

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | MxM Labyrinth of Runes
1 2 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 155 156
Kry had nodded and watched as he moved out. He knew it would take him longer to prepare though by the time he left he was dressed nicely in a suit. His hair was still black though it now had the appearance of a short well cut wealthy business man. He;d made a potion to change his features. He now resembles a man of about 21 with black hair, and brown eyes.

He approached the building slowly. His blade was concealed under is jacket. The blade as small as a pen, would change into a full sword if needed. He was welcomed happily and walked in without any problems. He used the idea to match his glamour and was given his weapons. He began to patrol as all the other guards and he waited for the main person to arrive. That would be his best chance of slipping away to find the stone.
Kry had nodded and watched as he moved out. He knew it would take him longer to prepare though by the time he left he was dressed nicely in a suit. His hair was still black though it now had the appearance of a short well cut wealthy business man. He;d made a potion to change his features. He now resembles a man of about 21 with black hair, and brown eyes.

He approached the building slowly. His blade was concealed under is jacket. The blade as small as a pen, would change into a full sword if needed. He was welcomed happily and walked in without any problems. He used the idea to match his glamour and was given his weapons. He began to patrol as all the other guards and he waited for the main person to arrive. That would be his best chance of slipping away to find the stone.
Current Status: Online/Offline/Sleeping/Cooking/In Coli/Lurking/Hiatus/Work
Owner of Sixth Sense Hatchery
I Support
At a cue from the person in charge of the event, he froze no music, and looked over to the french horn. "I knew you would forget it so here." She handed him a folder with all the music. Giving a embarassed grin, "sorry. I'll try not to let it happen again." Looking at the music for a moment, it would be difficult to play but he knew how to play the istrument, not sure how either. He didn't know a lot of things, but he found himself falling in love with the instrument even more. People often times looked over to the group playing, but only for mere moments, the dogs used to sniff out demons on the hunt, and it seemed they caught a sent. Their fur bristling, as their noses busily worked to find them.

He couldn't reconize him from the crowd. Keeping his senses alert, and to his dismay they had increased the guard when the dogs started to act up. Keeping his gaze on the condcutor feeling a sense of dejavu, feeling like a student again. Keeping in time and the mistakes he made went unnoticed. An hour later, just on time in a pristen suit and tie. He exuded power, and it caused Zalis to freeze and for a split second feel a strike of panic and fear. He could see why he was the leader, it almost caused him to lose control over his truer side and retreat and find Kry. But he pushed the irrational thoughts away. It's only a game. Relax.

seeing the conductor put his hands down, and said, "You can go into the crowd now. We have no need to play for the next 40 minutes." Which he went to his bassoon's case and put it away despite it not being real he still didn't want to damage it. Discreetly forcing it back to what it really was and slipping it in his pocket. Leave no evidence. He knew he wouldn't be coming back for it. This would be his only chance. Even though the time limit was two weeks. He could easily predict he wouldn't be able to get this chance again, and he wouldn't make it out alive the next time.

With finality, he slipped through a side door and followed his senses avoiding the guards and cameras at all cost sometimes using magic to make himself invisible while still keeping the glamour up. As he neared closer all he could feel was the impending dread and doom, which lingered tantalizingly close.

At a cue from the person in charge of the event, he froze no music, and looked over to the french horn. "I knew you would forget it so here." She handed him a folder with all the music. Giving a embarassed grin, "sorry. I'll try not to let it happen again." Looking at the music for a moment, it would be difficult to play but he knew how to play the istrument, not sure how either. He didn't know a lot of things, but he found himself falling in love with the instrument even more. People often times looked over to the group playing, but only for mere moments, the dogs used to sniff out demons on the hunt, and it seemed they caught a sent. Their fur bristling, as their noses busily worked to find them.

He couldn't reconize him from the crowd. Keeping his senses alert, and to his dismay they had increased the guard when the dogs started to act up. Keeping his gaze on the condcutor feeling a sense of dejavu, feeling like a student again. Keeping in time and the mistakes he made went unnoticed. An hour later, just on time in a pristen suit and tie. He exuded power, and it caused Zalis to freeze and for a split second feel a strike of panic and fear. He could see why he was the leader, it almost caused him to lose control over his truer side and retreat and find Kry. But he pushed the irrational thoughts away. It's only a game. Relax.

seeing the conductor put his hands down, and said, "You can go into the crowd now. We have no need to play for the next 40 minutes." Which he went to his bassoon's case and put it away despite it not being real he still didn't want to damage it. Discreetly forcing it back to what it really was and slipping it in his pocket. Leave no evidence. He knew he wouldn't be coming back for it. This would be his only chance. Even though the time limit was two weeks. He could easily predict he wouldn't be able to get this chance again, and he wouldn't make it out alive the next time.

With finality, he slipped through a side door and followed his senses avoiding the guards and cameras at all cost sometimes using magic to make himself invisible while still keeping the glamour up. As he neared closer all he could feel was the impending dread and doom, which lingered tantalizingly close.

"Belief is only half the healing. Belief of the cure. Belif of the future. belief of what happens in the future."
Kry noted the dogs acting up and froze when one had passed by him, though it appeared to be after a different scent. He nearly sighed in relief as the posts changed. He would have a mere 15 minutes to find the stone and be back in his new place. He saw no reason for the guards to have breaks, but wouldn't complain as it gave him his chance.

He walked through the building confidently and approached the room for the stone. He had heard many guests speaking about the 'extravagant stone' that was to be presented for the leader. It was almost too easy. He approached the guard and spoke in a calm and respectable voice. He knew his false identity gave him access to most of the more secure rooms.

After informing the guard that he was to go for the post change and mingle for a short amount of time before his presence at the presentation of the stone would be needed. He wasted no time when the guard was gone. Entering the room quickly and scanning his badge he opened the case for the stone.
Kry noted the dogs acting up and froze when one had passed by him, though it appeared to be after a different scent. He nearly sighed in relief as the posts changed. He would have a mere 15 minutes to find the stone and be back in his new place. He saw no reason for the guards to have breaks, but wouldn't complain as it gave him his chance.

He walked through the building confidently and approached the room for the stone. He had heard many guests speaking about the 'extravagant stone' that was to be presented for the leader. It was almost too easy. He approached the guard and spoke in a calm and respectable voice. He knew his false identity gave him access to most of the more secure rooms.

After informing the guard that he was to go for the post change and mingle for a short amount of time before his presence at the presentation of the stone would be needed. He wasted no time when the guard was gone. Entering the room quickly and scanning his badge he opened the case for the stone.
Current Status: Online/Offline/Sleeping/Cooking/In Coli/Lurking/Hiatus/Work
Owner of Sixth Sense Hatchery
I Support
(Dam well nvm)
(Dam well nvm)
"Belief is only half the healing. Belief of the cure. Belif of the future. belief of what happens in the future."
(Well here goes nothing)
(Well here goes nothing)
"Belief is only half the healing. Belief of the cure. Belif of the future. belief of what happens in the future."
((lol what, not gonna try swiping the stone before Kry leaves the building?))
((lol what, not gonna try swiping the stone before Kry leaves the building?))
Current Status: Online/Offline/Sleeping/Cooking/In Coli/Lurking/Hiatus/Work
Owner of Sixth Sense Hatchery
I Support
He was weirded out by how silent it was, when a bright white light hit him in the back, on his spine more specifically. Dropping forward and spinning with a growl. Only to find another replaced it. Cursing as a few more appeared, those stupid dogs, why did they have to latch into my scent. With each blow landed and each domino he used to block it wasted anything he had in reserves. He felt his seal vanish and it burned him. He'd lost the game. Growling in frustration, and low on energy he was forced out, landing on all fours. Although within seconds he wasn't as Snow White as he'd been.

Turning tail and running about to where ever his instinct led him. Which was right into an all to familiar being. Slipping on the tile. "Crap. Pain. Pain. Pain. Hunters. Dogs. Gotta run." His more damaged leg giving out on him and small spirals of smoke floated off his fur from all the pure darts that made their mark. As he looked back wary and anxious.
He was weirded out by how silent it was, when a bright white light hit him in the back, on his spine more specifically. Dropping forward and spinning with a growl. Only to find another replaced it. Cursing as a few more appeared, those stupid dogs, why did they have to latch into my scent. With each blow landed and each domino he used to block it wasted anything he had in reserves. He felt his seal vanish and it burned him. He'd lost the game. Growling in frustration, and low on energy he was forced out, landing on all fours. Although within seconds he wasn't as Snow White as he'd been.

Turning tail and running about to where ever his instinct led him. Which was right into an all to familiar being. Slipping on the tile. "Crap. Pain. Pain. Pain. Hunters. Dogs. Gotta run." His more damaged leg giving out on him and small spirals of smoke floated off his fur from all the pure darts that made their mark. As he looked back wary and anxious.
"Belief is only half the healing. Belief of the cure. Belif of the future. belief of what happens in the future."
(Oh no. He's in to much panic and pain to even think of that. He's gonna hate me :3)
(Oh no. He's in to much panic and pain to even think of that. He's gonna hate me :3)
"Belief is only half the healing. Belief of the cure. Belif of the future. belief of what happens in the future."
((lol, that is such a sad way to treat Zalis. . ))

Having pocketed the stone Kry was ready to walk out. Though he heard oddly the sound of running. Thinking that someone had already realized the stone was gone, though he had only left the room mere moments ago he took his leave of the building. Slipping out as everyone moved about quickly though not alarming any guests. He couldn't help wondering about Zalis as he left the building. He honestly hoped the other demon had made it out safely.

He moved quickly as he moved far enough from the building to watch, yet not close enough to be easily caught. Kry had no reason to stay, yet he didn't want to leave until he knew Zalis was free.
((lol, that is such a sad way to treat Zalis. . ))

Having pocketed the stone Kry was ready to walk out. Though he heard oddly the sound of running. Thinking that someone had already realized the stone was gone, though he had only left the room mere moments ago he took his leave of the building. Slipping out as everyone moved about quickly though not alarming any guests. He couldn't help wondering about Zalis as he left the building. He honestly hoped the other demon had made it out safely.

He moved quickly as he moved far enough from the building to watch, yet not close enough to be easily caught. Kry had no reason to stay, yet he didn't want to leave until he knew Zalis was free.
Current Status: Online/Offline/Sleeping/Cooking/In Coli/Lurking/Hiatus/Work
Owner of Sixth Sense Hatchery
I Support
"What do we have here?"
He froze, and backed away best he could.
"Don't you want to play a game? I know that's exactly what you do. In fact I've studied you quite a bit."
"No! I don't want to!" He growled and yelped as his chest was kicked knocking the wind out of him.
"That's to bad." The voice said in a false pitying voice.
With the last of his reserves he forced out an explosion of green fire. It solidified into a wall of black and white squares. He stood there for a second shaking before darting away and collapsing into the grass outside the building. Breathing heavy, his eyes attempting to close. Letting out a soft howl to the cold stars before letting his head fall.

He could feel his body trying to heal himself but there was nothing to heal himself with he was spent
"What do we have here?"
He froze, and backed away best he could.
"Don't you want to play a game? I know that's exactly what you do. In fact I've studied you quite a bit."
"No! I don't want to!" He growled and yelped as his chest was kicked knocking the wind out of him.
"That's to bad." The voice said in a false pitying voice.
With the last of his reserves he forced out an explosion of green fire. It solidified into a wall of black and white squares. He stood there for a second shaking before darting away and collapsing into the grass outside the building. Breathing heavy, his eyes attempting to close. Letting out a soft howl to the cold stars before letting his head fall.

He could feel his body trying to heal himself but there was nothing to heal himself with he was spent
"Belief is only half the healing. Belief of the cure. Belif of the future. belief of what happens in the future."
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