

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Deepest Darkness ((NOW CLOSED))
There is no light, no sun has ever touched this place. Nothing but shattered earth drifting in an endless void. Dark mists choke out all vision, there is nothing but the dark and cold around you. But there is something there, something that cannot be perceived with your eyes, something you refuse to perceive. The air is frigid enough to freeze a tundra to death, but you do not freeze. There is no food, no water, no end to the suffering.
This is hell, and you know why you're here.

Welcome all! This is the Deepest Darkness, a story about the dragons whose crimes were too great for any normal punishment. It will be the first roleplay I have started here on the Flight Rising forums! But worry not, for I am no stranger to roleplaying, and I like to make my decisions with a D20. Before you continue, please note that this is a dark story, and it will deal in dark themes. If you are sensitive to things like violence, gore, suffering (both mental and physical) or anything of that nature, I urge you to please be cautious about joining this roleplay.

Other than that, please read the rules, and have fun!

The story begins with darkness. It was your actions, after all, that landed you in this place. Only the worst of the worst get to come here, murderers, warlords, servants of evil and the hopelessly insane all come to this place, but they rarely see each other. Each soul glows, but the darkness is so thick, that each step becomes a leap of faith.

But The Darkness is a place of endless suffering, a place that no one wants to be no matter how far gone they are. Those who manage to find each other, stick tightly together. It is their only comfort in a place full only of emptiness. The more souls come together, the brighter the glow, to hold back the darkness. Together, you may seek salvation. There is rumored to be a way out, but you cannot do it alone.

Worse things than darkness stalk this place.
There are things in the darkness that no dragon can imagine. They remain unseen, they cannot be seen, lest the madness destroy you. Light holds these things at bay, but they will seek to stop you at any cost.

  1. Follow all Flight Rising rules! They're there for a reason.
  2. Post must be semi-literate. Try to post a paragraph or more. I can't blame you for little spelling and grammar errors.
  3. Ping the people you're replying to
  4. OOC chat must be in parenthesis or brackets! ((Like this.))
  5. Try and stay active! Or ping me if you're going to be away.

    Please apply on the ooc thread HERE

    Here is a handy dragon size chart, for reference. Thanks Llanai!
There is no light, no sun has ever touched this place. Nothing but shattered earth drifting in an endless void. Dark mists choke out all vision, there is nothing but the dark and cold around you. But there is something there, something that cannot be perceived with your eyes, something you refuse to perceive. The air is frigid enough to freeze a tundra to death, but you do not freeze. There is no food, no water, no end to the suffering.
This is hell, and you know why you're here.

Welcome all! This is the Deepest Darkness, a story about the dragons whose crimes were too great for any normal punishment. It will be the first roleplay I have started here on the Flight Rising forums! But worry not, for I am no stranger to roleplaying, and I like to make my decisions with a D20. Before you continue, please note that this is a dark story, and it will deal in dark themes. If you are sensitive to things like violence, gore, suffering (both mental and physical) or anything of that nature, I urge you to please be cautious about joining this roleplay.

Other than that, please read the rules, and have fun!

The story begins with darkness. It was your actions, after all, that landed you in this place. Only the worst of the worst get to come here, murderers, warlords, servants of evil and the hopelessly insane all come to this place, but they rarely see each other. Each soul glows, but the darkness is so thick, that each step becomes a leap of faith.

But The Darkness is a place of endless suffering, a place that no one wants to be no matter how far gone they are. Those who manage to find each other, stick tightly together. It is their only comfort in a place full only of emptiness. The more souls come together, the brighter the glow, to hold back the darkness. Together, you may seek salvation. There is rumored to be a way out, but you cannot do it alone.

Worse things than darkness stalk this place.
There are things in the darkness that no dragon can imagine. They remain unseen, they cannot be seen, lest the madness destroy you. Light holds these things at bay, but they will seek to stop you at any cost.

  1. Follow all Flight Rising rules! They're there for a reason.
  2. Post must be semi-literate. Try to post a paragraph or more. I can't blame you for little spelling and grammar errors.
  3. Ping the people you're replying to
  4. OOC chat must be in parenthesis or brackets! ((Like this.))
  5. Try and stay active! Or ping me if you're going to be away.

    Please apply on the ooc thread HERE

    Here is a handy dragon size chart, for reference. Thanks Llanai!
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
Please ping me for attention!
Clan Haven welcomes you.
[b]Those who met their fate:[/b] ----- [b]Player: Dracknorin[/b] [b]Dragon Name: Eternity[/b] Dragon image: [img]/rendern/350/44107/4410633_350.png[/img] ----- [b]Player:[/b] @Thewarywatcher13 [b]Dragon:[/b] Nycto (as in nyctophobia, the fear of night) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- [b]player[/b] @Llanai [b]Dragon(s)[/b] Aurono and Veran (the twins) Aurono [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Veran [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/quote] ----- [b]Player name:[/b] @Morigan [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Indrah [b]Dragon image: [/b] [IMG][/IMG] ----- [b]Player name:[/b] @Ecxcabre [b]Dragon Name:[/b] LockDown [b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Puck [b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Those who met their fate:

Player: Dracknorin

Dragon Name: Eternity

Dragon image: 4410633_350.png

Player: @Thewarywatcher13

Dragon: Nycto (as in nyctophobia, the fear of night)


player @Llanai

Dragon(s) Aurono and Veran (the twins)





Player name: @Morigan

Dragon Name: Indrah

Dragon image:

Player name: @Ecxcabre

Dragon Name: LockDown

Dragon image:


Dragon Name: Puck

Dragon image:

RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
Please ping me for attention!
Clan Haven welcomes you.
Cold and dark was all it ever was in this place. The haze seemed to drown out even the howling of the cold winds. Grey shapes could sometimes be seen here, traveling in pairs, glowing dimly as all dragons did in this place.

These were the survivors. The ones that were too far gone, had given in to the suffering. As these dragons walked, what color remained flaked off of them, only to drift away like scraps of parchment, and be swallowed by the blackness. The darkness would not claim them, or perhaps, it already had.

Eternity perched on a chunk of floating earth. He paid no heed to the dim grey dragons that roamed the shattered landscape, as they paid no heed to him.

It had been a while since he had seen another "living" dragon, seen the glow of a soul that still had hope. The fae launched himself from his perch, gliding through the emptiness, looking for another such as himself.
Cold and dark was all it ever was in this place. The haze seemed to drown out even the howling of the cold winds. Grey shapes could sometimes be seen here, traveling in pairs, glowing dimly as all dragons did in this place.

These were the survivors. The ones that were too far gone, had given in to the suffering. As these dragons walked, what color remained flaked off of them, only to drift away like scraps of parchment, and be swallowed by the blackness. The darkness would not claim them, or perhaps, it already had.

Eternity perched on a chunk of floating earth. He paid no heed to the dim grey dragons that roamed the shattered landscape, as they paid no heed to him.

It had been a while since he had seen another "living" dragon, seen the glow of a soul that still had hope. The fae launched himself from his perch, gliding through the emptiness, looking for another such as himself.
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
Please ping me for attention!
Clan Haven welcomes you.
((Yussss let's get started. ouo ))

The darkness was a wall. No, the darkness was a wall and you were trapped in it.
From the murky darkness came a red dragon. Kleos paused in his stride, rose his huge head, giving a few sniffs of the stale air. His great body swayed, tail lashing from side to side. Behind him, a small group of a dozen or so dragons followed, soulless grey, with wings ragged and eyes dull with either fatigue, pain, or insanity. They waited silently for their leader to give them orders. Gods, they were always silent, thought Kleos with a spark of anger. He turned, calling to his second-in-command, Rayth.

"I smell someone close by. Tell the others to get ready. We'll be having another dragon joining our ranks today."
He started forward again, lips pulled back into a snarl. Since the day (he forgot what the word "day" even meant) he was cast into this hell-hole, he had sought dominion over it. He was born to war, to conquer; not to be conquered by some pitiful excuse of an afterlife. He will be the king of this wasteland. Then, once every single dragon is under his claw, then he will wage war with the very heavens themselves. He could taste that glorious day already, the blood of gods on his tongue.
((Yussss let's get started. ouo ))

The darkness was a wall. No, the darkness was a wall and you were trapped in it.
From the murky darkness came a red dragon. Kleos paused in his stride, rose his huge head, giving a few sniffs of the stale air. His great body swayed, tail lashing from side to side. Behind him, a small group of a dozen or so dragons followed, soulless grey, with wings ragged and eyes dull with either fatigue, pain, or insanity. They waited silently for their leader to give them orders. Gods, they were always silent, thought Kleos with a spark of anger. He turned, calling to his second-in-command, Rayth.

"I smell someone close by. Tell the others to get ready. We'll be having another dragon joining our ranks today."
He started forward again, lips pulled back into a snarl. Since the day (he forgot what the word "day" even meant) he was cast into this hell-hole, he had sought dominion over it. He was born to war, to conquer; not to be conquered by some pitiful excuse of an afterlife. He will be the king of this wasteland. Then, once every single dragon is under his claw, then he will wage war with the very heavens themselves. He could taste that glorious day already, the blood of gods on his tongue.
@skiatha (( o3o You really captured the mood of this place already. Even if we don't get more people, I look forward to roleplaying with you. And feel free to post some info for your second in command on the ooc, and I'll post it in the bio section.))

The white fae saw the glow from the air, though he was blind to everything else. Bright in the front, and dim in the back. Using the darkness to hide him, Eternity called out; "Why do you travel with the dead ones, friend?" His voice was soft, but carried well enough. "They cannot be of much protection, if the void seeks to claim you."
@skiatha (( o3o You really captured the mood of this place already. Even if we don't get more people, I look forward to roleplaying with you. And feel free to post some info for your second in command on the ooc, and I'll post it in the bio section.))

The white fae saw the glow from the air, though he was blind to everything else. Bright in the front, and dim in the back. Using the darkness to hide him, Eternity called out; "Why do you travel with the dead ones, friend?" His voice was soft, but carried well enough. "They cannot be of much protection, if the void seeks to claim you."
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
Please ping me for attention!
Clan Haven welcomes you.
((Ahh thank you! *u* I really like the plot of this rp. I think I might keep Rayth as just a side character, so he'll just be mentioned from time to time but won't need a bio or anything. x3 ))

Kleos' head swung around, sensitive ears honing into the sound. It was a mere fae, its voice just a squeak to his ears. He could've laughed- if he ever remembered how to. Though the dragon could not see the other one-there was no need to in this dark void anyways- he knew perfectly well where the tiny thing was.
"Protection?" he scoffed, "I need no protection here, fae. This pit is mine's to conquer; do not see me as a scared, little hatchling."

He cocked his head at Eternity, a somewhat unsettling grin spreading across his face, " And may I ask, why is such a small thing like you wandering alone here? Surely you know that there are other creatures that will seek to devour your soul. It burns so brightly..." Kleos takes a step forward, smile gone yet voice still silky and predatory,

"I can offer to you to join me. It's been so long since I've met another live dragon like you aside from Rayth here. Dead dragons are such a bore to be around these days," his tail flicked to the collection of dragons behind him, still and silent.
((Ahh thank you! *u* I really like the plot of this rp. I think I might keep Rayth as just a side character, so he'll just be mentioned from time to time but won't need a bio or anything. x3 ))

Kleos' head swung around, sensitive ears honing into the sound. It was a mere fae, its voice just a squeak to his ears. He could've laughed- if he ever remembered how to. Though the dragon could not see the other one-there was no need to in this dark void anyways- he knew perfectly well where the tiny thing was.
"Protection?" he scoffed, "I need no protection here, fae. This pit is mine's to conquer; do not see me as a scared, little hatchling."

He cocked his head at Eternity, a somewhat unsettling grin spreading across his face, " And may I ask, why is such a small thing like you wandering alone here? Surely you know that there are other creatures that will seek to devour your soul. It burns so brightly..." Kleos takes a step forward, smile gone yet voice still silky and predatory,

"I can offer to you to join me. It's been so long since I've met another live dragon like you aside from Rayth here. Dead dragons are such a bore to be around these days," his tail flicked to the collection of dragons behind him, still and silent.
@Skiatha @Dracknorin

Voices drifted towards Chirtl, and he opened his vibrant eyes. Uncurling himself from his resting place, he unfurled his wings and stretched his body, his beak open in a wide yawn. Composing himself, his antennae quivered in anticipation as he took a tentative step towards the voices, peering through the murky gloom in search for the telltale glow of souls. He was eager for company, whether it be benign or malevolent, but didn't want to find himself in too much drama just yet.
@Skiatha @Dracknorin

Voices drifted towards Chirtl, and he opened his vibrant eyes. Uncurling himself from his resting place, he unfurled his wings and stretched his body, his beak open in a wide yawn. Composing himself, his antennae quivered in anticipation as he took a tentative step towards the voices, peering through the murky gloom in search for the telltale glow of souls. He was eager for company, whether it be benign or malevolent, but didn't want to find himself in too much drama just yet.
+19 FR time | She/Her| Nest Network
@skiatha @deeproar

Eternity swooped down past the wildclaw, and landed on a floating chunk just large enough for him. Eternity looked over his fellows with bright violet eyes. "I have been here for a very long time, and I am never alone." he replied, and then paused.
"Conquering the dead ones . . . must be such a bore." He shifted slightly, giving a shy smile. "But I won't bother you. I'd only get in the way, trying to get to the door, as I am." Eternity clasped his hands innocently, and stared off into the dark.

The pale bunch of dragons that stood silently behind their "leader" suddenly looked up, all at once. They seemed to see something in the darkness. Perhaps the others could see it too, a disturbance in the endless dark, caught out the corner of their eyes, making their minds reel in confusion. The combined light of the dead ones suddenly dimmed, with a faint, short cry of pain. One or two of their numbers, the brightest glow, claimed by the darkness. Those unlucky enough to have not given in.

Even eternity, fearless as he was, was smart enough to flee toward the combined glow of Kleos and Rayth, adding his own. He perched on Kleos's wing, and hunkered down to watch the dark again.
@skiatha @deeproar

Eternity swooped down past the wildclaw, and landed on a floating chunk just large enough for him. Eternity looked over his fellows with bright violet eyes. "I have been here for a very long time, and I am never alone." he replied, and then paused.
"Conquering the dead ones . . . must be such a bore." He shifted slightly, giving a shy smile. "But I won't bother you. I'd only get in the way, trying to get to the door, as I am." Eternity clasped his hands innocently, and stared off into the dark.

The pale bunch of dragons that stood silently behind their "leader" suddenly looked up, all at once. They seemed to see something in the darkness. Perhaps the others could see it too, a disturbance in the endless dark, caught out the corner of their eyes, making their minds reel in confusion. The combined light of the dead ones suddenly dimmed, with a faint, short cry of pain. One or two of their numbers, the brightest glow, claimed by the darkness. Those unlucky enough to have not given in.

Even eternity, fearless as he was, was smart enough to flee toward the combined glow of Kleos and Rayth, adding his own. He perched on Kleos's wing, and hunkered down to watch the dark again.
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
Please ping me for attention!
Clan Haven welcomes you.
The darkness intensified briefly, and Chirtl froze as he heard cries of the dead. He curled his lip and headed towards the source, picking up his pace as he drew nearer towards the glows he saw in the distance.

"My my. What a gathering we have here," he drawled as he sauntered towards them, the bangles on his ankles clinking slightly to announce his arrival. "A Fae, a Wildclaw, a Skydancer, and a motely bunch of dead dragons. How pleasant. At least we're in less danger of disintegrating into nothingness."

@Dracknorin @Skiatha
The darkness intensified briefly, and Chirtl froze as he heard cries of the dead. He curled his lip and headed towards the source, picking up his pace as he drew nearer towards the glows he saw in the distance.

"My my. What a gathering we have here," he drawled as he sauntered towards them, the bangles on his ankles clinking slightly to announce his arrival. "A Fae, a Wildclaw, a Skydancer, and a motely bunch of dead dragons. How pleasant. At least we're in less danger of disintegrating into nothingness."

@Dracknorin @Skiatha
+19 FR time | She/Her| Nest Network
@Dracknorin @Skiatha @deeproar [center][img][/img] [i]Funny, how it curls and crashes like waves and fills your senses like water. And yet I don't feel like I'm drowning. Not yet.[/i] He inhaled deeply, his lungs like giant bellows, hissing as they drew in air that didn't really exist for a biological need that really had no more need to be filled. Breathing was more of a habit than anything else here. He took in another lungful of the darkness, the taste was familiar but he couldn't pinpoint it. He did not dwell on that thought. Dwelling on things could mean not being able to think about anything else here in the black. And that alone could kill him. The idea of death swept through him, causing the light that shone from his body to quickly dim and re-lighten. Even with the steady glow, that despite dips and wavers was still going strong, he couldn't see anything in front of him other than the infinitely advancing tendrils of void that creeped their way along the ground like a fungus spreading out to decay. Red eyes opened just a sliver to observe his own seeping corruption drip from his nose and wingtips onto the ground - it in itself is as black as night and yet somehow still three shades lighter than the darkness. Whatever it is, it did not follow normal rules of magic even by Arcane standards. He had to accept the fact that where he was existing was probably not his own plane of reality. While he could not see, in the fog he could hear the muffled voices of what appeared to be other wyrms. Maybe. He doubted it. Tucking his red wings closer into his sides and drooping his spines for the sake of remaining inconspicuous, the seven ton ridgeback simply stood and listened. It would not make sense to rush headfirst into something that was not only potentially an illusion, but could mean the end of all form of his existence. [/center]
@Dracknorin @Skiatha @deeproar

Funny, how it curls and crashes like waves and fills your senses like water.
And yet I don't feel like I'm drowning.
Not yet.

He inhaled deeply, his lungs like giant bellows, hissing as they drew in air that didn't really exist for a biological need that really had no more need to be filled.
Breathing was more of a habit than anything else here.
He took in another lungful of the darkness, the taste was familiar but he couldn't pinpoint it.
He did not dwell on that thought. Dwelling on things could mean not being able to think about anything else here in the black.
And that alone could kill him.

The idea of death swept through him, causing the light that shone from his body to quickly dim and re-lighten. Even with the steady glow, that despite dips and wavers was still going strong, he couldn't see anything in front of him other than the infinitely advancing tendrils of void that creeped their way along the ground like a fungus spreading out to decay. Red eyes opened just a sliver to observe his own seeping corruption drip from his nose and wingtips onto the ground - it in itself is as black as night and yet somehow still three shades lighter than the darkness.

Whatever it is, it did not follow normal rules of magic even by Arcane standards.
He had to accept the fact that where he was existing was probably not his own plane of reality.
While he could not see, in the fog he could hear the muffled voices of what appeared to be other wyrms.
He doubted it.
Tucking his red wings closer into his sides and drooping his spines for the sake of remaining inconspicuous, the seven ton ridgeback simply stood and listened.
It would not make sense to rush headfirst into something that was not only potentially an illusion, but could mean the end of all form of his existence.