

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A private RP with Violi
@BloodyAngel12 [img][/img] Adaar glanced at Tama expectantly. "Me too?", she asked and Adaar nodded curtly. She did what the others did before, than backed away. Adaar opened his mouth slightly, bright orange light shined upon his teeth and in the next moment he was breathing fire, heating up the surface of the bowl. As the blood boiled, Adaar looked up at Hideaki. "Your turn", he said softly.


Adaar glanced at Tama expectantly.

"Me too?", she asked and Adaar nodded curtly. She did what the others did before, than backed away. Adaar opened his mouth slightly, bright orange light shined upon his teeth and in the next moment he was breathing fire, heating up the surface of the bowl. As the blood boiled, Adaar looked up at Hideaki.

"Your turn", he said softly.
@violi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Seeing as this wasn't done before, to his knowledge, he carefully considered this. Staring at the bowl of blood while holding the crystals, he decided it probably be better if everyone held their own crystal while they did this. Passing out the crystals, he asked if they would be able to have their magic absorb the blood before they transferred the magic into the crystal. "The crystal will naturally want to hold the magic, but to add the blood, we would need to do it when we do the magic. And we need to do it at the same time." Hideaki said, readying his magic supplies. He looked over at Adaar, "perhaps it would be easier if you put the bowl on the ground?"


Seeing as this wasn't done before, to his knowledge, he carefully considered this. Staring at the bowl of blood while holding the crystals, he decided it probably be better if everyone held their own crystal while they did this. Passing out the crystals, he asked if they would be able to have their magic absorb the blood before they transferred the magic into the crystal. "The crystal will naturally want to hold the magic, but to add the blood, we would need to do it when we do the magic. And we need to do it at the same time." Hideaki said, readying his magic supplies. He looked over at Adaar, "perhaps it would be easier if you put the bowl on the ground?"
@BloodyAngel12 [img][/img] Adaar nodded and placed the bowl on the ground. He looked up at Hideaki. "I am ready. Let us do this, on the count of three. One. Two. Three!", he said, voice full of determination and immediately began to concentrate on his magic, a reddish orange glow appearing around his head, coming from his eyes, swirling around like a thick smoke. The magical energy approached the blood, and drained a portion of it, then it began its way towards the crystals Hideaki was holding, along with the other's magic, a very faint, whitish gold color. Only his was bright red, the blood even darkened it.


Adaar nodded and placed the bowl on the ground. He looked up at Hideaki.

"I am ready. Let us do this, on the count of three. One. Two. Three!", he said, voice full of determination and immediately began to concentrate on his magic, a reddish orange glow appearing around his head, coming from his eyes, swirling around like a thick smoke. The magical energy approached the blood, and drained a portion of it, then it began its way towards the crystals Hideaki was holding, along with the other's magic, a very faint, whitish gold color. Only his was bright red, the blood even darkened it.
@Violi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hideaki could feel the crystals shudder and he glanced down nervously, fearing the crystals would break. This was the first time he heard about putting actually liquid into these sacred crystals, he didn't know if they could hold it. He sighed in relief as the crystal shuddered at last and fell silent, humming quietly. Passing two of the crystals to Urie before turning to Adaar and Tama. "Urie and I need to seal the crystals, reinforce them. We do this usually, but now we need to make sure the crystals are ok from the blood. We haven't ever put anything physical in here. It'll use more magic then normal, and only light magic will work." He bowed his head to Tama, "No offense to your sweetie, but your father and I are a little more skilled in those type of magic." [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Urie took the crystals silently, already preparing himself for his work. Breathing in deeply and exhaling, he held the two crystals close to his face. The crystals glowed, a gentle yellow glow surrounded the crystal, its frost shimmering on the crystal sides. A warm, deep crimson liquid swished around inside and a fiery-crismon magic glow swirled inside, dancing within the crystal and blood. He always thought this tradition was the most beautiful. It showed the union of the dragons in its purest form. This new blood adding was different, but unique and it intrigued him more than he let on. He hoped to learn the history on it later. Now he needed to get to work. He closed his eyes, and breathed in and felt his magic swirl around the crystals, swirling around looking for any crack or weakness. His magic restored it to its original form and even with his eyes closed, he could feel the brightness as the crystals exploded in light. He gasped for breath as he snapped his eyes open and stared breathlessly at the glowing crystals, warm, in his claws. They were pure, even with the blood, and strong. They will survive anything.


Hideaki could feel the crystals shudder and he glanced down nervously, fearing the crystals would break. This was the first time he heard about putting actually liquid into these sacred crystals, he didn't know if they could hold it. He sighed in relief as the crystal shuddered at last and fell silent, humming quietly.

Passing two of the crystals to Urie before turning to Adaar and Tama. "Urie and I need to seal the crystals, reinforce them. We do this usually, but now we need to make sure the crystals are ok from the blood. We haven't ever put anything physical in here. It'll use more magic then normal, and only light magic will work." He bowed his head to Tama, "No offense to your sweetie, but your father and I are a little more skilled in those type of magic."


Urie took the crystals silently, already preparing himself for his work. Breathing in deeply and exhaling, he held the two crystals close to his face. The crystals glowed, a gentle yellow glow surrounded the crystal, its frost shimmering on the crystal sides. A warm, deep crimson liquid swished around inside and a fiery-crismon magic glow swirled inside, dancing within the crystal and blood. He always thought this tradition was the most beautiful. It showed the union of the dragons in its purest form. This new blood adding was different, but unique and it intrigued him more than he let on. He hoped to learn the history on it later.

Now he needed to get to work. He closed his eyes, and breathed in and felt his magic swirl around the crystals, swirling around looking for any crack or weakness. His magic restored it to its original form and even with his eyes closed, he could feel the brightness as the crystals exploded in light. He gasped for breath as he snapped his eyes open and stared breathlessly at the glowing crystals, warm, in his claws.

They were pure, even with the blood, and strong. They will survive anything.
@BloodyAngel12 [img][/img] Adaar watched as the crystals started shuddering and he closed his eyes for a moment. He didn't want to ruin the hole alliance by defiling the Lightseeker clan's tradition. But it seemed everything was alright, the crystals accepted the magic and the blood. He looked closely at the crystals and he couldn't hold back gasp when he saw the blood in the crystals, forming a combination of little fire and light emblems combined. "Marvelous", he said and smiled at Hideaki. "Truly marvelous! Do what is required to complete the rituals. I am more then happy to wait for the final result", he said warmly. Tama downright radiated happiness and Adaar gently nuzzled her face with his nose, earning an embarrassed giggle from her. [img][/img] She couldn't have been more happy, she felt total euphoria over the successful ritual. And at Adaar's fond little gesture she felt her cheeks heat up, her heart raced and she looked at the crystals, the ground, the lightnings on the sky, anywhere but at Adaar. He seemed amused by her reaction, but said nothing, instead watching Urie doing his magic.


Adaar watched as the crystals started shuddering and he closed his eyes for a moment. He didn't want to ruin the hole alliance by defiling the Lightseeker clan's tradition. But it seemed everything was alright, the crystals accepted the magic and the blood. He looked closely at the crystals and he couldn't hold back gasp when he saw the blood in the crystals, forming a combination of little fire and light emblems combined.

"Marvelous", he said and smiled at Hideaki. "Truly marvelous! Do what is required to complete the rituals. I am more then happy to wait for the final result", he said warmly. Tama downright radiated happiness and Adaar gently nuzzled her face with his nose, earning an embarrassed giggle from her.


She couldn't have been more happy, she felt total euphoria over the successful ritual. And at Adaar's fond little gesture she felt her cheeks heat up, her heart raced and she looked at the crystals, the ground, the lightnings on the sky, anywhere but at Adaar. He seemed amused by her reaction, but said nothing, instead watching Urie doing his magic.
@violi //Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I wasn't pinged, though it's clear you did. Weird....// [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Urie smiled, pleased to see Tama and Adaar's little moment. He could see his daughter falling for the clan leader. He nodded to himself, he hoped this would bring much joy to her. Hideaki looked curiously at him. Urie slid his eyes to Tama and Adaar, and Hideaki smiled in understanding. "There, the crystals are complete. The magic within them is strong, they will not break." Hideaki said, handing a crystal to Adaar as Urie handed the other to Tama. He smiled gently at her, "I'm so proud of you, daughter," he whispered before stepping back. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hideaki slid his crystal over his head, watching as the crystal blended into his fur, but the glow still obvious. "You may keep the crystal however you like, but I usually try to wear them. If I do not, I keep them in a safe place." He explained at Adaar's curious look. Urie suddenly spoke up, "there will be a celebration of the joining of the two clans, it seems right to have you and your family there. We can move it to a better spot, somewhere easier for you and your clan to reach. It will allow our clans to meet each other, will be able to meet Tama's mother. If your interested." Hideaki nodded, "It will be in three days. If you are interested, where would you like to have it? We normally have it at the Sundial Terrance, but that was just because most of my clan couldn't swim, much less breath underwater."

//Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I wasn't pinged, though it's clear you did. Weird....//


Urie smiled, pleased to see Tama and Adaar's little moment. He could see his daughter falling for the clan leader. He nodded to himself, he hoped this would bring much joy to her. Hideaki looked curiously at him. Urie slid his eyes to Tama and Adaar, and Hideaki smiled in understanding.

"There, the crystals are complete. The magic within them is strong, they will not break." Hideaki said, handing a crystal to Adaar as Urie handed the other to Tama. He smiled gently at her, "I'm so proud of you, daughter," he whispered before stepping back.


Hideaki slid his crystal over his head, watching as the crystal blended into his fur, but the glow still obvious. "You may keep the crystal however you like, but I usually try to wear them. If I do not, I keep them in a safe place." He explained at Adaar's curious look.

Urie suddenly spoke up, "there will be a celebration of the joining of the two clans, it seems right to have you and your family there. We can move it to a better spot, somewhere easier for you and your clan to reach. It will allow our clans to meet each other, will be able to meet Tama's mother. If your interested."

Hideaki nodded, "It will be in three days. If you are interested, where would you like to have it? We normally have it at the Sundial Terrance, but that was just because most of my clan couldn't swim, much less breath underwater."
@BloodyAngel12 [img][/img] Adaar took the crystal and put it around his neck. The reddish orange glow made a strong contrast against his pearly scales. He straightened his back proudly. "I shall where them whenever I can, I assure you. We might not be able to attend the celebration, however, Tama's children will hatch tomorrow and they need at least a week to be able to become a little independent", he said. Tama nodded in agreement. "And now, that it is done, we must part ways. We have duties to attend to. I will send you a letter when we are ready. Farewell, friends!", he said and he flew into the sky as he usually did, Tama following him. //Okay, now due to the fact that the babies died and another ones were born, we might wanna consider a little bigger jump.//


Adaar took the crystal and put it around his neck. The reddish orange glow made a strong contrast against his pearly scales. He straightened his back proudly.

"I shall where them whenever I can, I assure you. We might not be able to attend the celebration, however, Tama's children will hatch tomorrow and they need at least a week to be able to become a little independent", he said. Tama nodded in agreement.

"And now, that it is done, we must part ways. We have duties to attend to. I will send you a letter when we are ready. Farewell, friends!", he said and he flew into the sky as he usually did, Tama following him.

//Okay, now due to the fact that the babies died and another ones were born, we might wanna consider a little bigger jump.//
@violi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hideaki bowes his head, watching them go. "Sounds like your going to be a granddad, Urie," he said playfully, as Urie huffed before taking off in the air. Hideaki laughed and followed him back home. //That makes sense//


Hideaki bowes his head, watching them go. "Sounds like your going to be a granddad, Urie," he said playfully, as Urie huffed before taking off in the air. Hideaki laughed and followed him back home.

//That makes sense//