[center][b][size=4][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-IspCk6Bu4BHjYDfmsjQSihhwxyQb15rHVUJxgsDFKs/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet [/url]| [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CTWYMDQEOMYsj1BMUhQ7NiE-BERNd4Ypcc39OS1LofM/edit?usp=sharing]Pinglist [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3151746#post_51704591]How to Play[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3151746#post_51704599]Badges [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3152051/1#post_51714137]OOF Hub[/url][/b][/center]
[center][size=5][b][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=plague rune size=1] Open July 10th - 16th [emoji=plague rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][/b][/center]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color][nextcol][size=4]Piles of snow lean against rusted metal walls and gateways, piling over what once were roofs in miniature mountains. Here and there random tips of mysterious machines poke through their frigid confines, littering the landscape with jagged obstacles to climb pass.
There's rustling coming from beneath the ground as you walk over it. Cracks form in the debris ridden snow, metal and ice previously long undisturbed shifting about before being roughly shoved aside in a massive slab by an equally large set of claws. The owner of said claws follows shortly after, a sleepy imperial blinking down at those who dared interrupt his slumber.
[columns][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/984814780286140436/995459084151177296/niveous_bust.png[/img][nextcol][size=4]“You. Traveler. Have you come to help build the contraptions?”
He looks at you, expectantly, tail pulling out of the burrow in the snow to flop beside a few mounds of metal and gears. Any sensible dragon would have assumed these piles to be long abandoned mechanisms, but as the old imperial turns to them it quickly becomes clear that these were the contraptions he was referencing.
“They still need quite a few pieces. What about this, stranger- help me build these mechanisms, and I may just let you take one home with you.” He doesn’t turn to face you again, his tail instead procuring a tattered scroll from somewhere in the depths of his burrow and brushing it to your feet. “I am Niveous. Bring me the items on this list so that I may complete my work.” [/columns][size=4]
With that, he begins tinkering with a few misplaced gears, uninterested in continuing conversation for the time being. [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][/columns]
[center][size=4][b]Welcome to the Plague and Ice Junk Raffle![/b]
Send in items to help Niveous repair his mysterious mechanisms and earn tickets in the process. [/center]
Piles of snow lean against rusted metal walls and gateways, piling over what once were roofs in miniature mountains. Here and there random tips of mysterious machines poke through their frigid confines, littering the landscape with jagged obstacles to climb pass.
There's rustling coming from beneath the ground as you walk over it. Cracks form in the debris ridden snow, metal and ice previously long undisturbed shifting about before being roughly shoved aside in a massive slab by an equally large set of claws. The owner of said claws follows shortly after, a sleepy imperial blinking down at those who dared interrupt his slumber.
“You. Traveler. Have you come to help build the contraptions?”
He looks at you, expectantly, tail pulling out of the burrow in the snow to flop beside a few mounds of metal and gears. Any sensible dragon would have assumed these piles to be long abandoned mechanisms, but as the old imperial turns to them it quickly becomes clear that these were the contraptions he was referencing.
“They still need quite a few pieces. What about this, stranger- help me build these mechanisms, and I may just let you take one home with you.” He doesn’t turn to face you again, his tail instead procuring a tattered scroll from somewhere in the depths of his burrow and brushing it to your feet. “I am Niveous. Bring me the items on this list so that I may complete my work.”
With that, he begins tinkering with a few misplaced gears, uninterested in continuing conversation for the time being.
Welcome to the Plague and Ice Junk Raffle!
Send in items to help Niveous repair his mysterious mechanisms and earn tickets in the process.
[center][size=5][b][emoji=plague rune size=1] Prizes need to be unlocked! [emoji=ice rune size=1][/size][/center]
[size=4]Each prize has a set number of points needed to unlock it. Points are earned by sending in items on each [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-IspCk6Bu4BHjYDfmsjQSihhwxyQb15rHVUJxgsDFKs/edit?usp=sharing]prize's list in the spreadsheet.[/url] Additionally, trading in items will earn you tickets to the raffle at the end of the week where you have a chance of winning ANY of the unlocked prizes! This means that if you send in an item to unlock one prize, you could win a different prize entirely! The number of tickets you earn directly correlates to the points your items have on the spreadsheet, so if you donate a Cleaver, the Frost Delver will get 35 points towards it's unlock, and you'll earn 35 tickets for the overall raffle!
Don't have any items on the spreadsheet? Most of them can drop in the coliseum! If you don't feel like grinding, you can also purchase tickets with FR currency at 1g or 1kt each.[/size]
[center][size=5][b][emoji=ice rune size=1] How to Unlock Raffle Prizes & Earn Tickets [emoji=plague rune size=1][/b][/center]
[*][size=4][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-IspCk6Bu4BHjYDfmsjQSihhwxyQb15rHVUJxgsDFKs/edit?usp=sharing]Check the Spreadsheet[/url] to see what items are accepted for the prize you want to work on unlocking. This information is in the "Prize Packs" tab.
[*][size=4]Note that many of the items we accept need to be sent in as full stacks of 99 to earn points! Don't have a full stack? You can find a lot of these items by fighting monsters in the coliseum to reach that 99.
[*][size=4]For apparel, you only need one piece and not the entire set to send in for tickets
[*][size=4]The number next to each "junk" item equates to both the points towards unlocking the corresponding prize, and the number of tickets you earn. If you send in a cleaver, the Frost Delver will gain 35 points, and you'll earn 35 tickets for the raffle at the end of the week.
[*][size=4]If you have items that we're accepting, go ahead and look for an online attendant and send your items to them via PM or CR. If no one is online, feel free to send your items to Instar and queue up.
[*][size=4]Once a prize reaches the necessary number of points needed to unlock it, it will be added to the prize pool for the raffle at the end of the week!
[*][size=4]Even after a pack is unlocked, you can continue to send in items from that packs's list to earn tickets for the overall raffle. We'll be accepting any items in our spreadsheet for the entire week!
[*][size=4]Remember that tickets you earn count for the ENTIRE raffle, so if you only have a few gold ores laying about and can only help unlock the "Dressed for the Times" prize you still have a chance at winning a bigger prize if it's unlocked at the end of the week![/LIST][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[/columns]
[center][size=5][b][emoji=plague rune size=1] You can buy tickets at 1g or 1000t each [emoji=ice rune size=1][/b][/center]
[*][size=4][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-IspCk6Bu4BHjYDfmsjQSihhwxyQb15rHVUJxgsDFKs/edit?usp=sharing]Check the Spreadsheet[/url] for an online attendant to send your currency to via PM or CR. If no one is available, send it to Instar.
[*][size=4] Purchased Tickets can also help unlock prizes!
[*][size=4]If you're buying tickets with gems or treasure, please include what prize(s) you're working towards unlocking. If you don't include any prizes in your message, you'll only earn tickets and won't help unlock any of the prizes.
[size=4]At the end of the week, we'll close submissions and allow roughly 24-48 hours to let attendants catch up on any backlogged submissions and to give you all a chance to double check your ticket counts. Winners will be drawn using a random number generator.
You'll only be able to win once, unless all participants have already claimed a prize.
Prizes need to be unlocked!
Each prize has a set number of points needed to unlock it. Points are earned by sending in items on each prize's list in the spreadsheet. Additionally, trading in items will earn you tickets to the raffle at the end of the week where you have a chance of winning ANY of the unlocked prizes! This means that if you send in an item to unlock one prize, you could win a different prize entirely! The number of tickets you earn directly correlates to the points your items have on the spreadsheet, so if you donate a Cleaver, the Frost Delver will get 35 points towards it's unlock, and you'll earn 35 tickets for the overall raffle!
Don't have any items on the spreadsheet? Most of them can drop in the coliseum! If you don't feel like grinding, you can also purchase tickets with FR currency at 1g or 1kt each.
How to Unlock Raffle Prizes & Earn Tickets
- Check the Spreadsheet to see what items are accepted for the prize you want to work on unlocking. This information is in the "Prize Packs" tab.
- Note that many of the items we accept need to be sent in as full stacks of 99 to earn points! Don't have a full stack? You can find a lot of these items by fighting monsters in the coliseum to reach that 99.
- For apparel, you only need one piece and not the entire set to send in for tickets
- The number next to each "junk" item equates to both the points towards unlocking the corresponding prize, and the number of tickets you earn. If you send in a cleaver, the Frost Delver will gain 35 points, and you'll earn 35 tickets for the raffle at the end of the week.
- If you have items that we're accepting, go ahead and look for an online attendant and send your items to them via PM or CR. If no one is online, feel free to send your items to Instar and queue up.
- Once a prize reaches the necessary number of points needed to unlock it, it will be added to the prize pool for the raffle at the end of the week!
- Even after a pack is unlocked, you can continue to send in items from that packs's list to earn tickets for the overall raffle. We'll be accepting any items in our spreadsheet for the entire week!
- Remember that tickets you earn count for the ENTIRE raffle, so if you only have a few gold ores laying about and can only help unlock the "Dressed for the Times" prize you still have a chance at winning a bigger prize if it's unlocked at the end of the week!
![NsRyKGR.png NsRyKGR.png](https://i.imgur.com/NsRyKGR.png)
You can buy tickets at 1g or 1000t each
- Check the Spreadsheet for an online attendant to send your currency to via PM or CR. If no one is available, send it to Instar.
- Purchased Tickets can also help unlock prizes!
- If you're buying tickets with gems or treasure, please include what prize(s) you're working towards unlocking. If you don't include any prizes in your message, you'll only earn tickets and won't help unlock any of the prizes.
At the end of the week, we'll close submissions and allow roughly 24-48 hours to let attendants catch up on any backlogged submissions and to give you all a chance to double check your ticket counts. Winners will be drawn using a random number generator.
You'll only be able to win once, unless all participants have already claimed a prize.
[Quote=A Surprise Assistant (unlocked)]
[item=ice sprite][/center][/quote]
[Quote=Frosty Discovery (unlocked)]
[item=frost delver][/center][/quote]
[Quote=Traditional Garb (Unlocked)]
[center][item=skeletal chimes] [item=snowfall robe][/center][/quote]
[Quote=Filled Nests (Unlocked)]
[center][item=unhatched ice egg][item=unhatched plague egg][item=unhatched nocturne egg][/center][/quote]
[Quote=Dressed for the Times (Unlocked)]
[center][item=got ice to pick with you][item=bronze steampunk attire] [item=silver steampunk attire][item=gold steampunk attire][item=constantan steampunk attire][/center][/quote]
[Quote=Gear for the Journey (auto-unlocked)]
[center][item=Gilded Decorative Chest][item=special delivery bundle][item=ancient broadsword]
(includes 10 gilded chests)[/center][/quote]
A Surprise Assistant (unlocked) wrote:
Frosty Discovery (unlocked) wrote:
Traditional Garb (Unlocked) wrote:
Filled Nests (Unlocked) wrote:
Dressed for the Times (Unlocked) wrote:
Gear for the Journey (auto-unlocked) wrote:
[center][size=4]Check out the spreadsheet to see what we're accepting, who's online and how far each prize is towards being unlocked!
[center][size=4]Add yourself to the pinglist to get updated whenever a prize and corresponding badge unlocks, or for daily reminder pings! All participants are automatically added to the participants pinglist, so that you can me pinged when the raffle closes, and when the drawing happens![/center]
Check out the spreadsheet to see what we're accepting, who's online and how far each prize is towards being unlocked!
Add yourself to the pinglist to get updated whenever a prize and corresponding badge unlocks, or for daily reminder pings! All participants are automatically added to the participants pinglist, so that you can me pinged when the raffle closes, and when the drawing happens!
[center][size=4]More badges will be unlocked as prize packs are unlocked! Anyone who has participated in the raffle is welcome to claim any of the unlocked prize badges.[/center]
[center][b][size=5][size=5]Unlocked Badges:[/b][/center][/size][/size]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [img]https://i.imgur.com/mQ6OywO.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [size=5][b]Gem Ticket Badge:[/b]
Earned by purchasing 50 tickets with gems[/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [img]https://i.imgur.com/K6NQINC.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [size=5][b]Traditional Garb Badge:[/b]
Unlocked for [u]all[/u] raffle participants when the Traditional Garb Prize is unlocked[/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [img]https://i.imgur.com/i28Vf1z.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [size=5][b]Filled Nests Badge:[/b]
Unlocked for [u]all[/u] raffle participants when the Filled Nests Prize is unlocked[/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LHgjEUe.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol] [size=5][b]Dressed for the Times Badge:[/b]
Unlocked for [u]all[/u] raffle participants when the Dressed for the Times Prize is unlocked[/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/lDG7g2c.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[nextcol][size=5][b]Frosty Discovery Badge:[/b]
Unlocked for [u]all[/u] raffle participants when the Frosty Discovery Prize is unlocked[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[/columns]
More badges will be unlocked as prize packs are unlocked! Anyone who has participated in the raffle is welcome to claim any of the unlocked prize badges.
Unlocked Badges:
Gem Ticket Badge:
Earned by purchasing 50 tickets with gems
Traditional Garb Badge:
Unlocked for all raffle participants when the Traditional Garb Prize is unlocked
Filled Nests Badge:
Unlocked for all raffle participants when the Filled Nests Prize is unlocked
Dressed for the Times Badge:
Unlocked for all raffle participants when the Dressed for the Times Prize is unlocked
Frosty Discovery Badge:
Unlocked for all raffle participants when the Frosty Discovery Prize is unlocked
[columns][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][user=instar][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][size=5]Special Thanks to Instar for co-hosting this program and for coming up with the concept! It's also responsible for spreadsheet coding and donating many of the prizes.[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][user=risenwaters][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[nextcol][size=5]Thanks to risenwaters for the badges![nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[/columns]
Special Thanks to Instar for co-hosting this program and for coming up with the concept! It's also responsible for spreadsheet coding and donating many of the prizes.
no user 'risenwaters'
Thanks to risenwaters for the badges!
[center][emoji=snowflake size=1][size=4][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-IspCk6Bu4BHjYDfmsjQSihhwxyQb15rHVUJxgsDFKs/edit#gid=1888660855]Fixed Spreadsheet link until chione is online![/url][/size][emoji=snowflake size=1][/center]
Question: How will we know when a pack is unlocked...?
Question: How will we know when a pack is unlocked...?
StarlightDragon7 - The unlock progress is updated live by the spreadsheet, you can view it in the chart under the online receivers.
Currently, everything's been unlocked except for the Frost Delver prize (but you can continue to earn tickets from all packs)! Chione will update the thread to reflect that once they're online. =:)
StarlightDragon7 - The unlock progress is updated live by the spreadsheet, you can view it in the chart under the online receivers.
Currently, everything's been unlocked except for the Frost Delver prize (but you can continue to earn tickets from all packs)! Chione will update the thread to reflect that once they're online. =:)
Thank you!
Now, another question: So, we can still send in the things needed by all the other packs to gain tickets, right?
Thank you and sorry for the confusion
Thank you!
Now, another question: So, we can still send in the things needed by all the other packs to gain tickets, right?
Thank you and sorry for the confusion