
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Full Lair Cleanout!
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Im new and id love a suprise! Thank you so much!
Im new and id love a suprise! Thank you so much!
Can I nab the spirit of plague and the wasteland collector? [item=Spirit of Plague] [item=Wasteland Collector] And if you have any gory/scary accents or apparel to spare I would love to have them! :)
Can I nab the spirit of plague and the wasteland collector?

Spirit of Plague Wasteland Collector

And if you have any gory/scary accents or apparel to spare I would love to have them! :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa U1qRAMx.gif
credit: Bealfin
sending a cr! i'd like any familiars, apparel and skins. Tysm!
sending a cr! i'd like any familiars, apparel and skins. Tysm!
sent a crossroad a bit ago, and just wanted to say I'm sad to see you go. but I also get it because I've gone on hiatus every once in a while for a few months (luckily by the time I make it back they usually feed my dragons for me as a welcome back gift because it's been that long)
anyway, just wanted to let you know that I wish you the best!
sent a crossroad a bit ago, and just wanted to say I'm sad to see you go. but I also get it because I've gone on hiatus every once in a while for a few months (luckily by the time I make it back they usually feed my dragons for me as a welcome back gift because it's been that long)
anyway, just wanted to let you know that I wish you the best!
tumblr_inline_pstgarDqq51tc3swm_75sq.png tumblr_inline_pstgas05kl1tc3swm_75sq.pngzuKl4tj.pngtumblr_inline_p409qnf9Wx1tc3swm_540.pngtumblr_inline_p40r5mKIGh1tc3swm_540.png tumblr_inline_p3ylp2Quz91tc3swm_540.pngsmolsnek.png y6Tz96p.png lM0v4sB.pnge303f6ae-68b9-11eb-b911-5de944b9d8e8.gif
Haha I have a million messages! I'll send what I can with my decrepit laptop, and cancel the requests I'm out of things for. Happy dragoning!
Haha I have a million messages! I'll send what I can with my decrepit laptop, and cancel the requests I'm out of things for. Happy dragoning!
Hiii, I'm about to send a cr, sad to see you go but thank you for doing this ^^
Hiii, I'm about to send a cr, sad to see you go but thank you for doing this ^^
I just sent a CR! Sorry to see you go but thanks so much for the generosity.
I just sent a CR! Sorry to see you go but thanks so much for the generosity.
want: . Please PM me if you have a copy for sale!
Thank you for doing this! I've sent a CR!

@FableTheWolf Thank you so much for the ping!
Thank you for doing this! I've sent a CR!

@FableTheWolf Thank you so much for the ping!
CR sent! Thanks for doing this ^^
CR sent! Thanks for doing this ^^
Sending a CR right now!
Sending a CR right now!
spinning_fjord.gif she/her, 3+ FR time
please ping me in forums
support empoleon supremacy
qilin subspecies
lore thread
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