
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] Dusthide Fundraiser Raffle
[center][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [/center] [center][b]Welcome[/b] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=gem size=1] [url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=gem size=1][url=] Media[/url] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][font=Engravers MT][size=7][size=5][color=A0522D][b]Dusthide Fundraiser Raffle![/b][/color][/size][/font][/center][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=A0522D][size=6][b]The Dusthides are thrilled to have arrived, and many have made it to Sanguine's clan! But now the lair's all cramped, and they look so [i]boring [/i]still. Animal, Cannibal, Pitaya, and Pitahaya are looking for help to fundraise lair expansions and to get them and their Dusthide friends genes so they can sport the best new looks! [/b][/size][/size][/color][/font][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Constantia][color=A0522D][size=5]Hey there, Amordel here! I'm so excited to announce my second-ever raffle & fundraiser! This event is focused on raising funds for lair/hibden expansions and genes for my brand-new Dusthide breeding pairs. Of course, it's not just about me! All funds raised from this will go towards opening new lair/hibden slots (which means I can hold more hatchlings for my freebies & sales hatcheries), prizes for this raffle, and purchasing genes for my one-of-a-kind Dusthide pairs, many of which are G1 and will have G2 offspring available down the road! In other words, all results of this raffle will benefit the community--you guys--in the end! All genes I'm focusing on for this raffle will be strictly for my breeding pairs, whose hatchlings will be eventually offered up to travel to other clans. All lair expansions help me store more hatchlings and breeding pairs, and for longer periods of time without being forced to exalt. And, of course, any spare currency I have may allow me to add more and/or better prizes for you to earn! Thanks for checking this raffle out, and have fun everyone! [/size][/color][/font] [font=Constantia][color=A0522D][size=7][b]Pinglists: [/b][/size][/color][/font] [center][pinglist=21051][pinglist=21052][pinglist=21050][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media
Dusthide Fundraiser Raffle!
The Dusthides are thrilled to have arrived, and many have made it to Sanguine's clan! But now the lair's all cramped, and they look so boring still.

Animal, Cannibal, Pitaya, and Pitahaya are looking for help to fundraise lair expansions and to get them and their Dusthide friends genes so they can sport the best new looks!

Hey there, Amordel here!
I'm so excited to announce my second-ever raffle & fundraiser! This event is focused on raising funds for lair/hibden expansions and genes for my brand-new Dusthide breeding pairs.
Of course, it's not just about me! All funds raised from this will go towards opening new lair/hibden slots (which means I can hold more hatchlings for my freebies & sales hatcheries), prizes for this raffle, and purchasing genes for my one-of-a-kind Dusthide pairs, many of which are G1 and will have G2 offspring available down the road!

In other words, all results of this raffle will benefit the community--you guys--in the end! All genes I'm focusing on for this raffle will be strictly for my breeding pairs, whose hatchlings will be eventually offered up to travel to other clans. All lair expansions help me store more hatchlings and breeding pairs, and for longer periods of time without being forced to exalt. And, of course, any spare currency I have may allow me to add more and/or better prizes for you to earn!

Thanks for checking this raffle out, and have fun everyone!

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [b]Rules[/b] [emoji=gem size=1] [url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=gem size=1][url=] Media[/url] [center][img][/img][font=Engravers MT][size=7][size=6][color=191970][b]Info[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Constantia][color=191970][size=7][size=4][b]Raffle Rules: [/b][/size][/color][/font] [left][font=Constantia][color=191970][size=5]• The raffle starts April 28th and will end on May [s]14th[/s] 15th. • One prize per winner • There is [b]no [/b]ticket limit! Send in for as many as you like! • Prizes are subject to change at any time. • Winners will have 24 hours after being pinged to respond & claim their prize, and an additional 24 hours after that to accept their items. Unclaimed prizes will be re-entered into the ticket pool, and all non-winners will be spun again to determine the next winner. • Item prize winners will choose their prize in order of drawing - first place will comment one selection, second place two choices, and so on. • No refunds on currency/treasure chest/gene submissions - exception is duplicate genes (if I get the 2 copies of veil I need and someone sends in a 3rd then wants a refund, I will refund the 3rd extra copy). • Refunds of items & other ticket payments will not be available the last two days of the raffle. • Winners will be chosen randomly by a spinner wheel or on (I haven't decided yet). [/size][/color][/font][/left] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Constantia][color=191970][size=7][size=4][b]Ways to Earn Tickets: [/b][/size][/color][/font] [left][font=Constantia][color=191970][size=6][u][b]Paid/Item Methods:[/b][/u] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Constantia][color=191970][size=6]• 3g/kt = 1 ticket • A stack of any food = 35 tickets • Any familiar not in my Bestiary = LAH worth • Any fest currency = 2 tickets/each, 200 tickets/stack of 99 • Any flight festival/holiday item = LAH worth • Items off of my [url=]wishlist[/url] = LAH worth [/size][size=5] • [gamedb item=55974] = 175 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55988] = 125 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55932] = 755 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55992] = 100 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55993] = 70 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55929] = 85 tickets/each • [gamedb item=56007] = 755 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55926] = 610 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55997] = 85 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55960] = 360 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55956] = 70 tickets/each • [gamedb item=56006] = 610 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55971] = 80 tickets/each • [gamedb item=55970] = 95 tickets/each • [gamedb item=56016] = 70 tickets/each • [gamedb item=56015] = 510 tickets/each[/size] [columns][item=Rusted Treasure Chest][nextcol][font=Constantia][size=6][color=191970] = 10 tickets[/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Iron Treasure Chest][nextcol][font=Constantia][size=6][color=191970] = 30 tickets[/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Gilded Decorative Chest][nextcol][font=Constantia][size=6][color=191970] = 75 tickets[/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Prismatic Token][nextcol][font=Constantia][size=6][color=191970] = 85 tickets[/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Vial of Elemental Sight][nextcol][font=Constantia][size=6][color=191970] = 100 tickets[/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Unhatched Plague Egg][nextcol][font=Constantia][size=6][color=191970] = (ANY egg, not just Plague) 200 tickets[/color][/size][/font][/columns] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Constantia][color=191970][size=7][u][b]Free Methods:[/b][/u] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Constantia][color=191970][size=5]• Bump the thread (once an hour, and number your bumps) = 1 ticket/bump • Give a like to one of the four featured dragons = 5 tickets/each • Give my other dragons a like! = 1 ticket/like (currently up to 180 tickets available through this method; let me know who you give likes to. If you've already liked some of my dragons, just let me know who and I'll add the tickets!) • Pick a dragon from anyone who's commented (can be me if there's not a lot of comments going) and share it here with a compliment! Once every hour = 5 tickets/each • Make art of any of my dragons except my sales tab (i will admit bias towards Rufus & Junkrat, and my dusthides) = ~100-500+ tickets, depends on art type - a headshot sketch will not get the same as a rendered scene would • Make a button/signature badge for this raffle = 200 tickets • Send a prize donation to add to the prize pool = 200 tickets • Add a badge to your signature = 50 tickets [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media
tumblr_ou7855ehS91v8lm95o3_r1_75sq.gifInfo tumblr_ou7855ehS91v8lm95o4_r1_75sq.gif
Raffle Rules:
• The raffle starts April 28th and will end on May 14th 15th.

• One prize per winner

• There is no ticket limit! Send in for as many as you like!

• Prizes are subject to change at any time.

• Winners will have 24 hours after being pinged to respond & claim their prize, and an additional 24 hours after that to accept their items.
Unclaimed prizes will be re-entered into the ticket pool, and all non-winners will be spun again to determine the next winner.

• Item prize winners will choose their prize in order of drawing - first place will comment one selection, second place two choices, and so on.

• No refunds on currency/treasure chest/gene submissions - exception is duplicate genes (if I get the 2 copies of veil I need and someone sends in a 3rd then wants a refund, I will refund the 3rd extra copy).

• Refunds of items & other ticket payments will not be available the last two days of the raffle.

• Winners will be chosen randomly by a spinner wheel or on (I haven't decided yet).
Ways to Earn Tickets:
Paid/Item Methods:
• 3g/kt = 1 ticket
• A stack of any food = 35 tickets
• Any familiar not in my Bestiary = LAH worth
• Any fest currency = 2 tickets/each, 200 tickets/stack of 99
• Any flight festival/holiday item = LAH worth
• Items off of my wishlist = LAH worth

Breed Change: Dusthide = 175 tickets/each
Primary Dusthide Gene: Ripple = 125 tickets/each
Primary Dusthide Gene: Harlequin = 755 tickets/each
Primary Dusthide Gene: Varnish = 100 tickets/each
Primary Dusthide Gene: Wrought = 70 tickets/each
Primary Dusthide Gene: Falcon = 85 tickets/each
Primary Dusthide Gene: Petrified = 755 tickets/each
Secondary Dusthide Gene: Butterfly = 610 tickets/each
Secondary Dusthide Gene: Lacquer = 85 tickets/each
Secondary Dusthide Gene: Weaver = 360 tickets/each
Secondary Dusthide Gene: Peregrine = 70 tickets/each
Secondary Dusthide Gene: Lode = 610 tickets/each
Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Ghost = 80 tickets/each
Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Fishbone = 95 tickets/each
Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Antlers = 70 tickets/each
Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Veil = 510 tickets/each

Rusted Treasure Chest = 10 tickets
Iron Treasure Chest = 30 tickets
Gilded Decorative Chest = 75 tickets
Prismatic Token = 85 tickets
Vial of Elemental Sight = 100 tickets
Unhatched Plague Egg = (ANY egg, not just Plague) 200 tickets

Free Methods:
• Bump the thread (once an hour, and number your bumps) = 1 ticket/bump

• Give a like to one of the four featured dragons = 5 tickets/each

• Give my other dragons a like! = 1 ticket/like (currently up to 180 tickets available through this method; let me know who you give likes to. If you've already liked some of my dragons, just let me know who and I'll add the tickets!)

• Pick a dragon from anyone who's commented (can be me if there's not a lot of comments going) and share it here with a compliment! Once every hour = 5 tickets/each

• Make art of any of my dragons except my sales tab (i will admit bias towards Rufus & Junkrat, and my dusthides) = ~100-500+ tickets, depends on art type - a headshot sketch will not get the same as a rendered scene would

• Make a button/signature badge for this raffle = 200 tickets

• Send a prize donation to add to the prize pool = 200 tickets

• Add a badge to your signature = 50 tickets
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=gem size=1][b]Prizes[/b] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=gem size=1][url=] Media[/url] [center][img][/img][font=Engravers MT][size=7][size=6][color=A0522D][b]Prizes[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=A0522D][size=6][b]All prizes subject to change at any time [/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [quote name="G2 GAME OVER 1"] [center] [columns][color=transparent].......[/color][nextcol][center][i][b]UNNAMED[/b][/i] ----- [img][/img] [img][/img] Pure G2 Dusthide Common Eyes Cyan-Checkers Caramel-Chess Mint-Carnivore[/center][nextcol][color=transparent].........[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [item=Spectral Duskflapper] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="G2 GAME OVER 2"] [center] [columns][color=transparent].......[/color][nextcol][center][i][b]UNNAMED[/b][/i] ----- [img][/img] [img][/img][emoji=special eyes size=1] Pure G2 Dusthide Faceted Eyes Cyan-Checkers Tan-Chess Hunter-Carnivore[/center][nextcol][color=transparent].........[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [item=Spectral Duskflapper] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Space Rift"] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] A hatchling from @ApparentlyStaph's hatchery pair Space Rift - check out [url=]Apparently's Assortment[/url] to see the full hatchery! [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="kyrylokot's moodboard"] [center]A custom moodboard for a dragon, done by @kyrylokot! Here's an example of one he made for Rufus: [img][/img] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Fallenleaves716's art"] [center]A custom piece of art for a dragon, done by @Fallenleaves716! Here's an example of one she made for Royal: [img][/img] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="G1 Nocturne"] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=Daffodil of Mistral][skin=55560] Donated by @Fallenleaves716! Items will be sent by me, dragon will be sent by Fallenleaves716. [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Earth Celebration"] [center][item=fossilback slink][item=peony of rockbreaker][item=earth's charm] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Wavecrest Spoils"] [center][item=Sweet Pea of Wavecrest][skin=56048][skin=56046] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Specialty Stop"] [center][item=Swiftbrood Boon][item=Vial of Hypnotic Sight][item=Primary Gene: Fern] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="New Look"] [center][item=scroll of renaming][item=breed change: nocturne][item=secondary gene: paisley][item=tertiary gene: firebreather] Donated by @ZanesTopSurgery! [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Skin Supply 1-3"] [center]Choice of two (2) of the following - will be distributed three times Donated by @kyrylokot! [skin=28491][skin=56045][skin=51874][skin=56052][skin=54988][skin=34628] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Blooming Grove Buds"] [center][item=white rot deer][item=wood ear deer][item=myosotis fox][item=maned cerdae][item=five-toed pilco][item=venomtooth pilco][item=buttercup strangler][item=rosaline strangler][item=moonlight fungi][item=fungi sage][item=travelling garden][item=terra tortoise] Donated by @romeow! [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Battle Pack"] [center][item=Berserker][item=Scholar][item=Ambush][item=Anticipate][item=Sap][item=Bright Bolt][item=Discipline][item=meditate][item=Minor Health Potion] x99 [item=Health Potion] x99 [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Battle Fragments"] [center][item=Earthen Might Fragment][item=Diseased Might Fragment][item=Zephyr Might Fragment][item=Aquatic Might Fragment][item=Frozen Might Fragment][item=Dark Might Fragment][item=Shining Might Fragment][item=Magical Might Fragment][item=Natural Might Fragment][item=Fiery Might Fragment][item=Might Fragment][item=Earthen Acuity Fragment][item=Diseased Acuity Fragment][item=Zephyr Acuity Fragment][item=Aquatic Acuity Fragment][item=Frozen Acuity Fragment][item=Dark Acuity Fragment][item=Shining Acuity Fragment][item=Fiery Acuity Fragment][item=Acuity Fragment] Donated by @kyrylokot! [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Dusty Dino"] [center][item=Dusty Dinosaur Armor][item=lowjaw minmi][item=proto-roc][item=mundane terror bird][item=Dreadwolf rimestalker] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Dustrunner"] [center][item=Dusty Arctic Gear][item=dustfeather sphinx][item=parda][item=pronghorn hunter] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Prehistoric Pals"] [center][item=Dusky dreadwolf][item=sorrowsnow bulemoth][item=boggripe bulemoth][item=sabrespine hunter][item=sabrespine prowler][item=everglade glypto][item=flameshell glypto] Donated by @kyrylokot! [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Pebblehide"] [center][item=pebblehide stoat][item=pebble silkworm] x25 [item=smooth pebbles] x10 [item=round pebbles] x10 [skin=25325] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Tide Pool"] [center][item=leopard coralclimber][item=noxious coralclimber][item=dainty wavehopper][item=sandshore snipper][item=riptide clipper][item=tradewinds gull][item=murkbottom gull][item=oceansurf magus][item=mottled sea serpent] Donated by @kyrylokot! [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=A0522D][size=6][b]Stretch Goals:[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [quote name="Butcher's Counter (Dusthide)"] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Pick of the first dusthide hatchlings from the[i] Butcher's Counter (Dusthide)[/i] pairing (will be distributed based on the number of hatchlings) [size=5][b]NOT FUNDED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="G2 Dragonfruits"] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Pick of the first G2 dusthide hatchlings from the [i]Dragonfruits [/i]pairing (will be distributed based on the number of hatchlings) [size=5][b]NOT FUNDED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [quote name="G2 Iguanas"] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Pick of the first G2 dusthide hatchlings from the [i]Iguanas [/i]pairing (will be distributed based on the number of hatchlings) [size=5][b]NOT FUNDED[/b][/size] [/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media
swip.pngPrizes swip.png
All prizes subject to change at any time
G2 GAME OVER 1 wrote:
small_female.png plague_rune.png
Pure G2 Dusthide
Common Eyes
......... 95021200_350.png
Spectral Duskflapper
G2 GAME OVER 2 wrote:
small_female.png plague_rune.png
Pure G2 Dusthide
Faceted Eyes
......... 95021201_350.png
Spectral Duskflapper
Space Rift wrote:
A hatchling from @ApparentlyStaph's hatchery pair Space Rift - check out Apparently's Assortment to see the full hatchery!
kyrylokot's moodboard wrote:
A custom moodboard for a dragon, done by @kyrylokot! Here's an example of one he made for Rufus:
Fallenleaves716's art wrote:
A custom piece of art for a dragon, done by @Fallenleaves716! Here's an example of one she made for Royal:
G1 Nocturne wrote:
Daffodil of Mistral
Donated by @Fallenleaves716!
Items will be sent by me, dragon will be sent by Fallenleaves716.
Earth Celebration wrote:
Fossilback Slink Peony of Rockbreaker Earth's Charm
Wavecrest Spoils wrote:
Sweet Pea of Wavecrest
Specialty Stop wrote:
Swiftbrood Boon Vial of Hypnotic Sight Primary Gene: Fern
New Look wrote:
Scroll of Renaming Breed Change: Nocturne Secondary Gene: Paisley Tertiary Gene: Firebreather
Donated by @ZanesTopSurgery!
Skin Supply 1-3 wrote:
Choice of two (2) of the following - will be distributed three times
Donated by @kyrylokot!

Blooming Grove Buds wrote:
White Rot Deer Wood Ear Deer Myosotis Fox Maned Cerdae Five-toed Pilco Venomtooth Pilco Buttercup Strangler Rosaline Strangler Moonlight Fungi Fungi Sage Travelling Garden Terra Tortoise
Donated by @romeow!
Battle Pack wrote:
Berserker Scholar Ambush Anticipate Sap Bright Bolt Discipline Meditate Minor Health Potion x99 Health Potion x99
Battle Fragments wrote:
Earthen Might Fragment Diseased Might Fragment Zephyr Might Fragment Aquatic Might Fragment Frozen Might Fragment Dark Might Fragment Shining Might Fragment Magical Might Fragment Natural Might Fragment Fiery Might Fragment Might Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment Diseased Acuity Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment Aquatic Acuity Fragment Frozen Acuity Fragment Dark Acuity Fragment Shining Acuity Fragment Fiery Acuity Fragment Acuity Fragment
Donated by @kyrylokot!
Dusty Dino wrote:
Dusty Dinosaur Armor Lowjaw Minmi Proto-Roc Mundane Terror Bird Dreadwolf Rimestalker
Dustrunner wrote:
Dusty Arctic Gear Dustfeather Sphinx Parda Pronghorn Hunter
Prehistoric Pals wrote:
Dusky Dreadwolf Sorrowsnow Bulemoth Boggripe Bulemoth Sabrespine Hunter Sabrespine Prowler Flameshell Glypto
Donated by @kyrylokot!
Pebblehide wrote:
Pebblehide Stoat Pebble Silkworm x25 Smooth Pebbles x10 Round Pebbles x10
Tide Pool wrote:
Leopard Coralclimber Noxious Coralclimber Dainty Wavehopper Sandshore Snipper Riptide Clipper Tradewinds Gull Murkbottom Gull Oceansurf Magus Mottled Sea Serpent
Donated by @kyrylokot!

Stretch Goals:
Butcher's Counter (Dusthide) wrote:
Pick of the first dusthide hatchlings from the Butcher's Counter (Dusthide) pairing (will be distributed based on the number of hatchlings)
G2 Dragonfruits wrote:
Pick of the first G2 dusthide hatchlings from the Dragonfruits pairing (will be distributed based on the number of hatchlings)
G2 Iguanas wrote:
Pick of the first G2 dusthide hatchlings from the Iguanas pairing (will be distributed based on the number of hatchlings)
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=gem size=1][url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [b]Tickets [/b] [emoji=gem size=1][url=] Media[/url] [center][img][/img][font=Engravers MT][size=7][color=191970][b]Ticket Tracker[/b][/color][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [left][font=Constantia][color=191970][size=5][b]* @kyrylokot - 182 likes, 4 featured, 100 food stacks, familiars x21, WL items x2, fest currency x46, art x3, prize dono x45, Cestodes™, bump x221 - 14,171 tickets * @VividCanine - StL, 4 featured, 12 food stacks, like x1, sig badge, bump x64 - 740 tickets * @StarryComet - 88 likes, 4 featured, StL x3, badgemaker, bump x39 - 362 tickets * @Azabelle 4 featured, 60g - 40 tickets * @ApparentlyStaph - WL items x5, sig badge, art x2, like x9, StL, prize dono, Cestodes™, bump x15 - 895 tickets * @ShadowLessHC98 - Sig badge, familiar x5, rusted x5, iron x1, gilded x2, 2 food stacks, fest item x1, 70g, 4 featured, StL, 180 likes, bump x20 - 857 tickets * @Fallenleaves716 - 4 featured, 182 likes, sig badge, item dono x25, prize dono x4, Cestodes™, StL x3, art x3, bump x13 - 2,093 tickets * @Babyotter - familiars x3, bump x6 - 351 tickets * @Heroic13 - 36 rusted, 6 iron, 4 featured, 183 likes, egg x1, 164 fest currency (no stack), 1 food stack, 2 hatchlings, bump x4, sig badge - 1,363 tickets * @JumpinJoltik - 12kt, 2 food stacks, 4 genes, 4 featured, Cestodes™, 182 likes, art, bump x1 - 1,208 tickets * @PyroManiac12 - familiars x1, bump x1 - 3 tickets * @fallingintoaspen - 4 featured, bump x13 - 33 tickets * @romeow - prize dono x12, 4 featured, 21 likes - 2,441 tickets * @WishGraanted - 4 food stacks, bump x1 - 141 tickets * @aequti - 15 likes, sig badge, 4 featured, bump x2 - 87 tickets * @ZanesTopSurgery - 4 featured, fest currency x99, 6kt, StL, 2 likes, 2 hatchlings, prize dono x4, bump x10 - 1,043 tickets * @magicspell - 183 likes, 4 featured, Cestodes™, bump x1 - 209 tickets * @SamTheCookieLord - 4 featured, art - 320 tickets * @HopeLostMusica - 2 featured, bump x1 - 11 tickets * @SealedSalt - 4 featured, 10 likes - 30 tickets * @Kiwicloud101 - token x1, 2 rusted, 2 fams, bump x1 - 144 tickets * @SpookySnails - 4 featured, 165 likes, StL, bump x3 - 193 tickets * @Fynite - WL items x5, 4 featured, sig badge, 2 hatchlings - 162 tickets * @LilacStar - 2 hatchlings - 4 tickets * @Dr3m1ly - bump x2 - 2 tickets * @Swiftstrike5 - bump x2 - 2 tickets * @AquamarineNaga - 4 featured, 187 likes - 191 tickets [/b][/size][/color][/font][/left] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media
image.gifTicket Tracker image.gif
* @kyrylokot - 182 likes, 4 featured, 100 food stacks, familiars x21, WL items x2, fest currency x46, art x3, prize dono x45, Cestodes™, bump x221 - 14,171 tickets
* @VividCanine - StL, 4 featured, 12 food stacks, like x1, sig badge, bump x64 - 740 tickets
* @StarryComet - 88 likes, 4 featured, StL x3, badgemaker, bump x39 - 362 tickets
* @Azabelle 4 featured, 60g - 40 tickets
* @ApparentlyStaph - WL items x5, sig badge, art x2, like x9, StL, prize dono, Cestodes™, bump x15 - 895 tickets
* @ShadowLessHC98 - Sig badge, familiar x5, rusted x5, iron x1, gilded x2, 2 food stacks, fest item x1, 70g, 4 featured, StL, 180 likes, bump x20 - 857 tickets
* @Fallenleaves716 - 4 featured, 182 likes, sig badge, item dono x25, prize dono x4, Cestodes™, StL x3, art x3, bump x13 - 2,093 tickets
* @Babyotter - familiars x3, bump x6 - 351 tickets
* @Heroic13 - 36 rusted, 6 iron, 4 featured, 183 likes, egg x1, 164 fest currency (no stack), 1 food stack, 2 hatchlings, bump x4, sig badge - 1,363 tickets
* @JumpinJoltik - 12kt, 2 food stacks, 4 genes, 4 featured, Cestodes™, 182 likes, art, bump x1 - 1,208 tickets
* @PyroManiac12 - familiars x1, bump x1 - 3 tickets
* @fallingintoaspen - 4 featured, bump x13 - 33 tickets
* @romeow - prize dono x12, 4 featured, 21 likes - 2,441 tickets
* @WishGraanted - 4 food stacks, bump x1 - 141 tickets
* @aequti - 15 likes, sig badge, 4 featured, bump x2 - 87 tickets
* @ZanesTopSurgery - 4 featured, fest currency x99, 6kt, StL, 2 likes, 2 hatchlings, prize dono x4, bump x10 - 1,043 tickets
* @magicspell - 183 likes, 4 featured, Cestodes™, bump x1 - 209 tickets
* @SamTheCookieLord - 4 featured, art - 320 tickets
* @HopeLostMusica - 2 featured, bump x1 - 11 tickets
* @SealedSalt - 4 featured, 10 likes - 30 tickets
* @Kiwicloud101 - token x1, 2 rusted, 2 fams, bump x1 - 144 tickets
* @SpookySnails - 4 featured, 165 likes, StL, bump x3 - 193 tickets
* @Fynite - WL items x5, 4 featured, sig badge, 2 hatchlings - 162 tickets
* @LilacStar - 2 hatchlings - 4 tickets
* @Dr3m1ly - bump x2 - 2 tickets
* @Swiftstrike5 - bump x2 - 2 tickets
* @AquamarineNaga - 4 featured, 187 likes - 191 tickets
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=gem size=1][url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=gem size=1][b] Media[/b] [center][img][/img][font=Engravers MT][size=7][size=4][color=A0522D][b]Media Used[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=A0522D][size=5][url=][b]Mibella's free Post Vistas[/b][/url] [url=][b]Emoji Dividers[/b][/url] [url=][b]vista pixels[/b][/url] [url=][b]Free To Use Pixel Sprites[/b][/url] [url=][b]♦ Mozz's Thread & Resources Hoard[/b][/url] [url=][b]Drytil's Art Resource (Free to use)[/b][/url] [url=][b]Free To USE ♦ BD ART Resources ♦ [/b][/url] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
@Amordel's Free Dergs - Updates & New Dergs @Amordel's Hatchery - Sales & Updates @Amordel's Spring Raffle - Updates @Amordel's Raffles - All

A new raffle has been created and begins today!
@Amordel's Free Dergs - Updates & New Dergs @Amordel's Hatchery - Sales & Updates @Amordel's Spring Raffle - Updates @Amordel's Raffles - All

A new raffle has been created and begins today!
first bump! and, as you asked, i remind you that i liked all your dragons and hope to get tickets for it. i'll also send you some stacks of food right now!
first bump! and, as you asked, i remind you that i liked all your dragons and hope to get tickets for it. i'll also send you some stacks of food right now!
[center]@Amordel Sending over a handful of food stacks ^^ ----- Pitahaya -1 Pitaya- 2 Animal- 2 Cannibal- 2 ----- @kyrylokot Kendall- 49 I am such a sucker for guardians and I love the theme ^^ [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [/center]
Sending over a handful of food stacks ^^
Pitahaya -1
Pitaya- 2
Animal- 2
Cannibal- 2
Kendall- 49
I am such a sucker for guardians and I love the theme ^^