

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Village (+Anima RP)
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@Lamvin @CloseEnough @Kitrine (Feel free to continue whenever you can, sorry my characters are both tied up at the moment or i'd have them come visit/be the trapped Anima XD)
@Kamiden (we didn't go too far without you, no worries, just wanted to post for Dan and Nanza in the same post.. its so much more streamlined that way. XD

Dan glanced to Xafina, running and jumping across rooftops, practically sailing through the air as she streamed over the buildings. Yes, it was probably nice and freeing up there in the sky. He sometimes wondered how it felt to be a Bird Anima. But then again, he loved staying on the ground, rooted to the earth where he knew he was safe. He didn't really want to see how Bird Anima lived. He gave her a soft smile as he held his trunk upright, the water sloshing around inside was cool and inviting. Much more delicious than some crappy Alcohol. Not this time though, no sneaky a drip of water. Not until his water could be put to good use.

He took one look at the cart, the one which Xafina had snagged a few green leaves from. Right.. medical herbs. He couldn't identify them by look, but he did recognize one of the larger leafy green ones as being used on himself at one point to treat a wound. Medical herbs... good thinking, Xafina. Something to treat Reptile would be best. Though did she have enough??? He thought about taking the cart with them but decided against it. He was concentrating on keeping the water in his nose right now anyways, he didn't need any outer distractions. Maybe the horse Anima could grab the cart. As cruel as it was, it had been created for her to pull in the first place.. his elephant form couldn't fit inside like her much more slender Horse body.


Nanza's eyes flashed. "Not like this you don't." She took a sharp breath as he attempted to stand and fell. "Stay still, you will only make it worse." Nanza brushed several scars with her hands, being extra careful not to put her hands on Reptile's wounds. Some were large, some were small. She'd seen scars like this before many times....scars of a beaten slave.

At least they aren't scars of one tortured. A tiny voice at the back of her head called. And she nodded. yeah.. at least she didn't have to worry as much about the mental damage. Well maybe... the wounds had been self-inflicted... but at least they hadn't been inflicted strategically with the soul purpose of hurting.

Nanza stared at the wounds on his back. they might need stitches. It was something she could provide.. it would be painful, but it would keep the scarring down and make infection much less likely. She would first treat his wounds with the medicine, and when he'd stopped bleeding she would take another look to see if they needed to be sewn shut. She had no issues at all dealing with healing and medicine. It was actually easier for her as a Spider Anima to do so. Her silk could be used as a bandage, as a splint, as a way to set a broken extremity, and as shield if she had enough time to weave the silk into thick enough crossed layers. Spider Silk was some seriously useful stuff, and if it wasn't for the hatred towards Spiders in general, she was certain the +Anima would have been coveted.

"You can pay in other ways, you do not have to cause yourself physical harm. You could make yourself useful to others.. find ways to support and heal them instead of abusing yourself." Where was the Elephant with that water??? She needed it pretty soon here to cool the heat on his back. And the herbs from Min's cart. She would most definitely be looting the cart now that it no longer had a master. who knew when they would need some of this stuff on their journey together... wherever they were headed.
@Lamvin @CloseEnough @Kitrine (Feel free to continue whenever you can, sorry my characters are both tied up at the moment or i'd have them come visit/be the trapped Anima XD)
@Kamiden (we didn't go too far without you, no worries, just wanted to post for Dan and Nanza in the same post.. its so much more streamlined that way. XD

Dan glanced to Xafina, running and jumping across rooftops, practically sailing through the air as she streamed over the buildings. Yes, it was probably nice and freeing up there in the sky. He sometimes wondered how it felt to be a Bird Anima. But then again, he loved staying on the ground, rooted to the earth where he knew he was safe. He didn't really want to see how Bird Anima lived. He gave her a soft smile as he held his trunk upright, the water sloshing around inside was cool and inviting. Much more delicious than some crappy Alcohol. Not this time though, no sneaky a drip of water. Not until his water could be put to good use.

He took one look at the cart, the one which Xafina had snagged a few green leaves from. Right.. medical herbs. He couldn't identify them by look, but he did recognize one of the larger leafy green ones as being used on himself at one point to treat a wound. Medical herbs... good thinking, Xafina. Something to treat Reptile would be best. Though did she have enough??? He thought about taking the cart with them but decided against it. He was concentrating on keeping the water in his nose right now anyways, he didn't need any outer distractions. Maybe the horse Anima could grab the cart. As cruel as it was, it had been created for her to pull in the first place.. his elephant form couldn't fit inside like her much more slender Horse body.


Nanza's eyes flashed. "Not like this you don't." She took a sharp breath as he attempted to stand and fell. "Stay still, you will only make it worse." Nanza brushed several scars with her hands, being extra careful not to put her hands on Reptile's wounds. Some were large, some were small. She'd seen scars like this before many times....scars of a beaten slave.

At least they aren't scars of one tortured. A tiny voice at the back of her head called. And she nodded. yeah.. at least she didn't have to worry as much about the mental damage. Well maybe... the wounds had been self-inflicted... but at least they hadn't been inflicted strategically with the soul purpose of hurting.

Nanza stared at the wounds on his back. they might need stitches. It was something she could provide.. it would be painful, but it would keep the scarring down and make infection much less likely. She would first treat his wounds with the medicine, and when he'd stopped bleeding she would take another look to see if they needed to be sewn shut. She had no issues at all dealing with healing and medicine. It was actually easier for her as a Spider Anima to do so. Her silk could be used as a bandage, as a splint, as a way to set a broken extremity, and as shield if she had enough time to weave the silk into thick enough crossed layers. Spider Silk was some seriously useful stuff, and if it wasn't for the hatred towards Spiders in general, she was certain the +Anima would have been coveted.

"You can pay in other ways, you do not have to cause yourself physical harm. You could make yourself useful to others.. find ways to support and heal them instead of abusing yourself." Where was the Elephant with that water??? She needed it pretty soon here to cool the heat on his back. And the herbs from Min's cart. She would most definitely be looting the cart now that it no longer had a master. who knew when they would need some of this stuff on their journey together... wherever they were headed.
want to learn about project egg? Click HERE!
@Lamvin @CloseEnough @Kitrine @Draconequis @Kamiden
The low rumble of the car engin filled the air in the back of the truck, the faint tunes of Take Me Home, Country Roads that was playing on the radion reach out to the pale male, he was wearing a sun bleach blue long-sleeve shirt with a par beige cargo pants. a large, dark grey scarf was wrapped around his neck, the wind pulling on the loose endes, His ash blond hair was up in a messy bun in a try to keep it out of the way.

Turning his ice blue eyes up towards the night sky he could feel his back muscle flex in desire, a silent reminder in how long time ago Cloud used his wings, he let out a sight, white steam raised from his mouth as his warm breath meet the cold night air, the faint glow of the light from a village caught +Anima's eyes and a slender hand raised and knocked lightly on the glass into the driver in a silent demand to get off.

Reassuring the driver that he know what he was going since he know that humans couldn't see as far as he could, he thanking the driver for the lift and pulled on his green-tinted leather jacket, securing the scarf tight around his neck and lower head before he strides down along the old forest road towards the siluett of a village in the distans. humming softly for himself on "Take Me Home, Country Roads"

Alex walks the empty streets, whistling and twirling her staff around as she walks with easy in her black heels, It was a cold night but the cold didn't bother her at all even if she of was only wearing a plain long armed black dresses that was hugging her body in a way that made all of her curves show, the night was tranquility as shouts were muffled by the tall buildings.
Only a few were out tonight, and those few was hurring pass her, only caring about themselves and their business.

So when the street was clear of any humans and it was only the female there she let out a laugh and twirls around, sprouting a par of lynx ears and tail as she let her +anima out, jumping up on a street railing as she balance with easy on even with her high hells. Alex laughter ringed through the air as bells and her small tail twist in delight.

Nothing stood in her way, she was free and wild, she belonged to no one, only herself and even if it was harsh sometime she was still her own and that what was importen.

Suddenly Alex was brought out of her mind when her sense alert of a another present near her and she notice siluett of people infront of her, the closer she come she could see cart, it look abounded since she couldn't see any horse around to pull it but she could see someone behind, though "weird..yeah he look weird" she said to herself, she couldn't really see but it looked like a man with a trunk in the middle of his face
@Lamvin @CloseEnough @Kitrine @Draconequis @Kamiden
The low rumble of the car engin filled the air in the back of the truck, the faint tunes of Take Me Home, Country Roads that was playing on the radion reach out to the pale male, he was wearing a sun bleach blue long-sleeve shirt with a par beige cargo pants. a large, dark grey scarf was wrapped around his neck, the wind pulling on the loose endes, His ash blond hair was up in a messy bun in a try to keep it out of the way.

Turning his ice blue eyes up towards the night sky he could feel his back muscle flex in desire, a silent reminder in how long time ago Cloud used his wings, he let out a sight, white steam raised from his mouth as his warm breath meet the cold night air, the faint glow of the light from a village caught +Anima's eyes and a slender hand raised and knocked lightly on the glass into the driver in a silent demand to get off.

Reassuring the driver that he know what he was going since he know that humans couldn't see as far as he could, he thanking the driver for the lift and pulled on his green-tinted leather jacket, securing the scarf tight around his neck and lower head before he strides down along the old forest road towards the siluett of a village in the distans. humming softly for himself on "Take Me Home, Country Roads"

Alex walks the empty streets, whistling and twirling her staff around as she walks with easy in her black heels, It was a cold night but the cold didn't bother her at all even if she of was only wearing a plain long armed black dresses that was hugging her body in a way that made all of her curves show, the night was tranquility as shouts were muffled by the tall buildings.
Only a few were out tonight, and those few was hurring pass her, only caring about themselves and their business.

So when the street was clear of any humans and it was only the female there she let out a laugh and twirls around, sprouting a par of lynx ears and tail as she let her +anima out, jumping up on a street railing as she balance with easy on even with her high hells. Alex laughter ringed through the air as bells and her small tail twist in delight.

Nothing stood in her way, she was free and wild, she belonged to no one, only herself and even if it was harsh sometime she was still her own and that what was importen.

Suddenly Alex was brought out of her mind when her sense alert of a another present near her and she notice siluett of people infront of her, the closer she come she could see cart, it look abounded since she couldn't see any horse around to pull it but she could see someone behind, though "weird..yeah he look weird" she said to herself, she couldn't really see but it looked like a man with a trunk in the middle of his face
@Draconequis @kamiden @Lamvin @HummingKnight

Xafina looked around, her own Anima telling her something was wrong. Bag full of herbs, and already in a hurry she found her. Eyes growing wide when she realized what was down the road. The one type of Anima that she was absolutely terrified of due to a bad experience.
She was a cat, a cat of all things and she was not having any of it.
"Guys, we have to go, we have to hurry up and see Reptile before he gets too hurt." She was locked onto the woman, unable to look away as she tried to find a way to get out of here. She was a bird and there was a cat just waiting down the road.
@Draconequis @kamiden @Lamvin @HummingKnight

Xafina looked around, her own Anima telling her something was wrong. Bag full of herbs, and already in a hurry she found her. Eyes growing wide when she realized what was down the road. The one type of Anima that she was absolutely terrified of due to a bad experience.
She was a cat, a cat of all things and she was not having any of it.
"Guys, we have to go, we have to hurry up and see Reptile before he gets too hurt." She was locked onto the woman, unable to look away as she tried to find a way to get out of here. She was a bird and there was a cat just waiting down the road.
((@Draconequis @Lamvin @CloseEnough @HummingKnight oh god im so sorry i took so long!! the need to sleep is a flaw in evolution D;; long post to make up for it?))

Min was pretty sure she would break down if she started to think about the boy calling her a lovely lady, so she ignored it and nodded in agreement to his compliments for the girl's map. After memorizing what she could of it, they went to go look for the well. When the girl came after them with more medicine, she cursed herself for forgetting the most important part- treating the injuries. "Thank you," she called up to the girl as she ran over the rooftops.

They soon reached the well, and the elephant boy gathered up water as Min waited impatiently, thoughts still racing on guilt and worry. Her- the merchant had kept some of his chests hidden in the benches inside the wagon, filled with potent medicinal plants for fevers and pain relief. Reptile would need those as well as what the girl had taken. But she wouldn't know how to find them. That meant...

When he was done, Min lead them back to the wagon. She took a deep breath and for the first time in years- today was probably the most dramatic day of her life- shifted out of her Anima form. It was uncomfortable; the pants she had been wearing the last time she was human felt far too tight and stopped at her calves. It took her a second to get accustomed to having human feet again. Everything felt natural yet unfamiliar. She was still taller than her companions, but she was much closer to their faces than before. "I'll be back," she mumbled, averting her eyes, and climbed into the back of the wagon.

It stank of herbs in here. After finding the right bench, Min wasted a moment rifling through her keys before she gave up and simply punched the bench lock till it broke. Ignoring her throbbing hand, she hefted one chest under each arm and climbed back out. Just as she was about to rush them to Reptile's yard, she smelled someone unfamiliar.

The girl spoke, agitated. Min followed her gaze and tensed at the sight of the mysterious looking cat +Anima. The woman wasn't looking at them, but the girl was obviously afraid, eyes locked on her even as she said they should go. Moving around so she cut off her view of the woman, Min nodded at her. "You're right. Go on ahead of us so Nanza can start on Reptile's wounds." Hopefully she would take the excuse to leave. She wasn't sure if the elephant boy would be easy to drag away from the alluring stranger or not.
((@Draconequis @Lamvin @CloseEnough @HummingKnight oh god im so sorry i took so long!! the need to sleep is a flaw in evolution D;; long post to make up for it?))

Min was pretty sure she would break down if she started to think about the boy calling her a lovely lady, so she ignored it and nodded in agreement to his compliments for the girl's map. After memorizing what she could of it, they went to go look for the well. When the girl came after them with more medicine, she cursed herself for forgetting the most important part- treating the injuries. "Thank you," she called up to the girl as she ran over the rooftops.

They soon reached the well, and the elephant boy gathered up water as Min waited impatiently, thoughts still racing on guilt and worry. Her- the merchant had kept some of his chests hidden in the benches inside the wagon, filled with potent medicinal plants for fevers and pain relief. Reptile would need those as well as what the girl had taken. But she wouldn't know how to find them. That meant...

When he was done, Min lead them back to the wagon. She took a deep breath and for the first time in years- today was probably the most dramatic day of her life- shifted out of her Anima form. It was uncomfortable; the pants she had been wearing the last time she was human felt far too tight and stopped at her calves. It took her a second to get accustomed to having human feet again. Everything felt natural yet unfamiliar. She was still taller than her companions, but she was much closer to their faces than before. "I'll be back," she mumbled, averting her eyes, and climbed into the back of the wagon.

It stank of herbs in here. After finding the right bench, Min wasted a moment rifling through her keys before she gave up and simply punched the bench lock till it broke. Ignoring her throbbing hand, she hefted one chest under each arm and climbed back out. Just as she was about to rush them to Reptile's yard, she smelled someone unfamiliar.

The girl spoke, agitated. Min followed her gaze and tensed at the sight of the mysterious looking cat +Anima. The woman wasn't looking at them, but the girl was obviously afraid, eyes locked on her even as she said they should go. Moving around so she cut off her view of the woman, Min nodded at her. "You're right. Go on ahead of us so Nanza can start on Reptile's wounds." Hopefully she would take the excuse to leave. She wasn't sure if the elephant boy would be easy to drag away from the alluring stranger or not.
@Draconequis @kamiden @Lamvin @HummingKnight

"Right!" She was already gone, jumping from her perch down to the streets as she began to head out to the direction that she remembered they came. She could track, she had good sight and amazing hearing at least so all she had to do was follow the voices. Anything in order to get her away from the cat woman was more than welcome.

She hated cats, well not cats just big cats and cat Anima. They were bad news, bad stories and always ending badly with her.
@Draconequis @kamiden @Lamvin @HummingKnight

"Right!" She was already gone, jumping from her perch down to the streets as she began to head out to the direction that she remembered they came. She could track, she had good sight and amazing hearing at least so all she had to do was follow the voices. Anything in order to get her away from the cat woman was more than welcome.

She hated cats, well not cats just big cats and cat Anima. They were bad news, bad stories and always ending badly with her.
@Kamiden (its alright, i understand you are on another time schedule :D) @HummingKnight Iso sorry about Dan XD) @Lamvin @CloseEnough

Dan scarcely even realized the new woman was there at first, being unable to smell anything due to his trunk and concentrating on holding the water in his trunk. As he passed her, he felt almost disgusted by the fact that she was showing so much skin, wearing a dress so tight it reminded him of the women who had come to him when he was a pleasure slave. They'd been desperate to show off their beauty, too much makeup.. with outfits that sucked in all their fat and made them appear younger than they actually were. Even if they had the body for it, it still made him sick. Women like her were far too easy of a target, purposely wearing things so men would notice and fawn over them.. desperate for attention. Women like these were not ones he intended to flirt with any time soon, shallow, attention seekers. Exactly like the women he had to please when he was a pleasure slave. They only had one layer. No.. he preferred a woman who didn't flaunt themselves everywhere.

Dan shook his head, he had much more important things on his mind right now than some woman who wanted to grab the attention of men. Reptile was in the distance, waiting for the water with the blonde woman. He kept his eyes firmly planted on Xafina as he gave her a nod and then followed as quickly as his legs would take him.

Dan finally reached the spot where the blonde girl and Reptile lay. He stopped beside her and froze at the site of Reptile's torn open back, the blood which pooled out of his wounds to stain the earth in red. He took a shocked breath inward. The Horse +Anima had been right... about Reptile being badly hurt.

At his breath inwards, the blonde woman acted, whipping around to face him. "Good, put it on his back. Wash out the grime, don't force it out, just let gravity take it." She held up her hand to stop him. "Wait. Reptile, this will sting at first but then it the cold will feel very good on your back. I need you to lie as still as possible." She nodded to Dan, urging him to start dripping the water on Reptile's back.

Dan stared at her blankly for a moment before obeying, his mind spinning with confusion. This seemingly normal woman.. the one he had seen share an apple with the Horse Anima.. now was treating Reptiles wounds as if they were no big deal. While Dan was feeling a bit sick as he stared at Reptile's destroyed back, she didn't seem squeamish or frightened. Dan was honestly impressed. Just who is this girl? She'd curtsied to the Horse before the way only a High Class citizen would.. so.. a Noble? But then she wore clothes which were tattered, and held a sword at her hip. What the hell was this girl? An Anima? She sure wasn't like any Anima Dan had ever met... so was she human then? A medic? The questions swam through his brain as she directed the flow of his water against Reptile's back.

"Stop." The girl spoke, her voice echoed as if it was made to give orders. "Thank you." She gave a nervous glance around the clearing as she pressed some strange kind of material into his wounds. It was some kind of material Dan didn't recognize and there was no time to ask about it.

Nanza was focused intensely on the wounds so much so that she nearly missed the approach of the Anima. She heard the shocked intake of air from the Elephant Anima behind her. He probably had never seen something like this before. Nanza had been through war before.. she had seen things much worse.. treated things far more deadly. Though this definitely made the list of top ten barbaric ways to destroy skin.

"Good, put it on his back. Wash out the grime, don't force it out, just let gravity take it." She urged the Elephant Anima. He allowed the water to fall, staring at Nanza with interest glimmering in his eyes. She ignored his gaze and focused on healing Reptile. "Wait." She placed a hand up to stop the Elephant from dripping the water. "Reptile, this will sting at first but then it the cold will feel very good on your back. I need you to lie as still as possible." She gave a nod to the Elephant and he dripped the water on Reptile's back. Nanza worked with the water, rinsing out some of the dirt which had wormed its way into his wounds when he had tried to stand and fallen down twice.

"Stop." Nanza spoke as the last of the dirt was washed away. Now it was time to stop the bleeding. "Thank you." She nodded to the Elephant before taking a glance around the clearing. Where was Min with those herbs? She pressed her silk into Reptile's back as a temporary bandage to stop the flow of blood and keep more dirt from entering the cuts. She set more silk aside for the new bandages which would hold the medicine to his back when it came. She held pressure on the lashes which were oozing the most blood, all in an attempt to curb the bleeding.
@Kamiden (its alright, i understand you are on another time schedule :D) @HummingKnight Iso sorry about Dan XD) @Lamvin @CloseEnough

Dan scarcely even realized the new woman was there at first, being unable to smell anything due to his trunk and concentrating on holding the water in his trunk. As he passed her, he felt almost disgusted by the fact that she was showing so much skin, wearing a dress so tight it reminded him of the women who had come to him when he was a pleasure slave. They'd been desperate to show off their beauty, too much makeup.. with outfits that sucked in all their fat and made them appear younger than they actually were. Even if they had the body for it, it still made him sick. Women like her were far too easy of a target, purposely wearing things so men would notice and fawn over them.. desperate for attention. Women like these were not ones he intended to flirt with any time soon, shallow, attention seekers. Exactly like the women he had to please when he was a pleasure slave. They only had one layer. No.. he preferred a woman who didn't flaunt themselves everywhere.

Dan shook his head, he had much more important things on his mind right now than some woman who wanted to grab the attention of men. Reptile was in the distance, waiting for the water with the blonde woman. He kept his eyes firmly planted on Xafina as he gave her a nod and then followed as quickly as his legs would take him.

Dan finally reached the spot where the blonde girl and Reptile lay. He stopped beside her and froze at the site of Reptile's torn open back, the blood which pooled out of his wounds to stain the earth in red. He took a shocked breath inward. The Horse +Anima had been right... about Reptile being badly hurt.

At his breath inwards, the blonde woman acted, whipping around to face him. "Good, put it on his back. Wash out the grime, don't force it out, just let gravity take it." She held up her hand to stop him. "Wait. Reptile, this will sting at first but then it the cold will feel very good on your back. I need you to lie as still as possible." She nodded to Dan, urging him to start dripping the water on Reptile's back.

Dan stared at her blankly for a moment before obeying, his mind spinning with confusion. This seemingly normal woman.. the one he had seen share an apple with the Horse Anima.. now was treating Reptiles wounds as if they were no big deal. While Dan was feeling a bit sick as he stared at Reptile's destroyed back, she didn't seem squeamish or frightened. Dan was honestly impressed. Just who is this girl? She'd curtsied to the Horse before the way only a High Class citizen would.. so.. a Noble? But then she wore clothes which were tattered, and held a sword at her hip. What the hell was this girl? An Anima? She sure wasn't like any Anima Dan had ever met... so was she human then? A medic? The questions swam through his brain as she directed the flow of his water against Reptile's back.

"Stop." The girl spoke, her voice echoed as if it was made to give orders. "Thank you." She gave a nervous glance around the clearing as she pressed some strange kind of material into his wounds. It was some kind of material Dan didn't recognize and there was no time to ask about it.

Nanza was focused intensely on the wounds so much so that she nearly missed the approach of the Anima. She heard the shocked intake of air from the Elephant Anima behind her. He probably had never seen something like this before. Nanza had been through war before.. she had seen things much worse.. treated things far more deadly. Though this definitely made the list of top ten barbaric ways to destroy skin.

"Good, put it on his back. Wash out the grime, don't force it out, just let gravity take it." She urged the Elephant Anima. He allowed the water to fall, staring at Nanza with interest glimmering in his eyes. She ignored his gaze and focused on healing Reptile. "Wait." She placed a hand up to stop the Elephant from dripping the water. "Reptile, this will sting at first but then it the cold will feel very good on your back. I need you to lie as still as possible." She gave a nod to the Elephant and he dripped the water on Reptile's back. Nanza worked with the water, rinsing out some of the dirt which had wormed its way into his wounds when he had tried to stand and fallen down twice.

"Stop." Nanza spoke as the last of the dirt was washed away. Now it was time to stop the bleeding. "Thank you." She nodded to the Elephant before taking a glance around the clearing. Where was Min with those herbs? She pressed her silk into Reptile's back as a temporary bandage to stop the flow of blood and keep more dirt from entering the cuts. She set more silk aside for the new bandages which would hold the medicine to his back when it came. She held pressure on the lashes which were oozing the most blood, all in an attempt to curb the bleeding.
want to learn about project egg? Click HERE!
@Draconequis @kamiden @Lamvin @HummingKnight

Xafina jumped a bit, looking at Reptil's back she shuddered, it was bad, pretty darn bad. Still she needed to help him, the guy was hurt and she knew she would want the same treatment if she were in such a situation.
Pulling open her bag she sighed, the herbs needed to be ground up, yet she didn't like the rocks here, no telling what could have been on them. She looked at her fingers, they were shaking, but he needed help right?
He did, and for once her Anima could help someone. With a shuddered breath she nodded to herself, pushing down her fear. After all nether of them could catch her if she decided to run. Feathers grew from her back in a trailing tail like a fanned gown. Folded colores waiting to be shown, flaunted even yet they were always pinned down. A stark contrast of color, she kept them forever locked until she was away from prying eyes
, not wanting them to see as she held the herbs in her talons, long black claws instead of her own nails before grinding them against each other until a powder like substance was made. She did not look at the blond when she held it out, keeping her eyes low and shoulder slumped, actually ashamed of her appearance.

And indeed she was, those feathers caused her so much pain. They made her run, they made her hide and they were the reasons she was forever tied down to the earth. In reality she would have plucked each and every one out, but whenever she done so two more would grow in its place.
At least someone would have benefited from it.
@Draconequis @kamiden @Lamvin @HummingKnight

Xafina jumped a bit, looking at Reptil's back she shuddered, it was bad, pretty darn bad. Still she needed to help him, the guy was hurt and she knew she would want the same treatment if she were in such a situation.
Pulling open her bag she sighed, the herbs needed to be ground up, yet she didn't like the rocks here, no telling what could have been on them. She looked at her fingers, they were shaking, but he needed help right?
He did, and for once her Anima could help someone. With a shuddered breath she nodded to herself, pushing down her fear. After all nether of them could catch her if she decided to run. Feathers grew from her back in a trailing tail like a fanned gown. Folded colores waiting to be shown, flaunted even yet they were always pinned down. A stark contrast of color, she kept them forever locked until she was away from prying eyes
, not wanting them to see as she held the herbs in her talons, long black claws instead of her own nails before grinding them against each other until a powder like substance was made. She did not look at the blond when she held it out, keeping her eyes low and shoulder slumped, actually ashamed of her appearance.

And indeed she was, those feathers caused her so much pain. They made her run, they made her hide and they were the reasons she was forever tied down to the earth. In reality she would have plucked each and every one out, but whenever she done so two more would grow in its place.
At least someone would have benefited from it.
@CloseEnough @Draconequis @kamiden << Sorry bout not responding to earlier posts. Couldn't get on xD >>

When the Elephant Anima had come, Reptile was somewhat amused by the appearance. That is, until the water touched his back. He had hissed in pain, but his eyes were getting heavy. He was tired. When the girl came into the clearing with the herbs, he was wondering what she was going to do. When she brought her Anima out, he thought 'Beautiful.' Then he fell asleep...more like fainted from loosing so much blood earlier.
@CloseEnough @Draconequis @kamiden << Sorry bout not responding to earlier posts. Couldn't get on xD >>

When the Elephant Anima had come, Reptile was somewhat amused by the appearance. That is, until the water touched his back. He had hissed in pain, but his eyes were getting heavy. He was tired. When the girl came into the clearing with the herbs, he was wondering what she was going to do. When she brought her Anima out, he thought 'Beautiful.' Then he fell asleep...more like fainted from loosing so much blood earlier.
@Lamvin @Draconequis @CloseEnough @HummingKnight

Slightly surprised that the man who'd hit on two girls would ignore such a beautiful woman, Min shrugged and followed him, flicking a wary glance back at the woman. They would probably come back for the wagon later, but if it went missing, she wouldn't exactly feel bad. Was the woman just a passerby, or something more sinister? It was common that some +Anima teamed up with slavers to trap others; Min herself had become a slave because she believed a +Anima's promises for a better future. She had been such a naive child. The slavers quickly beat that out of her when she was handed off to them, though.

Well, if the woman came after them, she'd keep an eye on her. Min had never been a fighter, but she had meant what she told Nanza. With my life.

Slower than she was normally, she walked after the boy carrying water with building dread. Pausing before she entered the grounds where Reptile lay, Min steeled herself. Focus on helping him, she told herself. Nothing else. Not on how it was her fault, how she had misjudged him so badly, how- no. Irritated, she shook her head. Her mistress needed her. She walked into the yard, and straight past the dummies, knees shaking. Unpiling the chests nearby Nanza, Min said quietly as she worked, "I brought some things for pain and fever, in case he needs it." The man was sleeping. No... the boy. His soft sleeping face revealed a youth she hadn't noticed before; he couldn't be much older than her. Immediately guilt jolted through her again, and she whispered almost silently, "sorry." Then she shook her head again. "Do you need help, Nanza?"
@Lamvin @Draconequis @CloseEnough @HummingKnight

Slightly surprised that the man who'd hit on two girls would ignore such a beautiful woman, Min shrugged and followed him, flicking a wary glance back at the woman. They would probably come back for the wagon later, but if it went missing, she wouldn't exactly feel bad. Was the woman just a passerby, or something more sinister? It was common that some +Anima teamed up with slavers to trap others; Min herself had become a slave because she believed a +Anima's promises for a better future. She had been such a naive child. The slavers quickly beat that out of her when she was handed off to them, though.

Well, if the woman came after them, she'd keep an eye on her. Min had never been a fighter, but she had meant what she told Nanza. With my life.

Slower than she was normally, she walked after the boy carrying water with building dread. Pausing before she entered the grounds where Reptile lay, Min steeled herself. Focus on helping him, she told herself. Nothing else. Not on how it was her fault, how she had misjudged him so badly, how- no. Irritated, she shook her head. Her mistress needed her. She walked into the yard, and straight past the dummies, knees shaking. Unpiling the chests nearby Nanza, Min said quietly as she worked, "I brought some things for pain and fever, in case he needs it." The man was sleeping. No... the boy. His soft sleeping face revealed a youth she hadn't noticed before; he couldn't be much older than her. Immediately guilt jolted through her again, and she whispered almost silently, "sorry." Then she shook her head again. "Do you need help, Nanza?"
@Lamvin @Draconequis @CloseEnough @kamiden Hahaha everyone distrusting the beautiful woman XD Alex is kind of hurt and impressed~ Don't worry Dan~ she know exactly how she looks and how to use it *smirks*

Alex blinks and tilts her head some to the side, something was tickling her +anima and she let it guide her eyes pass the elephant man, a smiles spread on her lips of the quick glimpse a beautiful bird +anima running in a impressive speed down the street before her view was block of a tallar female, the females body is toned with muscle from a life of heavy lifting and bye her hair Alex could see that she had once been a slave, she was probably a horse + anima, ah yes, the sent the wind carry with it conformed her, also that the male was a elephant +anima but the trunk made it pretty obvious.
Alex smiled a bit impressed when the man complete ignore her as he walked pass her, she know that with her cloths she looked like a attention seeker pleasure girl but to be true this was almost the only pice of cloth that fit with out making her feeling claustrophobic and with her well-endowed figure almost nothing but cloths that made her look like pleasure girl fit her.
Alex let out a small laughs, the irony was so sweet. She stayed on her railing, watching the three +animas walk of in the distance as she waits in the shadows.

Not far after the +anima's had left a door open and two men sneaks out, by just looking at there cloths she could tell at once they where slave traders hoping to sneak up on the +animas in a try to catch them, she know the elephant +anima gave a lot on the market.
Jumping of her railing she follows the males as they walks down the way the +animas had gone and soon her improved hearing could snap up the sound of voices, also the sent of blood
Before the slaver traders could walk around the corner discovering the group of +animas she let out a short whistle, bringer their attention towards her.
Alex smiles seductive, pushing her chest out a little she looks at them with begging eyes "Oh boys~why don't you come and have some fun with me~? I'm so lonely by myself and it's so cold~ why don't you come and help me warm up~?"
she asked with low seductive voice, luring them softly to follow her into alley, she was well aware of how she look and she know how to use it.
just as typical males so couldn't the slave traders stand up to such a offer as the beautiful lady was giving them and they hurry after her into the dark alley.

A wide smile, showing of a par of fangs.

"Oh boys~ didn't your mother teach you to not follow strangers~"

The sound of bones breaking and a cry of pain echoes through the quiet night and Alex walks out from the dark alley, now putting on a thick military jacket that one of the men had been wearing as she count a stack of money.

The closer Cloud got the more he felt like this was a bad idea, something was off with this village but he couldn't set his foot on what it was. "something is wrong" he mutters to himself before he turns off of the road and walks into the woods, decide it would be better if he took a quick look at the town from above before he decide if he would go in or not, He shuffles a little to get his green-tinted leather jacket of as he walks, baring his open back towards the night sky air, the cold air was soothing against his scares but he could feel his +anima moving restless and in the next moment he spread out a par of massiv wings, they where slender in their form, almost round in their form and as he stretching them out reliving a wingspan of 11'2''

Cloud couldn't help but to groan in relief as he felt his wings muscle move before he netly tucked them back against his back, the white, light redbrown tawny patterned wings covered his whole back and was touching the ground with the wings tip, a great amount of the top of his wings peeked up over his shoulders, because of that you almost couldn't see the tail feathers that reach to his knees, they was in the same pattern as his wings.

Cloud had been walking as he was stretching and testing his wings and thats why he hadn't paid so much attention towards the world around him before he suddenly walks into a clearing close to the village and he freeze with one of his wings up, his hand on it since he had been grooming the ruffle feathers a little in a try to straighten them out.
His ice blue eyes what meet with the sight of five people and a couple of dummies, a male was laying on the ground with a blond female beside him, pressing some kind of bandage against the boys back as she tried to stoop the blood that was pouring out of deep cuts, not far from them stood, two females and another male, he could tell at once that all of them was +anima.

Cloud's eyes went back towards the unconscious boy and the small female. he blink again before he fold his wing back against his back as he walks over to the girl, "The cuts are to deep, they need stitching or they won't stop bleeding " he said, he voice soft and calm as he sits down beside the unconscious boy, laying it under the boys head as a pillow before he fish out a needle and thread out from one of his many pockets, he could see the cut clearly as the day even if it was in the dead of night and the only source of light was from a street light not far from them.

As he set up the needle and thread together he pulled out a small bottle of alcohol from one his pocket, it wasn't the best to sterilize the needle but he didn't have anything ells so it had to work. he pour it over the needle and the thread. "can you move bandage please? I need the to sterilize the cuts before I sew " he asked the blond female beside him.

@Lamvin @Draconequis @CloseEnough @kamiden Hahaha everyone distrusting the beautiful woman XD Alex is kind of hurt and impressed~ Don't worry Dan~ she know exactly how she looks and how to use it *smirks*

Alex blinks and tilts her head some to the side, something was tickling her +anima and she let it guide her eyes pass the elephant man, a smiles spread on her lips of the quick glimpse a beautiful bird +anima running in a impressive speed down the street before her view was block of a tallar female, the females body is toned with muscle from a life of heavy lifting and bye her hair Alex could see that she had once been a slave, she was probably a horse + anima, ah yes, the sent the wind carry with it conformed her, also that the male was a elephant +anima but the trunk made it pretty obvious.
Alex smiled a bit impressed when the man complete ignore her as he walked pass her, she know that with her cloths she looked like a attention seeker pleasure girl but to be true this was almost the only pice of cloth that fit with out making her feeling claustrophobic and with her well-endowed figure almost nothing but cloths that made her look like pleasure girl fit her.
Alex let out a small laughs, the irony was so sweet. She stayed on her railing, watching the three +animas walk of in the distance as she waits in the shadows.

Not far after the +anima's had left a door open and two men sneaks out, by just looking at there cloths she could tell at once they where slave traders hoping to sneak up on the +animas in a try to catch them, she know the elephant +anima gave a lot on the market.
Jumping of her railing she follows the males as they walks down the way the +animas had gone and soon her improved hearing could snap up the sound of voices, also the sent of blood
Before the slaver traders could walk around the corner discovering the group of +animas she let out a short whistle, bringer their attention towards her.
Alex smiles seductive, pushing her chest out a little she looks at them with begging eyes "Oh boys~why don't you come and have some fun with me~? I'm so lonely by myself and it's so cold~ why don't you come and help me warm up~?"
she asked with low seductive voice, luring them softly to follow her into alley, she was well aware of how she look and she know how to use it.
just as typical males so couldn't the slave traders stand up to such a offer as the beautiful lady was giving them and they hurry after her into the dark alley.

A wide smile, showing of a par of fangs.

"Oh boys~ didn't your mother teach you to not follow strangers~"

The sound of bones breaking and a cry of pain echoes through the quiet night and Alex walks out from the dark alley, now putting on a thick military jacket that one of the men had been wearing as she count a stack of money.

The closer Cloud got the more he felt like this was a bad idea, something was off with this village but he couldn't set his foot on what it was. "something is wrong" he mutters to himself before he turns off of the road and walks into the woods, decide it would be better if he took a quick look at the town from above before he decide if he would go in or not, He shuffles a little to get his green-tinted leather jacket of as he walks, baring his open back towards the night sky air, the cold air was soothing against his scares but he could feel his +anima moving restless and in the next moment he spread out a par of massiv wings, they where slender in their form, almost round in their form and as he stretching them out reliving a wingspan of 11'2''

Cloud couldn't help but to groan in relief as he felt his wings muscle move before he netly tucked them back against his back, the white, light redbrown tawny patterned wings covered his whole back and was touching the ground with the wings tip, a great amount of the top of his wings peeked up over his shoulders, because of that you almost couldn't see the tail feathers that reach to his knees, they was in the same pattern as his wings.

Cloud had been walking as he was stretching and testing his wings and thats why he hadn't paid so much attention towards the world around him before he suddenly walks into a clearing close to the village and he freeze with one of his wings up, his hand on it since he had been grooming the ruffle feathers a little in a try to straighten them out.
His ice blue eyes what meet with the sight of five people and a couple of dummies, a male was laying on the ground with a blond female beside him, pressing some kind of bandage against the boys back as she tried to stoop the blood that was pouring out of deep cuts, not far from them stood, two females and another male, he could tell at once that all of them was +anima.

Cloud's eyes went back towards the unconscious boy and the small female. he blink again before he fold his wing back against his back as he walks over to the girl, "The cuts are to deep, they need stitching or they won't stop bleeding " he said, he voice soft and calm as he sits down beside the unconscious boy, laying it under the boys head as a pillow before he fish out a needle and thread out from one of his many pockets, he could see the cut clearly as the day even if it was in the dead of night and the only source of light was from a street light not far from them.

As he set up the needle and thread together he pulled out a small bottle of alcohol from one his pocket, it wasn't the best to sterilize the needle but he didn't have anything ells so it had to work. he pour it over the needle and the thread. "can you move bandage please? I need the to sterilize the cuts before I sew " he asked the blond female beside him.

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