
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [GG] Rooting in the Ruins - Junk for Tix
[center] [img][/img] Monocerotis, being a bit late to the party, having slept through the entire first day completely, makes it her goal to arrive early! She sets out early, before the sun rises in order to try to be there on time. What she doesn't account for is her weakness for a beautiful sunrise. After watching the sun rise while relaxing on a comfortable hill, she panics and beelines it to the the ruins in order to try to not be so late. Out of breath she arrives and spots the little Fae, who she assumes to be a fellow late arrival. She sighs at not being the only late arrival as she walks over to greet this new friend. The quiet resolve of this hardworking fae spooks Monocerotis a bit as it dawns on her that this is the dragon in charge and she might not be out of the proverbial woods just yet. After receiving the instructions Monocerotis is determined to work as hard as possible to make up for her failure to arrive yesterday and her tardiness today. She gets to work weeding and slashing at vines. She grumbles proudly to herself, "They should call me the great vine slicer!" [/center]


Monocerotis, being a bit late to the party, having slept through the entire first day completely, makes it her goal to arrive early!

She sets out early, before the sun rises in order to try to be there on time. What she doesn't account for is her weakness for a beautiful sunrise. After watching the sun rise while relaxing on a comfortable hill, she panics and beelines it to the the ruins in order to try to not be so late.

Out of breath she arrives and spots the little Fae, who she assumes to be a fellow late arrival. She sighs at not being the only late arrival as she walks over to greet this new friend.

The quiet resolve of this hardworking fae spooks Monocerotis a bit as it dawns on her that this is the dragon in charge and she might not be out of the proverbial woods just yet. After receiving the instructions Monocerotis is determined to work as hard as possible to make up for her failure to arrive yesterday and her tardiness today. She gets to work weeding and slashing at vines.

She grumbles proudly to herself, "They should call me the great vine slicer!"
[center][b]Monday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Riegan was exhausted from yesterday. He returned, hoping to see Veris. He wanted his refreshment and could really use some directions. Alas. At least the Fae is friendly and removing weeds and vines is something he's used to back at home. He appreciates the sheer tenacity of all plant life, but understands that overgrowth can be bad. Plants, mostly weeds at the moment, tend to grow quicker in the wake of his footsteps. He'll have to hover around today or he might create more work. It's something he can't control, the reason for his trip. To let his powers go wild in a safe environment. He hopes one day he can harness it and leave a beautiful field of flowers everywhere he walks! Vegetables too, then the farmers won't get mad at him anytime he walks by. He can't help it that he hates wearing footies.
Riegan was exhausted from yesterday. He returned, hoping to see Veris. He wanted his refreshment and could really use some directions. Alas.

At least the Fae is friendly and removing weeds and vines is something he's used to back at home. He appreciates the sheer tenacity of all plant life, but understands that overgrowth can be bad. Plants, mostly weeds at the moment, tend to grow quicker in the wake of his footsteps.

He'll have to hover around today or he might create more work. It's something he can't control, the reason for his trip. To let his powers go wild in a safe environment.

He hopes one day he can harness it and leave a beautiful field of flowers everywhere he walks!

Vegetables too, then the farmers won't get mad at him anytime he walks by.

He can't help it that he hates wearing footies.

[center]The Family Tree [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] After seeing the local archaeologist come home yesterday with too many crates of rocks and a mad twinkle in her eyes, Sweetbark and Honeyheart have decided it might be better for all involved if they instead put their latest brood of treelings to work. The triplets take turns wiggling their crests at the Fae in charge, and then skitter off to follow her example. Under their mother's supervision, they spend the day burning off boundless hatchling energy cutting vines loose for their father to drag away, and then chasing leaves around as their mother sweeps them up. Eventually they collapse in a sleepy heap on the piles of gathered moss, and their parents continue without them, a well practised team.
The Family Tree



After seeing the local archaeologist come home yesterday with too many crates of rocks and a mad twinkle in her eyes, Sweetbark and Honeyheart have decided it might be better for all involved if they instead put their latest brood of treelings to work.

The triplets take turns wiggling their crests at the Fae in charge, and then skitter off to follow her example. Under their mother's supervision, they spend the day burning off boundless hatchling energy cutting vines loose for their father to drag away, and then chasing leaves around as their mother sweeps them up. Eventually they collapse in a sleepy heap on the piles of gathered moss, and their parents continue without them, a well practised team.
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[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Lianath's eyes gleamed when she got wind of today's job. She was not a Nature dragon, but somehow she was born attractive to growing things. She had built on that affinity and learned to control the growth of vines, Now she had the chance to really practice her skills! She eyed a wayward tendril, seeming to move of its own accord, reaching towards her light.... She encouraged it to stretch out long, pulling towards her, and then nodded to [url=]Filishakyath[/url]. Now! The wildclaw stabbed at the base of the plant and levered deftly, popping it out by the roots. Then Lianath poured on the charm, causing it to use up all its energy... and die, for lack of soil. Next!

Lianath's eyes gleamed when she got wind of today's job. She was not a Nature dragon, but somehow she was born attractive to growing things. She had built on that affinity and learned to control the growth of vines, Now she had the chance to really practice her skills! She eyed a wayward tendril, seeming to move of its own accord, reaching towards her light.... She encouraged it to stretch out long, pulling towards her, and then nodded to Filishakyath. Now! The wildclaw stabbed at the base of the plant and levered deftly, popping it out by the roots. Then Lianath poured on the charm, causing it to use up all its energy... and die, for lack of soil. Next!
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[center][b]Monday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Delta smiled with satisfaction as she learned of what they would be doing today. She put her staff back away, making sure it was very snug against her wings before following the fae's example and finding a patch of vines to clear out. She wouldn't want it to snag on anything! Delta sliced upward with her sharp claws that were a signature of her breed, making quick work of the vines. She dropped them onto a pile that the others had also started and went onto the next patch. Slice, plop, throw, slice, plop, throw...she was getting into a steady rhythm! Nothing could stop her clearing efforts now! [i]Well, except for these stupid snags,[/i] she thought, an annoyed expression coming onto her face as her claws hitched on a tough piece of foliage.
Delta smiled with satisfaction as she learned of what they would be doing today. She put her staff back away, making sure it was very snug against her wings before following the fae's example and finding a patch of vines to clear out. She wouldn't want it to snag on anything! Delta sliced upward with her sharp claws that were a signature of her breed, making quick work of the vines. She dropped them onto a pile that the others had also started and went onto the next patch. Slice, plop, throw, slice, plop, throw...she was getting into a steady rhythm! Nothing could stop her clearing efforts now! Well, except for these stupid snags, she thought, an annoyed expression coming onto her face as her claws hitched on a tough piece of foliage.
@Mandragorum Oh by the way, could I please be on the daily pinglist? :)
@Mandragorum Oh by the way, could I please be on the daily pinglist? :)
[url=][img][/img][/url] Nomadic by nature, Hush spent most of her days in remote regions of the Labyrinth, and she was surprised to hear the voices of several dragons up ahead. She had heard rumors about an attempt to restore some recently discovered ruins during the Greenskeeper Gathering the last time she passed through a settlement, but she hadn’t paid them much heed because finding old ruins was hardly unusual in the Labyrinth. Now it appeared that she had stumbled upon the project quite by accident. Clear patches of earth told her that rubble from the old building had already been removed, and as she got closer she could see that a number of dragons were currently clearing out weeds and debris. Well, if she was already here, it wouldn’t hurt to help. Hush slid into the edges of the group and started to brush fallen sticks and leaves into a pile. She knew the plants native to the Labyrinth well, but she was less confident she knew which plants were considered pests by dragonkind. She had to watch the other dragons for a while, and especially the quiet fae that seemed to be coordinating them, before she could start pulling out some of the vines as well. Her butterflies dispersed into the nearby jungle, some visiting flowering plants in the ruins, while steering clear of insect-eating dragons, others disappearing behind the trees where she’d have to summon them from later.
Nomadic by nature, Hush spent most of her days in remote regions of the Labyrinth, and she was surprised to hear the voices of several dragons up ahead. She had heard rumors about an attempt to restore some recently discovered ruins during the Greenskeeper Gathering the last time she passed through a settlement, but she hadn’t paid them much heed because finding old ruins was hardly unusual in the Labyrinth. Now it appeared that she had stumbled upon the project quite by accident. Clear patches of earth told her that rubble from the old building had already been removed, and as she got closer she could see that a number of dragons were currently clearing out weeds and debris.

Well, if she was already here, it wouldn’t hurt to help. Hush slid into the edges of the group and started to brush fallen sticks and leaves into a pile. She knew the plants native to the Labyrinth well, but she was less confident she knew which plants were considered pests by dragonkind. She had to watch the other dragons for a while, and especially the quiet fae that seemed to be coordinating them, before she could start pulling out some of the vines as well. Her butterflies dispersed into the nearby jungle, some visiting flowering plants in the ruins, while steering clear of insect-eating dragons, others disappearing behind the trees where she’d have to summon them from later.
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[center][img][/img][/center] [font=arial][color=#595f30][size=4]On the third day, there’s already life within the ruins as you arrive. It might be harder to notice while working, but after sleeping a night over the hard labor and coming back here to such a sight - it’s quite amazing! Not the dragons that already started working in the old homes and are bustling around the now brighter clearing, though they certainly add their part in making it feel even more impressive. But the sheer amount of change all of you made in just two days! The fact that everyone is able to move around and inside most of the buildings now and seeing those in full, now that the vines and roots and all the dead plants from around the area have been removed from rooftops and paths! It’s a moment to feel proud of yourself for what great things you can accomplish with just a little company and motivation. You see a pair of dragons moving a large broken piece of furniture out of an entryway, someone digging through a chest full of old things that might’ve been valuable once but surely not anymore and - you flinch as something lands on your head first, then in the dirt before you. As you look up there’s a plushie flying down from out a window of a treehouse, then another. They are dirty and torn, but as you look down, one of them looks particularly well loved - like it had been cuddled until worn, already long before being left here. Your proud smile has vanished as you pick up the trinket, wondering what the reason might’ve been for a hatchling to leave back something so beloved… There a Guardian steps up to you, gently taking the plushie from yours into her own claws. [columns][font=arial][color=#931A6A][size=5]"There’s often grief in the past. And it might as well lie in the future. But all we can do is try for the best possible outcome right now - so, let’s do just that this week! Let’s help Nature out and it will do the same for us eventually." [nextcol][indent][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [font=arial][color=#595f30][size=4]It’s hard to argue with her smile and her demeanor - she’s so positively convinced of her words, it’s contagious. You might not be able to let the thought fully go, but you nod - ready to get working again, to see how much you all will have achieved by the end of this week! [center][item=Scroll Case][item=Shattered Reading Spectacles][item=Forgotten Poet's Tools] [font=arial][color=#595f30][size=5]Now that the homes are freed and accessible, there’s a lot to be found inside. A few things might still be of value, but most really don’t - and they shouldn’t end up strewn throughout the forest! So, today let’s pick these up and discard of them properly, or bring them to new use if possible. [item=Tattered Parchment][item=Moth-Eaten Rug][item=Painted Clay Pot][/center] [center][font=arial][color=#931A6A][size=5][b]Today's Prizes [quote=Collector's Coin] [item=Prismatic Token] [/quote] [quote=Gladekeeper Merchandise] [item=Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll][item=Druidic Crown][item=Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting] [/quote] [quote=Forest Fashion] [item=Gladewalker Cape][item=Woodsdrake Cape] [item=Forestsong Face Mask][item=Forestsong Haori][item=Woodland Vest][item=Woodland Headband] [/quote] [font=arial][color=#595f30][size=5]The badges up to today have been added as well! If you sent at least 25 themed items on the particular day, they're yours to claim! [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]And last but not least, I made an addition to the last rule:[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img]‎[nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#595f30]Items must be sent [b]via PM only[/b] to me before rollover. [color=#931A6A]Please understand that I won't be able to send items back - unfitting items will be recorded for future days' tickets or earn you a past badge if you missed the day.[/columns] [size=0]@Ajgreelyfan3 @beBlueberry @CherryGlitter @Deladria @Deviousdeparture @jbapple @Kothra @Magmish @MeadowMatriarch @RaiStarDragon @SilentWanderer @Silexiunno @tigressRising @Ultrasuede[/center]

On the third day, there’s already life within the ruins as you arrive.

It might be harder to notice while working, but after sleeping a night over the hard labor and coming back here to such a sight - it’s quite amazing!
Not the dragons that already started working in the old homes and are bustling around the now brighter clearing, though they certainly add their part in making it feel even more impressive. But the sheer amount of change all of you made in just two days!
The fact that everyone is able to move around and inside most of the buildings now and seeing those in full, now that the vines and roots and all the dead plants from around the area have been removed from rooftops and paths!

It’s a moment to feel proud of yourself for what great things you can accomplish with just a little company and motivation.

You see a pair of dragons moving a large broken piece of furniture out of an entryway, someone digging through a chest full of old things that might’ve been valuable once but surely not anymore and - you flinch as something lands on your head first, then in the dirt before you.
As you look up there’s a plushie flying down from out a window of a treehouse, then another.

They are dirty and torn, but as you look down, one of them looks particularly well loved - like it had been cuddled until worn, already long before being left here.

Your proud smile has vanished as you pick up the trinket, wondering what the reason might’ve been for a hatchling to leave back something so beloved…

There a Guardian steps up to you, gently taking the plushie from yours into her own claws.

"There’s often grief in the past. And it might as well lie in the future. But all we can do is try for the best possible outcome right now - so, let’s do just that this week! Let’s help Nature out and it will do the same for us eventually."

It’s hard to argue with her smile and her demeanor - she’s so positively convinced of her words, it’s contagious.
You might not be able to let the thought fully go, but you nod - ready to get working again, to see how much you all will have achieved by the end of this week!

Scroll Case Shattered Reading Spectacles Forgotten Poet's Tools

Now that the homes are freed and accessible,
there’s a lot to be found inside.

A few things might still be of value, but most really don’t
- and they shouldn’t end up strewn throughout the forest!

So, today let’s pick these up and discard of them properly,
or bring them to new use if possible.

Tattered Parchment Moth-Eaten Rug Painted Clay Pot

Today's Prizes

Collector's Coin wrote:
Prismatic Token
Gladekeeper Merchandise wrote:
Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll Druidic Crown Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting
Forest Fashion wrote:
Gladewalker Cape Woodsdrake Cape
Forestsong Face Mask Forestsong Haori Woodland Vest Woodland Headband

The badges up to today have been added as well!

If you sent at least 25 themed items on the particular day,
they're yours to claim!


And last but not least, I made an addition to the last rule:

znI4zFK.png UfHl5Xb.png Items must be sent via PM only to me before rollover.
Please understand that I won't be able to send items back - unfitting items will be recorded for future days' tickets or earn you a past badge if you missed the day.

@Ajgreelyfan3 @beBlueberry @CherryGlitter @Deladria @Deviousdeparture @jbapple @Kothra @Magmish @MeadowMatriarch @RaiStarDragon @SilentWanderer @Silexiunno @tigressRising @Ultrasuede
  • FR+9
  • 29y/o
  • they/them
[center][img][/img] [quote=Hardy Vines] [item=Forest's Edge Vines] won by @endvoic [/quote] [quote=Pile Of Leaves] [item=Bladed Flatleaf] × 33 won by @Ackie [/quote] [quote=Tools For The Job] [item=Gardening Rake][item=Advanced Gardening Rake] won by @Luminox[/quote] [font=arial][color=#931A6A][size=5][b]Congratulations![/b] If you prefer a lower prize than you have won, please let me know! Otherwise prizes will be sent out later today.[/center]
Hardy Vines wrote:
Forest's Edge Vines
won by @endvoic
Pile Of Leaves wrote:
Bladed Flatleaf × 33
won by @Ackie
Tools For The Job wrote:
Gardening Rake Advanced Gardening Rake
won by @Luminox


If you prefer a lower prize than you have won,
please let me know!
Otherwise prizes will be sent out later today.
  • FR+9
  • 29y/o
  • they/them
pinglist please! :D
pinglist please! :D
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