

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Set Sail (1x1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 31 32
Watching him slide his hand from mine I got a slight feeling of disappointment. Telling myself it was only cause I didn't want to get separated from him, nothing more. I slowly reach out and slide my hand back into his. Keeping my face covered of course so that I couldn't see him, and he couldn't see me.

Absentmindedly I feel the calluses on his hand. As expected of a hard working man like him his hands were rough, not smooth. Slowly standing a little closer I can't help but notice he has such broad shoulders.

I wait, staying light on my feet. Assessing her, she uses many different strategies, but usually, I can predict which one she will use. This ability comes from knowing her for a long time, studying her, and the slight stalking I did when she first got here. (she doesn't need to know that part). I know she wants me to make the first move, but that would make it easier on her.

I had to lean to the side to see around Jakobs tall figure. "hey Liam." I smile. He sent me a warm fatherly smile then looked to Jakob.
"i see you are attempting to steal her away again" he comments and I chuckle. He never actually minded, in all honesty he tries his very best to get my out of the shop to his best abilities when he can, though the only person who has ever succesfully done so is Jakob. Giving him a knowing wink that I shall never understand he says "you are done for the night LuLu"
I nodded and take my gloves off and let my red hair fall down my back.
Watching him slide his hand from mine I got a slight feeling of disappointment. Telling myself it was only cause I didn't want to get separated from him, nothing more. I slowly reach out and slide my hand back into his. Keeping my face covered of course so that I couldn't see him, and he couldn't see me.

Absentmindedly I feel the calluses on his hand. As expected of a hard working man like him his hands were rough, not smooth. Slowly standing a little closer I can't help but notice he has such broad shoulders.

I wait, staying light on my feet. Assessing her, she uses many different strategies, but usually, I can predict which one she will use. This ability comes from knowing her for a long time, studying her, and the slight stalking I did when she first got here. (she doesn't need to know that part). I know she wants me to make the first move, but that would make it easier on her.

I had to lean to the side to see around Jakobs tall figure. "hey Liam." I smile. He sent me a warm fatherly smile then looked to Jakob.
"i see you are attempting to steal her away again" he comments and I chuckle. He never actually minded, in all honesty he tries his very best to get my out of the shop to his best abilities when he can, though the only person who has ever succesfully done so is Jakob. Giving him a knowing wink that I shall never understand he says "you are done for the night LuLu"
I nodded and take my gloves off and let my red hair fall down my back.
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
Watching him slide his hand from mine I got a slight feeling of disappointment. Telling myself it was only cause I didn't want to get separated from him, nothing more. I slowly reach out and slide my hand back into his. Keeping my face covered of course so that I couldn't see him, and he couldn't see me.

Absentmindedly I feel the calluses on his hand. As expected of a hard working man like him his hands were rough, not smooth. Slowly standing a little closer I can't help but notice he has such broad shoulders.

Instead of staring at Jupiter like some sort of creep (which was totally not what he usually did when he accompanied her into port) he made a point to look at all of the storefronts. Most of the shops along their way were selling dresses or other pieces of apparel, jewelry, books, and other things nobility tended to enjoy. Though he knew little about the capital of Liria, he did know that many of the city's citizens enjoyed privileged lives. There would always be those without as much money as everyone else but even those without the necessities didn't seem to be living completely miserable lives. It was kind of nice to be able to see that not everyone was terrible everywhere. Focusing once more on the shops he saw one promoting psychic readings, which peaked his interest. It was always fun to see what sort of things those hags had to make up. Magic wasn't real and so they would just have to make stuff up. Might have to visit later if-

She was holding his hand. The realization hit August so hard that he stumbled slightly. Glancing down at their intertwined hands to make sure that he wasn't imagining it, his blue eyes widened to find that Jupiter had in fact reached for his hand and it wasn't to steady herself from falling. His brain seemed to short circuit for a moment. Shaking his head slightly to distill the thoughts, he realized that there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for it: she didn't want him getting lost in the crowd and have to go looking for him. He sometimes had a tendency to get distracted when they were in crowds and cities such as this one and August doubted that she wanted to waste time trying to find him if she lost track of him. His heart sunk slightly at the thought. Well, he can at least appreciate the situation while it lasted. Her hands were soft in comparison to his roughly calloused ones and he hoped that she didn't find it gross or anything.

When it was obvious that Maxton wasn't going to attack first, the knight prepared to take charge of the match. Though it wasn't always the situation, the person who attacked first would often end up taking the upper hand in the battle in the end. At least, in experiences when sparring with others. It was difficult to tell who would win when she and the prince sparred. Rolling onto the balls of her feet enough to stabilize her balance, she gripped the sword tightly and waited a few more seconds before launching her attack. She raced forward a few steps and swung the wooden practice sword at his head, knowing that he would immediately swing his sword upwards to block it. Instead of continuing with the movement, Natalee quickly changed the path of the blade to be flying towards his waist. If she'd timed it correctly he'd be too busy defending his head to get to his waist in time.

She didn't admit it to many people, but she loved his time with Maxton. It was strange for a knight to get close to a member of the royal family, but having a high ranking female getting to know the crown prince on a personal level? It was unheard of. Her time with Maxton was never as long as she'd like it to be but she wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything else in the world. These moments were too precious to her. A light smile graced her features at this thought, though her concentration didn't slip even as her thoughts shifted slightly.

Jakob smiled and let out a chuckle. "It does seem that way, sir." Seeing as how his sword was finished he decided that he would go ahead and tie it to the belt at his waist. The weight was heavier than he'd expected but not uncomfortable. It'd been too long since he'd had a good sword at his side and he was glad to know that this one had been made by the of his best friends. Once he'd tied the weapon to his side he folded his arms, waiting for Luna to be ready to go. Glancing at Liam, Jakob saw the wink and couldn't help the grin that spread across his features. As nervous as the man sometimes made him, he was glad to know that Luna's father did, in fact, have a sense of humor and used it just as often as his blacksmith tools.

As Luna's red hair cascaded down her shoulders Jakob couldn't help but think that she would look absolutely stunning in a ballgown at some extravagant party thrown by a nobleman. It was doubtful that she would feel comfortable but he knew that she would fit right in. Realizing that he was staring, the young man shook his head and thoughts away and smiled at Luna. "Ready to go get your candy?"

(( "and the slight stalking I did when she first got here. (she doesn't need to know that part)" I nearly laughed out loud and the only reason I didn't is that my sister's asleep in the next room XD ))
Watching him slide his hand from mine I got a slight feeling of disappointment. Telling myself it was only cause I didn't want to get separated from him, nothing more. I slowly reach out and slide my hand back into his. Keeping my face covered of course so that I couldn't see him, and he couldn't see me.

Absentmindedly I feel the calluses on his hand. As expected of a hard working man like him his hands were rough, not smooth. Slowly standing a little closer I can't help but notice he has such broad shoulders.

Instead of staring at Jupiter like some sort of creep (which was totally not what he usually did when he accompanied her into port) he made a point to look at all of the storefronts. Most of the shops along their way were selling dresses or other pieces of apparel, jewelry, books, and other things nobility tended to enjoy. Though he knew little about the capital of Liria, he did know that many of the city's citizens enjoyed privileged lives. There would always be those without as much money as everyone else but even those without the necessities didn't seem to be living completely miserable lives. It was kind of nice to be able to see that not everyone was terrible everywhere. Focusing once more on the shops he saw one promoting psychic readings, which peaked his interest. It was always fun to see what sort of things those hags had to make up. Magic wasn't real and so they would just have to make stuff up. Might have to visit later if-

She was holding his hand. The realization hit August so hard that he stumbled slightly. Glancing down at their intertwined hands to make sure that he wasn't imagining it, his blue eyes widened to find that Jupiter had in fact reached for his hand and it wasn't to steady herself from falling. His brain seemed to short circuit for a moment. Shaking his head slightly to distill the thoughts, he realized that there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for it: she didn't want him getting lost in the crowd and have to go looking for him. He sometimes had a tendency to get distracted when they were in crowds and cities such as this one and August doubted that she wanted to waste time trying to find him if she lost track of him. His heart sunk slightly at the thought. Well, he can at least appreciate the situation while it lasted. Her hands were soft in comparison to his roughly calloused ones and he hoped that she didn't find it gross or anything.

When it was obvious that Maxton wasn't going to attack first, the knight prepared to take charge of the match. Though it wasn't always the situation, the person who attacked first would often end up taking the upper hand in the battle in the end. At least, in experiences when sparring with others. It was difficult to tell who would win when she and the prince sparred. Rolling onto the balls of her feet enough to stabilize her balance, she gripped the sword tightly and waited a few more seconds before launching her attack. She raced forward a few steps and swung the wooden practice sword at his head, knowing that he would immediately swing his sword upwards to block it. Instead of continuing with the movement, Natalee quickly changed the path of the blade to be flying towards his waist. If she'd timed it correctly he'd be too busy defending his head to get to his waist in time.

She didn't admit it to many people, but she loved his time with Maxton. It was strange for a knight to get close to a member of the royal family, but having a high ranking female getting to know the crown prince on a personal level? It was unheard of. Her time with Maxton was never as long as she'd like it to be but she wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything else in the world. These moments were too precious to her. A light smile graced her features at this thought, though her concentration didn't slip even as her thoughts shifted slightly.

Jakob smiled and let out a chuckle. "It does seem that way, sir." Seeing as how his sword was finished he decided that he would go ahead and tie it to the belt at his waist. The weight was heavier than he'd expected but not uncomfortable. It'd been too long since he'd had a good sword at his side and he was glad to know that this one had been made by the of his best friends. Once he'd tied the weapon to his side he folded his arms, waiting for Luna to be ready to go. Glancing at Liam, Jakob saw the wink and couldn't help the grin that spread across his features. As nervous as the man sometimes made him, he was glad to know that Luna's father did, in fact, have a sense of humor and used it just as often as his blacksmith tools.

As Luna's red hair cascaded down her shoulders Jakob couldn't help but think that she would look absolutely stunning in a ballgown at some extravagant party thrown by a nobleman. It was doubtful that she would feel comfortable but he knew that she would fit right in. Realizing that he was staring, the young man shook his head and thoughts away and smiled at Luna. "Ready to go get your candy?"

(( "and the slight stalking I did when she first got here. (she doesn't need to know that part)" I nearly laughed out loud and the only reason I didn't is that my sister's asleep in the next room XD ))
As always of was stiff but I seemed to relax slightly at the fact he didn't pull away from me this time. "We can go ahead and get your supplies first. What I need is near the shop I'm taking you to anyway" I inform him.

Turning down a small street I notice now it was completely un crowded other then a few people here and there. Even so I don't let go of his hand. I blame it on... The weather. (Excuses in my head don't need to make sense). As we continued to walk I see the shop and walk in with him. "You should find everything you need" I tell him. At that I knew I should drop his hand but I didn't want to. (Totally the weather) . Finally letting his hand go I instantly miss the warmth, which is strange cause I hate feeling hot... And right now I feel warm... Very warm... And I'm okay with that.

Watching her strikes and every muscle move in her body I knew what sue was doing. Blocking the shot I move back out of the way of her second attack. I smirk at her (I'm always smirking it seems). Moving the weapon smoothly I jab forward knowing she would easily move away or block, this simply gave me distance to ***** what she was going to do next.

Watching Liam leave the room I turn to Jakob and nod clapping my hands together "absolutely!" I skip out of the room and turn back "let's go slow poke my tummy is a waitin'! " Since he wasn't moving fast enough and I'm extremely short compared to him I grab the end of his shirt lightly and start to pull him along.

It was one thing to get me out of the shop. It was a miracle that someone made me actually want to leave it.

(Lol same I just love my babies they dontbknow that they are comedic gold)
As always of was stiff but I seemed to relax slightly at the fact he didn't pull away from me this time. "We can go ahead and get your supplies first. What I need is near the shop I'm taking you to anyway" I inform him.

Turning down a small street I notice now it was completely un crowded other then a few people here and there. Even so I don't let go of his hand. I blame it on... The weather. (Excuses in my head don't need to make sense). As we continued to walk I see the shop and walk in with him. "You should find everything you need" I tell him. At that I knew I should drop his hand but I didn't want to. (Totally the weather) . Finally letting his hand go I instantly miss the warmth, which is strange cause I hate feeling hot... And right now I feel warm... Very warm... And I'm okay with that.

Watching her strikes and every muscle move in her body I knew what sue was doing. Blocking the shot I move back out of the way of her second attack. I smirk at her (I'm always smirking it seems). Moving the weapon smoothly I jab forward knowing she would easily move away or block, this simply gave me distance to ***** what she was going to do next.

Watching Liam leave the room I turn to Jakob and nod clapping my hands together "absolutely!" I skip out of the room and turn back "let's go slow poke my tummy is a waitin'! " Since he wasn't moving fast enough and I'm extremely short compared to him I grab the end of his shirt lightly and start to pull him along.

It was one thing to get me out of the shop. It was a miracle that someone made me actually want to leave it.

(Lol same I just love my babies they dontbknow that they are comedic gold)
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
"S-sounds like a plan," the pirate replied, trying desperately not to stutter. The only thing that he didn't like about being interested in Jupiter was the fact that when she did even a small thing that was rare for her, like holding his hand, for example, it made him a little weak. If that was the only thing though, it wasn't too bad. As they turned down a side street, August was glad to find that it wasn't as crowded. Because of that though, he expected his captain to let go of his hand and when she didn't, he couldn't help but let loose a wide grin. Maybe she wasn't holding his hand simply to keep him from wandering off.

They entered the shop that he needed, a woodworking shop, and he gazed around at all of the tools and different types and styles of wood with a peaceful smile. The scent of freshly cut wood and polisher hung in the air. There was something about those scents and the view before him that helped to calm his racing heart. Even as a little kid dealing with his alcoholic father, wood had had this effect on him. After a moment or two, he noticed that Jupiter still had yet to release his hand but as he turned to look at her she let go. His hand dropped to hang at his side and it felt colder than it had a moment ago.

"Well princess," he began finally, forcing his voice to sound cheerful, "I'll be quick here and then I'll meet you at the store you'll be gracing with your lovely presence." August smiled down at her, once again thankful for the growth spurts over the last few years. He watched as she left the wood working shop, noting which shop she entered, and then quickly returned to his own errands.

He'd anticipated her moves and though she wasn't surprised, Natalee would have preferred he at least fall for her feint a little bit before realizing that it was a false attack. His own attack was easily blocked and she sidestepped his blade as she thrust her own out to push it away. Knowing that she would need to try harder, she backed up a step to think, knowing that he was watching her every move to be prepared for her next attack. Her sword point fell to touch the dirt and she stood still, calmly watching the prince before her. Thoughts of their past spars danced through her mind and one moment, in particular, jumped out. Maxton had a habit that, once he was deep in a sparring match, he would often forgo protecting his left leg in favor of a stronger attack.

Making her decision, Lee moved forwards once more intent on throwing strike after strike at him. Wearing him down would be nice and while he'd already practiced that morning, she was doubtful that he was too exhausted to last long in this match. She would just need to attack long enough to watch for his lowered guard and then strike at his unprotected area.

((I know it's kinda cliche but what if they somehow end up on top of each other? Like, Maxton goes to block her strike at his leg and they stumble into each other or whatever and fall?

He loved seeing her happy like this and it made him a little proud to know that he himself had caused it. Well, technically, it had been his invitation at buying candy that had made her happy but it was through him that it had happened. He followed after, evidently slower than she would have wanted because Luna turned around and grabbed his shirt to drag him along. The action caused him to blush slightly. As she pulled him away from the shop (and her somewhat scary father) he relaxed more. Ebing dragged around wasn't exactly something that he enjoyed but if it meant that he got to see Luna happy then so be it.

She slowed down slightly and he took the opportunity to ask a question. "So... Lu Lu? Where'd that nickname come from?" He'd heard it a few times but had never really thought to ask. It was quite cute and though he wouldn't have admitted it to anyone, it felt somewhat nice to say as well.
"S-sounds like a plan," the pirate replied, trying desperately not to stutter. The only thing that he didn't like about being interested in Jupiter was the fact that when she did even a small thing that was rare for her, like holding his hand, for example, it made him a little weak. If that was the only thing though, it wasn't too bad. As they turned down a side street, August was glad to find that it wasn't as crowded. Because of that though, he expected his captain to let go of his hand and when she didn't, he couldn't help but let loose a wide grin. Maybe she wasn't holding his hand simply to keep him from wandering off.

They entered the shop that he needed, a woodworking shop, and he gazed around at all of the tools and different types and styles of wood with a peaceful smile. The scent of freshly cut wood and polisher hung in the air. There was something about those scents and the view before him that helped to calm his racing heart. Even as a little kid dealing with his alcoholic father, wood had had this effect on him. After a moment or two, he noticed that Jupiter still had yet to release his hand but as he turned to look at her she let go. His hand dropped to hang at his side and it felt colder than it had a moment ago.

"Well princess," he began finally, forcing his voice to sound cheerful, "I'll be quick here and then I'll meet you at the store you'll be gracing with your lovely presence." August smiled down at her, once again thankful for the growth spurts over the last few years. He watched as she left the wood working shop, noting which shop she entered, and then quickly returned to his own errands.

He'd anticipated her moves and though she wasn't surprised, Natalee would have preferred he at least fall for her feint a little bit before realizing that it was a false attack. His own attack was easily blocked and she sidestepped his blade as she thrust her own out to push it away. Knowing that she would need to try harder, she backed up a step to think, knowing that he was watching her every move to be prepared for her next attack. Her sword point fell to touch the dirt and she stood still, calmly watching the prince before her. Thoughts of their past spars danced through her mind and one moment, in particular, jumped out. Maxton had a habit that, once he was deep in a sparring match, he would often forgo protecting his left leg in favor of a stronger attack.

Making her decision, Lee moved forwards once more intent on throwing strike after strike at him. Wearing him down would be nice and while he'd already practiced that morning, she was doubtful that he was too exhausted to last long in this match. She would just need to attack long enough to watch for his lowered guard and then strike at his unprotected area.

((I know it's kinda cliche but what if they somehow end up on top of each other? Like, Maxton goes to block her strike at his leg and they stumble into each other or whatever and fall?

He loved seeing her happy like this and it made him a little proud to know that he himself had caused it. Well, technically, it had been his invitation at buying candy that had made her happy but it was through him that it had happened. He followed after, evidently slower than she would have wanted because Luna turned around and grabbed his shirt to drag him along. The action caused him to blush slightly. As she pulled him away from the shop (and her somewhat scary father) he relaxed more. Ebing dragged around wasn't exactly something that he enjoyed but if it meant that he got to see Luna happy then so be it.

She slowed down slightly and he took the opportunity to ask a question. "So... Lu Lu? Where'd that nickname come from?" He'd heard it a few times but had never really thought to ask. It was quite cute and though he wouldn't have admitted it to anyone, it felt somewhat nice to say as well.

I nodded quickly and turned walking out to great the mostly quiet street. I head to the blacksmith's shop and pass a red head dragging a man along behind her. I can't help but take a short glance at them. Returning my attention back to my original task I walk into the shop. Keeping my hood up I ask if they have any throwing knives along with other things on hand. We make a quick exchange and I pay them.

Walking out I see a tea shop across the street. As always my slight addiction drags me over. I decide not to fight the guilt of the items I now also had in my hand and turn to walk back out into the street. I notice that August still has yet to finish so I decided to walk back to where he was at. His back was to me. I don't know what got into me maybe its cause the lady had my favorite tea, maybe it's the chilly weather. Or I'm just losing my mind but I walk up behind him and stand on my toes. "boo" I whisper.

She became repetitive so I easily blocked everything. I started to relax a bit with this action. I knew her well though and so I kept my guard up in case she suddenly changes in her attacks. I notice she isn't being as light on her feet as she usually is and I smirk going in with my leg to try and trip her.

(( hehe that's actually a fun idea I have something evil to do after that >:) ))

I blush slightly as I let his shirt go and walk in pace with him. "this knight came in with his kid and they live down the road from here" I say. Biting my lip I then say "the kid said I was really pretty so he said he would give me a nickname cause I didn't have one." I shrug. "now he visits every morning just to say hi" I look up and smile really happily.

I loved kids, they were the best, they were yet to be tainted by the horrible things the world tends to bring. They are truly happy. Plus they are utter sweethearts.

(( sorry for not replying much this week Hurricane warnings and stuff so ive been working a lot ))

I nodded quickly and turned walking out to great the mostly quiet street. I head to the blacksmith's shop and pass a red head dragging a man along behind her. I can't help but take a short glance at them. Returning my attention back to my original task I walk into the shop. Keeping my hood up I ask if they have any throwing knives along with other things on hand. We make a quick exchange and I pay them.

Walking out I see a tea shop across the street. As always my slight addiction drags me over. I decide not to fight the guilt of the items I now also had in my hand and turn to walk back out into the street. I notice that August still has yet to finish so I decided to walk back to where he was at. His back was to me. I don't know what got into me maybe its cause the lady had my favorite tea, maybe it's the chilly weather. Or I'm just losing my mind but I walk up behind him and stand on my toes. "boo" I whisper.

She became repetitive so I easily blocked everything. I started to relax a bit with this action. I knew her well though and so I kept my guard up in case she suddenly changes in her attacks. I notice she isn't being as light on her feet as she usually is and I smirk going in with my leg to try and trip her.

(( hehe that's actually a fun idea I have something evil to do after that >:) ))

I blush slightly as I let his shirt go and walk in pace with him. "this knight came in with his kid and they live down the road from here" I say. Biting my lip I then say "the kid said I was really pretty so he said he would give me a nickname cause I didn't have one." I shrug. "now he visits every morning just to say hi" I look up and smile really happily.

I loved kids, they were the best, they were yet to be tainted by the horrible things the world tends to bring. They are truly happy. Plus they are utter sweethearts.

(( sorry for not replying much this week Hurricane warnings and stuff so ive been working a lot ))
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
@DangerousGirl Sorry I took absolutely forever to respond. School got a lot crazier than I thought it would and I had to sadly put aside FlightRising. I'm out of school now and have a lot of free time on my hands. If you've lost interest in this or no longer want to do it, I understand. It has been several months after all. If you still want to do it though, I'm totally up for it :)

He was so focused on admiring the many styles and the quality of the wood and tools around him, August didn't hear the light chime as the door to the shop opened, nor did he hear the soft sound of someone approaching. He did, however, hear the gently whispered word in his ear. Surprised, he jumped and stumbled into the shelf, causing several of the pieces to bump into each other and fall to the ground. He quickly steadied the shelf, glancing to the owner in the hopes he hadn't seen it. Seeing as how the man was intent on cleaning out his fingernails with a knife, August breathed out in relief and turned to the person who'd spooked him, fully intent on yelling at them.

Upon realizing that it was Jupiter herself, his eyebrows shot high and nearly disappeared into his hair. She was never playful with anyone, especially not him. Ever. The mirth in her eyes and the small smirk on her pink lips were enough to get his heart racing and cause a face-splitting grin to appear on his face. Leaning down towards her, he ignored the alarm bells in his head as he put his face just centimeters away from her own.

"Jupiter darling, you surprised me. Who knew you were capable of such teasing," he told her in a light tone, trying to keep the nerves out of his voice. Before his heart could burst, he winked at her and pulled away, grabbing the tools he needed along with a few blocks of wood for carving, he sauntered up to the shop owner. He could tell that his face was red and warm and hoped that neither of the other occupants of the store would notice.
Natalee could see that he was becoming more relaxed in his movements and while he still blocked her strikes, she knew that her moment was coming soon. She held her breath as she noticed a small opening and prepared to take the opportunity and deal in a strike of her own that would actually be important. So focused on her own actions she neglected to watch the rest of Maxton's strikes and by the time she noticed his leg, it was too late to dodge it in any way or even to block it.

Because she'd pushed forward to make her jab, her balance was off and Maxton's leg easily tripped her. She tipped forward and realized who she was about to knock into. Wincing, she dropped her sword so she wouldn't chance stabbing him by accident. They may have been sparring a second ago, but she could control her blade when sparring. Falling? Didn't really give her a chance to control where her blade was going. She fell into Maxton, causing him to fall back and her to land on top of him. Though she hadn't felt the brunt of the impact, it still knocked the wind out of her. When she glanced up, her cheeks blazed red when she realized how close to the prince's face she was.
Jakob smiled fondly in her direction as she told her story. Of course it was given to her by a child. They were all so fond of her, even when she was wielding the tools of her trade. They were entranced by her kind smile and eyes. And the kid was right: she was beautiful. Realizing he'd been staring, the noble turned his gaze away, cheeks dusted a slight shade of red.

"I'm sure his father was quite impressed with your smithing skills as well," he told her with a grin, still avoiding her gaze. He let his eyes drift everywhere, taking in the sites of the street. He noticed a cloaked figure, probably female due to the way she walked, stride into a wood shop. His eyes followed her for a moment before turning away and focusing once more in the conversation at hand.
@DangerousGirl Sorry I took absolutely forever to respond. School got a lot crazier than I thought it would and I had to sadly put aside FlightRising. I'm out of school now and have a lot of free time on my hands. If you've lost interest in this or no longer want to do it, I understand. It has been several months after all. If you still want to do it though, I'm totally up for it :)

He was so focused on admiring the many styles and the quality of the wood and tools around him, August didn't hear the light chime as the door to the shop opened, nor did he hear the soft sound of someone approaching. He did, however, hear the gently whispered word in his ear. Surprised, he jumped and stumbled into the shelf, causing several of the pieces to bump into each other and fall to the ground. He quickly steadied the shelf, glancing to the owner in the hopes he hadn't seen it. Seeing as how the man was intent on cleaning out his fingernails with a knife, August breathed out in relief and turned to the person who'd spooked him, fully intent on yelling at them.

Upon realizing that it was Jupiter herself, his eyebrows shot high and nearly disappeared into his hair. She was never playful with anyone, especially not him. Ever. The mirth in her eyes and the small smirk on her pink lips were enough to get his heart racing and cause a face-splitting grin to appear on his face. Leaning down towards her, he ignored the alarm bells in his head as he put his face just centimeters away from her own.

"Jupiter darling, you surprised me. Who knew you were capable of such teasing," he told her in a light tone, trying to keep the nerves out of his voice. Before his heart could burst, he winked at her and pulled away, grabbing the tools he needed along with a few blocks of wood for carving, he sauntered up to the shop owner. He could tell that his face was red and warm and hoped that neither of the other occupants of the store would notice.
Natalee could see that he was becoming more relaxed in his movements and while he still blocked her strikes, she knew that her moment was coming soon. She held her breath as she noticed a small opening and prepared to take the opportunity and deal in a strike of her own that would actually be important. So focused on her own actions she neglected to watch the rest of Maxton's strikes and by the time she noticed his leg, it was too late to dodge it in any way or even to block it.

Because she'd pushed forward to make her jab, her balance was off and Maxton's leg easily tripped her. She tipped forward and realized who she was about to knock into. Wincing, she dropped her sword so she wouldn't chance stabbing him by accident. They may have been sparring a second ago, but she could control her blade when sparring. Falling? Didn't really give her a chance to control where her blade was going. She fell into Maxton, causing him to fall back and her to land on top of him. Though she hadn't felt the brunt of the impact, it still knocked the wind out of her. When she glanced up, her cheeks blazed red when she realized how close to the prince's face she was.
Jakob smiled fondly in her direction as she told her story. Of course it was given to her by a child. They were all so fond of her, even when she was wielding the tools of her trade. They were entranced by her kind smile and eyes. And the kid was right: she was beautiful. Realizing he'd been staring, the noble turned his gaze away, cheeks dusted a slight shade of red.

"I'm sure his father was quite impressed with your smithing skills as well," he told her with a grin, still avoiding her gaze. He let his eyes drift everywhere, taking in the sites of the street. He noticed a cloaked figure, probably female due to the way she walked, stride into a wood shop. His eyes followed her for a moment before turning away and focusing once more in the conversation at hand.
(@augurydemon oh I completely understand the last quarter of school ended today for me and I haven't been on much.)

At the way, he jumped I suppressed my laugh. The man had always easily gotten lost in his own thoughts...especially about things he enjoys. I don't know what I was high on...maybe its the fact of where we are, maybe its what this place once meant to me. I don't really know. None the less I welcomed the distraction that this...strange development...brought.

While my mind was moving a mile a minute like it always does I didn't let the fact that he was mere centimeters away from my face. It was a reaction from him that I didn't expect...Of all the outcomes that I predicted him coming within such close proximity was not one of them. Because of this slight dent in my expectations, a look of shock crossed my eyes momentarily before I covered it up.

"Oh, August..." I mutter under my breath though I knew he most likely heard me "there are many things you don't know about me...especially my capabilities." I follow up behind him. While he did his transaction with the man on the other side of the counter I stood at his side.
I feel her fall in on me and out of reflex I drop my weapon and wrap my arms around her. I shield her from most of the shock...but I wasn't exactly a squishy person. I open my eyes only to come in contact with hers. I couldn't help but count the colors in her eyes... I try not to get lost in her sometimes...but in this particular situation, it wasn't exactly easy.

I pull her closer on instinct and play it cool. I chuckle softly and blow the hair out of her face. "well that's one way to end a match." I tease. I knew that she was in shock and I wanted to lighten the situation as well as make sure she couldn't tell my heart was hammering in my chest.
I smile and giggle softly. "well I sure hope so." I comment with a blush of embarrassment. "the words I'd get from Master Smith would not be pretty if he wasnt." I say with a chuckle. Jakob has always been very nice to me...I remember his confusion at seeing a girl such as myself in a smith shop when we first met and I chuckle to myself.

(@augurydemon oh I completely understand the last quarter of school ended today for me and I haven't been on much.)

At the way, he jumped I suppressed my laugh. The man had always easily gotten lost in his own thoughts...especially about things he enjoys. I don't know what I was high on...maybe its the fact of where we are, maybe its what this place once meant to me. I don't really know. None the less I welcomed the distraction that this...strange development...brought.

While my mind was moving a mile a minute like it always does I didn't let the fact that he was mere centimeters away from my face. It was a reaction from him that I didn't expect...Of all the outcomes that I predicted him coming within such close proximity was not one of them. Because of this slight dent in my expectations, a look of shock crossed my eyes momentarily before I covered it up.

"Oh, August..." I mutter under my breath though I knew he most likely heard me "there are many things you don't know about me...especially my capabilities." I follow up behind him. While he did his transaction with the man on the other side of the counter I stood at his side.
I feel her fall in on me and out of reflex I drop my weapon and wrap my arms around her. I shield her from most of the shock...but I wasn't exactly a squishy person. I open my eyes only to come in contact with hers. I couldn't help but count the colors in her eyes... I try not to get lost in her sometimes...but in this particular situation, it wasn't exactly easy.

I pull her closer on instinct and play it cool. I chuckle softly and blow the hair out of her face. "well that's one way to end a match." I tease. I knew that she was in shock and I wanted to lighten the situation as well as make sure she couldn't tell my heart was hammering in my chest.
I smile and giggle softly. "well I sure hope so." I comment with a blush of embarrassment. "the words I'd get from Master Smith would not be pretty if he wasnt." I say with a chuckle. Jakob has always been very nice to me...I remember his confusion at seeing a girl such as myself in a smith shop when we first met and I chuckle to myself.

1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
Though August could tell she'd muttered something under her breath, he hadn't quite been able to decipher what it was. Assuming it was nothing important (otherwise she probably would have said it louder), he quickly paid for his things before turning back to the pirate captain.

"Where to next?" he questioned with a grin, slinging his arm over her shoulder in a rare spout of bravery. He didn't know what was happening to him today. Maybe it had to do with the warm weather (doubtful), the fact that Jupiter had done a few strange things as well, or the fact that he was home now. It had been years since he'd been here at memories had started flooding back the moment his feet had touched the dock. It had been long enough that no one noticed him and even if he walked through the streets shouting his name, he doubted anyone would recognize him even then.

He and Jupiter left the shop and he glanced down the street, imagining the path he'd always taken home from this very doorstep. Through the winding alleys and twisting turns to arrive at the rundown carpenter's shop. He wondered for a moment if his father was still there. But only a moment. He wouldn't sour his day with thoughts of that man. He shook his head slightly and gazed at the other shops, eyes landing on a little tea shop. A grin crossed his face and he tilted his head down to look at the woman beside him. "Is it safe to guess you've already tasted the tea from the little shop over there?" he teased her.
When he spoke she could feel his chest vibrate from the sound and Natalee hated how she could feel her face becoming warm. More than that though, she hated that she let herself react like a village girl with a crush on the butcher's son. She'd been in that situation before and it had been embarrassing enough. But to be in this situation with Maxton? It was so much worse. She knew that she should apologize, that she should get off of him, but before she could even tell her body to listen to her he'd wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her just a little bit closer.

Which didn't help her inner turmoil at all. Stifling a grown and holding herself back so she wouldn't let her head drop to his chest out of sheer embarrassment, Natalee tried to respond like she normally would. "And that's one way to play dirty. Who knew that the prince's tactic to defeat an opponent who's too strong for him is to trip her?" She tried to tease him, tried to act natural, but it was so hard. His face was right there, his eyes staring into hers, his lips just a few inches away... no. She wouldn't do this to herself. Having a crush was fine as long as she could perform her duties without fault, but she couldn't let it go any further. Especially if he didn't feel the same...
As much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, his heart skipped a beat when she chuckled. It sounded so genuine and heartfelt, nothing like the laughter of the girls his father tried to force him to associate with at his too-lavish parties. A slight scowl danced across his handsome features at the thought. There was another one tonight and he'd invited every noble family within days ride. Most probably wouldn't come but there would be enough that showed up that it would be torturous anyways.

Jakob glanced at Luna, thinking of how she would look in a stunning ballgown, surrounded in the splendor of the party. But only for a moment. He knew that she would be uncomfortable in a place like that, surrounded by fake smiles and fake friendships. Even if he were to ever work up the courage to insinuate (there was no way he'd have the courage to actually ask) she'd probably laugh it off, assuming he was joking.

Someone bumped into him and he muttered an apology, though he was thankful the person had pulled him out of his thoughts. Looking up, he realized that they were in front of a sweet shop. It was more expensive than the one Luna usually frequented, but he was usually pretty good at convincing her to let him spend a bit more money on her. It's not like he had anyone else to spend it on.

"Well, here we are," he said with a bright smile.
Though August could tell she'd muttered something under her breath, he hadn't quite been able to decipher what it was. Assuming it was nothing important (otherwise she probably would have said it louder), he quickly paid for his things before turning back to the pirate captain.

"Where to next?" he questioned with a grin, slinging his arm over her shoulder in a rare spout of bravery. He didn't know what was happening to him today. Maybe it had to do with the warm weather (doubtful), the fact that Jupiter had done a few strange things as well, or the fact that he was home now. It had been years since he'd been here at memories had started flooding back the moment his feet had touched the dock. It had been long enough that no one noticed him and even if he walked through the streets shouting his name, he doubted anyone would recognize him even then.

He and Jupiter left the shop and he glanced down the street, imagining the path he'd always taken home from this very doorstep. Through the winding alleys and twisting turns to arrive at the rundown carpenter's shop. He wondered for a moment if his father was still there. But only a moment. He wouldn't sour his day with thoughts of that man. He shook his head slightly and gazed at the other shops, eyes landing on a little tea shop. A grin crossed his face and he tilted his head down to look at the woman beside him. "Is it safe to guess you've already tasted the tea from the little shop over there?" he teased her.
When he spoke she could feel his chest vibrate from the sound and Natalee hated how she could feel her face becoming warm. More than that though, she hated that she let herself react like a village girl with a crush on the butcher's son. She'd been in that situation before and it had been embarrassing enough. But to be in this situation with Maxton? It was so much worse. She knew that she should apologize, that she should get off of him, but before she could even tell her body to listen to her he'd wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her just a little bit closer.

Which didn't help her inner turmoil at all. Stifling a grown and holding herself back so she wouldn't let her head drop to his chest out of sheer embarrassment, Natalee tried to respond like she normally would. "And that's one way to play dirty. Who knew that the prince's tactic to defeat an opponent who's too strong for him is to trip her?" She tried to tease him, tried to act natural, but it was so hard. His face was right there, his eyes staring into hers, his lips just a few inches away... no. She wouldn't do this to herself. Having a crush was fine as long as she could perform her duties without fault, but she couldn't let it go any further. Especially if he didn't feel the same...
As much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, his heart skipped a beat when she chuckled. It sounded so genuine and heartfelt, nothing like the laughter of the girls his father tried to force him to associate with at his too-lavish parties. A slight scowl danced across his handsome features at the thought. There was another one tonight and he'd invited every noble family within days ride. Most probably wouldn't come but there would be enough that showed up that it would be torturous anyways.

Jakob glanced at Luna, thinking of how she would look in a stunning ballgown, surrounded in the splendor of the party. But only for a moment. He knew that she would be uncomfortable in a place like that, surrounded by fake smiles and fake friendships. Even if he were to ever work up the courage to insinuate (there was no way he'd have the courage to actually ask) she'd probably laugh it off, assuming he was joking.

Someone bumped into him and he muttered an apology, though he was thankful the person had pulled him out of his thoughts. Looking up, he realized that they were in front of a sweet shop. It was more expensive than the one Luna usually frequented, but he was usually pretty good at convincing her to let him spend a bit more money on her. It's not like he had anyone else to spend it on.

"Well, here we are," he said with a bright smile.

In my moment of thoughts during his transaction, I did as I always did when around him. I had committed the man to memory. Id been observing him since the day he was brought on the ship. His hair never too long but never to short. His eyes were observant in some ways. they were bright, yes, but in the times he isn't paying attention...the area where it meets the center, I see the secrets, I see past pain. I move my eyes downward examining what the carpenter was wearing. Same as always it was something simple. Something practical. I liked that about him. I then move my violet eyes to examine his other features. Before I could do so he had turned around and I quickly averted my eyes to the clock upon the wall.

His arm hit my shoulder and I tensed for just a moment. I should push it away. I should give some clipped remark about personal space and respect. every other crew member...well except for my navigator... were never allowed to touch me. Never in a million years would I allow such closeness to someone...never...never... I leaned into him relaxing slightly...never.

the many shades of purple and gray in my eyes look up to his. "why yes I did, and I enjoyed myself greatly thank you very much." I say in a playful way. My eyes brightened at the thought of tea and the little pastries I bought. My eyes widen in the light of me remembering them. I ruffle through my bag and hold one out. "I got you something as well...." Then I realized that I'd done something I never do...given a gift. Quickly I think of how to cover my tracks. But before I can I feel someone brush against me and my eyes turn to meet his (Jakobs). I look away quickly knowing by how he was dressed...Noble...If he was smart at all he would know what the color of my eyes meant. But he wouldn't find me now...we were already lost in the sea of people. My eyes overt back to August now I only wanted to know if he liked the small pastry id handed him...

I noticed everything about her. Including the rate, her heart was beating. The way she was practically wanting to escape...but I want her to stay where she is at...if only for a little longer. "Oh little firebird," I say quietly. My eyes brighten the icy shade of blue sparkling slightly. "I didn't think you would actually fall for such a juvenile trick..." I tease.

It took everything in my entire being to not run my fingers up her back to touch her short dark hair. I knew I wasn't the only one who was utterly infatuated with her. Don't get me wrong it wasn't always that way...I liked her as only a friend the first....three months I knew her. But her laugh, her smile....her fiery personality...I want it all to myself.

I smile softly at the place her brought me and walk up to see what was inside. I only glanced through the glass window. Out of habit, I didn't walk in. I could never afford such luxuries. That didn't mean I didn't look into the glass of shops like this every chance I got.

I look back at Jakob to gush about how pretty they were...but then remembered..he said that we were here...meaning he brought me here to get a treat. My eyes brighten And I trot back up to him. "You know you could have just taken me to a small cheaper place," I say. I didn't want to be one of those girls taking advantage of someone's money...It doesn't sit right with me.

I knew that he knew I wasn't like that, he has known me for a while now. I notice that there is a little leaf in his hair and stand on my tip toes and take it out. "I mean it you dont have to" i say softly while doing so before standing normally again.

In my moment of thoughts during his transaction, I did as I always did when around him. I had committed the man to memory. Id been observing him since the day he was brought on the ship. His hair never too long but never to short. His eyes were observant in some ways. they were bright, yes, but in the times he isn't paying attention...the area where it meets the center, I see the secrets, I see past pain. I move my eyes downward examining what the carpenter was wearing. Same as always it was something simple. Something practical. I liked that about him. I then move my violet eyes to examine his other features. Before I could do so he had turned around and I quickly averted my eyes to the clock upon the wall.

His arm hit my shoulder and I tensed for just a moment. I should push it away. I should give some clipped remark about personal space and respect. every other crew member...well except for my navigator... were never allowed to touch me. Never in a million years would I allow such closeness to someone...never...never... I leaned into him relaxing slightly...never.

the many shades of purple and gray in my eyes look up to his. "why yes I did, and I enjoyed myself greatly thank you very much." I say in a playful way. My eyes brightened at the thought of tea and the little pastries I bought. My eyes widen in the light of me remembering them. I ruffle through my bag and hold one out. "I got you something as well...." Then I realized that I'd done something I never do...given a gift. Quickly I think of how to cover my tracks. But before I can I feel someone brush against me and my eyes turn to meet his (Jakobs). I look away quickly knowing by how he was dressed...Noble...If he was smart at all he would know what the color of my eyes meant. But he wouldn't find me now...we were already lost in the sea of people. My eyes overt back to August now I only wanted to know if he liked the small pastry id handed him...

I noticed everything about her. Including the rate, her heart was beating. The way she was practically wanting to escape...but I want her to stay where she is at...if only for a little longer. "Oh little firebird," I say quietly. My eyes brighten the icy shade of blue sparkling slightly. "I didn't think you would actually fall for such a juvenile trick..." I tease.

It took everything in my entire being to not run my fingers up her back to touch her short dark hair. I knew I wasn't the only one who was utterly infatuated with her. Don't get me wrong it wasn't always that way...I liked her as only a friend the first....three months I knew her. But her laugh, her smile....her fiery personality...I want it all to myself.

I smile softly at the place her brought me and walk up to see what was inside. I only glanced through the glass window. Out of habit, I didn't walk in. I could never afford such luxuries. That didn't mean I didn't look into the glass of shops like this every chance I got.

I look back at Jakob to gush about how pretty they were...but then remembered..he said that we were here...meaning he brought me here to get a treat. My eyes brighten And I trot back up to him. "You know you could have just taken me to a small cheaper place," I say. I didn't want to be one of those girls taking advantage of someone's money...It doesn't sit right with me.

I knew that he knew I wasn't like that, he has known me for a while now. I notice that there is a little leaf in his hair and stand on my tip toes and take it out. "I mean it you dont have to" i say softly while doing so before standing normally again.
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
((So sorry I didn't reply, had to catch up with some other FR business. I'm back now though :) ))

August laughed when Jupiter revealed that she'd already visited the tea shop. As far as he knew, tea was her only weakness. Whenever they came to port, she'd either order one of the crew members to scout out a shop or search for it herself, seemingly not trusting anyone. He himself had made the mistake once of telling her they didn't have time to stop for tea. Of course, this was long before she herself and been captain and her father had scolded him badly for that. The memory brought another laugh to his lips and he shook his head. Never again would he doubt the importance of tea in Captain Jupiter's life.

However, even those memories weren't strong enough to push away the thought that she had leaned into him. It was just slight, could have been explained away easily... if it was anyone other than Jupiter. She was the most surefooted person he knew. She wouldn't need to lean on him to keep her footing or anything like that. No. The only explanation was that she had wanted to do it. Which just succeeded in making the pirate's heart race once more. Today was just full of racing hearts, too-wide smiles, and sweaty palms. Of course, Jupiter would (hopefully) never find out about the former and latter of the ones on his incredibly short list.

August's grin only widened when she presented him with a morsel of food from the very tea shop she'd frequented. He took the item and carefully unwrapped it, savoring every bite. He closed his eyes, remembering back to when his mother would buy him one of these whenever his father's... problem got really bad. Before she left. Left him with that man. When August opened his eyes, he pushed the memories away and smiled down at Jupiter. This wasn't his normal, teasing smile, or the flirting smirk he often gave her. This smile was rarer, it was one of genuine gratitude.

"Thank you Jupiter," he told her quietly, glancing back to the tea shop out of the corner of his eye. "Thank you." He knew she never gave anyone anything. Sharp words, yes. Punishments, yes. Extra chores, absolutely. But presents? Never. He'd never known her to purchase anything for anyone other than herself and her father when he'd still been on the ship with them. So for her to have gotten him something, no matter how small, August knew it meant more coming from her than anyone else.
His blue eyes shone with mirth and this close to them, they were beautiful. Natalee couldn't pull her gaze away, though she wasn't trying very hard either. Every fiber in her being told her that this wasn't what she should be doing. She should be pushing herself off of him, apologizing and leaving behind any feelings she had towards him. But her heart never listen when it came to the prince and her mind had a nasty habit of malfunctioning when she got close to him. So this close, with her inches away from his face and on top of him? She was surprised her brain wasn't leaking out of her ears, especially after that nickname he'd just uttered.

She scoffed at his remark and rolled her eyes, though a small smile danced across her lips before she hid it behind a mock scowl. "Well, it's hard not to when I'm actually focused on winning fair and square. Besides, my balance was off and you knew that, that's the only reason I fell." She'd ended her sentence sharply and slightly higher pitched than she'd meant to. If she'd spoken even a second more, the next words out of her mouth would've been 'for you' and that would've ruined everything. The hard-earned friendship she had with Maxton, her position in the guard.

A crown prince wouldn't have any sort of romantic relationship with a guard, no matter how high their rank. It just wouldn't happen. Maxton would end up engaged to a princess whose marriage would secure the kingdom's strength as a nation. There was nothing he could gain by being with her. She knew that, no matter how hard it was to swallow. Natalee swallowed and pulled her eyes away, not wanting him to see the tears pricking at the edges of her vision. She squeezed her eyes tightly, trying to will the tears back into her eyes.
He smiled softly at Luna when she stepped up to the window to gaze inside at the luxury. There were few times where Jakob was happy with the life he was born into, with all of the riches he had at his fingertips. Most of the time he was thankful involved situations where the woman before him was involved. She had a way of not making him feel like he was a bad person because of his wealth. Maybe that's why he'd become so infatuated with her so quickly. Her beauty had been the first thing to draw the nobleman in but her personality was far more beautiful,

With a shrug and another grin he moved to open the door for her, trying to ignore his racing heart. Her being that close to him had certainly had an effect, one that wasn't wholly unpleasant. But he wasn't going to push her, Jakob wasn't that sort of person. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. You deserve some luxury in your life, Luna, and if it comes in the form of expensive sweets, then so be it. Besides, you deserve it." You deserve this and so much more he added silently.
((So sorry I didn't reply, had to catch up with some other FR business. I'm back now though :) ))

August laughed when Jupiter revealed that she'd already visited the tea shop. As far as he knew, tea was her only weakness. Whenever they came to port, she'd either order one of the crew members to scout out a shop or search for it herself, seemingly not trusting anyone. He himself had made the mistake once of telling her they didn't have time to stop for tea. Of course, this was long before she herself and been captain and her father had scolded him badly for that. The memory brought another laugh to his lips and he shook his head. Never again would he doubt the importance of tea in Captain Jupiter's life.

However, even those memories weren't strong enough to push away the thought that she had leaned into him. It was just slight, could have been explained away easily... if it was anyone other than Jupiter. She was the most surefooted person he knew. She wouldn't need to lean on him to keep her footing or anything like that. No. The only explanation was that she had wanted to do it. Which just succeeded in making the pirate's heart race once more. Today was just full of racing hearts, too-wide smiles, and sweaty palms. Of course, Jupiter would (hopefully) never find out about the former and latter of the ones on his incredibly short list.

August's grin only widened when she presented him with a morsel of food from the very tea shop she'd frequented. He took the item and carefully unwrapped it, savoring every bite. He closed his eyes, remembering back to when his mother would buy him one of these whenever his father's... problem got really bad. Before she left. Left him with that man. When August opened his eyes, he pushed the memories away and smiled down at Jupiter. This wasn't his normal, teasing smile, or the flirting smirk he often gave her. This smile was rarer, it was one of genuine gratitude.

"Thank you Jupiter," he told her quietly, glancing back to the tea shop out of the corner of his eye. "Thank you." He knew she never gave anyone anything. Sharp words, yes. Punishments, yes. Extra chores, absolutely. But presents? Never. He'd never known her to purchase anything for anyone other than herself and her father when he'd still been on the ship with them. So for her to have gotten him something, no matter how small, August knew it meant more coming from her than anyone else.
His blue eyes shone with mirth and this close to them, they were beautiful. Natalee couldn't pull her gaze away, though she wasn't trying very hard either. Every fiber in her being told her that this wasn't what she should be doing. She should be pushing herself off of him, apologizing and leaving behind any feelings she had towards him. But her heart never listen when it came to the prince and her mind had a nasty habit of malfunctioning when she got close to him. So this close, with her inches away from his face and on top of him? She was surprised her brain wasn't leaking out of her ears, especially after that nickname he'd just uttered.

She scoffed at his remark and rolled her eyes, though a small smile danced across her lips before she hid it behind a mock scowl. "Well, it's hard not to when I'm actually focused on winning fair and square. Besides, my balance was off and you knew that, that's the only reason I fell." She'd ended her sentence sharply and slightly higher pitched than she'd meant to. If she'd spoken even a second more, the next words out of her mouth would've been 'for you' and that would've ruined everything. The hard-earned friendship she had with Maxton, her position in the guard.

A crown prince wouldn't have any sort of romantic relationship with a guard, no matter how high their rank. It just wouldn't happen. Maxton would end up engaged to a princess whose marriage would secure the kingdom's strength as a nation. There was nothing he could gain by being with her. She knew that, no matter how hard it was to swallow. Natalee swallowed and pulled her eyes away, not wanting him to see the tears pricking at the edges of her vision. She squeezed her eyes tightly, trying to will the tears back into her eyes.
He smiled softly at Luna when she stepped up to the window to gaze inside at the luxury. There were few times where Jakob was happy with the life he was born into, with all of the riches he had at his fingertips. Most of the time he was thankful involved situations where the woman before him was involved. She had a way of not making him feel like he was a bad person because of his wealth. Maybe that's why he'd become so infatuated with her so quickly. Her beauty had been the first thing to draw the nobleman in but her personality was far more beautiful,

With a shrug and another grin he moved to open the door for her, trying to ignore his racing heart. Her being that close to him had certainly had an effect, one that wasn't wholly unpleasant. But he wasn't going to push her, Jakob wasn't that sort of person. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. You deserve some luxury in your life, Luna, and if it comes in the form of expensive sweets, then so be it. Besides, you deserve it." You deserve this and so much more he added silently.
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