

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Deepest Darkness ((NOW CLOSED))
@Assassin @skiatha @deeproar @dragonflyomens @Dracknorin @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan @Llanai @Ecxcabre

Ember frowned at all this talking. It was too boring and even though she didn't trust any of these weird dragons the lack of action was making her antsy. She'd much prefer a dangerous mission to this incessant chatter. After all, the more you talked the closer you got to each other and that is not a helpful trait to have.
"Let's do this already, enough talk!" She growled, pushing herself to a standing position. "All we have to do is walk to this place right? You numbskulls can talk on the way!"
@Assassin @skiatha @deeproar @dragonflyomens @Dracknorin @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan @Llanai @Ecxcabre

Ember frowned at all this talking. It was too boring and even though she didn't trust any of these weird dragons the lack of action was making her antsy. She'd much prefer a dangerous mission to this incessant chatter. After all, the more you talked the closer you got to each other and that is not a helpful trait to have.
"Let's do this already, enough talk!" She growled, pushing herself to a standing position. "All we have to do is walk to this place right? You numbskulls can talk on the way!"
@Dracknorin ((Since I'm an idiot and can't keep my hands out of the Auction house, LockDown now sports proud rack of Ebony antlers.)) [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] LockDown grew silent as well, and nodded, "If you could not control it, then perhaps it was not your fault." He moved over and dared to nudge the side of the ridgeback's face with his snout, "I've seen many a dragon be driven to such lengths, mostly because a contract sent me after them." He didn't tell her that he usually took pride in killing cannibals. Mostly for the fact that he had once found a dragon who had no other choice but to do so. That one he killed swiftly in their sleep. He sat, "Don't feel sadness. What's done is done, Misery. Look to surviving another day instead of wavering on the past." He smiled at her a little, "And I think I preferred your laughter to your silence." His tail curled about him again as a shudder ran through his body. bile threatened at the back of his throat, but he swallowed it back down.

((Since I'm an idiot and can't keep my hands out of the Auction house, LockDown now sports proud rack of Ebony antlers.))


LockDown grew silent as well, and nodded, "If you could not control it, then perhaps it was not your fault." He moved over and dared to nudge the side of the ridgeback's face with his snout, "I've seen many a dragon be driven to such lengths, mostly because a contract sent me after them." He didn't tell her that he usually took pride in killing cannibals. Mostly for the fact that he had once found a dragon who had no other choice but to do so. That one he killed swiftly in their sleep.

He sat, "Don't feel sadness. What's done is done, Misery. Look to surviving another day instead of wavering on the past." He smiled at her a little, "And I think I preferred your laughter to your silence." His tail curled about him again as a shudder ran through his body. bile threatened at the back of his throat, but he swallowed it back down.
@BellowsLizard @Assassin @skiatha @deeproar @dragonflyomens @Llanai @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan

Eternity looked at the tundra. "Pleased to meet you. I'm called Eternity." He only glared at the wildclaw for a moment and said "Once we get out of here, the darkness will try to stop us. It seems to know that we wish to escape. And if I am denied an escape for my crimes, there is always another way to end this suffering." He fluttered into the air, pointing to the dome of black overhead. "Follow me, and do not waver, we will talk again on the other side."

With that, the white fae flapped off into the mud-thick darkness beyond the dome.

@Ecxcabre ((you aren't alone, don't worry.))

Misery leaned very slightly into the touch, glad that she had not scared him off as she had others before. "I would never let this place claim me," she said. "But at least here, there is nothing to alight that sickness that drove me to madness." She laughed, as if scorning the darkness for even trying to devour her. Misery turned to the tundra, "But what good is it, really? To survive in a place where there can only be suffering?"
@BellowsLizard @Assassin @skiatha @deeproar @dragonflyomens @Llanai @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan

Eternity looked at the tundra. "Pleased to meet you. I'm called Eternity." He only glared at the wildclaw for a moment and said "Once we get out of here, the darkness will try to stop us. It seems to know that we wish to escape. And if I am denied an escape for my crimes, there is always another way to end this suffering." He fluttered into the air, pointing to the dome of black overhead. "Follow me, and do not waver, we will talk again on the other side."

With that, the white fae flapped off into the mud-thick darkness beyond the dome.

@Ecxcabre ((you aren't alone, don't worry.))

Misery leaned very slightly into the touch, glad that she had not scared him off as she had others before. "I would never let this place claim me," she said. "But at least here, there is nothing to alight that sickness that drove me to madness." She laughed, as if scorning the darkness for even trying to devour her. Misery turned to the tundra, "But what good is it, really? To survive in a place where there can only be suffering?"
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
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@Dracknorin [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] LockDown closed his eyes and thought a moment, "I have thought, perhaps, this place may not be all suffering. While next to you, I feel the poison in my veins lessen. I think perhaps, dragons here suffer most when they're alone. I've considered trying to bring together a group of dragons. Maybe carve some sort of town or village into this desolate wasteland... A sanctuary..." He opened his eyes again to stare at the darkness, "But anyone whom I've told this to thinks I'm crazy for it." He looked at Misery, "There is always one thing I've learned through out life and the afterlife. Times will never stay good or bad. If you're at your worst, know that good is yet to come, if you're at your best, don't take it for granted because it [i]will[/i] be ripped away one day. Something good will eventually happen. Maybe that's what makes my soul so bright. Like you said before." He blinked a few times, "I don't think I've spoken this much in one sitting than all my lifetimes."


LockDown closed his eyes and thought a moment, "I have thought, perhaps, this place may not be all suffering. While next to you, I feel the poison in my veins lessen. I think perhaps, dragons here suffer most when they're alone. I've considered trying to bring together a group of dragons. Maybe carve some sort of town or village into this desolate wasteland... A sanctuary..." He opened his eyes again to stare at the darkness, "But anyone whom I've told this to thinks I'm crazy for it." He looked at Misery, "There is always one thing I've learned through out life and the afterlife. Times will never stay good or bad. If you're at your worst, know that good is yet to come, if you're at your best, don't take it for granted because it will be ripped away one day. Something good will eventually happen. Maybe that's what makes my soul so bright. Like you said before."

He blinked a few times, "I don't think I've spoken this much in one sitting than all my lifetimes."

Misery tapped a claw against one tooth, momentarily lost in thought. "Your words are wise ones," she said. "I have never believed that there could be an escape from this place, but perhaps I am wrong." She sat up slightly, teeth clacking together slightly as she moved her head. "There is a fae that always seems to rant about a way out, he may know something."

Misery tapped a claw against one tooth, momentarily lost in thought. "Your words are wise ones," she said. "I have never believed that there could be an escape from this place, but perhaps I am wrong." She sat up slightly, teeth clacking together slightly as she moved her head. "There is a fae that always seems to rant about a way out, he may know something."
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
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@Dracknorin [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] He tilted his head, "A way... out?" He furrowed his brow, "What... what exactly is outside, then? Heaven? Or the physical world?" He lost himself in thought. He'd never thought of a way [i]out[/i] before. Only ways to make existence here more tolerable... The thought of seeing Limiri and his children again filled him with a bittersweet hope. To see Limiri's shining arcane eyes again... He smiled, "I'd like to talk to this fae."


He tilted his head, "A way... out?" He furrowed his brow, "What... what exactly is outside, then? Heaven? Or the physical world?" He lost himself in thought. He'd never thought of a way out before. Only ways to make existence here more tolerable... The thought of seeing Limiri and his children again filled him with a bittersweet hope. To see Limiri's shining arcane eyes again... He smiled, "I'd like to talk to this fae."
@Assassin @skiatha @BellowsLizard @dragonflyomens @Dracknorin @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan @Llanai @Ecxcabre

Giving an offended quiver of his antennae at the female, he curled his lip and got to his feet. Stretching his libs, Chirtl spent a few moments to preen his ruffled feathers before opening his wings and leaping off the dais. The air was stagnant so he had to give a few vigorous pumps before gliding off into the darkness after Eternity, bracing himself for the dense darkness. Breaking through with less difficulty than before, he hovered in the air for a few seconds as he waited for the others to come.
@Assassin @skiatha @BellowsLizard @dragonflyomens @Dracknorin @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan @Llanai @Ecxcabre

Giving an offended quiver of his antennae at the female, he curled his lip and got to his feet. Stretching his libs, Chirtl spent a few moments to preen his ruffled feathers before opening his wings and leaping off the dais. The air was stagnant so he had to give a few vigorous pumps before gliding off into the darkness after Eternity, bracing himself for the dense darkness. Breaking through with less difficulty than before, he hovered in the air for a few seconds as he waited for the others to come.
+19 FR time | She/Her| Nest Network
@Assassin @skiatha @BellowsLizard @dragonflyomens @deeproar @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan @Llanai @Ecxcabre

Misery uncurled herself and sighed. "I know where he might be found, I'll take you there." She hated the idea of being left alone again, even if it meant spending time with that insufferable fae . . . .

It took the large ridgeback a few moments to become airborne, furiously beating her ruined wings against the windy black. It was a wonder she could fly at all. Nonetheless, she managed, and was soon soaring shakily over the broken ground. It would be easy enough for Lockdown to keep up as she was not a fast flyer.

Eternity had just landed tiredly outside the range of the thick darkness, when he caught sight of Misery landing heavily on his platform. His eyes narrowed behind the mask, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. "You . . ." he hissed, crest pinning back against his head. "Come here to admit that you were wrong? Or are you finally going to eat me?"

Misery growled. "You would hardly be a mouthful!" she said, snapping her jaws at him, which caused the fae to scuttle backwards. "And as much as I'd love to banter with you, my friend here is interested in what you have to say." She lifted a wing, gesturing to Lockdown.

Eternity straightened his cloak, giving the tundra a tired look. Finally he stepped forward, "Salutations. As much as I find your company distasteful, I'm inclined to welcome anyone who might want to listen to me. My name is Eternity."
@Assassin @skiatha @BellowsLizard @dragonflyomens @deeproar @Thewarywatcher13 @Morigan @Llanai @Ecxcabre

Misery uncurled herself and sighed. "I know where he might be found, I'll take you there." She hated the idea of being left alone again, even if it meant spending time with that insufferable fae . . . .

It took the large ridgeback a few moments to become airborne, furiously beating her ruined wings against the windy black. It was a wonder she could fly at all. Nonetheless, she managed, and was soon soaring shakily over the broken ground. It would be easy enough for Lockdown to keep up as she was not a fast flyer.

Eternity had just landed tiredly outside the range of the thick darkness, when he caught sight of Misery landing heavily on his platform. His eyes narrowed behind the mask, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. "You . . ." he hissed, crest pinning back against his head. "Come here to admit that you were wrong? Or are you finally going to eat me?"

Misery growled. "You would hardly be a mouthful!" she said, snapping her jaws at him, which caused the fae to scuttle backwards. "And as much as I'd love to banter with you, my friend here is interested in what you have to say." She lifted a wing, gesturing to Lockdown.

Eternity straightened his cloak, giving the tundra a tired look. Finally he stepped forward, "Salutations. As much as I find your company distasteful, I'm inclined to welcome anyone who might want to listen to me. My name is Eternity."
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
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@Assassin @skiatha @BellowsLizard @dragonflyomens @deeproar @Thewarywatcher13 @Llanai @Ecxcabre @Dracknorin

Slowly but surely, Indrah was getting the feeling this group of dragons was going to test her patience to the very limit. If the Fae, Eternity, was here and she was here it was safe to think most, if not each of them had done something to anger the Eleven beyond the point of reason. And yet here they were. Acting like the Callers clumsy apprentices. We´re so sorry we won´t do it again. Ugh. Ug-h.
Even though the orange Wildclaw would make her crest flare otherwise, her interruption was almost a welcome one. Fly again? Fly they could. Not as fast as some others to take off, she finally noticed another of the group. A Skydancer and… yes, injured. But still carrying himself well. Strong. Red eyes, no surprise. Those of the Wasteland grow strong or not at all. She found herself passing him, but went further. Follow Eternity. See what he´s up to.

Obviously, meeting yet more dragons. The Mirror landed in a respectful distance. Both were a sight, worn and rugged. The… Ridgeback? She even more than her companion. A shadow of a dragon, and yet not a dead one. Willpower. And did Eternity just say… Indrah slunk closer, slowly. Curious, almost hopeful. „Greetings, Dark One.“
@Assassin @skiatha @BellowsLizard @dragonflyomens @deeproar @Thewarywatcher13 @Llanai @Ecxcabre @Dracknorin

Slowly but surely, Indrah was getting the feeling this group of dragons was going to test her patience to the very limit. If the Fae, Eternity, was here and she was here it was safe to think most, if not each of them had done something to anger the Eleven beyond the point of reason. And yet here they were. Acting like the Callers clumsy apprentices. We´re so sorry we won´t do it again. Ugh. Ug-h.
Even though the orange Wildclaw would make her crest flare otherwise, her interruption was almost a welcome one. Fly again? Fly they could. Not as fast as some others to take off, she finally noticed another of the group. A Skydancer and… yes, injured. But still carrying himself well. Strong. Red eyes, no surprise. Those of the Wasteland grow strong or not at all. She found herself passing him, but went further. Follow Eternity. See what he´s up to.

Obviously, meeting yet more dragons. The Mirror landed in a respectful distance. Both were a sight, worn and rugged. The… Ridgeback? She even more than her companion. A shadow of a dragon, and yet not a dead one. Willpower. And did Eternity just say… Indrah slunk closer, slowly. Curious, almost hopeful. „Greetings, Dark One.“

While Eternity talked to her companion, Misery had been staring off into the void. That is, until she heard Indrah's soft speech. The beaten ridgeback moved to close the distance between them, almost slinking in her movements, stiff. Her breath was a wheeze, powerful still, but halting. Her voice was little more than a hiss from between her exposed teeth. "Greetings."

Misery seemed to give the fae a wide berth, always watching him out the corner of her eye. Her face was as displeased as it could be, without lips with which to express it.

While Eternity talked to her companion, Misery had been staring off into the void. That is, until she heard Indrah's soft speech. The beaten ridgeback moved to close the distance between them, almost slinking in her movements, stiff. Her breath was a wheeze, powerful still, but halting. Her voice was little more than a hiss from between her exposed teeth. "Greetings."

Misery seemed to give the fae a wide berth, always watching him out the corner of her eye. Her face was as displeased as it could be, without lips with which to express it.
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
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