

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Set Sail (1x1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 31 32
I felt the emotions radiating off of him. I couldn't pinpoint just one but he was shocked about something, that I knew. Then other waves hit him. I knew that I shouldn't read him, that I shouldn't get into it. Here I am though, unable to stop myself from wanting to know everything that goes on up inside his head.

I was knocked out of my train of thought when I realized I had yet to get a reaction from what I gave him. I stiffened slightly for a moment until he looked down and smiled at me. Smiled at me. Now I know he is almost always smiling but this is different. Completely different. It wasn't the normal happy go lucky smile. This was him being happy cause of something I did.

I couldn't help it. My cheeks went slightly pink. I'm not one to easily get flustered but i have never done something like this and the fact that he really seemed to like it made me smile back at him. "my pleasure" I say softly. I snuggle into his side a little more trying to hide the blush on my face.

I was acting foolish. Like a small school girl. It was awful and highly unlike me, but I couldn't stop.

"Mhm...well you shouldn't have let your balance get off center." I counter with a smirk. "Though if it ends like this I don't mind" I wanted to add. My eyes searched her face and I frowned.

I removed one hand from her back and slid her dark hair from her face and placed my hand on her cheek. I sat up keeping her still in my lap. "whats wrong?" her eyes had turned glassy. "are you hurt?" I ask my eyes scanning her. She was the most important person to me my wo-best friend. One thing I do know is I can't stand to see her hurt. I would rather endure an entire day with my father in a bad mood than see her hurt in any way.

I kept my hand placed on her cheek using my thumb to wipe away the tear threatening to fall. Then the worst feeling hit me. What if I'd made her cry not because she is hurt but because of something I said. That thought alone made me go still. My arm tightened around her and my eyes softened. "tell me whats wrong Firebird." I whisper leaning my forehead against hers.

My red hair had a black ribbon that tied it up in a ponytail. Many people say my parents should have named me scarlet but I think that the name wouldn't suit me. People with a name like that have lots of confidence, they act like fire itself. People like what others expect me to be are the opposite of who I really am. Jakob has never told me anything that was wrong or demeaning to me. He is one of the good ones. Sometimes I wonder if he knows that.

I walk through the door as he holds it open for me. "thank you." I say softly. I smile up at him, "I deserve far less than what I have, I'm grateful that I am even here." I tell him. Jakob doesn't know how I ended up a blacksmiths apprentice. He doesn't know my life before that. While maybe one day I will tell him. Today is not the day, nor the time.

I walk over to one of the many glass cases and look at the perfectly baked sweets. "what do you recommend?" I ask looking up at him.
I felt the emotions radiating off of him. I couldn't pinpoint just one but he was shocked about something, that I knew. Then other waves hit him. I knew that I shouldn't read him, that I shouldn't get into it. Here I am though, unable to stop myself from wanting to know everything that goes on up inside his head.

I was knocked out of my train of thought when I realized I had yet to get a reaction from what I gave him. I stiffened slightly for a moment until he looked down and smiled at me. Smiled at me. Now I know he is almost always smiling but this is different. Completely different. It wasn't the normal happy go lucky smile. This was him being happy cause of something I did.

I couldn't help it. My cheeks went slightly pink. I'm not one to easily get flustered but i have never done something like this and the fact that he really seemed to like it made me smile back at him. "my pleasure" I say softly. I snuggle into his side a little more trying to hide the blush on my face.

I was acting foolish. Like a small school girl. It was awful and highly unlike me, but I couldn't stop.

"Mhm...well you shouldn't have let your balance get off center." I counter with a smirk. "Though if it ends like this I don't mind" I wanted to add. My eyes searched her face and I frowned.

I removed one hand from her back and slid her dark hair from her face and placed my hand on her cheek. I sat up keeping her still in my lap. "whats wrong?" her eyes had turned glassy. "are you hurt?" I ask my eyes scanning her. She was the most important person to me my wo-best friend. One thing I do know is I can't stand to see her hurt. I would rather endure an entire day with my father in a bad mood than see her hurt in any way.

I kept my hand placed on her cheek using my thumb to wipe away the tear threatening to fall. Then the worst feeling hit me. What if I'd made her cry not because she is hurt but because of something I said. That thought alone made me go still. My arm tightened around her and my eyes softened. "tell me whats wrong Firebird." I whisper leaning my forehead against hers.

My red hair had a black ribbon that tied it up in a ponytail. Many people say my parents should have named me scarlet but I think that the name wouldn't suit me. People with a name like that have lots of confidence, they act like fire itself. People like what others expect me to be are the opposite of who I really am. Jakob has never told me anything that was wrong or demeaning to me. He is one of the good ones. Sometimes I wonder if he knows that.

I walk through the door as he holds it open for me. "thank you." I say softly. I smile up at him, "I deserve far less than what I have, I'm grateful that I am even here." I tell him. Jakob doesn't know how I ended up a blacksmiths apprentice. He doesn't know my life before that. While maybe one day I will tell him. Today is not the day, nor the time.

I walk over to one of the many glass cases and look at the perfectly baked sweets. "what do you recommend?" I ask looking up at him.
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
Knowing that teasing her about the adorable blush on her face or the way she snuggled deeper into his side would only get him in trouble and probably never even get close to this happening again, August let it go. He could step out of that person for a little bit, the man who insisted on flirting with every pretty girl he saw. He could just be himself. Arm still around her shoulder, he squeezed her shoulder lightly and began walking once more, headed in the general direction of their ship.

The two of them had completed their errands and so the expected course would be to return to the ship, make sure everybody else had gotten back, maybe rest here for the night and then head off in the morning. That's what they did every other time they'd stopped for supplies. Maybe it was because so many things had happened in this city to shape him into who he was today, but he didn't want to leave right away. He wanted to wander the streets, visit the places where he held a few good memories, and even if August wouldn't admit it, part of him did want to know if his father was still here. Still alive, still an angry drunk, still alone.

"So, where to next princess?" he questioned, trying to push his wandering thoughts away. He didn't want to go to the ship right away. It would mean letting go of her, letting go of whatever this was between them. He was doubtful it'd ever happen again and August wasn't ready to let it end. It was selfish and childish, but isn't that what pirates were?
Maxton sitting help caused her to look up at him, wondering what had caused him to move. Of course, it could be that he was done playing around, but once she saw the concern on his face she knew that wasn't it. His thumb grazed her cheek and though they were calloused from hours of training, it was still soft and gentle. Natalee gave him a half smile and shook her head, wiping away the rest of the few tears that had slipped through.

"No, I'm not hurt, I'm okay. And it's nothing, really. Just... thinking about something I'd forgotten about that had upset me a little bit. Um, about my past," she explained. Though it was a lie, she hoped he'd believe her. She didn't much like talking about her past, especially the years involving her parents, and though Maxton knew of her past, she hoped he wouldn't push her. Because if he did, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to push away the truth again.
Her comment had sparked curiosity, and a little bit of worry, in him but Jakob wasn't going to push her. He knew that people deserved to have their secrets kept private and if she didn't want to tell him he wouldn't ask her to. He followed her into the story, nodding to the clerk. The two knew each other somewhat, seeing as how whenever Jakob bought Luna any sort of sweet is was always from this shop. But she didn't need to know that.

He gazed through the glass at the many displayed desserts and treats, eyes picking over each detail. Finally, his eyes landed on something he knew Luna would love. He pointed at the food and asked for a box as well as a sample. The clerk nodded, immediately beginning to package the treat. When finished, he handed the sample to Jakob, who then turned to his companion.

"This, my dear Luna, is a chocolate covered strawberry. The berry was picked fresh this very morning, the chocolate mixed up less than an hour ago and the fruit dipped minutes ago. You can still smell the warmth." If only his father could see him now, describing something they viewed as a typical thing as if it were a jewel, and to a 'commoner' no less. "I think you're going to love it," he added, handing it over to her to try. He'd never bought them for her before but he knew she had a secret love for stawberries, and chocolate itself was obvious.
Knowing that teasing her about the adorable blush on her face or the way she snuggled deeper into his side would only get him in trouble and probably never even get close to this happening again, August let it go. He could step out of that person for a little bit, the man who insisted on flirting with every pretty girl he saw. He could just be himself. Arm still around her shoulder, he squeezed her shoulder lightly and began walking once more, headed in the general direction of their ship.

The two of them had completed their errands and so the expected course would be to return to the ship, make sure everybody else had gotten back, maybe rest here for the night and then head off in the morning. That's what they did every other time they'd stopped for supplies. Maybe it was because so many things had happened in this city to shape him into who he was today, but he didn't want to leave right away. He wanted to wander the streets, visit the places where he held a few good memories, and even if August wouldn't admit it, part of him did want to know if his father was still here. Still alive, still an angry drunk, still alone.

"So, where to next princess?" he questioned, trying to push his wandering thoughts away. He didn't want to go to the ship right away. It would mean letting go of her, letting go of whatever this was between them. He was doubtful it'd ever happen again and August wasn't ready to let it end. It was selfish and childish, but isn't that what pirates were?
Maxton sitting help caused her to look up at him, wondering what had caused him to move. Of course, it could be that he was done playing around, but once she saw the concern on his face she knew that wasn't it. His thumb grazed her cheek and though they were calloused from hours of training, it was still soft and gentle. Natalee gave him a half smile and shook her head, wiping away the rest of the few tears that had slipped through.

"No, I'm not hurt, I'm okay. And it's nothing, really. Just... thinking about something I'd forgotten about that had upset me a little bit. Um, about my past," she explained. Though it was a lie, she hoped he'd believe her. She didn't much like talking about her past, especially the years involving her parents, and though Maxton knew of her past, she hoped he wouldn't push her. Because if he did, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to push away the truth again.
Her comment had sparked curiosity, and a little bit of worry, in him but Jakob wasn't going to push her. He knew that people deserved to have their secrets kept private and if she didn't want to tell him he wouldn't ask her to. He followed her into the story, nodding to the clerk. The two knew each other somewhat, seeing as how whenever Jakob bought Luna any sort of sweet is was always from this shop. But she didn't need to know that.

He gazed through the glass at the many displayed desserts and treats, eyes picking over each detail. Finally, his eyes landed on something he knew Luna would love. He pointed at the food and asked for a box as well as a sample. The clerk nodded, immediately beginning to package the treat. When finished, he handed the sample to Jakob, who then turned to his companion.

"This, my dear Luna, is a chocolate covered strawberry. The berry was picked fresh this very morning, the chocolate mixed up less than an hour ago and the fruit dipped minutes ago. You can still smell the warmth." If only his father could see him now, describing something they viewed as a typical thing as if it were a jewel, and to a 'commoner' no less. "I think you're going to love it," he added, handing it over to her to try. He'd never bought them for her before but he knew she had a secret love for stawberries, and chocolate itself was obvious.
I got over my moment of embarrassment and looked around the area. I look off into the distance at the large looming castle. I knew from childhood that no matter where you were in the kingdom you could always see it in some way. Tomorrow would mark the day that I was taken from this place. The day I left my brother behind.

as he asks where we were going next I simply say. " I'd like to visit my past for a moment if you don't mind." On the ship, no one really knows where anyone is from. August came to the ship after I was brought aboard so I doubt he even knew I was from here. "But if you have any stops you would like to make before we have time," I say to him. I knew he was deep in thought, washed up in something. Just like I was every time I felt the shadow and presence of the castle on the far side of the continent.

I watch closely as she speaks. Part of it was true...she wasn't physically hurt...but emotionally. I knew she lied about why, and it must be pretty bad or important to her if she used her past to cover it up. For that reason, I dropped it, but not before i said. "I'll always be here for you Natalee, always," I tell her. My icy eyes bore into hers. It wasn't just words or a promise. It was an oath, one ill never break.

I pulled her in and hugged her close running my fingers through her hair. I can be selfish one last time with her before I have to go back to reality. One last time. Even I knew that was a lie, I'll be selfish till the day I let her go in my mind, and that day may never come.

Far off in the distance watched a young girl with silver hair and blue eyes like mine. She was my youngest sister only 12. She had watched the entire exchange and had a sad look in her eyes. "just let yourself be happy for once...idiot." she muttered.

I watch as he buys something and holds out a small treat to me. As he explains it my mouth waters and I can already smell how amazing it will taste. As he hands it to me my eyes widen and I take it from his large hands gingerly. I lift it to my nose and smell it. My eyes widen and a smile makes its way to my face. "if it tastes half as good as it smells it will be the best thing ever." I say.

I take a bite and had to suppress a moan of adoration for the chocolate covered goodness. It was sweet but the dark chocolate gave it a slight bitterness to it. it was a perfect balance. To me, this was better than any gold coin I could earn. I finish the last of it and look up at him. ''That was the best thing I have ever tasted. If people paid me with this instead of money, id die a happy girl." I say to him with full honesty.
I got over my moment of embarrassment and looked around the area. I look off into the distance at the large looming castle. I knew from childhood that no matter where you were in the kingdom you could always see it in some way. Tomorrow would mark the day that I was taken from this place. The day I left my brother behind.

as he asks where we were going next I simply say. " I'd like to visit my past for a moment if you don't mind." On the ship, no one really knows where anyone is from. August came to the ship after I was brought aboard so I doubt he even knew I was from here. "But if you have any stops you would like to make before we have time," I say to him. I knew he was deep in thought, washed up in something. Just like I was every time I felt the shadow and presence of the castle on the far side of the continent.

I watch closely as she speaks. Part of it was true...she wasn't physically hurt...but emotionally. I knew she lied about why, and it must be pretty bad or important to her if she used her past to cover it up. For that reason, I dropped it, but not before i said. "I'll always be here for you Natalee, always," I tell her. My icy eyes bore into hers. It wasn't just words or a promise. It was an oath, one ill never break.

I pulled her in and hugged her close running my fingers through her hair. I can be selfish one last time with her before I have to go back to reality. One last time. Even I knew that was a lie, I'll be selfish till the day I let her go in my mind, and that day may never come.

Far off in the distance watched a young girl with silver hair and blue eyes like mine. She was my youngest sister only 12. She had watched the entire exchange and had a sad look in her eyes. "just let yourself be happy for once...idiot." she muttered.

I watch as he buys something and holds out a small treat to me. As he explains it my mouth waters and I can already smell how amazing it will taste. As he hands it to me my eyes widen and I take it from his large hands gingerly. I lift it to my nose and smell it. My eyes widen and a smile makes its way to my face. "if it tastes half as good as it smells it will be the best thing ever." I say.

I take a bite and had to suppress a moan of adoration for the chocolate covered goodness. It was sweet but the dark chocolate gave it a slight bitterness to it. it was a perfect balance. To me, this was better than any gold coin I could earn. I finish the last of it and look up at him. ''That was the best thing I have ever tasted. If people paid me with this instead of money, id die a happy girl." I say to him with full honesty.
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
Shock. That was the first thing he felt. Shock that he and Jupiter had grown up in the same city. He'd always thought she'd been raised onboard the Blood Pearl but it would make more sense that she grew up with her mother and then her father took her out to see with him when she was old enough. To know that he grew up in the same city as her, walked the same streets as her, and didn't even know her when he was younger was just bizarre. August almost thought to ask if he would let her come with before deciding against it. He wouldn't feel comfortable her finding about his father and she probably felt the same about her own life.

August shook his head in wonder and smiled. "Seems like we were both thinking the same things then. I've been thinking about visiting a few places ever since we docked." For some weird reason, he suddenly felt like he shouldn't leave Jupiter alone, or at least without a way to get back to him. He looked around the streets before finding the alley he wanted. He gestured to it before speaking again. "I'll only be an hour or so, and I'll be waiting in that alley for you, okay? And if I'm not there, then alley and it will take you directly to where I'm going." He felt like he needed to explain why he was telling her this, but August couldn't figure out why. So he left it alone.
The guard let herself be pulled into his hug, nodding in response to his promise. His fingers in her hair sent a shiver racing down her spine and though she tried to suppress it, Natalee knew that Maxton could feel it too. They were too close for him to not have felt it. She closed her eyes tightly, letting a few tears drop onto his shoulder. He wouldn't be able to see them against the dark fabric and she only let enough fall to rid herself of them.

Taking a breath, she opened her eyes and leaned away from him, shattering the moment they'd been in. Reality rushed in as if a wind itself, creating a barrier between the two once more. Natalee moved off the prince's lap and stood up to dust nonexistent particles off of her armor and clothes. Natalee didn't want to look at Maxton, knew that he'd probably see straight through her, reading her like an open book. But not meeting his gaze would make him more suspicious.

And so she looked at him, stretching out her hand to help him up, smiling through the heartache. A flash of white over his shoulder caught her eye and she noticed the youngest princess stood there, watching them. Natalee froze. She didn't know the other members of the royal family as well as she knew Maxton and she didn't know how his little sister would react to what she'd just seen. If she'd even seen any of it to begin with.

Glancing towards him, he nodded in the princesses direction. "Looks like someone's here to see you," she told him with a soft smile. It might not have been all true, but it would help defuse the situation of someone else intervened.

((I totally forgot that he had another sister and thought you were talking about Jupiter XD ))
Jakob laughed at her reaction, at her comment. She was the most expressive person that he knew and because of that, he knew that she was perfect. She couldn't lie by hiding behind a fake smile, couldn't feign ignorance or appreciation. Just one more thing that distinguished her from people of his own social class. More and more he was wishing he'd never been born an Edgerton, never been born into a life of wealth and power. Because if he hadn't, he and Luna could have been so much more than just friends. Not that they couldn't still, but he didn't want to put her under the inspection of the crude nobles.

He pulled the box out from behind his back, having already paid for it, and handed it to her. "Then I guess you'll be needing a gravestone," he remarked cheerfully, grinning widely. "Because I bought you an entire box."
Shock. That was the first thing he felt. Shock that he and Jupiter had grown up in the same city. He'd always thought she'd been raised onboard the Blood Pearl but it would make more sense that she grew up with her mother and then her father took her out to see with him when she was old enough. To know that he grew up in the same city as her, walked the same streets as her, and didn't even know her when he was younger was just bizarre. August almost thought to ask if he would let her come with before deciding against it. He wouldn't feel comfortable her finding about his father and she probably felt the same about her own life.

August shook his head in wonder and smiled. "Seems like we were both thinking the same things then. I've been thinking about visiting a few places ever since we docked." For some weird reason, he suddenly felt like he shouldn't leave Jupiter alone, or at least without a way to get back to him. He looked around the streets before finding the alley he wanted. He gestured to it before speaking again. "I'll only be an hour or so, and I'll be waiting in that alley for you, okay? And if I'm not there, then alley and it will take you directly to where I'm going." He felt like he needed to explain why he was telling her this, but August couldn't figure out why. So he left it alone.
The guard let herself be pulled into his hug, nodding in response to his promise. His fingers in her hair sent a shiver racing down her spine and though she tried to suppress it, Natalee knew that Maxton could feel it too. They were too close for him to not have felt it. She closed her eyes tightly, letting a few tears drop onto his shoulder. He wouldn't be able to see them against the dark fabric and she only let enough fall to rid herself of them.

Taking a breath, she opened her eyes and leaned away from him, shattering the moment they'd been in. Reality rushed in as if a wind itself, creating a barrier between the two once more. Natalee moved off the prince's lap and stood up to dust nonexistent particles off of her armor and clothes. Natalee didn't want to look at Maxton, knew that he'd probably see straight through her, reading her like an open book. But not meeting his gaze would make him more suspicious.

And so she looked at him, stretching out her hand to help him up, smiling through the heartache. A flash of white over his shoulder caught her eye and she noticed the youngest princess stood there, watching them. Natalee froze. She didn't know the other members of the royal family as well as she knew Maxton and she didn't know how his little sister would react to what she'd just seen. If she'd even seen any of it to begin with.

Glancing towards him, he nodded in the princesses direction. "Looks like someone's here to see you," she told him with a soft smile. It might not have been all true, but it would help defuse the situation of someone else intervened.

((I totally forgot that he had another sister and thought you were talking about Jupiter XD ))
Jakob laughed at her reaction, at her comment. She was the most expressive person that he knew and because of that, he knew that she was perfect. She couldn't lie by hiding behind a fake smile, couldn't feign ignorance or appreciation. Just one more thing that distinguished her from people of his own social class. More and more he was wishing he'd never been born an Edgerton, never been born into a life of wealth and power. Because if he hadn't, he and Luna could have been so much more than just friends. Not that they couldn't still, but he didn't want to put her under the inspection of the crude nobles.

He pulled the box out from behind his back, having already paid for it, and handed it to her. "Then I guess you'll be needing a gravestone," he remarked cheerfully, grinning widely. "Because I bought you an entire box."
I pause not exactly wanting to leave the warmth of his side yet. But reality is such a cruel thing. Slowly, reluctantly I slide from the arm he had around me. Instantly I feel cold. So very cold. In more ways than one. I swallow and nodded. "right. we both have one hour. if I'm not back...I'll be by the castle tunnels"

I didn't say I was going in the castle. Plus many people live around there, the king did that to ensure intruders would have to go through bodies before they got to his castle. I gave a tight smile. "be safe okay?" I say softly. Then I sigh. Today is full of surprises. I turn to walk in the opposite direction he would go and then stop in my tracks. I turn around and trot over to him. I pull a feather from my hair and place it behind his ear. "you bring that feather back to me." I order.

It didn't have anything to do with the feather, it just insured that we would meet up again.

I felt the droplets hit my suit. I counted each one. And for each tear she shed, I knew she let go of something. I just wish I knew what. As she left my lap and composed herself a gust of wind rushed between us. Like it was silently telling me that there will always be an invisible barrier between us no matter how much I tried.

As she extended her hand to me I contemplated pulling her back down to me. I didn't. I knew someone would walk out here at some point. I follow her gaze as she said we had company. I see my youngest sister and sigh. "Ivry" I call. The young girl walks over and smiles up at me with a knowing look. I simply roll my eyes.

I watch as my younger sister looks to Natalee as she studies her. Sometimes the young girl reminded me so much of Jup...but when I look in her eyes they were like a bright spring sky..not like the starlight that hid in Jupiter's violet eyes. I blink as I am taken from my thoughts watching my sister finally speak to the girl.

"I like you," she states. She then pulls a sheet of paper from her satchel that she always seems to have and hands it to her. "I came to speak to my brother but I found you as well. this is for you." She smiled. Then she turned to me and said. "Idiot." and I blinked.

"that's all you have to say to me?" I ask.

"no." she states. "you are also oblivious..." and with that, the pre-teen skipped away leaving me confused.

(haha.. also I found the perfect song for these two Its called War of Hearts.

I gasp when he holds out A WHOLE BOX FULL. I then look up to his eyes and say. "anyone ever tells you that you'll make the perfect prince charming for some girl?" I ask. I have always been an honest person. Everyone lives behind some little lie. I never want to do that. I will be who I am and everyone will know it. Its the one thing that Liam first taught me.

"be honest and true little one...its the bravest thing you can do in this world."

That's what he said to me. I live my life by this rule. I look at the box then back at him. "you relize there is no way I can eat that much...Okay I can...but its no fun snacking alone." I state. A silent invitation that I wanted to share with him. And it was true. I could eat it all by myself, I had a bottomless pit for a stomach when it came to sweets.
I pause not exactly wanting to leave the warmth of his side yet. But reality is such a cruel thing. Slowly, reluctantly I slide from the arm he had around me. Instantly I feel cold. So very cold. In more ways than one. I swallow and nodded. "right. we both have one hour. if I'm not back...I'll be by the castle tunnels"

I didn't say I was going in the castle. Plus many people live around there, the king did that to ensure intruders would have to go through bodies before they got to his castle. I gave a tight smile. "be safe okay?" I say softly. Then I sigh. Today is full of surprises. I turn to walk in the opposite direction he would go and then stop in my tracks. I turn around and trot over to him. I pull a feather from my hair and place it behind his ear. "you bring that feather back to me." I order.

It didn't have anything to do with the feather, it just insured that we would meet up again.

I felt the droplets hit my suit. I counted each one. And for each tear she shed, I knew she let go of something. I just wish I knew what. As she left my lap and composed herself a gust of wind rushed between us. Like it was silently telling me that there will always be an invisible barrier between us no matter how much I tried.

As she extended her hand to me I contemplated pulling her back down to me. I didn't. I knew someone would walk out here at some point. I follow her gaze as she said we had company. I see my youngest sister and sigh. "Ivry" I call. The young girl walks over and smiles up at me with a knowing look. I simply roll my eyes.

I watch as my younger sister looks to Natalee as she studies her. Sometimes the young girl reminded me so much of Jup...but when I look in her eyes they were like a bright spring sky..not like the starlight that hid in Jupiter's violet eyes. I blink as I am taken from my thoughts watching my sister finally speak to the girl.

"I like you," she states. She then pulls a sheet of paper from her satchel that she always seems to have and hands it to her. "I came to speak to my brother but I found you as well. this is for you." She smiled. Then she turned to me and said. "Idiot." and I blinked.

"that's all you have to say to me?" I ask.

"no." she states. "you are also oblivious..." and with that, the pre-teen skipped away leaving me confused.

(haha.. also I found the perfect song for these two Its called War of Hearts.

I gasp when he holds out A WHOLE BOX FULL. I then look up to his eyes and say. "anyone ever tells you that you'll make the perfect prince charming for some girl?" I ask. I have always been an honest person. Everyone lives behind some little lie. I never want to do that. I will be who I am and everyone will know it. Its the one thing that Liam first taught me.

"be honest and true little one...its the bravest thing you can do in this world."

That's what he said to me. I live my life by this rule. I look at the box then back at him. "you relize there is no way I can eat that much...Okay I can...but its no fun snacking alone." I state. A silent invitation that I wanted to share with him. And it was true. I could eat it all by myself, I had a bottomless pit for a stomach when it came to sweets.
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
"Castle tunnels, got it," August repeated back to her, ensuring that he would remember where to meet her if she wasn't back. The castle tunnels had been a place that children frequented. They loved trying to sneak into them. Most were stopped by guards patrolling before they ever made it very far, but August had gotten the closest. That was the night before he'd run away from his life, his father, and this city.

August could tell that something was off. Jupiter was quieter now, more... nervous. In all his years of knowing her, he'd never known her to be nervous. It almost made him want to ask to come with her even though he was certain what the answer would be. He wouldn't push her either.

At her soft words, he smiled warmly and nodded, silently agreeing. The pirate watched as she turned away and began to walk away from him. His heart throbbed painfully as he watched her go, and when she turned around to come back to him, it seemed to freeze. For one ridiculous moment, he thought she was going to kiss him. She had such a determined look on her face, one that told him he would do whatever so told him to. August immediately shook that thought away and watched with bated breath as she pulled a feather away from her cap and placed it in his hair.

Her fingers lightly grazed his face and he felt his heart stutter. If she kept giving him these little touches, these little things, August was pretty sure she was going to make his heart burst. At her demand, he nodded once more, this time more seriously. Even if he had to wait all night for her he would give her this feather back before they returned to the ship.
As Princess Ivry approached them, Natalee straightened her posture, wanting to appear more professional. By the way, the young princess looked at her, she knew the girl had seen enough of what had happened between Maxton and herself to understand the situation. The unrequited love that the guard felt for the prince. At her words though, Natalee was even more surprised. Of all the things she thought the princess would say, that was not one of them. Instead of gaping at her, she smiled down at her, suddenly feeling a lot more comfortable around Princess Ivry.

She took the paper from the girl and figured she'd read it once she'd left. She didn't know what was on it and had no clue what it could even be. Natalee was fine with Maxton being there when she read it, but not Princess Ivry. It could be something relating to her guard duties.

At the insult, the princess gave her brother the brunette had to laugh. It was sharp and filled with humor, which surprised her considering the situation she had just been in. She quickly covered her grin, though her shoulders still shook with giggles every once in awhile due to the surprise on Maxton's face. When the princess called him oblivious, Natalee's heart froze and she glanced at him, wondering if it would click in his mind.

((Oh my gosh, that song is literally them! Also, do you have anything planned for the note that Natalee has or no? If not, any suggestions?))
Her gasp made him laugh, the grin on his face wider than any of the others he'd worn today. At Luna's words, Jakob blushing but smiled none the less. "No, I don't think so. Of course, I've got to find my perfect princess first, don't I?" he questioned, giving a quick wink. His heart thumped in his chest, both at her words and at his actions, but sometimes he couldn't always think logically around her.

He may not have known Luna as well as he wanted to, but he knew her well enough to know that when she couldn't eat something all on her won she was really inviting the person to join her. He'd seen her pull that same trick on the blacksmith, usually when she was trying to apologize for something and had brought home treats. Even children fell for it, though it was probably just because of the prospect of treats.

"Well, we can't very well have chocolate covered strawberries for dinner. Let's go get something a bit more healthy first," Jakob suggested, beginning to head towards the exit. He thanked the store clerk with a nod of his head and held the door open once more for Luna. He knew of several nice and laid back places they could eat but he had a feeling Luna wasn't going to let him take her somewhere that was too expensive, not after what he just bought her.
"Castle tunnels, got it," August repeated back to her, ensuring that he would remember where to meet her if she wasn't back. The castle tunnels had been a place that children frequented. They loved trying to sneak into them. Most were stopped by guards patrolling before they ever made it very far, but August had gotten the closest. That was the night before he'd run away from his life, his father, and this city.

August could tell that something was off. Jupiter was quieter now, more... nervous. In all his years of knowing her, he'd never known her to be nervous. It almost made him want to ask to come with her even though he was certain what the answer would be. He wouldn't push her either.

At her soft words, he smiled warmly and nodded, silently agreeing. The pirate watched as she turned away and began to walk away from him. His heart throbbed painfully as he watched her go, and when she turned around to come back to him, it seemed to freeze. For one ridiculous moment, he thought she was going to kiss him. She had such a determined look on her face, one that told him he would do whatever so told him to. August immediately shook that thought away and watched with bated breath as she pulled a feather away from her cap and placed it in his hair.

Her fingers lightly grazed his face and he felt his heart stutter. If she kept giving him these little touches, these little things, August was pretty sure she was going to make his heart burst. At her demand, he nodded once more, this time more seriously. Even if he had to wait all night for her he would give her this feather back before they returned to the ship.
As Princess Ivry approached them, Natalee straightened her posture, wanting to appear more professional. By the way, the young princess looked at her, she knew the girl had seen enough of what had happened between Maxton and herself to understand the situation. The unrequited love that the guard felt for the prince. At her words though, Natalee was even more surprised. Of all the things she thought the princess would say, that was not one of them. Instead of gaping at her, she smiled down at her, suddenly feeling a lot more comfortable around Princess Ivry.

She took the paper from the girl and figured she'd read it once she'd left. She didn't know what was on it and had no clue what it could even be. Natalee was fine with Maxton being there when she read it, but not Princess Ivry. It could be something relating to her guard duties.

At the insult, the princess gave her brother the brunette had to laugh. It was sharp and filled with humor, which surprised her considering the situation she had just been in. She quickly covered her grin, though her shoulders still shook with giggles every once in awhile due to the surprise on Maxton's face. When the princess called him oblivious, Natalee's heart froze and she glanced at him, wondering if it would click in his mind.

((Oh my gosh, that song is literally them! Also, do you have anything planned for the note that Natalee has or no? If not, any suggestions?))
Her gasp made him laugh, the grin on his face wider than any of the others he'd worn today. At Luna's words, Jakob blushing but smiled none the less. "No, I don't think so. Of course, I've got to find my perfect princess first, don't I?" he questioned, giving a quick wink. His heart thumped in his chest, both at her words and at his actions, but sometimes he couldn't always think logically around her.

He may not have known Luna as well as he wanted to, but he knew her well enough to know that when she couldn't eat something all on her won she was really inviting the person to join her. He'd seen her pull that same trick on the blacksmith, usually when she was trying to apologize for something and had brought home treats. Even children fell for it, though it was probably just because of the prospect of treats.

"Well, we can't very well have chocolate covered strawberries for dinner. Let's go get something a bit more healthy first," Jakob suggested, beginning to head towards the exit. He thanked the store clerk with a nod of his head and held the door open once more for Luna. He knew of several nice and laid back places they could eat but he had a feeling Luna wasn't going to let him take her somewhere that was too expensive, not after what he just bought her.
I nodded in farewell. I almost did something completely stupid. utterly foreign to me...I was glad that other things on my mind had stopped me. I send him one last long look and a tight smile made its way to my lips. "be careful" were my last words. I turn and pull my hood up over my head and disappear into the many twists and turns of the alleyways of the streets.

I wind and twist down the streets unnoticed by all. Soon enough I made it to the enormous wall that separated the royal family from everyone else. I stay out of sight as a pair of guards walk by. As soon as they are out of range I walk into the tunnels.

No one knew these passages better than me. Not the guards, not even my father. I memorized these as a child. Not because I needed to or wanted to. Maxton once told me I couldn't and I did it just to prove him wrong. I guess now it's coming in handy. I was sure to stay far away from all the guarded areas of the tunnels and take a passage up into the castle.

As I open the stone door I look down the halls of the labyrinth I once called home. I knew where the people I wanted to see would be. The first stop I made was a small library to peek inside. There sat a woman in all her glory. Blonde hair and bright blue eyes. My mother. I looked nothing like her. Not a trace of her in me. No, I was the spitting image of the men in the pictures lined the walls. I was the spitting image of the royal line. She was reading an old novel. A white cat sat in her lap. One I knew well as a child. Poseidon, The last time I saw him was when he was a kitten...A gift for my 7th birthday. I'm surprised my mother kept him, she was never a fan of animals.

Slowly I back away careful not to make a sound as I made my way to my next stop. I was on the sixth floor and walking along the outer corridor of the castle. A perfect view of the training grounds. That is where I saw the heir to the throne with a young woman in armor I watched my twins facial expressions as he talked to her. I could already tell the love he had for her. Forbidden as it may be from the looks of her armor. I pulled a small envelope from my cloak and continued through the castle leaving behind one of the only people I missed from this place. The worst and most wicked part of it all was even after seeing all this. I don't regret a moment of what happened. Such a horrible person I am.

I go to the room I know is my brothers. I know this because its the room across from mine, hed never leave it. I slide the envelope under the door and turn. My old room is what I was faced with. I sigh and head to it. I open the door and the creak it makes lets me know that no one has entered this room in a long time.

Everything was where it was when I left. Not a single thing out of place. As if they were afraid to move something as if they thought id come back. I guess I did. I hear the bells of the grand church chime for noon and that meant I had twenty minutes to get back to the ally. I turn and leave the room closing the door behind me only to come face to face with a small girl her hair the same as mine but everything else the spitting image of the woman in the library. The young girl dropped her satchel and I stood straight. and turned to walk away. "Stop," she said. I did. "take your hood one is allowed in that room...let me see who broke law." She said with the confidence of a queen. I turned back to her and let the hood fall the silver hair falling down my back. My violet eyes meeting hers.

"tell Maxton that the shooting star sends her regards...and not to worry...I'll be back one day" and with that, I turned myself away and disappeared into the hall. I ran to the tunnels and escaped the castle my breathing heavy not from lack of breath but from the tightness in my chest. As I leaned against the walls of the allyways. I made my way to the place where I was supposed to meet August..but he wasn't here yet.

I grumble at the fact she was still laughing at my little sister. "shes far to over confident for her own good" I mutter through my best friends laughter. I look up around the castle walls only to see a figure staring at me. the violet eyes meeting mine. I close my eyes and shake my head looking back to where the person was for her only to be gone...a figure of my imagination again.

"Alright, Firebird it cant be that funny that she called me stupid," I say to her with a slight pout nudging her playfully. "come on we best check in to see if we are needed for anything." I say Knowing that our little bubble had to pop at some point.

When he winks at me I chuckle. "well if you are ever out of luck ill play your damsel in distress." I say back winking as well. We always seemed to have playful banters...though...this one felt a little different.

At his mention of more food I chuckle. "Excuse me but I can eat sweets breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner." I say matter-a-factly. "but if you insist....I get to choose the place" I say with a smile already knowing where ill be dragging him.

(oi my poor fingers)
I nodded in farewell. I almost did something completely stupid. utterly foreign to me...I was glad that other things on my mind had stopped me. I send him one last long look and a tight smile made its way to my lips. "be careful" were my last words. I turn and pull my hood up over my head and disappear into the many twists and turns of the alleyways of the streets.

I wind and twist down the streets unnoticed by all. Soon enough I made it to the enormous wall that separated the royal family from everyone else. I stay out of sight as a pair of guards walk by. As soon as they are out of range I walk into the tunnels.

No one knew these passages better than me. Not the guards, not even my father. I memorized these as a child. Not because I needed to or wanted to. Maxton once told me I couldn't and I did it just to prove him wrong. I guess now it's coming in handy. I was sure to stay far away from all the guarded areas of the tunnels and take a passage up into the castle.

As I open the stone door I look down the halls of the labyrinth I once called home. I knew where the people I wanted to see would be. The first stop I made was a small library to peek inside. There sat a woman in all her glory. Blonde hair and bright blue eyes. My mother. I looked nothing like her. Not a trace of her in me. No, I was the spitting image of the men in the pictures lined the walls. I was the spitting image of the royal line. She was reading an old novel. A white cat sat in her lap. One I knew well as a child. Poseidon, The last time I saw him was when he was a kitten...A gift for my 7th birthday. I'm surprised my mother kept him, she was never a fan of animals.

Slowly I back away careful not to make a sound as I made my way to my next stop. I was on the sixth floor and walking along the outer corridor of the castle. A perfect view of the training grounds. That is where I saw the heir to the throne with a young woman in armor I watched my twins facial expressions as he talked to her. I could already tell the love he had for her. Forbidden as it may be from the looks of her armor. I pulled a small envelope from my cloak and continued through the castle leaving behind one of the only people I missed from this place. The worst and most wicked part of it all was even after seeing all this. I don't regret a moment of what happened. Such a horrible person I am.

I go to the room I know is my brothers. I know this because its the room across from mine, hed never leave it. I slide the envelope under the door and turn. My old room is what I was faced with. I sigh and head to it. I open the door and the creak it makes lets me know that no one has entered this room in a long time.

Everything was where it was when I left. Not a single thing out of place. As if they were afraid to move something as if they thought id come back. I guess I did. I hear the bells of the grand church chime for noon and that meant I had twenty minutes to get back to the ally. I turn and leave the room closing the door behind me only to come face to face with a small girl her hair the same as mine but everything else the spitting image of the woman in the library. The young girl dropped her satchel and I stood straight. and turned to walk away. "Stop," she said. I did. "take your hood one is allowed in that room...let me see who broke law." She said with the confidence of a queen. I turned back to her and let the hood fall the silver hair falling down my back. My violet eyes meeting hers.

"tell Maxton that the shooting star sends her regards...and not to worry...I'll be back one day" and with that, I turned myself away and disappeared into the hall. I ran to the tunnels and escaped the castle my breathing heavy not from lack of breath but from the tightness in my chest. As I leaned against the walls of the allyways. I made my way to the place where I was supposed to meet August..but he wasn't here yet.

I grumble at the fact she was still laughing at my little sister. "shes far to over confident for her own good" I mutter through my best friends laughter. I look up around the castle walls only to see a figure staring at me. the violet eyes meeting mine. I close my eyes and shake my head looking back to where the person was for her only to be gone...a figure of my imagination again.

"Alright, Firebird it cant be that funny that she called me stupid," I say to her with a slight pout nudging her playfully. "come on we best check in to see if we are needed for anything." I say Knowing that our little bubble had to pop at some point.

When he winks at me I chuckle. "well if you are ever out of luck ill play your damsel in distress." I say back winking as well. We always seemed to have playful banters...though...this one felt a little different.

At his mention of more food I chuckle. "Excuse me but I can eat sweets breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner." I say matter-a-factly. "but if you insist....I get to choose the place" I say with a smile already knowing where ill be dragging him.

(oi my poor fingers)
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
The alleyway was just as disgusting and filthy as it had been ten years ago. When he was a child he could ignore all of the filth, could jump over the piles of garbage and feces like it was nothing. Now he stepped over them, his heart aching. He stumbled over a stray mutt who snarled at him before running off. He ran a hand down his face, suddenly tired. August had a half a mind to turn back now, to not even go see his old home. But he needed to know. Needed to know if anything had ever changed once he'd left all those years ago. So the pirate set his jaw and continued forward.

He finally reached the end of the alley. It opened up into a courtyard of sorts, surrounded by a high stone wall on one side with a view of the ocean and docks on the other. Immediately in front of him stood the shack that he'd grown up in, the shack he'd left behind. But it was no longer a shack. The walls and windows had been fixed, the front door replaced and painted a bright, cheerful blue. August wasn't surprised. He'd expected that his father had either died or moved out.

What he didn't expect was to watch his father step out of the door with a little girl on his shoulders and another trailing behind him. The three of them were smiling, laughing, playing. It froze August in his place, still hidden in the shadows of the alley. There was no doubt it was his father. There were scars on his hands from the carpentry tools he tried to use when drunk, broken bottles, and from fights he'd gotten in when going out to bars late at night. Other than the scars though, there was next to no resemblance. He was thinner but healthy, muscled in his arms as if he'd been working with wood.

A moment later a woman followed the three others out the door, her eyes and smile bright, without a touch of fear. A spike of rage rushed through his veins and he almost moved forward. How could this fan let alcohol push his first family away and then completely leave it behind and start a new one? It infuriated him. But looking at the smiles, listening to their laughter, the anger faded. August was proud of his father. He'd realized his mistake and come to terms with it. He'd fixed his life and remarried, starting a new family.

August watched the girls, realizing that they were his half-sisters. He doubted he'd ever get to see his full blood sisters again, so to see these little girls helped him to remember how happy he'd been with them. Giving his father's new family, his own half-family, one more look, August turned and walked away. It hadn't taken him more than a half hour two get to his family's home so he still had a while to wander around before he needed to return to the alley to meet up with Jupiter. With a sigh, he left the alley and walked down the street, up towards the castle.

There was still one more place he wanted to see, one more piece of his childhood he wanted to see if still stood. He turned left just before the castle tunnels, hiking up the street. When he was younger, there'd been a tree that was tall enough to look over the castle walls. He was the only one who knew of it. He would climb it every morning and dream of a world where walls didn't exist. Physical walls between king and kingdom, the emotional walls between himself and his father, walls that made it impossible to ever find his family again. And the walls that at the time, had made it impossible to ever get out of the situation he was in.

The tree was still there. He smiled and immediately began to climb it. He could no longer climb as high as he used to because of the weaker branches, but he could still see over the wall. His view was of a garden, flowers in bloom and the paths empty. With a sigh, August began to climb back down. He loved the view, but it no longer held the same magic it once had. Maybe it was because of the fact that he'd overcome so many more barriers over the past few years that this simple stone one wasn't a barrier anymore.

August made his way back to the alley to meet up with Jupiter once more. When the clock began to chime, signaling an hour had passed, he immediately broke out into a sprint. He didn't want Jupiter to think that he'd left without her, or that he'd gotten caught up in something else and lost track of time. He raced through the streets, dodging people as he needed and shouting apologies over his shoulder when he did bump into someone. He reached the square they'd split up in an hour before and he looked around for the alley. He finally found it and headed towards it, seeing a cloaked figure standing in the shadows.

"Sorry I took a bit longer than I thought he would," August said quickly once he as in earshot. He reached up to his ear to retrieve her feather but it wasn't there. He shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "It seems that during my adventures your feather fell out. PRobably while I was climbing a tree. Sorry, Jupiter."
Natalee snorted and shook her head, still grinning. "Overconfidence isn't a bad thing, as long as it doesn't evolve into cockiness. And I'm laughing at her insult, I'm laughing at your reaction." She giggled again. Normally she wouldn't be this... expressive, but due to the high-stress situation she'd just gotten out of, it felt good to relieve some of the tension.

At the change of subject, Natalee nodded and opened up the letter. It was addressed to her and unsigned. She scanned the words, ignoring the big fancy words that made it look official. The guard rolled her eyes and folded up the letter once more. "It seems that an unregistered ship docked this morning and there are reports that it's a pirate ship. I've been assigned to checking if these rumors are factual. As soon as possible." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

She hated when she was given responsibilities like this. They were tasks usually given to the lesser guards, the new ones, the ones who had been disciplined. For her to given this task was just plain annoying. The contents of the letter told her that no one had been assigned to do this with her, so she wouldn't even have anyone to talk to.
His heart thumped, somewhat painfully though not wholly unpleasant. The two of them didn't often act like this, didn't often flirt, so to have done it so often today was strange. Jakob smiled at her, pleased that she hadn't immediately turned him down for dinner. It gave him hope. Hope for... something

"Well then, lead the way," he teased with a flourishing bow and a grin in her direction. Part of his grin was due to the fact that he could imagine his father's face if he were to see him now. Bowing to a 'commoner,' spending his father's money on expensive foods for her, taking her out to dinner, even just spending time with her. His father would look as if someone had stabbed him in the gut.

((I totally understand XD ))
The alleyway was just as disgusting and filthy as it had been ten years ago. When he was a child he could ignore all of the filth, could jump over the piles of garbage and feces like it was nothing. Now he stepped over them, his heart aching. He stumbled over a stray mutt who snarled at him before running off. He ran a hand down his face, suddenly tired. August had a half a mind to turn back now, to not even go see his old home. But he needed to know. Needed to know if anything had ever changed once he'd left all those years ago. So the pirate set his jaw and continued forward.

He finally reached the end of the alley. It opened up into a courtyard of sorts, surrounded by a high stone wall on one side with a view of the ocean and docks on the other. Immediately in front of him stood the shack that he'd grown up in, the shack he'd left behind. But it was no longer a shack. The walls and windows had been fixed, the front door replaced and painted a bright, cheerful blue. August wasn't surprised. He'd expected that his father had either died or moved out.

What he didn't expect was to watch his father step out of the door with a little girl on his shoulders and another trailing behind him. The three of them were smiling, laughing, playing. It froze August in his place, still hidden in the shadows of the alley. There was no doubt it was his father. There were scars on his hands from the carpentry tools he tried to use when drunk, broken bottles, and from fights he'd gotten in when going out to bars late at night. Other than the scars though, there was next to no resemblance. He was thinner but healthy, muscled in his arms as if he'd been working with wood.

A moment later a woman followed the three others out the door, her eyes and smile bright, without a touch of fear. A spike of rage rushed through his veins and he almost moved forward. How could this fan let alcohol push his first family away and then completely leave it behind and start a new one? It infuriated him. But looking at the smiles, listening to their laughter, the anger faded. August was proud of his father. He'd realized his mistake and come to terms with it. He'd fixed his life and remarried, starting a new family.

August watched the girls, realizing that they were his half-sisters. He doubted he'd ever get to see his full blood sisters again, so to see these little girls helped him to remember how happy he'd been with them. Giving his father's new family, his own half-family, one more look, August turned and walked away. It hadn't taken him more than a half hour two get to his family's home so he still had a while to wander around before he needed to return to the alley to meet up with Jupiter. With a sigh, he left the alley and walked down the street, up towards the castle.

There was still one more place he wanted to see, one more piece of his childhood he wanted to see if still stood. He turned left just before the castle tunnels, hiking up the street. When he was younger, there'd been a tree that was tall enough to look over the castle walls. He was the only one who knew of it. He would climb it every morning and dream of a world where walls didn't exist. Physical walls between king and kingdom, the emotional walls between himself and his father, walls that made it impossible to ever find his family again. And the walls that at the time, had made it impossible to ever get out of the situation he was in.

The tree was still there. He smiled and immediately began to climb it. He could no longer climb as high as he used to because of the weaker branches, but he could still see over the wall. His view was of a garden, flowers in bloom and the paths empty. With a sigh, August began to climb back down. He loved the view, but it no longer held the same magic it once had. Maybe it was because of the fact that he'd overcome so many more barriers over the past few years that this simple stone one wasn't a barrier anymore.

August made his way back to the alley to meet up with Jupiter once more. When the clock began to chime, signaling an hour had passed, he immediately broke out into a sprint. He didn't want Jupiter to think that he'd left without her, or that he'd gotten caught up in something else and lost track of time. He raced through the streets, dodging people as he needed and shouting apologies over his shoulder when he did bump into someone. He reached the square they'd split up in an hour before and he looked around for the alley. He finally found it and headed towards it, seeing a cloaked figure standing in the shadows.

"Sorry I took a bit longer than I thought he would," August said quickly once he as in earshot. He reached up to his ear to retrieve her feather but it wasn't there. He shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "It seems that during my adventures your feather fell out. PRobably while I was climbing a tree. Sorry, Jupiter."
Natalee snorted and shook her head, still grinning. "Overconfidence isn't a bad thing, as long as it doesn't evolve into cockiness. And I'm laughing at her insult, I'm laughing at your reaction." She giggled again. Normally she wouldn't be this... expressive, but due to the high-stress situation she'd just gotten out of, it felt good to relieve some of the tension.

At the change of subject, Natalee nodded and opened up the letter. It was addressed to her and unsigned. She scanned the words, ignoring the big fancy words that made it look official. The guard rolled her eyes and folded up the letter once more. "It seems that an unregistered ship docked this morning and there are reports that it's a pirate ship. I've been assigned to checking if these rumors are factual. As soon as possible." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

She hated when she was given responsibilities like this. They were tasks usually given to the lesser guards, the new ones, the ones who had been disciplined. For her to given this task was just plain annoying. The contents of the letter told her that no one had been assigned to do this with her, so she wouldn't even have anyone to talk to.
His heart thumped, somewhat painfully though not wholly unpleasant. The two of them didn't often act like this, didn't often flirt, so to have done it so often today was strange. Jakob smiled at her, pleased that she hadn't immediately turned him down for dinner. It gave him hope. Hope for... something

"Well then, lead the way," he teased with a flourishing bow and a grin in her direction. Part of his grin was due to the fact that he could imagine his father's face if he were to see him now. Bowing to a 'commoner,' spending his father's money on expensive foods for her, taking her out to dinner, even just spending time with her. His father would look as if someone had stabbed him in the gut.

((I totally understand XD ))
I stood waiting in the shadows. I watched people pass by scanning for the dark haired blue eyed man I had come here with. The moment he came into view I looked him over...many times. I was in search of any injuries. None. I let out a sigh of relief and stare up at him. "we both know the feather isn't what mattered to me."

My eyes were empty at this point. I suppose I was left to my thoughts a little longer than I should have been. I took a cautious step towards him then sighed. The encounter today drained me completely. I lean my forehead against his chest in exhaustion. "time is such a cruel thing wouldn't you say?" I ask quietly. I wrap my arms around his muscled body and sigh.

"We never speak of this," I say seriously as I bury my head in his chest trying to keep myself together.

I grumble about how it cant be that amusing for a moment before peering over her shoulder. I scoff. "se'xist ba'stard" I mutter. Then I smile. "well looks like me and you have a problem to look into. let's go sattle up our horses." I say with a grin. And with that I put my hands behind my head and head towards the stables.

I pass by the very man who was head of the guard. He was smirking at Nat knowing the task given to her. I had a cold look in my eyes when I saw him. "come on Firebird WE have a job to do." I say and send Will a smirk my icy eyes shining in the light of the sunset. His smug look went away instantly and he cowered down.

"ah sir William pleasure to see you, I have a job for you. the maids are in need of help cleaning the fireplace and I promised you personally would help. Don't disappoint." I tell him before walking away.

I smiled and walked through the door "why thank you, kind sir." I say playfully fanning myself. With that I walk out and look around. "its not far from here follow me" I say pointing and walking down the street. I diside to take a shortcut and turn down an ally to get to town central. Then I turn down another ally and walk to a slightly run down looking place. "I promise its the best dinner youll ever have" I say walking in.

I came here often when I had time to myself. I enjoyed helping the older couple cook. I enjoyed cooking and baking in general. The two who owned this place taught me everything I know. "Carla! Henry!" I call as I walk in. My amber eyes scanning the small diner. The elderly lady pops her head out "Oh LU LU darling welcome back! Oh, and you bring a guest! Sit Ill bring you both something to eat."

I chuckle and sit at one of the tables by the window silently beckoning Jakob to follow.
I stood waiting in the shadows. I watched people pass by scanning for the dark haired blue eyed man I had come here with. The moment he came into view I looked him over...many times. I was in search of any injuries. None. I let out a sigh of relief and stare up at him. "we both know the feather isn't what mattered to me."

My eyes were empty at this point. I suppose I was left to my thoughts a little longer than I should have been. I took a cautious step towards him then sighed. The encounter today drained me completely. I lean my forehead against his chest in exhaustion. "time is such a cruel thing wouldn't you say?" I ask quietly. I wrap my arms around his muscled body and sigh.

"We never speak of this," I say seriously as I bury my head in his chest trying to keep myself together.

I grumble about how it cant be that amusing for a moment before peering over her shoulder. I scoff. "se'xist ba'stard" I mutter. Then I smile. "well looks like me and you have a problem to look into. let's go sattle up our horses." I say with a grin. And with that I put my hands behind my head and head towards the stables.

I pass by the very man who was head of the guard. He was smirking at Nat knowing the task given to her. I had a cold look in my eyes when I saw him. "come on Firebird WE have a job to do." I say and send Will a smirk my icy eyes shining in the light of the sunset. His smug look went away instantly and he cowered down.

"ah sir William pleasure to see you, I have a job for you. the maids are in need of help cleaning the fireplace and I promised you personally would help. Don't disappoint." I tell him before walking away.

I smiled and walked through the door "why thank you, kind sir." I say playfully fanning myself. With that I walk out and look around. "its not far from here follow me" I say pointing and walking down the street. I diside to take a shortcut and turn down an ally to get to town central. Then I turn down another ally and walk to a slightly run down looking place. "I promise its the best dinner youll ever have" I say walking in.

I came here often when I had time to myself. I enjoyed helping the older couple cook. I enjoyed cooking and baking in general. The two who owned this place taught me everything I know. "Carla! Henry!" I call as I walk in. My amber eyes scanning the small diner. The elderly lady pops her head out "Oh LU LU darling welcome back! Oh, and you bring a guest! Sit Ill bring you both something to eat."

I chuckle and sit at one of the tables by the window silently beckoning Jakob to follow.
1f338.png 5bb420da6c0049a8f4927d7fc6d5c60f.png

Visit my hatchery--> Candlelight
Visit my art shop --> Kitty Corner
Visit My new Rps --> CT Equestrian
03d12d07-ef6a-11e5-9c17-2d9b8664c5dc.gif I am in the middle of my senior year of highschool, I am taking Health and AP classes along with honors and online courses, therefore I have a LOT of work. Please be patient with my replies I will make it my goal to reply within a week though.
August stared down at the woman before him with wide eyes. Today may have held many interesting things between the two of them, but he would never have expected this is a million years. Even in his wildest imagination, he never believed that Jupiter would ever willingly do something like this, especially with the likes of him. However, he didn't want to overthink any of this and let the moment go, so he wrapped his arms protectively around her and rested his chin on her head. "Wouldn't dream of it, Jupiter," he said quietly, almost whispering it into her hair.

He hesitated for a moment before deciding to go with it. The pirate rubbed her back with one hand. He was smart enough to know that Jupiter wouldn't be doing this for no reason. She wouldn't find solace in someone like him, especially since she deserved so much better. And though he flirted with her near nonstop, he still hoped that she at least saw him as a friend of some sort. Someone that she could trust with any secrets she felt she had to bottle up.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, or if you don't want to talk about it, but... what's wrong? I know you a bit better than you probably want, and I know when something is bothering you. I want to try and help my princess," he told her fondly, his lips curving into a smile. His heart warmed as he held her in his arms, taking it all in.

"Maxton," Natalee said with a sigh, rubbing her forehead. "You don't have to come with me. I know for a fact you've got better things you could be doing." Even though she was trying to talk him out of it, she also knew that it would be useless. Maxton wasn't going to let her suffer through her assignment alone. Especially not after his comment about her commanding officer. He was right of course, the man was sexist and loved seeing her squirm when he gave her low ranking assignments.

As she passed Captain Will, she couldn't help but grin. She didn't even try to hide is as she walked past him, offering him a mere shrug of her shoulders. She glanced back once they'd passed and Maxton had given him his task and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from breaking into a fit of giggles. Once the man had turned tail and stomped away, the giggles bubbled from her lips and she smiled up at the prince.

"Thank you Maxton, I owe you one," she told him once she'd gotten her laughter under control. "Seriously, the look on his face was absolutely priceless!"

He shook his head and smiled as Jakob followed the girl into the room. One of these days she was probably going to get him in trouble with his father. Which didn't really sound that awful, especially considering the fact that he quite enjoyed making his father angry. "I wouldn't expect any less," he replied, grinning.

Jakob stood back as the cooks enthusiastically greeted the redhead, smiling as they welcomed her like family. He was glad that she had people like this in her life, people who genuinely loved her and treated her like their own daughter. She deserved people like that in her life. He smiled and nodded in greeting once he'd been seen, not wanting to seem standoffish.

Once they'd been directed to a table, he sat down, trying not to appear out of place in this place. Which was quite difficult seeing as how he was dressed in finer clothes than any of the other patrons could ever afford. Somewhat self-conscious, he picked up the menu and began trying to read through it... until he realized it was upside don.
August stared down at the woman before him with wide eyes. Today may have held many interesting things between the two of them, but he would never have expected this is a million years. Even in his wildest imagination, he never believed that Jupiter would ever willingly do something like this, especially with the likes of him. However, he didn't want to overthink any of this and let the moment go, so he wrapped his arms protectively around her and rested his chin on her head. "Wouldn't dream of it, Jupiter," he said quietly, almost whispering it into her hair.

He hesitated for a moment before deciding to go with it. The pirate rubbed her back with one hand. He was smart enough to know that Jupiter wouldn't be doing this for no reason. She wouldn't find solace in someone like him, especially since she deserved so much better. And though he flirted with her near nonstop, he still hoped that she at least saw him as a friend of some sort. Someone that she could trust with any secrets she felt she had to bottle up.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, or if you don't want to talk about it, but... what's wrong? I know you a bit better than you probably want, and I know when something is bothering you. I want to try and help my princess," he told her fondly, his lips curving into a smile. His heart warmed as he held her in his arms, taking it all in.

"Maxton," Natalee said with a sigh, rubbing her forehead. "You don't have to come with me. I know for a fact you've got better things you could be doing." Even though she was trying to talk him out of it, she also knew that it would be useless. Maxton wasn't going to let her suffer through her assignment alone. Especially not after his comment about her commanding officer. He was right of course, the man was sexist and loved seeing her squirm when he gave her low ranking assignments.

As she passed Captain Will, she couldn't help but grin. She didn't even try to hide is as she walked past him, offering him a mere shrug of her shoulders. She glanced back once they'd passed and Maxton had given him his task and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from breaking into a fit of giggles. Once the man had turned tail and stomped away, the giggles bubbled from her lips and she smiled up at the prince.

"Thank you Maxton, I owe you one," she told him once she'd gotten her laughter under control. "Seriously, the look on his face was absolutely priceless!"

He shook his head and smiled as Jakob followed the girl into the room. One of these days she was probably going to get him in trouble with his father. Which didn't really sound that awful, especially considering the fact that he quite enjoyed making his father angry. "I wouldn't expect any less," he replied, grinning.

Jakob stood back as the cooks enthusiastically greeted the redhead, smiling as they welcomed her like family. He was glad that she had people like this in her life, people who genuinely loved her and treated her like their own daughter. She deserved people like that in her life. He smiled and nodded in greeting once he'd been seen, not wanting to seem standoffish.

Once they'd been directed to a table, he sat down, trying not to appear out of place in this place. Which was quite difficult seeing as how he was dressed in finer clothes than any of the other patrons could ever afford. Somewhat self-conscious, he picked up the menu and began trying to read through it... until he realized it was upside don.
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