

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A private RP with Violi
Here we go, a (hopefully) private forum where we can continue where we left off from our previous letters. :)

Pinging myself so I can get back here, @BloodyAngel12 :)

EDIT: We really need to remember to ping each other. I didn't notice that you replied until I thought it would be wise to check before asking you.
Here we go, a (hopefully) private forum where we can continue where we left off from our previous letters. :)

Pinging myself so I can get back here, @BloodyAngel12 :)

EDIT: We really need to remember to ping each other. I didn't notice that you replied until I thought it would be wise to check before asking you.

We can begin to discuss how to start our little RP when you arrive. :)

Did you look at how Hurricanesong and I did our RP forum? Should we start ours like that one? I, or you, begin by writing something, then the other one continues it and we keep bouncing it off each other? That's the only way I know how to do this but if you have a another idea, please let me know.


We can begin to discuss how to start our little RP when you arrive. :)

Did you look at how Hurricanesong and I did our RP forum? Should we start ours like that one? I, or you, begin by writing something, then the other one continues it and we keep bouncing it off each other? That's the only way I know how to do this but if you have a another idea, please let me know.

Honestly, not really cuz like I said, I've been roleplaying for like 5 or 6 years, and the way we did it was that we discussed what we're going to play, someone started it and yeah, bounced it off to each other. Also when we first met a character, we described their appearance for the others (in rp of course, like "he wore a pink silk bandana and purple war paint on his scarred torso" (lol, I just made it up, sorry xD).

Will you start with Hideaki and Urie?

(Also I'm new to this forum, how do you "ping" yourself to be able to get back here? Also will I be notified if a reply arrived?
Honestly, not really cuz like I said, I've been roleplaying for like 5 or 6 years, and the way we did it was that we discussed what we're going to play, someone started it and yeah, bounced it off to each other. Also when we first met a character, we described their appearance for the others (in rp of course, like "he wore a pink silk bandana and purple war paint on his scarred torso" (lol, I just made it up, sorry xD).

Will you start with Hideaki and Urie?

(Also I'm new to this forum, how do you "ping" yourself to be able to get back here? Also will I be notified if a reply arrived?

To ping someone you just need to put a --@ (whatever that is called) in front of the username, like I did above. Depending on what username you put, it'll ping that person. Like in the first comment, I put my own username, and in my alert-box-triangle thing, a message popped up saying "BloodyAngel12 has mentioned you in a forum post" So, I can just go click the link added there, and I instantly get teleported here. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

When I did the RP thing, the best way we (hurricanesong and I) did it (especially when we're doing the viewpoint of a dragon. Playing like we were that dragon, I mean. Was to post a picture above of our dragon (showing that's who we're starting off with and that's how they look) and began from there. It helps lose the information appearance stuff. Do you want to do it that way? I'm more comfortable doing it that way.

To ping someone you just need to put a --@ (whatever that is called) in front of the username, like I did above. Depending on what username you put, it'll ping that person. Like in the first comment, I put my own username, and in my alert-box-triangle thing, a message popped up saying "BloodyAngel12 has mentioned you in a forum post" So, I can just go click the link added there, and I instantly get teleported here. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

When I did the RP thing, the best way we (hurricanesong and I) did it (especially when we're doing the viewpoint of a dragon. Playing like we were that dragon, I mean. Was to post a picture above of our dragon (showing that's who we're starting off with and that's how they look) and began from there. It helps lose the information appearance stuff. Do you want to do it that way? I'm more comfortable doing it that way.

Alright, you start, I follow :D

Alright, you start, I follow :D
@Violi You did it! *two thumbs up* [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hideaki landed on the sandy dirt on the edge of the Carrion Canyon. The dry air barely shifted the desert as Urie landed next to him. "Are we to meet this..Adaar in the Canyon or on the edges?" he asked, folding his wings onto his back. Hideaki looked at his son, "I'm not sure, I suppose we'll wait up here until he arrives." Urie nodded, and looked around, taking in the bare landscape.

You did it! *two thumbs up*


Hideaki landed on the sandy dirt on the edge of the Carrion Canyon. The dry air barely shifted the desert as Urie landed next to him. "Are we to meet this..Adaar in the Canyon or on the edges?" he asked, folding his wings onto his back. Hideaki looked at his son, "I'm not sure, I suppose we'll wait up here until he arrives." Urie nodded, and looked around, taking in the bare landscape.
@BloodyAngel12 [img][/img] Adaar waited patiently under a natural rocky bride with Tama lying on the ground and sunbathing. Adaar looked at her fondly and smiled, but said nothing. He didn't want to break the peacfully slumbering female. They've been here for hours now, intentionally, to have some time for hunting and exploring and of course, notifying the locals clans about their arrival. Adaar lifted his head and sniffed into the air. He smelled desert animals and plants, but the wind carried two different scents as well. He scanned the sky with his fiery eyes, and after a while he could heard the flapping of wings and saw their shadows as their appeared on the horizon. They landed just above them but couldn't saw them because of the bridge. "Come, they arrived", he said to Tama and with two powerful wing beat he lifted off the ground, Tama following him. They landed on the same edge as Hideaki and Urie, but they kept a respectful distance. Tama straightened and tried to hold back her smile. She knew it isn't a family reunion but a serious negotiation about an important and useful joining. "Greetings to the Lightseeker clan! I am Adaar, founder and leader of the Searing Soul clan", he said ceremonially and he bowed his head ever so slightly.


Adaar waited patiently under a natural rocky bride with Tama lying on the ground and sunbathing. Adaar looked at her fondly and smiled, but said nothing. He didn't want to break the peacfully slumbering female. They've been here for hours now, intentionally, to have some time for hunting and exploring and of course, notifying the locals clans about their arrival.

Adaar lifted his head and sniffed into the air. He smelled desert animals and plants, but the wind carried two different scents as well. He scanned the sky with his fiery eyes, and after a while he could heard the flapping of wings and saw their shadows as their appeared on the horizon. They landed just above them but couldn't saw them because of the bridge.

"Come, they arrived", he said to Tama and with two powerful wing beat he lifted off the ground, Tama following him.

They landed on the same edge as Hideaki and Urie, but they kept a respectful distance. Tama straightened and tried to hold back her smile. She knew it isn't a family reunion but a serious negotiation about an important and useful joining.

"Greetings to the Lightseeker clan! I am Adaar, founder and leader of the Searing Soul clan", he said ceremonially and he bowed his head ever so slightly.

@Violi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hideaki turned as a white and cream, similar to his own colorings, Guardian landed on the ground a respectful distance away from Urie and himself. "Greetings in return, Adaar. My name is Hideaki, founder and leader of the Lightseeker clan," he said in return, bowing his head to the fire dragon. Urie, his eyes still on his daughter, bowed his head as well. "My name is Urie, son of Hideaki and Alaia, and...father to Tama." Hideaki eyes slid to Urie back to Adaar. "I apologize if we kept you waiting. Shall we begin?"


Hideaki turned as a white and cream, similar to his own colorings, Guardian landed on the ground a respectful distance away from Urie and himself. "Greetings in return, Adaar. My name is Hideaki, founder and leader of the Lightseeker clan," he said in return, bowing his head to the fire dragon. Urie, his eyes still on his daughter, bowed his head as well. "My name is Urie, son of Hideaki and Alaia, and...father to Tama." Hideaki eyes slid to Urie back to Adaar. "I apologize if we kept you waiting. Shall we begin?"
[img][/img] Adaar raised a brow. "Oh? I was not aware of that", he turned to Tama who just shrugged. "Did not seem important...", she said quietly when Adaar continued to stare at her. Adaar was quiet for a few seconds, then turned back to Hideaki. "I suppose it is unimportant", he mused, then he straightened. "Tell me, Hideaki, how did this alliance idea come to your mind? Was it your granddaughter who suggested it?", he asked, but he didn't look at Tama, only sought Hideaki's eyes.

Adaar raised a brow.

"Oh? I was not aware of that", he turned to Tama who just shrugged.
"Did not seem important...", she said quietly when Adaar continued to stare at her. Adaar was quiet for a few seconds, then turned back to Hideaki.

"I suppose it is unimportant", he mused, then he straightened.

"Tell me, Hideaki, how did this alliance idea come to your mind? Was it your granddaughter who suggested it?", he asked, but he didn't look at Tama, only sought Hideaki's eyes.
@Violi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hideaki sighed mentally before answering. "No. My mate, Alaia, recommended the alliance." He studied the guardian, looking for signs of possible aggression or suspicion, seeing none, he continued, "Please, do not see the alliance as a sign of weakness, or a sign that we are planning a war. This alliance is more like a support for the both of our clans. A couple of years ago, before Tama was born, her mother Kula got hit by a strange sickness. She nearly died. Fortunately for us, we had an alliance with the Rainsky clan, in the Water flight. They recognized the sickness as a disease that is created when rotten fish infect the meat. Kula would have died if we didn't get help from the Rainsky clan. We can help each other out like that. Also, if something was to happen, we can help. With food, medicine, and more. It can be beneficial to the both of us." Hideaki waited patiently as Adaar thought it over, Adaar's thoughts masked from him.


Hideaki sighed mentally before answering. "No. My mate, Alaia, recommended the alliance."

He studied the guardian, looking for signs of possible aggression or suspicion, seeing none, he continued, "Please, do not see the alliance as a sign of weakness, or a sign that we are planning a war. This alliance is more like a support for the both of our clans. A couple of years ago, before Tama was born, her mother Kula got hit by a strange sickness. She nearly died. Fortunately for us, we had an alliance with the Rainsky clan, in the Water flight. They recognized the sickness as a disease that is created when rotten fish infect the meat. Kula would have died if we didn't get help from the Rainsky clan. We can help each other out like that. Also, if something was to happen, we can help. With food, medicine, and more. It can be beneficial to the both of us."

Hideaki waited patiently as Adaar thought it over, Adaar's thoughts masked from him.