" She asks. She knew it was a fair, but still the moon lighting what wasn't illuminated by candles made more eerie for her. "You dont exactly have the dancing feeling... least from what I can tell."

Julia follows her. "Couldn't hurt right? This is the only time we can actually explore this place without mobs of people inside." She smiles at Xandria her own eyes illuminated by the candle. "Richard would be climbing to the armory if I know him well enough." She chuckles.

(I had the ghost idea because of Halloween approaching lol :)
(Thought I'd ask. I didn't want to overwhelm you with too many of my characters or anything :)

"It is weird. Very real too..." She laughs at Xandria's response. "You should see Richard and I then. I have two left feet and he can't. Least he doesn't usually." She says smiling as she let's her eyes adjust. Julia looked around a moment in the ballroom. Then looks back to Xandria. "Why does this feel more creepy?" She asks. She knew it was a fair, but still the moon lighting what wasn't illuminated by candles made more eerie for her. "You dont exactly have the dancing feeling... least from what I can tell."

Julia follows her. "Couldn't hurt right? This is the only time we can actually explore this place without mobs of people inside." She smiles at Xandria her own eyes illuminated by the candle. "Richard would be climbing to the armory if I know him well enough." She chuckles.

(I had the ghost idea because of Halloween approaching lol :)
(Hey, thanks for offering to allow me to rent a nest! I actually went through the nesting network when I couldn't get any bites on my post in the for-sale thread! XD I'm trying to breed that Halloween pair of mine and see if I can get the colors that I want. Genes definitely not but here's hoping for the colors! ^^

Trust me, I have no problem playing multiple characters and since you've been playing like 6+ it's finally my turn to take a crack at it ^^ The ghost idea is great and I actually forgot about Halloween until I was like 'heck, I need to breed that pair of mine' XD)

"For some reason I'm not surprised that your brother can't dance.." She chuckles at the thought. Looking around the room once again Xandria certainly agreed that it was still creepy though something felt a little off. "Might have something to do with the way the moon is making giant shadows across the floor from those armored statues." She nodded towards the statues along the wall. It almost looked like they had been set up to guard the ballroom not that there was anything here that really needed protecting. It was certainly adding to the creepiness factor though. "Or maybe it's because we're not supposed to be here?" There was also the added risk of them being caught at any moment. If someone were to notice Julia's car sitting near the locked fence it probably wouldn't be too hard to figure out that someone had decided to sneak in.

She lifted the candelabra higher into the air when the two finally reached the door. "Should you do the honors or shall I?"
(Hey, thanks for offering to allow me to rent a nest! I actually went through the nesting network when I couldn't get any bites on my post in the for-sale thread! XD I'm trying to breed that Halloween pair of mine and see if I can get the colors that I want. Genes definitely not but here's hoping for the colors! ^^

Trust me, I have no problem playing multiple characters and since you've been playing like 6+ it's finally my turn to take a crack at it ^^ The ghost idea is great and I actually forgot about Halloween until I was like 'heck, I need to breed that pair of mine' XD)

"For some reason I'm not surprised that your brother can't dance.." She chuckles at the thought. Looking around the room once again Xandria certainly agreed that it was still creepy though something felt a little off. "Might have something to do with the way the moon is making giant shadows across the floor from those armored statues." She nodded towards the statues along the wall. It almost looked like they had been set up to guard the ballroom not that there was anything here that really needed protecting. It was certainly adding to the creepiness factor though. "Or maybe it's because we're not supposed to be here?" There was also the added risk of them being caught at any moment. If someone were to notice Julia's car sitting near the locked fence it probably wouldn't be too hard to figure out that someone had decided to sneak in.

She lifted the candelabra higher into the air when the two finally reached the door. "Should you do the honors or shall I?"
(Actually, would you be able to take the two dragons and nest them for me? I would feel better sending them to a user I actually know! Take your time clearing out the space. If they would be able to hatch on Halloween that'd be awesome so I think I wouldn't need a nest until Thursday? It takes 6 days right? If not, I understand!)
(Actually, would you be able to take the two dragons and nest them for me? I would feel better sending them to a user I actually know! Take your time clearing out the space. If they would be able to hatch on Halloween that'd be awesome so I think I wouldn't need a nest until Thursday? It takes 6 days right? If not, I understand!)
(Thought I'd offer :) hopefully you get the colors :) then you can do the genetics later :) you forgot Halloween?! Lol hope you get the colors :) and don't worry about characters :) I just thought it would make the rp more "alive" :)

"Well you shouldn't be surprised. He never dances or anything. Though he isn't exactly boring." She says. "True... those statues aren't exactly helping. As for not being here. The staff and security don't really mind I imagine seeing as the security officers never come by at night. I don't know why though." She says. "I'm not going to lie but this is far creepier at night than at the day light hours..." She says looking around the ballroom before going to Xandria. Julia was definitely creeped out. Though she wanted to explore the rest.

"I can if you want." She says slowly opening the door. "What do you think this leads to?" Julia asks as she walks through the door. She looks around at the hallway she was walking through nervously. Expecting something to jump out or Xandria to scare her. Julia hoped that by exploring they would have a good idea for the fair as she sees that this hallway had windows illuminating the hall as she slowly ventures forward, she keeps going bringing her denim jacket close she had a chill from the atmosphere. Something felt off as she carefully walks down the hall. She gets far from Xandria by mistake and walks into a moonlit room.
(Thought I'd offer :) hopefully you get the colors :) then you can do the genetics later :) you forgot Halloween?! Lol hope you get the colors :) and don't worry about characters :) I just thought it would make the rp more "alive" :)

"Well you shouldn't be surprised. He never dances or anything. Though he isn't exactly boring." She says. "True... those statues aren't exactly helping. As for not being here. The staff and security don't really mind I imagine seeing as the security officers never come by at night. I don't know why though." She says. "I'm not going to lie but this is far creepier at night than at the day light hours..." She says looking around the ballroom before going to Xandria. Julia was definitely creeped out. Though she wanted to explore the rest.

"I can if you want." She says slowly opening the door. "What do you think this leads to?" Julia asks as she walks through the door. She looks around at the hallway she was walking through nervously. Expecting something to jump out or Xandria to scare her. Julia hoped that by exploring they would have a good idea for the fair as she sees that this hallway had windows illuminating the hall as she slowly ventures forward, she keeps going bringing her denim jacket close she had a chill from the atmosphere. Something felt off as she carefully walks down the hall. She gets far from Xandria by mistake and walks into a moonlit room.
(I can nest them :) you may need to hold some of my dragons though... I'm still getting gold for space. )
(I can nest them :) you may need to hold some of my dragons though... I'm still getting gold for space. )
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