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TOPIC | [GG] Rooting in the Ruins - Junk for Tix
[center][img][/img][/center] [font=arial][color=#595f30][size=4]The directions you were given seemed reliable at first, but … this part of the jungle feels eerie… It’s densely overgrown even though the sunlight barely reaches through to the mossy floor, all you hear is low, menacing buzzing of unfamiliar insects and screeches you are not sure belong to just birds or proto manticores, or something even worse, and the air is so humid you can almost drink it. [i]Well, at least that means you won’t die of thirst in case you really are lost…[/i] No, no. You shake away the thought. Still, you figure it might be best to give up and turn around - but just then, you stumble across something: a stone. Not just any stone! It’s covered in moss and the surface below is cracked, but unmistakably, this is a dragonmade stone - a stone that was once part of a building! A stone from a ruin! You lift your head and fight your way through the vegetation with regained purpose as suddenly the rich, sweet smell of spring flowers reaches you. A moment later you stumble into a small clearing. At the edge of it there are buildings, some made of wood, some of clay, some of stone like the one you’ve seen before - at least you think so. The materials are only distinguishable by all the debris that has broken off, everything that still stands is almost fully engulfed in the overbearing flora. But the flowery scent hails not from the plants - but a dragon that stands in the shadows across the clearing, blue insects of all kinds are flocking around him and his flower decor. As he notices you, he slowly turns around. You now see he stood before the remnants of a collapsed building, almost as tall as him. Behind the pile you see what seems to be the tops of more ruined buildings. [columns][font=arial][color=#931A6A][size=5]“Ah, did you come to help? Very well. And welcome. I’d offer a refreshment, but it looks like work will have to come first today. The ruinsite is much bigger than the few houses you see now, but with all the rubble most parts are only accessible with much effort. If we want to work on anything else here, we’ll first have to make sure we can move around the place. I’ve prepared an area to move all the detritus out of the way for now. Come, I’ll show you around and let’s start working - and don’t worry, more dragons will join us soon.” [nextcol] [indent] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center][item=Crumbling Relief][item=Seed Fern Fossil][item=Moss-Covered Rubble] [font=arial][color=#595f30][size=5]Today we want to remove things from the forest, that don't belong anymore! Please help Nature by sending broken parts of the old buildings, and other rubble and such that is in the way, to make some room for new growth! [item=Smooth Pebbles][item=Traprock][item=Hematite][/center] [center][font=arial][color=#931A6A][size=5][b]Today's Prizes [quote=Gem Amongst Rubble] [item=Everbloom Gem Guardian] [/quote] [quote=Barren Ground] [item=Primary Gene: Ground][item=Secondary Gene: Fissure] [/quote] [quote=Green Debris] [item=Nature Runestone] [item=Leaf Bolt][item=Natural Might Fragment][item=Envenom][item=Natural Acuity Fragment][item=Jungle Slash] [/quote][/center]

The directions you were given seemed reliable at first, but … this part of the jungle feels eerie…

It’s densely overgrown even though the sunlight barely reaches through to the mossy floor, all you hear is low, menacing buzzing of unfamiliar insects and screeches you are not sure belong to just birds or proto manticores, or something even worse, and the air is so humid you can almost drink it.

Well, at least that means you won’t die of thirst in case you really are lost…
No, no. You shake away the thought.

Still, you figure it might be best to give up and turn around - but just then, you stumble across something: a stone.
Not just any stone! It’s covered in moss and the surface below is cracked, but unmistakably, this is a dragonmade stone - a stone that was once part of a building! A stone from a ruin!

You lift your head and fight your way through the vegetation with regained purpose as suddenly the rich, sweet smell of spring flowers reaches you.
A moment later you stumble into a small clearing. At the edge of it there are buildings, some made of wood, some of clay, some of stone like the one you’ve seen before - at least you think so. The materials are only distinguishable by all the debris that has broken off, everything that still stands is almost fully engulfed in the overbearing flora.

But the flowery scent hails not from the plants - but a dragon that stands in the shadows across the clearing, blue insects of all kinds are flocking around him and his flower decor.
As he notices you, he slowly turns around.
You now see he stood before the remnants of a collapsed building, almost as tall as him. Behind the pile you see what seems to be the tops of more ruined buildings.

“Ah, did you come to help? Very well. And welcome.
I’d offer a refreshment, but it looks like work will have to come first today. The ruinsite is much bigger than the few houses you see now, but with all the rubble most parts are only accessible with much effort. If we want to work on anything else here, we’ll first have to make sure we can move around the place.
I’ve prepared an area to move all the detritus out of the way for now.
Come, I’ll show you around and let’s start working - and don’t worry, more dragons will join us soon.”

Crumbling Relief Seed Fern Fossil Moss-Covered Rubble

Today we want to remove things from the forest,
that don't belong anymore!

Please help Nature by sending broken parts of the old buildings,
and other rubble and such that is in the way,
to make some room for new growth!

Smooth Pebbles Traprock Hematite

Today's Prizes

Gem Amongst Rubble wrote:
Everbloom Gem Guardian
Barren Ground wrote:
Primary Gene: Ground Secondary Gene: Fissure
Green Debris wrote:
Nature Runestone
Leaf Bolt Natural Might Fragment Envenom Natural Acuity Fragment Jungle Slash
  • FR+9
  • 29y/o
  • they/them
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]It was quite beautiful here. Everything was so... green and lively. The complete opposite of the deserts he came from, were plants were hard to cultivate and the few which grew in the dry heat usually had brownish leaves, rusteling in the wind like the parchment paper he used to write his storys. But despite the impressive surroundings, Palaemon just wanted to go home. Back to the village, his little hut or any other place where Yixing wouldn't find him, reading some light novels instead of working. Maybe he could sneak away after introducing himself - if he ever found the place he was supposed to. He shaked his head to get rid of the buzzing insects, which were just as annoying as the almost narcotic scent. Palaeon stopped, investigating the ruins, almost invisible under the carpets made of plants. It took him a moment to recognize the dragon in front of him. Wasn't easy to tell the difference between the Guardian and the trees surrounding him. "Oh, well..." He laughed, cleared his throat. "Sure. I'm here to help. It's my pleasure." Lazily he followed him around, trying to act at least somewhat motivated, while hoping the dragons he was talking about would arrive soon...
62303783.png It was quite beautiful here.
Everything was so... green and lively. The complete opposite of the deserts he came from, were plants were hard to cultivate and the few which grew in the dry heat usually had brownish leaves, rusteling in the wind like the parchment paper he used to write his storys.
But despite the impressive surroundings, Palaemon just wanted to go home.
Back to the village, his little hut or any other place where Yixing wouldn't find him, reading some light novels instead of working.
Maybe he could sneak away after introducing himself - if he ever found the place he was supposed to.
He shaked his head to get rid of the buzzing insects, which were just as annoying as the almost narcotic scent. Palaeon stopped, investigating the ruins, almost invisible under the carpets made of plants.
It took him a moment to recognize the dragon in front of him. Wasn't easy to tell the difference between the Guardian and the trees surrounding him.

"Oh, well..." He laughed, cleared his throat. "Sure. I'm here to help. It's my pleasure."

Lazily he followed him around, trying to act at least somewhat motivated, while hoping the dragons he was talking about would arrive soon...
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] Dicentra is more than happy to help with clearing the worksite, she enjoys feeling useful. As the baby of her family, with overprotective parents to boot, most of the work in her own clan is kept out of her way. Thankfully this meant her family were too busy preparing themselves for the festivities and so she was able to slip away and find someone who would appreciate her assistance. As a Guardian, she is big and strong and can help move large obstacles out of the paths of smaller dragons. The work is tiring but fulfilling, although at times it seems endless. When the sun had risen high enough in the sky to shine through the canopy she realised she must have been working for hours. Looking around to see the small progress she had made was a little disheartening, but more dragons were arriving to help as the day wore on. Veris had noticed her flagging and suggested that now was a good time to break. After a refreshing drink from the clear stream, Dicentra's morale had been given enough of a boost to return to her place with something of a spring in her step. Looking at it now, she [i]had[/i] achieved quite a lot. She is determined to see how much she can clear by sundown.
Dicentra is more than happy to help with clearing the worksite, she enjoys feeling useful. As the baby of her family, with overprotective parents to boot, most of the work in her own clan is kept out of her way. Thankfully this meant her family were too busy preparing themselves for the festivities and so she was able to slip away and find someone who would appreciate her assistance.

As a Guardian, she is big and strong and can help move large obstacles out of the paths of smaller dragons. The work is tiring but fulfilling, although at times it seems endless. When the sun had risen high enough in the sky to shine through the canopy she realised she must have been working for hours. Looking around to see the small progress she had made was a little disheartening, but more dragons were arriving to help as the day wore on.

Veris had noticed her flagging and suggested that now was a good time to break. After a refreshing drink from the clear stream, Dicentra's morale had been given enough of a boost to return to her place with something of a spring in her step. Looking at it now, she had achieved quite a lot. She is determined to see how much she can clear by sundown.
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
Oh and daily pinglist please! <3
Oh and daily pinglist please! <3
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
I'd like to be on the daily pinglist please :)
I'd like to be on the daily pinglist please :)
Dragon hatched on 4/30? I'm probably interested!
Love to be on the daily pinglist, sent items over! [center][b]Sunday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Riegan feels at home in the overgrown jungle, though he could do without the buzzing insects, the loud screeches and the humidity. Oh, the humidity. Ok. Maybe he doesn't feel exactly at home, but it's not like he's lost! Not at all! He clenches the dragonmade stone tightly. Everything's fine. Once in the small clearing, he calms down. The flowery scent from the dragon is soothing, it's so peaceful here. See, he tells himself, everything's fine! That peace didn't last long. "Work huh?" He winces at all the rubble that need to be cleared away. He wishes he brought company with him, but at least it's not just him helping. Sighing he picks up a debris. (looked weird on mobile, so I edited the format)
Love to be on the daily pinglist, sent items over!
Riegan feels at home in the overgrown jungle, though he could do without the buzzing insects, the loud screeches and the humidity. Oh, the humidity.

Ok. Maybe he doesn't feel exactly at home, but it's not like he's lost! Not at all!
He clenches the dragonmade stone tightly.
Everything's fine.

Once in the small clearing, he calms down.
The flowery scent from the dragon is soothing, it's so peaceful here.
See, he tells himself, everything's fine!

That peace didn't last long.

"Work huh?" He winces at all the rubble that need to be cleared away.
He wishes he brought company with him, but at least it's not just him helping.
Sighing he picks up a debris.

(looked weird on mobile, so I edited the format)


He was really more of a geologist than an archaeologist, but hey, if it was old and in the dirt, he was interested! So of course he had to visit this ruin thing he had heard about. It sounded like a great way to spend his trip back home.

He followed behind the flowery dragon, taking in everything. He carefully hopped over stones and fallen logs without loosing focus on the ruins or the dragon in front. One of the benefits of so many eyes. The guardian wasn't joking, this place was a whole lot bigger than it first seemed.

A loose block from atop what used to be a wall tumbled down as they bumped past. He jerked his tail out of the way in time for it to crash to the ground, cracking down the middle. Seems the rubble problem was true too.

He sighed, and mentally prepared himself for a lot of heavy lifting. The jungle humidity isn't kind, and this was going to take a while.

He was really more of a geologist than an archaeologist, but hey, if it was old and in the dirt, he was interested! So of course he had to visit this ruin thing he had heard about. It sounded like a great way to spend his trip back home.

He followed behind the flowery dragon, taking in everything. He carefully hopped over stones and fallen logs without loosing focus on the ruins or the dragon in front. One of the benefits of so many eyes. The guardian wasn't joking, this place was a whole lot bigger than it first seemed.

A loose block from atop what used to be a wall tumbled down as they bumped past. He jerked his tail out of the way in time for it to crash to the ground, cracking down the middle. Seems the rubble problem was true too.

He sighed, and mentally prepared himself for a lot of heavy lifting. The jungle humidity isn't kind, and this was going to take a while.

FR +3 hrs


@Mandragorum May I be added to a ping list, please <3 Happy Greenskeeper Gathering. Good to see you!
@Mandragorum May I be added to a ping list, please <3 Happy Greenskeeper Gathering. Good to see you!
daily pinglist please!
daily pinglist please!
If you'd like to be on the daily pinglist,
let me know in the thread.
Please add me
If you'd like to be on the daily pinglist,
let me know in the thread.
Please add me
tSKOR3g.png . w.w . pSn2GKM.png