
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
[img][/img] [center][b][url=]Introduction[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How To Play[/url][/b] - [b][url=] Prizes[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Daily Badges[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Attendant Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center][i] The sky overhead is bright with morning glow, streaming hues of pinks and purples among a cloudless dawn. You hear in the distance laughter from those passing by, who have chosen to start their morning early. They mention briefly about a dragon nearby harbouring a wooden stall with nets, and curiosity urges you to find out more. The dragon rests at a rickety, sun-whitened wooden stall, boasting a cheerful demeanour. Their claws clutch a net and they sing to the passing butterflies, snout wrinkling as one comes to land upon it. They notice you and with a firm flick of their tail regards you with their full attention. “You’re here!” They exclaim, before righting themselves. “Oh, I mean- well, yes, you are here! For the bug catching? You are?” They nudge the net in their talons closer to you, offering you an excited grin. You look towards the forest entrance, with its towering trees and clear pathway. The dragon follows your gaze with their own and brightens their expression, tail flicking. “Do you feel the energy the forest radiates? It has been said that all forests possess magical abilities. Isn’t that wonderful? I’m sure it does!” They exclaim, a laugh punctuating their utterance. “Having the chance to explore the forest while also netting insects is such an exciting feeling, as well! You may take this net, only for a little treasure or gems, what do you think?” As you ponder you spot by the forest entrance a shimmer, turning to look. Something flutters, the pink blossom tail flicks and a face disappears from behind the trees further into the woodlands. The dragon looks at you. “You saw it! My goodness, you certainly must be fortunate!” The dragon nods, drumming their claws upon the old wooden stall counter. “I’ve no idea what it could be, but I believe it dwells within this forest. I wonder if it might want to play? Should I leave a net out for it, do you think?” The dragon falls silent with contemplation, away in their own thoughts. You examine the net and then glance to the forest entrance. In the distance the sun begins to ascend, bathing the forest in a golden gleam. [nextcol][right][img][/img][/right] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Gabriola][color=green][b]What is this?[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] [center]Bugs ’N’ Hugs is a daily game that you can play! Research studies show bugs are great companions for hatchlings, and they give good hugs! Simply pay an attendant 10g/10kt for a special bug net & the chance to catch some wonderful prizes! Our grab bags range from common to legendary, with a chance to win some really cool prizes, - [b]only two tries per person, per day[/b] - but you can come back [b]every day during the event[/b] to try your luck again! Pulled numbers are entirely randomised, so that [b]everyone[/b] has a fair shot at winning a legendary prize! All funds generated from the game go into the Wind Bank to help fund further community events like this one, as well as Dom! As well as our super cute Daily Badges, there are also amazing Tier Badges, which are given out depending on which tier bag you win, with four badges for each tier, ranging from Common to Legendary![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img]

The sky overhead is bright with morning glow, streaming hues of pinks and purples among a cloudless dawn. You hear in the distance laughter from those passing by, who have chosen to start their morning early. They mention briefly about a dragon nearby harbouring a wooden stall with nets, and curiosity urges you to find out more.

The dragon rests at a rickety, sun-whitened wooden stall, boasting a cheerful demeanour. Their claws clutch a net and they sing to the passing butterflies, snout wrinkling as one comes to land upon it. They notice you and with a firm flick of their tail regards you with their full attention.

“You’re here!” They exclaim, before righting themselves. “Oh, I mean- well, yes, you are here! For the bug catching? You are?”

They nudge the net in their talons closer to you, offering you an excited grin. You look towards the forest entrance, with its towering trees and clear pathway. The dragon follows your gaze with their own and brightens their expression, tail flicking.

“Do you feel the energy the forest radiates? It has been said that all forests possess magical abilities. Isn’t that wonderful? I’m sure it does!” They exclaim, a laugh punctuating their utterance. “Having the chance to explore the forest while also netting insects is such an exciting feeling, as well! You may take this net, only for a little treasure or gems, what do you think?”

As you ponder you spot by the forest entrance a shimmer, turning to look. Something flutters, the pink blossom tail flicks and a face disappears from behind the trees further into the woodlands. The dragon looks at you.

“You saw it! My goodness, you certainly must be fortunate!” The dragon nods, drumming their claws upon the old wooden stall counter. “I’ve no idea what it could be, but I believe it dwells within this forest. I wonder if it might want to play? Should I leave a net out for it, do you think?”

The dragon falls silent with contemplation, away in their own thoughts. You examine the net and then glance to the forest entrance. In the distance the sun begins to ascend, bathing the forest in a golden gleam.

What is this?
Bugs ’N’ Hugs is a daily game that you can play! Research studies show bugs are great companions for hatchlings, and they give good hugs! Simply pay an attendant 10g/10kt for a special bug net & the chance to catch some wonderful prizes!

Our grab bags range from common to legendary, with a chance to win some really cool prizes, - only two tries per person, per day - but you can come back every day during the event to try your luck again! Pulled numbers are entirely randomised, so that everyone has a fair shot at winning a legendary prize! All funds generated from the game go into the Wind Bank to help fund further community events like this one, as well as Dom!

As well as our super cute Daily Badges, there are also amazing Tier Badges, which are given out depending on which tier bag you win, with four badges for each tier, ranging from Common to Legendary!

â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[img][/img] [center][b][url=]Introduction[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How To Play[/url][/b] - [b][url=] Prizes[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Daily Badges[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Attendant Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Gabriola][color=green][b]How To Play[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] [center]1. Check our attendant sheet [b][url=]here[/url][/b] to see who is online & able to give out nets 2. Send a payment of 10g/10kt to an attendant by PM only! Remember that you can only collect two prizes a day, - & paying for two at the same time means that your prizes will be combined into one PM! 3. You will receive a snippet of writing in a PM with your prize(s) and tier badge(s) attached. Your turns will be reset at rollover and then you can play again! 4. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! I’m happy to explain anything as needed.[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img]

How To Play
1. Check our attendant sheet here to see who is online & able to give out nets

2. Send a payment of 10g/10kt to an attendant by PM only! Remember that you can only collect two prizes a day, - & paying for two at the same time means that your prizes will be combined into one PM!

3. You will receive a snippet of writing in a PM with your prize(s) and tier badge(s) attached. Your turns will be reset at rollover and then you can play again!

4. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! I’m happy to explain anything as needed.
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[img][/img] [center][b][url=]Introduction[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How To Play[/url][/b] - [b][url=] Prizes[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Daily Badges[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Attendant Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Gabriola][color=green][b]Prizes[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] [center][b]Each prize will be completely randomly generated using a random number picker to select which prize you get! The rarer the tier, the rarer the prize! We have some great prizes on offer and everyone has the chance to win something rare![/b][/center] [quote=Common Tier][center]Includes: [b]1x 50 stack of food + randomly generated prize, worth up to 20G[/b] Example Prize: [item=Common Shellbug] + [item=Primrose Mith] Common Badge: [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] [quote=Uncommon Tier][center]Includes: [b]1x 50 stack of food + 1x randomly generated prize, worth up to 60G[/b] Example Prize: [item=Twilight Jewel Moth] + [item=Journeyman Satchels] Uncommon Badge: [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] [quote=Rare Tier][center]Includes: [b]1x 50 stack of food + 1x randomly generated prize, worth up to 300G[/b] Example Prize: [item=Vibrant Flutterer] + [item=Celadon Silks] Rare Badge: [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] [quote=Legendary Tier][center]Includes: [b]1x 50 stack of food + 1x randomly generated prize, worth 300G & above[/b] Example Prize: [item=Petalwing Matriarch] + [item=Nature Sprite] Legendary Badge: [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] At the end of the push, (after rollover on Saturday 7th September) the [b]tiered badges[/b] can also be bought, at the following prices: [LIST] [*]Common = 30g/kT [*]Uncommon = 80g/kT [*]Rare = 250g/kT [*]Legendary = 300g/kT [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img]
Each prize will be completely randomly generated using a random number picker to select which prize you get! The rarer the tier, the rarer the prize! We have some great prizes on offer and everyone has the chance to win something rare!

Common Tier wrote:

1x 50 stack of food + randomly generated prize, worth up to 20G

Example Prize:

Common Shellbug + Primrose Mith

Common Badge:
Uncommon Tier wrote:

1x 50 stack of food + 1x randomly generated prize, worth up to 60G

Example Prize:

Twilight Jewel Moth + Journeyman Satchels

Uncommon Badge:
Rare Tier wrote:

1x 50 stack of food + 1x randomly generated prize, worth up to 300G

Example Prize:

Vibrant Flutterer + Celadon Silks

Rare Badge:
Legendary Tier wrote:

1x 50 stack of food + 1x randomly generated prize, worth 300G & above

Example Prize:

Petalwing Matriarch + Nature Sprite

Legendary Badge:

At the end of the push, (after rollover on Saturday 7th September) the tiered badges can also be bought, at the following prices:
  • Common = 30g/kT
  • Uncommon = 80g/kT
  • Rare = 250g/kT
  • Legendary = 300g/kT
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[img][/img] [center][b][url=]Introduction[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How To Play[/url][/b] - [b][url=] Prizes[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Daily Badges[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Attendant Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Gabriola][color=green][b]Daily Badges[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] [LIST] [*] Daily badges are given out after buying a grab bag on that day [*] Missed Daily badges can also be bought by a donation of 20kt per badge. [/LIST] [quote=Sunday badge][center] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Monday badge][center] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Tuesday badge][center] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Wednesday badge][center] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Thursday badge][center] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Friday badge][center] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Saturday badge][center] [img][/img] [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img]
Daily Badges
  • Daily badges are given out after buying a grab bag on that day
  • Missed Daily badges can also be bought by a donation of 20kt per badge.

Sunday badge wrote:
Monday badge wrote:
Tuesday badge wrote:
Wednesday badge wrote:
Thursday badge wrote:
Friday badge wrote:
Saturday badge wrote:
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[img][/img] [center][b][url=]Introduction[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How To Play[/url][/b] - [b][url=] Prizes[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Daily Badges[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Attendant Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Gabriola][color=green][b]Thanks[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] A special thanks to: [LIST] [*]All our attendants! [*]Zemael for the amazing tiered badges & Hikumi for the awesome daily badges! [*]Vertigris for their coli banners, which can be found [b][url=]here[/url][/b] [*]PunchingSolas for the wonderful lore [*]All the lovely Windies who’ve donated to this event! [/LIST] [center]It really wouldn't be the same without everyone's help and hard work! A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this all possible! Let's go out and catch those bugs![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img]

A special thanks to:
  • All our attendants!
  • Zemael for the amazing tiered badges & Hikumi for the awesome daily badges!
  • Vertigris for their coli banners, which can be found here
  • PunchingSolas for the wonderful lore
  • All the lovely Windies who’ve donated to this event!
It really wouldn't be the same without everyone's help and hard work! A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this all possible! Let's go out and catch those bugs!
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[img][/img] [center][b][url=]Introduction[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How To Play[/url][/b] - [b][url=] Prizes[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Daily Badges[/url][/b] - [b][url=]Attendant Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Gabriola][color=green][b]Daily Pinglist[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] [center][size=5]If you would like to be added to the pinglist, just let me know![/size][/center] [center][size=2]@/Ashki @/RaiStarDragon @/cordifolium @/October @/Kristan @/Shadowbanish @/Paintra @/Autopsy @/Vampi @/soulykins @/Mirna @/cvthedral @/davietoowavey @/Britty @/Sarluna @/Jensy @/Lilabounce @/remuslupn @/clover61 @/Meyoline @/Whirlwish @/CountingChocobos @/qerrat @/CinamonPizza @/SerenityBreeze @/Xolrit @/furo @/SlipperySylveon @/LordMaroo @/Taytenn @/Elaendorlien @/oceanpods @/gentleTendencies @/shoujo @/CoyoteFlowers @/Jazzyleia @/Saerel @/FlameLeaf @/Fallenarrow @/Dalilah @/PrincePotatoes @/Braixen @/BlazingSkyDragon @/odakotarose @/todorokishoto @/Onceler @/DarkwoodDragon @/OceanLotus @/iiSwizzle @/commoncomitatus @/Mdoatb @/LagiaCrusoe @/arundodonax @/Crim @/Endofighter @/Halfling @/Kaseypasta @/SilverInky @/Korwa @/Iracon @/Peyp @/Juri01 @/MeKat @/Ghilanian @/Nomster @/fvresym @/sylvain @/Tserin @/airdragon[/size][/center]

Daily Pinglist
If you would like to be added to the pinglist, just let me know!

@/Ashki @/RaiStarDragon @/cordifolium @/October @/Kristan @/Shadowbanish @/Paintra @/Autopsy @/Vampi @/soulykins @/Mirna @/cvthedral @/davietoowavey @/Britty @/Sarluna @/Jensy @/Lilabounce @/remuslupn @/clover61 @/Meyoline @/Whirlwish @/CountingChocobos @/qerrat @/CinamonPizza @/SerenityBreeze @/Xolrit @/furo @/SlipperySylveon @/LordMaroo @/Taytenn @/Elaendorlien @/oceanpods @/gentleTendencies @/shoujo @/CoyoteFlowers @/Jazzyleia @/Saerel @/FlameLeaf @/Fallenarrow @/Dalilah @/PrincePotatoes @/Braixen @/BlazingSkyDragon @/odakotarose @/todorokishoto @/Onceler @/DarkwoodDragon @/OceanLotus @/iiSwizzle @/commoncomitatus @/Mdoatb @/LagiaCrusoe @/arundodonax @/Crim @/Endofighter @/Halfling @/Kaseypasta @/SilverInky @/Korwa @/Iracon @/Peyp @/Juri01 @/MeKat @/Ghilanian @/Nomster @/fvresym @/sylvain @/Tserin @/airdragon
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
Hey @PunchingSolas Sorry for posting up your thread so soon but you have a bit of a typo in box 3. Or you have a time machine you're not sharing!

"At the end of the push, (after rollover on Saturday 7th August) the tiered badges can also be bought, at the following prices:"
Hey @PunchingSolas Sorry for posting up your thread so soon but you have a bit of a typo in box 3. Or you have a time machine you're not sharing!

"At the end of the push, (after rollover on Saturday 7th August) the tiered badges can also be bought, at the following prices:"

Good catch! Thanks for letting me know! I promise no time machines are in my possession. Yet.

Good catch! Thanks for letting me know! I promise no time machines are in my possession. Yet.
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[center][img][/img][/center] UHHHHH YES?????? BUG HUNT BUG HUNT BUG HUNT BUG HUNT BUG HU *cough* I'll just be sendin' you a bag of money then EVERY DAY ALL WEEK AAAAAAA


BUG HUNT BUG HUNT BUG HUNT BUG HUNT BUG HU *cough* I'll just be sendin' you a bag of money then

I think it is the first of these I've participated in :3

It's a super cute theme! :D
I think it is the first of these I've participated in :3

It's a super cute theme! :D