

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Nuclear Black Out (closed rp)

It's been years since the lights went out and nature over threw the world. It's been decades, centuries even since the war. When the war started suddenly mutated humans with dragon like features had started to show up more and more. Now these hybrids are the dominant species of Earth. No one knows what made them this way due to all their history being erased, some want to know the truth. Some believe Gods had blessed them to be like this to survive in this world such as higher ranked races such as Pearl Catcher hybrids.

Many disputes and it's a eat or be eaten world. Very few can be trusted now except for close friends you've known your whole life. An example of a group like this is with four brothers of the Skydancer race. Lux, a beautiful but vain and proud oldest brother who manipulates others to do whatever he wants. Astral, another handsome Skydancer that resents his brother and rather dislikes him for how poorly he treats his siblings and how Lux makes him so high and mighty. Orion, a intellectual Skydancer who seems rather disinterested in many things and just does what he has to do. Then there's Nai, a rather curious and sweet youngest brother who's a bit naive but cute despite the trouble he gets into offtenly, and is most effected by his eldest brother's abusive ways.

Nai had found himself in a overgrown building, trying to find supplies for his brothers and himself. His hair was a soft lavender color with some soft blues here and there that had been cut short but was still long enough to be pulled back into a ponytail. Nai's sky blue wings that gleaned similar to a crystal were neatly tucked back as he rummaged through the plants for something that would be of use to him. The sun danced across the floor and warmed Nai's pale skin that had simple markings in a vipera fashion. Though, he was supposed to be finding food and supplies, Nai was quickly distracted by a sound of another dragon hybrid that had found their way to the same area as him in search of supplies...

It's been years since the lights went out and nature over threw the world. It's been decades, centuries even since the war. When the war started suddenly mutated humans with dragon like features had started to show up more and more. Now these hybrids are the dominant species of Earth. No one knows what made them this way due to all their history being erased, some want to know the truth. Some believe Gods had blessed them to be like this to survive in this world such as higher ranked races such as Pearl Catcher hybrids.

Many disputes and it's a eat or be eaten world. Very few can be trusted now except for close friends you've known your whole life. An example of a group like this is with four brothers of the Skydancer race. Lux, a beautiful but vain and proud oldest brother who manipulates others to do whatever he wants. Astral, another handsome Skydancer that resents his brother and rather dislikes him for how poorly he treats his siblings and how Lux makes him so high and mighty. Orion, a intellectual Skydancer who seems rather disinterested in many things and just does what he has to do. Then there's Nai, a rather curious and sweet youngest brother who's a bit naive but cute despite the trouble he gets into offtenly, and is most effected by his eldest brother's abusive ways.

Nai had found himself in a overgrown building, trying to find supplies for his brothers and himself. His hair was a soft lavender color with some soft blues here and there that had been cut short but was still long enough to be pulled back into a ponytail. Nai's sky blue wings that gleaned similar to a crystal were neatly tucked back as he rummaged through the plants for something that would be of use to him. The sun danced across the floor and warmed Nai's pale skin that had simple markings in a vipera fashion. Though, he was supposed to be finding food and supplies, Nai was quickly distracted by a sound of another dragon hybrid that had found their way to the same area as him in search of supplies...
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He could only hear the soft tapping of his soft soled shoes on the cracked floor as he walked.

Tmp, tmp.... Tmp, tmp...

One hand grasped the smooth leather of the messenger-like bag hanging across his shoulder and chest; the feathers of his bright, red wings bounced slightly with each step he took. His long, white cloak twirled about his ankles, and the hood covered his red hair, which fell to his mid-back.

Patience swept his long, feathered tail across the cracked tiles. The grass tickled him, but he ignored it. He was more fascinated by the bright, purple flower springing out of a tuft of grass. He moved to it, squinting in the sunlight pouring through the broken windows, and cupped his hands around it.

It seemed normal enough.

Something rare in this wasteland that they called home.

A smile tilted the edges of his lips upwards, and he resolved to leave the small flower where it was, hopefully to spring forth new flowers soon. He would take it home himself, maybe raise it-- but he wasn't entirely positive he had the know how. Besides, nature would do the trick just fine. It had lasted this long.

He stood again, moving once more to find something that would be of use to his clan-- his family. The only people he really knew and trusted, despite all their flaws.

It didn't take long for him to find himself in another area-- nor did it take long for him to realize he wasn't alone. He slowed down as he rounded a corner, the sound of his footsteps slowly diminishing when he spotted the other hybrid amongst the decrepit building.

He could only hear the soft tapping of his soft soled shoes on the cracked floor as he walked.

Tmp, tmp.... Tmp, tmp...

One hand grasped the smooth leather of the messenger-like bag hanging across his shoulder and chest; the feathers of his bright, red wings bounced slightly with each step he took. His long, white cloak twirled about his ankles, and the hood covered his red hair, which fell to his mid-back.

Patience swept his long, feathered tail across the cracked tiles. The grass tickled him, but he ignored it. He was more fascinated by the bright, purple flower springing out of a tuft of grass. He moved to it, squinting in the sunlight pouring through the broken windows, and cupped his hands around it.

It seemed normal enough.

Something rare in this wasteland that they called home.

A smile tilted the edges of his lips upwards, and he resolved to leave the small flower where it was, hopefully to spring forth new flowers soon. He would take it home himself, maybe raise it-- but he wasn't entirely positive he had the know how. Besides, nature would do the trick just fine. It had lasted this long.

He stood again, moving once more to find something that would be of use to his clan-- his family. The only people he really knew and trusted, despite all their flaws.

It didn't take long for him to find himself in another area-- nor did it take long for him to realize he wasn't alone. He slowed down as he rounded a corner, the sound of his footsteps slowly diminishing when he spotted the other hybrid amongst the decrepit building.

Nai's silvery blue eyes widened slightly when he spotted the other hybrid that was only a few feet ahead of him. All Nai did was tilt his head slightly as he observed the red winged hybrid who's wings immediately caught the dragon's attention. Ever so slightly did Nai's tail tapped against the ground as he watched the other. Suddenly a bright smile spread across his lips followed by a slight hum.

"Who might you be?" Nai asked curiously as the sky colored feathers of his wings fluttered slightly.

Cautiously, Nai took a step closer toward the stranger. Only wanting to greet him but was slight dissapointed when he took a step away from him. Only gaining a slight huff from Nai in response as he stepped forward again.

"I don't want to take your stuff, I just want to meet you." Nai informed as if it was obvious. The friendly Skydancer held out his hand with a smile, "my name is Nai." He introduced warmly.

"Who might you be?" He asked again.

Nai's silvery blue eyes widened slightly when he spotted the other hybrid that was only a few feet ahead of him. All Nai did was tilt his head slightly as he observed the red winged hybrid who's wings immediately caught the dragon's attention. Ever so slightly did Nai's tail tapped against the ground as he watched the other. Suddenly a bright smile spread across his lips followed by a slight hum.

"Who might you be?" Nai asked curiously as the sky colored feathers of his wings fluttered slightly.

Cautiously, Nai took a step closer toward the stranger. Only wanting to greet him but was slight dissapointed when he took a step away from him. Only gaining a slight huff from Nai in response as he stepped forward again.

"I don't want to take your stuff, I just want to meet you." Nai informed as if it was obvious. The friendly Skydancer held out his hand with a smile, "my name is Nai." He introduced warmly.

"Who might you be?" He asked again.
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He took a pace backwards, his body language tense. He was prepared to spring away if need be; it wasn't unnatural to be faced with a fight or flight situation, and... regretfully, he often chose the 'flight' option. It was almost startling when, instead of a scowl, a smile flashed across the other's face.

Patience hesitated, clasping both hands onto the strap of his bag as the hybrid took a step forward-- he immediately took a step back. "Mh..." he hummed uncomfortably, watching the hybrid-- hardly deterred-- come towards him again.

This time, he held his ground-- if only to hear the other Skydancer out as he continued speaking. Patience leaned back, taking another step back as -- the newly dubbed "Nai" -- held a hand out to him.

His gaze flickered between the dragon's hand, and his face. He seemed kind enough, his body language held little to no hostility, he... didn't seem to be lying, but...

Patience swallowed, removing one of his hands from the strap, and clasping it against Nai's open hand. "Patience." he answered, his voice faltering uncertainly. "My name is Patience." He withdrew his hand, swaying his tail against the cracked tiles. "Forgive me, it's not... common, to find a friendly face among the ruins these days."

He took a pace backwards, his body language tense. He was prepared to spring away if need be; it wasn't unnatural to be faced with a fight or flight situation, and... regretfully, he often chose the 'flight' option. It was almost startling when, instead of a scowl, a smile flashed across the other's face.

Patience hesitated, clasping both hands onto the strap of his bag as the hybrid took a step forward-- he immediately took a step back. "Mh..." he hummed uncomfortably, watching the hybrid-- hardly deterred-- come towards him again.

This time, he held his ground-- if only to hear the other Skydancer out as he continued speaking. Patience leaned back, taking another step back as -- the newly dubbed "Nai" -- held a hand out to him.

His gaze flickered between the dragon's hand, and his face. He seemed kind enough, his body language held little to no hostility, he... didn't seem to be lying, but...

Patience swallowed, removing one of his hands from the strap, and clasping it against Nai's open hand. "Patience." he answered, his voice faltering uncertainly. "My name is Patience." He withdrew his hand, swaying his tail against the cracked tiles. "Forgive me, it's not... common, to find a friendly face among the ruins these days."

"Ah I see, I understand, Patience." Nai responded with an understanding nod.

"I was just looking for some food and supplies for my brothers, you see? I haven't had much luck though. But I found a couple interesting leaves and shiny things here and there that I picked up." Nai stated rather proudly as he raised his chin up slightly.

Nai noticed the slightly wary look Patience gave him. Once again he fell quiet and watched Patience for a moment quietly. Standing there silently three feet infront of Patience as he batted his eyelashes before smiling once again.

"What about you? Find anything worth while?" Nai asked with a hum in his voice.

The way Patience gripped his bag must have meant he found something. But he gave no answer to Nai. Though in response Nai did not question what he had unlike he most likely would. Maybe it's something important to him, Nai too carried around an important personal object or two with him at all times. Just to bring him a little extra comfort.

"Ah I see, I understand, Patience." Nai responded with an understanding nod.

"I was just looking for some food and supplies for my brothers, you see? I haven't had much luck though. But I found a couple interesting leaves and shiny things here and there that I picked up." Nai stated rather proudly as he raised his chin up slightly.

Nai noticed the slightly wary look Patience gave him. Once again he fell quiet and watched Patience for a moment quietly. Standing there silently three feet infront of Patience as he batted his eyelashes before smiling once again.

"What about you? Find anything worth while?" Nai asked with a hum in his voice.

The way Patience gripped his bag must have meant he found something. But he gave no answer to Nai. Though in response Nai did not question what he had unlike he most likely would. Maybe it's something important to him, Nai too carried around an important personal object or two with him at all times. Just to bring him a little extra comfort.
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Patience hesitated, listening with a neutral expression as Nai began speaking again. It was quite uncommon to find someone so talkative in the wasteland-- one one hand, strange. On the other, somehow refreshing.

He hesitated a moment, gnawing absently on his bottom lip, and twisting his hands against the strap of his bag almost nervously. He had found some medicinal herbs, something he valued greatly as something of a medic. He didn't mention this, however, not entirely certain how to feel about this new...acquaintance. He simply answered, instead:
"A flower."

He wasn't lying.

He looked up, glancing over his shoulder for a moment, before looking back to him. "I considered taking it with me, to see if I could help it grow, but I left it in a room a little ways away... It's refreshing to see something so colourful growing in the ruins of a place as bleak as this."

He hesitated a moment, taking a pace backwards. He nodded his head back, the hood shading his eyes, but the light smile that flickered across his face was evident. "Would you like to see it? Assuming you haven't?"

Patience hesitated, listening with a neutral expression as Nai began speaking again. It was quite uncommon to find someone so talkative in the wasteland-- one one hand, strange. On the other, somehow refreshing.

He hesitated a moment, gnawing absently on his bottom lip, and twisting his hands against the strap of his bag almost nervously. He had found some medicinal herbs, something he valued greatly as something of a medic. He didn't mention this, however, not entirely certain how to feel about this new...acquaintance. He simply answered, instead:
"A flower."

He wasn't lying.

He looked up, glancing over his shoulder for a moment, before looking back to him. "I considered taking it with me, to see if I could help it grow, but I left it in a room a little ways away... It's refreshing to see something so colourful growing in the ruins of a place as bleak as this."

He hesitated a moment, taking a pace backwards. He nodded his head back, the hood shading his eyes, but the light smile that flickered across his face was evident. "Would you like to see it? Assuming you haven't?"

Excitedly, Nai's eyes lit up when Patience suggested going to see the flower. It's been ages since he actually got the chance to go see a flower and really appreciate it's beauty. For a moment Nai was so over come with excitement he was at a lose for words and all he could do was nod vigorously.

"Y-Yes! I'd love to see the flower!" Nai said quickly and eagerly.

Nai blushed slightly over how worked up he suddenly got when Patience suggested looking at a flower. Now silently kicking himself in his head for looking sort of silly. Nai swallowed and smiled again, "well uh, why don't you lead the way then!" Nai suggested.

Nai walked beside Patience with a slight bounce in his step and gazed around with a soft smile. Occasionally glancing over at Patience then quickly looked away again so patience wouldn't have see him looking at him.


Excitedly, Nai's eyes lit up when Patience suggested going to see the flower. It's been ages since he actually got the chance to go see a flower and really appreciate it's beauty. For a moment Nai was so over come with excitement he was at a lose for words and all he could do was nod vigorously.

"Y-Yes! I'd love to see the flower!" Nai said quickly and eagerly.

Nai blushed slightly over how worked up he suddenly got when Patience suggested looking at a flower. Now silently kicking himself in his head for looking sort of silly. Nai swallowed and smiled again, "well uh, why don't you lead the way then!" Nai suggested.

Nai walked beside Patience with a slight bounce in his step and gazed around with a soft smile. Occasionally glancing over at Patience then quickly looked away again so patience wouldn't have see him looking at him.

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Something about the way he reacted to the mention of a flower-- of all things-- made Patience relax, the tension in his shoulders loosening. Somehow, the child-like response was easing to his worries -- he couldn't imagine this hybrid being of any harm to him. Perhaps he was a very good actor, but, Patience went along with it nonetheless.

He offered Nai a smile, nodded, and pointed towards some of the back rooms. "It's not very far." he murmured, hesitating when Nai suggested he lead the way.

He'd always been taught not to turn your back on others-- lest they stab you.

But, he did, anyways. To his relief, only for a moment, as Nai began walking beside him.

Patience eased up a little more as he lead him through decrepit hallways to where he had been before. The door to the room was essentially gone, and framed almost perfectly inbetween the door's frame, was the small, budding, purple flower. Patience stepped inside, releasing the strap of his messenger bag for the first time, and pulling back the hood that covered his head, a wistful smile on his face.

"There it is... Amazing how something so fragile can grow here like this, isn't it? I left it in hopes that more might grow around it with time..."

Something about the way he reacted to the mention of a flower-- of all things-- made Patience relax, the tension in his shoulders loosening. Somehow, the child-like response was easing to his worries -- he couldn't imagine this hybrid being of any harm to him. Perhaps he was a very good actor, but, Patience went along with it nonetheless.

He offered Nai a smile, nodded, and pointed towards some of the back rooms. "It's not very far." he murmured, hesitating when Nai suggested he lead the way.

He'd always been taught not to turn your back on others-- lest they stab you.

But, he did, anyways. To his relief, only for a moment, as Nai began walking beside him.

Patience eased up a little more as he lead him through decrepit hallways to where he had been before. The door to the room was essentially gone, and framed almost perfectly inbetween the door's frame, was the small, budding, purple flower. Patience stepped inside, releasing the strap of his messenger bag for the first time, and pulling back the hood that covered his head, a wistful smile on his face.

"There it is... Amazing how something so fragile can grow here like this, isn't it? I left it in hopes that more might grow around it with time..."

Nai smiled rather excitedly at the flower and sat down beside it with interest. For a moment he observed it with wide eyes as he lightly touched the stem of the flower. Letting out a satisfied hum he looked back up at Patience.

"It is rather amazing isn't it?" Nai beamed.

"I once found an entire field of white and yellow flowers with my brothers, they didn't really appreciate it as much as I did, but it was amazing. I picked a few and ended up pressing them in a book." Nai informed as he pulled out the book of fables that had worn with time.

Quickly but ever so carefully Nai flipped through the pages. Then holding up the book to Patience to show him a few pages flowers that he had pressed in a chapter about had been about nymphs, which was a rather suiting place for pressing flowers.

Nai smiled rather excitedly at the flower and sat down beside it with interest. For a moment he observed it with wide eyes as he lightly touched the stem of the flower. Letting out a satisfied hum he looked back up at Patience.

"It is rather amazing isn't it?" Nai beamed.

"I once found an entire field of white and yellow flowers with my brothers, they didn't really appreciate it as much as I did, but it was amazing. I picked a few and ended up pressing them in a book." Nai informed as he pulled out the book of fables that had worn with time.

Quickly but ever so carefully Nai flipped through the pages. Then holding up the book to Patience to show him a few pages flowers that he had pressed in a chapter about had been about nymphs, which was a rather suiting place for pressing flowers.
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Patience let his tail sweep across the floor, the feathered tip curling slightly as he watched Nai crouch down, seemingly pleased with the small plant. He smiled, letting his eyelids droop. "It is."

He blinked in slight surprise when he mentioned an entire field of the tiny, elegant plants. "Really...?" he mused, hesitating a moment, before more closely approaching the other hybrid. He sat down beside him, rustling his own wings as Nai pulled out a book, and began flipping through the pages.

Patience watched with interest, his blue eyes glimmering with a childlike awe. Without much thinking, he reached out and gently pressed down on the edge of a page, leaning forward a bit to get a better look at the plant.

"I live about a half a day's walk from here... It's so barren out there, it's hard to believe that these plants still exist, sometimes. Do you ever wonder what the world was like before we were cursed with this wasteland? Whenever I see these flowers, I like to imagine there must have been so much more of them... I wonder if the generations to come will see more than we do."

He smiled absently, letting his fingertips slide off the book, and back into his lap.

Patience let his tail sweep across the floor, the feathered tip curling slightly as he watched Nai crouch down, seemingly pleased with the small plant. He smiled, letting his eyelids droop. "It is."

He blinked in slight surprise when he mentioned an entire field of the tiny, elegant plants. "Really...?" he mused, hesitating a moment, before more closely approaching the other hybrid. He sat down beside him, rustling his own wings as Nai pulled out a book, and began flipping through the pages.

Patience watched with interest, his blue eyes glimmering with a childlike awe. Without much thinking, he reached out and gently pressed down on the edge of a page, leaning forward a bit to get a better look at the plant.

"I live about a half a day's walk from here... It's so barren out there, it's hard to believe that these plants still exist, sometimes. Do you ever wonder what the world was like before we were cursed with this wasteland? Whenever I see these flowers, I like to imagine there must have been so much more of them... I wonder if the generations to come will see more than we do."

He smiled absently, letting his fingertips slide off the book, and back into his lap.