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Can I be added to the pinglist, please? Thanks!

V9b7SpH.png Check out my Elemental Sneks project!
@Bxy26 adding you now!
@Bxy26 adding you now!
I collect likes on dragons in this tab :]
@PanakesBlossom For the unnamed Female Crystal Imperial Dragon.

Dancing and swerving, shimmering in the light from her faceted wings and iridescent scales, Selini - Doric Greek for moon - loves to fly and shimmer in the light for any all all to gaze upon. Still, Selini glows like the moon she is named after during the night. She doesn’t like to stop fly and shimmering, loving to show off for the love of all who see her. It isn’t vanity that she flies for. She flies to bring a smile and delight to all who see her.

Selini was born in the Light Flight Lair of PanakesBlossom, to Luna and Moon. Moon, a Nature Imperial Dragon, is the son of Light and Opalite. Opalite was exalted to the service of the Lightweaver. Luna was born to old parents. Silverwing, a Shadow Imperial Dragon, has lived over a glorious two years. Skyscale, now a Light Gaoler Dragon, is also almost two years. It is a glorious heritage she bears. A heritage that stems back even further to breed such a dragon as glorious as Selini.

But only a flight and lair that understands that heritage and sees it reflected in her scales is worthy of her. And it must be one that can make her shine. The Tangled Woods is too dark and she can not shine there. The Sea of a Thousand Currents mires the light as it tries to penetrate the water.

The Shifting Expanse doesn’t provide enough light, only flashes of it as the lightning rages, and the glow of the Ashfall Wastes doesn’t provide enough to reflect and shine off her scales, especially with the ash in the air, covering the sky in a dark shadow.

Other places on her journey didn’t suit her either. The Southern Icefield was too cold for Selini. The Windswept Plateau was too windy, not allowing her to control her flight and maximize her shine for the enjoyment of all. The Scarred Wasteland scared Selini. The Dragonhome is too earthy for Selini and the dust covered up her scales, dimming their beauty and something she did not care for.

The Viridian Labyrinth is a pleasant place that Selini enjoyed. It also is where her father, Moon, was born. However, the beauty of the woods, flowers, and other flora bring joy to the dragons more than her scales do.

While traveling, Selini ran into a Scavenging Party led by Meiji with Victory, Diemond, Cerussite, Xol, and Glisten. They were teaching Zephon, Rosealite, Mnementh, Birch, and Winter how to Scavenge for the lair. All were shimmering like her with white and crystal scales that reflected the light. They were enthralled by her scales and beauty.

Meiji, as Katabainó Dunatos Katharos’ Shogun, offered a place in their Lair as the performer. Not a jester, not a comedian, but as a beautiful dancer who can dazzle them all with her intricate sky dance routines for all to see and enjoy.

@PanakesBlossom For the unnamed Female Crystal Imperial Dragon.

Dancing and swerving, shimmering in the light from her faceted wings and iridescent scales, Selini - Doric Greek for moon - loves to fly and shimmer in the light for any all all to gaze upon. Still, Selini glows like the moon she is named after during the night. She doesn’t like to stop fly and shimmering, loving to show off for the love of all who see her. It isn’t vanity that she flies for. She flies to bring a smile and delight to all who see her.

Selini was born in the Light Flight Lair of PanakesBlossom, to Luna and Moon. Moon, a Nature Imperial Dragon, is the son of Light and Opalite. Opalite was exalted to the service of the Lightweaver. Luna was born to old parents. Silverwing, a Shadow Imperial Dragon, has lived over a glorious two years. Skyscale, now a Light Gaoler Dragon, is also almost two years. It is a glorious heritage she bears. A heritage that stems back even further to breed such a dragon as glorious as Selini.

But only a flight and lair that understands that heritage and sees it reflected in her scales is worthy of her. And it must be one that can make her shine. The Tangled Woods is too dark and she can not shine there. The Sea of a Thousand Currents mires the light as it tries to penetrate the water.

The Shifting Expanse doesn’t provide enough light, only flashes of it as the lightning rages, and the glow of the Ashfall Wastes doesn’t provide enough to reflect and shine off her scales, especially with the ash in the air, covering the sky in a dark shadow.

Other places on her journey didn’t suit her either. The Southern Icefield was too cold for Selini. The Windswept Plateau was too windy, not allowing her to control her flight and maximize her shine for the enjoyment of all. The Scarred Wasteland scared Selini. The Dragonhome is too earthy for Selini and the dust covered up her scales, dimming their beauty and something she did not care for.

The Viridian Labyrinth is a pleasant place that Selini enjoyed. It also is where her father, Moon, was born. However, the beauty of the woods, flowers, and other flora bring joy to the dragons more than her scales do.

While traveling, Selini ran into a Scavenging Party led by Meiji with Victory, Diemond, Cerussite, Xol, and Glisten. They were teaching Zephon, Rosealite, Mnementh, Birch, and Winter how to Scavenge for the lair. All were shimmering like her with white and crystal scales that reflected the light. They were enthralled by her scales and beauty.

Meiji, as Katabainó Dunatos Katharos’ Shogun, offered a place in their Lair as the performer. Not a jester, not a comedian, but as a beautiful dancer who can dazzle them all with her intricate sky dance routines for all to see and enjoy.

@lionHeart27. Since I haven't heard from PanakesBlossom, can you hold the Crystal Imperial female for me?
@lionHeart27. Since I haven't heard from PanakesBlossom, can you hold the Crystal Imperial female for me?
@Mindrop I can put her on hold so no one else claims her, but I can’t send her out since she’s in PanakesBlossom’s lair.
@Mindrop I can put her on hold so no one else claims her, but I can’t send her out since she’s in PanakesBlossom’s lair.
I collect likes on dragons in this tab :]
@lionHeart27 thanks. It's appreciated. I plan on submitting a dragon. Here soon. I just have to find the perfect one to.

@PanakesBlossom I know life is busy. I also know it is incredibly easy to miss a ping in a forum thread with how their notification system is set up. Hope all is well! And no, I'm not mad. Inpatient, a bit. But that is my end. Lol.
@lionHeart27 thanks. It's appreciated. I plan on submitting a dragon. Here soon. I just have to find the perfect one to.

@PanakesBlossom I know life is busy. I also know it is incredibly easy to miss a ping in a forum thread with how their notification system is set up. Hope all is well! And no, I'm not mad. Inpatient, a bit. But that is my end. Lol.
@Lionheart27 is this dragon still available? I'd name him Belzeter [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A dragon of few words (and for good reason probably, since whenever he speaks he tends to sound like a whispering snake) and analytical thinking, Belzeter was born to a plague clan in the middle of the night. Maybe that's why his peculiar eyes weren't immediately noticed. While he had never truly faced discrimination for his unusual eyes, Belzeter felt that they made him different from the other dragons in his clan. He liked thinking of himself as special and unique and had come to the conclusion that a dragon like him could only have one destiny, study the unnatural. Belzeter has been drawn to the ancient dragon legends and mythos since he was a mere hatchling. He'd often try to sneak out of his homeclans territory to try and reach the border between nature and plague, the two flights whos founders where at an eternal war. When he had reached the age where he could fend for himself, Belzeter said goodbye to his clan and family and set of on his journey to the unknown hoping to reach the border of the nature flight, his first destination to gain knowledge of the ancient legends. It was there that he found a blue imperial with a mysterious cape. The imperial and his younger companions where fighting against beastclan creatures and seemed to be winning. Wanting to impress these mysterious strangers who where presumably of the nature flight, Belzeter flew into action without carefully thinking out a strategy first like he'd usually do in a fight. The beastclan creatures delivered quite the punch and if it wasn't for the imperial and his group, Belzeter would have probably been knocked out. Annoyed at his interference but concerned for his health, the imperial offered to take Belzeter to his homeclans camp so that the healers could patch him up. During their walk towards the camp grounds the two dragons striked a conversation and Belzeter learned that the striking imperials name was Zintos and that he was the clans mythos collector. Belzeters eyes lit up. He had found the jackpot.
@Lionheart27 is this dragon still available? I'd name him Belzeter


A dragon of few words (and for good reason probably, since whenever he speaks he tends to sound like a whispering snake) and analytical thinking, Belzeter was born to a plague clan in the middle of the night. Maybe that's why his peculiar eyes weren't immediately noticed. While he had never truly faced discrimination for his unusual eyes, Belzeter felt that they made him different from the other dragons in his clan. He liked thinking of himself as special and unique and had come to the conclusion that a dragon like him could only have one destiny, study the unnatural.

Belzeter has been drawn to the ancient dragon legends and mythos since he was a mere hatchling. He'd often try to sneak out of his homeclans territory to try and reach the border between nature and plague, the two flights whos founders where at an eternal war. When he had reached the age where he could fend for himself, Belzeter said goodbye to his clan and family and set of on his journey to the unknown hoping to reach the border of the nature flight, his first destination to gain knowledge of the ancient legends.

It was there that he found a blue imperial with a mysterious cape. The imperial and his younger companions where fighting against beastclan creatures and seemed to be winning. Wanting to impress these mysterious strangers who where presumably of the nature flight, Belzeter flew into action without carefully thinking out a strategy first like he'd usually do in a fight. The beastclan creatures delivered quite the punch and if it wasn't for the imperial and his group, Belzeter would have probably been knocked out. Annoyed at his interference but concerned for his health, the imperial offered to take Belzeter to his homeclans camp so that the healers could patch him up.

During their walk towards the camp grounds the two dragons striked a conversation and Belzeter learned that the striking imperials name was Zintos and that he was the clans mythos collector. Belzeters eyes lit up. He had found the jackpot.
@PanakesBlossom Can I claim him? May I have a prompt to adopt him? I really want to do some more lore writing. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @SterlingStars for later
Can I claim him?
May I have a prompt to adopt him?
I really want to do some more lore writing.


@SterlingStars for later
+3 FR Time
> Sterling/Star
> Fine with any pronouns/neopronouns
> I simply vibe
@VelvetBop He is still available! I'll send him out now :)

@SterlingStars I will put him on hold for you, but it seems PanakesBlossom might be inactive. Hopefully, they will return soon.
@VelvetBop He is still available! I'll send him out now :)

@SterlingStars I will put him on hold for you, but it seems PanakesBlossom might be inactive. Hopefully, they will return soon.
I collect likes on dragons in this tab :]
Okay I don’t care about the bloodline or the canon stuff, I just want to write what I think is a good story... DEEP BREATHS Okay, let’s spin this tale as we go... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Born to the moon. The youngest “star” and the last of the moon goddess. He was taught to rule, everything in his life was working up to this point... But he would never take the throne. Astral... a broken dragon. In shards just like his mother. His brothers fighting for the throne as the moon goddess Moon, became pale and weak in her old age. In their fights there came a war, that was the war that killed Moon. His mother assassinated in the Moon Palace. His brothers falling, one by one, until... There were only three left. One was him, the brother that never wanted this blooshed, the brother that didn’t want the throne in the first place. The other, Apollo, the one that sat behind his allies making everyone his Puppet, sitting in a safe place while he watched smiling behind his “eyes”. The other brother, Leo, seemed invincible, he jumped into every battle claws first. He only got a few scratches. Apollo seemed ready to lose until... “Stop! Moon, MOTHER would’ve never wanted this! Watching her sons fighting to the death. For her throne! Why can’t we just be peaceful? Does there have to be an outcome?” Astral called to his brothers... And they answered The battle ceased, everyone stopped to look at the shining dragon flying above them. Apollo and Leo paused. And stared in disgust at their lesst impressive relative. Apollo, realizing this was his chance to not die, jumped in at the chance. “Why don’t we split the kingdom? Astral is right after all...” he said slyly. Leo, not having as much intelligence never caught on “Mother... I do guess you are right Astral... But I get more of the kingdom or else you die today Apollo!” Apollo wasn’t pleased wihth the arrangment, with him getting less after all, but he could easily he kingdom right back, after Astral left, and Leo had his guard down... An attempted assasination was tried on Leo, enraged Leo declared war again. Astral realizing that this wasn’t going to work out sacrificed his Moon dragon soul in order to restore mother. Mother came back from the dead and seeing the destruction her sons had caused she locked her sons to the dark side of the moon, where they would be in a Dormant state. Seeing Astral, being the youngest, but also being the voice of reason, she blessed Astral with her protection, her blessing. Astral fallen down to the normal world, after he had sacrificed the part of him thst made him a moon dragon, started a journey to find a that would accept him. A place where he could maybe have a “normal life”... Shimmering scales, brighter thsn the moon itself. Glowing under the pale light until the moon shone upon him. A visitor from the moon? A gift from the Moon Goddess herself? The strange dragon spoke his first words. “My name is Astral. I am one of the sons of the moon goddess. We have watched your clan. We have seen your trials, your feats. I want to join your clan. The clan of “Asuga” the clan or tribe that accepts “misfits” or dragons that are searching for a home. My brothers will claim the throne first. Being the youngest I would have to wait centuries for myself to rule. May I join your clan?” A clan watched the visitor with curious eyes. A regal skydancer with glowing eyes that seemed to be on the same level of mistique as the Imperial. She spoke with awe in her voice, “My name is Windfall. I was just recently crowned leader of this clan. I believe I have much to learn, but I know one clear thing I should do. Who am I to decline entry to our clan who accepts dragons like this. I am honoured to host the son of the moon goddes, whatever rank he may be.” “Oh no! I am no longer a moon dragon anymore. The only connections I have now is just by blood. I have sacrificed the very being that made me a moon dragon. Please, treat me as if any other dragon.” Astral quickly replied. “Very well, although, I cannot promise that everyone won’t give you special treatment” Windfall replied with a slight smile. Make yourself comfortable. And the moon smiled down at him for the first in a long time. The end Crap I didn’t count words, thislookslongenoughatleasthaha Anyways I am doing this on mobil, very hard time I hope you enjoyed! :D
Okay I don’t care about the bloodline or the canon stuff, I just want to write what I think is a good story...
Okay, let’s spin this tale as we go...


Born to the moon. The youngest “star” and the last of the moon goddess. He was taught to rule, everything in his life was working up to this point...
But he would never take the throne.

Astral... a broken dragon. In shards just like his mother.

His brothers fighting for the throne as the moon goddess Moon, became pale and weak in her old age. In their fights there came a war, that was the war that killed Moon. His mother assassinated in the Moon Palace. His brothers falling, one by one, until... There were only three left. One was him, the brother that never wanted this blooshed, the brother that didn’t want the throne in the first place. The other, Apollo, the one that sat behind his allies making everyone his Puppet, sitting in a safe place while he watched smiling behind his “eyes”. The other brother, Leo, seemed invincible, he jumped into every battle claws first. He only got a few scratches. Apollo seemed ready to lose until...

“Stop! Moon, MOTHER would’ve never wanted this! Watching her sons fighting to the death. For her throne! Why can’t we just be peaceful? Does there have to be an outcome?” Astral called to his brothers... And they answered
The battle ceased, everyone stopped to look at the shining dragon flying above them. Apollo and Leo paused. And stared in disgust at their lesst impressive relative.

Apollo, realizing this was his chance to not die, jumped in at the chance. “Why don’t we split the kingdom? Astral is right after all...” he said slyly. Leo, not having as much intelligence never caught on “Mother... I do guess you are right Astral... But I get more of the kingdom or else you die today Apollo!” Apollo wasn’t pleased wihth the arrangment, with him getting less after all, but he could easily
he kingdom right back, after Astral left, and Leo had his guard down...
An attempted assasination was tried on Leo, enraged Leo declared war again.

Astral realizing that this wasn’t going to work out sacrificed his Moon dragon soul in order to restore mother. Mother came back from the dead and seeing the destruction her sons had caused she locked her sons to the dark side of the moon, where they would be in a Dormant state. Seeing Astral, being the youngest, but also being the voice of reason, she blessed Astral with her protection, her blessing. Astral fallen down to the normal world, after he had sacrificed the part of him thst made him a moon dragon, started a journey to find a that would accept him. A place where he could maybe have a “normal life”...

Shimmering scales, brighter thsn the moon itself. Glowing under the pale light until the moon shone upon him. A visitor from the moon? A gift from the Moon Goddess herself? The strange dragon spoke his first words.

“My name is Astral. I am one of the sons of the moon goddess. We have watched your clan. We have seen your trials, your feats. I want to join your clan. The clan of “Asuga” the clan or tribe that accepts “misfits” or dragons that are searching for a home. My brothers will claim the throne first. Being the youngest I would have to wait centuries for myself to rule. May I join your clan?”

A clan watched the visitor with curious eyes. A regal skydancer with glowing eyes that seemed to be on the same level of mistique as the Imperial. She spoke with awe in her voice, “My name is Windfall. I was just recently crowned leader of this clan. I believe I have much to learn, but I know one clear thing I should do. Who am I to decline entry to our clan who accepts dragons like this. I am honoured to host the son of the moon goddes, whatever rank he may be.”

“Oh no! I am no longer a moon dragon anymore. The only connections I have now is just by blood. I have sacrificed the very being that made me a moon dragon. Please, treat me as if any other dragon.” Astral quickly replied.

“Very well, although, I cannot promise that everyone won’t give you special treatment” Windfall replied with a slight smile.

Make yourself comfortable. And the moon smiled down at him for the first in a long time.
The end

Crap I didn’t count words, thislookslongenoughatleasthaha
Anyways I am doing this on mobil, very hard time
I hope you enjoyed! :D
+3 FR Time
> Sterling/Star
> Fine with any pronouns/neopronouns
> I simply vibe
1 2 ... 69 70 71 72 73 ... 139 140